Theta Theta - June 2009

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Theta Theta Times

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Theta Theta Chapter Volume 4, Issue 1 June 1, 2009

Inside this issue:

Homecoming 2009 October 9-11, 2009 For the first time in two years, the Iowa Hawkeye football team will face the Michigan Wolverines as part of the regular season football schedule. To make the game more interesting, the University of Iowa has chosen to spotlight this game as the Homecoming football game for 2009, and the two teams will play under the lights at Kinnick Stadium. This nationally broadcasted game will start at 7:05 PM, and all Hawkeye fans are hopeful that this game will not end the same as the Blackout Game in 2005, where Iowa lost in Overtime to Michigan. In conjunction with the weekend, the Theta Theta chapter is planning to hold different events

throughout the weekend, which we encourage all alumni to take part in. As an alumni association, we are planning to meet at Brady Blazek‟s familiar alumni tailgate which is held in the Dental Lot near Carver Hawkeye Arena. Throughout 2008, many alumni visited Brady‟s tailgate, with the majority of them visiting not on Homecoming weekend, but during the Iowa vs. Wisconsin game. We are also going to try and buy a block of tickets at Kinnick Stadium for all alumni who are interested in going to the football game together. If you are interested in purchasing a ticket within this group package, please contact David Hartwig at david- no later than July 15, 2009. Depending on the number of people that are interested in going to the game, ticket prices may be lower than if you were to purchase a single ticket to the game. As a reminder, now is the best time to also book hotel rooms if you plan to stay in Iowa City, and are not planning to stay with an alumnus or undergraduate who already lives in Iowa City. With the flooding in 2008, some hotel spaces have been lost within Iowa City, making rooms an even hotter commodity than usual.

Upcoming Important Events


Alumni Updates


Mark M. McCloy Scholarship Update


Theta Theta Member 6 to Ride Journey of Hope Chapter Snapshot: Update on Theta Theta


Housing Corporation Update


Supreme Chapter Recap


A Letter From the Chapter Advisor—Mr. Stephen Prideaux Courtesy of Steve Prideaux „06 Dear Theta Theta AlumniI hope this letter finds you well. I would like to take this time to introduce you to the current Board of Alumni Advisors (BOAA). These men spend countless hours volunteering their time to better the men of Theta Theta. The following individuals are on the „08-09 academic year BOAA: Jake Adrian- Push America Alumni Advisor Brady Blazek- Alumni Relations Alumni Advisor Michael Hevel- Risk Management and New Member Education Alumni Advisor Mike Lee- Financial Alumni

Advisor I would also like to thank Greg Buehner and Nick Hoeger for offering their services and help with the chapter. It is our hope that together we can assist the men to grow as individuals and leaders, while also continuing to grow Theta Theta. We have made some great progress this year in laying the foundation. However, the fraternity always needs for more volunteers. We are in the process of actively looking to fill the Academic Coach, Faculty Advisor, and Scholarship Advisor positions. Greg Buehner and Dave Hartwig, along with the Office of Student Life, have begun identifying potential candidates. We hope someone will be in each of the identified positions by the end of the school year. Are you interested in donating your time to Theta Theta? Feel free to

contact me (319) 430-5421 or for more information on how you can help. The next Board of Alumni Advisors meeting will focus on setting goals for this semester and the upcoming school year. We will also be expanding upon those goals by developing a longterm plan to present to the chapter and its officers. Some of these goals have already been mentioned, but our main focus is to increase the chapter‟s academic excellence. Also, we will focus on changing the way we secure leases with the undergraduate members to ensure that the chapter house is filled to capacity for years to come. If you know of any goals that you would like to see implemented within the chapter, please feel free to contact me through either means mentioned earlier in

this letter. I encourage all of you to attend the upcoming alumni events, especially the Homecoming football game. You can continue your lifelong membership with Pi Kappa Phi by continuing to maintain contact with your fellow chapter brothers after graduation. In Pi Kappa Phi,

Steve Prideaux Chapter Advisor

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Theta Theta Member to Participate in Build America Joshua Mosqueda

Build America team member, Josh Mosqueda.

Joshua Mosqueda, a recent initiate of the Theta Theta chapter is not your typical member. He joined as a senior, and immediately got involved however he could. In March of 2009, he committed to raising $3,500 on behalf of people with disabilities, and to travel across the country for six weeks this summer. Josh also stepped into a leadership role immediately after being initiated, by choosing to serve the chapter as its Chaplain. While juggling all of these commitments, he has also gone above and beyond his job de-

scription by setting up outings for the chapter with the REACH program at the University of Iowa. REACH is an organization that helps people with disabilities have a chance to go to college, and provide them a community of peers to live amongst. He successfully brought out 20 members of the chapter to participate in a friendship visit with this organization in April of 2009, and has laid the ground work for a successful partnership for years to come. Since Josh joined the team so late, he was immediately behind

on his fundraising. That did not stop him from raising about $2,000 by the end of May. He does need as much help as we can give him to reach his goal of $3,500. If you can spare even $5, it will go a long way to helping ensure that Josh has the opportunity to participate on this team event this summer. To find out more about Josh‟s commitment to Build America, visit: https:// joshuamosqueda.

Theta Theta Fifth Anniversary Celebration April 30-May 1, 2010

While it is more than a year away right now, mark on your calendars that April 30-May 1, 2010 will be the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the founding of the Theta Theta Chapter. Currently, we are planning to hold Rose Ball at a location that will be accessible to all alumni and undergraduate members, so we can all come together and celebrate this landmark anniversary.

This celebration will provide all of the undergraduate members an opportunity to meet the Founding Fathers, and men who have since graduated. It also provides us as alumni an opportunity to reunite with fellow alumni that helped found the Theta Theta chapter. The Alumni Association is working to plan events that are specific to alumni only, as it will provide us an atmosphere to

reflect on everything that it took to start this chapter. We are currently aiming to have every Founding Father attend this celebration, so please help us in that effort. Current ideas of locations to hold Rose Ball in 2010 include: Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, and Chicago. If you have any suggestions, please contact the Chapter Historian, Bill Lindholm at

2009 Executive Board Update In November of 2008, the Theta Theta Chapter elected it‟s new board of executive officers to lead the chapter throughout 2009. Greg Horsley will serve as the Chapter Archon. Greg is a member of Army ROTC at Iowa, and is a Sophomore. Ryan Novak will serve as the Vice Archon. Ryan enters this position after serving as the Interfraternity Council‟s Vice President for Finance and Operations in 2008. He was respon-

sible for balancing the budget after taking on a $5,000 deficit. Noah McNaughton will serve as the Treasurer. Noah is a Sophomore studying Business. Blade Mapes will serve as the Secretary. Blade is a Sophomore, and served as the Historian for the past semester. Ethan Collins, will serve as the Warden. Ethan is a freshmen who is studying business, with an undecided emphasis.

Bill Lindholm will serve as the Historian. Bill is a Junior studying Engineering. Joshua Mosqueda will serve as the Chaplain. Josh is a senior who is studying Finance. Aaron Jacobson-Swanson will serve as the Push America Executive Chairman. Aaron is a sophomore studying Economics. Outgoing Archon, Phil Barrett, was elected to serve as the Interfraternity Council‟s Vice President for Programming.

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Chris Wallner— 2007

Chris Wallner (‟07) practicing for his fallback career as an X-Games skier, just in case he loses millions of dollars for the clients he oversees at Janus. Obviously it looks as if he will be taking home the gold in 2010.

Brother Wallner is now living in sunny Denver, Colorado with his girlfriend, Colleen. Following graduation, Chris spent a brief amount of time working for JPMorgan Chase Co. in Chicago, IL, and then decided to move to Denver. He was fortunate enough to secure a job working for Janus Mutual Fund as a Fund Accountant in 2008, just prior to the recent downturn in the economy. Since his move to Denver, Chris has spent time with fellow members of Theta

Theta at Supreme Chapter, and other visits by his fellow chapter brothers. He enjoys frequenting the Sports Column to watch Iowa sporting events with the University of Iowa‟s Denver Alumni Association group. Chris also enjoys spending time in the mountains just west of Denver hiking, and skiing. Chris currently serves as the Chapter Investment Fund Chairmain, which supports the Mark M. McCloy Memorial Scholarship given out annually to incoming male freshmen.

Steve Prideaux— 2006 Brother Prideaux recently finished his Masters Degree in Urban and Regional Planning, and is living with his fiancé, Leslie, in Iowa City. Steve finally popped the question in November 2008 after what seems like a decade of dating Leslie, and is planning to be married in October of 2009. He has served as the Chapter Advisor since 2005, and has helped establish a working Board of Alumni Advisors. Steve cur-

rently is working as the Acting City Planner for the City of Clinton through his job at Howard Green and Company. Shockingly, he is one of the few people in the city who has a college degree, but continues his streak of being a “gangster” in his daily work with the city. He also has helped to plan an urban renewal project in the city he will one day be mayor of, Waterloo, IA.

Steve Prideaux (‟06) goes deep sea fishing near Charleston, SC with fellow chapter brothers in October 2008.

Kyle Mullen— 2006

Kyle Mullen (‟06) and fellow alumnus, Brady Blazek („06), enjoy the Iowa vs. Northwestern Homecoming game at Brady‟s tailgate.

Brother Mullen currently resides in Iowa City, with his fiancé, Angie Mason. Angie and Kyle are planning to be married in October of 2009 as well. Kyle graduated with degrees in Urban and Regional Planning, and Developmental Reading in May of 2006. While it was in doubt for some time for all of us, Kyle did actually complete college after being enrolled for almost as long as Van Wilder. Following

graduation he has continued to keep up with fellow alumni on a regular basis. He is often seen at the Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Tailgate which is hosted at all home games by Brother Brady Blazek.

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Mike Karson— 2004 Brother Karson is currently finishing his millionth degree at John Marshall University Law School. Following his graduation, Mike went on to earn a Master‟s Degree in Electrical Engineering at Iowa, and then began Law School in 2006. He currently resides in the Chicago area, and will graduate from John Marshall in May 2009. Mike regularly sees Brother Jack O‟Connor, who is a fellow law student at John Marshall, and has acted as a mentor for Jack. Following graduation, Mike plans to practice law following graduation with an undisclosed firm.

Mike served the Theta Theta Chapter as the Chapter Advisor from 2004 to 2006, and helped guide the chapter through the various growing pains associated with founding. He was also a Mock Trial coach at the University of Iowa. Mike currently spends some of his extremely finite free time helping coach the University of Chicago‟s Mock Trial team with a fellow coach from the University of Iowa program. He hasn‟t lost his quick wit, and great sense of humor though. Next time you see him, tell him that he owes you $6, and see what happens.

Mike Karson („04), and his girlfriend, Mimi, in 2006. Unfortunately, Mike seems to have fallen off the earth as this is the only “good” photo of him we could find on Facebook, and it‟s from 2006. Don‟t worry, he still sports his beard regularly, it only takes about two to three hours to show up after he shaves it.

Cody Gremore— 2008

Cody Gremore („08), and his family at graduation in December 2008. Cody‟s father, Jay, is also an alumni initiate of Theta Theta.

Brother Gremore recently graduated from the University of Iowa‟s College of Nursing with degrees in Nursing and Anesthesia. He will be leaving in February of 2009 to head to Annapolis, Maryland to work for the United States Navy. Cody contributed to the Theta Theta chapter up until the end of his time at the University of Iowa serving as the Historian, and several chair positions within the chapter. He is interested in continuing his in-

volvement with the alumni of the chapter through planning of several alumni events. Cody will be responsible for planning a reunion in Chicago for all Theta Theta alumni, in an effort to reunite as many of us as possible to catch up. He also will be helping in planning the fifth anniversary of the chapter‟s founding for April 29, 2010.

Greg Buehner— 2008 Brother Buehner graduated in May 2008 with degrees in Finance and English. He took a job with Pi Kappa Phi Properties as the Director of Housing and Acquisitions. The position was created specifically for Greg, and he has hit the ground running. Since starting in June of 2008, Greg has visited several chapters in an effort to help secure sustainable housing for them, or working on existing lease agree-

ments to help benefit those chapters. Greg is also helping to restore the Theta Theta Housing Corporation by recruiting chapter alumni. Greg is also working with Acacia Fraternity‟s Iowa Chapter to extend the Theta Theta Chapter‟s lease beyond 2010, and to ensure that the chapter has a favorable contract with Acacia. He resides in Charlotte, NC.

Greg Buehner („08), working with other members of Pi Kappa Phi at Supreme Chapter in Denver, CO. He especially enjoys the office policy of having to wear shirt and tie on a daily basis.

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Help Support the Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund Courtesy of Chris Wallner „07 One year ago, the Theta Theta chapter started a Chapter Investment Fund through the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation to support the educational advancement of our chapter at The University of Iowa. The immediate purpose of this Chapter Investment Fund is to aid the chapter in providing scholarships to incoming freshmen in memory of the late Mark McCloy. Last year, the chapter awarded two scholarships in the amounts $750 and $250 to the top two applicants respectively. Last year, approximately 15 individuals applied. This year, the chapter interviewed 91 incoming freshman applicants for the $750 and $250 scholarship awards. A few alumni have talked to us in the past year about their interest in helping the chapter financially. Their concern is that the money goes to something worthwhile. The Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund is a restricted endowment for our chapter to provide for the chapter‟s individual educational success. Things that the CIF can provide for are regional and national conference fees, scholarships, and educational events that the chapter takes part in. We ask for your help in an important cause – to grow our Chapter Investment Fund by making a tax deductable gift. We look to continue to grow Pi Kappa Phi at Iowa and your support as an alumnus can help make that possible. We have raised nearly $5,000 for the fund in one year with the support of Mark McCloy‟s family and friends toward the effort of providing another scholarship. Once the fund reaches $10,000, we can provide $500 toward a

new scholarship each year from interest. We are challenging Theta Theta Alumni to raise $1,000 for the fund this year. This would bring the average gift to around $50. Donations at any level, large or small, will make a big difference. This is a challenge we feel that we can attain. Anyone contributing $100 or more will be honored on a plaque with ΘΘ initiation number displayed in the Theta Theta Chapter house. All contributions to the Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund will be held by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation – a South Carolina registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. These gifts will be held in the Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund – a separate, restricted account set up for the direct benefit of the Theta Theta Chapter at The University of Iowa. The Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund is an endowment account. Funds must accrue to $10,000 prior to any withdraws are made from the fund. Gifts to the Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund may be sent at anytime to the following address: Pi Kappa Phi Foundation PO Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 Please make checks payable to: Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Memo: Theta Theta CIF The Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund receives in-house asset management by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. All rules and policies of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, as well as those of the Internal Revenue Service, as they currently apply, or may be enacted in the future, govern the

2008 Scholarship Recipients

Xavier L. Woodson is the Mark M. McCloy Memorial Scholarship Winner for 2008. Xavier will be awarded a $750 scholarship for academic pursuits. Xavier is a freshman, Biological Sciences Major from Clinton, Iowa. While attending Clinton High School, Xavier was active in Student Government, Drama, Voices of Diversity, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Track and Field, and Cross Country. Xavier was recognized as a State of Iowa Scholar, with the President‟s Award for Academic Excellence. He was also Clinton High School‟s Prom King. Xavier‟s future plans include achieving a degree in the biological sciences and then to continue on to dental school. Xavier is the son of Cedric and Rita Woodson. He is a member of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. use of the Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund. Thank you for your time and consideration. Know that as an alumni member, you have played an important role in keeping the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi alive at Iowa. Now we must continue to support that effort for undergraduates to come.

Eric B. Steinfeld is the Mark M. McCloy Memorial Scholarship Runner-Up for 2008. Eric will be awarded a $250 scholarship for academic pursuits. Eric is a freshman, Marketing Major from Fairfax, Virginia. While attending Fairfax High School, Eric excelled as a member of the DECA Honor Society and Key Club. Eric‟s future plans include earning a degree in Marketing and Entrepreneurship certificate while at Iowa. Eric plans to eventually own a sports and entertainment agency. Eric is the son of Joseph and Elise Steinfeld. He is a member of Sigma Chi Fraternity.

Chapter Eternal The Theta Theta Chapter is saddened by the loss of fellow Alumni Initiate Terrence Duffy (#64) September 21, 2008

Don’t see a story about you? That probably means that we haven‟t heard from you in some time, be sure to update your contact information through the use of the Theta Theta chapter‟s new website at It‟s easy! 1)

Go to the web address


Click on “Alumni” on the left-hand navigation


Underneath the “Alumni” link you clicked on, look for “Update Your Contact Info”


Fill out the form, and click submit, we‟ll get it updated, and get in touch with you about what you are up to these days.

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Theta Theta Member to Ride Journey of Hope in 2009 Ryan Novak

Courtesy of Ryan Novak Undergraduate Member Ryan is a sophomore at the University of Iowa studying Finance and Economics. Just three days after his initiation into Pi Kappa Phi, Ryan was elected to serve as the Interfraternity Council‟s Vice President for Finance and Operations. Not only did he serve the Greek Community as a whole while he was a freshmen, he also attended the St. Louis Mid-Year Leadership Conference in 2008. During his time working with the IFC, he brought the organization from a $5,000 deficit into the black through careful use of the money that chapter‟s paid in. He utilized funding from UISG, as well as Coca-Cola to subsidize

events, and negotiated reduced rates from educational speakers. Following his term on the Interfraternity Council, Ryan was elected to the Theta Theta Executive Council and currently is serving as the Vice Archon. This summer Ryan will join the ranks of Pi Alpha‟s from Theta Theta by participating in one of the many great events that Push America has to offer, The Journey of Hope. Cycling over 4,000 miles on behalf of people with disabilities is a very challenging, yet rewarding opportunity and he feels very blessed to be able to represent the Theta Theta chapter. The support that he has received thus far in fundraising and training from our alumni is incredible, and he would like to thank you all. To date, he has

raised about $4,800 on behalf of Push America and would really appreciate any support that alumni may be able to give to help him reach his goal of raising over $8,000 for our Push America Please consider donating to Ryan‟s cause, and talking to family and friends about any donations they may be able to make. You can check out his fundraising site at ryannovak or contact him at (641) 330-7581 or at Ryan must raise at least $5,000 to ride this summer, so let‟s help him however we can.

Ryan Novak, 2009 Journey of Hope Team

Chapter Snapshot: an Update from Within Theta Theta Courtesy of Greg Horsley Theta Theta Chapter Archon Hello everyone. I just wanted to give everyone an update from the chapter. First off, for those of you who do not know, good things are coming from our chapter. This summer we have two member s participating in summer events, Ryan Novak for JOH and Josh Mosqueda for BAM. Also this past semester we had two members do PUSH Camp and a handful to GAP weekend in Des Moines. We have also begun to reconnect with MYEP and we have also made strides to meet with other organizations. I think this big push towards getting more involved in the community service aspect of our fraternity shows a lot about the quality of guys we have in place. We will be hosting both JOH and BAM when they come through Iowa City and more details will be available once all of the details are

worked out. As for other aspects of the chapter, next year we will be having an in house director who will be living in the chapter house. The University has also made it mandatory for all chapter structures to house an in house director, but we had made this decision before this news was passed along. For those who do not already know, this director will be Jared Hansen and the chapter feels confident that this will be of great benefit to the chapter. Last but not least, this past year we initiated 11 members in the fall and 2 in the spring. Although our spring recruitment was not as well as we had hoped for, we feel confident that we will be able to more than make up for it with a very strong summer recruitment and fall class. This fall we shall be initiating our 100th member which shows how much

our chapter is growing. We look forward to more success and better things. Sincerely, Greg Horsley Archon Theta Theta

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Theta Theta Housing Corporation Update Courtesy of Greg Buehner „08 The Theta Theta of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Housing Corporation, Inc. is pleased to announce the reorganization as a housing corporation to serve in the capacity to assist the Theta Theta in current and future housing plans. The housing corporation had become defunct but is now fully operational and registered with the state of Iowa and the IRS, operating a nearly full house and putting away money for the future. Behind the leadership of Greg Buehner (‟08) – Corp. Agent, Nick Hoeger (‟08) – VicePresident for Structure, Chris Wallner (‟07), Vice-President for Chapter Investment Fund, Jack O‟Connor (‟07) – Secretary, Mike Lee (‟08) – Treasurer, and

At-Large members Rex Brandstatter and Dave Castelluccio (Delta Delta-Truman State), the TTHC is getting ready to sign a three-plus year extension on the ACACIA house at 202 Ellis Avenue. The chapter has lived at 202 Ellis Avenue since the fall of 2005 when 22 men started our commitment to finding a home for Pi Kappa Phi on The University of Iowa‟s campus. The corporation Vice-President for the Chapter Investment Fund, Chris Wallner has been working to raise funds for the Theta Theta Chapter Investment fund, which funds the Mark M. McCloy Memorial Scholarship. Currently, the Theta Theta Chapter funds the scholarship but the Housing Corporation is working to fully endow this scholarship in the next few

years! See Chapter Investment Fund Article in this edition. The Theta Theta House Corporation is working to strategically plan for the Theta Theta Chapter‟s future housing plans and we want you to be a part of that.

The next in person meeting will be at the fall 2009 homecoming weekend on The University of Iowa campus. For more information regarding the Theta Theta Housing Corporation, please contact Greg Buehner at

Brothers Reunite at Supreme Chapter in Denver, CO Courtesy of Nick Hoeger: „08 July 25-29, 2008 marked the 5st Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. As hundreds of Pi Kapp undergrads and alumni came together for four days to renew the bonds of brotherhood and participate in the amendments of national laws and the election of national officers, so did the 4 undergrads and 5 alumni of the Theta Theta chapter in attendance. The first and most obvious element of Supreme Chapter is evident upon arrival: brothers coming together from all across the country. Like going to an away Hawkeye football game, seeing the letters ΠΚΦ in the downtown Denver area was reminiscent of tailgaters decked in black and gold everywhere you look, albeit with much less stumbling and slurred speech. The road to supreme for me and two of the undergraduates was a lengthy one; between 11 and 12

hours from Iowa City to Denver. We all know the bonding benefits of a good road trip, and frankly, when driving through western Iowa and Nebraska there aren‟t any other options. Blade Mapes, Ryan Novak (our 2 chapter delegates), and I drove to Denver and met up with Jared Norman and Christopher Walrus, whose forehead-unicorntusk was glistening. These distinguished alumni make up the entire Denver population of Theta Theta Pi Kapps, and were gracious hosts for me, and Jack O‟Connor, who arrived by plane, or should I say, plain. Greg Buehner, in a very becoming manner, also arrived by plane. The events included with the programming of Supreme Chapter offered plenty of fun opportunities for alumni to enjoy themselves. Having the freedom and option to choose which formal (legislative, committee meetings, banquets, award ceremonies) events to attend, our days were planned to optimize

the best experience of both Supreme Chapter and the city of Denver. Thanks to the Wallrus and his aquatic instincts, all the Theta Theta alumni (Me, Chris, Jared, Jack, but not Greg) had the chance to go white water rafting at a nearby source of water, 2 hours away. Before this, we checked out the Red Rocks outdoor amphitheatre, and attempted to visit the Coors Brewery in Golden, CO. However, we had to settle for root beer and strange mountainfolk at some gold miner festival because we ran out of time. Our rafting guide was cool until he caused me to be thrown from our raft into 40 degree rapids, in which I almost died – one of the coolest experiences of my life. Like I said, one of the benefits of going to Supreme as alumni means you can pick and choose which events to attend. This includes morning programming, which can sometimes interfere with recovery from the night before. But even with that being

said, we still didn‟t have to skip out on much in order to have a good time. In all seriousness, the three most memorable events for me at the 51st Supreme Chapter weekend were the recognition of Bruce Rogers – who inspired the inception of the Journey of Hope – as 2008 Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, the alumni initiation of Richard Colyer, and the final “arrival event” of the 2008 Build America Team. 2008‟s Build America Team included two undergrad members of the Theta Theta chapter, Dave Hartwig and Jeff Adams. In a final message to all alumni initiates of the Theta Theta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, I say to you this: If you ever have the opportunity to attend a Supreme Chapter weekend, it will be one of the most memorable experiences you will have as a Pi Kappa Phi. In itself, it is the epitome of an alumni event as a national chapter and as in my case in July 2008, can be the ultimate alumni event for Theta Theta members.

[PLACE ADDRESS LABEL HERE] Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity PO Box 240256 Charlotte, NC 28224 Theta Theta Times

Important Dates to Remember: Journey of Hope Iowa City Arrival: Build America Iowa City Stop:

July 21, 2009 July 24-25, 2009 October 16, 2009

Prideaux/Jensen Wedding:

October 10, 2009

Homecoming Football Game (Iowa vs. Michigan): Mullen/Mason Wedding:

October 23, 2009 December 10, 2009

Founder’s Day: Theta Theta Chapter’s 5th Anniversary:

April 29, 2010 August 5-8, 2010

52nd Supreme Chapter (Orlando, FL):

April 30-May 1, 2010

Theta Theta Chapter’s 5th Anniversary Celebration:

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