Upcoming Events
Zeta Theta Chapter News
• 3/28/2008 - Round-Up Weekend • 4/5/2008 –
Parents Weekend/Alumni Bar-B-Que
This Issue
• 4/10/2008 – Spring Formal • TBA -
Letter from the Archon P.1 Quick Notes P.2 Historian’s Report P.2 Pictures P.3 Upcoming Events P.4
Mixer with Alpha Phi
• 4/19/2008 - Work day at Down Home Ranch
Letter from the Archon
Tech Times Issue 00 Month Year
In our first newsletter, I would like to give our alumni an insight on what Zeta Theta has accomplished in our brief time at the University of Texas. In the fall semester expansion consultants, Jake Henderson and Kyle Robinson, came to our campus to re-colonize Zeta Theta. In the first semester, we set up the governing documents for our fraternity and held three small brotherhood events. During the winter break, five members had the opportunity to attend the Midyear leadership conference in St. Louis, Missouri. We had the opportunity to meet brothers across the nation and receive insight on how to run our chapter. The road trip was a brotherhood experience we will never forget. This semester we held our first mixer. Our “Yacht Club” party with Zeta Tau Alpha was a real big success. A couple of weeks ago, three of our brothers attended PUSH Camp at Down Home Ranch in Elgin, Texas. We built a fence and installed six stalls in a barn. It was an experience of a lifetime.
The best aspect of being a part of Zeta Theta is we control our own destiny. Our goal is to be outstanding men of CLASS and become the best fraternity on campus. The goals we have set are high and we have a lot of work ahead, but we are looking forward to working hard to accomplish our goals. I would like to encourage you to visit our website, texaspikapp.org. I would also like to invite all alumni to join our orgsync.com group. We have set up a member section for our alumni to help you stay connected. We are open to any words of wisdom and encouragement our alumni may send us. We appreciate your interest in and continuing support to Zeta Theta. We have positions open of the board of alumni directors, so if you are interested, please let me know. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at stevenk.lightsey@mail.utexas.edu.
In Pi Kappa Phi, Kyle Lightsey