Zeta Xi Fall 2017

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FALL 2017

Zeta Xi Alumni Chapter Newsletter From the President Gents, We have survived 4 years without a local chapter on the Averett campus and our activity has not faltered. To that I say, thank you and congratulations. It goes to show that our chapter truly believes that our fraternity is for LIFE. We have filled the 2017/2018 calendars with events that include everyone in our chapter and we hope you can come show your support. We start with Homecoming in October, Aviation Open House in November, a Pi Kapp Social in November (and Quarterly), Christmas dinner in December, Aviation Open House in March, Possible ReChartering in April, and finishing with Conclave in August. IN THIS ISSUE While these events center in Danville and Richmond, we can certainly expand to NOVA and Tidewater with your President participation. --Alumni/Local chapter update --November 2nd Aviation Open House Our new EC was elected during a very rainy Conclave in Luray. Vice President --Christmas Dinner...date, location, venue, hotel, cost. Secretary --Homecoming activities Treasurer --Budget, how to pay, invoices. --Bereavement- Chapter sympathy gesture when we have a brother lose a close family member Warden --Recap Conclave 2017 and cover dates for 2018 (August) and why. --Newly established Quarterly Socials that we are sponsoring and that it is open to all PKP

Please welcome: President - Bernie Morrell Vice President - Tim Schlothaur Secretary - Richard Riano Treasurer - Anthony “Amart” Martinez Warden - David Stokes Bereavement Officer - Jim Washington A change to our structure was made to add a bereavement officer. We have had many brothers lose close family members and we have struggled to find an appropriate way to reach out to them effectively. Flowers are a nice chapter gesture, but we found that they are not always delivered correctly, and they can be expensive. Jim has taken it on to follow our FB page and attempt to reach out to brothers. If you know a brother who has lost someone close (parent, spouse, or sibling) please let someone know, so that we may reach out or attend a service.

I have been living in Charlotte for over a year now. It has been monumental in being able to meet the people at our national office and get things done. We have a tremendous amount of resources there that we are not utilizing. Our national office alumni director, Andrew Bublitz, has been helping me to make sure our chapter is meeting the benchmarks. As many of you already know, we were awarded “ Excellence in Engagement” this past year. We did that by meeting or exceeding in the “5 areas of Focus”, PKP Excellence in Engagement covers Infrastructure, Information, Interaction, Involvement, and Investment. We continue to grow and improve, but we still linger in the 10% participation measurement.

Of our 309 Alumni brothers about 30 brothers are actively participating in one or more of our many activities and are paying dues. If you are coming to an event, make the extra effort to bring a brother along who may not have been lately. Also, please take the time to visit PiKapp.org and update your address and email. Think of how strong our chapter would be if 60 brothers paid dues and attended these events! LOCAL CHAPTER UPDATE CONTINUED NEXT PAGE

Local Chapter Update The Zeta Xi chapter Pre-Initiated 16 men last fall and our Associate Chapter is currently 20 men strong. They are working hard to complete the goals necessary in order to get their charter, which could be as soon as April 2018. There are a number of hurdles to be met in order to meet that target date. The brothers must raise $1000 for the Ability Experience, they must meet GPA requirements, they must pay their dues, and they must recruit new members. The goal is for the chapter to have 35+ men after the spring recruitment concludes. They will lose 5 of the brothers in December with early graduation, so it is clear they have their work cut out for them. The alumni donations that were specifically allocated to help out the Associate Chapter have already been put to good use. We have paid for the first installment of $875.00 to cover 2018 Supreme Chapter. However, we do not currently have enough donations to cover the 2nd installment due in April. If you can make a donation specifically for Supreme Chapter, please note that with your donation so Amart can designate it correctly . The chapter advisor, Donna Benz, is scheduled to attend Pi Kappa Phi training later this year. Averett has a Greek Life coordinator whom has never been part of a Greek organization. In fact, very few of the AU faculty have had any Greek life experience. This is the reason that it is VITAL that our chapter set the bar and set an example of what being a brother of Pi Kappa Phi means. We are community leaders, business leaders, caregivers, trusted advisors, and many other highly respected roles on and off campus. So, when you attend AU or a PKP event, make sure that you remember the non-Greek folks at Averett are watching YOU to see what we are all about. The chapter is on the right track for chartering, but we each play a role in their success. Let's all set the right example. Fraternally, Bernie Morrell, President Zeta Xi Alumni Chapter ZX 45

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Christmas Dinner Details PKP Alumni Christmas Party December 2 Cocktails 5:00-7:00 pm Dinner 7:00-10:00 pm The Place at Innsbrook in Glen Allen, VA

This year's event will be held at The Place at Innsbrook in Glen Allen, VA on December 2, 2017 from 5-10 pm. This location is beautifully decorated for the season and has plenty of room to accommodate this event that grows in size year after year. As has been our tradition, we will invite Averett VIP's and local alumni for a cocktail reception from 5-7 with a fantastic sit down dinner for PKP and VIP's 7-10. There's ample parking and walking distance to 2 hotels. RSVP early, we want to see you there. Cost per person is $50 and includes the open bar! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Long Live PKP and ZX! Tim Schlothaur, Vice President ZX 23

The Place at Innsbrook

Notes from our Secretary

November 2nd Aviation Open House Aviation supported from Alumni to help support the cause and show our presence.

Aviation Open House Averett University November 3-4, 2017

Associate Chapter Logan provided an overview of our Associate Chapter’s activities. We have approximately 18 new members, though December graduation will reduce our numbers by 5. Recruitment week is 9/11-9/15 and he listed activities, officers and reviewed the budget, which needs further attention and review from our Alumni. Elections will be held in November.

Homecoming OCTOBER 20-22

We are planning a Pig Roast and we have 4 Tailgate reservations for the day. (Don't forget about the can drive for God's Storehouse.) We will have the local chapter deliver the canned goods and/or any monies collected during the drive at Homecoming. Tanmay Patel has stepped up on Facebook to organize tents, tables, chairs, and logistics. Please volunteer to bring something on his Facebook sign up sheet. This is a night game, so pace yourself!

Homecoming Weekend Events Friday, October 20th 8 am -12 pm Homecoming Career Expo Student Center Multipurpose Room

11 am - 2 pm Carnival Student Center Lawn

6:30 pm Homecoming Hometown Party Danville Community Market

Saturday, October 21st 10 am Homecoming Alumni Awards and Recognition Ceremony Pritchett Auditorium

1 pm Womens Soccer vs. Greensboro College Campbell Stadium

6:00 pm Football vs. N.C. Wesleyan College Campbell Stadium

10 pm - 2 am DJ Homecoming Party Carrington Gym

Sunday, October 22st

This event has been sponsored Pi Kappa Phi alumni chapter for quite some time. It has been something the students, prospective students and families, and the administration look forward to each semester. We are the only affinity group from Averett to come back and donate our time and talent to mentor these young minds and help them get their careers off to the right start. This November 3rd and 4th, Averett will be hosting the NIFA flying competition at the Danville airport. There will be aviation students from 5 colleges competing over 2 days. We have been asked by the Admissions office to hold our seminar during the same time. Averett expects a record number of prospective students to attend. Our event directly impacts the ability for Averett to retain those students that attend. Approximately 95% of those prospects that attend will pay the deposit and attend Averett. Our involvement has been instrumental in boosting the Aviation program enrollment from 45 students to 85 in just the past 4 years. That is 10% of the total on campus student population. It is a tremendous recruiting opportunity for our chapter and the university. We typically start in the atrium of the Frith Fine Arts Center with a presentation and greeting. The students then get a tour of campus and we meet again to share lunch with the students and families. After lunch we break into groups according to who you fly for, a Regional Airline, and Major Airline, Cargo, Military, or Corporate flight department. The students listen to our presentations and are able to ask questions about every aspect of flying. Our event last spring had over 25 alumni return.

Socials We voted to open up to ALL PKP alumni, next event November 8th, location to be determined. (Tidewater / Richmond / No VA potential areas.) Here is a link to National Website with previous Newsletters. http://www.pikapp.org/newsletters.aspx?id=202

10 am Homecoming Chapel Service Blount Chapel

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Richard Riano, Secretary ZX 125 ZETA XI | FALL 2017 | Page 2

We Elected to have a Bereavement Officer

Treasurer’s Report “I believe that the ideal chapter is made up of men; Who are bound together in a common loyalty which transcends any personal selfishness; Who realize that membership means personal responsibility in bearing their share of the financial burden of the chapter and the national organization…”

Show Me The Money Those are the first three stanzas of The Creed of Pi Kappa Phi; which at one time we all had memorized and strived to live by. While the “burden” has changed, we all still have a “personal responsibility” to bear. However you should not be asked to pony up your hard earned green back without knowing where it is going. Below is the budget for the 2017/2018 fiscal year.

Bereavement $200 Homecoming $850 Christmas $850 Dues $100 Conclave $2800 Total $4800 If just 40 brothers paid the current $120 dues we would meet this budget. As it currently stands we meet a similar budget, but with extra help from a few brothers who go above and beyond “their share of the financial burden.”

1. Use this link to pay all or part of your dues at anytime. (paypal.me/PKPZX) 2. Use this link to set up a reoccurring payment (monthly or yearly) so you can don't have to think about it and it just happens. (http://newkentflying.com/PKP/dues.html). I used a buddy's website to host the link; I assure you it goes to our PayPal account. 3. We will be sending out an invoice via the email you have registered with PKP Headquarters; from this invoice you can pay all of your dues or pay as little as $10 until the invoice is paid in full. The great thing about this option is that you do not need a PayPal account. For those of you that don't have an email address registered with Headquarters, we may be doing some light Facebook stalking. 4. For those of you who can not figure out the interwebs, you can mail a check to me at: Anthony Martinez 103 Osprey Ct. Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Anthony (AMart) Martinez, Treasurer ZX 235 ZETA XI | FALL 2017 | Page 4

The alumni chapter EC, with input from members, has decided to recognize brothers who have suffered a loss in their immediate family with a card and a Pi Kappa Phi pin. Recently brothers Eric and Aaron Hodges lost their mother. We always encourage brothers to reach out and be there for one another in times of need. We have a large network of brothers who keep in touch so please let us know if there is someone who needs help. Thank you. Jim Washington, Bereavement Officer ZX 16

Conclave Recap Brothers of Pi Kappa Phi Zeta Xi gathered on the banks of the Shenandoah River again this summer, a tradition that dates back almost 30 years for the chapter. We're proud to have made it this far, and prouder still that young men have stepped up to continue the tradition. This year about 25 alumni and associates gathered once again to wallow in brotherhood and memories (and rain), plus to get some business done. During Saturday's meeting the chapter created two new positions to address what we saw as unfilled needs. David Stokes volunteered to serve as warden, a position designed to encourage/enforce the payment of dues and Jim Washington volunteered to head up the alumni chapter's response to brothers who have lost loved ones. As our new Archon reported, we held elections and results were as follows: Archon – Bernie Morrell Vice Archon – Tim Schlothauer Secretary – Rich Riano Treasurer – Anthony Martinez Warden – David Stokes Bereavement Officer - Jim Washington Participation is key, everyone needs to try to show up to as many events as possible. Thomas Jordon gets the participation award for Conclave. He came Friday, drove back to DC for work Saturday and returned after work Saturday night. Great seeing you Thomas! Saturday night saw the birth of a new tradition – Second Meeting - at the instigation of brother Dave Hillmyer. For anyone who misses Friday night and/or the Saturday morning meeting, it's another chance to emphasize brotherhood in a little less formal setting. Lastly, we voted to move Conclave to August 3, 4, 5. The reason for this is so we are not competing every 2 years with Supreme Chapter. This way our undergrad chapter can attend Supreme Chapter (and you can too) and come to Conclave with fresh ideas and the latest news from our national convention. So when is Conclave next year? AUGUST 3rd, 4th, and 5th!!!!!!! Richard Riano, Secretary ZX 125

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PKP Socials Brotherhood Happy Hours Closing Reminders Help us reconnect with brothers not on Facebook who are not getting up to date information. Urge them to update their profile in order they also receive our newsletters and Social event invites. Ask your brothers to update their address on www.pikapp.org.

In early September 5 of our brothers copied a tradition started by UNC Charlotte's chapter of having a brotherhood happy hour. Our first one was held at the Center of the Universe brewery in Richmond, Va. James McGhee, Charlie Morano, Derek McGinthy, Jimmy Welsh, Tim Schlothaur and his wife Christy attended. Our next Zeta Xi sponsored event will be open to ALL brothers of Pi Kappa Phi and national headquarters will send an email blast to all of those brothers in the Richmond area. It will be held November 8th from 6-9 at: Triple Crossing Brewing 5203 Hatcher Street Richmond, Va. 23231 David Stokes, Warden ZX 131

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