Zeta Eta - Spring 2013

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Spring 2013!


CHRONICLE Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity ! Zeta Eta Chapter ! University of South Florida


Home,&Sweet&Home& As of April 3, 2013, the University of South Florida Department of Housing & Residential Education extended a formal offer for an on campus housing opportunity for the Zeta Eta chapter within the USF Greek Village. The newly developed Zeta Eta Housing Corporation has been working diligently with Pi Kappa Phi Properties and the Department of Housing & Residential Education to finalize the chapter’s master lease agreement. This housing opportunity will play a major role in the development of the young chapter. Within a year of chartering, Zeta Eta has made a permanent name for itself here on the USF Tampa Campus. Archon Keith Acquino and Treasurer Justin Lengyel tackled the lengthy application process, spending hours on the 200+ page application. In addition to executive council efforts, Chapter Advisor Brent Grunig (Purdue University - Ω), Pi Kappa Phi Properties, and Housing Corporation President Jason Ciofalo (University of Tampa – ΒΛ) have played key roles in making this opportunity a reality. If any friends or family members have gently used furniture available for donation to the house, please contact Keith Acquino by phone or email (keithacquino@mail.usf.edu; (772) 342-2877).

Also&in&this&Issue&of&The Zeta Eta&CHRONICLE . . .& •


Alumni' Updates'

• Recruitment' Updates'

• Spread'the'Word'to' End'the'Word' Campaign'' 1!

• Zeta'Tau'Alpha' Step9Show' Victory'


Alumni Updates& Important&to&any&Pi&Kappa&Phi&chapter&is& ongoing&communication&with&alumni.&&The& Zeta&Eta&Chronicle&spoke&with&alumni&and& has&the&following&to&report.&& !

Executive&Board& !

Archon keithacquino@mail.usf.edu

Vice Archon

Alex'Napoleon' Fernandez'–'’12'' &Since&graduating&last&spring,&Alex& continues&with&his&education&at&the& University&of&South&Florida&Morsani& College&of&Medicine&seeking&an&M.D.& In&keeping&with&Pi&Kappa&Phi&ideals&for& leadership,&he&is&taking&a&position&as& the&Student&Alumni&Ambassador&for& the&College&of&Medicine&Alumni&



'Living&in&South&Tampa,&Rob&is&seeking&to& enter&law&school&next&year.&&&Although& unsure&of&what&field&of&law&he&wishes&to& practice&in,&his&primary&choice&for&law& school&is&Stetson&University&College&of& Law.&&&To&the&active&brothers&he&says,&“&.&.& .&keep&up&the&good&work&to&all&the&guys,& they&[PiKapps]&are&slowly&taking&over& USF&and&the&best&is&yet&to&come.”'

Treasurer lengyelj@mail.usf.edu

Secretary aparicioi@mail.usf.edu

Warden garyleeinman@mail.usf.edu

Historian sraduns@mail.usf.edu

Chaplain dshults@mail.usf.edu ! !

Jack'LoBianco''–' ’12'' &Mr.&LoBianco&is&currently& working&as&a&paralegal&at& Gallagher&&&Associates&law&firm.&& He&plans&to&move&to& Tallahassee,&FL;&in&July& beginning&law&school&at&Florida& State&University&in&the&Fall& Semester.&&He&is&considering& practicing&Environmental&Law.&&&


Beta&Class&and&Recruitment&Updates& The&Zeta&Eta&Chapter&was&honored&to&initiate&eight&new&active&brothers&and& one&alumni&initiate.&&Fall&recruitment&looks&to&be&even&bigger.& On the evening of April 12, 2013, at Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, nine men pledged themselves to the values and ideals of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The Zeta Eta Chapter was honored to initiate the following men (pictured from left to right): Richard Nguyen, Matthew Hoffman, Alberto Piedra, Michael Lucia, Barry Matheney, Vishnu Muhundan, Imran Ahmed, and Daniel Hicks. The Zeta Eta chapter is also privileged to welcome Thomas Shults, an alumni initiate, into the ranks of everlasting brotherhood. The upcoming summer and fall semesters will be crucially important for the Zeta Eta Chapter. With a new on-campus house, the chapter looks forward to hosting several large-scale recruitment events that will prepare us for our fall recruitment. If you know of any potential new members that attend USF, please contact our vice-archon Christian Cox by email or phone (christiancox@mail.usf.edu; (848) 565-5016).

Spread&the&Word&to&End&the&Word& Lead&by&brother&Nicholas&Ventola,&Zeta& Eta&brought&verbal&equality&to&USF’s& Campus&& On March 6, 2013, the gentlemen of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity exceeded the set goal of 2,000+ pledges to stop using the Rword on the USF Tampa campus. The Rword is the word 'retard(ed), a hurtful word because it is diminutive, offensive, and derogatory. The campaign asked people to pledge to stop saying the R-word as a starting point toward creating more accepting attitudes and communities for all people.


Zeta&Tau&Alpha&Step& Show&Victory!& For&the&second&year&running,&the& Zeta&Eta&Chapter&took&first&place&in& the&Zeta&Step&Show.&&

&&&&&Pi Kappa Phi is the two-time reigning champion of Zeta Tau Alpha’s Steppin for the Cure, a step and stroll style event that raises funds and awareness for breast cancer research. Lead by Team Coach Tatum Johanson, Joshua Hunnings, Samuel Creevy, Alexander Basilio, Ignacio Aparicio, Donato Elominia, Emilio Bosque, and Gary Inman took first place in show and first place overall. & 3!

A&Call&for&Assistance!&& & & Continuing&the&legacy,&another&Zeta&Eta&will&participate&in&the&Journey&of&


Despite a late start and registration, junior Sam Raduns is participating in the Journey of Hope 2013 on the North Route. As a crewmember, Sam will raise $2,500 to donate towards Push America and the Journey of Hope. He is still accepting donations, and any contributions are greatly appreciated. To donate, go online to http://support.pushamerica.org/goto/samraduns Following Sam, Andrew Coet will be riding the South Route of Journey of Hope for the summer of 2014. Andrew is also accepting donations and diligently preparing for the journey ahead! & !

Letter&from&the&Archon& & Dear Alumni, Family, and Friends of Pi Kappa Phi, As Spring 2013 semester ends, we reflect upon the leaps and bounds the Zeta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has made at USF. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity will be the newest resident of the USF Greek Village this upcoming fall semester in our newly obtained 3-story, 28-bed fraternity house located on the USF campus. The Brothers of Pi Kappa Phi have been instrumental in molding an energized, enthusiastic chapter culture, which continues to excel in and out of the University of South Florida Greek community. During the summer, we look back on the outstanding philanthropic, awareness, and impact initiatives that our chapter has made. Pi Kappa Phi has helped raise over $1,000 for breast cancer research winning Zeta Tau Alpha’s 3rd annual Steppin’ for a Cure, over $500 for the American Cancer Society at Relay for Life, and has exceeded well over 2000 pledges with the awareness event Spread the Word to End the Word, a campus wide campaign to end the use of the “R” word. The Zeta Eta chapter is committed to academic success and has recently passed a new academic plan that includes a three tiered structure system which implements required study hours, quiet hours within the house, and a faculty directed academic plan. The gentlemen of Pi Kappa Phi look forward to instilling our values into this community, as our founders have in us. We hope that you support and encourage the values we bestow upon our members as we continue to exceed our life long commitment as brothers of Pi Kappa Phi. Pi Kappa Phi still has a long way to go on USF’s Tampa campus, but we are sure that great things are still to come. They can only be achieved through hard work and dedication, but I know we are more than ready to rise to the occasion. By the Star and Lamp, Keith T. Acquino, MT(AAB) Zeta Eta Chapter, Archon !



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