I s s ue 1
Z e t a T h e t a Ch a p t e r o f Π Κ Φ
S pr i ng 2 0 1 0
T HE O LD 300 H E L L O Z E TA T H E TA A L U M N I !
Upcoming Events
Zeta Theta Highlights
From Colony to Charter
Story Behind The Story
State of the Chapter
Upcoming Events: • April 16th -Alumni Bowling & Dinner • April 17th - PUSH Volleyball Bash • April 24th - Rose Ball in San Antonio • Sept. 24-25th Alumni Weekend
The Zeta Theta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is elated to publish its first ever issue of The Old 300. Zeta Theta is in its first year of re-existence and as part of its effort to embrace its roots at the University of Texas, is trying to become actively involved with its alumni. As part of this effort, we have created a Facebook group for alumni, will continue to send periodic email updates, will publish and circulate our alumni newsletter on a quarterly basis, and will host several alumni events this year. If you wish to keep up with the chapter on a more frequent basis, you will be able to do so through our website, www.texaspikapp.org. We hope that every member of Zeta Theta will be able to be feel involved. Unfortunately, our contact
Chartering Banquet, 1988—Special thanks to Mike Oria list is not complete. We have outdated and missing email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses. If you or any of your fraternity brothers have recently ( in the past three years or so) changed any of your information and have not updated it with the national
ZETA THETA HIGHLIGHTS: T R ACY “ M AD D O G” M ADDUX Zeta Theta is happy to recognize Tracy Maddux for his outstanding contributions to Pi Kappa Phi. An original founding father and former ZT archon, Tracy has continued his work with Pi Kapp after his time at UT. Over time, Tracy has held a
position on the ZT Housing Corporation, as Executive Vice President of Pi Kapp Properties, and as a chapter advisor for Alpha Psi chapter (Indiana). In the previous years, Tracy has served on the National Council and is currently up for election as National
Historian. Tracy is still active with the ZT chapter. Tracy is the President and CFO of VersaLogic an embedded computing company based in Oregon. and lives near Portland, Oregon with his wife and two dogs, Bo and Porter.
fraternity, you can email our historian, Danny Little, at historian@texaspikapp.org. He will be able update your information with the chapter and forward that on to the national chapter.