Upsilon - Fall 2009

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Issue 2 • December 2009 •


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With their focuses on many areas, alumni relations has been the one area the undergrads have struggled. With 2009 being the Alumni Chapter’s first year in existence, this past homecoming was still planned by the undergrads - who hoped for great attendance. Problems with a printing company, however, eliminated the mailing of invitations. “We continue to have some growing pains in the communications department, but by next year, all alumni should expect frequent contact from the alumni chapter including a formal invitation to Homecoming,”


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versary of the chapter’s refounding in February 2010 and the 90th anniversary of Upsilon at the University of Illinois in May 2011. We are also in the early stages of planning next summer’s Pi Kapp Day at Arlington, and will be hard at work to develop undergraduate scholarships, mentoring programs, a more feature-rich Web site with stronger networking tools, and more alumnicentric social events. To this end, we are launching our inaugural fundraising drive to achieve


Pi Kappa Phi, Upsilon Chapter, University of Illinois • Est. 1921

Giannotta said. Despite the lack of that formal invitation, alumni who planned to come on their own liked what they saw. “As the years have passed, the distance between even close alumni has increased with marriages, children and new jobs,” Jacobson said. “The opportunity, even once a year, to see people you rarely get to see, is priceless.” The next Homecoming is set for Oct. 23 against Indiana. The Upsilon Chapter on that date will begin celebration of our 90th anniversary. The campus, meanwhile, will be celebrating the 100th Homecoming event. n

Issue 2 • December 2009 •

Upsilon on verge of 90th anniversary Gunnar Schalin (Y537) talks with former Upsilon Archon Alex Stezskal and Upsilon Historian Elliott Rill while visiting the chapter room during Homecoming 2009.

our goals in providing benefits to the alumni membership, help the undergraduate chapter, and put on a quality anniversary celebration. Enclosed you will find a form and addressed envelope for this 90th anniversary/membership drive. Your contributions allow us to ensure that the Alumni Chapter continues to support lifelong brotherhood. Mindful of the tough economic times, we understand that monetary contributions may be difficult at this time. If you are unable to make such a commitment, we invite you to donate your thoughts and ideas for how we

can better serve the Upsilon alumni community. As the holiday season is upon us, it is a perfect time to remember the Ritual that binds us all together as brothers in Pi Kappa Phi. While you enjoy the season with family and friends, I encourage you to reach out to a brother, reminisce about old times, and catch up. Have a happy holiday season and I wish you the best in the New Year! In Pi Kappa Phi, Gene Giannotta Alumni Chapter President

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er’s Day, and an anniversary weekend. If 2010 wasn’t going to be exciting enough for the chapter, it also marks the fifth anniversary of the recolonization, which will occur this February. In order for the chapter to properly observe these milestones, alumni support is needed. An anniversary planning committee is being formed by the AC board to offer guidance and assist in planning the events. Alumni from all eras are encouraged to become involved. February 20-21 To start off a great year, alumni - especially re-founders - will be invited to Champaign for the annual Re-Founders Day lunch on Saturday. In addition to usual plans, the AC is hoping to reach back to our roots and reserve the top floor of Joe’s Bar. A Sunday event is also planned. October 23 Homecoming 2010 promises to be

The Upsilon Ups

This logo will be seen frequently over the next year as the Alumni Chapter markets a major anniversary.

the best in several years as the Alumni Chapter reclaims planning and marketing of the event. A full day of activities will be planned at the chapter house with food and drinks. December 2010 As Pi Kapps across the country celebrate the fraternity’s 106th anniversary, Upsilon will join together in Chicago to celebrate how our chapter contributed to that for 90 years. May 2011 A anniversary weekend is being

planned with assistance from the national headquarters. Three days of events in Champaign will include a banquet, golf outing, campus tours and more. This event is perfect for alumni who want to visit campus but avoid the hassle of Homecoming. Familyfriendly events will also be included. The AC appreciates any input brothers would like to give. Contact Gene at for more information or if you’d like to be involved. n

Push America from 2

Pi Kappa Phi, Upsilon Chapter, University of Illinois • Est. 1921


Planning underway for Homecoming, committee needed By Gene Giannotta Alumni Chapter President

preparation for their bikeride. “Alex and I will be riding a few days a week, building up our mileage over the course of the semester,” Carrato said. “It will be great riding together, keeping each other company as we try to cycle 1,000 miles each for training.” Each rider has to raise at least $5,000 for Push America in order to ride. However, both riders have committed to raising well over the minimum amount. Stezskal, who trekked 800 miles across Florida in Gear Up Florida 2008, is no stranger to going above and beyond for Push America. In fact, he raised more funds than any other rider on the 2008 Gear Up Florida event. “Beyond just preparing yourself for a long bike-ride, it’s important to keep the focus of this event in mind,” said Stezskal. “My personal goal is and has always been to help raise as much funds and awareness as possible for Push America.” The riders have started their fundraising but definitely need your support. Visit their support pages at https://secure.pushamerica. org/alexstezskal and https:// to make your donation today. n

In seventeen months, the Upsilon Chapter will reach a milestone. At the University of Illinois in 1921, Pi Kappa Phi colonized its twentieth chapter. For those counting, that’s 90 years of Upsilon brotherhood. To celebrate, the Alumni Chapter is planning a year-long observance of the anniversary. It will center around three events - Homecoming, FoundSee ‘Anniversary’ • Page 4


Alumni Chapter hard at work; needs your help Fellow Alumni Brothers, I hope the second edition of the Upsilon Ups finds you well. The undergraduate chapter is going strong, as you can see from outgoing archon Tommy Carrato’s letter in these pages. Brother Carrato is the newly elected president of the campus Interfraternity Council, bringing Pi Kapp leadership in the University to a new level. As we note the accomplishments of the undergrads, we also see opportunities to strengthen the brotherhood of alumni. The next two years will see two major milestones – the fifth anniSee ‘President’ • Page 4

Upsilon alumni gather on the front patio of the chapter house at 306 E. Gregory during Homecoming after the football game against Michigan State on Oct. 10.

Champaign bound

Brothers make annual return to campus By Adam Nekola

Alumni Chapter Vice-President

CHAMPAIGN – Returning to the University of Illinois, the first things an alumni notices are the differences - the towering apartments, new stores, a changed campus. And at Pi Kappa Phi, a new house - only four years old - and a young chapter. But change is only skin deep some times, and the same Pi Kapp brotherhood was alive and well as alumni returned for Homecoming on Oct. 10. “The house is what puts the home in homecoming,” said alumnus Kevin Jacobson (Y969). “It gives us a central meeting point to rally around and an image with which to identify. Things weren’t the same when we didn’t have a functional house at which to

gather. Now the property lives and undergrads heard stories about the brings homecoming to life too.” chapter in it’s hay day. The property is certainly alive In turn, the undergrads were these days, with a chapgiven the opportunity to ter bordering on 80 update alumni on their members. But although I want to do achievements as well it’s nice to hear how the whatever we national awards, local chapter is doing, Homecan to build awards, fundraising milecoming is about much stones and - perhaps most enthusiasm important - a full house. more. across the “It’s worth it to recon“This has become the nect with the brothers brotherhood chapter we envisioned you went to school with when we voted for recoloand reminisce about col- Gene Giannotta nization. A lot of people AC President legiate years back on campaid a price for that decipus. For me, it just feels sion but many more are like going home, and has an appeal benefiting now,” Jacobson said. “I that’s hard to put in words,” said can’t say enough about how far the Gene Giannotta (Y1030), Alumni undergrads have come so fast. I am Chapter president. so happy to hear that we have a viThis year’s event brought a large brant and growing chapter, a full group of alumni to campus. Several house and a very good GPA.” decades of membership were represented, as alumni connected and ‘Homecoming’ • Page 4

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