Theta Zeta - Spring 2009

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The Eagle of Theta Zeta P I







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Alumni to ride on Journey of Hope 2009


Alumni Spotlight: 3 Ravi Alfreds

Alumni Updates


On Sunday April 19 Pi Kappa Phi’s CEO Mark E Timmes (Alpha Epsilon, Florida) and National President J. Jeffery Whalen (Alpha Epsilon, Florida) joined the brothers of Theta Zeta for brotherhood dinner at the house on 23rd Street. Timmes and Whalen were in DC representing the North American Interfraternity Conference meeting with members of Congress on Capitol Hill as well as meeting with the leaders of other major national fraternities.

Chapter Updates 6 Pictures from the 6 Past Pictures from the 7 Present

Along with Brother Timmes and Brother Whalen, Regional Governor Ken Forti joined Theta

Zeta for a dinner catered by local restaurant Boca. During this visit, Brother Timmes and Brother Whalen addressed the chapter and praised Theta Zeta for its efforts on campus and for embodying the ideals of Pi Kappa Phi. Brother Whalen told the chapter that, “if [the National Council] could clone the brothers of Theta Zeta and place them strategically in chapters around the country, we would.”

Mark Timmes and see how enthusiastic he was about the success of our chapter. Despite a shortage of time in DC and the presence of a few other Pi Kapp chapters in the area, the fact that he and Brother Whalen visited only Theta Zeta shows how much we matter to the guys at National Headquarters. It's great to see the continuation of a strong brotherhood in our chapter.”

Brother Wes Johnson and Brother Adam Wallick represented the alumni of Theta Zeta at the event. Adam said of the event, “It was great to meet

The Brothers of Theta Zeta were proud to be able to show Brother Timmes and Brother Whalen the success of our chapter first hand.








DOUG MACK ALUMNI INITIATED BY THETA ZETA On April 18th, Douglas Paul Mack (Theta Zeta, #189), was initiated along with the Nu Class of Associate Members. Doug is the father of current undergraduate Brother Adam Mack (Theta Zeta, #145). In all, on the 18th 13 new brothers were initiated into the chapter. Doug Mack was born in Oswego, NY on February 15th, 1962. He graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering from Clarkson University

in 1984 and began working for General Electric and worked with them until 1999. From 1999 to 2004, he worked with the Swedish firm Munters. From 2006-2008, he was the owner of Mail Barcoding Systems until he took a job in heading the American branch of Diamond Automations; a firm based out of Detroit. In his spare time, he teaches a high school-age devotional class and plays for his company softball team.

Congratulations Doug, we are excited to welcome you into our brotherhood and look forward to your contributions to the chapter, the national organization, and the promotion of lifelong brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi.

Douglas Mack, alumni initiate.

TWO ALUMNI AND THREE ACTIVE BROTHERS OF THETA ZETA SET TO RIDE This summer there will be five brothers from Theta Zeta embarking on the adventure of their lives, taking part in Push America’s most ambitious program, Journey of Hope. Alumni Brother Adam Wallick (Theta Zeta, #66) and Brother Matt Casale (Theta Zeta, #134) will be riding the North Route and Alumni Todd Stacy (Theta Zeta, #151—now of Kappa Chapter, UNC Chapel Hill) and Brother Rich Alexander (Theta Zeta, #153) will be riding the South Route. Joining Brothers Wallick and Casale on the North Route will be Brother Ross Greenky (Theta Zeta, #154) as a Crew Member. To view their web pages or to donate please visit the following links:

Adam Wallick: http://

Matt Casale: http:// Rich Alexander: http:// Todd Stacy: http://

a member (view his web page at http://

Good luck to all of these Brothers in carrying on a rich tradition of Theta Zeta involvement in Journey of Hope!

Ross Greenky: http://

All five brothers will be leaving from San Francisco on June 14th and arriving in Washington, DC on August 15th. If you will be in DC on August 15th make sure to stop by the Capitol for the arrival ceremony.

Also, be sure to keep an eye out for updates on the Journey of Hope 2010 team, one undergraduate brother of Theta Zeta, Alex Crook (#182) is already

Brother Rich Alexander riding at a bike-athon at the Foggy Bottom Metro raising money for his Journey of Hope.









Ravi Alfreds: a Pi Kapp in Asia By Ravi Alfreds

You know the phrase “it’s never easy to go home again”? I never quite understood it until relatively recently. I mean after spending just 6 years in Washington DC, how hard could it be to move back to a city that I spent more than two decades in prior? The people who coined that phrase were just crazy!

Yup, those were the famous last words of yours truly, just before I moved back to the sunny island of Singapore. I was thinking it would be the good life in an area with great warm weather, so I could finally retire my treasured Pi Kapp sweatshirt (with the best letters ever, right Baca?) to a place of honour. Going home was going to be a snap! But alas, fortune did not smile on me. Moving back hasn’t been easy. There have been a few issues to deal with. First there was the matter of getting readjusted to living at home with my parents again (it’s a cultural thing), then there was the problem of finding a way to support myself and getting a job in what was becoming a rapidly tanking economy, and last, but definitely not least was finding a group of people that could be as awesome as guys like Wes, Dean, Mikey and Loucas have been the past six years. I mean how many people do you know would voluntarily jump into a river of sludge, or light themselves on fire? (Dean and Mikey respectively) And then there were people like Hodes, who was just funny to begin with, and Balot. I mean come on, how could you not love Balot?

Looking back at how it has been since July ’08, I must say it hasn’t been easy. But there have been bright moments. I mean first of all, the time difference allows me to speak to many brothers while they SHOULD be sleeping. You can only imagine how many hilarious conversations I’ve had with people like Marty, Rich and Wax. Then again, I’m sure they’ve experienced the same from me.

Getting the job that I moved back home for has definitely been one of the highlights. Since joining the Singapore Foreign Service in September ’08, I’ve had nothing but a great experience. I’ve travelled around the region and have gotten to meet people who I’ve long considered to be “titans” and part of the pantheon. Plus, having studied International Affairs for six years in Washington, the best thing about my job was finally getting the opportunity to practice it. One piece of advice for any

Brother Alfreds, Theta Zeta Founding Father

International Affairs majors out there, when you start working in the field, please be ready to trash the models that Professors like Saodaro, Nau and Croatti force you to learn. The real world is nothing like the theory. Sure the theory helps, a little, but there are always mitigating circumstances. No two incidents are alike, and no two countries ever see the same incident in the same way.

I guess most people would like to know how it was going from Pi Kapp to the real world. I must admit in some ways it was a natural progression. Being in the chapter, you learn how to deal with many different people. You learn to deal with

the brain-dead (other fraternities on campus), the self-important (intra-mural referees) and the confident if vacant people (sorority girls). That’s a real asset in the real world. Being able to deal with people, and to be able to strike up a random conversation with anyone is an unenviable talent and will gain you respect from Nanjing to New York. And then, there are other talents, like picking up girls, though I know that some of you know nothing about that.

Pi Kapp also taught me to be a leader, and taught me that not all leadership has to come from the front. Some of the most effective people in any organization, and in the chapter are those who were the silent workers. Hence, I guess that’s where the infamous “backrow EC” got coined, when KDiSab, Marmor and I occupied the comfy couch in the back left corner of the basement. Forget about what the Apprentice teaches you about management, because if you ask anyone honestly, quiet and hard work often is the key to being a good leader in the real world. It also shows others that you are prepared to work as hard as those that work with you. Not only does that help you win their trust, it helps you to win their respect. Having people who would want to go to hell and back with you is an asset that is few and far between in today’s world.

Pi Kapp has also taught me to think on my feet. Living in the house with 23 of you sneaky asses, only teaches you to be quicker, and more adept to a sudden change in plan. That’s an amazing skill to have, especially in the working world when things can change at the drop of the hat. Being able to think quickly and change carefully made plans on the fly is something that you will find out to be a useful skill, especially in a world where nothing is for sure. (continued on page 4)








There are other life lessons that I learnt while in Pi Kapp. For example, never fall asleep with your shoes on, never put food in the first floor fridge and always lock the front door to you room when you have company. But those really don’t have a real world application, unless you’re like Miller, Mario and Fromky living together.

one thing I don’t regret. EVER. Yes, it may be a little clichéd for me to say this, but I didn’t have friends in Washington, I have only Brothers. To the young guys still in the chapter: Make sure you treasure your time in Pi Kapp. College goes by a lot faster than you think. It’s seems only yesterday that we were teasing Jake calling him Scuba. And now, he’s already graduating! To the old(er) guys: I miss you. I hope to be sent back to So how would I sum up the collec- DC for short trips for work, and will defitive of my experiences in GW and Pi Kapp? I nitely look you guys up. To Tommy, Slade, have to say some of the happiest memories Cramer and Swartz, keep safe while you I’ve had in college were in Pi Kapp, or with keep doing what you do. Pi Kapps. If ever given the chance to do it over again, I would, in a heartbeat. It’s the


For those of you who ever make it out to Asia, drop me a line! It’s a great place to be, especially in Southeast Asia. Great beaches, great cities, and a lifestyle that’s easy to get used to. And no, none of you will get caned, except for Wallick, but that’s just because he likes it.

I look forward to my return to Washington, one day. And yes, I’m DAMN proud to be a Pi Kapp. Even if I have to be one over here in Asia.

Passing the Gavel: Alumni Updates FOUNDING FATHERS

Mike Bodnarik, #9 I am currently a Coordinator for Fraternity and Sorority Life at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. At VCU I am the advisor for the Interfraternity Council and National Pan-Hellenic Council. Since graduation from GWU I have received a Master's Degree in Student Personnel in Higher Education from University of Flordia in Gainesville, FL in 2007. I have also served the greater fraternity as a chapter advisor for Zeta Chapter at Wofford College, a Ladder of Risk Facilitator and ASTP Faciliator. I have been across the country and I am glad to be back closer to home and Theta Zeta. I am proud to be a Pi Kapp and to be contributing to the fraternal movement through my career. Peter Garnett, #18 I’m graduating from Syracuse Law in a few weeks and after taking the bar I’ll be working at Schulte, Roth, and Zabel, LLP (a corporate law firm) in NYC beginning in the fall. Ravi Alfreds, #30 Ravi will be travelling to Washington for work sometime in mid-June (TBC). He looks forward to meeting

some old timers, making fun of Baca and Wax and lighting Michael Dalesio on fire while he's in town. Wes Johnson, #32 Wes will be living in the district for at least one more year, and survived the downturn with the consulting job intact. He's also very happy to not have been kidnapped while visiting Brazil and Argentina during Carnival in Feb/ March.


Mark Locus, #52 Mark is living in Arlington, VA, working for Non-Profit org called Fund for Peace, studying international peace operations. He is pursuing masters in Peace Operations from George Mason. BETA CLASS

Ross Goldband, #59 I am going to be entering my third (and final) year of law school at Emory in August. From May til August I'll be in NYC, working from Amtrak again. During all of this, I will be dominating the alumni fantasy baseball league, where I am defending champion.


Adam Wallick, #66 I'm up to my usual shenanigans while training for Journey of Hope on the side. DELTA CLASS

Bobby Corp, #71 I recently received a call from the Bills' Pro Shop congratulating me on ordering the first Terrell Owens jersey as a Bill from their website. I don't find it at all troubling that this was the highlight of my current semester of law school. Andrew Miller, #73 Miller is still basically living the postgrad dream (or nightmare, depending on who you are). He makes a meager wage while working at SmithBucklin, a management company that manages non-profit associations. Don’t ask – he doesn’t know much more than that. On Sundays, he plays kickball with Andy, Abanto, and Jeff. Time spent with fellow kickballers is on par to spending time at a nursing home for alcoholics, something he one day aspires to be a part of. Everyone who sticks around








DC should play kickball…but stop after turning 28 – it’s just not attractive.

are apparently doin’ too much. He swears he enjoys his job…

Mario Sansalone, #74 Mario continues to run the show at DogPaws out in Arlington. Managing a myriad of issues such as scheduling dog walks, chasing feral cats in Chinatown, and bringing home the occasional lost pet for weekend entertainment is his duty. He does it well. So well that the stress will often lead to copious amount of drinking and “tenting.” You can find him out late on any given weeknight enjoying the libations that the city has to offer. Or he’ll just be eating out of a pot.

Jeff Stomel, #93 Jeff is graduating from GW for the second time with a Masters in Accountancy. He will begin working for Grant Thornton as an Accounting Consultant in late in late July. Mike Nemerof, #96 Hey everyone, hope all is well! I just finished my first term of law school at Thomas Cooley in Lansing, MI. I started in January. I am going to be in MI this summer taking a full term as well. I hope to make a DC trip sometime this summer!

Ernesto Rodriguez, #76 Ernesto is so, so, so excited about his dog.



time position as a staff investigator in the near future.

Jake DiGregorio, #99 I was offered a job at Qorvis Communications, right near Dupont Circle, one of D.C.'s biggest public relations firms. I will be specializing in social networking strategy and video editing.

Matt Nocella, #100 I'm waiting to hear back from GW's Graduate School of Political Management and will be continuing my employment with Strategies 360, a boutique federal relations firm in Georgetown. I'll be living in Crystal City.


Marc Abanto, #102 Marc is a political operative living and Andy Fromknecht, #85 Andy still works for Academic Search – a working in Northern Virginia. He is the Campaign Manager for the Kaye Kory for firm that does job searches for colleges/ universities to fill vacant high-level posts Delegate campaign (38th House of Dele(ie. College Deans, Presidents, etc.). Andy gates District, Fairfax County). is the tech guy. He spends all day searchLincoln Patel, #104 ing the internet for stuff/helping the elderly figure out how to turn their laptops on I am currently living in Palm Beach Garand then packs all of his real work into the dens, Florida. Since graduation, I worked last hour of the day. Welcome to the real for a period of time with Marriott International and have since taken over the famworld. ily business and I am in the process of helping with expansion. I will be moving Andrew Baca, #87 to New York City this Fall to start law Baca still teaches Special Education for repeat 9th graders at Ballou High School school at New York Law School. in Anacostia while simultaneously getting a Masters in Education. Think that sounds challenging? You’ll normally find him on C L A S S O F 2 0 0 9 our couch. Sleeveless. Sometimes pantPat Kirby, #98 sless. Always stinky. He wears a lot of I will be continuing my internship at the hats at work – rangler, dance instructor, Public Defender Service of Washington, “stone cold” homey, and yeah, he someDC where I will hopefully receive a fulltimes teaches. Still, most of the time we

Michael Wax, #101 I am working at Deloitte in their financial advisory services group next year. I will be staying in DC and am looking forward to spending time with Pi Kapps in the area.

Nick Robin, #109 I will be working in DC or San Francisco for a couple of years, and then going back to graduate school. Jordan Teller, #116 After graduation I will be continuing to build the production company I started back in 2006, Mookie Productions LLC, by working as a freelance video editor and official DJ of the Washington Nationals. Kevin Kozlowski, #129 I will be attending law school at Washington University in St. Louis beginning in August.








Chapter Updates Congratulations to Theta Zeta who was Theta named Chapter of the Year at GW’s Excellence awards this year1

GW Greek Excellence Awards brought a few more awards for Pi Kappa Phi to hang on the wall. Theta Zeta brought home the Gold Award, Risk Management, New Member Development,Service to the Community, Philanthropic Efforts, and Overall Academic Achievement

Zeta celebrated it’s traditional Roseball at the Carlyle Club in Alexandria this year. Congratulations to all the award winners. Especially to Rose Queen Steph Kleczko, Brother of the Year Bobby Roglieri, Alumni of the Year Andrew Miller, and graduating senior Matt Nocella who won the Nu Phi award.

This spring the chapter attended its first Family Enrichment Weekend, where a number of brothers spent a weekend working with kids with disabilities at a program in Maryland.

Congratulations to Theta Zeta for it’s outstanding performance in Sorority Philanthropy events this year. Pi Phi Wiffleball, Champions; AEPhi Strike-Out Aids Bowlanthropy, Champions; DG Anchorbowl, Third Place; ADPi Lionshare, Third Place.

After the conclusion of rush, Theta Zeta initiated the 13 new members of the Nu Class! Congratulations to our newest brothers and we look forward to seeing their impact on the chapter in the coming years.

zation came to the house to sign a position to no longer use the “R-Word.” The chapter was supporting both Push America and other organizations philanthropies by offering a prize to the organization who had the highest percentage of their members sign the petition. Congratulations to the winners: the MCG Sorority Sigma Psi Zeta!

This summer the Chapter will be purchasing a new table and chairs for the common room on the first floor as well as painting the walls on the first floor in our constant mission to make the house the best possible living place for the Brothers. If you would like to help this The Chapter was proud to host the first cause by donating to this summers house “End the R-Word Day” at GW this year. project please contact Bobby Roglieri at Members of almost every Greek Organi-

Pictures from the Past








Pictures from the Present



The Eagle of Theta Zeta is the official newsletter of the Theta Zeta Chapter of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Chartered in November 2002, Pi

A publication of the Theta Zeta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Edited by Matt Casale

Kappa Phi has become a leading Chapter at

GWU- Pi Kappa Phi House

unite our Brotherhood: Character, Leadership,

607 C 23rd St. NW

Academics, Service, and Sportsmanship.

GWU and continues to grow through a strong commitment to the tenants of C.L.A.S.S. that

Washington, DC 20052 Please direct any questions about the Fraternity or this Newsletter to the Historian at



Letter from the Archon, Bobby Roglieri This past semester has been an amazing one for the Theta Zeta Chapter to say the very least. Through the hard work of all our brothers, we have achieved so much. Since January, we have came in first place in three sorority philanthropies, second in one and third place in two. Brotherhood involvement at all of the

sorority functions have sky rocketed to levels higher than I have ever seen them. On top of that, our philanthropy work inside and outside of Push America has also grown. For the first time, we volunteered at an all weekend event with Families Together at their Family Enrichment Weekend and had brothers playing with kids with autism while their parents learned new ways to help their children. We have helped the Residence Hall Association and Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority in their walks for

Diabetes and March of Dimes. Because of all the growth that we have seen this past year we were honored with some amazing awards. As Dean Harwood, Director of Greek Life told me after the GW Excellence awards, “Pi Kapp truly deserves Chapter of the Year.” I couldn’t agree with him more. Although I am sad to see the seniors graduate this semester, I know that the 13 members of the Nu Class will continue our tradition of having a strong Chapter and will continue to make our Chapter grow.

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