Upsilon - Spring 2009

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Issue 1 • May 2009 •


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Giannotta (Y1030), and Andrew Ostendorf (Y1068) were elected to the board, while Mike Nolte was appointed as the Undergraduate representative. Members are elected to at-large positions and the board itself appoints members to offices. Returning members James Nelson (Y1005) and John Hankus (Y1009) take over as president and vice-president. “Since the house has been completed, HC has been a very lopsided organization – the president did most of the work, and took most of the blame from the undergraduate chapter,” Nelson said. “The VP now acts as the sounding board to the chapter or undergraduate liaison, and is also in charge of handling all of the repairs needed in the house. By the end of Jeff (McMahon)’s term (as President), we had some structure to all of the positions on HC.” For the newly-defined vice-president position Hankus seemed to be the perfect fit. As a former house manager himself, he knows what it takes. “Since the primary function of VP was to communicate with the House Manager and coordinate house repairs, I figured this would be a natural role for me,” Hankus said. “I also have a good background of

Pi Kappa Phi, Upsilon Chapter, University of Illinois • Est. 1921

maintenance with plumbing, electrical work, and construction so I figured I could help out with repairs and can help diagnose problems over the phone or give preventative maintenance advice.” It’s communication that the Housing Corp. has identified as their biggest problem. With a knowledgeable alumni in the vice-president position, the organization hopes to streamline how the undergrad chapter asks for house repairs, and to prioritize in order to get these repairs completed. Improving the quality of the house will help the undergrads recruit better. Better recruitment will help the finances improve. And with a budget earning a surplus, the Housing Corp. hopes to soon own the house - they the possibilities will be limitless. “Finances are looking good and so are house numbers - a great basis to start on. Now we need to work on improvements to make housing corps more active in day to day operations of the house,” Hankus said. Nelson has the same plan, but with the formation of the alumni chapter, he sees things differently. “This might sound unusual, but my main goals for HC in the future are about reducing responsibility,” he said. “The chapter wants greater ownership of the house’s costs and repairs,

The Upsilon Ups Issue 1 • May 2009 •

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alumni exist for more than donating money. It is no secret that undergrads hope to get donations from alumni. Although fundraising may become an aspect of the alumni chapter, the networking benefits alone will help the chapter during recruitment. “We already have about 30 alumni since the chapter was re-founded, as well as over 600 living alumni across the country that I’d like to reach out to. So, I see no reason why we can’t have 50-75 members at least by the time we celebrate the 90th anniversary of Upsilon in 2011,” Giannotta said. He and the others starting the organization are already eying key alumni recruitment dates. The first, to be celebrated at the next Homecoming, is the fifth anniversary of the chapter’s refounding. By this

New Web site includes community

Alumni Chapter News

The Housing Corporation Board President – James Nelson (Y1005) Vice-President – John Hankus (Y1009) Treasurer – Jim McMahon (Y965) At-Large – Gene Giannotta (Y1030)

and we hope to work out a solution to give it to them. The chapter is already streamlining rent payments for the first semester ever. Instead of us collecting rent from each individual in the house, the chapter will collect rent from everybody, and the chapter will be responsible for paying HC. We’re hoping to work out a way where we can allow the chapter to make house repairs faster, without having to go through 3-5 different people just to get something done.” By giving more responsibility to the undergrads and sharing goals with the Alumni Chapter, he sees the Housing Corp. becoming a smaller group in the future. The

Forum, calendar, maps keep alumni up to date

At-Large – Eric Chen (Y1008) Undergrad – Andrew Ostendorf Undergrad – Mike Nolte * Elections held at Homecoming

idea is not to burden one individual or one alumni body too much. The Housing Corp’s sole focus on house operations will allow it’s members to specialize better. Hankus wants to take that focus to the next level, though. “Hopefully we can pay off the mortgage to the house as soon as possible in order to create a house where expenses are low and provide a cheaper alternative to dorms and some apartments. This will help to keep a flourishing undergraduate chapter at U of I. Having a place to call home on visits to Champaign is something every alumni would appreciate,” he said. n

Upsilon alumni return to Champaign – regardless of age – for Homecoming each year. With the house more successful than it has been in a long time there is more reason than ever to become active again.

Pi Kapps for Life

Alumni Chapter strengthens ideal of lifelong brotherhood By Adam Nekola


Pi Kappa Phi, Upsilon Chapter, University of Illinois • Est. 1921

Alumni Chapter Vice-President

The Upsilon Alumni Chapter Board President – Gene Giannotta (Y1030) Vice-President – Adam Nekola (Y1007) Treasurer – Nick Stoczanyn (Y1011)

Secretary – Kevin Spitz (Y1020) Chaplain – Joe Themig (Y1028) * Elections held at General Meetings

• Anyone interesting in serving as a chairperson or volunteering should contact Gene

point, Giannotta hopes to have all of the alumni since refounding as part of the alumni chapter. His goal for 2011 is much more grand. “I see 2011 as the goal line for our efforts and I want to do whatever we can to build enthusiasm and excitement across the greater Upsilon brotherhood so we cross a threshold that will ensure many, many years of success as a fraternity of leaders and men of CLASS, from freshman year into the golden years,” he said. With a functioning alumni chapter, brothers can look forward to events like Founders’ Day dinners, bar trips, golf outings, an alumni football block for Fighting Illini

games, the Rose Ball, and, of course, Homecoming. Events will be located across Illinois. “As time goes on we will expand our programming calendar and the range of benefits for alumni brothers who are active members,” Giannotta said. Right now the possibilities are endless for Upsilon. Pi Kappa Phi itself started with three men and their dream, while the recolonization at the University of Illinois began nearly the same way. For Giannotta and others, the Alumni Chapter is the final step to ensure that Pi Kappa Phi’s strength will endure forever. n

For the refounding fathers, brotherhood was a certainty. But then graduation came – the real world beckoned. Suddenly the youngest alumni of the Upsilon Chapter began to feel disconnected. From the chapter, from each other. Only a small group of alumni were still involved. Some served on the Housing Corporation, while others were on the Board of Alumni Advisors - but in these facilities they were there to serve the chapter. There was no group, or position, that could adequately strengthen the alumni base. That’s when the advisors began looking into the formation of an alumni chapter. “We felt that a third alumni group was the strongest options,” said Gene Giannotta (Y1030), a 2007 Illinois graduate and recently elected Alumni Chapter President.

A third group seemed right for support for the chapter which it Upsilon for several reasons. can count on for years to come,” The first is to maintain the Giannotta said. “Hopefully, that brotherhood that is developed dur- will be a great resource for them.” ing a brother’s undergrad years. It The alumni chapter could help solves the disconnect that recent al- with homecoming – both with ums are beginning to feel. planning and attendence Moreover, starting the orand could take over the I want to do –newsletter ganization now will preprogram. The vent that from happening whatever we intent is to help encouras brothers continue to can to build age older alumni to bereach alumni status. enthusiasm come involved. The Housing CorporaWith greater attenacross the dence and participation tion had been inadequate in this facility since the brotherhood by alumni, Giannotta new house was construct- Gene Giannotta hopes they would serve as ed. The bills were a heavy an example to the underAC President burden and required grads. much effort. The Alumni Advi“Alumni involvement is imporsors did not exist to be a proactive tant because it shows how seriously group – they were appointed by those who have come before take the undergrads. Another reason is the concept of a lifelong committo help the chapter. ment, and so it serves as a model “It will help to coordinate bet- for them through college and after with the undergrads on their ter,” he said. alumni relations efforts and hopeAdditionally, it will show that fully build a strong foundation of See ‘AC’ • Page 4

Instant messenger, G-chat, Facebook. There are countless ways to get in touch with someone over the internet these days. Introducing one more - except this one is for alumni of Upsilon only. The new Upsilon Alumni Web site ( is more advanced than ever. Anyone can visit the page and learn about Upsilon news and events, but only alumni can log in to a members-only section and have access to numerous resources. “Registering for the site is not only easy, but only possible for Upsilon alumni,” said Adam Nekola, the developer of the site. All it takes is your last name and See ‘Web site’ • Page 3

New Housing officers have grand vision By Adam Nekola Alumni Chapter Vice-President

Homecoming is usually about meeting old friends and seeing campus again, but for the Upsilon Housing Corporation, it serves another purpose. For what has been the largest annual gathering of Upsilon Alumni for some time, the Housing Corp. has used the occasion to elect new members. This fall was no different as four members joined the eightmember board. Jim McMahon (Y965), Eric Chen (Y1008), Gene See ‘Housing’ • Page 4

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