Theta Xi - Fall 2009

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Theta Xi Herald

Arizona State University Volume 3, Issue 1 December 2009

Alumni Spotlight: A Q&A with Nick Brady and Tyler Quinn, Leadership Consultants Inside this issue: What led you to the LC position? N: I can honestly say it was a combination of advice from specific individuals and my experience serving as Warden. I draw on my experience at ASU daily. T: In order: 1) A random e-mail from Brandon Belote asking me to "accept the challenge." What Quinn would not accept the challenge? 2) I found out Brady was applying. 3) A desire to help preserve the fraternity experience for undergraduates on a larger scale. 4) Speaking with past consultants like Joe Costello. 5) A need to fill a year of my life with something meaningful before dental school. 6) Commitment. 7) A long drive with Brother Bill Harden! What is a new fact you learned about Pi Kappa Phi since becoming a LC? N: I learned that Randolph Hall in Charleston is the same building from the movie The Patriot, specifically the scene where Heath Ledger enlists. T: The Alpha Xi chapter was assimilated from a local fraternity. That group of men was the only group to be initiated as a group.

Theta Xi Alum and LC’s Nick Brady (L) and Tyler Quinn (R) get in a quick hike up Camelback Mountain in October before it’s back on the road. What is something you wish you could tell a PNM about Pi Kapp during Rush Week in the spring? N: When considering joining a fraternity there is bound to be some hesitation. It is easy to live in your comfort zone, but think of everything you have to gain. T: The same thing I told most of you. Pi Kappa Phi is a wellbalanced organization with an emphasis on leadership, service, and social; a balance that will change your life. What will you remember most about being a PKP LC? N: The people, without a doubt.

You meet people from all walks of life in this job. On any given day you meet a new person upwards of every 2-3 hours. You learn so much just by listening. T: The things I call "job duties I perform that are not in my job description like relationship counseling, a car jacking, alumni trashing houses, and when students call “just to talk.” Most of all, I will remember the relationships that were formed with students, alumni, volunteers, and fellow staff members.

Alumni Spotlight: Nick Brady and Tyler Quinn


Corwin serves on the National Council


Letter from the Archon and the new Execs


Family Weekend and War of the Roses


Pi Kappa Phi around Arizona State


Accessibility Project and 5 Miss Push America Remember when…


- See ―LC‖ page 2

Corwin named to Fraternity’s National Council

Thanks for the Memories

By: Brent Alex In September, Theta Xi Archon Robert Corwin was named Chair of the Council of Archons and the Student Representative on the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi. Corwin received an unexpected call one afternoon and on the line was National CEO Mark Timmes (AE-Florida). Timmes called to tell Corwin he was chosen for nominee for the

Fall 09 grads pose at White Diamond Ball. From left to right, Greg Lindsey, Corey Hinkel, Robert Corwin, and Parker Young

position, and pending his acceptance, he name would be taken to the National Council for approval. Surprised by the call, Corwin accepted the position. Timmes warned that the position would be a tough and challenging experience, and he’d need to be ready to stand up and speak his mind. “The position is to be the

rep for all PKP undergrads in the entire country,” said Corwin. “It’s amazing to think that.” Two months into the journey, Corwin attended his first National Council meeting in Charlotte. He sat in on several closed-door meetings for just the nine National Council members in which top level business of the fraternity was discussed.

Theta Xi Herald

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Letter from the 2009 Archon: These last four years have been the best of my life and I have you all to thank for that. Pi Kappa Phi has given so much to me and I have been honored to serve you. As the Archon of the Theta Xi chapter of Pi Kappa Phi there are certain pressures that come with the position. To lead a chapter that truly strives to be the ideal chapter is not easy, but it is extremely rewarding. I have shared a great deal of memories with the men of this fraternity and I will cherish those memories forever. I have enjoyed getting to know these men and having the privilege to call them Brothers. Now I leave this chapter as an undergraduate and transition into my continued role as an alumnus, and I challenge the men of this chapter to continue to be lights on this campus and community. Strive to be the best and redefine fraternity. Strive to make the founders of our Brotherhood proud. It will not be easy to do the hard thing- the right thing, but I promise, it will be worth it. I would like to also thank God, my family and Kristi for giving me the strength to always do the right thing and to stand by my beliefs. May God continue to bless Pi Kappa Phi. By the Star and Lamp, Robert Corwin Archon Theta Xi – 4

2010 Executive Council



Joey Denoncourt (315) 323-0459

Brice Kohara (808) 937-5456


Vice Archon—Internal

Matt Glynn (480) 495-4104

Brian Smith (909) 649-5146


Vice Archon—External

David Jude (512) 587-5259

Alex Kirk (480) 452-5919


Treasurer Sam Michalove (262) 903-9225

Kyle Buscho (602) 373-4980 Push America Ben Smith (602) 214-1745

Welcome to the Epsilon Class: -Drew Richardson -Alex Kirk -Ben Smith

-Spencer Heintz

-Will Aja

-Andrew McNichol

-Kent Rinker

-Mark Ashjian

-Kevin Quinn

-Matt Abbott

-Wayne Unger

-Rich Bruckner

-Bret Laskey

-Will Schutz

-Cylee Gutting

-Will Greene

-Justin Salerno

-Mario de Leon

-DJ Bruner

-Alex Houston

-George Garcia

LC, Cont. What is the best way to become a LC? N: If you want to become a LC, the best advice I could give you is to speak with people involved in Greek Life. You can always give me a shout and you know I will give you my honest advice. T: 1) Speak with your LC, Justin, and express interest. He will outline the process. 2) Speak with those who have been LCs and ask them pointed questions about the job; ask for straight and honest answers. 3) Make the decision on your own. What is one chapter you want to work with but haven’t gotten the chance to? N: THETA XI! That should be obvious! T: Alpha Chi - Miami

Get to know the Grand Canyon Region! -Theta Xi (ASU), Beta Theta (UofA), Eta Omega (New Mexico State), Theta Upsilon (NAU) , and the Associate Chapter at Embory Riddle

What have you learned about yourself that you didn’t know before becoming a LC? N: I did not know how much I enjoy traveling. There are so many people to meet, places to see, foods to eat, it is ridiculous. The only drawback to traveling, is the lack of exercise time. T: I always thought I wanted to move out of Arizona, but the more I am away I realize how great living in Arizona is. How can a LC best influence a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi? N: Being an LC is not about influencing a chapter, but rather influencing the individuals who lead the chapter. We can motivate, consult, and set goals all day, but at the end of the day, the LC leaves. The day to day decisions are up to the chapter and the men who lead it. T: 1) Build relationships with the students like you would with friends. 2) Suggest ideas and

never dictate. 3) Just let the chapter talk and the consultant should simply listen and provide appropriate feedback. What’s next for you? N: I will be heading home to San Francisco. I am going on five years away from home and it is time to go back. I will miss Arizona, but I know plenty of my brothers from Theta Xi will visit the bay soon enough! I am so proud of our chapter. In 2006 I could not have imagined that Theta Xi would become what it is. With that, do not become complacent. Continue to recruit men that are better than you and treat others with respect. Do not wait for somebody else to lead the way, pick up a project and make it happen T: I am currently in the application process for dental school. If that does not work out, we will see what life brings.

Volume 3, Issue 1

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Chapter celebrates largest Family Weekend ever By: Joey Denoncourt In October, Pi Kapp hosted two huge events to honor our families during ASU’s Family Weekend. For the Friday night event, we hosted a BBQ dinner at Brother Kenny Mendezona’s uncle’s home in Scottsdale. His uncle, Bobby Barnes, was gracious enough to offer up his gorgeous home, food, and drink all at no cost to our chapter saving Pi Kapp thousands of dollars. Over 80 people attended and socialized with fellow brothers and families. A short speaking program included Archon Robert Corwin, Historian Brent Alex, Chapter Advisor Kim Novak, and Push America summer team members George Stahle, Trevor Mernitz, and Cole

Atwell. After the speakers, Brothers gave gifts of roses to the moms and cigars to the dads as a special thanks for coming. The following day, Pi Kapp hosted our annual pregame football tailgate with the ladies of Alpha Phi and their families. Over 175 people attended the tailgate which was held directly outside Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe. Even though it was 90+ degrees out, everyone enjoyed Finishing the Family Weekend Tailgate set-up at Lot 59 North the catering from Macayo’s Mexican Restaurant and tailgate games in the lot before the Sun Devils’ game against University of Washington. Both days were a huge success thanks to all the brothers who worked hard to make families feel welcomed to ASU.

“I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich.”

War of the Roses 2009: a collage of memories

- Unknown

Theta Xi Herald

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Sorority Relations: One Brother’s road to becoming a sweetheart

Parker and several ladies of Alpha Phi at their Red Dress Gala By: Parker Young My relationship with Alpha Phi started with Gillian Coffinger, before she was voted as our rose. Gillian and I met through the Alpha Phi philanthropy, and we became very good friends. She introduced me to her sisters at any chance she had. Over the spring semester, I continued to meet more Alpha Phi’s and talk with them about their sorority and the fact that they didn't have a sweetheart. I went on vacation

Corwin, Cont. “Intense is an understatement,” said Corwin. “I was privileged enough to speak for every undergrad on topics that many are even aware of.” Corwin also worked on the budget for the national fraternity, including national membership fees, and a potential new member education program

with a group of them down to Mexico and continued to socialize and hang out with them in Greek Life and other events. By the end of spring semester, I was great friends with a majority of them, and spent countless hours helping their organization in any way I could. In October, I was thrilled when Pi Kapp participated in a Halloween event for kids with disabilities because I had the chance to bring my Alpha Phi friends and let them see the service our chapter does. The ladies had a great time interacting at the Special Olympics event, and the event built stronger relations between our chapters. When Alpha Phi decided to create a sweetheart position this semester, I knew I wanted it. I stood up in front of all the girls, nervously, and delivered my speech. I think that they really saw my

excitement, and I ended up winning the title of Mr. Ivy through an overwhelming majority from their chapter. During my acceptance speech, I handed out ivy leaves to all the girls with different things I would do for them including going to lunch, being study buddy, or a handyman, etc. The girls love the leaves, and many have used them. Mr. Ivy is supposed to be someone who will always be there to help the sorority: I am the head coach of all their intramural teams, and the MC for their large fall fundraiser, the Red Dress Gala. I’m also invited to all of their social events including formals! Overall, I’m proud to be able to represent Pi Kappa Phi with the ladies of Alpha Phi. I think I’m extraordinarily lucky to be able to have this title. This is an honor I hope our brothers will receive this honor in the future from Alpha Phi or another sorority on campus!

nationally. In 2010, Corwin will be attending Mid-Year and Supreme Chapter representing the national fraternity as he starts to represent Theta Xi as an alum. Specifically, at Supreme Chapter, Robert will have the honor to sit at the front of the National Council meeting amongst the group and continue to fulfill his role as the top Pi Kapp student in the nation. Congrats Robert on your success!

Corwin (R) and Wayne Unger hang out at War of the Roses

ASU chooses two Pi Kapps for Homecoming Court By: Greg Lindsay

Brent Alex (L) and Matt Brinkmoeller (R) represented Pi Kappa Phi at each event during the week-long celebration of ASU’s Homecoming in October.

Our chapter was honored to have two Brothers nominated and put on the ASU Homecoming Court for the first time in our chapter’s history. Brent Alex was crowned Homecoming King, and Matt Brinkmoeller was on Homecoming Court. Over 110 men got nominated and turned in applications to ASU’s Programming and Activities Board (PAB) who coordinated Homecoming. Out of 120, only 10 men got interviews. The interviews were held with a six-

person panel which represented ASU colleges and administration. Interviewers looked for campus and community involvement, leadership, and a positive attitude toward ASU. Of the 10 interviewees, four were named to Court and one to King. At the Coronation, Brother Brendan O’Kelly, USG President, announced the Court making it an all-around Pi Kapp event! Through Homecoming, Brent and Matt participated in every event including the Dodge ball

tournament, dueling pianos night, campus movie fest, Bald for Bucks, and Lantern Walk. On the Saturday, both rode in the parade. Matt was driven in a Mustang convertible, and Brent and the queen rode in a horsedrawn carriage. After, both were announced in front of 60,000+ during the halftime show of the ASU football game. Congrats Brent and Matt for this huge honor and representing Pi Kapp well!

Volume 3, Issue 1

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Theta Xi’s first Accessibility Project in Phoenix is a success By: Bill Harden On Thursday November 12th the men of the Theta Xi chapter began their first construction project to build an accessible wheelchair ramp for a gentleman living with cerebral palsy in Phoenix. Moe Abdalla, the chapter Push America chair was able to partner the chapter with ABIL, an organization that seeks out citizens in need of such structures and amenities like these and helps to supply the funding and building supplies required to build them. Pi Kappa Phi brought forth close to $1,300 and the manpower over a span of three days to see the project get done. The men began on Thursday morning bright and early painting, cutting, and prepping the lumber off site so it could be hastily installed the next day. After that was all set and ready, the concrete work

began. A pathway with a slight incline was dug out, and 23 feet of concrete was poured and left to set with “ΠΚΦ” carved carefully at the beginning of the walkway. The following day was the installation and final touches. With the help of local Phoenix contractors the men of Pi Kappa phi screwed, bolted, sawed and sweat their way through the morning into the afternoon until the plans on paper turned quickly into a real life structure. A bit of final touches with sanding, paint, and an obligatory pizza break finalized all the hard work and planning that went into this amazing event an obligatory pizza break finalized all the hard work and planning that went into this amazing event. To call Saturday a special day for all Pi Kapps would be an understatement. A group of 40 men wearing Pi Kappa Phi letters across their chest along

The ramp builders pose for a photo after completing the project. Builders included Brian Smith, M. Abdalla, B. Kehoe, B. Harden, K. Buscho, A. Houston, K. Rinker, and Ben Smith. with friends, family, and ASU sorority women watched as the wheelchair ramp got its first use by its proud new owner. Thanks to the sorority women watched as the wheelchair ramp got its first use by its proud new owner. Thanks to the help from ABIL’s staff and the contractors along with news coverage from CBS-

Channel 5 from Phoenix and the men of Pi Kappa Phi were proud to have taken part in such a tremendous event. A special thank you to all those who participated!

Chapter hosts inaugural Miss Push America Ambassadorial Contest By: Brent Alex In January 2009, Push Chair Moe Abdalla brainstormed ideas to get the community interested in Push America. The goal was to engage ASU Greek Life with a project that all chapters could embrace and truly want to support Push America. From that, the Miss Push America Ambassadorial Competition was born. Miss Push started with a committee that selected sorority women for the event based on applications. After the contenders were selected, there were talent rehearsals, dance practices, and more interviews. On the night of the event, the contestants and committee arrived at 5:00 p.m. and the event began at 7:00. The backstage was bustling as 12 ladies prepared their speeches, outfits, and talents. In the dressing

room, the backstage coordinator choreographed the logistics. Special guest judges were prominent females from the community included an ASU VicePresident, Miss Arizona 2008, and Chapter Advisor Kim Novak. On stage, the hosts guided the evening that concluded with the audience vote and crowing of Miss Push America. Victoria Sharpe was awarded the title of Miss Push America 2009. Since then, Victoria and her sorority have worked with Push America in the ASU community. At Pi Kapp College this past summer, Theta Xi won the Innovator’s Award for the creativity of the Miss Push America contest. In less than a year, the idea of Miss Push America has become a cornerstone of the chapter’s commitment to Push America, and plans are already underway for Miss Push 2010!

The Miss Push contestants practiced their group dance in the Adelphi I cluster. The competition was between 12 sorority women from nine different houses.

The contestants lined up for the crowing of Miss Push America. During the voting, they picked a Miss Congeniality who was also crowned with a tiara and sash. Each contestant was given a rose.

Arizona State University

Theta Xi Find us at: Email: Youtube: PiKappaPhiASU Look for a new Theta Xi website in Spring 2010!

The Bridge Builder An old man, going a lone highway, Came at the evening cold and gray, To a chasm, vast and deep and wide, Through which was flowing a sullen tide. The old man crossed in the twilight dimThat sullen stream had no fears for him; But he turned, when he reached the other side, And built a bridge to span the tide. "Old man," said a fellow pilgrim near, "You are wasting strength in building here. Your journey will end with the ending day; You never again must pass this way. You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide, Why build you the bridge at the eventide?" The builder lifted his old gray head. "Good friend, in the path I have come," he said, "There followeth after me today A youth whose feet must pass this way. This chasm that has been naught to me To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be. He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; Good friend, I am building the bridge for him." -WILL ALLEN DROMGOOLE

Remember When: As the saying goes, “All good things come to an end.” Theta Xi has said good-bye to many Founding Fathers since Founder’s Day 08 (L). At Founder’s Day 09 (R), many new faces celebrated 12/10/1904 and the continued PKP legacy at ASU.

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