Theta Mu - Spring 2009

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The day my son became my brother

A graduating

Theta-Mu Minutes V O L U M E

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The day my son became my brother

senior’s views 

Alumni Appreciation

Fourth Annual 5k Road Race

This article can also be seen in the Spring 2009, Parent’s Newsletter.

This story is for the PiKapp dads. All you mom‟s please skip to the next article.

Brothers are growing in Pi Kappa Phi

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Letter From The Archon


Alumni Event


Graduating Seniors


Now that we‟re alone, just guys, let‟s talk about the special bond between father and son. If you‟re a bit like me, you probably have worked hard at your careers or business most of your son‟s early years. Of course we spent that quality time with our son‟s on the baseball field, at soccer practice or one of the many other activities we found ourselves shuttling to and from. But it seemed to me that I was spending much of my quality time with my son watching

him grow and mature from the sidelines. Unlike the moms and their daughters who can have those endless conversations about all kinds of stuff our conversations with our sons are relatively brief. When I would ask my son how his day was, the usual answer was good, I‟d say great and the conversation was over; a very efficient exchange of information. Then in an instant, we turn around to find that our children are grown and heading off to college. When the reality hit me that my oldest son Matthew was really going to be leaving home for college I couldn‟t stop thinking of the Harry Chapin song, “Cat's in the Cradle,” wondering where the

time had gone. In his second semester at Amherst, Matthew decided to join a fraternity. I went to a New York State University where Greek Life was basically nonexistent. So the whole fraternity experience was a mystery to me. I wasn‟t sure that Matthew should be getting involved with a fraternity. After all, with the high cost of college I felt that his focus should be on the education and that spending time pledging for a “frat” was a distraction. Also I was worried about the drinking, drugs and hazing rituals that we have all read about. Matthew was convinced that this fraternity was different. He explained to me that Pi Kappa Phi is a responsible, community minded brotherhood that also knows how to have a good time without the alcohol and drugs. (Continued on page 8)

JOH - another year, more representation This summer, Brother Mike Keough will be joined with Brother Andrew Moffett on the Journey of Hope. Andrew will be with the crew; driving vans alongside Mike and the rest of the Brothers to provide them with water and energy bars during the day.

If you would like to make a difference in the lives of children and adults with disabilities, you can donate online by visiting https:// donate/search.cfm and searching Keough or Moffett. Please help keep this sense of tradition and service in our organi-

zation that you have worked so diligently to craft. If you have any questions, please don‟t hesitate to call Brother Brian Ambrozavitch, our PUSH America Executive.



Letter From Archon Corriveau Over this coming semester, my goals as archon are clear: to build better men and a better Chapter. In pursuance of the first aim, I have recruited the wisdom, talents, and assistance of our former archon and Pi Kappa Phi leadership consultant, Diego-Torres Palma, to institutionalize a Leadership Seminar Series program. This program, run by Brother Torres-Palma, will allow men to gain a greater self-awareness by introducing them to renowned leadership and self-improvement books. Moreover, it will allow the brothers who participate in the program to understand each other better as they share their thoughts on what they have read, and also discuss their own personal weaknesses and unique strengths. It is my hope that this program will become a fixture in our fraternity, continuously providing brothers with a leadership education that our University fails to provide and a competitive edge in the „real world‟.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter, don't mind.” -Theodor Seuss Geisel

In regards to the second goal, the following three tasks must be met this semester. First, we have to once again explore and understand the importance of our fraternity‟s core values and understand why redefining fraternity on our campus is so important. Secondly, I am placing more emphasis on helping brothers reach a deeper understanding of brotherhood through more rituals, greater encouragement of Ultimate Respect, and placing more of a focus on brotherhood bonding activities in general. Thirdly, I, along with the Executive Council, will spend this spring semester strengthening our Chapter‟s organizational weaknesses and reinforcing our Chapter‟s strengths. Once this is done, by the end of the spring we will be ready to start the fall semester with our Chapter‟s second strategic retreat. This will lay the groundwork for a long-term plan that will guide our Chapter in its pursuit to redefine fraternity on our campus for years to come. This plan will encourage men to work together in the spirit of brotherhood, enhance their leadership skills, develop their personal gifts, and bring positive change to our campus in the process. Lastly, I would like to remind you that the fraternity is also gearing up for our fourth annual Push America 5k race on April 18th. Our Push America Executive, Brian Ambrozavitch, and many of our brothers are working feverishly to ensure that it is a great success. During that weekend, our Historian Matthew Rosenthal and Brother Tom Barnes are also planning to hold a Parents and Alumni Weekend so that all of you can share in what is inarguably the most important community event we put on every year. It is my sincerest hope that you can make it and I look forward meeting you! If you have any further questions or comments, I would like to extend an open invitation for you to contact me at anytime. I can be reached by phone at (508) 208-0984 and by e-mail at I look forward to hearing from you! Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Robert Petrie Corriveau Archon of the Theta Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi






Dear Cherished Alumni, Lately, I find my mind occupied with thoughts of crossing over. It all began several weeks ago at Chapter when our current historian, Brother Matt Rosenthal, passed around a sign-up sheet for anyone who wanted to write an article for the alumni or parent newsletters. As the list came around the table, I zealously wrote down my interest in publishing an article entitled “Thoughts on Graduating”. I cannot say exactly what it was that compelled me to take this on, but it seemed fitting and so here we find ourselves intertwined as reader and author. Undergraduate commencement lies three months ahead, and the uncertainty with which you are undoubtedly familiar has gripped me tightly. There is a strange sensation that emerges upon viewing the approaching end.


My younger collegiate days were filled with intense concern over studies and time management of my activities, but it all seems to be coming, almost concerningly, too easily these days. Classes are going fine, I am actually enjoying reading assignments, and the tests have not seemed as ominous as they once did. It is as if things are on cruise control. In this moment of blissful reflection, I find myself asking an important and challenging question: what will my role be in Theta Mu in the years to come? What does it mean to be an alumnus of Pi Kappa Phi? I joined under the banner of lifelong brotherhood and intend to fulfill my promise. The Chapter will be much smaller next year. Our baby boom is heading into retirement, and the institution developed under our guiding influence will be officially

Alumni Event - APRIL 18th My Esteemed Alumni, As you all are well aware, our 5K race is on April 18th. This will also be a day for the Alumni to come and join the brotherhood. I encourage you to come to the race and join us afterwards for some volleyball and a BBQ in southwest. Later that night, the men of Pi Kappa Phi will be hosting what’s becoming an Annual Date Auction at Smith College.

handed over to a new generation. The difficulty I foresee will be in maintaining connections to our newest members beyond the classes that I helped to initiate. Approaching is a moment of trust. I have unwavering faith that the bedrock of values on which our organization was founded is steadfast. I must work to fulfill my obligation to share my talents and time with my future Brothers. I promise to take this step to aid and counsel those to come. The satisfaction in knowing that our effort in forging something greater than ourselves – a fraternity – is the greatest reward of all. I will be there to build new walls and mend old foundation and I hope to see you on the other side. Fraternally yours for all time, Matthew Sloan # 0004

“I will be there to build new walls and mend old foundation and I hope to see you on the other side. “




How Pi Kappa Phi has helped me grow Although I have always been a very motivated person, I have never actually had the courage to follow the dreams that were most important to me. It sounds funny, but the things that I love the most, such as drumming and acting, seem to always take second precedence over obligations like school. Though doing well in school is usually imperative to success in the real world, there comes a point at which obsessing too much about grades results in negative consequences – such as poor health and increased rates of depression. In other

Tom Barnes, Alumni Relations Chairman, and Joe Fox Jr., Risk Management Chairman, speaking from the heart about how Pi Kapp has truly influenced them.

Hi! My name is Joe Fox Jr., and I am proud to say that I am your brother! I am a member of the Epsilon Class, and Theta Mu #089. Let me start off by letting you guys know a little bit about myself: I am a currently a sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering and Physics, and I live in the North Apartments with three of our brothers: Rusty Brown, Josh Jost, and Nick Druar. I am a member of the UMASS Club Lacrosse Team, I play the drums, I love the Rubik's Cube, George Lucas is one of my heroes, and I am currently the chapter's Risk Management Chairman and one of the Associate Justices. Oh, and most importantly, I have been a proud Mac user for over a decade. It is strange for me to think that just a few months ago I



words, there has to be balance. Before I joined Pi Kappa Phi, I was a student who knew no balance – I got good grades, but I felt unhappy most of the time. The man I knew that I could be – funny, happy, motivated, successful, and fun to be around, rarely showed himself. There seemed to always be a storm cloud above my head, and I always had something to complain about. Now that I am a member of Pi Kappa Phi, however, I have begun to make time for not only my brothers, but also for the things that I love. Even amongst all of these new was not a member of Pi Kappa Phi, and yet I barely remember my life before I joined. This fraternity has enriched my life and given me the drive to achieve the high goals that I have set for myself. Before joining, I was coming off one of the hardest and most unproductive years of my life, but even before I was initiated, the fraternity gave me a reason to force myself to live up to the standards that I have always had. When I was on my own, my failures only brought me down, but now I have the encouragement of over 50 men who want me to succeed, and I never want to let them down. This has manifested itself in many ways: through simply working together with Tyler DeMarco (#091) on homework problem sets every week, having my roommates keep me on schedule in the mornings, or

activities, I still have found the time to get the same good grades as I did before. I have also begun to follow my passion for acting, and some day I hope to realize this dream in a big way. Nevertheless, no matter what the future holds, I know that I am a stronger person because of my involvement with Pi Kappa Phi. As my Big Brother Joe Mac has always said, “I know that my Brothers will be there to lift me up when I fall, and congratulate me when I succeed”. OΥΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΣΠΑΣΕΙ ΗΜΑΣ By the Star and Lamp, Tom Barnes #86

through knowing that I can call Josh Slocum (#095) at any time of the day to get some food and talk. I have a brother in all but one of my classes, and most of my best friends on campus are my brothers as well. This, coupled with the fact that I was only initiated 3 months ago, might give a good impression of just how pumped I am to be a Pi Kapp. Some of you may have met me, others I look forward to meeting someday, but I would love the opportunity to talk with any and every one of you. You all are the reason why Theta Mu exists, and for that I can never thank you enough. Feel free to contact me if you would like to get to know me better. Yours in Brotherhood, Joe Fox Jr.





Appreciation from a brother Dear Gentlemen, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for sending me down to Philadelphia to attend the Mid Year Leadership Conference. I saw true brotherhood at its best when people I have never met reached out and provided the means for me to attend this conference. I feel as though this trip truly showed me what it is to be a brother in Pi Kappa Phi. At the conference I chose to attend the Archon track, learning key elements that will lead Theta Mu to continued success. I was also able to see what makes our chapter different from others. Although we excel where others struggle, we also struggle where others excel. Being able to confer with brothers of other chapters and listen to their trials and tribulations enabled me to see that communication with other chapters is key to our survival and growth. Although we are not geographically close to other chapters, we were able to network - which led to good connections with brothers from New York all the way to those living in California. Living the ritual was another point that came up again and again throughout the weekend. Meeting people for the first time from all walks of life and all areas of the United States seems daunting at first. However, we instantly bonded - because the ritual connects us all. Every meal we had was filled not with awkward silence, but rather with laughter and jokes among seemingly old friends. Attending Mid Year is at the top of my list for things that I have done in my life. Even though it was only one weekend, I did and saw things that I will never forget - and for that I have you to thank. Without your generosity and support I would not have been able to go and experience how to be the best Pi Kappa Phi Brother that I can be. Thank you for giving me this chance. For those of you who have attended this conference in the past, I can see why you spoke so highly of it. For those who haven‟t, I suggest taking a weekend off next year and checking it out. It is definitely a life changing experience. In Pi Kappa Phi, Jacob R. Lees # 84

Graduating Seniors 

Matthew Sloan #004

Michael Paquette #021

Kegan Fielding #051

Derrek Bessaoud #007

Brian Gilb #026

Matthew Rosenthal #052

Nicholas Druar #013

Daniel Jeannotte #029

Michael Keough #060

Jerome Rogich #017

David Anderson #045

Christopher Gagnon #065

Christopher Sacco #018

Brian Ambrozavitch #048




4th Annual 5K Road Race Dear Alumni,

Matthew Sloan and Jerome Rogich at Access-ABILITY

“'This is a group of young men that I am extremely proud of. They're the type of young men that all of us adults would love to see our sons grow up to be.”

Spring is already here, and you know what that means… Pi Kappa Phi‟s Annual 5K Race! This year the race is being held at the Fine Arts Center at UMass on Saturday April 18th, 2009. We are keeping the 1-Mile Walk, instituted last year as part of the raceday ceremonies. Dayof Registration will begin at 9 am, and the 5K and 1 Mile walks

-Vice Chancellor Michael Gargano



will begin at 10 am. While the main race page remains the same (, this year we are setting up our fundraising through nationals. Everyone who signs up will get their own webpage where they can solicit donations from family and friends. Theta Mu would love to have the attendance of its alumni at both the 5K and Scaffolding Sit in support for those with disabilities. Alumni have an impor-

tant role in the continued growth of Theta Mu, and we appreciate your support. We look forward to seeing you at these events. Sincerely, Brian Ambrozavitch #048


Theta Mu


the day my son became my brother (Cont.) I was intrigued and I wanted to know more about this organization and it members. Especially since my son was determined to pledge for this fraternity during the first semester of his freshman year. In a nut shell, I found that the PiKapp chapter at UMASS was new. The leadership and members were committed to a new vision of Greek life based on high academic standards and community service. I had the opportunity to meet a few of the members on visits to Amherst during that second semester, and then I got a call from the fraternity Archon asking if I would be willing to join the fraternity along with my son Matthew in a first of its kind father/son initiation. This

was an opportunity to share an important experience with my son and become a part of a brotherhood of young men committed to excellence. I gladly accepted and on that day my son became my brother. The experience of the ritual and the bonding with my son and fellow PiKapp brothers was fantastic. To date I have participated in three PiKapp initiations with my son Matthew, witnessing more and more fathers joining the Brotherhood each semester. On each occasion I have had the opportunity to meet some unique young men, all

Archon Brother Robert Petrie Corriveau #35 Vice Archon Brother Rusty Brown #56 Treasurer Brother Greg LeMoine #72 Secretary Brother Mike DiPietro #58 Warden Brother Andrew Moffett #44 Historian Brother Matthew Rosenthal #52 Chaplain Brother Mike Pearson #76 Push America Brother Brian Ambrozavitch #48

with tremendous potential and spend some true quality time with my son. Now when I think of the Harry Chapin song, “Catâ€&#x;s in the Cradle,â€? I am thankful for not letting the opportunity pass to be with my son on his initiation into Pi Kappa Phi, while he was on hand for mine. Lewis Rosenthal #042

Pi Kappa Phi was founded as Nu Phi (the "non-fraternity") in Charleston, South Carolina at the turn of the 20th Century. The founding fathers of Pi Kappa Phi saw the fraternities on their campus taking the wonderful opportunity of brotherhood for granted. The men of the Theta Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi are a group of motivated, passionate, and intelligent men who hope to continue the tradition of our founding fathers. By taking advantage of opportunities presented by college life, the University of Massachusetts, and the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, our mission is to challenge ourselves and our brothers to create better men for today and for the future, ultimately to give back to our community and contribute our talents and efforts to others. In Pi Kappa Phi is a first CLASS fraternity who firmly believes in the tenets of Character, Leadership, Academics, Sportsmanship, and Service. These principles are not only valued but instilled through leadingedge educational, service and leadership opportunities provided by our National Association. Forget every negative thing you've ever heard about fraternities because the rules of the game have changed. The men of Pi Kappa Phi will help change the face of Greek life at this University, because "excellence is a choice" and we have made our decision. Chapter Website: Photos of the Chapter:

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