In This Issue: Page 1 –Vice President’s Message Page 2 – Events Calendar Page 2 – January Meeting and 20 Year preparations Page 3 – Upcoming Events including Softball Tournament Page 5 – Brother Notes Page 6– Moments in ZX History Page 7 – Become a Participating Member Page 7 – Registration forms
Brothers by Choice I recently read a novel about World War II. In it, the author follows the exploits of the 82nd Airborne, one of the most decorated units in American History. In interviewing survivors of that unit, many commented that although they were thought crazy for jumping out of airplanes, the unit had a mystique, and lots of men volunteered for the airborne because they knew they would be serving with the best. Rather than allow themselves to be drafted, men would volunteer for a unit that had quality people. They didn’t want to face life’s challenges with randomly selected teammates; they wanted to know the caliber of the man beside them. Isn’t that why we all joined Zeta Chi? Rather than go through college and life at the whim of circumstance, we have all chosen to hold ourselves to a higher standard and surround ourselves with like-minded individuals. If that is not what you think of when you think of our fraternity, why not? Why are we willing to accept less of ourselves or our brothers? Zeta Chi was not founded on the ideals of creating a group of drinking buddies who could be discarded after four years. It was founded on the ideals of identifying, befriending, and
Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume II Issue 1
nurturing a close-knit group of life-long brothers. What does that mean for us once we leave Albright? How many brothers have you spoken with in the last month, how many have you seen in the last year? Are we willing to take the high ideal of lifelong brotherhood and treat it the same way we might treat an ex-coworker’s friendship? When being rushed, Zeta Chi was described to me by one brother as “family you get to choose.” There is a lot of truth to that. When I think of my fellow Kappas, we have the crazy uncles, the estranged 2nd cousins, and the brothers who are as close to me 200 miles away as they ever were sleeping in the bunk below me. I hope that we all have at least a few brothers like that, and that we recognize the common commitment, dedication, and spark of brotherhood that we all share. Why not come out to the softball tournament this spring? Rekindle old friendships and find out what kind of legacy we have left at Albright by meeting the new class and undergrads. Involve yourself in the Alumni Chapter and ensure we maintain a strong and vibrant Zeta Chi. Fraternally yours, Jake Weyant 1
Calendar of Events
Chapter Events
April 4 – Softball Tournament
Chapter Events The January Meeting
May – Senior Sendoff and Graduation Spring ‘09 –White Water Rafting in West Virginia Summer ’09 – DC Area Happy Hour Summer ’09 – Baseball Outing
Brothers ranging from Founders to undergrads met in Philadelphia for the annual business meeting. Among the topics of conversation was 20 Year. That’s right, we are quickly approaching 20 Year – a huge milestone in the history of Zeta Chi. If you have ideas or suggestions for the event, don’t wait until after the reunion to complain – offer your insights now and help make the weekend a memorable one for the entire chapter.
Dates, Times, and Details All the specifics for chapter events can be found on the Website!
The Camping Trip This year’s camping trip was a great success. Many alumni made the trek to the hinterlands of Pennsylvania to meet the Upsilon Class. In a remarkable twist of fate for the Zeta Chi camping trip, it did not rain, and brothers and associates enjoyed great weather for the entire weekend. Check out the camping trip Facebook page for photos and comments.
Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume III Issue 2
Upcoming Events Fifth Annual Zeta Chi Softball Tournament – 4 April 2009 The 5th Annual Alumni/Undergrad softball game will be held on Saturday, April 4, 2009, at 11 a.m. on the softball field in front of North Hall at Albright College.
. The crack of leather in early April will mix with the sound of cracking bones as the Alumni team breaks out the Bengay and gears up to defend their title. This year the stakes are higher than ever with a new championship trophy. For those of you who don’t want to swing a bat, there is plenty of food. Whether it’s gloving, grilling, or gamboling (look it up, it’s a word and it goes with the alliteration), the softball tournament is a great chance to reconnect with brothers and meet the new additions to the undergrad chapter. Wives, children, and significant others are all welcome. For more information contact Bryan Mulvihill at or Mike Netznik at For a recap of last year’s tournament and more pictures, visit:
Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume III Issue 2
Push America Golf Outing Tee Off the Summer at the 3rd Annual PAPA Classic! On June 20, the ZX Alumni Chapter will kick off the summer by hosting the 3rd Annual PUSH America Pennsylvania (PAPA) Classic at Golden Oaks Country Club in Fleetwood, Pa. The 4-star, championship course is an ideal setting for this great event, and it plays host to the Classic. Mark your calendars for what promises to be an bigger event than last year when we raised more than $1,000 for PUSH! Bigger and Better for PUSH America We’re making an even bigger splash this year with more golfers, bigger prizes, and more exciting giveaways. That means greater awareness for our philanthropy too! Remember, this isn’t just a brother outing, so bring your family, your friends, your colleagues and show them what brotherhood is all about.
How do I register? Fill out the registration form enclosed here and mail it, with a check made out to Pi Kappa Phi ZX Alumni Chapter to Jim DeLuccia, 407 Gregorys Way, Voorhees, NJ 08043. Deadline to register is June 9. Early registration deadline ends April 1. D.C., Metro Area Happy Hour (Reston Town Center) – This Summer That’s right – ZX isn’t just for Keystoners any more. Look for details on an upcoming happy hour for the brothers of ZX in the D.C. area. Contact Jake Weyant at if you would like information sent directly to you. White Water Rafting – Spring 2009 Join Bryan Mulvihill and plenty of other brothers for a weekend in West Virginia on the Gauley River. The weekend includes meals, most equipment, and great rafting. Even beginners are able to participate given the two-day format. The cost is expected to be around $250 for the full weekend. You can email Bryan at for more details. FACEBOOK Zeta Chi has entered the 21st century. If you aren’t on Facebook there are scores of fellow Zeta Chi’s who are. There is even a Zeta Chi page full of upcoming events, bother updates, and pictures. Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume III Issue 2
Alumni Spotlight Recently Married • Bob Holliday - March 14, 2009 • Jim Gencauski is engaged and living in Tennessee
Expecting Or New Dads • Adam Solomon and wife, Brandy, welcomed the birth of their second child, Luke Adam Solomon, on November 20, 2008. • Ed Shrimp and his wife are expecting their first child.
Brother Notes • Nick Pagano is graduating in May and will be doing his residency in La Jolla, California • Andrew Holets will be moving to Germany for a year. • Dan Ruedy successfully completed the Marine Corps marathon in Washington, D.C. • Darren Was is in the process of collecting photos since his accident. As a result he is asking that anyone who has photos of him and the places he’s been since then, please send him copies. • The following undergrads will be participating in PUSH events throughout the country this upcoming summer. Bob Presser will be a crew member for Gear Up Florida, AJ Tenhoeve will be a rider for Gear Up Florida, and Pat Brennan will be doing Build America. One of the first lessons we learned in Zeta Chi is that we are all interconnected within the fraternity. The actions of one brother affect the lives of us all. The Alumni Spotlight is an opportunity for the entire Alumni body to learn of the life changes and accomplishments of its members. Please share any personal announcements that you would like to see in this section of the newsletter. All content can be sent to Jake Weyant, VP of Communications, at There are also lots of updates on Facebook - Albright College Pi Kappa Phi (ZX Chapter) Alumni
Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume III Issue 2
Top 20 ZX Moments Scaffold Sit Memories Do you have any stories from your time spent on the scaffold? Any egg-related brushes with death, encounters with generous Reading denizens, or marauding brothers making sure you were awake at 3 a.m.? Please send your tales to Jake ( If we get in enough stories, we’ll put out a special edition Newsletter before the spring issue. This column is a new addition to the newsletter. Each issue we will print any candidates for the Top 20 Moments in ZX History. After a few issues, we will have a poll on the website to vote for the top 20 moments. Please submit your candidates to Jake Weyant –
Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume III Issue 2
You ARE and ALWAYS Will be an Active Member of Pi Kappa Phi – Zeta Chi Now It’s Time for the Next Step We Want You to Become a Participating Member All Brothers who graduated in good standing are automatically Active Members of the Alumni Chapter and welcome at any and all events – Participating brothers get extra perks and the privilege to vote for only $25 a year.
Benefits for Participating Members Include: • Eligible to vote at Alumni Chapter business meetings • Discounts at Alumni events • A tangible sign of your continuing commitment to ZX • And much, much more How Do I Join? For those who wish to be participating members of the alumni chapter, dues for 2009 are $25. Jim DeLuccia will be handling the chapter’s finances. Please make checks payable to Pi Kappa Phi Zeta Chi Alumni and send to: Jim DeLuccia 407 Gregorys Way Voorhees, NJ 08043 Should you have any questions, you can call him at (609) 828-7974.
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Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume III Issue 2