Theta Eta - Fall 2009

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The Pi Kappa Phi Bell Tower was given to the College of Charleston to commemorate the Fraternity’s Centennial in 2004. Photo Credit: Nick Brady, Theta Xi (Arizona State)

REMEMBER THE BELL may it always bring us together Justin William Angotti #026, Interim Editor

As December 10th once again approaches, I am reminded of something written in the Founders’ Memorial Service: “Our Founders had a dream - a dream of man’s unification through an organization which transcends mere friendship, to become a brotherhood; a brotherhood which has spread to international boundaries.” And so, just as Pi Kappa Phi has spread to international boundaries, so too have the alumni of the Theta Eta Chapter. We are men living in places across the country and across the globe, from the District of Columbia to California, Florida to China; yet we remain brothers,


bound to one another by an oath and guided by the beliefs, ideals, and values of our Founders. For those who have lost touch with the undergraduate chapter, this newsletter will hopefully provide you with some insight into what our brothers have done to continue leading on the American University campus. For those who have lost touch with fellow alumni, this edition of The Ringing Bell will provide you with an opportunity to be reconnected with your brothers around the world. Remember the bell, my friends, for although we may be in different corners of the globe, it will always bring us together as

true brethren of Pi Kappa Phi; just as this newsletter aims to reconnect each of us with the men we call brothers. Since this is the chapter’s first alumni-produced newsletter, please let me know if you have any thoughts, feedback, or suggestions for either the current or future editions. I look forward to seeing everyone at the five-year anniversary celebration in April. Until then, have a happy Founders’ Day! Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Justin Angotti #026 Interim Editor




CONTACTS THETA ETA BOARD OF ALUMNI ADVISORS The Board of Alumni Advisors provides guidance and support for the active chapter. CHAPTER ADVISOR Brandon Sorensen ( AT-LARGE ALUMNI ADVISOR David DeMarco ( ARCHON ADVISOR Dan Hawkins ( RECRUITMENT ADVISOR John Simmons ( FINANCIAL ADVISOR Juan Bofill ( ALUMNI RELATIONS ADVISOR Bryan Riley ( PUSH AMERICA ADVISOR Brandon Tudor (

THETA ETA EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ARCHON Nick Marcelli ( VICE ARCHON Kevin Koljack ( TREASURER Ben Matek ( SECRETARY Seth Gilroy ( WARDEN Adam Tager ( HISTORIAN Elias Pogany ( CHAPLAIN Russ Schubert (

THETA ETA ALUMNI CHAPTER Officially recognized by the national fraternity, the Theta Eta Alumni Chapter serves as an outlet of communication between alumni by coordinating alumni affairs and outreach to the active chapter, providing annual newsletters to all alumni, and organizing alumni events. ALUMNI RELATIONS ADVISOR Bryan Riley ( WWW.AUPIKAPPS.ORG


a new page in theta eta history Bryan William Riley #004, Alumni Relations Advisor

Over the past few years, our alumni base has not only grown in size but also in enthusiasm for both the local chapter and our national organization. With the growing number of alumni in the DC area, as well as the desire to increase alumni involvement at all levels, the Theta Eta Alumni Chapter has finally taken shape. Last month, close to 10 alumni met to discuss the mission and structure of the Theta Eta Alumni Chapter. Understanding that the alumni chapter must serve not only brothers living in the District, but also our alumni in different parts of the U.S. and those deployed oversees in service to our country, a constitution founded on openness, transparency, and participation at various levels was developed. Using the bylaws of other leading Pi Kappa Phi alumni chapters, as well as feedback from other brothers, the group created the document that was later distributed over the alumni listserv. Although all alumni of the Theta Eta Chapter are automatically members of the alumni chapter, in order to ensure a transparent process and fair adoption of the Constitution, the group decided to set inaugural dues at $20.00, which grants a member “active” status in the chapter and the right to run for office and vote. These dues will allow the alumni chapter to not pay for our national dues but to plan for future events and provide support (if possible) to the undergraduate chapter. In my opinion, the Constitution is a well-developed and intelligent document that provides a wide range of participation to both alumni in the DC area and to those living elsewhere. As stated in my previous email, the first official alumni chapter meeting is scheduled for

Saturday, December 12th somewhere in DC (additional details to follow). At the meeting, dues-paying members will not only have the opportunity to ratify the Constitution but run for and elect an interim Executive Board to oversee the development of the alumni chapter until April 2010. This April, and each following April, the alumni chapter will hold its General Meeting where duespaying members will have the opportunity to amend the governing documents and elect a new Executive Board. Nominations for the Executive Board will take place at the end of November and be e-mailed to all alumni by the week of December 7th. Nominations can also be made from the floor, but only duespaying members will be permitted to run for office and vote. I would also like to take a moment to recognize and thank those alumni who were instrumental in developing and reviewing the governing documents that were submitted to the group for approval. Those alumni were: Loren Schmidt #005; John Simmons #007; Carlos Ramirez #008; Eddie Shimkus #010; Isaiah Headen #018; Justin Angotti #026; Mike Maschmeier #039; Ken Forti, Sigma (South Carolina); David DeMarco, Beta Kappa (Georgia State); and Brandon Sorensen, Beta Alpha (NJIT). I look forward to passing the Constitution and electing our first officers on December 12th! Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Bryan Riley #004 Alumni Relations Advisor


“ WE PLAN ON MAKING GAP WEEKENDS A YEARLY TRADITION.” Nicholas Gene Marcelli #100 after this year’s Give-APush Weekend.


refocusing the theta eta chapter for a positive future Nicholas Gene Marcell #100, Archon

I’m writing today to update you on the exciting things going on in our chapter on the eve of our five-year anniversary. First, recruitment was a huge success this semester. Through the hard work of Vice Archon Kevin Koljack #106, we were able to have nine associates out of 10 sign bids with Pi Kapp. These numbers were truly remarkable, and I can’t say enough about the determination this chapter possessed to make sure we had the strongest possible recruitment semester. Our Warden, Adam Tager #092, has continued our tradition as a non-hazing chapter while also running a successful member education program to make sure these associate members become the best brothers possible. Second, our chapter has been the most active in Push America since I've been a brother. Our Spring 2009 Push Week was a record year for the chapter, raising over $2,400 for Push America through our Rose of AU competition, which I can say was the most competitive and intense Rose of AU competition we've had since I've been in the chapter. For the first time in our chapter's history, our Push America Chairman, James Fine #110, has partnered with The Arc of DC to establish a local volunteer relationship (see page 7). Additionally, last month, eight brothers participated in a national Give-A-Push Weekend through in New Jersey, where we built wheelchair


ramps, disability-accessible gardens, and a wheelchairaccessible nature path for campers at Camp Fun 'n Sun. All of the brothers involved had a truly wonderful experience, and we plan on making GAP Weekends a yearly tradition. I will also keep you posted on an upcoming AccessABILITY project we are planning, which all alumni are invited to attend. This project will be a local project where the chapter builds a ramp for a local individual or family with a disability. Third, I'm particularly proud of the creation of a Chapter Investment Fund (see page 4). I would like to thank Ben Matek #111, our Treasurer, for not only coordinating this ground-breaking program for the chapter, but also for ensuring our chapter is in the best financial state in recent years. Finally, as for officer transition, I've been meeting with the incoming members of the Executive Council, who will be installed in a few weeks, and they are all very excited to get down to work. I have complete confidence that these men will continue the positive growth our chapter has seen! Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Nick Marcelli #100 Archon



THE CHAPTER INVESTMENT FUND creating the foundation for the future of our chapter Nicholas Gene Marcell #100, Archon, and Benjamin Matek #111, Treasurer

Lifelong brotherhood is a central value of the Pi Kappa Phi. In the spirit of assisting our brothers along their future journey, it is with great excitement that the chapter’s newest initiative is unveiled: the Chapter Investment Fund (CIF). The CIF not only has the potential to save the undergraduate chapter substantial money but will create incentives for strong leadership and academic growth. Overseen by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, the fund allows the chapter, as well as alumni, to invest money in a professionally managed account which can only be used for education purposes. Once the CIF reaches a minimum of $10,000, the chapter can begin applying for grants totaling up to five percent per year. The grants, which must be approved by the alumni chapter president or Chapter Advisor and Foundation staff, can then be used for anything from Pi Kapp College and Mid-Year Leadership Conference registration and travel expenses to chapter-specific scholarships. Although discussions within the undergraduate chapter have only been preliminary, the two major proposed areas of focus for the CIF are: academics and leadership development. The first grant, focusing on academics, would be awarded to either a brother with the mostimproved GPA over the course of the academic year or to the brother with the highest cumulative GPA. The merit-based scholarship would ideally be managed by the chapter’s Scholarship Chair and overseen by the Archon, Treasurer, Chapter Advisor, and the Executive Board of the alumni chapter. As donations from both undergraduates and alumni increase, additional need-based scholarships may be created and ongoing discussions will continue to be had by the Scholarship Chair, Executive Council, and any interested alumni. The second grant would serve as an incentive for stronger chapter leadership. Not only would the grant help defer some of the cost of attending national leadership conferences and provide additional training opportunities for officers, but it would encourage members of the Executive Council to run for office and achieve their goals. Additionally, the fund provides an opportunity for the undergraduate brothers to hold their officers more accountable so that poor performance on the Executive Council does not continue. Overall, the Chapter Investment Fund has the potential to provide increased incentives for both stronger leadership and better academics within the chapter. According to Tom Atwood, Beta Eta (Florida State), Executive Director of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, the CIF yields a yearly return of seven to ten percent, compared to the five percent that can be given in grants each year, resulting in a two to five percent net gain depending

on the financial market. The key to the Chapter Investment Fund is the minimum fundraising goal of $10,000. Until the minimum balance is reached, the chapter cannot apply for any educational grants. Once the Theta Eta CIF reaches the minimum balance, all proposals for educational grants must be submitted in detail to the Foundation staff and approved by the president of the alumni chapter and/or the Chapter Advisor. The Chapter Investment Fund is a positive step that will help secure the future of the Theta Eta Chapter by providing a secure, professionallymanaged investment option for both undergraduates and alumni and by ensuring all funds donated are used solely for educational purposes. By utilizing the CIF, as opposed to a direct donation to the undergraduate chapter, alumni can be assured that they are donating to a 501(c)3 organization and receive a tax write-off. Additionally, according to the Chapter Investment Fund Policies and Procedures, in the unfortunate event that the undergraduate chapter is closed, the CIF account remains open for a maximum period of five years accruing income. The undergraduate chapter is currently in the process of utilizing a portion of the chapter’s savings account, as well as a semesterly contribution from each member of the chapter to begin building the Theta Eta CIF. Prior to the end of the Fall 2009 semester, the undergraduate chapter will contribute $700 to the fund in the hopes that alumni will also help build a strong foundation for our chapter’s future. As a token of appreciation for brothers making significant contributions to the Theta Eta Chapter Investment Fund, a memorial scholarship will be created in their name to be awarded yearly based on the qualifications established in coordination with the brother, undergraduate Executive Council, alumni chapter Executive Board (if applicable), and Pi Kappa Phi Foundation staff. Overall, the CIF provides a solid foundation for the future of the Theta Eta Chapter and ensures that members who continue to demonstrate the values of Pi Kappa Phi at American University and nationally are rewarded. If you have additional questions about the Chapter Investment Fund or ideas for possible scholarships, please contact Benjamin Matek #111, Treasurer ( To donate to the Chapter Investment Fund, mail a check made payable to “Pi Kappa Phi Foundation” to: Pi Kappa Phi Foundation PO Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 Please include “Theta Eta CIF” in the memo line.


“ LEADERSHIP IS MAKING PEOPLE WANT TO DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED.” John Michael Moreland #032 on what it means to lead.

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT john michael moreland #032

Q: Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? A: It was actually my friend Amy Liedy, American ’08, who first encouraged me to join Pi Kapp. Even though I never felt like I wanted to join a fraternity, when I met the men of Pi Kappa Phi, I couldn’t imagine not joining. Q: What brother in the chapter most impacted you? A: Jason Silverman #022 is definitely the brother who most impacted me. He was the first brother to really reach out to me when I first joined, and he’s definitely the brother I bonded with when I came into Pi Kapp. Q: What have you done since you left AU? A: After leaving AU, I moved to Columbus and worked for a hotel, where I was promoted to the position of manager for a new downtown property. After two years at the hotel, I enlisted in the Army in December. I completed my basic training at Fort Benning in Georgia and my advanced training at Fort Rucker in Alabama. I have spent the past six months working with the 105th Airborne Division at Fort Campbell in Kentucky. I am currently an aviation operations specialist and work as a liaison between the infantry and aviation division.


Once I deploy to Iraq this spring for 12 months, I will work in airspace management and aircraft tracking. Q: What does Pi Kappa Phi mean in your life today? A: Brotherhood. It’s all about making connections with brothers and alumni who you may have never met. Q: What advice do you have for future brothers? A: Never set limits. Look at where I am today. I am doing things with my life that I never thought I’d be doing. Think about what you’re capable of and remember that you’ll always be stronger and wiser than you ever thought. Q: What would you like to say to all of the alumni? A: Brotherhood is a lifelong commitment. The men in this fraternity will always be your brothers; they’ll always be there to take care of you and you have always been there to help me. I know that we’ll always be there for each other...Pi Kappa Phi is forever. John is a PB2 in the United States Army. To contact John, e-mail him at



celebrating five years of theta eta

APRIL 23-25, 2010 Join us for a weekend celebrating the five year anniversary of the chartering of the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Additional information will be forthcoming. Contact Isaiah Headen #018 with questions:



PUSH AMERICA CHALLENGE the marine corps marathon

VOLUNTEERISM theta eta recommits to the core values of push america

Adam N. Tager #092, Warden

James Fine #110, Push America Chairman

For the second year in a row, Push America proudly partnered with the Wounded Warrior Project for the 2009 Marine Corps Marathon as part of the recently-created Push America Challenge. The Push America Challenge (PAC) offers individuals the opportunity to challenge themselves in endurance events while raising vital funds for the organization’s programs. In the spirit of Push America’s mission and values, the Wounded Warrior project was created to aid the rehabilitation of our heroes that now live with a disability due to their service protecting our country. This year, alumni and associates of the Theta Eta Chapter joined the undergraduate brothers and friends of the fraternity to cheer on the 30 people running the Marine Corps Marathon for Push America. This year’s Push America Challenge: Marine Corps Marathon team raised nearly $40,000 for Push America and presented a grant to the Wounded Warrior Project for $5,000. For the second year in a row, Tanner Bacon, Eta Gamma (Colorado), Director of Push America Challenge, asked each of the chapters in the Capital Region to set up specific rally points along the marathon route to cheer on the Push America Challenge runner. Over 30 people came to our chapter’s rally point this year, including women from Phi Sigma Sigma and Alpha Epsilon Phi. Everyone at the rally point had an enjoyable time seeing all of the PAC runners, including Push America’s CEO, Chad Coltrane, Epsilon Iota (UNC Greensboro); Leadership Consultant Chris Conner, Eta Iota (Christopher Newport); and Justin Angotti #026; as well as the non-Push America runners, such as Sean Honick #085. Throughout the day, the men and women at the rally point met a number of runners while encouraging them from the sidelines in order to provide the extra boost they needed at mile 19. CEO Coltrane even tweeted (http:// a picture of the Theta Eta men and their friends saying, “This keeps me going and I need it.” The Theta Eta Chapter’s rally point at the Marine Corps Marathon is quickly becoming a chapter tradition and a major way for the brothers, associate members, alumni, and friends of the fraternity to visibly support the men and women running for Push America.

Through Push America’s campus and community initiatives, the men of Pi Kappa Phi across the nation strive to teach empathy through disability awareness, lend a helping hand by volunteering, and raise funds for people living with disabilities. These are the cornerstones of a balanced undergraduate Push America program: Disability Awareness, Volunteerism, and Fundraising. Over the coming months, the men of the Theta Eta Chapter will be working to create an ongoing volunteer relationship with the DC chapter of The Arc. The Arc is the world’s largest community based organization of and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This week, the undergraduate brothers will be presenting the DC chapter of The Arc’s Board of Directors with a Circle of Giving grant check from Push America in the amount of $600, which is 25 percent of the chapter’s 2008-2009 Push America fundraising. The hope is that the volunteer relationship with The Arc will become a chapter tradition that carries on for many years to come.

For more information about the Push America Challenge, contract Tanner Bacon, Director of Push America Challenge (

The Theta Eta Chapter rally point during the 2009 Marine Corps Marathon where brothers, associate members, alumni, and friends of the fraternity cheered on the Push America Challenge team.


For more information, contact James Fine #110 (


MEET THE THETA CLASS our newest associate members alan chorm

chris najmi

Hometown: Middletown, NY Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Communications, Legal Inst., Economics, and Government) Big Brother: Sean Honick #085 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi because I believe in the fraternity’s values. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? I can see the chapter being ranked high amongst Greek life at American University, mainly for being the most diverse fraternity on campus.

Hometown: Annandale, NJ Year and Major: Class of 2012 (International Studies) Big Brother: Bobby Yang #070 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I used to be involved with teams and groups throughout high school and was missing that close-knit group dynamic when I came to AU, and felt I could achieve this once again through Pi Kappa Phi. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? A leader within the Greek community at AU and a leading chapter within Pi Kappa Phi nationally.

michael cohn Hometown: Wilmington, DE Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Undeclared) Big Brother: Cody Mason #099 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi because I was looking for brotherhood and know that I can proudly stand behind the values of the organization. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? Flourishing with brothers.

jonathan holin Hometown: Upper Dublin, PA Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Print Journalism) Big Brother: Charlie Carroll #066 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? Although I was just tagging along with my friends during recruitment, I ended up really liking everything I saw in the brothers. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? Hopefully, a lot like it is today.

eric lynch Hometown: Hampstead, NH Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Broadcast Journalism; Special Education and Political Science minors) Big Brother: Russ Schubert #097 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I was looking for a brotherhood, and I wanted to become a better, more disciplined person. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? I picture the Theta Eta Chapter continuing to expand and increase its campus visibility and perhaps collaborating with other DC chapters for projects, such as Push America fundraisers.


nicholas pisano Hometown: Long Valley, NJ Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Political Science and Communications) Big Brother: Elias Pogany #089 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi because I wanted to be part of a brotherhood with a bunch of men with whom I enjoyed hanging out, and wanted to help advance something larger than myself. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? I see the Theta Eta chapter being the largest and most well rounded fraternity on campus, with a broader involvement in all parts of campus life.

william mcginnis Hometown: Vienna, VA Year and Major: Class of 2012 (International Relations) Big Brother: Nicholas Wistner #095 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi because I spent a year getting to know the brothers, and I was already friends with a good many of them. Pi Kapps always have each other's backs and have a good reputation on campus. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? I hope to see Theta Eta still chartered. I've heard rumors of people wanting to become local, but I like the Idea of being a nationally recognized fraternity as opposed to local. I see Pi Kapp remaining a fraternity with a good reputation on campus and a chapter that will remain relatively the same size as it is today. continued on page 14


LEAVE A HOW WILL YOU BE REMEMBERED? INVEST IN THE CHAPTER’S FUTURE by contributing to the chapter investment fund (CIF), you will ensure your donation to the theta eta chapter is used for education programming and scholarships the chapter investment fund is managed by the pi kappa phi foundation, a 501(c)3 organization to donate, mail checks made payable to “Pi Kappa Phi Foundation” to: Pi Kappa Phi Foundation PO Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 include “Theta Eta CIF” in the memo line for more information, contact Benjamin Matek, Treasurer of the Theta Eta Chapter (




PASS THE GAVEL: ALUMNI STYLE alumni updates David T. Corey, Alpha Eta (Samford). After receiving his Master of Arts in Public Communication from American University, Dave became a writer/editor with SAIC. He later went on to spend a year working for Secretary Geren and General Casey on their community relations efforts before taking a position in McLean, VA working on messaging and public relations for various government entities. Dave serves as the Chapter Advisor for the Theta Zeta Chapter (George Washington University), as well as one of the Fraternity’s Ladder of Risk and Alcohol Skills Training Program facilitators. He currently lives with Chapter Advisor Brandon Sorensen, Beta Alpha (NJIT), in Mt. Pleasant after ending a two-year relationship with his girlfriend, which “tanked and failed miserably just after they moved in together.”

Justin William Angotti #026. After spending a year-and-a-half in Housing and Dining Programs at American University as the Staff Assistant for Summer Conferences and Residential Education Coordinator, Justin went to work for the National Fraternity in May as a Leadership Consultant. He serves as the primary liaison between the Pi Kappa Phi Properties chapters and the national organization. His travel territory includes: Sigma (South Carolina), Psi (Cornell), Alpha Delta (Washington), Alpha Kappa (Michigan), Alpha Tau (Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.), Beta Epsilon (Missouri), Beta Theta (Arizona), Gamma Delta (Memphis), Gamma Iota (Louisiana State), Zeta Phi (Colorado State), Eta Gamma (Colorado), Theta Epsilon (Kansas), Theta Iota (Washington State), and Theta Xi (Arizona State). Adam P. Dunn #009. After graduating from AU, Adam married his fiance Mary, moved to Florida, bought a new home, and was promoted to a first lieutenant in the United States Air Force. He is currently preparing to be deployed in December.

Bryan William Riley #004. Bryan earned his Mater of Arts in Teaching with a focus in elementary education from American University in May of 2008 and currently works as a third grade teacher in the District of Columbia Pasquale Aniello Intindola #012. Public Schools. After leaving American University, Pat moved to New Jersey where he worked in Loren Janes Schmidt #005. Loren the construction industry and served as worked for two years in a research clinic the Chapter Advisor for the Zeta Nu in DC before deciding to pursue his Chapter (West Chester). In January 2009, graduate degree. He is currently a second he moved to Los Angeles, where he year Ph.D. student in Neurosciences at currently works with architects, Case Western Reserve University in engineers, and construction companies as Cleveland, OH. In July 2009, his first a Project Manager for a construction research article, relating to the open-label management firm. Pat has also been clinical tried he worked on prior to working out nightly with Dan Chaney beginning his graduate work, appeared in #011, and has lost 29.4 pounds thus far. the American Journal of Medical Sciences. He is currently in the process of shopping for a half-sleeve tattoo. Carlos Santiago Ramirez #008. Carlos was admitted to the Bar of the Scott Alexander Kutler #014. Scott Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in October. He is currently working as Staff currently works as a full-time technician at an Apple retail store in the metroCounsel for the American Civil Rights Union and will be entering active duty in Washington, DC area. He is also the manager of GMR Marketing’s Malboro the U.S. Army as a Judge Advocate Nightlife Program. General’s Corps attorney in 2010. (He continues to be a pain in the ass.) Isaiah Benjamin Headen #018. Isaiah recently moved into an apartment


4801 Connecticut Avenue with his girlfriend, Kate Helin. He also has a rooftop hot tub if brothers in the DCarea are interested. Michael Robert Pasko #034. Mike currently lives in an apartment on Capitol Hill (by himself because Rydo, “doesn’t love him anymore”) and works for Congressman Aaron Schock (R - IL). Dane Charles Buchanan #038. Dane moved back to New York and currently works for the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board. Daniel James Pechtol #040. Dan is currently job searching but very excited to have recently purchased his first deep fryer. Ezra Louis Chaskelson #044. Ezra currently works in Shenzhen, China and continues to make annual trips to DC for “EZRAMR Weekend.” Elliott A. Friedman #051. Elliot is currently serving as the Interim Chief of Staff to New Jersey General Assemblyman John F. McKeon (D). He has also bee appointed an Essex County Democratic Committeeman. continued on page 14




the chapter’s first founders’ day (december 2004)


THE 2010 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL the theta eta chapter’s newest leaders

nicholas jablonski #082, archon Hometown: Jackson, NJ Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Literature) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Archon? My main goal for this year is to put Pi Kapp back at the top of fraternities at AU and to once again show the national organization that Theta Eta is truly a model chapter. I'm lucky enough to have an excellent and enthusiastic Executive Council to work with, and I'm confident we can reach that goal. My theory that no idea is too stupid to contemplate and debate, so I plan to push the men of this chapter and challenge them to be more than simply good. I would just like to thank all of the alumni for their hard work in setting up this chapter, and I encourage you to provide feedback and advice on how to make Theta Eta as great as it can possibly be. This is still your chapter and it always will be, so don't hesitate to contact me; and I promise you be proud of our work when you join us for the five-year anniversary in April.

mark digiammarino #105, vice archon Hometown: Lexington, MA Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Public Communications) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Vice Archon? As the Vice Archon I hope that I can help the Executive Council become better at communication amongst the different chairs and within the chapter as a whole. Additionally, I want to work on spreading out the workload. I feel that some of the past officers have burnt out after one semester because of the work load, but the creation and use of committees can help combat this issue. I also feel that the EC and chapter are too focused on the present, not the future, and I will work to ensure we are better organized. Our chapter has a great opportunity this spring to recruit one of the largest classes in our brief history; a class filled with men who have been competitively selected based on the ideals and values of Pi Kappa Phi.

benjamin matek #111, treasurer Hometown: Evanston, IL Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Economics; Mathematics minor) Past Executive Council Positions: Treasurer (Fall 2009) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Treasurer? Besides using my financial knowledge to strengthen the accounting practices of the chapter and the normal routine of collecting dues and paying chapter bills, my main goal is to get the Chapter Investment Fund operational. I believe the CIF has an infinite amount of potential to change the chapter for the better, and my goal is to reach the minimum of $10,000 by the end of this year so we can begin to use the fund as early as next fall. I am also interested in getting feedback and possible scholarship ideas from alumni, so please feel free to contact me!

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alex beaton #108, secretary Hometown: Burlington, VT Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Political Science) E-mail Address: Why did you run for an Executive Council position? Based on my experience as the Secretary for the Eta Class, I wanted to help better the chapter and become more involved. What goals do you have for your term as Secretary? My main goal is to increase attendance at chapter events by ensuring members are constantly informed and updated.

kevin koljack #106, warden Hometown: Tulsa, OK Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Political Science and Economics) Past Executive Council Position: Vice Archon (Fall 2009) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Warden? The main reason I ran for Warden is because I believe I can have the most positive effect on the chapter from this position. I held the position of Vice Archon this semester and worked hard to make Pi Kapp as great as I could, but I have always loved the Associate Member process. Thus, as Warden, I hope to be able to shape the associates members into better men. I want to take what they bring in themselves and help them grown through Pi Kappa Phi. I know that when I pledged I not only learned about Pi Kapp, but also about brotherhood and life; and I want every associate member to come out of the program feeling the same way.

tyler williams #113, historian Hometown: Charlotte, NC Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Communications, Legal Inst., Economics, and Government) E-mail Address: Why did you run for an Executive Council position? I ran because this chapter has already given me so much, and I feel that it is my responsibility as a brother of this fraternity to contribute whatever I can to Pi Kappa Phi. What goals do you have for your term as Historian? I would like the Executive Council to work together to promote brotherhood and create cohesion in the chapter. As Historian, I will strive to improve alumni relations and effectively document the chapter’s activities.

abdullah “abby” binshaieg #112, chaplain Hometown: Vancouver, WA Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Business Administration and Accounting) E-mail Address: Why did you run for an Executive Council position? I ran for Chaplain because I wanted to be the person, alongside the Warden, to help shape the associate members into the best Pi Kapps they can be. What goals do you have for your term as Chaplain? My goal is to improve communication between the Executive Council and the chapter by using committees, the Theta Eta Google Calendar, and the listserv more effectively. Additionally, I am very excited to create a great associate member program with the Warden, Kevin Koljack #106.





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benedict sung Hometown: Wellesley, MA Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Business Administration) Big Brother: Bukar Alibe #087 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kapp for the brotherhood and because I enjoyed spending time with the brothers. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? I can see Pi Kappa Phi building a good image on the American University campus. People will see us as a helpful, courteous, classy, and generally good bunch of guys. Even the faculty will recognize Pi Kapps as hard workers and students will look to Pi Kapps as examples and role models.

john york Hometown: San Diego, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (United States History) Big Brother: Nicholas Wistner #095 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I liked what this fraternity is about and also the diversity of the men within the chapter. Where do you see the Theta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in five years? One of the premiere chapters on campus.

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UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS SUNDAY, NOV. 15th 1:00PM LOCATION TBD Alumni & Associate Member Meet and Greet Contact: Adam Tager, Warden

SATURDAY, NOV. 21st TIME TBA DUMBARTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (GEORGETOWN) Ritual of Initiation Contact: Russ Schubert, Chaplain

SATURDAY, DEC. 12th TIME & LOCATION TBD Theta Eta Alumni Chapter Special Meeting Contact: Bryan Riley, Alumni Relations Advisor For the most up-to-date information on upcoming alumni events, be sure to update your e-mail address for the Theta Eta Chapter alumni listerv by e-mailing Bryan Riley, Alumni Relations Advisor (


Noah D. B. Baron #055. Noah was recently cast as the lead character in Adam’s Morgan: The Movie, which is currently shooting in DC (http:// He plans on moving to Los Angeles with Charlie Wachtel #049 in January. Christopher Manuel Chang #057. Chris currently lives in the West End of DC with his girlfriend and works for the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Administration. He has started studying Arabic and taking kickboxing lesson with Kyle Mullins #058.

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