Theta Mu - Fall 2007

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The Alumni Council The Alumni of our chapter have formed the beginnings of an Alumni Council whose purpose is to help guide the undergraduate chapter as well as offer financial support. Already this semester, our alumni have donated money toward the chapter’s first Rose Ball, and are also planning on sending two extra delegates to the MidYear Leadership Conference in Philadelphia. It has already been decided that the minimum annual dues to join the Alumni Council will be either 3% of your salary of $500. They are currently working toward setting up a high interest savings account in order to help establish financial solvency. In the future, grants could


be given to the chapter from the Alumni council based on need but would require prior notice as well as a presentation to the council. The Alumni Council is also working toward setting up a board, with a limited number of positions as well as a their own founding documents. The Alumni of our chapter have been actively involved in the undergraduate chapter since their graduation, and have shown the undergraduates that brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi is truly a life-long commitment. Some notable contributions have been made by TJ Kelly and Joe Piedrafite. Joe Piedrafite not only maintains his presence at chapter meetings, but also has been deeply involved with Gamma Class.

Archon Brother Phillip Benevides #5 Vice Archon Brother Nicholas Druar #13 Treasurer Brother David Anderson #45 Secretary Brother Matthew Sloan #4 Warden Brother Scott Lee #23 Historian Brother Jerome Rogich #17 Chaplain Brother Kevin Libby #6 Push America Brother Matthew Schoenberg #12

Throughout his undergraduate career as a Pi Kappa Phi, TJ Kelly devoted a substantial amount of time to the creation and maintenance of the chapter’s webpage TJ Kelly, Joe Piedrafite, and Michael Czabaj and continues to do so as an alumni. Also, TJ spent an entire weekend on the Gamma Class retreat. Archon Emeritus, Diego Torres-Palma, has also continued his involvement in the chapter, and met with the Gamma Class at their New Member Education meeting to give them insight into what Pi Kappa Phi is all about.

Pi Kappa Phi was founded as Nu Phi (the "nonfraternity") in Charleston, South Carolina at the turn of the 20th Century. The founding fathers of Pi Kappa Phi saw the fraternities on their campus taking the wonderful opportunity of brotherhood for granted. The men of the Theta Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi are a group of motivated, passionate, and intelligent men who hope to continue the tradition of our founding fathers. By taking advantage of opportunities presented by college life, the University of Massachusetts, and the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, our mission is to challenge ourselves and our brothers to create better men for today and for the future, ultimately to give back to our community and contribute our talents and efforts to others. In Pi Kappa Phi is a first CLASS fraternity who firmly believes in the tenets of Character, Leadership, Academics, Sportsmanship, and Service. These principles are not only valued but instilled through leadingedge educational, service and leadership opportunities provided by our National Association. Forget every negative thing you've ever heard about fraternities because the rules of the game have changed. The men of Pi Kappa Phi will help change the face of Greek life at this University, because "excellence is a choice" and we have made our decision. Chapter Website: Photos of the Chapter:



Bi-Annual Awards Banquet

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Two From ΘΜ Complete the Journey Of Hope

Gamma Class Recruitment Was A Huge Success


First Pi Alpha’s From Theta Mu Return and Two More To Come

Theta-Mu Minutes

Theta Mu demonstrates its continual commitment to Push America

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Letter From The Archon


Prayer From The Chaplain


Brother Gilb Abroad


Gamma Recruitment


Awards Banquet


Award Recipients




Our Alumni


Alumni Council


Brother Rogich and Brother Wood have returned from the Journey of Hope to become the first Theta-Mu initiates of the Pi Alpha Society. The Pi Alpha Society is reserved for brothers who have successfully completed any Push America cycling event. Their combined efforts rose over $8000 for Push America while the team as a whole rose over $500,000 for people with disabilities. This past year marked the 20th Anniversary of the Journey of Hope and the 30th Anniversary of Push America. After a short orientation in San Francisco, the North and South team departed across the Golden Gate Bridge to spread the message of Push America of Abilities, Teamwork, Empathy, and Integrity. The team did this through community and arrival events, Kids on the Block puppet shows, and friendship visits. Brother Wood and Brother Rogich spent the next 67 days traveling across the deserts of Nevada, the mountains of Colorado, and the cornfields of Iowa. Kyle Wood and the

other six crew members played an instrumental role in ensuring Jerome Rogich and the other 22 cyclists made it the 3600 miles

safely. After cycling an average of 75 miles, the team would spend the rest of the afternoon at a local disability camp playing games, eating meals, or dancing. The team would also meet with the local media to present the camp with a grant check. “The most rewarding part of the Journey of Hope was being able to present the money we worked so hard to raise to the people who really needed it. We would the entire afternoon with these individuals and at the end of the day we can give them

something that will continue to positively impact their lives. The money could be used toward a number of things including remodeling, computer software, or a new playground” said Jerome. Upon arrival at the Capital in Washington D.C., the team was surrounded by friends, family and brothers. Theta-Mu was well represented by Michael Czabaj, Joe Piedrafite, Chris Silvia, Richard Gilmore, and Kevin Libby. Two more members of ThetaMu will hopefully be completing a cycling event of their own next summer. Brother Matthew Sloan, will be cycling the Trans-America route of the Journey of Hope. Brother Diego Torres-Palma is going to be on the 2008 GearUp Florida trip, which is a two week, 800 mile trip across Florida. Pictures of the 2007 Journey of Hope can be found at If you would like to donate to Brother Sloan’s Journey of Hope, please visit If you would like to donate to Brother Torres-Palma’s Gear-Up Florida, please visit

Gamma Class Recruitment Comes To A Close Vice Archon, Nicholas Druar, with the help of Recruitment Chair, Andrew Moffett, have led an extremely successful recruitment program this semester which has yielded fourteen PreInitiates of our Gamma Class. The two have hosted over a

dozen recruitment events ranging from tailgating UMASS football games, to chapter dinners and study sessions. The men whose interest we have peaked have come from a variety of majors and backgrounds, but they all see Pi Kappa Phi as a way

to become better men and the chapter is looking forward to the initiation of our Gamma class in December. “They have just as much to offer us as we have to offer them.” says Nicholas Druar. (see Nick Druar pg. 3)



“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. -Maya Angelou� (chosen by Steven Mach)


Letter From Archon Benevides With each year in a man's college career comes new obstacles and challenges. At the Theta Mu chapter of Pi Kappa Phi we believe that with adversity comes opportunity. Our fraternity provides men with opportunities for personal and professional growth, to experience more than just a student's life. As a Brother of Pi Kappa Phi our men get to lead, teach, council, program, budget, serve, and support. What makes our fraternity special is not just the opportunities it presents but rather the men who take advantage of these opportunities and make amazing things happen. The miracle of fraternity is only possible with the strong character of the men who compose its membership. At Theta Mu, I can proudly say that the men that I am privileged to lead are men of CLASS. Our men are not perfect and of course neither am I, but together we have bound together to strive to become men of the highest quality of Character, Leadership, Academics, Sportsmanship, and Service. To become a man of CLASS is no easy endeavor, but as a brotherhood we support each other and make each other better students, better citizens, and better men! Pi Kappa Phi's strength comes from its obligations to others. By lifting each other up we can accomplish more than we could ever imagine on our own. An outstanding example of that principle is the work our organization does with Push America. Push America is our national philanthropy that raises money and awareness for individuals with disabilities. Through Push America we build wheelchair ramps for local residents in need of accessibility for their homes. We support national programs, like the Journey of Hope, where men travel almost 4,000 miles on bike to raise money and visit with individuals with disabilities. And through a partnership with the special Olympics, for all our funds raised for Push America 25% will be donated to The Special Olympics of Western Massachusetts. Pi Kappa Phi does not settle for the mediocre, we believe excellence is a choice. And it is this belief that allows us to strive forward with our mission to redefine fraternity, by choosing excellence in academics, devoting ourselves to community service, and leading Greek life to a culture without alcohol abuse, hazing, and destructive behavior that has followed the Greek stigma for generations. The fraternities at UMass know what is the miracle of fraternity and Pi Kappa Phi will lead the campaign that changes the minds of our community about Greek life. Respectfully In Pi Kappa Phi, Philip Melo Benevides

A Prayer From Our Chaplain Secrets are nobody's friend; but a secret is only a secret as long as it remains buried within the confines of person. The truths we hold deep in our hearts are so often sealed away, be this added protection intentional or not. My Friends, as we read about the activities of our beloved fraternity this month, may we all ask of ourselves what we can do to better the people who have touched our lives. In the interest of sharing secrets, take the time to reflect on the words of Lewis Carroll: 'One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.' Bless Our Fraternity!

Brian Gilb Abroad In Egypt During the summer of 2007, Brother Gilb attended Officer Candidate School (OCS) for the United State Marine Corps. The school is designed to evaluate, and train potential candidates for commission as an officer in the Marines. The program can be THETA-MU


completed in two six-week sessions spanning two summers, or one ten-week session. Brother Gilb chose to complete the program over summers. Candidates are evaluated and graded on their academics, physical condition, and leadership ability. Every

category is weighted differently and anything below an 80% average results in removal from the program. Academics are worth a quarter of the grade and to score well you must pass a series of tests in basic Marine Corps history, weapons handling, procedure, land





The Alumni of Theta Mu Matthew Caesar

James Piedrafite Jr.

Japanese Language and Literature


University Of Massachusetts, 2006

Roanoke College

Christopher Caton

Ryan Pipczynski


Meteorology and Communication

University Of Massachusetts, 2007

Lyndon State College

Michael Czabaj

Joshua Quackenbush

Mathematics and Economics

Theater and Education

University Of Massachusetts, 2006

University Of Massachusetts, 2007

Kevin Graber

Lewis Rosenthal

Assistant Residence Director

Physics and Master Of Business

Washington House


Timothy John Kelly

James Sanderson

Communication and IT


University Of Massachusetts, 2007

University Of Massachusetts, 2007

Ryan LeBlanc

Diego Torres-Palma

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering

University Of Massachusetts, 2007

University Of Massachusetts, 2007

Matthew Pearlson

Paul Vasconcellos

Chemical Engineering

Theta Mu Chapter Advisor

University Of Massachusetts, 2007

Assistant Dean Of Students

Joseph Piedrafite Communication and English University Of Massachusetts, 2007




Matthew Sloan and Matthew Schoenberg at Access-ABILITY

“'This is a group of young men that I am extremely proud of. They're the type of young men that all of us adults would love to see our sons grow up to be.”


Access-ABILTY Matthew Schoenberg has done an amazing job in position as Push America Executive. He has maintained Theta Mu’s continual commitment to Push America and is bringing us to new heights. Already this semester, the chapter has built two AccessABILITY ramps and participated in a charity dodge ball tournament. He is currently gearing up for our third annual 5k race and hoping to make it an even bigger success than the previous two years. Matthew has also been working with his chairman, Brian Ambrozavich, to create a student group named “Push Club” which will help students outside of the brotherhood, or even other Greek organizations become involved with Push America. Eventually, the club will be able to host its own Access-ABILITY projects or other Push America events. The chapter has

-Vice Chancellor Michael Gargano

been getting a lot of media attention for our work with Push America. The chapter has been featured in a number of articles in the Daily Collegian, Daily Hampshire Gazette, as well as on local news stations. We had nearly thirty-five brothers turn out to help build new ramps for Chet Bai and Eleanor Young. Chet’s house in Greenfield had been made accessible a number of years ago with a plywood ramp, but the elements had taken its toll. Within twenty minutes, the brothers had the ramp removed, and were well on the way to building to him a new ramp that will last him for years to come. The ramp built for Chet was the largest the chapter had ever built, spanning nearly twenty-four feet. Each ramp takes about 8 hours, a testament to the preparation of Matthew and the hard-working nature of the brothers of Theta Mu. Push America has




be completed in under two minutes. Other physical fitness

always been a major focus of the fraternity, and it has been recognized nationally for its efforts. Last year’s our Push America Executive, Eric Buchka, was named “The Most Outstanding Push America Executive” of any chapter. He helped lead Theta Mu become the highest fundraising Associate Chapter in the history of Pi Kappa Phi, raising over $11,000. Push America serves to bring the brotherhood together outside of chapter. Many of the brothers lead busy lives and projects such as Access-ABILITY let us enjoy one another's company while also making a difference in peoples’ lives that live in our local community.

tests included having to do eighty sit-ups in two minutes, at least ten pull-ups, and finish a three-mile run in under twenty-six minutes. Other physically demanding activities included a twelve-mile hike with fifty pounds of gear, a stamina course, and a combat course. Brother Gilb completed the physical fitness test by doing 100 sit-ups within the allotted time, fifteen pull-ups, and running three miles in nineteen minutes. In order to judge candidates leadership ability, each candidate is put in charge of their platoon and expected to perform under pressure from the yelling sergeant instructors. Several candidates failed the leadership portion, and others did not pass the numerous other tests. Brother Gilb passed with


a 90% and did not fail a single event. Looking back on the experience, he says that the six-weeks in officer candidate school were the hardest of his life. Pi Kappa Phi played a major role in preparing him for undertaking this task. “My leadership qualities and my character of being a gentlemen and a man of CLASS were pushed to the edge. Pi Kappa Phi has taught me to always hold my values and principles to the highest standards, regardless of the situation. It was these same qualities that helped me keep going and make decisions that reflected that of a future marine officer.” “The reason I want to become a marine officer is very difficult for me to explain to someone outside of Pi Kappa Phi. It is not because of money, status, or the war. It is because I want to serve a purpose that is greater than myself. It is something deep within me that cannot be put into words. My decision to join the marines reflects the reason I joined Pi Kappa Phi. I joined not only because I saw what the fraternity could do for me, but because I saw what I could do for other brothers in the fraternity.” Outside of the marines, Brother Gilb is a Middle-Eastern

Studies major, with a minor in Arabic. Currently, he is studying abroad for a year at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. He is living with Egyptians in the dormitory and taking extra classes in order to get as much experience as possible with the Arabic language. The university is one of the premier schools on the globe to study the Middle East, and he is succeeding with flying colors. The reason he is pursuing a degree in MiddleEastern studies is because of his interest in the language and the culture. When he first took Arabic, the language came naturally to him and it exited him to study it further. When he looked into MiddleEastern history he became fascinated with the culture and background, and he could not think of a better way to experience it than spending a year there. And experience is what he has been receiving. So far he has had to deal with crazy taxi drivers, walk to and from school in the thick of the city, but also fortunate enough to visit the pyramids and other historical sites. He has been able to use the Arabic that he has learned on a daily basis, He states that he has learned more in two and a half months than he could ever possibly learned reading dozens of books.

Nick Druar and Andrew Moffett Recruit Gamma’s



(Continued from Page 1) It is now the responsibility of Scott Lee, our warden, to guide them through the trials of prospective membership and prepare them for the initiation that lies ahead. Initiation of the Gamma Class will take place in a brand new church this year that was secured with the help of our beloved advisor, Paul Vasconcellos. The prospective new members have returned from the New Member Retreat at Camp Hemlock excited with the prospect of becoming a brother. This is the first initiation that the chapter will be able to

utilize its new-formed alumni base for the ritual, which will play a huge role in bringing together new brothers and old. Our chaplain, Kevin Libby, has been working hard to ensure this is the best ritual of initiation to date. With the help of a new committee with lots of new ideas, we should see his vision come to fruition! If you are interested in getting involved with the initiation of the Gamma Class on December 7th and 8th, please contact Kevin Libby at

“Pi Kappa Phi has taught me to always hold my values and principles to the highest standards, regardless of the situation. “





Fall 2007 Bi-Annual Awards Banquet

Kurt Jalbert, Chris Sacco, and Richard Gilmore provided the entertainment for the Fall 2007 Awards Banquet

The chapter has recently hosted its bi-annual awards banquet, which took place in the newly renovated Marriot Center on the UMass Campus. The night served as a time in which the chapter could relax and celebrate the successes of the past semester, while not only recognizing the brothers who went above and beyond their duty to Pi Kappa Phi, but also thanking the faculty, staff, and administration that have aided the chapter’s advancement and growth. The awards the chapter has received over the past year and a half were on display and many brothers brought their parents, girlfriends, and friends to the event in order to help them understand that Pi Kappa Phi is not just another fraternity. The national awards received by Theta Mu were also presented to Brother Vasconcellos (Chapter Advisor of the Year) and Brother Buchka (Thomas Sayer Award) as well as the other twelve awards received at Pi Kapp College this past summer. These awards included Associ-

singing chapter!” Theta Mu ate Chapter of the Year. followed suit by closing the Many distinguished night by singing to our parents faculty, staff and students were and guests the songs of our on hand including Michael beloved fraternity including Wiseman, the director of the “The Rose” and “Far Away.” Office of Fraternities and SoChris Sacco, Richard Gilmore, rorities, Kevin Graber, the and Kurt Jalbert also added to assistant director of Washingthe entertainment by singing ton House, Brandon Belote, with accompaniment by saxothe Director of Chapter Serphone, djembe, guitar, and vices from, and Matthew Fox, keyboard. the IFC president They assisted Phillip Benevides who The night concluded was the Master of Ceremonies with pictures with alumni, by speaking about their experifriends, and family before eveences with Pi Kappa Phi and by ryone dispersed reinvigorated presenting awards. and with a renewed focus to An award was given continue to choose excellence. to the brother that best represented each tenant of CLASS. The exceptions were the academic awards which were awarded based on the GPA of the A view of campus from the Marriott Center previous semester. The gold award Many potential new required a GPA of 4.0, The members were able to share silver a GPA of 3.7, and the in excitement of the festivities bronze award a GPA of 3.4. and some even made the deciAfter a delicious sion to sign their bids that dinner provided to us by night. Needless to say everyUMass Catering and the one left “pumped to be a Pi awards ceremony, we were Kapp” and the chapter is lookreminded of what ing forward to the Spring 2007 Dr. Phillip Summer’s said on Awards Banquet. the night of Theta Mu’s chartering, “A strong chapter is a





Theta Mu Award Recipients Character Award: Kevin M. Libby

Leadership Award: Philip M. Benevides

Academic Award:

Eric Buchka receiving his national award.

Bronze Award: Olivier Van Houtte, Michael Paquette Silver Award: Joseph MacDermott ,

National Awards

Philip Benevides, Robert Petrie, Steven Mach, Matthew Rosenthal, Kyle Wood Gold Award: David Paquette, Matthew Schoenberg

Sportsmanship Award: Derrick A. Bessaoud

Service Award: Eric Buchka

Dr. Michael Gargano Man Of CLASS Award : Jerome Rogich

Greek Awards Fraternity Of The Year Highest Chapter GPA Silver Chapter Excellence Award Outstanding Scholar – Matthew Schoenberg Outstanding Advisor - Paul Vasconcellos Outstanding Philanthropic Event - Push America 5K Road Race Outstanding Philanthropic Program - Push America



Associate Chapter of the Year Champion Master Chapter Award Master Chapter of Superior Associate Member Education Master Chapter of Academic Achievement Master Chapter of Sound Chapter Operations Master Chapter of Living the Ritual Master Chapter of Commitment to Service PUSH America Core Values Award Thomas Sayre Award - Eric Buchka - ΘΜ Most Outstanding Push America Executive in the Nation Chapter Advisor of the Year - Paul Vasconcellos - ΘΜ

The newly renovated Marriot Center


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