The Star and Swoop-Spring 2016-Theta Pi (UT-Tyler)

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of the Theta Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at the University of Texas at Tyler

Featured in this Issue 

Three Generations in Theta Pi

Theta Pi & Gear up Florida

Annual Rose Ball held in Fort Worth

Student Chapter Archon’s Report

Alumni Chapter Report

Alumni Spotlight

Join the Alumni Chapter

“Remember When?” photo

Pictured above (from L to R): Tab Dupree, Garrett Dupree, Wendell Anderson

Three generations represented in Theta Pi Three generations of a single family are now represented in the Theta Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at the University of Texas at Tyler. Tab Dupree and Wendell Anderson, the father and grandfather of student member Garrett Dupree, were initiated into the fraternity on April 9th, 2016. Garrett got the idea to introduce them to Pi Kappa Phi after his mother grandmother were alumni initiated into his sister’s sorority, Alpha Phi. “I how much they enjoyed that experience, so I asked my dad and grandfather if they were interested and they jumped all over opportunity.”

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Joining Pi Kappa Phi will be another opportunity for this family to bond, Tab says. “I saw how much it meant to Garrett to be a part of this fraternity, so when he asked us to be a part of it and to share that with him, it definitely meant a lot to the both of us.” Spring 2016 | ISSUE TWO An annual newsletter Published by the Theta Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. The Theta Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, nor Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity is liable for errors or omissions © 2016

Tab says it’s easy to see why his son cares so much about Pi Kappa Phi. “I have learned a lot through our interactions and the events that he tells me that he participates in through the fraternity. I was able to meet with some of his friends as well as his chapter advisor and could tell they were all very close.” Tab is also excited to get involved with the fraternity’s philanthropy. “Whenever Garrett explained what The Ability Experience is about I knew that the group of guys that he surrounds himself with had a good head on their shoulders and were people that you would want your son hanging around.”

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