Pilbara Echo Edition 144 (26 - 27 March 2011)

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www.pilbaraecho.com.au Edition 144 Vol. 4 - 26 - 27 March 2011


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Playschool’s back in town

Hundreds of boys and girls packed into the Karratha Entertainment Centre on Thursday 24 March to celebrate the Karratha Community House (KCH) Pilbara Play Day. Held in the main hall and following onto the Bulgarra Oval, there were so many activities for the children to engage in. Full story page 8

k! ac b e ar ’ ’s y a d ri F d A e re ‘F offering free employment ads To celebrate the end of week, we’re noon and 5pm during April. for locally based businesses between homes in

y Free Weekl 2011 26 February

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Free Weeklyy 2011 26 Februar

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keen who are students of rking with in a range

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echojobg each week, and delivered into ted prin are er spap new our of es Over 13,500 copi parkHEs.AVY DUTY MECHANIC van off to workers camps and“Takecara it’s just drop also We . this one - oven” land Hed Port and the of Karratha, Dampier come out jobguide t of vernmen stra Go yliaon 0450 592 572 or 9185 5570 toda a Bell act cont ds estern Au nee W ing ertis adv 20 ent To discuss your employm r o pilbaraechraecho.com.au www.pilba

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Free Weekly1 y 201 26 Februar

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by email to your resume com.au or Please send refleet. located at our branch recruitment@co person to a 6714 resume in Road Karrath submit your 1000 Orkney

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ing en and Clean Jangs Kitch the brand new Thai pier are services, and urant in Dam al staff Lanna resta time and casu s. seeking part ing dutie and clean Jang on for kitchen ct iries, conta For all enqu

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y Free Weekl 2011 26 February


one - it’s just “Take this of the oven” come out ified Trade Qual


at Qualified Baker - as a Trade for you opportunity opportunities We’re all abouta there are many job Coles Karrath ation to explore. , start a convers transformation Be part of the 0. with Coles. enter job #53821 and Visit our website

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are tion Services Training & Inspec nic to join their North West Mecha a Heavy Duty looking for be the dynamic team. learn, this could and able to If you are willing you. for position 4250 Clint on 9144 Please call

Training & North West Services Inspection



ring services in provider of enginee nies) is a leading ring services by EDI group of Compa d supplier of enginee of the Downer is to be the preferre ring (a division people. Our vision Downer EDI Enginee needs. ing over 4500 emerging industry c region employ encies to meet Port Hedland: the Asia/Pacifi in compet team core ance ing our our mainten growing and enhanc (Job # 495100) vacancies to join ll the following l Supervisor ly seeking to fi • Mechanica 494175) We are current erson (Job # # 494969)

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