pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au Edition 135 Vol. 4 - 22-23 January 2011
13,600+ copies delivered FREE every weekend
Karratha • Dampier • Wickham • Roebourne Tom Price • Paraburdoo • Pannawonnica And over 1150 online visitors to pilbaraecho.com.au
Exciting year ahead for Karratha Year 2011 is set to be an exciting year for Karratha with four major community projects due to be complete by December. On 19 January Shire of Roebourne President Nicole Lockwood along with North West MLA Vince Catania and Regional Lands Minister Brendon Grylls unveiled the four new projects happening in Karratha. See inside for more details. PHOTO: Karratha Falcons members Steve Martyn, Cameron Ling, Ritchie Patching and Danny Formanczyk.
ARTIFICIAL REEFS Aquaculture Research project to bring more marine life to the Pilbara. Page 6
1010 Karratha 8 x 3.5 Now open PR.indd 1
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28/10/2010 10:26:15 AM
We are currently collecting donations for the Queensland and Carnarvon flood victims. Please help the cause by dropping off any cash donations into the donations buckets at McDonalds® Karratha K