Zeta Chi - Fall 2006

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In This Issue: Page 1 – President’s Message Page 2 – Events Calendar Page 3 & 4 – Chapter News Page 4 – Alumni Spotlight Page 4 – Undergraduate News Page 5 – Become a Participating Member Page 6 – Special Article on ZX History

Leaders By Choice On our national website, there is a section titled "Leaders by Choice” – a concept that recognizes that we make choices everyday, and those choices impact the other aspects of our lives. During our days at Albright, the founders of our chapter made the decision to create an organization that reflected the values and ideals that they held in highest regard. In the 16 years following the founding, class after class of men has held these same values and made a conscious choice, a choice to carry on these traditions and values. One of these values is a lifelong commitment to brotherhood. Until recently, our chapter searched for the meaning of that statement. Is commitment an annual trip to homecoming or initiation? Is it staying in contact with our fellow brothers with whom we shared our time at Albright? Those questions were answered on January 28, 2006 with the founding of the Alumni Chapter. Lifelong commitment to brotherhood means a place where brothers from past, present, and future generations can come together to strengthen existing friendships and build new ones. In nine short months, our Alumni Chapter has been able to accomplish more than most would have thought possible.

Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume I Issue 2

These accomplishments are the direct result of those brothers who have made the choice to become involved. Therefore, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank individuals who gave of their time and efforts to ensure the continued success of the chapter: E-Board(Jake Weyant, Ted Isselmann, Bryan Mulvhill, Jim DeLuccia, Matt LaRusso(website), Jim Cavallo and Joe Kirsche(poker tournament), Andrew Ker(Phillies game), golf outing committee(Rich Carrione, Nick Pagano, Ian Matlack, Wayne Gehris), and to all of those who have attended the events and contributed to the financial strength of the chapter. In closing I'd like to pose these questions to each of you, "What does lifelong commitment to brotherhood mean to you? Will you be a Leader by Choice and make the decision to help ensure the success of the Alumni Chapter?" I look forward to seeing all of you at Homecoming and at the ZX alumni events in 2007.


Calendar of Events October 13-15 – Homecoming January 26-27 – Atlantic City

Upcoming Events Homecoming – October 13-15 Albright’s Homecoming will be held October 13-15. Zeta Chi looks to place a number of men on the Homecoming Court (8 our of top 10 are Pi Kapps), and dozens of Alumni plan to return to our alma mater for a fun weekend. See Albright College Website for further event details: www.albright.edu/alumni/homecoming Atlantic City – January Chapter Meeting – January 26-27, 2007 As we enter the final months of 2006, it's once again time to prepare for our January Alumni Chapter meeting in Atlantic City. Just as the founding meeting, we will meet at the Atlantic Palace Suites. The meeting will be held on January 27, 2007, at 10:00 am. Arrangements have been made to set aside a block of rooms for check-in on Friday, January 26. To reserve your room, contact the Atlantic Palace at (800) 527-8483, option 4. The rates are the same as last year. When you call in to reserve a room, ask for rooms under Pi Kappa Phi. There are 2 types of rooms reserved: studio suites, $99 for 1-2 people in the room, $129 for 4 in the room, and 1 bedroom suites, $119. The weekend's festivities will begin Friday night at The Irish Pub, less than a block from the hotel. Wives, girlfriends, and significant others are all invited for the weekend. Inaugural Zeta Chi Alumni Golf Outing – July 2007 It is with much excitement that the Alumni Chapter announces the creation of the ZX Golf Committee that will be responsible for the planning and development of a great new Alumni experience - The PUSH America Classic, a charity golf fundraiser to benefit PUSH America. Once details are finalized, the outing will be scheduled for a Saturday in July 2007 in the Greater Berks Area. So get ready to mark your calendars for a first rate outing that will include a shotgun start, a full buffet dinner, prizes, giveaways, golf course contests, and, of course, a fantastic day spent with brothers, family, and friends to benefit our great philanthropy. Look for more details on www.pikappaphizxalumni.com and via email before the year is out! Viva Las Vegas – November 2007 November is a time when thoughts turn to Thanksgiving, turkey, short autumn days, and Vegas vacations. Okay, so maybe the Vegas vacation isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, but planning has begun on an organized ZX trip to that Nevada desert oasis: Las Vegas. The date will be sometime in the first few weeks of November 2007. A number of very affordable plans have already been identified. This trip is open to brothers and their significant others. Stay tuned for more details. 3rd Annual Softball Tournament – April 2007 As we enter the winter and spring months, keep your eye on your inbox for details on the Third Annual ZX Softball Tournament.

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Chapter Events Second Annual Zeta Chi Alumni Softball Tournament On Saturday, April 8, 2006, active and alumni brothers braved the elements and took the field in a softball game that rivaled the Ice Bowl. With hail falling from the heavens, brothers showed that mere weather was not enough to disrupt the much anticipated match between active brothers and alumni. The alumni overcame an early inning deficit to take home the title, but the active brothers are looking for pay back this spring. Even if running in the mud doesn’t sound fun, there is always plenty of food.

A group shot of the brothers who braved the elements in this year’s softball tournament

Zeta Chi Goes All In for Poker Tournament Triumph Brewery experienced a Full House on August 12 when more than 30 people gathered in New Hope, PA to ante up in the Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Poker Tournament. Alumni Joe Kirsche and Jim Cavallo organized and planned the first major fundraiser for the ZX Alumni Chapter. Prize money totaled more than $700, and first place alone took home over $300. A portion of the proceeds went to the Alumni Chapter to fund future events. “It really was a great time,” said Bryan Mulvihill. “I’m not a big poker player, but I won some hands and knocked someone out of the tournament. Now we’ve got some extra money to spend for our upcoming Alumni Chapter events too.” ZX Alumni had a tough time on the poker tables in general, with only two brothers making it to the final table. Blake Knapp was the lone brother who finished “in the money,” with the rest of the prize money going to other players who were friends of brothers or brewery patrons. Brothers Ante Up for ZX Poker

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Some brothers were knocked out very early, as Shawn Calkins gained the “distinction” of finishing in last place. Other brothers quickly followed suit, but no one was too upset, as these “lucky” alumni had more time to concentrate on sampling a few of the dozen microbrewed beers that are served on tap at the Triumph Brewery. Special thanks also go out to Kelly Cavallo for donating her time and expertise to help promote the event. Look for information in the spring 2007 newsletter for upcoming summer events. Fell’s Point Brother/Young Albright Alumni Event In August, Albright sponsored a young alumni event at Fell’s Point in Baltimore. Zeta Chi took advantage of the planned gathering and accounted for nearly half of the Albright alums in attendance. The evening included drink specials at Max’s Bar, a ghost tour, and an impromptu trip to Baltimore’s Power Plant bar district. Special thanks to Ted Isselman who planned the outing for Albright. Opportunities like the Fells Point trip and many other ZX Alumni outings can be found on the chapter’s website http://www.pikappaphizxalumni.com/. Phillies’ Game On July 8th, Jim DeLuccia volunteered his house as a pre-party and staging point for an evening at the ballpark. Eight brothers enjoyed an afternoon at Jim’s before heading to Citizen’s Bank Ballpark for a Phillies’ game. After the game, brothers hung out at McFadden’s. This is the second year that brothers have enjoyed a day of fraternity and baseball. Look for another Phillies outing in 2007. Alumni Spotlight Engaged Bryan Platt Dave Henkel Andrew Ker

Recently Married Wayne Gehris (23 September) Lou Weiner (16 September) Andy Darlington (6 May)

Expecting Or New Dads Matt Kreska Adam Solomon Drew Dryburgh Justin Wertz Jim Cavallo Steve Deihl

One of the first lessons we learned in Zeta Chi is that we are all interconnected within the fraternity. The actions of one brother affect the lives of us all. The Alumni Spotlight is an opportunity for the entire Alumni body to learn the life changes and accomplishments of its members. Please share any personal announcements that you would like to see in this section of the newsletter. All content can be sent to Jake Weyant, VP of Communications (harryjamer@aol.com) Undergraduate News Zeta Chi active Charles “Chach” Kolb participated in this year’s PUSH America Gear Up Florida. Chach rode his bike over 800 miles in 12 days. He personally raised over $3,000 for PUSH as well. Along the way, he and the other Pi Kapp riders visited several Florida cities and dozens of people with sever disabilities. You can read more about his trip in the most recent edition of the Albright Reporter.

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We Want You Zeta Chi’s $30 Blue Light Special Have you been meaning to become a participating member of Zeta Chi’s Alumni Chapter and just can’t find the time? Do you lay awake at night worrying about the opportunity you missed? Do you long for a way you might become a participating member for the remainder of 2006 without paying a full year’s membership fee? If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions – we have the answer for you. For only $30, you can become a participating member for 2006 and 2007. Not only will you gain all of the participating member benefits in 2007, you will also be able to vote as a participating member in January’s business meeting. Don’t delay, this is a limited time offer and supplies are limited. Call today! Benefits for Participating Members Include: • Eligible to vote at Alumni Chapter business meetings • Additional discounts at Alumni events • A tangible sign of your continuing commitment to ZX • And much, much more How Do I Join? For those who wish to be participating members of the alumni chapter, dues for 2006/07 are $30. If you are already a participating member, dues for 2007 will be $25. Jim DeLuccia will be handling the chapter's finances. Please make checks payable to Pi Kappa Phi Zea Chi Alumni and send to: Jim DeLuccia 407 Gregorys Way Voorhees, NJ 08043 Should you have any questions, you can call him at (609) 828-7974.

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The Birth of a Legacy – Ted Isselman It began with an idea. An idea that there existed a group of men on Albright’s campus that were men of promise; men that longed to form a fraternal bond but could not find a proper organization in which to do so. A new group would need to be formed. Through the leadership of a few brave men, the Zeta Chi chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was born. On November 10, 1990, the Zeta Chi chapter celebrated its formal establishment and issuance of a charter. Although a successful recruitment effort had yielded thirty men of character, Greek Life at Albright in the early 1990s was less than predictable, and success was by no means guaranteed for the fledgling group. In addition to rival fraternities such as Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha Phi Omega, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Tau Kappa Epsilon, the Pi Kapp chapter faced expansion efforts by Delta Sigma Phi, another newly formed fraternity. The Pi Kapps pressed on, and in our inaugural year, we were recognized as Fraternity of the Year, stripping the title from Alpha Chi Rho who was the reigning title holder for the past three years. Pi Kapp also took Greek God the following year, a trend that has lasted to this day with only two exceptions. At Homecoming 1992, Rob Rotante was named Homecoming King and started a Pi Kapp dominance throughout the decade to include other Kings, Darren Was (1996), Andy Darlington (1998), Scott Long (1999), and Ted Isselmann (2000). As the decade wore on, our chapter focused on quality men for purposes of recruitment. Unlike rival fraternities who focused on numbers, Pi Kapp brothers realized that the size of the associate class was less important than the character represented by those men. Because of this underlying theme, Pi Kappa Phi stood strong as several other Albright chapters closed their doors. As the fraternity reached its 5 year anniversary, we had carved a niche for ourselves and created lasting traditions. Pi Kapps were recognized as the friendly guys on campus and incredibly committed to its philanthropy, Push America. A diverse organization, members began to branch out and participated in a variety of campus organizations and athletic programs. By 1995, the A building in the Woods had become the unofficial home of the Zeta Chi chapter, with A-2 representing the first apartment to be inhabited by Pi Kapps. The brotherhood continued to grow, and 1996 saw the painting of the “Pi Kapp House”, white with bands of blue and gold. This marked a turning point for the fraternity. A reflection from Darren Was ’98: My first few years at Albright, Pi Kapp brothers had resided in the suites. There was one apartment, A-2, inhabited by brothers. In my junior year, we had the entire A building. This brought the brotherhood closer than it had been before. I remember painting the outside of the building white, blue, and gold. People on campus, including security, dubbed A the “Ronald McDonald House” and the “Tube Sock.” The introduction of the House really reflected on the unity of the chapter and helped to strengthen member education and rush. Just having a communal experience strengthened the brotherhood and provided endless opportunities for pranks, with comedians like Dapper Dan and Gleason, training sessions for the Kung Fu fighting air-band, and the creation of the Polly Wolly dance by Opie and Sensenig, much to the chagrin of Baxter. Living in the House was an amazing experience. Through the late 90’s, Pi Kapp became identified as “the swimming fraternity.” By 1999, nearly half of the brotherhood also claimed membership on the swim team. Despite this seemingly homogeneous grouping, our membership continued to seek diversity. A reflection from Ted Isselmann ’01: Pi Kappa Phi has meant so much to me, but my journey to brotherhood was not an easy one. I started college completely unaware of Greek Life. My newly found friends were against fraternities, so, by extension, was I. It was later in my college experience and after much encouragement from brothers, that I attended rush events. I was a Type 3 man – shy, not likely Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume I Issue 1


to come out to events without prodding. Some may have thought I was remote or uninterested. A few brothers saw the potential I possessed and relentlessly pursued me. I still remember having Brothers Lou Weiner and Joe Piccioni come to my door and lead me to Crowell Hall lounge to receive my bid. I was overwhelmed and confused – do I accept this invitation? Honestly, it was only after I formally accepted (and on the last day, no less) that I realized I had made the right decision. Member education brought me close to an amazing group of men, the Lambda Class and my Big Brother, Joe Budwash. Many of my memories and Pi Kapp experiences exist from my alumni days. As a junior initiate, I only spent a little over a year as an active brother. However, I have been fortunate to carry my badge of brotherhood proudly past my undergraduate days and fully understand the importance of this life-long commitment. This is the first of a series of articles chronicling the history of Zeta Chi. If you are interested in writing an article or contributing some of your experiences, please contact Jake Weyant at harryjamer@aol.com.

Zeta Chi Alumni Chapter Newsletter Volume I Issue 1


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