Theta Psi - Fall 2009

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Pi Kapp wRITings Volume 1 Issue 1 Fall Quarter 2009 - 2010 Pi Kappa Phi at Rochester Institute of Technology

Letter from the Archon By Grant Batchelor

Executive Council: Archon: Mr. Grant Batchelor Vice Archon: Mr. Elliott Eskra Treasurer: Mr. Drew Lierheimer Secretary: Mr. Bryan Delaney Warden: Mr. Nate Fox Historian: Mr. Thomas Rogers Chaplin: Mr. Ethan Cudzilo

Inside this Issue: 1. Letter from the Archon 2. Push Marathon 3. New members 3. Looking Forward 4. Push Marathon (Cont) 5. Mud Tug

Proud Pi Kapp Parents, It is my pleasure to announce the fall quarter of 2009 has fully commenced and has seen the majority of our Fraternity’s progression. After a pleasurable summer break, assuming our academic and fraternal responsibilities came naturally. Our now found brotherhood has conquered the majority of our nationally mandated chartering requirements, and is many steps closer to becoming founding fathers of Pi Kappa Phi at RIT. At the annual Greek Leadership Conference held before the quarter began, our Fraternity was recognized by the Greek Council President Stephen DeVay as the chapter with the highest cumulative GPA out of all 29 Greek chapters at RIT, ranking with a 3.19. This fall seventeen associate members were added to our chapter. Eleven of which were pinned after the Greek recruitment week during week 2, and six more by the end of the quarter. We currently stand thirty nine strong, superseding the charting requirement of 35 men. These treasured additions to our brotherhood have provided significant leadership, and a greater

perspective regarding our chapter’s operations. Our bonds of Fraternity have never been more resilient. After a stellar fund raising effort programmed by our Commitment to Service Chairman, John McCall, our National philanthropy, Push America, has received a total amount of over $1,400 from our chapter. This amount supersedes the chartering requirement by over 40% and our fund raising efforts will continue through the remainder of the academic year. Along with our outstanding Push efforts, we have established relations with the Arc of Monroe, and have volunteered numerous community service hours by bowling with people with disabilities on Saturday mornings.

See Letter from the Archon on Page 2

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Letter from the Archon Continued from Page 1

Our constitution and bylaws have been ratified, and now exist as the governing document of our Associate Chapter. Along with all the governing articles, laws, and sections, we have chosen to include a strict code of conduct, Academic Excellence program, and Standards Board program (which serves as the judicial entity within our organization) in our constitution and bylaws. At this rate of progress, and with the concurrence of Pi Kappa Phi National, our chartering is imminent. The chartering banquet has been scheduled for the evening of March 13th, 2010. We hope you find your selves available to attend and support us all in our moment of achievement. More information will be available when the date approaches.

I will remind you that once our chartering has been achieved, our progress and activity as a chapter will not decline. We will continue to distinguish ourselves among not only the other Greek organizations as a true brotherhood but also among the RIT population as a group of leaders, and part of the best students that RIT can offer. Remain proud of and devoted to your son; they will continue to grow as gentlemen with their commitment to Pi Kappa Phi.

Sincerely, Grant D. Batchelor Archon

Push America 55 Hour Marathon By John McCall

On October 13th our chapter held a 55 hour long stationary bike-a-thon. This was held to help benefit Push America, Pi Kappa Phi’s philanthropy. All of the brothers in the chapter had a chance to brave the cold, wind, and occasional rain showers on the stationary bike. Our marathon was an attempt to mimic the Journey of Hope. The Journey of Hope is an annual event that gathers brothers from across the nation to ride from coast to coast to benefit people with disabilities. During this event participants ride 75 miles a day to towns for planned events with people with disabilities. We were looking to represent the huge amount of effort that these individuals put forth. See Push America on Page 4

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New Members Spotlight By TJ Rogers

One of the most important parts of our brotherhood is the life that our newest members bring. Our new members have shown us that our energy and enthusiasm will never lose its intensity. The chapter is greatly strengthened with the addition of these fine men. Congratulations Gentlemen.

Looking Forward By TJ Rogers

As you might know, we are working extremely hard toward receiving our charter to become a fully fledged chapter of the national fraternity. There are certain goals and deadlines that we are looking to achieve. I wanted to take this time to let everyone know that we are looking to take our national test and charter on the weekend of March 13th 2010. This will be a very challenging and very exciting weekend for our chapter. Included in this weekend there is a chartering banquet that will be held on that Saturday the 13th. There will be more information about this date and details about this event in the near future.

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Push Marathon Continued from Page 2

Our marathon raised just over 500 dollars, and a total mileage of 852 miles biked. This money was raised through a couple of different activities. There was a raffle for a hundred dollar Barnes and Noble gift card. There was also a “make a guess” raffle which had prizes for the top three closes mileage guesses. There were also opportunities for people to sponsor brothers that were on the bike and have them wear a costume while they were riding. Any free donations were also greatly accepted. We also received donations from the sororities on campus some including, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Phi Epsilon, and Zeta Tau Alpha to name just a few. This event not only helped us to build great relations with the other Greek organizations but also to meet and build brotherhood with our new members. Now you are probably asking yourself, what in the world exactly is Push America. It is a very unique type of organization, not only does Pi Kappa Phi operate this organization but they also own it. This is very unique because Pi Kappa Phi is the only fraternity to own and operate its own philanthropy. Push America was founded in 1977 by Durward Owens and Thomas Sayre (both members of Pi Kappa Phi). The three central areas of focus are disability awareness, fundraising, and volunteerism. The Journey of Hope is only one of the events that Push America does on an annual basis. It is a cross country bike-a-thon from

the golden gate bridge in San Francisco to the steps of the capital building. There is also an event called “Gear-up Florida” which is also a bicycle marathon from Miami to Tallahassee. There are also weekend programs called Give-apush weekends. These weekends are for active brothers of the fraternity and alumni to come together from all across

America and help construction projects at camps for people with disabilities. Another program that Push America operates is Push Camp. This is a program that active brothers have the is an opportunity to exchange the typical college spring-break experience, with an experience of brotherhood and service.

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Mud Tug 09 By TJ Rogers

On September 26th the brothers of Phi Kappa Psi and the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha held a tournament style tug of war competition, in what else but everyone’s favorite medium, mud. Some of our brothers just could not say no to an event like this, and formed a team to compete in this great tournament. The tournament was held on the RIT campus and was open to Greek organizations, the many different clubs at RIT, and anyone that was brave enough to take on the rope over the ominous pit of mud. This event has been held annually since 1995 on the RIT campus. This year all of the proceeds went to the Fisher house. The Fisher house helps veterans and their families. “Every year this event gets bigger and bigger,” Commented Shelby Hill a second year Zeta sister, “this year we were able to raise just above six thousand dollars for this great cause, and have fun doing it!”

Pi Kapp wRITings

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