Theta Xi Herald
Pi Kappa Phi Volume 2, Issue 1 March 2008
Alumni Spotlight: Michael Larsson After graduating in December, Michael Larsson continued on his path with Pi Kappa Phi with a job with the national office as a leadership consultant in Charlotte, N.C. After he worked with other chapters at Mid Year in January, Larsson made his way back to Arizona. Only this time, his route ended in Flagstaff. Larsson helped Jake Henderson (Beta Theta) create the latest associate chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Northern Arizona University. “It was an amazing expansion,” Larsson said. “We had a lot of help from the Greek community.” Larsson said with the help from local sororities, he and Henderson received more than 300 names of students who were not yet associated with a fraternity. Once Larsson left NAU, the
NAU associate chapter had 54 members. Since his departure, the chapter has pre-initiated six more members. He even boasts the quality of men he gathered together. “Trust me, you will be impressed,” Larsson explained. After Flagstaff, Larsson went to Omaha to assist with the re-
opening of the Delta Gamma chapter in Omaha, Nebr. The expansion, while not complete due to the school’s Spring Break, is expected to bring in 20 to 25 guys. Larsson said such a number is a really great start because the school campus at Omaha is a commuter campus, so there is no entity of residential life. Since he was also a founding father of ASU’s Theta Xi chapter, Larson said his experience helped connect with the associate members in Flagstaff and Omaha. Working at the national office may have been one of the most rewarding experiences of his life, Larsson said. However, he wants to make sure that the guys from Theta Xi remember where his allegiance lies. “I am still repping ASU with a decal on my car,” Larsson said.
Inside this issue: Alumni Spotlight: Michael Larsson
Build America: Tyler Quinn’s memorable summer
Letter From the Archon 2
Pi Kappa Phi expands to Northern Arizona
Gear Up Florida 2008
Cody Compau’s future Journey of Hope
Remembering When...
One brother’s recount of Build America 2007 Tyler Quinn Words cannot even begin to describe the summer that I am about to recount. In our fast paced society we quickly become too engulfed in our lives and neglect those that need help the most. We fail to realize the little things that we can do that will affect the lives of those around us. A simple gesture of friendship, or even a small smile can make the biggest difference in a person’s life. This summer we constructed various accessible amenities in six different states including a fully ADA complaint fishing pier, many paths (concrete and
packed gravel), a 30’ by 60’ pole barn, wheelchair accessible horse loading platforms, wheelchair ramps, fences, and much more. Although the event is entitled Build America there is much more to the trip than meets the eye. A typical day included a 7 am wakeup and breakfast with the campers. Work generally began after breakfast and some of the team members even had an opportunity to participate in the camp activities during the day instead of working. These activities include excursions, arts and crafts, pool activities, and much
more. The team broke for lunch and then finished working before dinner. After dinner with the campers, the team participated in the evening programming activities including, scavenger hunts, talent shows, dances and much more. The team was fully integrated into camp life and was able to develop relationships with the campers during their visit. The first camp was in Strongsville, Ohio at Camp Cheerful. Here we encountered a camper that was mute and spoke only through sign language, a language that most of the team was unfamiliar with.
—See “Building” page 2
Spring 2008 Beta Class Members Congratulations and best of luck to the next class of associate members: • Brent Alex • Christopher Triem • Dan Berry • Jake Repko • Parker Young • Ronald Wright