Theta Theta - Spring 2010

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PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY Brad Weiss, Historian Steve Prideaux, Ch. Advisor April 25, 2010

Special points of interest:

Theta Theta Times

 Seniors Future Plans  Meet the Associate

Members  Upcoming Events

Rich Guidolin, Archon and JOH Participant “I wanted to become Archon of the chapter because I wanted to

been so far as Archon, he said, “Changing the focus of the chap-

July 21st, Chicago on July 29th and 30th , and Washington on

bring us back to what we were when I joined. I wanted to bring

ter. With my help, I believe we are beginning to focus more on

August 16th. He said training has been hard with the random

back the ideals that the chapter held when I joined.” These are

non-alcoholic events, grades, and brotherhood, the three things a

Midwest weather, but has taken spin classes and tries to ride out-

the words of current Archon, Rich Guidolin. Rich took over as

fraternity are truly about.

side when he can. Rich said, “I can’t wait to get started. The

Archon of the chapter in December at a time where we were struggling; our grades were poor, we were not recruiting well, and the

Inside this issue:

house was not even close to being full. Five months later, he and the rest

Graduating Seniors


4 Chapter Advisor Steve Prideaux’s Update Meet the Spring Class New Members


Awards and Events


of the brothers in the chapter believe that we are back on the right track. When I asked what his biggest accomplishment has

In addition to righting the ship as Archon, Rich has decided to participate in Journey of Hope this summer. Rich has been interested in JOH since he rushed

excitement for JOH as well as graduation is a deadly combination. Keeping focused on school is really hard right now.”

and talked to Greg Buehner about how life changing it was. Rich was selected for the North Route of the journey. He begins in San Francisco on June 16th. JOH will arrive in Iowa City on

PUSH America Upcoming Events One of the improvements we have tried to make as a chapter is

ning to ride a stationary bike in the Pentacrest from 10 a.m.

our concentration on raising money for PUSH. Two events

Thursday morning until 3 a.m. Friday morning. Brothers are

that we have been working on throughout the semester that are

riding the bikes in one hour shifts and we will have at least two

going on this weekend are, a bikea-thon in the Pentacrest, and our

other brothers with them at all times to collect money for PUSH.

annual philanthropy event, Pi Kappture the Flag.

Our PUSH Officer, Mike Barranco, hopes to raise about $200

For the bike-a-thon, we are plan-

from the bike-a-thon. He also hopes to make the bike-a-thon a

semiannual event This Sunday, May 2nd is Pi Kappture the Flag. We have not yet collected the sign up sheets but expect at least one team from each sorority chapter on campus, and we have word that some sororities are entering up to six teams. We hope to raise $1000 from this event.

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Graduating Seniors Phil Barrett Major: Political Science/Pre-Law Future Plans: Taking a year off to work and then attend law school Best Pi Kapp Memory: Homecoming week 2007 when we won Shout and the Float and Homecoming overall. Best thing about being in Pi Kapp: Being able to make fun of Henry Weigle

Constantine Anton Major: History, French Minor Future Plans: Unsure, leads in Conservation and the Coast Guard Best Pi Kapp Memory: Being Initiated and Spring Break 2008

Henry Weigle Major: Integrative Physiology Future Plans: Attend Medical School Best Pi Kapp Memories: Meeting Other Pi Kapps at PUSH Events and Visits to Other Chapters

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More Seniors

Rich Guidolin Major: Accounting Future Plans: Graduate School, hopefully at Iowa but unsure as of right now Best Pi Kapp Memories: Being initiated and going out of town with brothers to events like formal and spring breaks.

Andrew Cole Major: Therapeutic Recreation and Theatre/Performing Arts Future Plans: Internship at Four Oaks in Cedar Rapids over the summer with hopes to turn into full time job. Also, wants to audition for small traveling Broadway Company in the fall. Best Pi Kapp Memory: One of the first events at David’s Place where Henry got sick and Dave broke a stall.

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Chapter Advisor, Steve Prideaux’s Update Fellow brothers-

As I finish my fourth year serving as Chapter Advisor, I find myself very excited for the future of Pi Kappa Phi. The 2009-2010 has been a remarkable year for the Theta Theta Chapter and I consider myself lucky to be associated with this great group of young men. I feel we have made some positive strides recently with the combined help and support of hard-working undergraduate members, a dedicated national fraternity staff, devoted local alumni, and committed volunteers.

Some of the highlights include:  The chapter had our first live-in house director (Mr. Jared Hansen) in our structure since we began our lease with ACACIA fraternity in the 2005-2006 school year. The University of Iowa has mandated that all fraternities have a house director starting in 2010-2011. The House Corp. is currently interviewing candidates to fill the position.  The Theta Theta Chapter Investment Fund (CIF) reached $10,000 which allows the funding responsibility of the Mark M. McCloy Scholarship to transfer from undergraduate chapter dues to the fund itself. The national fraternity staff noted this achievement as being especially quick.  The chapter has another individual participating in a national summer event. The current Archon, Rich Guidolin, will continue the strong Theta Theta Push America tradition by riding his bike across the country for JOH.

 The chapter won two awards at TAGARISTA including excellence in external relations and excellence in leadership and educational development.  The chapter had the fourth-largest recruiting class amongst fraternities in the spring semester. Theta Theta welcomed four new members.  The chapter will continue to host a JOH event this summer.  The chapter will have the most live -ins for the upcoming school year since 2007-2008

As is evident from the referenced items above, the chapter is moving in the right direction. The men have set lofty goals for the upcoming school year and I have no doubt in my mind that they will achieve them. Top priorities for the men include improving their grades, increasing membership, and becoming more involved with Push America again. We currently have an exceptionally strong Executive Council, which several members of our national fraternity staff have reiterated, leading this drive. These goals have become a year-round process which will start this summer.

In conclusion I want to thank you all for being brothers. The three years as an undergraduate member of this fraternity were some of the best years of my life. However, the four years of volunteering my time have been even better. I can now truly appreciate full circle what it means to be a Pi Kapp. I have seen and witnessed firsthand the lifelong brotherhood you receive starting the day that you sign your name on the bid card. I would like to thank all

of the dedicated alumni and volunteers who devote countless hours each school year to helping the brothers of Theta Theta become better men. Without your help and support we would not be where we are today. Specifically I want to recognize the following individuals for serving on our Board of Alumni Advisors (BOAA) and the Housing Corporation: 

Mr. Jake Adrian (Push America Advisor)

Mr. Greg Buehner (Housing Corp.)

Mr. David Hartwig (Alumni Relations Advisor)

Mr. Michael Hevel (Risk Management and New Member Education Advisor)

Mr. Nicholas Hoeger (Housing Corp.)

Mr. Michael Lee (Financial Advisor and Housing Corp.)

I look forward to seeing you all at upcoming alumni events. Feel free to contact me at 319-430-5421 if you want to become more involved or if you have any questions.

Always proud to be a Pi Kapp,

Steve Prideaux Pi Kappa Phi- Theta Theta Chapter Chapter Advisor

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Meet Our Spring Class Associate Members Nick Borto Major:



Hometown: Wheaton, Illinois Nick joined Pi Kappa Phi because he wanted something different in his life and he thought fraternity life would be a great way to get that variety.

Stephen Krause Major:

Integrative Physiology

Hometown: Orland Park, Illinois Steve joined Pi Kappa Phi because he gets along well with the guys and he says it’s nice to always have someone looking out for you.

Will Morgan Major:


Hometown: Hinsdale, Illinois Will joined Pi Kappa Phi because of the great group of guys we have and he can see himself getting along with us well.

Billy Baker Major:


Hometown: Aurora, Illinois Billy joined Pi Kappa Phi because we were the only fraternity that actually took the time to get to know him. He had already been introduced to everyone in the chapter before he even considered joining.

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Upcoming National Events

Awards Won This Year

Pi Kapp College—June 15-20, Charleston, SC

Won Homecoming with Delta Gamma

Supreme Chapter—August 5-9, Orlando, FL

External Relations (Greek Week)

Educational and Leadership Development (Greek Week)

Members interested in attending Supreme Chapter: Dean Schwartz and Mike Barranco

House Improvements Acacia has offered to spend up to $20,000 to make some improvements to our fraternity house. The following is a list of possible improvements we are considering. 1.

New couches for the chapter room


New TV for the chapter room


Remodeled bathroom


Deck on the east side of the house


Wireless internet for the whole house


Improved lighting throughout the house


Expand the basement


Remodel the kitchen, fix the freezer, and add an ice machine.

Reminder of 5th Anniversary Weekend The 5th Anniversary of the Theta Theta Chapter is this upcoming weekend, April 30th to May 2nd. Here is a reminder of the itinerary for the weekend. 

April 30th, 8-11 p.m.— Alumni and Chapter Reception Upstairs at the Union Bar

May 1st, 4:30 p.m.— Rededication Ceremony at Danforth Chapel

May 1st, 6 p.m.— Cocktail Reception and Dinner at Vesta Restaurant

Other events over the weekend: 

Alumni vs. Active Members Football Game— Saturday Afternoon

Pi Kappture the Flag— Sunday Afternoon

Historian Profile and Contact Information My name is Brad Weiss, I am a sophomore Finance ma-

to getting to know those that can make it to Iowa City for

jor from Bettendorf, IA and I am the current Historian of this special weekend. If you ever have any questions for the Theta Theta Chapter and had the distinct privilege of me or about the chapter in general, do not hesitate to putting this letter together for all of you. Although I have email me at and once again I not met many of you before, I am really looking forward

look forward to meeting you all this weekend.

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