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Karratha • Dampier • Wickham • Roebourne Tom Price • Paraburdoo • Pannawonnica And over 1550 online visitors to pilbaraecho.com.au
www.pilbaraecho.com.au Edition 144 Vol. 4 - 26 - 27 March 2011
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Playschool’s back in town
Hundreds of boys and girls packed into the Karratha Entertainment Centre on Thursday 24 March to celebrate the Karratha Community House (KCH) Pilbara Play Day. Held in the main hall and following onto the Bulgarra Oval, there were so many activities for the children to engage in. Full story page 8
k! ac b e ar ’ ’s y a d ri F d A e re ‘F offering free employment ads To celebrate the end of week, we’re noon and 5pm during April. for locally based businesses between homes in
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y Free Weekl 2011 26 February
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Free Weekly 26 March 2011
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The team Alan - Head Honcho Mel - Trusty Sidekick Kane - Graphics Kristen - Newshunter Courtney - Newshunter Bella - Advertising Sales Marelize - Printing Sales Mathias - Print Production Julia - Accounts Manager Katrina - Distribution Karratha Zul - Distribution Hedland
And a team of awesome contributors, walkers and helpers! DISTRIBUTED TO:
South Hedland • Muffin Break • McDonalds South Hedland Shopping Centre Roebourne • BP • Supply Mart • Medical Centre Wickham • Newsagency • Snack Bar • Woolworths • Cape Lambert Camp Pt Samson • General Store Dampier • Letter box drop offs • Snack Shop • Peninsula Palms Onslow • Posties Store Tom Price • Coles Supermarket Pannawonnica • Australia Post Paraburdoo • Australia Post Newman • Whaleback Newsagents • Fat Bellies Lunchbar • Flying Fat Bellies Other Drop Points in Karratha • BP • Caltex • Lotteries House • Pilbara Joblink • Ktha International • All Karratha Caravan Parks • KFC • Library • McDonalds • Javavan • Bay View Village • Searipple Village • Gap Ridge Camp • Shire Office • Karratha Visitors Center • Nickol Bay Hospital • Javavan • Eagle Boys Pizza Nanutarra Road House Special thanks to all our helpers!
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what’sh t • Smile all day! Friday 1 April is National Smile Day! So give them nashers a good brush and show them to the world! • St Paul’s quiz night Get a team of up to eight people and join the quiz night at St Paul’s Primary School on 2 April from 7pm.
Unit 2, 18 Hedland Place PO Box 848 Karratha WA 6714
• April Fool’s Day There’s always someone who thinks they are funny on April Fool’s Day and gets you good. Karma will get you - just you wait! • No kids allowed One Echo reader recently took her children into a ladies clothing store only for the shop assistant to start telling her children off moments after being in there.
email your submission to: news@pilbaraecho.com.au along with a short paragraph, any photos, your name and contact details. or tell us on facebook: just search pilbara echo
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9am - 5pm Mon - Fri CLOSED Thursday for production
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Shock and awe submitted by Michael Jance During the storms, Michael managed to capture this electrifying moment looking onwards from Nickol to Baynton.
echocelebrations Rickie & Richie
After 17 years and 4 kids Rikki and Richie got married 5 March 2011, at Dampier foreshore surrounded by family and friends. It was an awesome wedding and a big thanks goes out to everyone that attended and helped out to make our day special. Photos by Marg Bertling - she was awesome.
Happy 1st Birthday
Show us what you’ve got! news@pilbaraecho.com.au
Happy first Birthday to our gorgeous baby girl
Neiva! Enjoy your special day. Lots of love Mumma, Dadda & Doodleea! xxx
Port Hedland • Newsagent • Harbourside
Deaggie Connor
Pt Hedland • Karratha South Hedland • Dampier Tom Price • Paraburdoo Pannawonica • Roebourne Wickham • Pt Samson Onslow • Newman and beyond!
Happy 9th Birthday
Deaggie Brooke Bowden Bear Love always & forever, Mummy, Daddy, Michael & Koby
Connor Reef Shepherd
was 1 year old on Friday the 4th March and would like to thank all who helped celebrate his special day! Lots of love from mummy, daddy and your brothers Jack and Harrison xxx
All our love Mum, Dad and Jack xxxxx
Celebrate with the Pilbara Echo.
Email your birthday notices with a high resolution photo to news@pilbaraecho.com.au
echonews echo news
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
Pilbara Underground Project progresses well
Got News?
Shire of Roebourne President Nicole Lockwood said Finnerty Street, Viveash, Wickerson, Padbury and Gregory Ways were included in the Bulgarra pilot cell with work well advanced.
“The project aims to provide cyclone-affected North West towns with a safe and reliable power supply, by replacing ageing overhead electricity infrastructure with underground networks. “The project will dramatically improve safety and reduce the likelihood of power outages to essential services, residents and businesses during, and immediately following, adverse weather events.” Councillor Lockwood said that following an active cyclone season and tornado, ratepayers are reminded that their individual contribution to the PUPP was vital to improving community safety and reliability in power supply. “The tornado caused damage to the existing overhead power network, predominantly in Bulgarra and the Karratha CBD,” she said. “Horizon Power crews worked tirelessly to restore power to homes and businesses, but the event certainly highlighted the need for underground power here in Karratha. “It is exciting to think that once underground power is installed across Karratha we won’t experience power interruptions like those we saw recently.” Cr Lockwood said the Shire of Roebourne would contribute approximately 25 per cent of the total cost of the parts of the project being completed within its Shire boundaries. “The Shire’s contribution will be charged as a project cost to ratepayers commencing in the 2012/13 financial year and will be able to be paid in a four-year payment plan,” she said. “The final cost to ratepayers is currently being calculated and will be communicated as soon as it is finalised. “These calculations are vital to ensure fairness and equity of costs across the community.”
Fresh every weekend
• Karratha Library and Walkington Theatre closed due to recent weather
Library forced to shut Unfortunately due to amount of rain Karratha has had in the last few months it has now caused the Karratha Community Library, Cafe and Theatre administration office to close down due to the same complications of the Walkington Theatre which closed early this year. The public will be notified about reopening time for all venues once the building condition reports are finalised and the recommendations are known. Any borrowed library items can be returned to Pilbara TAFE’s Campus Administration, which is the large white building next to the Walkington Theatre, from 8.30am-4pm Monday-Friday and on Saturday morning between 9am and 12pm. Walkington Theatre Manager, Joel McGuinness, says that Pilbara TAFE has begun remediation work. “Which means pedestrian thoroughfare and access to part of the theatre/library car park are restricted.,” he said.
“During this time, we ask all visitors to the TAFE and its surrounds to be mindful of this work in progress and to observe any detour signs.” “Obviously the safety of our students, staff and visitors is paramount so please be aware of extra traffic and contractor vehicles around the site.” Joel adds that even though the theatre will definitely remained closed for a minimum of six months, that doesn’t mean the show won’t go on. “We are working really hard to negotiate a program of movies, live comedy and music and will move the content to alternative venues wherever we can. We want to make sure you can still get your entertainment fix!” he says. “In the meantime, we’d like to thank everyone for their support. We’ve been overwhelmed by offers of help so we’ll keep you posted on how you can be involved once we have the final assessment.”
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Paintball 2011 TAMbrEy OVAl Saturday, 2 April from 10am-4pm
For further information on the project please visit www.horizonpower. com.au or call 9159 7250.
WICKHAM OVAl Sunday, 3 April from 10am-4pm
Information on street and property works should be directed to O’Donnell Griffin, the contractor undertaking the works for the project, on 9185 9012. For information on the ratepayer contribution to the project please contact the Shire of Roebourne on 9186 8555.
As a contributer-based newspaper, we accept articles from the public. Were you there? Then send your articles & high resolution photos to news@pilbaraecho.com.au
The Pilbara Underground Power Project (PUPP) is progressing well as Horizon Power contractor O’Donnell Griffin continue work in the Bulgarra pilot cell and soon due to commence work in the Millars Well pilot cell shortly.
“This project is a partnership between the West Australian Government (through Royalties for Regions) and Local Government Authorities, including the Shire of Roebourne, delivered by Horizon Power,” Councillor Lockwood said.
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
$10.00 per game
Participants must be aged between 12 - 18 years Registration forms are available at the Shire of Roebourne Administration Offices, Welcome Road, Karratha and at www.roebourne.wa.gov.au. For information contact Brittany on 9186 8555 or brittany.moxham@ roebourne.wa.gov.au
2644 Balmoral Road, Karratha | Ph 9183 8789
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
echoletters Thank you from CARE!
Communities Against Rubbishing our Environment (CARE) and the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) would like to extend sincere thanks to the 166 volunteers and generous sponsors who took part in the Shire Beach CleanUp on National Clean-Up Australia Day - Sunday March 6, 2011. In total, the group collected a staggering 667 bags of rubbish and three car bodies across nine beach locations along the west Pilbara coastline. Through the Shire of Roebourne’s ‘Bags for Bucks’ initiative (and a generous donation by local business Kentz Engineers and Constructors), the rubbish was converted into a $4,674.00 donation for the Shire President’s Carnarvon Flood Appeal. We would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations and in kind support, without which we could not have achieved the Shire Beach Clean-Up event: ToxFree (skip bins, PPE and cool drinks), DECMIL (first aid kits), RCRFM (PPE and insulated water containers), AGC (insulated water containers) and Wickham Community Association (mobile BBQ unit for Boat Beach). We would like to make a special mention of Sodexo and Peninsula Palms, who kindly donated a delicious assortment of catering goods that allowed us to provide a post-event volunteers barbeques at Wickham Boat Beach and Dampier foreshore. CARE and DEC would also like to recognise the following organisations, each of whom provided willing volunteers to support the clean-up event: Kentz, Handleys Survey, Citic Pacific Mining, API West Pilbara Iron Ore Project and John’s Creek Boat Harbour Users (AECOM, Go Marine, J&S Drilling, Van Oord Dredging, Boskalis Australia and Offshore Floatels). Finally, a special mention goes to both DECMIL and the 3rd Karratha Adventure Scouts who were also well represented on the day and have been dedicated supporters of CARE clean-ups over the past 12 months.
echonews echo news
The Pilbara Poet
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
by Elise Batchelor
Having celebrated International Women’s Day earlier this month, many of us felt that bit more empowered. Somewhere, though, just one bloke grumbled. Yet, thinking better of the negative energy he was emitting
(thus unbalancing his inner anima and animus), he decided it would be in his interest to put a more positive spin on his own capabilities. (PS. May contain some stereotype and many bubbles)
International Man’s Day If she gets a day, then so should I. The time is nigh, but I don’t deny she pulls her weight around the house and her cooking’s grouse (she’s quite the spouse), but since we’ve had, oh, what do you say? That Women’s Day, that purple display, to celebrate ME, I’ll clean the place at such a pace she’ll think I’m ace.
After all these jobs are done I’ll suck up scum, as vacuuming’s fun and dust her precious ornaments and ceiling vents and pay the rent and other bills and fines and fees (it’s such a breeze If yur organeezed). I’ll scour the laundry and shower too and TA DAH! - the loo - with flair, I do.
I’ll even scrub the feral wok. Soap suds will flock; she’ll think I rock and then I’ll tidy up the yard; it can’t be hard and buy her chardonnay, the best; it costs five bucks (I think it sucks), but she’s deluxe and for her I will also tote a post-it note(and will not gloat)
And scrub the sink of facial hair, the shavings there beyond compare, and then the bath, I polish it well. It sparkles ‘til my head does swell. I then pick up my path that flows of winding clothes and socks and shoes. Ecstatic she will be tonight I’m a bit of all right. She’ll show delight.
that tells me to PUT DOWN THE SEAT. Now, what a treat. That’s hard to beat and she will not scream from the loo as she’d normally do in such a stew, for not just will the seat be down, but a full roll wound I cleverly found with the other loo rolls she hides so well on the window sill. And I’m no dill.
Especially when I cook the dinner and tell her she’s thinner, she’s with a winner. No chore undone, a spotless home and bubbly foam in a bath to roam. My darling will be in such bliss in the bath’s abyss and I’ll blow a kiss and because I’ve cleaned ‘til the house shines bright I’m a shining light and if my cards play right,
oh yes, we had that Women’s Day (they’re quite ok in the strangest way). But if she’s had HER day, tonight is MINE and because I shine and she thinks I’m fine, I’m sure she’ll want to thank me, yes, for I ‘m the best and she is blessed. So off I pop into our bedroom now, where I’ll “take a bow” and she’ll purr “meow”… …if she ever gets out of the bath.
Holders of Gift Cards from Angus and Robertson To all our loyal customers please read the notice below carefully.
This notice applies to all gift cards except the locally issued paper vouchers that have been purchased from our Karratha store in the past few weeks for use in this store only.
As of 3rd April all other vouchers will no longer be accepted. We apologise for this inconvenience.
Notice to Gift Card Holders As a result of the appointment of Voluntary Administrators to Borders Australia Pty Ltd and Angus & Robertson Pty Ltd on 17 February 2011, changes were made to the gift card policy, which required that gift cards could only be honoured where an equivalent amount was spent in store. This policy will continue until close of business on 3 April 2011. The Administrators have commenced a restructure of the businesses and must obtain financial certainty in relation to the gift card liability. Accordingly the Administrators will not be in a position to honour gift cards beyond 3 April 2011. Gift card holders are strongly urged to redeem their cards in store before that time in order to maximise the value of each gift card.
Further information in relation to the redemption of gift cards can be found at www.ferrierhodgson.com
echonews echo news
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
Camel Man travels through Karratha Just over seven weeks ago, Brisbane resident Stephen Geppert decided to take a trip around WA, but with a twist, he’s riding camels. Geppert, 26, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honors and also majored in Philosophy and Ethics said he decided to travel this unusual way as it ‘sounded like a good idea’. “I like being in nature and exploring, I like being active and I had done everything I wanted to do so I decided to head off,” he said. “Kalamunda Camels responded to my emails so
I came to Perth, but before I set off I spent six months learning about the animals. “They’re names are Wasim and Hemra and are both 20 years old.” He believes that they are tough and resilient animals and he thinks of them as his friends. “They eat whatever they find on the side of the road and can go without water for a long time,” he said. However this isn’t his first out of the ordinary trip. In 2009 Geppert paddled by kayak up the East Coast.
“I paddled 3500 kms and last year I rode a bicycle 14,500 kms around all the states but WA,” he said. “I enjoy the experiences, that I can go places I have never been before and I love meeting so many interesting people. “The great thing is that I never know where I’m going to be from one day to the other.” Before heading back to Perth, Stephen Geppert is planning on going to the Mitchell Falls and the Gibson, Great Sandy and Tanami Deserts.
• Stephen Geppert with his camels travelling around the state. Photo courtesy of Margaret Bertling
First steps of Bulgarra Sporting Precinct begin The Shire of Roebourne’s $3.8 million Bulgarra Sporting Precinct project is underway as the construction of a multi user storage shed on Bulgarra Oval takes shape. The shed will be used to store sporting equipment for a number of local clubs with priority given to Bulgarra-based sporting organisations. The Shire of Roebourne Facility Manager has stated that shed space and oval allocation will be announced later this month in a response to the high demand. In the meantime, the fencing for the southern softball diamond has been
completed and work will shortly commence on the construction of the associated dugouts. Upgrades to electrical supply and floodlighting continue to progress, despite unfavourable weather conditions over the past few weeks. It is anticipated all three projects will be complete by May 2011. The redevelopment of the Hunt Way car park is also underway with consultants already working on possible parking area designs. Construction is expected to be complete by May 2011. Roebourne Shire Council
President Nicole Lockwood said the increased parking capacity was needed to service the expanding precinct, particularly following the recent Bulgarra Community Centre announcement. Due for completion in early 2012, the $6.3-million community centre will offer a purpose built function centre with uninterrupted views across the Bulgarra Oval playing fields. “The Bulgarra Sporting Precinct is set to become the home of sport and recreation across the Shire of Roebourne,” she said. “Once complete this precinct will become one of the region’s premier
entertainment and sporting venues, attracting strong crowds who require access to first class facilities and parking. “The community centre will be available for private hire and will be a great place for weddings, school functions and other large social gatherings.”
You left a nice big line of scrapes and dents from the driver’s door, all the way along the passengers door and severely creased the rear
Date 12,13 April 4,5 April 14-15 April 11 - 15 April 8 April 29 - 30 March 14 April
Industrial Topic Forklift Elevated Work Platform Dogging
For information about storage space allocation contact Shire of Roebourne Recreation Facilities administration office Di Cooper on (08) 9186 8556.
The Bulgarra Sporting Precinct group of projects is proudly funded by the WA Government through Royalties for Regions and the Shire of Roebourne.
Thanks for nothing! It is not like you would not have known you had hit my car.
Topic Enter and work in a Confined Space Work Safely at Heights First Aid Safety Reps Tagging and testing Safety for Supervisors Fire Extinguisher
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I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the “low life” that decided to use my car (a white Subaru WRX) as a bump board and not own up to it.
Safety Skills
guard. I would be surprised if your own car did not suffer some kind of damage. I might be a young bloke on P plates but at least I know that “the right thing to do” would be to attempt to contact the owner of the car I had damaged and let them know.
Not only have you caused major damage to my pride and joy that I struggled to save for to buy, you have damaged my faith in the ability of a fellow human to own up to his mistakes.
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All I can say is “I hope Karma catches up with you and deals you what you deserve”.
Perhaps you could learn something from me.
Thanks for NOTHING... Cameron
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echonews echo news
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
Apprentices talk about mental health and suicide
• Tanaha Swetman, Ryleigh Steinki, Conna Read and Jenny Ngarimu
OzHelp Foundation and Apprenticeships Australia teamed together to run a toolbox session for students on 17 March to raise awareness about mental health and suicide. OzHelp Foundation is an early intervention suicide prevention program, based within the workplace. The organisation was initiated after a mother from Canberra lost her son, who was completing an apprenticeship, to suicide. A combination of workers Unions realised the importance of the mental health of their apprentices and workers and so OzHelp Foundation was formed. Suicide is a complex problem that can effect many young people and families and is often seen as a taboo subject that people
are afraid are to talk about. 25 Apprenticeships Australia apprenticeships, trainees and supervisors attended the event and were lectured about suicide and warning signs to look out for in your peers. Apprenticeships Australia's mission is to be the leaders in occupational and safety health management and run regular toolboxes with apprentices and trainees on current issues. Apprenticeship Australia Advisor Tanaha Swetman said that this particular session was aimed at the construction industry within regional areas. “Apprentices and trainees in the Northwest region need to be aware of mental health issues as completing an apprenticeship or traineeship in isolated conditions, such
as Karratha, can be tough,” she said. Apprentice Ryleigh Steinki said he found the session very interesting but was shocked at how high the suicide rate was. “I was surprised when Ozhelp talked about the figures related to suicides in Australia and that they were based on reported suicides, not hidden or attempted suicides” he said. “I had no idea the statistics of suicides in Australia were over double the national road toll for 2008.” If you have had suicidal thoughts and need to speak to someone or have noticed someone is displaying suicidal signs you can call OzHelp on 1300 OZHELP (1300 694 357) for a free counselling service.
Remarkable event at our door step
Jurruru Community Meeting Date: Thursday, 21 April 2011 Venue: Lesser Hall, Paraburdoo Time: 9.30am - 5.00pm Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation (YMAC) invites members of the Jurruru native title claim group* to a community meeting. The meeting is to discuss claim business, including autthorisation for the removal of a deceased Applicant and the election of a new Applicant. All Jurruru people should attend. To confirm your attendance please contact Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation: (08) 9268 7000 or Freecall 1300 7 12345 * You are a member of this group if you are a Jurruru person, recognised by others as a Jurruru person and can establish your descent from any of the following apical ancestors: Kantitharra or Punartu
Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation (YMAC) is required by law to publish the names of deceased persons in this notice and extends sincere apologies for any offence caused.
Diver’s travel from all over the world to see one of the most spectacular natural events in Western Australia, that occurs right at our door step. The annual mass autumn spawning of corals, is predicted to occur off parts of the coast next week, between 27 and 30 March. Department of Environment and Conservation Marine Science Program Leader Dr Chris Simpson said the event will occur in the Dampier Archipelago, Ningaloo Marine Park and Abrolhos Islands, over the period of the lowest tidal range, seven to ten nights after the full moon. “This fascinating event in the coral reproductive cycle looks something like a pink, underwater snow storm and it attracts many divers and photographers each year,” Dr Simpson said. “The coral spawning occurs at night, usually on an ebbing tide, beginning about an hour after sunset and continuing for two to three hours.
• Diver with spawning Staghorn Coral Department of Environment and Conservation Marine Park Coordinator Rachael Middlebrrok said that it is a spectacular natural phenomenon. “allows the coral reefs to reproduce and grow and is a key sign of a healthy reef,” she said. “The most diverse coral areas in the Archipelago are found on the seaward slopes
of Delambre Island, Harmersley Shoal, Sailfish Reef, Kendrew Island and north-west Enderby Island. These areas have a high diversity of hard corals, with at least 229 species recorded. “With coral spawning, sometimes the event can continue for several hours. Although not all corals will spawn on the one night, it can actually take place over consecutive evenings.”
register online today: pilbaraecho.com.au
echonews echo news
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
Records tumble as student leaders take to the water By Des Prizmic and Kate Lyon 68 student leaders from local primary schools converged on the Dampier waterfront for the annual Year 7 Leadership Camp last week. Students from Tambrey, Peg’s Creek, Dampier, Wickham, Roebourne, Millars Well and Karratha Primary Schools were set the task to design, fabricate and water test the largest-ever raft built in the harbour. Working in teams, without adult intervention student leaders used 100 metres of PVC pipe, 1000 metres of rope and plenty of ‘four by twos’ to build the vessel dubbed the‘Mega Beast’.
Despite the heat, workload and challenge of coordinating such a huge task, the raft was a resounding success, with all students completing a successful seatrial, navigating the beast around a set course. An elated student, Emily Lewis from Tambrey Primary, stated, “It helped us build teamwork. “It was great fun and I was very proud when it was completed.” The Mega Beast was one of many activities organised by teachers from all of the local schools and run by Mr Des Prizmic of the Dampier Camp School. Despite the short
time-frame of the camp, students built teamwork and leadership skills, devised a leadership code of conduct, considered their own personal approach to leadership and developed positive relationships with leaders from other schools. Camp coordinator and architect of the Leadership Camp concept, Kate Lyon, said that this year’s group of leaders demonstrated a level of leadership that made the students a stand-out. The camp concept is grounded in the belief that a leadership camp should be great fun because of the sense of achievement that comes from dealing
with difficult situations and the sorts of personal and interpersonal dilemmas the leaders face each day, and the fact that these students have been carefully identified within their schools as being capable of taking on a high level of responsibility.
Tania’s ready for business If you’ve ever wondered about Word, exclaimed over Excel or spent a morning pondering Powerpoint, then a TAFE business course may be just what you need. Pilbara TAFE’s brand new lecturer, Tania Mancer, has just come on board and one of her aims is to de-mystify computer programs once and for all so that Karratha locals can tackle the whole Microsoft Office suite! “Often people are self-taught and have figured out the basics for themselves but, once you enrol in official classes, you’ll find you improve your knowledge and skill base” says Tania. “From inserting graphs to formatting documents, placing mpegs in Powerpoint or creating formulas in Excel – you’ll learn what it takes to be an
office whiz. Best of all, these courses aren’t just about computing but customer service, time management and team work so, by the time you finish, you’ll have a fantastic overview of business fundamentals.” Tania especially encourages Karratha mums to give the course a go. “I’ve been a stay-athome mum so I totally appreciate the pressures of juggling work, study and family,” she says. “My absolute commitment to all people signing up for this course is that together we’ll work out a schedule that suits you and work out how we can best meet your goals.” Tania adds that the advantage of studying a business course at TAFE is that it can be done flexibly which means you can study
in your own time, at your own pace. “You can study the whole course from home and when you want some extra help, you can either email me or telephone or book an appointment to meet one-on-one,” Tania says. “There’s also the possibility of intense workshops which will work like a boot camp for those wanting to get their Business skills up to speed, quickly!” Even though Tania is new to the Pilbara, she has spent years honing her skills in Training and Small Business Management in New Zealand. “I love lecturing in Business because I teach people skills that will change their lives,” says Tania. “Whether you’re
SATURDAY 9TH APRIL AT 6:30PM • Tania Mancer can help you improve your business skills returning to work after being a full time Mum, whether you’re starting a business or trying for a promotion, these courses will set your career in the right direction!” For more information on the Certificate II and III in Business, call Pilbara TAFE’s Karratha Campus on 9159 6700 or email info@ pilbaratafe.wa.edu.au
• Various clients attended the official opening “Through our contacts over this time, we have a proven database of candidates available for all manner of positions and capabilities to tailor
any process to our client’s needs.” DFP Recruitment Services can be found at 18 Hedland Place, Karratha or call on (08) 9185 9700.
Karratha Sporting & Recreation Club, Searipple Road
Tickets on sale - TAB at the All Seasons Hotel and the Rec Club $30.00 pre-sale;; $40 on the night For more information contact Kim on 0419 838 237
28 March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31 March 1 April 1 April 4 April 4 April 6 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 8 April 8 April 7 April 8 April 11 April 11 April 19 April 20 April 21 April TBA 11-12 May 5 May 12 May 13 May 13 May 16 May 16 May 13 June 14 June 14 June 13-15 July 19 July 20 July 20 July
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Contact Deanna at Master Builders for registration details on 99215061, or email deanna@mbawa.com K
“DFP Resources is backed by our strong national brand with solid experience in resources recruitment with staff who are local experts. “These experienced people are passionate and determined to deliver successful results for clients.” DFP Recruitment Services Manager Petina Sharvin said that the team have over nine years recruitment experience in the local area. “We’re definitely able to anticipate the supply and demand of project and staffing requirements within the Pilbara region.
Connect with the Echo
New recruitment services open in Karratha DFP Recruitment Services officially opened their new branch office in Karratha on Thursday 17 March for its DFP Resources brand. Specialising in Oil, Gas & Mining Recruitment, DFP Resources offers expert knowledge within the resources sector with staff who work in resources and appreciate the uniqueness of the industry. “Karratha was the logical first step in DFP’s expansion into the specialised area of resources recruitment” according to DFP’s CEO, Robert van Stokrom.
• The Mega Beast
echoentertainment echo entertainment
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
Play time in the Pilbara
• Marlaina and daughter Laila Russell DL 17069
Hundreds of boys and girls packed into the Karratha Entertainment Centre on Thursday 24 March to celebrate the Karratha Community House (KCH) Pilbara Play Day. Held in the main hall and following onto the Bulgarra Oval, there were so many activities for the children to engage in such as face painting, tambourine making, necklace making, biscuit decorating, sponge painting, water play and lots lots more as well as information stores for parents. The main highlight of the day was of course the performances from Play School’s Teo and Alex.
KCH Play Day Committee member Kym Sheperdson said it took over 4 months to organise but was certainly worth it after seeing over 1000 people attend. “We’ve all had such a wonderful time, the children have loved the day and we’ve had so many positive comments from parents” she said. Being a mother as well, Kym explained that these type of family events are crucial for people living in regional areas. “Its a privilege to have events like this in Karratha, children from the Northwest don’t have the same opportunities as those in the city, and to have such high
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• Darcy Young and Nayco Farmer
The fundraising par t of FOTT’s activitie s is ongoing – with the opportu nities to contribute to much required items in the upkeep of the Wa lkington Theatre. Come alon g and be involved in the planning and fun of activities such as BBQ s, quiz nights and more. FOTTs are after a dedicated team of fundraisers with a passion for the arts, energy and good ideas. Whether you have a little or a lot of time on your hands, simply let us know and we can work together.
interested to he lP Create other soCial even Walkington thea ts at the tre?
Ushering at a mo vie? You can brin g along a friend when you voluntee r to usher!
FOTT’s are a very visible and integra l part of the Walkington The atre – in supporting the professional staff at the theatre by gree ting, taking tickets and helping patrons find their sea ts. For a minimal contribution of time pre and pos t event, meet people in the community - catc h up with other FOTTs and attend as many eve nts that you can handle.
see events For Fr ee by ushering
Update from the Walkington Theatre
Love attending movies, live shows looking for a social opportunity within the Karratha community? Friends of the Theatre have supported the Walkington Theatre since 1984. With very special events for FOTT’s to attend, the Walkington Theatre , staff and friends look forward in meeting and soc ialising with you. Pencil these dates into your calenda r now.
AGM: Thursday 14 April 6.30-7.30pm at Pilbara TAFE. More social activitie s will also take plac e outside of these as fundraising opportu nities for FOTTs.
EnD OF yEaR sUn DOWnER DRInK s anD mOvIE Fri 18 November
PRIvaTE mOvIE scREEnIng an D BBQ Thur 18 August
WELcOmE TO 201 1 Cocktail party pro gram launch of the year, music, BBQ and spot prizes - Thu r 3 March PRIvaTE mOvIE scREEnIng an D BBQ Thur 14 April
Fill your soCial Calendar For the year
Interested in the future of the theatre, and want to have your say in a poignant time in the theatre’s history? The AGM will feature nominations for the new 2011 committee and a report of 2010 FOTT activities. SOCIAL BBQ: Thursday 14 April from 7.30pm at Pilbara TAFE chRIsTmas In JULy Sat 2 July
Come along to join or renew your membership and share a BBQ with fellow FOTTs and Walkington staff. THEATRE & CAFE CLOSURE
QUIz nIghT Sat 28 May
All welcome, registration of attendance for either event not required.
The Walkington Theatre and Cafe will be closed until further notice due to water damage sustained in recent storms. Love going to the theatre, movies and looking for a social opportunity within the Karrath a community? Friends of the The atre (FOTTs) have supported the Walkington Theatre in volunteering at eve nts, fundraising for items used at the Theatre and sup porting the social and commun ity spirit of events since 1984. n 2011, the Walkin gton Theatre is exc ited to release new FOTT progra m for the year. Bein g a ‘FOTT’ rings many opportu nities to engage with the eatre and enjoy you r community. OTT membership = Discounted tick ets to ows before everyo ne else and FRE E movies Upon joining FOT T’s, you’ll receive a membership card that provide s you discounted tickets to live shows and eve nts (where advertis ed) at the Walkington Theatre and discounts at other Circuit West venues (WA Association of Reg ional Arts Centres). Flash you r membership card when you book your tickets, too easy! OTT’s are also able to book their tick ets a eek before the gen eral public, so you have the hance to get the best seats in the house. you’re into movies too, your member ship card lso features a Freq uent Movie Goer promotion = ttend 9 movies and get your 10th movie free.
It is anticipated that movies and live events will return in May – stay tuned for further information on programming. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Friends oF the th
Box Office 9.30am-4pm Mon-Fri, 9159 6860 www.pilbaratafe.wa.edu.au/walkington Dampier Road, Karratha
The sponsors are Pilbara Echo, Tox Free, Cape, Chevron Operated Gorgon Project, Citic Pacific, Apache, Dampier Port Authority, LandCorp, Pilbara News, Department of Communities, Liftmec, Karratha International, North West Shelf Venture, MacLaren Hire, Ray White, Harvey Norman, Retravision, BOC gases, Carr Civil, Muffin Break, Woolworths, Karratha Earthmoving, Karratha Contracting, Lions Club, Pegs Creek Primary School, Vince Catania-Member For North West, St Lukes High School, St Paul’s Primary School, Life and Soul, James Cutfield, Icon Restaurant and Home Hardware. The Play Day Committee consists of Aleisha Whitehouse, Kate Taylor, Francesca Quayle, Bess Flanigan, Alison Plummer and Kym Shepherdson.
Tambrey Primary go All Black The students at Tambrey Primary have been doing their bit for the victims of the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake by paying to wearing black to school in exchange for a coin donation.
Friends of the Th eatre Ph: 9159 6867 n@pilbaratafe.wa .edu.au www.pilbaratafe.w a.edu.au
83 Gt Eastern Hwy Bellevue (cnr Roe Hwy)
profile actors such as Teo and Alex is fantastic” she said. “Events like these are essential in keeping the spirit of the community alive in remote areas.” Parent Catherine Clifton said that these events are fantastic for younger children and keeping them entertained. “There’s not a lot for small children up here and with the heat it’s good to have something indoors” she said. “Plus it’s very entertaining, especially with Playschool, that’s always a hit.” KCH and the Pilbara Play Day Committee would like to thank the many sponsors who contributed to the event this year. Without their help, an event of this scale could not be possible.
The event, organised by teacher Christine Borlase from New Zealand, was held on 22 March, marking the one month anniversary of the natural disaster.
Traveller R.V.
• Austin Gentry with Teo from Play School
Each student made a coin donation to wear black and a coin trail was also made spelling out ‘Christchurch’. Christine Borlase said she wanted to organised the event because there are a number of students that attend Tambrey Primary who have originated from New Zealand families, and the possibilities of any connections are high. “It’s our way of showing our support” she said. “It’s
• The Year 7 boys performed the Haka of developing civil responsibility amongst the students, so that they understand what is going on around the world. “The students often want to do something to help but are never sure where to start.” To end the event, male students from Year 7 performed the traditional Maori Haka which Christine Borlase had previously
taught. Tambrey Primary managed to raise $754.40 and the money will now be donated to the New Zealand Government Christchurch Earthquake appeal via a telegraphic transfer. Christine Borlase would like to thank all of the Tambrey families that supported the day.
echonews echo news
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
Huge turnout for Harmony Day The Pilbara Multicultural Association held its annual Harmony Day event on Saturday the 19th of March which was to help combat racism and promote multiculturalism in the community. Pilbara Multicultural Association secretary Vanessa Subramoney said that they showcase culture in food, dance, song and dress. “This is the third Harmony Day event we have put on however only the second one on a large scale,” she said. “There are activities
for the kids including flag making, face painting, bouncy castle and pin the flag on the country. “The Christian community students from St Luke’s College came down to help with the activities and show what Harmony Day is all about. “It is a really positive event for the whole community, it bridges the gaps and brings people closer together.” Tracy Shu who came down to the event said that she enjoys Harmony Day events as you get to meet so many different
backgrounds. “My cultural background is Chinese and with this kind of events I can also meet people with the same background,” she said. “I am new to town so this is a great way for me and my children to meet new people, everyone is just so friendly here. “I have been to other Harmony Day events and that is where I meet most of my friends, I am very excited to taste all the different food and see all the dances.” Pilbara Multicultural
Association would like to thank the following sponsors for their input for the event the Shire of Roebourne, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Bakers Delight, Bakers Tempations and Woolworths. They would also like to thank everyone who participated in the event with dancing, singing, meals and dress. For any community feedback about the night you can contact the Pilbara Multicultural Association on pma.karratha@gmail. com
Illustrator inspires students With more then 100 books published and 35 years experience in publishing and illustrating, Roland Harvey is the perfect inspiration for students finding their way in life. Although Harvey used to be an architect he decided to start up he’s own publishing company on the side. “I started illustrating as a hobby but there is a high demand for illustrators and not so much architectures,” he said. “I like to draw people and nature plus I like to help the kids see the beauty in different things through art. “I try to wake their consciousness to understand things better and bring complexity into the story. Before Harvey even begins a story he always studies his subject to
make the story ‘more real’ “For the book Sick As I studied all different types of illness’ to make the sickest man in the world,” he said. “I had books stacked from the floor to my bellybutton all about medicine studies.” His influences included his graphic designer parents and also his architect university lecturer. “When he thought me architect he would bring in so many different things including art and history and it was always really interesting so that’s what I wanted to do when I spoke to younger kids about illustrating,” he said. “My old neighbour used to say that I would become an international artist, never thought it would actually come
• Apple Coombe, Nalon Somjan, Gai Healy and Chutima Hongphoomee
• Rawinia and Theresa Ratapu, Katerina Wang and Jacelyn and Michael Hurst
Tropical tranquility in 4* apartments at Cable Beach • Roland Harvey and some year nine students true. “Showing young kids my illustrations and being able to turn kids to art is the most satisfying thing, going around to so many different schools has had such a great response.” Year nine student Megan Wingeatt said she already really enjoys art and she found Harvey’s
visit very interesting. “I love how you have to freedom in art to draw however you feel,” she said. “Watching Rolard Harvey I learnt more about art like perspective drawing and how easy it is, you just need to observe more.”
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Millars Well spend Telstra grant Millars Well Primary School were excited to receive sports equipment this term that was purchased with money from a Telstra Grant in 2010.
The students now have the opportunity to play
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• Mr Gareth Palmer (Deputy Principal), Ben Hobart and Mr Baden Wheals (PE specialist) proudly show off the new sports equipment
The Telstra grant was initiated by the Hobart Family, who has a family member working for Telstra in South Australia.
at recess and lunch times with a range of engaging games such as giant chess, giant checkers, giant Connect Four, Giant Snakes and Ladders, throwing skills net and much more. Millars Well Primary School students and staff would like thank Telstra for their generous donation and the Hobart Family in facilitating access to this grant.
echoentertainment echo entertainment
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
A full house for
British India Out of Bounds Entertainment once again hosted a sell out night as they brought Melbourne based band British India to the Karratha Tavern on 18 March. British India are currently on their three month ‘March into the Ocean’ tour with Karratha being one of their first visits. As the night began a support set from local musician James Cutfield had the crowd fully engaged before British India took to the stage and dominated the crowd with each hit song after another such as ‘Run the Red Light’, ‘Teenage Mother’ and ‘Vanilla’.
Clockwise from top left: • Lead singer of British India Declan • Nathan, Nadia, Sarah, Morgan, Elijah, Nathan and Aaron (Skimo) • British India live at the Karratha Tavern • Sam and Todd • Jason, Vik Andy and Tash
When ‘March into the Ocean’ was played across the venue the crowd were rapturous. When the set sadly came to an end, the fans shouted and pleaded for an encore, giving the band no other choice. Giving the crowd what they wanted, the boys headed back on stage and left a lasting
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I, Said The Sparrow
Jason Shaw On Friday, March 18th (Bassist), (Guitarist) and Clint Gatter local band Common • 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom units. Bond was given the (Drummer) said that it has • Serviced - clean and comfortable. opportunity to be the taken a very long time to www.pilbaraclassies.com.au support band for I, Said finally get where they are. • Close to beach, shops & transport. The Sparrow who have Lead singer of band I, • Air conditioned. Reasonable rates. just broken Edition: into the music Said The 2010 Sparrow, Sean 691 - Tues 26 Jan Name: Trinity Natural Health scene nationally. Hendry who actually lived Telephone: 0487 245 245 Common Bond made in Wickham and went to Ad size: 1/4 page Booking ID: 10343 Ad ID: 05847 www.luna-apartments.com.au up of Corey Baker school at St Luke’s College (Singer), Jackson MacLeod said that he was very (Guitarist), Devyn Jupp excited to be back in the (Guitarist), Kris Nel town to perform. Karratha’s Holistic (Bassist) and Bodhi Carter“We’ve just released and Wellness Centre Tulk (drummer) said that our debut single I’m a this is there first stage gig Villain and I’m Online and www.pilbaraclassies.com.au open to the public. we’re very excited to see “It’s funny because I what the town thinks,” he don’t get nervous until said. Edition: 691 - Tues 26 Jan 2010 Name: Trinity Natural Health five mins before I go on “I remember my first stage,” Baker said. band I was in was called Ad size: 1/4 page Booking ID: 10343 Ad ID: 05847 “I tell myself that Syn and we play at the people are going to hate St Luke’s gym when I was us anyway so I think I’m 15, and its amazing to see not going to disappoint how far we have all come. anyone,” MacLeod said. “When I was in Syn we Visit www.trinitynaturaltherapies.com.au “To try and stop the used to play all Green Day nerves I keep myself busy cover songs, it’s hilarious to find out how and I stole my sisters to think back at it but I rescue remedy stray to guess you have to start Call Zan today on somewhere.” calm me down.” Hendry said the band I, Said The Sparrow made up of Sean Hendry has just finished off to find out how Trinity can FIND US UPSTAIRS AT 16 (Singer), Tristian Sturmer playing gigs in Melbourne make you feel better HEDLAND PLACE KARRATHA
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impression by playing a cover of Rage Against Machine’s ‘Killing in the Name’. An Out of Bounds Entertainment organiser said that the night was a huge success. “It was great to see that people came out to support good live music” he said. “British India had a blast, they were happy with the support and turn out and will certainly be back in the near future.” Singer James Cutfield and owner of Signature Music really enjoyed playing before British India and commented that the crowd was loud and appreciative. “As for British India, I had many people comment after that it was awesome and they rocked” he said. “'Tie up my hands' was a crowd pleaser and the cover of Rage Against The Machine's 'Killing in the name' was a suitable finale to an evening of extra loud indie rock.”
• Common Bond supported I, Said The Sparrow at the Mermaid Hotel and Sydney. “The crowd’s are so different, in Sydney the crowd would watch but didn’t dance and here everyone really gets into it,” he said. “I met Devyn from Common Bond through a mutual friend and we are always up for helping bands out that are just starting out so we decided to give the guys a chance to play with us.” Although different music Common Bond
from styles, being
heavy metal and I, Said The Sparrow being electro pop/rock they both still enjoyed each others ability to produce good music. “There are hardly any opportunities in Karratha for bands like Common Bond to show what they have to offer, so the more help we can give them is better,” he said. “If anyone is starting in a band in a small country Ato set goals both short and long term and just go slowly, as it is not going to happen over night.”
echoentertainment echo entertainment
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
DJ’s Cut Spin & Drop at the Tav said. “It is going to take a while but you just take little steps at a time. He is inspired by energetic DJ’s and people that look like they are enjoying themselves instead of someone that just stands there. “I met Frankie through a mutual friend, as Perth is a very small city compared to others, I had heard about Frankie a lot and was really interested in meeting him,” he said. “A friend knew how much I wanted to meet him so he helped set it up. “I gave Frankie my mix and he really liked it and it’s just gone from there.” Riley studied music at high school but never thought he’d get back into it, specially after going to University to study Sport Physiotherapy “After two years of University I knew it wasn’t for me and that I wanted to be a DJ so I dropped out,” he said “I love DJing, it’s my hobby and my job, a lot of people are in work just for the money but I’m not. I think you should do what you want to do then find someone to pay you.” DJ Electric Button will be in Karratha at the Tavern again on Saturday, April 9th.
Clockwise from top left: • Jade Mead, Jack Armstrong and Lilly Edwards • DJ Electric Button and DJ Whitelabel • “Stu’s Crew” • Ben Redknap and Dhannon De Bari • Mattilda Russell and Mya Do
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Working At Heights 1 x Day course
• Champion Music West Coast Hip Hop tour our first album called ‘The Rise Above”. “Then when I met up with Cortext he really pushed me to lift my game. “And although we have made album together we still want to go back to our original crews when the
tour ends, including both separate crews working on different albums.” If you are interested in heading down to watch the guys belt out and show this town what they are made of, head down to the Mermaid Hotel on April 2, entry cost is $10.
$360 plus GST
DATE 28/3 - 1/4 30/3
Conduct Dogging Operations - 5 days Working at Heights Awareness
$1120 $360
4/4 - 5/4 11/4 - 12/4 27/4 - 30/4
Operate Elevating Work Platform $670 Operate a Fork Lift $580 Operate a Crane (theory only) $920 North West Training & Inspection Services 7/5 Working at Heights Awareness $360 Traininga & 10/5 -North 11/5 West Operate Fork Lift TRAINING COURSES $580 Inspection Services 12/5 - 13/5 Operate Elevating Work $670 COST DATE 2010Platform COURSE OCTOBER TRAINING COURSES Oct 2010 Conduct Forklift Course $495 23/5 - 27/5 Conduct Dogging17 Operations $1120 1 day RIIHAN201A NWTIS
have been months of preparation for the huge shows so hopefully it all pays off. “The Champion Music Mixtape features myself from the crew Freek Styles and Cortext from the Down South Crew.” Working hard on this new mixtape both Cortext and Chekid have been able to produce some of the most freshest sounds you will hear this year ranging from a slow heartfelt track “How Can I Go On” and a fast paced, hard punching track “Top Of The Line”. “We will be leaving Perth on March 24 ending in Dampier on April 2,” he said. “I’ve been involved with hip hop for eight years with Freek Styles and in 2009 we released
COURSE COST OCTOBER Conduct Forklift Course $495 1 day RIIHAN201A Experienced Operators Only - Evidence must be provided
DATE 2010 17 Oct 2010
4/6 27/6 - 28/6 29/6 - 30/6
18-22/10/2010 25-26/10/2010 27-28/10/2010 13-14/11/2010 15-18/11/10 19-20/11/2010 13-14/12/2010 15-16/12/2010
Experienced Operators Only - Evidence must be provided 18-22/10/2010
Conduct Rigging Course 5 Days RIIHAN209A
25-26/10/2010 Conduct Fork Lift Course Working at Heights Awareness 2 days RIIHAN201A 27-28/10/2010 Operate Elevate Work Platform 2 days RIIHAN301A Operate a Fork Lift NOVEMBER 13-14/11/2010 Conduct Fork Lift Course 2 days RIIHAN201A Operate Elevating15-18/11/10 Work Platform Conduct Crane Theory Course
Conduct Rigging Course 5 Days RIIHAN209A Conduct Fork Lift Course 2 days RIIHAN201A Operate Elevate Work Platform 2 days RIIHAN301A NOVEMBER Conduct Fork Lift Course 2 days RIIHAN201A Conduct Crane Theory Course 4 Days Operate Elevate Work Platform 2 days RIIHAN301A DECEMBER Conduct Fork Lift Course 2 days RIIHAN201A Operate Elevate Work Platform 2 days RIIHAN301A
$1050 $565 $650 $565 $920
4 Days Operate Elevate Work Platform 2 days RIIHAN301A DECEMBER Conduct Fork Lift Course 2 days RIIHAN201A Operate Elevate Work Platform 2 days RIIHAN301A
North West Training & Inspection Services To apply phone: 9144 4250
To apply phone: 9144 4250
$650 $565 $650
13-14/12/2010 15-16/12/2010
$1050 $565 $360 $650 $580 $565 $670 $920 $650 $565 $650
Want to go see the WA version of Australia’s Got Talent Justice Crew? Then head down to the Mermaid Hotel in Dampier on April 2 to see the works Chekid, DJ Jamu, Paulep, Nate Deezy, Cortext, Aero D and Bryte. Pilbara Echo was able to have a chat with one member of the crew Chekid who said they will be promoting their new album Champion Music. “Sound Magnetiks and Phat Rich Records have organised the whole West Coast tour,” he said. “We decided it would be a great idea to tour the North West because we had done a couple of tours down South and it was a great response and we filled the place out. “We are really looking forward to it, there
Locally owned and produced
DJ Electric Button has hit up the Karratha Tavern once again with the help with DJ Matt ‘Whitelabel’ Riley and local DJ Brenton ‘Panda’ Cartledge on Saturday, 19th of March. DJ Electric Button aka Frankie Button said it was a great night with some new twists of house electro mixes. “We set up some live visuals and we are hoping to stream it direct to the web,” he said. “DJ Panda warmed up the stage getting the crowd ready for both myself and DJ Whitelabel.” Matt Riley although only been DJing for two and a half years said the night was a huge success and he enjoyed every minute of it. “The set up at the Tavern was awesome, I was so pumped to get on stage,” he said. “It’s my first time in Karratha and my first fly out gig out of Perth. “The country is so different, not just the way it looks but how the people act at a gig, they jump around and really get into it. Riley first got interested in DJing while at Perth nightclub the Paramount and watched a man DJing old hip hop for eight hours straight. “I’m from Perth and I’m trying to get into the country scene then nationally and internationally,” he
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Free Weekly 26 March 2011
Wildlife watch:
Pet Watch by Kelsey Creswell
Pilbara Wildlife Carers Association
Sacred kingfisher By Jenny Fox The sacred kingfisher is a medium size kingfisher (the Kookaburra being the largest) which is found throughout the coastal regions of Australia. They are turquoise in colour while the female is generally lighter with duller upper parts. Young birds are similar to the female, but have varying amounts of rusty-brown edging to feathers on the collar and underparts, and buff edges on the wing coverts (the bird in the photo is a juvenile). Their feathers have a beautiful iridescent sheen when seen in the light. You will often see these little birds sitting on power lines in the early morning or late afternoon. Breeding season is September to December which can vary depending on seasonal conditions. Nesting sites can either be a riverbank, a termite mound or a tree hollow.
The dog groomers SAFE has many volunteers helping with our life saving work. Two of our greatest supporters are the team at the Dog Groomers. Because of the nature of our work we have had many horrific instances where animals have been brought to us in desperate need of grooming. Grooming is not just done for appearance but for the comfort and the health of the animal. An animal suffering from matted or dreaded hair is preventable but neglected dogs and cats often need urgent professional assistance because of the severity. The Dog Groomers is an
extremely busy business in Karratha but often they drop everything to donate hours of their time at no cost to SAFE to help the suffering creatures in need of aid. Without their assistance these animals’ suffering would have continued. Thanks to the support of Andria and Sarah, they have quickly and efficiently used their services to bring comfort to these animals by supporting SAFE with their professionalism and compassion. The animals and humans at SAFE greatly appreciate the work you do for us! If you have a pet in need or know of a pet in need call Andria and Sarah 0422408860 at The Dog Groomers!
• The sacred Kingfisher They lay from 3 -6 eggs and both parents brood and care for the young. They feed mainly over land only occasionally capturing prey in the water. Their diet comprises of lizards and insects including their larvae and occasionally fish and crustaceans. Here in the Pilbara, I have heard people comment that they occasionally see these birds flying over their swimming pools catching the hovering insects, usually after a bumper
• Neve, Leah, Luke and Tyler tuck into the yummy picnic food they made while their teddies take time out in the basket
season when bugs abound. The majority of time we see these birds in care is when they have hit a window and knocked themselves out or break a wing. For the most part, they recover from their concussion after a quiet spell in the dark, and can be re released, the other percentage die from the trauma. Sadly the bird in the photo was taken from a family cat and later died from shock and its injuries.
• Ryan and Blake punch a hole for the antennas on their paper plate butterfly puppets
Lunch with the teddies
Made from recycled NEWSPAPER
not recycled NEWS
*Printed on 52gsm ‘Norbright’ stock which is manufactured by Norske Skog (ISO14001 Certified Environmental Management System) using recycled fibre and pulp sourced from sustainably managed forests.
Dampier Primary School Kindy started the year with a theme close to every young child's heart... Teddy Bears' Picnic. Through the theme the children were involved in a variety of activities helping them to develop a range of skills, in all those essential areas, that will assist them in becoming life long learners. To finish off the theme, parents were invited to join their children for a fun filled day of art and craft, team work, creative thinking, skills consolidation and of course, a picnic. The children were invited to wear their party clothes
and bring their favourite teddy. They made their own party food, learning and trying out each recipe over the last few weeks, and were proud to share their "wares" with their parents. The day started with the Teddy Bears' Picnic tune and finished with the children inviting the parents to join them on a bear hunt (We're going on a bear hunt - we're not scared). A fun, full day was had by all with the children dragging their tired parents home for a well earned afternoon nap!
• Tayen is off to the next activity while Jaeda gets a helping hand from Lindy
• Rose, Jazlyn, Harley and Elijah work together to build a house for their teddies
echohealth echo health
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
MVE detected in the Shire Shire of Roebourne residents are being warned that Murray Valley Encephalitis (MVE) has recently been detected within the Shire and to take precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Shire of Roebourne Council President Nicole Lockwood said the virus had been detected through the University of Western Australia and Department of Health sentinel chicken program. “If people are aware of the risk then they can take the necessary precautions to prevent against being bitten by mosquitoes,” she said. “MVE and Kunjin viruses are most likely to affect newcomers to affected regions, such as babies, young children, tourists or new employees, but anyone
experiencing symptoms should seek medical advice quickly.” Cr Lockwood said initial symptoms of MVE included fever, drowsiness, headache, stiff neck, nausea and dizziness and people experiencing these symptoms should seek medical advice quickly. “In young children, fever is often the only early sign meaning parents should see their doctor if concerned, and particularly if their child experiences drowsiness, floppiness, irritability, poor feeding, or general distress.” Cr Lockwood said the Health Department advised last month that Kunjin Virus had been detected in the Kimberley and preliminary data showed the virus was also active in the Pilbara.
visit our website: pilbaraecho.com.au or search facebook: ‘Pilbara Echo’
• MVE disease “Infection with Kunjin virus can cause symptoms that are similar to Ross River virus disease, such as swollen and aching joints, fever and rash,” she said. “In some cases, both MVE and Kunjin viruses can cause more severe symptoms meaning it is vital that people take precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes in the first place.”
Once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase this Luxury Waterfront Property recently named 2010 HIA Australian Project Home of the Year! Executive tenants in place, so plan your future now and enjoy the income and tax benefits that will come with owning this luxury Cairns Beaches property. Imagine your future in absolute luxury or contemplate a day on the Great Barrier Reef from your very own private pontoon, an opportunity not to be missed.
For all enquiries and photos contact Anthony on 0418213429
Are you paying too much tax? Build your portfolio of investment properties to retire to on their income. Busselton is the Gold Coast of WA with good capital growth. Invest in bricks and see, smell and touch your investment property. Land and bricks do not evaporate! Judy can arrange the full package from selection of property and property management and Paul from Aussie Geographe can assist with your investment loan enquiries. Judy’s statement says it all – that she and her husband (retired at 51), have made extensive profits from property investment in Busselton over 26 years. To become one of many happy, successful investors from the North West, please call Judy on 0408 554 187, or discuss your finance needs with Paul today on 0427 522 861. Paul Jennings 0427 522 861 Franchise Principal Aussie Geographe 103 Queen St, Busselton Ph: (08) 9751 2155 Fx: (08) 9751 2166 www.aussie.com.au/geographe paul.jennings@aussie.com.au
Judy Slieker 0408 554 187 Email – jjs747@bigpond.com 96-98 Queen Street, Busselton WA 6280 Ph: (08) 9752 5300 Fx: (08) 9752 4830 www.profbuss.com.au sales@profbuss.com.au
Parenting courses in Karratha Community Link and Network (CLAN) WA will be providing a range of FREE parenting courses in Karratha. Do you want less conflict and more cooperation in your family? Would you like to know how to help your children become more resilient so they can cope better in stressful times? Are you concerned that you child may be a victim of bullying? As parents we hope to keep our children free from harm and danger. The bullying phenomenon is no longer restrained to the concept of a bully picking on a weaker victim in the schoolyard. More than 50 per cent of regular internet users
will be bullied. “From Bully to Buddy’ will show you ways toward bully-proofing your child. Come to all three or one session. This program of workshops will help all parents of children aged 3-12. The topics being offered include communication, setting boundaries, sibling rivalry, building resilience and setting boundaries. You can attend as few or as many sessions as you wish. The workshops will be held during both the day and the evening from April 4-7 so that both mums and dads have the chance to attend. A crèche will be provided during the day although bookings are required.
Busselton... location is everything!
• CLAN WA Training Office Val Gandossini and Family Skills Coordinator Delys Griffin For bookings or more information about the courses please call 9144 0651 or email projectofficer@rdapilbara. org.au
A great tenanted home on 1,080 sqm with R30 zoning proposed triplex site. Walk to town & beach. Currently tenanted 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, hardiplank veneer and colorbond roof. Side access for boat, caravan and visitors. Tenants love living there, your choice. For your negative gear portfolio. A gift at $498,000. Phone Exclusive Representative Judy Slieker 0408 554 187. Judy Slieker 0408 554 187 Email – jjs747@bigpond.com 96-98 Queen Street, Busselton WA 6280 Ph: (08) 9752 5300 Fx: (08) 9752 4830 www.profbuss.com.au sales@profbuss.com.au
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Price - $899,000 Donna Senbergs 0437 813 879 donna.senbergs@raywhite.com
All units are 2 bed x 1 bath All fully furnished Fully managed investments Centrally located Shared pool & BBQ area
Priced From: $265,000 Cheryl Eley 0427 981 955 cheryl@raywhite.com
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echohealth echo health
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Why mentoring?
pilbaraechomums & bubs
please send your photos to mel@pilbaraecho.com.au
By Nicky Arthur
Mallee Pangbourne Bird 20 January 2011 Nathan Bird and Taryn Smith are very happy to announce the arrival of their baby boy, Mallee Pangbourne Bird, born on 20 January 2011 at St John of God Hospital Bunbury weighing 8lb 6oz. Mallee is a little brother for his sister Ruby. Many thanks to the staff and midwives and especially Doctor Scott Macliver.
WA; the safest place to give birth Western Australia continues to be one of the safest places to give birth according to a report released. Chief Medical Officer Dr Simon Towler said the Perinatal, Infant and Maternal Mortality in Western Australia; 5-year Cohort of 2004 – 2008 Births report showed infant mortality rates had nearly halved from 6.2 per 1000 in 1994 to 3.3 per 1000 in 2008. The report looked at perinatal and infant mortality in Western Australia since 1984 and included information on birth outcomes to the age of 12 months and maternal mortality for recent years until the end of 2008. Dr Towler welcomed an improvement in outcomes
for babies of Aboriginal women with the mortality rate dropping from 21 per 1000 in 1994 to 11.7 per 1000 in 2008 but pointed out this was still four times the rate for babies born to non-Aboriginal women. Dr Towler said another key finding of the report was a significant reduction in the mortality rate for Western Australian mothers. "The mortality rate more than halved every ten years between 1931 and 1970, easing to a rate of 6.6 per 100,000 live births for the years 1992 to 2008," he said. "This compares with a national maternal mortality rate of 11 per 100,000 livebirths for 2000 – 2002 and a national maternal mortality ratio
and beyond
of 8.4 per 100,000 for the three year period 2003 – 2005." Most women giving birth were in the 30 to 34 age group (31.7 per cent), followed by 25 to 29 year olds (26.8 per cent). Teenagers accounted for 5.3 per cent while women aged 40 or more represented 3.2 per cent of all women giving birth during 2004 to 2008. Dr Towler said the report provided valuable information that would help to ensure Western Australia continued to be a leader in maternal and infant health. The publication is available on the WA Health website at: www.health. wa.gov.au/publications
Learning from likeminded people will help you on your way to success and happiness. There are two common ways to learn. We can use the slow and imprecise method of trial and error, or we can expedite the process, and inevitably get a better outcome, by learning from the experts and utilising the skills and knowledge of a mentor. A mentor is simply someone who has been there and done it. They have the experience, the desire and the ability to help you reach your goals in a time efficient and productive manner. Often your mentor is right in front of you. When you have clarity on what it is you want to achieve the right people show up. The key is to recognise the opportunity and then be courageous enough to ask for help. Even better ask them to be your mentor! Make sure you choose your mentor wisely.
Are they successful and happy? Do they walk their walk? Is their business or field of expertise the right fit for you and your work? You will find most affluent, happy and successful people love to help and mentor others. Learn and absorb as much as you can from your mentor’s experience. Their wealth of knowledge will teach you valuable lessons on your journey. You will still have to do the work and make your own mistakes. There are no short cuts to success but having a mentor will keep you focused and guide you along the way. When you have reached your goals and become a master of your profession, you may be asked to mentor others. This creates the ebb and flow effect, giving and receiving. I personally believe this is one of the important traits of being happy and successful. We are here to live, to learn and to give back to others.
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Free Weekly 26 March 2011
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for sale
SANYO TV 36cm for sale still in good condition, $25 ono contact 0437202468 for more details. P.S is not accommodation digital but can used with set top box. available SATELLITE Dish for roof not freestanding for sale. Dismantled CABIN new/bed/bath/ ready to 7.2mx3.6m,near go. $250.00 ONO Tel: kitch/c.rated/2xsplit a/cs.fully insulated/ 91852025 st-skid(HIGH-QUALITY BUILD)locatSEA Container 20ft Tropical Roof, broome,$43.000.ph-0408935713 Lined insideMaster $2700 ono wPhone: AV@12/04. bed room walk thru 0419934043 robes to ensuite. Also office & separate ent. area. Suit couple.**REDUCED** Lge 5x2 in Nickol. SEA Container. 2 others.some Must bework. able to commit 20ftShareNeeds $500. to 4 mth period. $550 p/wk. Ph 0409030379. 0428105790 CARAVAN for rent, based at a house. $400 SEA in not on preferred. top type)PH: totalKayak per wk.(Sit Single person suitable for O/N trips to the islands. 0438330825. Includes paddle, spray skirt, FULLY furnished room available in Nickol buoyancy vest, safety float. $1000 to share with one female. $400 a week – ono. 0439707553 bills included. Email me at nickolroom@ gmail.com . 5.5 x 3.6 x 2.4 SHADE Sail, mtrs JP Trimdouble Shop room Madeavailable 2007, in FURNISHED Stainless Steel fittings,stainless shared house very close to town. Single wire rope,double stitched,galvo turn mature person who is tidy and working full-time.terracotta $380 percolor, week,$300 two weeks buckles, ONO in advance and 2 weeks bond. This includes 0439914186 all utilities (power and gas) and a cleaner SHED,4 by 2m, once a week. 04132m 234high. 369 Already dissembled for relocation. Consists LARGE queen size room, fully furnished, of 7 pieces.$300.00 o.n.o. PH. TV and DVD player and own fridge. 91855101 Seeking CLEAN & TIDY single mature SHED: x 3m shed 12 in person.3m$410 per garden week, two weeks advanceold, andVGC 2 weeks bond.ono. ThisTable: includes months $750 all utilities and a duty cleaner extra large (power 2m x and 2mgas)heavy once a week. Avail Now! outdoor table 0413429157 with steel –frame and timber VGC $500. Bunk bed: ROOMtopavailable in shared house, Furnished rooms, Maintained housenotand double bottom, single top mattress gardens,VGC $500p/w singles or $600p/w included $200 Ph: 0408310551 couples includes all expenses MSG SHIPPING 20FT 0427227037 CONTAINER GOOD CONDITION SUITABLE ROOM in Dampier un/furn built in robes FOR FURNITURE STORAGE $3000 dog ok easy going mature honest working 0419046780 couple $450/single $400 share exp avail now 0408788773 SOFA bed/Futon. Black steel frame with blue pattern mattress. Folds to accommodation double bed. As new condition. Never wanted used. $200, ph 438929323 NEAT and tidy working couple SONY 68cm TV inand looking for CRT a room thecabinet. Karratha Excellent picture, worksonwell. Includes area. Call Natasha 0449 097 893 manual and remote control. $100 call YOUNG female looking for a room to rent 0437 488705 in karratha very clean and tidy, also owns puppy call 0467293682 SPAa small - 6 seater, Timber framing, good condition. $3000 ono ph 0409952766 SPA LANARK 8 SEATER, wood babies surround, lots of features, near new BOUNCER & changing table (with bath cond, inc $6990 tub, chems draws) and hardlymanual used, unisex colour, onoexc0415224166 cond.($180 set), sling ($5), lots of clothes for girl 000-0. Ph 0428622622. SURF SKI 4m fibreglass 12Kg adjustable leg length suit6 female or COT, Change Table and draw Tallboy. junior includes paddle and rooinfrack Australian Heritage Collection Jarrah stain. Excellent Condition. Cot matress cradles. Can test in Dampier harbour needed. $5000439949374 Must Sell!!PH costavailable $2200if sell $1200 0408415214 Mark TABLE Antique Wooden with Turned Legs. Requires restorationboating to return to former intoto this type200 ALUMglory. sharkIfcatyou 8mtarebuilt survey, of woodwork please come look hp volvo penta turbo, duo have prop, aflybridge $500. with0416042359 controls, 2 berth lockable cabin, GPS, sounder,slabs. radio,sheoak. self draining TIMBER Fromdeck, $50perfect ea diving or fishing boat, very stable $59,500 ph ono 0407 447 126 0428910824. TOYOTA ota Prado Dash Mat - beige $20 - 0427258044 TRAMPOLINE on legs, rectangle, 3000 x 1900, pads covering springs. $100 91444229 TRANSPORTABLE commercial QUINTREX 435 20 Hornet 40hp kitchen.converted ft s/sTrophy seatainer. Fully painted with carpet WalkJohnson, in coolroom, a/c, h/w/s, s/s floor &servery, casting verandah, deck, rod holders benches, coved & life jackets, 3 seats & new fire floor, some equip inc. Very neat. Ext, reef & sand anchors, landing Currently in Geraldton. $36,000. net & gaff, full storage cover, spare 0419198790. wheel, new stubs, springs, seals & poly esky & paddles. TV bearings, CABINET60ltr 2 shelve glass great Ph 0400704638 condition, never (Hedland) used did not suit decor $550 Please call 0414953605 DINGHY - original Deep V Brooker, 134 TVfull CABINET country trailer. style $800 for $300. floor. Unlicensed ono. Ph A 0457196684. medium sized TV suitable for recess and extra GENESIS 640 cupboards hard top either cuddy sidecab,Mercrusier for additional storage. 220hp 4.3 ltr Contact stern drive 041850599.T with only 71hrs on the clock,220ltr fuel
TV CABINET, low line, chocolate $400. OUTDOOR SETTING, high-set, 6 seats, aluminium & white $500. Rustic Indonesian style teak cabinet boating $1600. Washing machine, fisher & paykel $300. Teak bedside table $200. Phone 9185 6006. TV/DVD Combo with Built-in HD Tuner. Nu-Tec 54cm/21.6 HD LCD. Brand new, never been used. $150 ono. Phone Jane on 0409121030. UHF radio 40 channel , includes mic, and aerial, all in good working order, also includes wiring to battery, $100 ono conact 0437202468 for more detailsGUARDIAN Fibreglass half WASHINGcab Machine Simpson 5.2 m -( 18.5 ft ) 6kg Top Loader $50 call 0409208067 All normal safety & general WATER CONTAINERS 2x 25 litre, gear included only used will both for $20 115once V4 engine, Engine or separate for $12 each, also 2x serviced 2 weeks ago 5 litre water containers $5 each Very smallRegularly desk light maintained, 20 watt $5, contact condition 0437202468good for details WEIGHTMarine benchRadio, and Garmin weights. 2 navigation with of bar bells, 4 dumbSystem bells, heaps weights, the weight & bench. fish fistand nder, Water A littleskis rust& kneeboard, but otherwise good Price condition. $400 $ 6000You ONO.Pickup. Please call negotiable. Call 0402198547 after 6pm or send/leave a message. 0404319802 WHIRPOOL 7.5 kg toploader washing machine, in good working condition, $150 ono, am/fm radio portable, workshop Protect$5, your jackeroo precious investment manual to suit 1985 onwards, 25 from the Pilbara heat and dust. ono, contact 0437202468 JP’s Trim Shop offers custom WHITEmade shelving unit. boat Approx solar stop covers.2m high x Next 1m Karratha wide withvisit6 inadjustable April. shelves.ForVery good condition. Cost enquiries, please call $250 from Harvey Norman, 0418 938 077 $100 or best offer. Tel:jps@kisser.net.au 0429498201 after or email 6pm (Nickol West) HAINS Hunter 580C, 1986 5.8m fibreglass WINDSURFER, goodmodel condition half cabin, 2006 E-tec $430 150HP phunder 0407447126 100 hours, 130L fuel tank, sounder, chartplotter, CD stereo, deckwash, WOODEN venetian blinds (NEW) dual 6 safetyx 137mm gear, 12 drop months$30 rego eabatteries, - 900mmallwide $32,000 ono 0428212611 ea or $150 the lot. PH 0417015240 HORIZON 550 Centre Console. 90HP ETEC. ~~FOUND Trailit trailer. Colour sounder. Colour GPS
www.pilbaraecho.com.au board,27mhz radio,gps,sounder, all safety
system, large annex, double bed, 2KVA genny, cyclone tiedowns. View at the Hill. $18,000 0415809650
found plotter, all 2006. Great boat for area, fish
creeks and offshore. $33K ono. Karratha LADIES 91854709.MOUNTAIN BIKE found Sunday 29/08/10. If you think it PLAKA toCentre Console0438130727. 4.6m. 40HP 4 belongs you, contact stroke Yamaha. Plaka trailer all 2004. POSTIE BIKE Red. general ph 0432666807 Safe, unsinkable purpose boat explore creeks & offshore. $9K ONO (KTA) ~~FREE
91854709. QUINTREX 4.5m runabout. 50hp with only EMPTY 84 hoursDRUMS use. 2 x 205L, 25L fuelcall tanks.Clint Good storage on board. Comes with sand and reef 0417913903 anchors, sounder, compass, 27MHz radio, FREE 2 good home, English life jackets, EPIRB, flares, fire extinguisher. bulldog puppies for adoption. $11,500 ONO. Call 0439474573. Located They are vet checked and also in Karratha. friendly. If interested contact me on YACHT 10.9M centre cockpit steel ketch. georgevictor2002@gmail.com Sturdy sailing vessel, set up for comfortable RECTANGLE frame. 37 CallHP living aboard.trampoline Includes reliable Perkins diesel, anchors and sail wardrobe. 91441719 Cruise the world, live rent free in your own SLATE table. some space,large or usepool as your homeNeeds away from home tlc.inComes with cues Perth. $70,000 ONO and 0411 balls. 220 592Must
come and pick up 0400013784
camping & outdoors
garage sales
SEATER outdoor setting x10, with 10 padded tempered glass 4 chairs Sept (stackable) Garage and Saleone 13 Treetop table inWestgreen quality for $750 camping good condition (KTA). Nickol goods, Outdoor camping washing line, never been filing cab, motorbike stuff, long used $100 (KTA). Contact 0439 wetsuits, 097 010. skateboard, bodyboard,
tools, early enquires to Jamie 0423 979 971 caravans GARAGE SunCaravan 5th Sept. WINDSORsale Genesis 2007. 8amHard to 12pm 9 Stewart Court, come @ by twin bed design (great Millars for friends sharing). Full ensuite, m/wave, large fridge, Well. Leaving town. Fishing gear, air con, tv/dvd, big lounge. household Price $39,000 electronics, general ono. Phone 0427781048 goods, plants, BBQ. No early birds. BAND NEW WHEELERgoods with F250 GARAGE Sale.FITH Household & selling because health reasons we didn’t furniture, books,of games. Everything even get started TOTAL price $200,000.00 must go. Leaving town. Bargains PH 0894546224 to be had. Saturday 4 September. mobileBulgara. home ‘66. Runs well. 6 BEDFORD GregorybusWay 8 am tank,cushioned v berth, walk through 6 mths rego, wired 12 & 240 volts, fridge, 0437053724 transom, kill tank,removeable bait aircon, shower, toilet, stove, hot water gear. Boat and trailer in excellent condition $62500 Ph 0457756038 kta
garage sale
SATURDAY 11 Sept, 8.00 - 12.00 pm Leaving Town Some furniture items and assorted houes hold items. 722 Dolphin Way Bulgarra. caravans SATURDAY 11th Sept 7am, 151A Hannan Cres Dampier, Q/S Bed, C/ CARAVAN 1981plus 18ft heaps licensedmore good Desk,B/Trailer, condition as is. $5000 ONO. PH bargains 0428829089 KTA. SEPTEMBER Garage “CARAVAN 24 ft18th/19th for Sale $6,500. Mobile Sale, 15 Frinderstein Way Pegs 0407558997 Creek. Leaving town, combined viscountshelving, 20ft twinBBQ, axle 2 “CARAVAN houses. Tools, 1986,queen size bed,fridge,freeze household items. Start 0700am r,microwave,rev cycle aircon,gas oven/stove,plenty of storage and SUNDAY 8am onwards, 5th sept space.way. karratha $9,000 ono atcupboard 9a Crockett Leaving town, ph;0459479390” everything has to go!!!!! Furniture, tvs, jewellery, yard blower, washing COROMAL CAPRI caravan 1998 21FT etc. Good A/C Island machine Nocondition, early birds. double bed, separate fridge and freezer, ~~LOST Full annex, heaps of cupboard space,
80cc 2 stroke quad bike with helmet $1450 ono ph 91431829 ANSWER moto x boots size 8 great condition only warndisclaimer for a few rides $100 neg call 0437362004 after 3 oclock PILBARA 3 bike ECHO ENCLOSED trailer 4takes sale. no Axle. responsibility any Single Located in for Wickham $5200 - pheds 0400108181 classifi submitted online, this MDS includes practical HELMET full face black/silver jokes. automated small new This in boxis$50an0408510317 serivce. If you 2007 need MODEL, an ad HONDA CBR1000R, removed, pleasecond, email us 10,000 KMS, great serviced ads@pilbaraecho.com.au regularly, helmet inc. $11,500 ono 0439798277 employment HONDA CRF450R 2009, new tyres, available new chain, mint condition, fuel CLEANERcomes wanted with Monday and Thursday injected, manual, only Mornings perhard. day. Call 0411340630 done 6hrs.4hrs Goes $8000. Call Mike 0411 a392 WANTED lady714. to look after 2 kids
Very neat and tidy all round. 21,000 ono For more info, Please call Jodi 040 918 1yo 0217desexed Wickhamblack female cat by the name of Poppy, with a pink COROMAL Lifestyle 2007 Caravan collar and safe tag700 went missing 23ft. the Queenunits Islandonbed Hill and 3Road, bunks, from shower/toilet, 3 way fridge/freezer, stove Dampier on oven. the rev 30-8-10. Please top, grill and cycle air-cond, TV/ call know and of annex. her DVDSAFE player, ifrollyou out awning whereabouts. $49,990 ono. Call 0409208067. DOUBLE swag fell22outft near Airport JAYCO Heritage caravan 2004. turn off, on Sat 28/8 5pm.If itShower, was Great condition. Registered. toilet pls microwave. Queen bed hot water found call 0437155466 system. Air con. Stove, LCD TV. Cyclone LOST - Gold and wiredmore. back(Hedland) and whitePh kit. Annexe pearl bracelet$37,850. at Karratha Tavern, 0418901413. Fri 13th Aug. Not valuable but very JAYCO STERLING 21.6, 2006, Dual sentimental. $100 reward. Please axel, sep toilet/shower, gas/elect HWS, contact me 0488513684 full annex, island bed, flat screen/ DVD/ Radio/stero, Foxtel No, compact, Front LOST EURO JOEY! this isn’t traveled, a kitchen, joke, I lightly care for joey’sexcell for cond, the loads of storage, A/C, Full storage covers, Wildlife Association and one new hoses,He easyweighs to tow, $40around 500 neg 10 KTA escaped. 0429034860 kilos and is reddish in color, very JAYCO Sterling, 25ft. $50,000 friendly. Got out2006 in Nickol West ONO off sale in Karratha. ASAP. offorBalmoral. If you Must see aSellyoung Please call 0408949865. joey in your yard or around your JAYCOplease Westport Caravan located in house call24ft 0429854664. Dampier. 2001. Good clean condition. Phone Stu 0424151218 LATE 70’s 18ft CHESNY Caravan, Good Condition, Air Con, Rear Dbl Bed, Dividing Curtin from Dining Rm, Ceiling Fan, Neat Front Kitchen, Gas Oven, 4 stove top burners, Fridge, Spacious Lost in Dampier - a male Dining Area, Fully enclosed Annex, Spare Burmese cat, blue/grey Tyre, and much more, Reg 30/4/11. Call in colour is desexed Tim in Exmouthand 0417085027. $6,900ono & micro 22” chipped. is SCENIC LuxuryHe Caravan 2008. Con Suitmissed. New Buyer, very Exc spoilt and QS BR, Full ES, Wash Mach, offered. 2 DRReward Frid Fzer, RC Air Con, Theatre System, Gas Call 0419 283 848/ Elect Oven, M/W Oven, Gas/Elect HWS, LCD TV, Fully Insulated, 3 x 90 ltr tanks, 200 AmpSolar Panels,Awning,Gal Floor Prot, 2 Jerry Can holders. $69500. 0419701801 LOST ring in the vicinity of SPACELANDCove 26ft Nov09 large conv Hearson orClubKarratha 2 d/b, en suite, full Monday pantry, 3 way fridge/ shopping centre 2 Aug. freezer, queen bed, tv, g/elc hot water, full Antique, three$59990. diamonds, white annex, as new. Ray 0427017896 gold Vic setting. Highly sentimental, generous reward offered. Call URGENTonsale - Coromal Lifestyle 700 Leanne 0419041467. 2008. Q/Bed, triple bunks & lounge LOST rod toanddblreel. used in converts bed.lastShower/toilet. Way offridge, microwave theA/con, right3 side Hearson’s cove& washing machine. HWS,line gas/ 15/8/10. Big reelGas/elec with blue elecwith hotplates, grill (orange & tv/dvd.and Full and 1 metregasdiver annex. Excellent condition. $46,000 FIRM black) with foldable rod. If found 0407449290 / 0405050340. please contact 0412450868. VISCOUNT POP TOP $8000 : No air LOST Sat Licensed 19th June & conditioner, until Febpink 2011,15.6 black I Phone. Cover locked foot long, single axle, 2 x is single beds,to gas owner.... OFFERED.... stove/oven,REWARD 2 x 80L water tanks, porta call 91855576 or 91441078 potty, microwave, good tyres, fridge, table, electric Call NOKIA mobilebrakes, phoneawning/annex. on Friday 13th Tess in 0428577640 either Evolution or on road. Phone 18ft,photos split system isVISCOUNT not worthSeabreeze much but on a/con are (12 mths old), plenty of storage, phone sentimental. Please call shower, gas ifhws, loungeit. and dinette, 0410789278 you have standfast annexe, r/out awning. Many ~~MOTORCYCLES extras. Can email photos. Rego Oct ‘11.$19,990 ono Ph 0416234085 WINDSOR Genesis ft 2007,Edition reverse 2008 Yamaha Raptor21Limited cycle air con, CD/MP3/DVD player, 700cc Fuel Injected 30Hrs includes 17” flat screen TV/DVD; and a 150 litre helmet, ramps toilet & fland y boots fridge. Seperate shower. sz10 Sleeps $8,500ono Ph 0429132082 2 single beds or 1 king. $36,500. Ph 0419921540. Reasonable offers will be considered.
5-7 a few days and a few afternoons a week for a mother going back to shift work will consider accommodation ph 0410521290
employment wanted BOOKKEEPING / accounting services, administration services, project & event management, research & tender / grant writing. Contract or short term HYOSUNG GVleave250. First assignments. I can you time to do the things you’re2009. good at.As Phone: 0407 registered new 449 411 condition, only 4800kms. CARPENTER/Joiner available in Mfrs warranty Karratha, no job ‘till too 2011, small, runs kitchen installations, genuine wardrobe reason fit-outs, perfectly, skirtings, architraves, doors, locks, for sale. $4,900 Phone 0400 custom picture framing. Call David on 218769 042 0727875 CLEANING ZZR250 services 2004 available, great KAWASAKI Model, rates. Pleasekms, phonefull 91853501. red, 18,500 service history, EXP condition, Security /one Advanced First Aid good owner, includes operator in KTA work cover and disc lock.seeking $4500. FIFO Call Tom from Pilbra region. Ex military with prev 0430438299 or 93485789 Karratha mines exp. Quals include: Occupational KTM 09 FireExcellent First Aid,450EXC First Response Fighting, condition,1 Owner, Hardly used OHS Blue Card, HR Drivers Licence, WA licenced and ready for the and road, Security Licence. Very adaptable can comes withskills. many extras including learn new 0457889968 helmet and riding available gear, This is the HOUSE-CLEANER in Karratha. Ultimate package. $10,000 Call Ongoing rate $25 p/hr, min 4hours. 0419556089 Weekends only, phone 0488999967 for more info. MOTORCYCLE RAMP Single Heavy PHILLIINO workersCollapsable looking Ideal for Duty Rated to 450KG. employer them forwork,need large bikes made toof sponcer light weight to come to australia.dedacated and hard aluminium folds down to 1400mm working,willing pay there NEW COND neverto used $350.own way to australia,can put you in contact via skype QUAD Yamaha Grizzlyaaron 700 4x4 or email,ph;0459479390 2009 Automatic Tiler. transmission near TRADESMAN Commercial/ new condition $10,500.00 Karratha Domestic/Remote. Quality finished work. 0419359220 or an 91821187 Phone Rob for estimate. 0457256388
YAMAHA 2007 R1 exc cond 6200 km, REDUCED $12000, ph 0419922413, for rent can deliver to Hedland BUSSELTON 3 x 2 unit 700m to beach YAMAHA - 2007.A/CImmaculate and townWR450Fcenter. ,auto retic, cond. 1100kms, bros. pipe, ReLockup remote 2White car garage. Suit FIFO. jetted and 0409341185. tuned carby.97551122. FLU Design $300/wk. full graphic kit. $6900 Callhome Travisin CARAVAN 4 Rent at ono. a quite 0400870209 for more Nickol, perfect for theinfo. SINGLE person wanting there own space, TV,Microwave, ~~PETS
fridge,full cooking facilities share bathroom with 1 other. $400 + Bills, 2weeks advance & 2 weeks rent as bond. Must prove 2 b working full time. 0403 558 538 EXEC Residence in Nickol West for Lease. Brand new 4 x 2 with large study/5th bed and theatre room. Pool for.Security and All rear animals shed. Avail cared Early April. Daily visits to your home. and installed. For more information InspectionKarratha please only email yisitso@ iprimus.com.au Ph Libby 0404842902 HOUSE for Rental-Lady Douglas Way, Pegs Creek.AKC Newly 3x1 ADORABLE Malerenovated & Female home Bulldogs w/lockable puppies garage,f/furnished English available Easy orw/appliances, adoption thissplit/air Puppiescon/s, are Akc living w/reticulated gardens Price: Registered, With Champion Bloodlines $1,500.00(neg). Looking for neat & tidy And WillwhoCome With A 448166001Pedigree, tenants care. Ph:Julie Microchip, 0892961247Vet Check With Health Certifi cate, And All Shots And Wormer. NORTHAM $390 wk. Cedar home 1 acre The puppies available for + views. Lush gardens.for3 adoption brm + studio/ more rev.jonathan10@ teen info retreat,contact new kitchen, bathroom. yahoo.com Lock up shed/garage + double carport. Entertaining areas. 50 mins airport. Walk to schools, country club. Ph Dean 0427528645 for info and photos.
Pet Minding
it’s easy to book your free ad online....
estate Topets lodge yourreal FREE ad visitreal estate www.pilbaraecho.com.au HYDROBATH available in MODERN 3 x 1 with large study or 4th FOR SALE - HOME IN BELMONT
DOG South Hedland 7 days a week. Phone Sarah on 0433655636 for appt! LOOKING for FemaleforAmerican rent Staffy, to breed with our Male American Staffy, Call Joe after ROOM FOR RENT, looking for a clean & 5:30pm on 0407271076 tidy person. Features brand new aircon, PURE Staffordshire Bull(+2Terrier Foxtel Bred and pool. $400 per week weeks pups new0417287036 homes. Full bond looking upfront). for Phone for more info. papers, Vet checked, registration Vacc, Wormed THREE rooms to rent in and Bulgurra.L2-HGA Available cleared by p/w parentage. those now at $380 + expenses.For Ph Missy on seriously 0400412130.interested please email steeleelectrical@bigpond.com RAINBOW LORIKEET. Free for sale to good home only. 3yrs old One Double size metal frame $50, 1xQueen Hand reared, friendly and covered loves size Mocha colored fake leather attention. childs Owner frame $350.Great Both come withpet. wooden slats working hours Regretfull and locatedlong in KTH. Call .Craig on 0433 give away. Comes with cage and 948 583. food. Can email picks. Please AIR Purifier, good condition, cost over TXT 0438943090 $200Carmen from Harvey Norman, sell for $50. 0412266189 WE have a KTHA purebread male staffy which would likeWaiter/Dresser. to breed ANTIQUEweEbony Dumb with another Early 1900’ s. Mirrorpurebread at top carved staffy. section. Please phone if Carved drawer fronts0448541160 with brass handles. Carved door fronts to bottom section. Solid interested. wood. Signs of wear and tear but over fair ~~PUBLIC NOTICE to good condition for its age. $2000. Phone
public notice
0438924842. ARGO, 6 Wheeler, Great fun. Can email ACCURATE PSYCHICS 99% pics. Phone 91871952 (Wickham), 1902 212email 206-$2.95 min mob ex $6000ono, splintars@bigpond.com C/C 5614 $2.95 min AVON03 – Hi, if you5387 are interested in buying Avon products or having a look, I have the ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS latest brochures can deliver Meetings heldandevery Weddirect andto your at door. phone Sun 7.30Order pm,through venue:e-mail, Salvation or in person. today oncnr 0413Bond 234 369. Army FamilyCallChurch St BATHROOM. BrandRd new(opp, 1mx1mCattrall stainless and Balmoral glass shower screen, brand new porcelain Park) toilet, floor tiles, water proofing membrane, DEAR Mark youPeens glue, everything need to happy renovate birthday, youralla BRAND big boy your bathroom NEW.now. Call Love Jiggy and make an offer. KTHA. 0412266189 BBQ Jackaroo 4Studio Burner with bottletap, 1/2 DECKARTS - gas jazz, full. Good music cond. Dampier. $100. Ph:sing 0403 ballet, theatre, 178 959 enrolments anytime 0415999022 BIKES m/f Bay 1 withHockey baby seat,Association kids bikes m/f NICKOL new spare Hockey tyres 3 scooters the lot. Junior new $65players 91821126 or 0417094558. welcome every Monday night BLACKCreek glass and chrome TV/display Table, Pegs Oval, 6.00 – 7.00pm two shelves,Kelly dimensions L, 140 60cm Contact: Carter120cm – 0429 W, 60cm 138 viaD. $300. emailCallon91831751. kca51472@ CARDBOARD Packing bigpond.net.au to Boxes,50 registerx approx. , 2 x LCD Boxes & Paper $130.00 0467 714 PILBAR Rev Heads 284 or 9144 2526 (KTA) is now on Facebook. (FB). Do you want a CARDIO TechX7+Treadmill little Weekend Cruise or CarVeryshow Excellent Condition $1000.00 Firm inuse your home town? How about 91851289/0407289087 Drags and a place to do burnouts CLAY pavers 230mm x Come 114mm join x 50mm. legally and safely? us 1300 265your red for border.Boats $480. on FBcream and and post Cars, Phone 0438902840. & Bikes of all types. Tell us about “CUBBY Pilbara HOUSE’s -Revheads Hand Crafted,inheaps It.(type FB of designs to choose from. Made from search). solid Treated Pine, Gable Colorbond roof, Verandah, Window Awning, sliding or swinging doors.... your &kids will love it. Reiki master healings attunements Located in Boyanup WA, we can freight to Karratha resident Karratha for free. PH: Laurie Stewart (08) Call Andrea on 0457 354 229 97315508” DINING Chairs 6 Brand Fabric dark SWIMMING pool Newfibreglass blue/black $500 Phonein0428125114 resurfacing team Port Hedland DINING table Interested large oval call Indonesian area shortly. Ray hardwood with 6 chairs plus 2 carvers. Ph91732283 Excellent condition. $1000 ph 91444334. ~~REAL ESTATE DINING table with 6 cushioned chairs wood. Table size adjustable. $200. (Millars) 0410613293. 27Contact GREEN ACRES with platypus creek,on the cool tablelands Port DONNA Hay Modern Classicsnear cookbook set of 2 brand never used. $20 Ph Douglas. Privatenewand natural, handy to0402548834 everything. Exceptional views over rainforest and farmlands from DRUM set,ranges Pearl including chair, symbols octagonal house. Underground mains etc. $ 300.00 ONO 0414865878 power, private plantation. DRYER 3.5kg Hoover,timber great condition $200 Pictures & more ph 0427 964 056 info at owner.com.au Ref No 40583 MB EPIRB ACR Satellite 2 406, all in good Aworking NO BANKS NEEDEDfor HOME-OWN order. Reason sale is I had anotherOWN one with new- Boat. on YOUR HOME 4 SaleRRP by $618 Owner. Marinedirect.com.au Sell for $250 CBD), Myaree area (10km from Perth 3x1 Double brick home $857 p.w.mower, Call EQUIPMENT for mowing run reel 24Hr msg with the rotaryPre-Recorded mower, still blower, hedgeallcutter, whipper92648239 snipper, pro lawn edger, four details wheel trailer. All equipment for a paving team, brick saw, them mixer compactor, Keep free etc. All equipment for decking and carpentry work, Lodge online full range of hand tools for landscaping. www.pilbaraecho.com.au 0447022809.
Psychic Readings
real estate
for sale
EXERCISE bike - Infiniti fitness systems. Programmable computer, good cond. $300. Call 0400974299. (KTA) FIVE seater spa. New pump & spa cover. $3000. KTA Phone 91838267. FREEZER - 150Ltr freezer for sale, $30 • 30427349205. Bedrooms ONO. Contact • 1 Bathroom GARDEN Swing for sale $50. Call • Double(KTA). lock up garage & 0402023123 large driveway GIANT MOUNTAIN BIKES STP 0 - $950. and STP •2 801 - $650. bothblock in v.g.c. Phone Sqm 041 8549214 or 91721124. PH This house offers 3 bedrooms GIRLS Clothing Pumpkin Patch, Fred all Milkshake, with built Bare, Soda. inSizesrobes, 3-6 All contemporary kitchen, great condition starting from $3. Dresses shorts skirts jeans KTHA Ph 0402548834 bathroom and double GUARDIAN cab 5.2 m( lock up Fibreglass garage, halfplus large 18.5 ft ) All normal safety general driveway space for& up to gear 6 included. 115 V4 engine, Engine serviced close maintained, to schools, 2cars. weeks Very ago. Regularly Very shops, meters good condition. Marinefrom Radio,public Garmin navigation with the fish city. finder, transportSystem and 8km to the Water skis & kneeboard, Price $ 6000 Furthermore, it is situated ONO. Please call 0404319802 on a large 801sqm block, GUITAR Spanish (Vicente Tatay) 6 string surrounded by front guitar. Comes with a solidand case.back $120 ono phone 0438924842. gardens with development potential. GYM 14 Weights good pulleysand cables $150.00 91821126 or 0417094558. Further details please call HILLS 4 piece swingset, monkey bars, free 0431978205 standing slide & replacement plastics. $150 ONO. Kids Outdoor gym/castle BRISBANE bayside at Play Manly 17km $100 ono. Danielle 0437168224 (KTA) CBD. Great lifestyle after mining. HOLDEN flAstra 2008. 1.8 461sqm at cnrCoupe block CDX on top of hill 4CYL Marina 5sp manual that delivers both with & water views, can’t power economy, 28,000km’ s, aswith new be builtandout. Excellent location immaculate leather interior, easy access full to airport, walk to tints, beach,4 air bags, cruise control, ABS and loads buses, train,looking shops, car. & pub. Withsale. DA more. Great Reluctant ready to build. Best value $ 585K Ph Sarah 0447843744. $22,000 ono Ph 0403394805 IKEA egg chair - kid fun swivel chair BULGARRA 3x1girls home,$640000, 2 orange/red $35, bike suit age 4-6, bdrms new kitchen 14 inchwith wheelBIRs,as $25, Beautiful Woodyand Ezy paint throughout, patio, Ice Box, used once $50, carport, KTA 91854745. shed, IPHONEcurrently 4 $129 perleased month,$1000 great forpwa until mid phone, Nov. 0414249890 business unlimited calls, 3g data the phone from Iusage. havechoose 3 properties for retravision sale in and transfer plan into your name. Nsw. 1 in Tintenbar NSW, andlana2 0400177837 kta in Lawerence NSW these 2 have KING frontage single bedonto ensemble - good water the Clarence condition. Dampier area. Call river. View$50, thesein properties at my0409880090. property-4u.commy contact detail LCD Plasma TV Stand, Italianwebsite design and have been placed in this for made,THESE three glass underneath, you. HAVEshelves BEEN REDUCED solid and stable as a brick outhouse new DUE TO A FAMILY MEMBERS ILL price $900.00 will sell for $300.00 Ph HEALTH. 0417938519. INVESTMENT PROPERTY GOLD LEAVING town - must sell: Sony TV, COAST $525,000 Large double bedside table, 2x storage bins, mini story x large set b/rooms, 2 sewinghouse: machine,4 complete of kitchen xknives, bathrooms (spa in main), powder camping table, 2x chairs, lamp. room, plan living, s/steel all very open good condition. make an offer. appliances, study, theatre, parentswill sell seperately. Phone Heather retreat, double garage, alarm system, 0416850474 (Bulgarra) AC tenants Returning $510 LG Excellent Washer/Drier model WD14030RD. pw Ring Josh 11 months old -0407471797 costs $1800, sell $1200 ONO. Ph 0428829089. (KTA)PROPERTY INVESTMENT MELBOURNE. 5 bedroom, 3 LIFE AND SOULPLATINUM MEMBERSHIPresidential - 8 Months (exp mid Nov bathroom, warehouse 2011) Includes to gym, classes, within walking access distance of City and indoor Owner spin, willing bootcamp and aCreche.. MCG. to sign 3 year Valued at over $800, sell $550 Call Nikki lease back at $75,000 per annum on 0417961433 (approx 4.3% return). $1.75mill. Ph LIGHTS 15cm ordiameter the ownerHomemaker on 0413 176284 email Ceiling Lights. Fits any existing batten benchmark2203@hotmail.com for holder socket. Glass with satin chrome more information. gallery. One used the rest are brand new. Install in minutes! Email for a picture Keep moshys4@bigpond.com them free or call 0438925370. Only $20 for 7 light fittings. Lodge online LOUNGE - 1x2 seater, 1x recliner. recently www.pilbaraecho.com.au paid $2200 new. make an offer. Nickol 0427048561 KIT HOME Large 2 storey, 20 x 12 trailer, Stage. holds Full3 mMOTORCYCLE Decks, to Lockup motorcycles, fully Cyclone rated licensed Eng plansandfor NW. galvanised with spare wheel jockey Serious buyers ONLY Tksand reduced onoVery ph-91851391 towheel. Sell$2000.00 $110,000 Cheap Large MOTORHOME/38ft Bedford Fully Home Whole frame const.Coach. 2 already fi tted out home on wheels. Sleeps 5,Pics fully built Baynton Drv. Karratha kitchen and bathroom, lots of storage. avail. Call Mark 0417991169, email Great running condition. Happy email out restruct@iprimus.com.au Freight photos on request. Located in Exmouth. Inc. $73,000 ONO. Claudia 0420297633.
brm for rent. On large corner block in great location, huge 8m x 8.5m shed with mezanine floor, below ground for sale pool, undercover entertaining area, tropical gardens with ample parking for etc. Available MUSTboat, SELL:caravans 2x 3set samurai swords $150 ea, 20 inch bike $50, washing now. $1850 p/w.bmxContact Jason on machine $350, whirlpool fridge/freezer 0427442566 $500, phillips dvd player $80, sharpe cd NEARLY 1 $150, acre jvccleared, stacker stereo single discleveled, cd/dvd dirt mixed land,pod with$80town stereopad, player $150,use car travel call power and water,alla walk fiona 0407518803 items to onoExmouth in good Gulf beach for less than $100sqm. condition $380,000 offerunused. call NINTENDO Wiimake Black -anvirtually 91895336 0417423875 Comes withorexternal hard drive loaded with Banks 30 games. 2 handpieces. $330ono. NO Needed. Own Your own Call 0466979103. Home - 4 Sale by Owner 3x1 in OMEGA area altise(10Km portable air-con on Myaree from Perthunit CBD). wheels.p.w. GreatCall for Tish caravan, easy to use. $857 92648239 Great cond, hardly used $220 0416232334 STORAGE UNITS FOR SALE OR ONE caratINargyle diamond necklace with LEASE WANGARA. 31-61sqm. photo valuation. $6000,fully will sell $2000. 24/7 access with monitored Phone 0409530042. (KTA) security. Store your boat car or other ONE LARGE draincan machine, x K500 toys. CCTVjetyou view1 online. drain machine, 2 x www.luca.net.au/ lockup toolboxesGreat investment. suitable for x kitchen sink, metal forsale. Callute. Rob1 on 0413270058 garage bench, 1 x Jarret Lifter, suitable for WANT to Assorted invest plumbing in the booming back of ute. materials, 1 x trailer, 1 x Mitsubishi Call Geoff on Melbourne property Ute. market? Want 0417 176 198.highest return with your to generate hard earnSetting. money? I havetoughened plenty OUTDOOR 1900x1100 of Melbourne for glassproperties table plus 6 xinaluminium chairs with full cushions. Charcoal finish. $400. Mb: investors. Call me at 0430512503 or 0408130517 Karratha email chiuyen23@yahoo.com PLANTS - large in pots, to suit patio. Ficus and Palms. $20 each. Dampier. 0403 178 959. POOL table and all accessories suitable for children up to 12 years. 12 months old paid $600, will sell $250. 0427258044. (KTA) INVESTMENT PROPERTY PUREBREED staffy pups with excellent $525,000 bloodGOLD lines COAST available 15th April with double papers. story house: 4 xbe fullLarge registration Pups will vetlarge checked, vaccinated wormed. b/rooms, 2 x and bathrooms For please open email (spagenuine in main),enquiries powder room, barramundicuscus@bigpond.com plan living, s/steel appliances, QUEEN ‘sleigh’parents bed (wooden study, size theatre, retreat,& wrought with mattress $250. Both doubleiron) garage, alarm system, ACin great condition. 0427 Returning 964 056 $510 Excellent tenants “QUEEN sizeJosh Mattress & Base, Excellent pw Ring 0407471797 condition, $450. Ph 0428914220” QUEEN size pine bed with good mattress $150. Single bed pine with good mattress $50. PH 0428829089 KTA. FISHING ROD REPAIRS RIMS 4wd 6tips stud fi$150.00 newSunrasia guideswideand tted. 91821126 or 0417094558. Have your rods rebuilt like ROLLERBLADES size 8 ladies very good new. Also fishing rods for condition includes brand new (never sale wrist, at knee reasonable prices, worn) and elbow pads, $60. all with KTHA new fittings please 0412266189 Ph 9185 5257 “SATURDAY 26th March 8am -12. Hannan Cres, Dampier, Golden Duranta, ~~VEHICLES Cottonwood Hibiscus, Golden Cane, Crotons, Smarty Pants, Succulents, Dracaena, Cordyline, 06 4.2 turbo patrolGraptophyllum, ute mint Acalypha, Black Lemonsnorkel Grass, condition bull Chilli, bar winch Diffi enbacchia, Parlour Palm and many only 62000km $39000 ono more! PH: 0403909225 or 91830683 phone 0459150949 SHEEPSKINS (Grey) to suit large bucket 1HZ landcruiser complete, front seats (e.g.Toyotamotor 80 series). Both for taken out& ofDecker car rechargeable running, hand 330 $90. Black 000 kmsbuster old, $70, suitcontact re-build, held dust 0439 lots 097 of extras. ono. Ph 010 (Kth). Both $1800.00 in excellent condition. 91830448 SPA 5 seater portable cedar cabinet, 2m x 2m lockable top, 1.5Hp pump, heater 2003 VY hard series 2 Commodore and blower. $3900 Callauto 040097429. Ute 120000kms 6cyl (KTA) soft cover. bar. Very SUPER Tow CIALIS ,C80 clean M/F straight LOVE ENHANCER, coming up fast & SO car $11500Xmas onois0417089439 CAN YOU with Super Cialis C80. Info SMS 2004 GXL 100 Series 0447177076 or hornpills@yahoo.com Landcruiser 125000 kms 4.7 SWIMMING Pool, Above ground,honest 7m x V8 5 Speed Manual, 4m, Includes Filtercar pumpselling and Ladder. and realiable duePaid to $1700, Selling for $850. Pool in Millars down sizing vehicle comes with Well Ph: 0447509739 many extras including two DVD T-zone technology VIBRATION players. $31,500.00 callMACHINE. Rachel cost $1200 will sell for $600. good as new. 0429838808 HED. 0431347310 TAMA 7 piece drum kit 1 yr old, as new www.pilbaraecho.com.au condition $650.00 ONO Dampier Mob: 0417 936 997 2004 Holden VZ Ute, 6 speed TANDEM trailer $6502011, 7x4, Pink manual, Reg July verytrolley neat monster $40, brand new on wee vehicle, moulded trayride protector, $100,cover 3 wheeler strider pram $80. Phone car included. 124,000klm. 0402416949. Urgent sale. Leaving town. Ph TELSTRA Bigpond USB Modem - Turbo 0437649761 21 Mbps. $200. 0431158360 or 91862999 KTA
rod repairs
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TV - 19”” Celestial LCD with integrated HD Tuner. Only 12 mths old and still in its original box. Perfect for caravan. $250 Call Tracy after 6pm 0421 282 769 TWELVE volt Deep cycle batteries, Ideal for solar setups, 4 x 230 AH and 2 x 160 AH. All very good condition. will separate worth over $4k all up. Ideal for boats, caravans etc. Make an offer Simon, dampier 9185 9522 TWO CHIP Fryers For Sale Brand New $2000; $400. Bain Marie $150.; Spit Roaster $50. Mobile 0400862646 TYRE AND RIMS For Sale- Brand new and 2nd hand.
Nissan Patrol DX Wagons, Nissan Navara D/cab (D22’s & D40’s), Toyota 100 Series Landcruiser, all in Karratha. Please call 0417469162” TYRES 5 225/70 R17 legal tread $150.00 91821126 or 0417094558. VALCO Tandem Stroller. Black and grey. Great condition. KTA. $100 Phone Danielle 0437168224. VINYL!!! LP’s a box full of LPs from the 1930’s thru to the 1960’s. All in very good condition. Phone 0438924842. WEDDING Dress. Beautiful strapless ivory dress with ruched silk bodice and long ruffled skirt and train. Size 8-10. Worn once but in excellent condition and just dry cleaned. Paid over $3000 asking $1100 will include beautiful veil which I paid over $200 for. (KTA) Ph 0488173899. WEDDING PACKAGE for Sale – Wedding Bouquet, Button Hole, Silk Parasols, Silk Flower Decorations, Raffia, Table Linen, Table Runners, Name Card Holders, Candles, Champaign Glasses...all in pink tones. PH: 0421 282 769 WHEEL Bearings for sale - many sizes available, can fit if required. Call 0466979103. WHEELBARROW. Kelso. Good cond. Dampier. $20. 0403178959 vehicles WHITE students desk with draws and bookshelf. $160. Ph 91851391. TOYOTA PRADOfencing GXLlarge2005 WIRE ring lock cyclone roll offerCharcoal, 91821126 ormanual, 0417094558 turbo diesel, 142Treadmill 000kms, seater,RRP awesome YORK T1048 $1495 1 year for the $800 Pilbara, the oldvehicle Excellent condition, Call 08all9185 4724 after 5pm usual features of a Prado and it
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DURAH back. 5x2 m retric er powered powered w/ swimming, diving & mins from abbing, jet 5821571. sale free ch resort sqm - fully of 4 story m to ocean. cony. 24hr ht (approx or Nola 233.
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BRAND NEW FIFTH WHEELER with F250. Selling because of health reasons - we didn't even get started. TOTAL price $200,000. PH 0894546224
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Securecomplex complex Bodycorp; corp;$2235 $2235p/a p/a •• Secure ••Body pacemaker extractors, auto, NISSAN PULSAR Q 2002 $12,000 ONO Please call Eliza •• Market $330p/w Market Rent: Rent: Body Corp: $2235 p/a p/a Large private privatebalconies balconies ••Floor Floorarea: area:115.82m 115.82m •• Large this may you.For more aircon, hardbelidfor cover. mins toCairns Cairns CBD Moveininororrent rentout out •• 77 mins to CBD ••Move $2235 Body Corp: Corp: p/a Floor Area: m² 115.82 ••m² Charcoal, manual, sedan, cruise 0411724287 or 91831894. •• Body Movein inIrIrRent RentOut Out Move Market rent;$330pw $330pw PetFriendly Friendly •• Market ••Pet Pet Friendlyrent; •• Pet Friendly 2 1 Out info contactin91444330. (Dampier) Move Out Working partnership with industry will have the tinted opportunity to shape, infl uence STREET, 33 CAIRNS 1 in or Rent $265,000Each Each Floor Area: 115.82m $265,000 •MOOROOBOOL, Floor Area: 109 CALLAGHAN 109 CALLAGHAN STREET,•MOOROOBOOL, control,you electric windows, vehicles $265,000 Each Each 11 CAIRNS 1 3Street, 109 Street, Mooroobool, Cairns 109Callaghan Callaghan3 Mooroobool, Cairns 109$265,000 CALLAGHAN 109 CALLAGHAN STREET,MOOROOBOOL, MOOROOBOOL,CAIRNS CAIRNS Pet Friendly 109 CALLAGHAN STREET, MOOROOBOOL, CAIRNS109STREET, UNIT 44& UNIT &77in 109 CALLAGHAN STREET, MOOROOBOOL, CAIRNS 4x4 Grand Jeep Cherokee Sport Edition HOLDEN Statesman for sale windows, leather steering wheel, • Move Ir Rent Out Callaghan Street, • Move in and evaluate the growth and development of a competitive agricultural and food Street,Mooroobool, Mooroobool,Cairns Cairns Unitto2Move Unit55 UNIT Unit Unit 44 & Brand & 337Callaghan Ready Move in Unit &Callaghan 7Bedroom BrandNew New &Huge Huge Bedroom Units UnitsStreet, in 109 Street, Mooroobool, Cairns109 Callaghan 109 Mooroobool, Cairns UNIT44&&77 UNIT &77 UNIT 2 UNIT55 Brand UNIT UNIT UNIT 44& keyless entry, low km’s, one [2004] 1 driver for life of vehicle Unit 4 & 7 &&Huge Move in in Unit 4 &33Bedroom 7BedroomUnits BrandNew New Huge UnitsReady Readytoto Move ••Ground Floor • 1stFloor FloorPosition Position GroundBrand • 1st Pet Friendly value chain in Western Australia. •Secure PetComplex Friendly Complex Unit &3737Bedroom New Huge Bedroom Units Units Ready to Move in Tops Unit 44& Brand New &&Huge ••Massive Courtyard • QualityStone StoneBench BenchTops Massive Wrap Around Courtyard • Quality Large LargePrivate PrivateBalconies Balconies$265,000 33 11 11 •••••••Secure - full service record - good lady owner from new, excellent Each Brand New&&Huge Huge33Bedroom Bedroom Units Units Ready Ready to Move Brand New ••Secure ••Big • UniqueFloor FloorPlan Plan Big Patio Patio • Unique 7mins SecureComplex Complex 7minsto toCairns CairnsCBD CBD inin • Market Rent: $330 •Additional Lock-up Storage • Market p/w •Additional Lock-up Storage • Large Private Balconies $265,000 • Secure Complex $265,000 Each • Market Rent: $330p/w • Secure Complex • Market Rent: $330p/w You will mechanically have the opportunity contribute the State’s economy, and to condition and body tocondition, greattofigrowing rst car $8,000 • Large Private Balconies SecureComplex Complex Secure 115.82m2 • MarketRent: Rent:$340 $340 p/w Floor Area: Area: • Market p/w ••7mins • •Body BodyCorp: Corp:$2235 $2235p/a p/a ••Floor Large PrivateBalconies Balconies Large Private Balconies Large Private 7minsto toCairns CairnsCBD CBD • •Large Private Balconies ••Walk • FloorArea: Area:143.34m 143.34m Walk to to Shops • Floor • •Floor FloorArea: Area:115.82m 115.82m ••Market ono.Call Trish -the $14500 ONOand - call 0429790066 well-being 7mins 7minsCBD toCairns CairnsCBD CBD Cairns toCBD MarketRent: Rent:$330p/w $330p/w social environmental of 0421343825 all West Australians through your work in •In•7mins totoCairns AUCTON: AUCTON: ••Move Or7mins Rent Out • MoveInInOrOrRent Rent Out Move In • Move •AUCTON: Move •AUCTON: MoveininIrIrRent RentOut Out MarketRent: Rent:$330 $330p/w p/w Market •Out Body Corp: $2235 • Body Corp: $2235p/a p/a • Market Rent: $330p/w • Market Rent: $330p/w •5 QuietStreet Street •5 Quiet ••Small Small Block Block of 8 BodyCorp: Corp:$2235 $2235p/a p/a Unit for more details. Body • •Pet Unit 2 Unit PetFriendly Friendly Unit 2 • Floor Area: 115.82m • Floor Area: 115.82m 1995 model, V6, 4l Engine, patrol, Reg: 33 11 11 2005 roles: GXL 4ltr. $265,000 Each $265,000 Each • 1 one of the following permanentPRADO or fixed-term 33Each •Body BodyCorp: Corp: $2235 p/a 1 Area: 33 stst 11 •1 AwardWinning WinningDesign $2235 p/a •1 Award Floor Area: 115.82m² m² Floor 115.82 ••Design Move $265,000 $265,000Each 33 22 1Ground 11 1GroundFloor MoveininIrIrRent RentOut Out MoveininororUNIT RentOut Out 1 115.82m Move Rent UNIT UNIT 5 • Floor Area: 115.82m UNIT 5 1 Floor Position • Floor Area: Floor Position Floor August 2011, rebuilded engine 2005 ••Pet HOLDEN SVZ Ute 2007. 129000kms, ARB bullbar, reece Belinda Pet PetFriendly Friendly Belinda Pycroft Pycroft • Move in Ir PetFriendly Friendly 11 CALLAGHAN 11Bench Rent Out Each $265,000 Unit Unit 5 in IrRent • Move Out 2 ST, Each 33•11st Each $265,000 Quality StoneBench Top Floor Quality M: 957 M:0418 0418 977 957 5 31 Economists 5 to 8Unit2Around cate Massive Massive Around 33 $265,000 Floor Position 114053977 • GroundFloor FloorLevel Position UNIT 2Wrap UNIT UNIT 2Wrap UNIT 3 109 221Stone 31st 11Top $265,000Each +certifi plate 3Friendly 80000kms Registered $24,000 hitch, roof rack, reece hitch, 7 • Ground PetFriendly • •Pet P: P:07 074053 • Ground •8007 1st Position • GroundFloor Floor 3 3 •8007 1st Floor Floor UniqueFloor FloorPlan Plan CAIRNS Unique 1 1 1 1 $265,000 Each Courtyard Courtyard $265,000 Each MOOROOBOOL, ] www.prdcairns.com.au www.prdcairns.com.au • Massive Wrap Courtyard •• Quality Bench Tops • Massive WrapAround Around Courtyard Quality Stone Unit 22Bench Unit Wrap Around Courtyard Quality Stone Bench Tops • Massive Wrap Around Courtyard • Quality Stone Tops Automatic transmission, 5 Seats or $265,000 Each ono 6cyl Developers/Strategists 3.6L auto recently seater, good tyre tread, CB radio • Massive $265,000 Each Unit Unit5 5 1 3 1 1 3 1 Policy Level 4 to 8 Additional Lock-up Storage UNIT Additional Lock-up Storage • Big Patio •• Unique • Patio Big Patio Unique Floor Plan Big Big Patio UNIT 2 UNIT UNIT 2 UNIT55 5Plan - $329,000 Belinda Pycroft Belinda Pycroft • Market Rent: •Additional • Market Rent:$330 $330p/w p/w •Additional Lock-up Storage Ground Floor • 1st 2 Seats with bed,powered windows, Big Patio Unique Floor Plan • Big Patio • Unique Floor serviced log book 18”” alloys and lots of other features. Ready •~~WANTED •• Ground Floor • 1stFloor FloorPosition Position Market Rent: $340p/w p/w Market $340 Unit22 ••Market Unit 5Rent: Rent: $330 Market Market Rent: $330p/w p/w Unit Unit • Floor Area: 115.82m2 • Floor Area: 115.82m2 Market Rent: $340 p/w Corporate Communicators Level 5 & 6 • Massive Massive Wrap Around Courtyard • Quality Stone Tops M: 0418 977 957 M: 0418 977 957 • Penthouse of the block • Market Rent: $340 p/w • Wrap Around Courtyard • Quality StoneBench Bench Tops UNIT 2 Ground • Walk toto Shops 11 Floor Floor Position 143.34 m² • Walk Shops Floor Area: Area: 143.34m UNIT UNIT 5Area: Floor Position Ground Floor •• Floor Floor central Locking Stone Area: UNIT Floor 143.34 m² new tyres SS body kit dual fuel for your Pilbara adventures. Call • Market $330 Area: 115.82 m² Big Patio • Unique $330 •Additional Lock-up Storage Floor Floor 115.82 m² 2Floor • MarketRent: Rent: Lock-up Storage ••Additional Quality Bench Tops • Floor Area: 143.34m •• Big Patio • UniqueFloor FloorPlan Plan Floor Quality Stone Top •p/w Move InArea: ••Around Move •p/w Move InOrOrRent RentOut Out Move In In Or Rent Out Floor Quality Stone Bench Massive Wrap Wrap Around P: 07 0453 8007 • Ground • 1st Position P: 07 0453 8007 • Ground Floor Massive • 1st Position AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION Market $330 p/w •Additional Storage Rent: Unique Floor •• Market Rent: $330 p/w •AdditionalLock-up Lock-up Storage ••Cairns Quiet • Move In Or Rent Out • Unique Floor Plan Quiet Street Street Move Unique Floor Plan Courtyard in or Rent Out Courtyard Move in or Rent Out •shocks, Small Block ofof7 8 8 oil • Small Block Walk to Shops Business Analysts Level 5 to Walk to Shops new battery, new front new Cairns Colonial Club Where: Colonial morpheous metallic purple A/C Casey on 0458858663. Where: Where: Cairns Colonial Club Where: Cairns Club • Massive Wrap Around Courtyard • Quality Stone • Massive Wrap Around Courtyard • Quality Stone Bench Tops • 6.00 Floor Area: Market Rent: $340 p/wStreet • 6.00 Floor Area:115.82m2 115.82m2 Market Rent: $340 p/w Floor Area: Area: 115.82m2 • Market p/w Lock-up Additional Storage www.prdcairns.com.au www.prdcairns.com.au Additional Lock-up Patio •• Floor 115.82m2 • MarketRent: Rent:$340 $340 p/w 33 11 11• Big Patio 33BigBigPatio 1Award Winning 1p/m •10/02/11 Award Design •1 • Quiet •• Additional When: 10/02/11 @@ p/m When: @ 6.00 When: 10/02/11 p/m When: 10/02/11 Unique Floor Street • Big Patio ••Unique Floor Plan$340 p/w 2 2 Quiet Street Walk to • Floor Shops Market Rent: Move inservice Move inororRent RentOut Out Quiet Market Rent: Market Rent: $330p/w p/w Market Rent: $330 •• Walk to Shops • FloorArea: Area:143.34m 143.34m fiContact lter, spare tyre, major • Award Winning Design tip tronic manual drive leather RADIATORS and condensors. To To Buy Before Auction To Buy Before Contact Buy Before Contact To Buy Before Auction Contact AUCTON: In Floor Area: •Auction Walk tonew Floor Area: 143.34m • Walk toShops Shops • Storage Floor 143.34m AUCTON: Area: Floor Area: 143.34 m² Floor Floor Area: 115.82m²m² AUCTON: • Market Rent:$330 p/w Move Or Out • Move Out $330 Area: 115.82 Rent: p/w •Additional Lock-up Storage Market Analysts Level 7of3of88 • Market Belinda Pycroft AUCTON: Belinda Pycroft •• Move In Or Rent Rent Out • MoveInInOrOrRent Rent Out Belinda at PRDnationwide Award Award Design Belinda at PRDnationwide •Additional Winning Design Belinda Belinda at PRDnationwide PRDnationwide 0418 Small Block 0418 Small Block Move in or orWinning Move in Rentp/w Out Walk Shops at Walk to to Shops • Quiet Street M: 977 957 M: 977 957 • Floor Area: 115.82m2 • Market Rent: • Floor Area: 115.82m2 • Market Rent: $340 weeks ago, camping equipment, • Small Block of 8 trim hard tonneu cover tub liner Many AUCTON: • Quiet Street 14053 3In 11 14053 3OrOrRent 33 Move 1 2orRent • SmallBlock of 8 Rent AUCTON: AUCTON: Quiet Street Quiet Street Move Rent Out in in or2 Out AUCTON: Out Move In Or RentOut new brands available, can fit • Move • MoveIn Rent Out In Or P:P: 0707 8007 8007 11Area: 11Out 33 11 •1 Award • Walk Shops Floor Area: toto Shops ••Floor 143.34m 33• Move •1 AwardWinning WinningDesign Design Award Winning Design Award Winning Small Block Small Block ofof 88 www.prdcairns.com.au Location: South Perthcruise and country locations are available. $ 5800 ONO, Ph:www.prdcairns.com.au 0451615523 Robert •• Walk CD player central locking AUCTON: Where: Centre Colonial Club Centre Colonial AUCTON: AUCTON: • Move In RentOut Out MoveStreet In Or Or Rent Out AUCTON: Where: Centre Colonial Club Move InWhere: OrOr Rent ••Move In Where: Centre Colonial Club if required. Call 0466979103. Quiet • Quiet Street Where:Centre CentreColonial Colonial Club Where: Club Belinda Pycroft • Small Block of 8 Where: Centre Colonial Club • Small Block of 8 Where: Centre Colonial Club Belinda Pycroft • Quiet Street • Quiet Street Belinda When: @ When: 6pm Belinda Pycroft When: 10/2/2011 • Small Block • Small Block ofof8 810/2/2011 When: 10/2/2011 @@ 6pm When: 10/2/2011 6pm control tow bar. 0418560640. When:10/2/2011 10/2/2011@@6pm 6pm When: 10/2/2011 @ 6pm When: 10/2/2011 @ 6pm M: 0418 977 957 M: 0418 977••1 957 1 Design 22 11 buy before Auction Contact 1977TOTO957 1AwardWinning buy Contact Visit: www.jobs.wa.gov.au andRODEO click Agriculture and of tobefore Winning 3Contact 33Auction 1Design TO buy Auction 33before Award Winning buy before Auction Contact before Contact buy before Auction 1996, 2.8Auction Turbo Diesel 3Contact 11 TOBelinda 131 TOTO11buy 31Auction 3Food, Department 1Award 11 33 M: 0418 M: 0418 Award Winning Design TOon buy before Contact TO buy before Auction P: 07 07•1 4053 8007 BelindaatatPRD PRDNationwide Nationwide P: 4053 8007 Belinda Belinda at PRD Nationwide at PRD Nationwide HYUNDAI Elantra 2003detailed Red 5spinformation. www.prdcairns.com.au Belinda PRD Nationwide BelindaP: at07 PRD Nationwide www.prdcairns.com.au Belinda PRD Nationwide Belinda at PRD Nationwide wanted 0453 8007 P:at 07 0453 TwinCab 4x4. Tub Liner, 2001 Ford Falcon access/download Toat fiBullbar, nd out more and/or register for our Belinda Pycroft Belinda Pycroft manual 108000km hatchback, F/Glass Canopy & Towbar. www.prdcairns.com.au www.prdcairns.com.au 977 957 Belinda M:M: 0418 977 957 BelindaPycroft Pycroft 14053 10418 33 11 22 33 1 Belinda BelindaPycroft Pycroft information sessions, to www.agric.wa.gov.au/recruitment P: 8007 P: 0707 4053 8007 White Station Wagon • Roof racks regularly serviced, Great go solid BABY walker on wheels wanted M: 0418 977 957 M: 0418 977 957 Motor u/s. Body & Interior as 977 www.prdcairns.com.au www.prdcairns.com.au M: M:0418 0418 977957 957 (KTA) reliable $6900ono Libbyor email: P: P:07 070453 04538007 8007 Petrol + Gas Conversion Please car. call Ph: 9368 3338 recruitment@agric.wa.gov.au for assistance. new. New Tyres, Clutch, Starter 91431985. Belinda Pycroft Belinda Pycroft P:P:07074053 40538007 8007 www.prdcairns.com.au 0404842902 www.prdcairns.com.au Motor, Pwr Steering Pump, Rear CONCRETE Pavers. Wooden M: 0418 0418 977 M: 977 957 Applications Close: Mon 11th April at 5.00pm www.prdcairns.com.au Belinda Pycroft Belinda Brand new tyres • 6 months rego. www.prdcairns.com.au I want to sale my car (Ford Falcon Wheel Bearings and Brakes done outdoor table. Breville P: 07 0453 07 M: || P: 07 4053 8007 8007 M:0418 0418977 977 957 957P: P: 070453 Futura), year 1998, body sedan recently. $ 2500.00. Ph 0448 389 Breadmaker Model No BB200. Phone 0407 082 098 or 9185 5570 www.prdcairns.com.au www.prdcairns.com.au www.prdcairns.com.au www.prdcairns.com.au nice and clean, 182000 kilometer 112, Karratha Phone 91853859adcorp F55278
ally ons. very tha. urza 2.
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AUCTION AUCTION Where: Cairns Colonial Club Where: Cairns Colonial Club When: 10/02/11 @ 6.00 p/mp/m When: 10/02/11 @ 6.00 To Buy Before Auction Contact To Buy Before Auction Contact Belinda at PRDnationwide Belinda at PRDnationwide
Where: Centre Colonial Club Where: Centre Colonial Club When: 10/2/2011 @ 6pm When: 10/2/2011 @ 6pm TO buy before Auction Contact TO buy before Auction Contact Belinda at PRD Nationwide Belinda at PRD Nationwide
Brand to MoveFloor BrandNew New&&Huge Huge33Bedroom Bedroom Units Units Ready Ground Floor inin Massive Wrap Wrap Around Around Secure SecureComplex Complex Courtyard Large LargePrivate PrivateBalconies Balconies Big Patio 7mins 7minstotoCairns CairnsCBD CBD Market Rent: Rent: $330 $330 p/w p/w Market MarketRent: Rent:$330 $330p/w p/w Floor Area: Area: 115.82 115.82 m² m² AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION Body $2235 p/a BodyCorp: Corp: $2235Colonial p/a Club Walk to Shops Shops Where: Where:Cairns CairnsColonial Colonial Club Where:Cairns CairnsColonial Club Where: Club When: 6.00 When:10/02/11 10/02/11@@6.00 6.00 p/m Floor 115.82 When:10/02/11 10/02/11 6.00p/m p/m When: p/m FloorArea: Area: 115.82@@m² m² Move in or Rent Rent Out Out To Auction ToBuy BuyBefore BeforeAuction Auction Contact ToBuy BuyBefore Before AuctionContact Contact To Contact 2Rent 2 Out Move in or Rent MoveBelinda in or Out BelindaatatPRDnationwide PRDnationwide BelindaatatPRDnationwide PRDnationwide Belinda Small Block Block of of 88 Pet PetFriendly Friendly Where:Centre CentreColonial ColonialClub Club Where: Where: Where:Centre CentreColonial ColonialClub Club When:10/2/2011 10/2/2011@@6pm 6pm When: When: When:10/2/2011 10/2/2011@@6pm 6pm TObuy buybefore beforeAuction AuctionContact Contact TO TO TObuy buybefore beforeAuction AuctionContact Contact Belinda PRDNationwide Nationwide Belinda Belinda BelindaatatPRD PRDNationwide Nationwide 22 atatPRD
Ground Floor Ground Floor Massive Wrap Massive WrapAround Around Courtyard Courtyard Big Patio Big Patio Market Rent: Market Rent:$330 $330p/w p/w Floor Area: 115.82 Floor Area: 115.82m²m² Walk toto Shops Walk Shops Move inin oror Rent Move RentOut Out Small Block Small Blockofof8 8
AUCTION AUCTION Where: Where:Cairns CairnsColonial ColonialClub Club When: When:10/02/11 10/02/11@@6.00 6.00p/m p/m ToToBuy BuyBefore BeforeAuction AuctionContact Contact Belinda BelindaatatPRDnationwide PRDnationwide
AUCTION AUCTION Where: Cairns Colonial Club Where: Cairns Colonial Club When: 10/02/11 @ 6.00 p/m When: @ 6.00 p/m To Buy10/02/11 Before Auction Contact To Buy Before Auction Contact Belinda at PRDnationwide Belinda at PRDnationwide
Floor Position 1st1Floor Position Quality Stone Bench Top Quality Stone Bench Top Unique Floor Plan Unique Floor Plan Additional Lock-up Storage Additional Lock-up Storage Market Rent: $340 p/w Market Rent: $340 p/w Floor Area: 143.34 Floor Area: 143.34 m²m² Move Rent Out Move inin oror Rent Out Quiet Street 2 2 Quiet Street Award Winning Design Award Winning Design
Ground Ground Floor Floor Massive Massive Wrap WrapAround Around Courtyard Courtyard Big Big Patio Patio Market Market Rent: Rent:$330 $330p/w p/w Floor Area: 115.82 Floor Area: 115.82m² m² Walk Walk to to Shops Shops Move Move in in or orRent RentOut Out Small Block of 8 Small Block of 8
Where:Centre Centre Colonial ClubClub Where: CairnsColonial Colonial Club Where: Cairns Where: Colonial Club When: 10/02/11 6.00p/m p/m When:10/2/2011 10/2/2011 6pm When: 10/02/11 @@6.00 When: @@6pm Buy Before Auction Contact ToTo Buy Before Auction Contact TObuy buybefore before Auction Contact TO Auction Contact Belinda PRDnationwide atatPRDnationwide BelindaatBelinda atPRD PRDNationwide Nationwide Belinda
2 2
Brand Units Ready to to Move BrandNew New&&Huge Huge3 3Bedroom Bedroom Units Ready Move inin Secure SecureComplex Complex Large LargePrivate PrivateBalconies Balconies 7mins to Cairns CBD 7mins to Cairns CBD Market MarketRent: Rent:$330 $330p/w p/w Body BodyCorp: Corp:$2235 $2235p/ap/a Floor FloorArea: Area:115.82 115.82m²m² 2 Move 2 Out MoveininororRent Rent Out Pet PetFriendly Friendly
11st Floor Floor Position Quality Top Quality Stone Bench Top Unique Unique Floor Plan Additional Storage Additional Lock-up Storage Market Market Rent: $340 p/w Floor Floor Area: 143.34 m² Move Move in or Rent Out Quiet Quiet Street 2 Award Award Winning Design
Where: Where:Centre CentreColonial ColonialClub Club When: When:10/2/2011 10/2/2011@@6pm 6pm TO TObuy buybefore beforeAuction AuctionContact Contact Belinda BelindaatatPRD PRDNationwide Nationwide
AUCTION AUCTION Where: Cairns Colonial Club Where: Cairns Colonial Club When: 10/02/11 @ 6.00 When: 10/02/11 @ 6.00 p/mp/m To Buy Before Auction Contact To Buy Before Auction Contact Belinda at PRDnationwide Belinda at PRDnationwide
real estate
Soggidog Pet Minding CHEZ
BrandNew New&&Huge Huge3 3Bedroom BedroomUnits Units Ready Move Brand Ready to to Move inin SecureComplex Complex Secure LargePrivate PrivateBalconies Balconies Large 7minstotoCairns CairnsCBD CBD 7mins MarketRent: Rent:$330 $330p/w p/w Market MarketRent: Rent: $330p/w •• Market $330p/w Body Corp:$2235 $2235p/a p/a Body Corp: BodyCorp: Corp: $2235 p/a •• Body $2235 p/a Floor Area: 115.82m²m² Floor Area: 115.82 2 Out 2Rent MoveininororRent Out 115.82m Move FloorArea: Area: 115.82m •• Floor PetFriendly Friendly Pet
public notice
$399,000 renting Busselton staurants D/lockup outside kitchen, plit level intenance s. Sale 18911712 tnet.com.
GARAGE sale, saturday 26/03/11, 8.00am to POCKET Rocket 125cc 18 months old PIANO lessons Karratha, mob BUSSELTON $399,000 Cheaper than with spare front wheel $800 ono. Ph 1.00pm, 5 woodswallow bend nickol west, renting. FIFO Busselton. Walk to pubs, 0428622622 0447841710 KTA. household items, heaps of toys, ladies and restaurants and beach.3x2 unit, D/ PIANO Tuner and Piano Repairer childrens clothes and more. lockup garage, lockup outside storage, Suzuki DRZ400 2009, black model ex coming to the Pilbara in April, please full sized kitchen, lots of storage. cond only 1000km, rego 09/11 $7,500, HUGE combined garage sale!!! Kids and email Andy at andyswork51@juno. Split level R.C. A/C, low maintenance Ph:91441682 baby stuff and household items - cot, com for more details. auto retic gardens. Sale by owner. Ph swing, monitor, clothes, toys, car seats, PILBARA Joblink wish to invite all 0418911712 Email: hobbit@westnet. vapouriser, games, bike, high chair, dining members of the community to “Social pets com.au table, kitchenware, microwave, garden items. skilling with a cuppa and a computer”. DAMPIER SALE $895K. 4X1 Investment Heaps.• Sat 26th March, 11 Walkington GERMAN Shepherd 5 yrs old in need of a Every Monday, 9.30- 10.30, shop 36, property or large family home. 1321sq. Cirle, Millars Well. 8am-12pm, NEB please. loving home (Born 1st January 2006) She Sharpe Avenue. Want to become mtr. block. Refurbished throughout. New 0409685842 comes with a certificate of sterilization & computer savvy? Drop in and explore double oven stove and gastop. Room to her vaccination papers (by the looks she what you can do with a computer. LAST Minute Household Clearance expand, harbour views. Negotiate direct may need her yearly update needle). She is weekends 19/20 and 26/27 March. 10am to UNDERCOVER WEAR!!!!! book a with owner on 0438902740. very obedient. If you or anyone you know 2pm. Also, Monday to Friday after 5:00pm. party or order a catalouge, no need to would be interested in Misty, please call DUNSBOROUGH town lots, 4 only. Walk Books, toys, clothes, kitchen items and havethoroughly a party!!check All Pilbara area! contact 0409068307 will be published as shown. Please URGENT: Your advertisement this proof for any errors or alterations andmain If there are any or changes, to Coles, street anderrors beach. 240K please mark miscellaneous. 10 Goddard Place, Karratha. where the error is and show the correction required. We would appreciate0417997181 your signature of approval; however, IF THIS PROOF IS NOT RETURNED WE WILL PUBLISH THE ADVERTISEME caravans to 255K. Enjoy on thethis best lifestyle WA. 0439903024 SHOWN. Please take time to check your advertisement as the responsibility for its accuracy rests with you. COLOUR DISCLAIMER: The colours content proofinare indicative only. T not reproduce exactly when printed on newsprint on a newspaperSurfi press. ng, fishing,wineries, climate. Call LEAVING town sale. 22 Zanetti Way, Stewart 0409688205. real estate Proof approved by: .......................................................................................................................................... Date:.......................................................Time:........................................................................ Karratha. 2/4/11 from 7am - 12pm. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Busselton $399,000 TWENTY-SEVEN green acres SATURDAY - 2nd April - 7AM to 11AM. 54 than and production renting the cool PROOF REQUIRED To: with platypus creek, ©onCOPYRIGHT WARNING ©Cheaper Please note that all design material prepared by Campbell Crescent, Baynton. BAG Bric-aNo-Brac. Newspapers Limited is protected under international intellectual property laws governing cop tablelands near Port Douglas. Private FIFO Busselton 9144 1263 and cannot be photocopied, scanned or reproduced in any other newspaper, magazine or peri and natural, handy or tostored everything. on any electronic device consent of restaurants WA Newspapers Limited. Breach o Walkwithout topriorpubs, All animals cared for. SATURDAY 26th March 8-12. HUGE copyright will incur legal action which Exceptional views over rainforest and beach.3x2 unit, D/lockup may result in heavy financial fines, imprisonment or both. Daily visits to your home. Combined garage sale! KidsSet & baby By: stuff, 19/2 Michaelhu ranges and farmlands from octagonal pilbaraecho Karratha only garage, lockup outside household items. Cot, swing, monitor, house. Underground mains power, Ph Libby 0404842902 storage, full sized kitchen, clothes, toys, car seats, vaporiser,www.pilbaraecho.com.au high private timber plantation. Pictures chair, dining table, bike, kitchenware, lots of storage. Split level and more info at owner.com.au Ref microwave, garden items. plus much GOLDEN Labrador Female approx 18 R.C. air con, low maintenance No 40583 more. 11 Walkington Circle, Millars Well months old.. Not speyed Good natured. auto retic gardens. Sale 0409685842. NEB please! Deserted by owner. Needs a home. Free to vehicles vehicles wanted wanted by owner.Ph 0418911712 good kind person Call 08 91851843 or SATURDAY 26th March 8am - Midday, 581 Email hobbit@westnet.com. 0488118893 Emma St, Bulgarra, KTA, Chest of Drawers, au FORD Falcon sedan AU 98 model. NAVARA 05’ blk 280,000kms DAMAGED or bednon-running I am looking near new King single + mattress, PET Crate airline approved.for Suitsan largeevil dog. HORSFIELD Bay, NSW. Must sell,. Drives well, Aircon and CD unleaded, hard tray back,good motorcycles. Anything Sidekick. Previous experience in generator + lots more. No early birds please. Dampier. $100. 0403178959 1Hour nth of Sydney CBD. 4x2 with 0439891080 player. $2999 call 0400231821 tyres, new clutch, exc cond, considered. Please call PURE sabotage, Maltesetorture looking toand matechemistry with female seperate cabin. Freshly painted. or 0437518878 reliable ****must be sold***** 0466979103. advantageous..Please contact “SATURDAY 2nd April. 7 am to 11 am. (pref Maltese) in Karratha. Please call Luke Commuter trains or freeway to Sydney 510 Hunt Way, Bulgarra. Row Mach, Bikes, urgent sale*****$18,500 all offers 1300 655 720 for an application 0428722456 and leave a message or call close by. Online www.realestate.com. FORD Falcon Wagon 2001, DAMPIER Squash Club is Chipper, TV’s, other household items. Ph after 5pm. public notice considered 0447296129 Dampier is in great condition. $33 000 ph and a list evil names. UNBELIEVABLE au property no. 104331623. Offers over white, on gas and petrol. looking for a free second hand 0417930542. 0417189018 $400,000. Potential rental return $550 $7490 ono. Ph 0407082098. NAVARA 2006, 165,000kms, washing machine. If anyone is TWO Bunny Rabbits White and Brown for CHECK THIS found p.w.. Call 0402965729 and 2 Tunnels $20. TOYOTA Prado GXL 2005 willing to donate please call or txt sale, $15each,Cage FREE CLASSIFIEDS OUT NOW FORD Focus 2006, 23000kms New Tyres, just been serviced, SQUARE contact me on 0427781981 :) silverdiesel, watch found at dampier lost HOUSE for Sale in Karratha. 3 x 1 on new front brakes, long range Manual, cargo barrier, 0400 368 323. 1 elderly owner as new please provide description, brand,etc for House & Land large corner block with large shed NOKIA 6760 slide on 21.03.11 @ 4/13 UHF,phonespotlights, rear seats, condition $16000 ono contact tank, spotlights, snorkel, roo return. 8 am till 2 pm 91856720 and side access. Great location by Packages berglass canopy, never had recently serviced by PMG, Dorrigo garage sale. Phone & sim locked, so Department Corrective Simon 0429011172 or Marlon bar, fiof parks, school and shops close by. useless to anyone else. 0433272258 iffor you sale public notice Bunbury from 103,000km $31,000ono, any drama’s with it, we r selling DAMPIER Ladies Softball Club are calling Currently rented for $1200 per week, Services 0457669238 have info, no questions asked. free $271,202 for nominations for coaches for A and to get a new Navara.$25,000. 0438949753 great investment. $690,000 negotiable. HILUX 4x4 2000 model, 3000cc, 0407515736 A Reserve Teams for 2011. Training Please contact 0427 349 205. BAGS of Shredded Paper 2008, please White call Busselton from TOYOTA Prado GXL registered until June 2011. Fitted to commence mid-March (date to be motorcycles Sharyn to arrange pick up 0419891612 KARRATHA 3x 1 semi en-suit, $225,600 NEW Car Radiators for Sale.. Can 6sp Man, GXL option pack 2 confi rmed) Past & new players welcome. with new tray,fuel pump and formal lounge & dining, family HOUSE bricks, 300and bricks for you to ALPINESTAR, Tech 3 Motocross Boots, full bar work touring setup. Sign-on night is April 1st at 6pm at the Margaret River battery . serviced and in good install if required. 0429791403 room, off centralised kitchen, remove. Call me 0400718470 brand new in box, Size 10-black/white, Size Sporty, Dampier. Contact: Sharon 91831187 10 months new car warranty. from $298,975 condition. 4 additional spare NISSAN Navara Stx 06 - Bull Bar, fans, BIR, ducted A/C, established 11 - black/red, Size 10 - black, $280 each or Missy 0448076110. SAHAJA Yoga 38000km’s. meditation. Excellent Every Dual batts, gardens, shed, access to rear yard tyres with rims $10200- ono. Call Tray Liner, Electronic Rust Proof, Wednesday 7PM Karratha Entertament Call Matt on 0416913646 after 6pm Includes: condition. $52,900 ono Dampier ACCURATE PSYCHICS 99% via DBL gates, parking for 4 car, Floor Coverings Spot Lights, 160 000km, $24 000 Centre, creche room. Always free. For BIG BEAR Chopper, devils advocate, as new 0412450868 9185 9522 Window Treatments end of cul-sac, closed to Tambrey 1902 212 206 $2.95 min mob more information contact 0449548092, $43000 ph 0417955369 HILUX 98 3.0L new a/c new ONO 0429369398 Carpets & Paint & Caltex. $840,000, genuine 0405514130, TROOPY 0487283995. LANDCRUISER 1998 CAN AM outlander 800 2008, done 3000 km ex C/C 03 5614 5387 $2.95 min Site Works alternator new gearbox winch lift NISSAN Pathfi nder 1999 ST offers only. Ph 0419931160. Tender No: DCS0082011 105000km massive alu roof A range of 3 x 2 and 4 x 2 KARRATHA. Dont stand for BAD all in good con $8500 ono ph 0416400131 kit new battery must sell great V6 auto petrol white. Great car, KIT Home - No internals massive 2 winch, sale 2 spare CUSTOMER SERVICE! Report it! we deserve reliable truck $8000available: 0407771681 reliable, well maintained, interior rack, dual batt, garage storey Plans aval for 6 x 4 for right Don’t delay act now Lane motorcycle coaching, all Documents better! expect better! tyres, aircon, 5new tyres,extra FAST buyer. Ktha in S/Cont. Decks, windows, in good condition. 245000 disciplines and ages catered for. call laney Turn key packages at this price… HOLDEN Astra Coupe CDX headlight... $27000 ONO BABY goods, walker , kids toys , shoes ORANGE Tropical Ice Box 105L. STOLEN Insul etc. Eng Cyclone & 5 Star rated. for details and bookings.0407083845 from www.tenders.wa.gov.au or by contacting Simply Outstanding. 2008. 1.8 4CYL 5sp manual km $11,000 ono. Call Greg , clothes, 2 x recliner , T.V’s , 0415936876 Viveash Way Bulgarra 18th March. Gift from Reduced Must sell. Guaranteed. $105K 0448971940 Port Hedland. Keen Michaeletc. HARLEY Davidson, turbo charged ‘08. that delivers both power and Call Blair Pennington general household items, 2 Comrie ct Antonia Graham on Ph: 9264 6330 or email: my daughters on 8th March. If you know Only serious buyers thanks. Contact to sell. VOLVO XC90 2004 130,000 kms Night rod special, 1251cc, awesome bike in Your South West Building specialist economy, 28,000 km’s, as new Baynton,7-30 til 11-00, Saturday the 26th of anyone who has acquired an esky or restruct@iprimus.com.au for more excellent condition, lots of extras, real head full long book, 7 leather seats antonia.graham@correctiveservices.wa.gov.au of march “ know the whereabouts, or have information detail. immaculate full leather interior, NISSAN Patrol - current shape, on 0406 747 892 turner. $36,000. Ph 0417990242. excellent condition. $30,000, contact would be greatly appreciated. Phone tints, 4 air bags, cruise control, 2006 model, all accessories fitted, GARAGE SALE - Sat April 2 - 27a Leonard MAGNETICE Is 1x1 Exec Suite, own HONDA 250 Quad 04 farm bike excellent 0438986293 or the police. White Station Wagon • Roof racks 0417250378 Closing Date: Friday, 8 April 2011 at 11.00am BALI - LEMBONGAN ISLAND. ABS and loads more. Great 72klms, exc cond throughout, Way Nickol @ 7am, HEAPS of household condition. $3500. Don’t use. Ph 0404706400 your own piece of tropical island, Beautiful, high quality Balinese style kitchen items, ladies &lowered girls ORBIT Ladies A grade softball team perfect for R&R. Kitchenette, f/ looking ReluctantAustralia). sale. Ph always serviced, HID spotlights, goods, VS Holden Ute 2000, Petrol + Gas Conversion (Perth,car.Western villa on large, secure, walled block KAWASAKi ZZR250 ‘04, Red, 19,000kms, clothing, kids books/toys, microwaves, (Karratha) are looking for a coach. Training furn, a/c, reno bathroom and Sarah 0447843744. $22,000 ono good tyres, asking $33500. Call extractors. $6500. Contact Gavin AUSSIELIV_WRS_1902_43.indd 15/02/11 1 11:26 AM 100m from beach. Fully furnished, great condition, service history, one owner. dryer, shelving units, girls bikes. Pretty nights are Wednesday, fi xtures yet to be private veranda. Pool, tennis Brand new tyres • 6 months rego on 0417439306. (KTA) HODEN Barina SXi 5 Speed 0466979103. adcorp F55267 can sleep 6. Two storey teak and much one of everything as we move 2 $4500 Call Tom 9159 0096 or 0430438299 set. Season starts early May. Please call court, gym, restaurant & bar all natural stone & thatched roof. Mains into one. See Wagon you there! 1999, Karratha 0439454286 for more details. Manual Reg Aug 11, Power NISSAN Patrol Wagon 2003, 3 ltr households VT Commodore located in the complex. Rent out electricity and R/O water system. Full when you aren’t there for extra Windows & Steering, 78K turbo diesel, 5 speed manual, A/C, automatic, cargo barrier,low certificate title, not lease. $275,000 income. $60,000, private sale km, New Battery & Brakes, power steering, CD player, regular 150km, very well cared for, near 0435299451 Perth 0425891689. STREET, MOOROOBOOL, CAIRNS 109CALLAGHAN CALLAGHAN STREET, MOOROOBOOL, CAIRNS history New Gear Linkages, Near New service and log books, full109 new tyres, rego, A/C, power real estate real estate Cairns BUSSELTON $399,000, Cheaper of Western 109Callaghan Callaghan Street, Street, Mooroobool, Mooroobool, Cairns MELROS - MANDURAH - Great beach Low Profile Tyres, Government 15” Alloys 190km,one owner from new,Australia very steering, all in 109 good condition UNIT UNIT 4 & 7 than renting. FIFO Busselton. Walk 1 street back. 5x2 RCAircon. 1019sqm of Agriculture & Tinted Windows,Department Steering reliable,very little 4wdand use Food $29 no faults, $5800 ono ktha mobile to pubs, restaurants & beach.3x2 retric block, huge undercover powered Unit 4 & 37Bedroom Brand & Huge Bedroom Units Units Ready Readyto toMove Moveinin Brand New New Wheel Audio Controls, Great 000 ktha mobile 0439515708 0439515708 unit, D/lockup garage, lockup outside parking 4 boat/cvan + powered w/ 109 CALLAGHAN ST, Brand Bedroom Units ReadytotoMove Move Brand New & Huge 33 Bedroom Units Ready 109 CALLAGHAN ST, Condition Throughout. $7500 NISSAN Pulsar 2004 blue, 78000 VY Holden Commodore 2003. 109 STREET, MOOROOBOOL, MOOROOBOOL, CAIRNS 109 CALLAGHAN CALLAGHAN STREET, CAIRNS storage, full sized kitchen, lots of shop20x15. Fantastic swimming, in CAIRNS in 109 Callaghan CallaghanMOOROOBOOL, Street, Mooroobool, Mooroobool,Cairns Cairns Street, UNIT &77 UNIT 44& ono Ph:0437783211 MOOROOBOOL, CAIRNS storage. Split level R.C. A/C, low fishing, boating, s/diving & surfing + • Secure Complex • Secure Complex The Department of Agriculture kms, and auto, Foodgreat WAtown (DAFWA) has commenced period car, $8500 94,600 kms. aJust had ofservice. Secure Complex Brand Unit &3737Bedroom BrandNew New Huge BedroomUnits UnitsReady Ready Moveinin Unit 44$265,000 & &&Huge totoMove each maintenance auto retic gardens. Sale only 2 mins from Estuary for boating, $265,000 each Large Private Balconies Balconies Balconies Large Private Private contact inDwayne 0427190384 or Good HOLDEN Fifty 2001 $16500 condition. Genuine renewal.SSWe have new opportunities either metropolitan country locations and reason •• Large SecureComplex Complex •• Secure by owner. Ph 0418911712, Email: crabbing, jet skiing etc. PH Birdie 7mins CBD to Cairns CBD CBD Large Private Balconies •• Large Private Balconies Brand New Huge33Bedroom BedroomUnits Unitsready readytotomove move Brand New &&Huge in.in. scissor door kit, king springs, (KTA). for selling due to resizing. • 7mins to Cairns • 7mins to • 7mins 7minsto toCairns CairnsCBD CBD hobbit@westnet.com.au 95821571. if you are a talented and motivated person, interested in an exciting new opportunity, Market Rent: $330 •p/w p/w
TICKET - Katy Perry Concert in Melb on April 29 at Rod Laver Arena. Great seat, $120. Ph 0409829256. (Hed) TRADIES trailer lic, racks, can be removed, front lge toolbox all lockable and enclosed, new tyres. Must sell. $3,200.00 O.N.O 0427195916. TREADMILL Orbit Trackstar. Inclines to 15. Speed to 18. 12 Programs. 3HP motor. Exc cond. $950. Dampier. 0403178959. TUPPERWARE Happy Chopper $30 and hamburger Press $15. Brand New Never used. Ph 0402548834
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
AUCTION AUCTION Where: Cairns Colonial Club Where: Cairns@Colonial When: 10/02/11 6.00 p/mClub 10/02/11 @ 6.00 p/m ToWhen: Buy Before Auction Contact To Buy Before Auction Contact Belinda at PRDnationwide Belinda at PRDnationwide
Where: Where:Centre CentreColonial ColonialClub Club When: When:10/2/2011 10/2/2011@@6pm 6pm TO TObuy buybefore beforeAuction AuctionContact Contact Belinda BelindaatatPRD PRDNationwide Nationwide
Belinda Pycroft Pycroft
st Position 1 1Floor Floor Position Stone Bench Top Quality Quality Stone Bench Top Floor Plan Unique Unique Floor Plan Lock-up Storage Additional Additional Lock-up Storage Market Rent: $340 p/wp/w Market Rent: $340 Floor Area: 143.34 m² Floor Area: 143.34 m² in in or or Rent OutOut Move Move Rent Street Quiet Quiet Street 2 2 Winning Design Award Award Winning Design
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SHADE SHADE SAILS SAILS JP’s Trim Shop offers commerical grade shade sails and shade cloths. For enquiries, please call 0418 938 077
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vehicles HOLDEN CAPTIVA V6 AUTO 09’ , 7 seater, only 13,000ks on clock, new cond, 6CD, iPod aux port, listen and charge, DVD player w/2x cordless h/ phones, built in tint, paint, interior and rust protection w/lifetime warrenty, over 3 year or 100,000km warranty which ever comes first, $37,500neg. 0415224166 HOLDEN Commodore VZ Wagon, 2006, V6 Auto, 61,000KMS, Cargo Barrier, Brand new tyres, Just serviced and new rego. $16,000 ONO Excellent Condition 0418957200 Karratha HOLDEN Statesman for sale [2004] - 1 driver for life of vehicle - full service record - good condition mechanically and body - $14500 ONO - call 0429790066 for more details. HYUNDAI Elantra 2001, $5,700 Karratha, Good Condition, Great Air conditioner, 4 Doors, Manual Transmission, Electric Windows, CD player, 12months old, Very Economical, 104,000km, Phone 0419913571 HYUNDAI Elantra 2003, 5sp manual, hatchback 108000km, red, air con, cd player, regularly serviced, solid reliable car, regretful sale. $5900 ono. Ph 0404842902. HYUNDI excell 1997, 4 door sedan. $3500 ono. 0414865878 FORD Falcon Futura, year 1998, body sedan nice and clean, 182000 kilometer driven,$3000, please contact on 0430293648 to jagjit singh ISUZU 3T Tipper 2007, 28,000kms & 2007 Kanga and Kanga Trailer. $66,000. MSG 0427227037 for further details. KIA Sportage, 2001, electric tinted windows, remote alarm immobiliser, spotlights and tow bar. $9900 ONO. Call 9144 1959. LAND Rover Freelander TD4. 116K kms, auto, new tyres, new transmission, diesel, cruise control. Dark Blue. Call 0433 492 108. LANDCRUISER wagon 96 model 80 series. 4.2 diesel, extractors, front diff lock, long range tanks, bullbar, spotlights, spare wheel carry on back, sidesteps, black duck canvas front seat covers, tinted windows, white. Very regretful sale. Contact Gypsy or Craig 91841840 or 0409441829.
2 DAY AUCTION On Site: 10 Clayton Street Midland WA
Master 4 and Engineer Class 3 or above
Global Marine and Engineering are looking for hard working, experienced and reliable crew. Working on and off shore. Dampier Port Pilots exemption is an advantage. Some accommodation available. Immediate start. Email resumes to: globalmarine@bigpond.com Contact Robin on 0439 099 533 Particular Cleaning & Maintenance We are seeking experienced cleaners.
· Full time & part time · Monday to Friday · Good Rates Please call Tracey on 0417 148 526 or Baz on 0429 671 563
Leading community group seeks local expertise Pilbara and Kimberley Care (PKC) has been delivering high quality support services to people with disabilities and older people in the region since 1992. The group has recently decided to establish an Advisory Committee which will work with PKC to expand and improve services in the Pilbara. It is particularly keen to recruit people who use its services and their carers but would also be interested in hearing from anyone with an interest in enhancing the quality of life of Pilbara residents. PKC currently offers services in Port Hedland, Tom Price, Roebourne, Karratha & Point Samson, and is hoping to find committee members from each of those places. The committee will meet at least four times per year and plans to do so in different locations in the region. You will not be paid for sitting on the Committee but all the expenses you incur in attending meetings will be met. Interested? Contact the Convenor of the Advisory Committee, Mary Butterworth for an initial chat on (08) 9208 9831 or email mary.butterworth@nds.org.au. You will then receive an information pack including a simple expression of interest form.
Mining Vehicles
1980 Acco 1830C C/W Abbey SE600, 2005 2005 Toyota KUN16 Hilux 4x2 T/Top, 2004 Mitsubishi Canter 4x4 C/W Snorkel EPV16A Toyota HZJ79 Landcruiser T/Top, 2004 Toyota LN167 Hilux 4x4 T/Top, 2004 Toyota Crane LN147 Hilux 4x2 C/Cab, 2004 Toyota LN167 Linmac 8-10 10T, 3 Tonne V Kart Crane Hilux 4x4 C/Cab, 2004 Toyota LN147 Hilux 4x2 T/Top, 2004 Toyota LN147 Hilux 4x2 Crawler Tractors C/Cab, 2001 Toyota HZJ105 Landcruiser 1997 Caterpillar D7R, Mitsubishi BD2GII C/Cab, 2001 Toyota HZJ79 Landcruiser Computer & Office Equipment T/Top, 2000 Toyota HZJ79 Landcruiser T/Top, 1999 Ford AU Fairmont GHIA Sdn Computers, Laptops & Office Furniture
Motor Graders
Tamrock Data Solo 1020, Vermeer Navigator 1995 Caterpillar 140G, 4 x Caterpillar 12G D24x40A, Vermeer Navigator D16x20A Prime Mover 1982 Ford 9000 6x4 Forklifts Clark CMP60D 6T Diesel, 2008 Hangcha CPC30D Rigid Body Trucks 3T Diesel, Nissan F04G40UT 4T LPG, 2008 Dalian 2005 Isuzu NPR400 D/Cab, 2003 Isuzu CPQ25 2-5T LPG (Unused), 2008 Dalian CPQ18 FTR 4x2 T/Top, 1997 Volvo FL7 4x2 T/Top, 1-8T (Unused) Nissan PJ02A25U 2.5T 1996 Ford 0811 Trader 4x2 T/Top, 1985 Gen Sets Volvo F7 6x4 C/W Pacific 18TV Pole Auger, Atlas Copco QAS325 325kva, 2 x Atlas 1982 Nissan UD 6x4 P/Mover, 1978 Ford Copco QAS220 220kva, FG Wilson 250kva, 8000 6x4 C/W Hyd Concrete Agitator, 1985 FG Wilson 200kva, FG Wilson 100kva, FG Mercedes Benz 2228 6x4 C/Chassis, 1994 Wilson 45kva, 2 x Atlas Copco QAS40 40kva, SDE 37kva, Denyo 38, 36, 33, 25, 23, 17 & International 3470 Tipper (Engine U/S) 10kva, 2 x Lincoln Ranger 405D Diesel Welder Telescopic Handler 2000 Merlo P35-13 Lighting Towers
6 x Allight 4 Head Hyd, Ingersoll-Rand LT6K 4 Head
Various Plant Engines, HD Steel Shelving, Plant Components & Mining Inventory, 2 x Drill Support Water Tanks, Qty unused Loader Buckets Etc, 3 x 6m Hyd Drive Agitator Bowls, 4 x Honda CT110 Motorbikes, Okuma Radial Arm Drill, Ingersol Rand 3 Phase Compressor, BL Shipway Power Pak, Profile Cutter, Workbenches, Yunnan Cypml CNC Lathe, Avery Scales, Pedstal Drill, Ingersoll Rand P260 Air Compressor
Massey Ferguson 4225 C/W Slasher, International B250, Massey Ferguson 188, Fiat 4x2, International Case 685 4x2
Transportable Buildings and Containers
Atco 12mx12m 4 Floor Office, 3 x Atco 12m x 3m Office/Crib, 2 x Atco 6mx3m Office, 2 x Western Portables 6mx3m Office/Crib, 20’ & 40” Containers
Water Carts
JCB Fastrac 185-65 C/W ATM Dinosaur, Case 4696 C/W Dinosaur Ryazan Gap Bed Lathe, Colchester CNC Lathe C/W Fanuc Control, WM Sellers Wheel Loaders Slotting Machine, TOS 4 Universal Mill, Volvo L90D, Caterpillar IT28G, Volvo Yasda YBM-80R CNC Horizontal Manchine L70D, 2 x Kawasaki KSS70ZIII, 1990 Centre, W+B 36” Vertical Borer Furukawa FL230-1
Machine Shop
2001 Mitsubishi Fighter 4x2 C/W Nifty Lift NL125, 1996 Mitsubishi Canter 4x4 C/W Snorkel EPV16
2004 John Deere 315SG, JCB 3CX, Caterpillar 428C
1998 Bomag BW212D, Bomag BW121, Pacific RP20 Multi Tyre
Crawler Tractors Caterpillar D9N
Hydraulic Excavators
2002 Caterpillar M315 Wheeled, 2007 New Holland E30SR, 2008 Luigong CLG906, Komatsu PC300, Komatsu PC45R
Light Vehicles
2007 Toyota GFJ120 Prado GXL Wagon, 2007 Nissan GU Patrol ST Wagon, 3 x 2007 Toyota KUN26 Hilux 4x4 C/Cab, 3 x 2006 Toyota KUN26 Hilux 4x4 C/Cab, 2005 Ford BA Falcon Sdn, 2004 Toyota LN167 Hilux 4x4 C/Cab, 2004 Toyota LN167 Hilux 4x4 T/Top
Randall 13 Mtr Boat (Incomplete)
2003 Chipstar Wood Chipper, Vermeer 725 Stump Grinder, Nilfisk SR1800H Sweeper, Comp Air 800CFM Air Compressor, Unused ATV800CC, Golf Carts Unused Battery Powered 4 Seats
Motor Graders
1999 Caterpillar 140H, 2000 Caterpillar 12H
Prime Movers
2000 Scania 144G 6x4, 1993 Volvo F16 6x4
Rigid Body Trucks
1998 Hino GH 4x2 C/W Altec D945TR Pole Auger, 1996 Acco 1350G 6x4 C/W Hyd, Concrete Agitator, 1992 Scania 113M 6x4 Fuel Tanker, 1982 Ford Cargo 4x2 Tilt Tray, 1980 Volvo F12 6x4 Tipper, 1997 Isuzu 550 550FFR 4x2 Pan Tec, 2001 Volvo FL250 6x4Tipper, 1978 Custom Carrier 6x6 Tipper, 1985 Volvo F10 8x4 Anfo Truck, 1989 Volvo K112 6x4 Tipper, 1999 Nissan UD, 6x4 Tipper, 2007 Isuzu FTR 4x2 C/W Altec Boom
Trailer & Dolly
1998 FTE Tri Axle End Tipper, 1998 Road Boss Tri Axle End Tipper, Custom Made 7T Plant Trailer, 1994 Freightmaster Tandem Dolly, 1990 SFM 4 Deck Tri Axle Stock Crate, Custom Made 11T Tandem Axle Plant Trailer
Water Carts
Case 4890 4x4 C/W Freightliner FL80 6x4
Wheel Loaders
1996 Komatsu WA420-3, Komatsu WA2501,2006 Luigong CLG856II, Komatsu WA3001, Caterpillar 980F C/W TH4500 Tyre Handler
CHECK WEBSITE WWW.SBAUCTION.COM.AU FOR FULL DETAILS Inspection: Tuesday 29TH MARCH 8:00am – 4:30pm • Note: GST exclusive auction, buyers premium of 10% + GST applies up to $3,500 And 5% + GST thereafter on hammer price. • Photographic details & catalogues available via website. • Internet Bidding Assistance email reception@smithbroughton.com.au or call our office.
D/L 8586
NAVARA 05’ blk 280,000kms unleaded,hard tray back,good tyres, new clutch, exc cond, reliable, must be sold, urgent sale $18,500 all offers considered 0447296129 dampier AUDI Quattro Allroad wagon, 2005, all leather interior, excellent luxury vehicle,85ooo km, full service history, brand new tyres nothing to spend,$37,500 reduced to sell a must see ,call Kim 0488 003 097 BMW sedan white, excellent second car, full history service, full leather interior, must see $ 15,000 ono call Kim 0488003097 CONCRETE line pump Jacon SV636, 4 cylinder duetz, diesel. $45,000. Ph 0419867974. DAEWOO Lanos 1998, Manual 5 door rego 04/11, Reliable & economical, $1900 neg, PH Scott 0421 226 257 FALCON 2006 BF, 115 000km, pwr windows,air con, cruise, dual air bags, cd, auto, silver, can deliver to karratha, $11,500 o.n.o 9439 4832, 0418817663 FALCON wgn BA 03 petrol& gasunlic needs diff as is $1800.00 91821126 0417094558. FJ75 Landcruiser 1988, 4ltr petrol/gas, CB radio and antenna, CD player, not running. $1000 or make an offer. Call Danielle 0437168224. FORD Courier ute ‘87, 2.6 ltr 4 cylinder, very good condition, only 133,000 ks, rego till june, roh mag wheels, 4 new tyres, and brand new spare, immobiliser, cd player, tow ball, locking canopy, $5500 ono. Call Adam on 0417287036. FORD f250 xlt 139,000klms diesel turbo 7.3l ex cond, met.grey 4x4 crew cab 15000lb winch water tanks bull bars f/ glass canopy tjm snorkel upgraded suspension. 5tonne & steering dampner lightforce spotties & more... Jeff 0439093439 Mandurah FORD Falcon XR8 Sedan. Silver in colour, automatic, low profile mags, good condition $11,500 ONO. Got to go quickly. Call 0437 289 396 FORD Ranger Ute 2008, 5spd 4cyl, black, reg till 09/11. $14,000 Ph 0419867974. GQ Nissan Patrol ute 1996. 273000km, diesel, power steering, air con, PVC canopy, CB two-way, spotties, roll awning, tool box, 2x new tyres, 3x spare tyres, 12 volt power in tray. 2x PVC water tanks. Great camping/work ute. $10,000. Call Poynts 0417998712. (KTA) HODEN Barina SXi 5 Speed Manual Reg Aug 11, Power Windows & Steering, 78K km, New Battery & Brakes, New Gear Linkages, Near New Low Profile Tyres, 15” Alloys & Tinted Windows, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Great Condition Throughout. $7500 ono Ph:0437783211 HOLDEN 2007 SVZ ute 80000kms Registered $24,000 ono 6cyl 3.6L auto log book 18”” alloys new tyres SS body kit metallic purple dual fuel tip tronic manual drive A/C leather trim hard tonneu cover tub liner CD player central locking cruise control tow bar 0418560648
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Permanent Part Time Bar Staff Required
“Take this one - it’s just come out of the oven”
Fun relaxed environment – Family Club Good hourly rate Mainly weekend work RSA desirable however, training can be provided For details phone 9183 1116 Or email hhbsc@bigpond.net.au
Trade Qualified Baker We’re all about opportunity - as a Trade Qualified Baker at Coles Karratha there are many job opportunities for you to explore. Be part of the transformation, start a conversation with Coles. Visit our website and enter job #538210.
Hampton Harbour Boat & Sailing Club
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Pluto LNG Assistant Site Manager/ Administrator We are seeking a leader with strong administration skills to join our cleaning services team at Pluto LNG Construction Site on the Burrup Peninsular. The position will be to support the Project Manager in the day to day management and business management of the site and act as Manager in their absence. By supporting and working closely with the Site Manager, you will be a key person in driving the success of this site, building relationships and creating a service to impress! The role will be 10 hour days, 6 days a week on a 4 week on 1 week off roster and will ideally suit a person domiciled in the Karratha area. The successful candidate will be results driven as well as having: • • • • • •
Fantastic people skills Excellent communication skills; Proven leadership skills Competency with training, rostering and developing staff; Previous experience with cleaning Previous supervisory experience
• • • • •
Sound knowledge of HSE risk management Computer literacy Experience in chemical handling & safety, stock control and ordering Construction card Manual drivers license
Apply or enquire today at recruitment@morriscorp.com.au
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
vehicles LANDCRUSIER 80 Series. 96 model, 4.2 diesel, extractors, front diff lock, long range tanks, bullbar, spotlights, spare wheel carry on back, sidesteps, darkest legal tinted windows, white, near new black duck canvas front seat covers, regretful sale. $16,500 ono Gypsy 91841840/0409441829 MITSUBISHI Canter 4.5 t, table top 94 truck. Unreg $6,000. Ph 0419867974. NAVARA 2006, 165,000kms, New Tyres, just been serviced, new front brakes, long range tank, spotlights, snorkel, roo bar, fiberglass canopy, never had any drama’s with it, we r selling to get a new Navara.$25,000. 0407515736
vehicles NEW Car Radiators for Sale.. Can install if required. 0429791403 NISSAN Pathfinder 1999 ST V6 auto petrol white. Great car, reliable, well maintained, interior in good condition. 245000km $11,000 ono. Call Greg 0448971940 Port Hedland. Keen to sell. NISSAN Patrol - current shape, 2006 model, all accessories fitted, 72klms, exc cond throughout, always serviced, HID spotlights, good tyres, asking $33500. Call 0466979103. NISSAN Pulsar 1989 hatch bak, manual, rego until Dec 2011, recently serviced, brand new battery and tyres. Good reliable small car. $2500. Call Sam/Peter on 91831751.
Permanent Casual Bar Manager Required Fun relaxed environment - Family Club Good hourly rate Mainly weekend work RSA desirable however, training can be provided For details phone 9183 1116 Email hhbsc@bigpond.net.au Hampton Harbour Boat & Sailing Club
Want to love your job? We’re on the hunt for a part time Graphic Designer / Typesetter to assist our busy creative department. You will: • Be self motivated • Have experience using Adobe InDesign • Work to really tight deadlines • Have a flair for design and words • Be friendly, clean and well presented • Live in Karratha and have your own accommodation. • Rates negotiable for the right applicant
To apply, email through a portfolio of your work to: alan@pilbaraecho.com.au or drop in and meet the team at 18 Hedland Place, Karratha
Delivered fresh every week.
vehicles NISSAN X-Trail. 174K kms, manual, cruise control, 5 doors, bull bar, tow hitch, Black. $12,500. Call 0433 492 108. NISSAN Xtrail Ti Luxury Silver 2002 , Excellent Condition, 199870km, 5 speed Manuel, 6 Mths Rego, Dual Air Bag, Air Con, Cruise Control, Central Lock, Leather Trim, Sunroof, Elec Mirrors Windows & Tinted, Cargo Cage, Nudge Bar with IPF Spot Lights, Tow Bar. Call Tim in Exmouth 0417085027. $10,900ono R33 Gtr, Bcnr33, 1995, mod, wheels comp exhaust, factory - abs, ccac, 0417955369. RADIATORS and condensors. Many new brands available, can fit if required. Call 0466979103. ROVER vandem plas 85 with recon Range rover motor, no running time, vehicle unlicened motor cost $2000.00, sell the lot $800.00 91821126 or 0417094558. SUZUKI Baleno. 2000. auto. 160,000kms. reduced for quick sale. $3500. HED. 0431347310 TROOPY LANDCRUISER 1998 105000km massive alu roof rack, dual batt, winch, 2spare tyres, aircon, 5new tyres,extra headlight... $27000 ONO Michael 0415936876 VOLVO F12 1992, 408HP, 14 speed rebuilt gearbox. 3.5 bullrace turn table. Fantastic Workhorse. Clean and neat. must be seen to be believed. $35k, 0412 850 977 VOLVO XC90 2004 130,000 kms full long book, 7 leather seats excellent condition. $30,000, 0417250378 VS Holden ute 2000, lowered extractors. $6500. Contact Gavin on 0417439306. (KTA) VY Holden Commodore 2003. 94,600kms. Just had service. Good condition. Genuine reason for selling due to resizing. $12,000 ONO Please call Eliza 0411724287 or 91831894. (Dampier)
wanted CONCRETE Pavers. Wooden outdoor table. Breville Breadmaker Model No BB200. Phone 91853859 COUPLE looking for three bedroom house in Karratha or Dampier up to $1200 dollars a week we already have jobs lined up in Karratha if you could please help call Tim 0418956690 DAMAGED or non-running motorcycles. Anything considered. Please call 0466979103. FLOOR polisher to hire or loan for a few days. Lino floors in need of cleaning in a charity organization.If you can help, Ph 0429o86127 NANNY required for 6yr old boy in Dampier, fulltime working mum. Bfore (early) & some after school. Ph 0408439002 a/h PACKING boxes will pick up. Please call 9185 5867 RABBIT Hutch, good condition please call safe on 91854634.
PORTACCOMM BUILDING SYSTEMS HAS THREE URGENT POSITIONS TO FILL: • SHEET METAL WORKER with experience in roll forming and folding • STORESPERSON to control group of companies building material requirements. Must have HR licence and be computer literate. • FACTORY HAND / TA for steel framing and general factory duties. All applicants must be living locally and have your own transport. Excellent rates paid to right people. References and pre employment required. Please call HR on 9143 7888 or email resume to K
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Free Weekly 26 March 2011
wanted TOYOTA 80 series factory alloy rim 16X8. 0439949374. (Pegs) TREADMILL with programs. Heart pulse monitor. Create some space and help me get fitter. 0408574605. WANT to learn to cook easy, tasty, healthy meals the whole family will love??? Email angelofcuisine@iinet.net.au with you contact details and tell us which evenings would suit you best. WANTED 1 chest freezer (not working) 50lt or bigger, to use for storage Ph. 0439959374. will pick up WEIGHT bench with weights, rowing machine cable type, round/hexagonal outdoor setting prefer wood. Ph 91441981. (KTA) WEIGHT bench with weights. In good condition. Please call 91856185. WHIPPER Snipper - 4 stroke in good working condition. Please call SAFE 91854634.
If we took all these Over the phone It’d take all day We’d never go home Online, they’re free Let’s keep it that way But if you must call You’ll have to pay Classifieds taken over the phone are charged at $2.50 per line - but if you lodge it on www.pilbaraecho.com.au, the first four lines are free for up to four weeks.
Resource Resumes Professional resume writing service All jobs, trades and professions
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The team at the Karratha Visitors Centre
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is seeking interest for several casual positions for the upcoming tourism season including;
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April 4 2011 @ 7.30pm
WPJCA West Pilbara Junior Cricket Assoc
Annual General Meeting At Karratha Swimming Pool Saturday 2nd April :: 5pm
FREE DELIVERY FROM PERTH TO KARRATHA & PORT HEDLAND Check out our range of Key West Sport Fishing Boats New 23.5ft Key West, Yamaha 200hp & HD alloy trailer from $88,900 ramp ready! Distinctive Boat Imports, 9309 5211 Visit www.dbimports.com.au
The Pannawonica Panthers Rugby League team, established in 2009, will play their long anticipated annual rugby league match against Wickham Wasps on Saturday 2 April 2011 at 7:30pm in Pannawonica. The team, made up of Pannawonica residents who work at the nearby mine, and fifo employees who work on another mine and in the towns Support Services, have been training hard out several nights a week since the beginning of this year, as well as showing huge enthusiasm in doing their own fitness. They are hoping to turn the tide and defeat Wickham Wasps in less than one month but require the support and encouragement of the local Pannawonica community, who by coming down on the night, and wearing purple can cheer on the
visit our website: pilbaraecho.com.au or search facebook: ‘Pilbara Echo’
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0308 0854 1524 2209
3.39 2.03 3.74 1.98
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
Support the Pannawonica Panthers
Port of Call
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9A Crane Circle
boys to a victory. In the previous last two annual games, the team has been beaten just by a converted try in the final score, and this years team is confident that they are ready for a win and break the drought. Pannawonica Panthers coaches Gerry Fitzgerald and Frank Rika believes their team, with many new players this year, has the right combination to take out the top prize at the Pannawonica Town Oval on Saturday 2 April. Gerry said, the team is firing on all cylinders, some players had minor injuries but are back fighting, but more importantly fitness is strong and the previous two close matches have left players hungry for a win. “Confidence and camaraderie is sky high in the team at the moment, especially since we will be
• Pannawonnica Panthers playing on home soil for the first time thanks to Town Management’s full support. “I think it’s a pretty evenly matched game but we are ready for anything they throw at us,” he said. “We are hoping the whole town gets behind this match due to the home side advantage, and after the coin toss we shall hold a minutes silence in respect
Redbacks U13 cricket team back to back premiers By Penny Fitzmaurice Redbacks cricket team became back to back premiers on Friday 18th March after defeating the Tigers in the U13s Grand Final held at Windy Ridge Oval in Dampier. After electing to bat first, Tigers got off to a flying start, scoring a total of 111 runs, batting their entire 25 overs. Tigers, Maeva Walker made an impressive score of 30 runs, not out, whilst for the Redbacks, Callum Balch took 2 wickets for 5 runs. After the dinner break, Redbacks commenced their batting innings. Confident batting by all players saw the runs chased down only after 21 overs. Top scorer was Alex Fitzmaurice, not out for
• The winning Redbacks 18 runs (which included his first 6 for the season), followed closely by Jack O'Sullivan, not out 17 runs and Jonty Gray, not out 16 runs. Best bowling performance for the Tigers was by Tyron Ody who took 1 wicket for 6 runs.
0413 0945 1635
3.04 2.42 3.33
Tue 29 Time Ht
0002 0723 1314 1925
2.27 2.94 2.60 3.20
for the recent Queensland flood and Christchurch’s Earthquake victims.” “Even with our preparations it’s pulling assistance from the whole Pannawonica community in order to stage the match from sub contractors to Town Services, but that’s what it’s all about, coming together, helping each other to achieve the ultimate goal!”
Wed 30 Time Ht
0246 0909 1508 2101
2.12 3.25 2.28 3.44
Thu 1 Time Ht
0334 0947 1551 2147
1.85 3.59 1.92 3.73
Fri 2 Time Ht
0407 1013 1623 2221
1.60 3.89 1.60 3.98
Redbacks Coach, Russell Balch, was extremely proud of the way his team performed and couldn't have asked for a better game. Thanks to all the families and supporters who came to cheer on their team, it was a great night!
pilbaraecho Sat 3 Time Ht
0435 1037 1652 2249
Vi s i t w w w. p i l b a ra e c h o . c o m . a u f o r u p t o d a t e b o a t i n g we a t h e r.
1.41 4.14 1.32 4.16
echosport echo sport
Free Weekly 26 March 2011
pilbaraecho www.pilbaraecho.com.au
Karratha Falcons prepare for 2011
• Shire President Nicole Lockwood, Falcons President Steve Martyn and Shire CEO Colleen Longmore
2011 footytipping Simon Kot - SOR Carlton • Geelong Collingwood • Lions Essendon • Melbourne WC Eagles • Adelaide
POINTS Simon - NW Comms Richmond • Geelong Collingwood • Lions Essendon • Melbourne WC Eagles • Adelaide
Round 1 Petina - DFP Recruitment
Carlton • St Kilda Collingwood • Adelaide W Bulldogs • Sydney WC Eagles • Adelaide
POINTS George - Karratha First National Team Carlton • St Kilda Collingwood • Lions Essendon • Sydney Adelaide • N Melbourne POINTS -
Richmond • Geelong Collingwood • Hawthorn Lions • Essendon Sydney • N Melbourne
Karratha Police Team Carlton • St Kilda WC Eagles • W Bulldogs Colloingwood • Freo Melbourne • Adelaide POINTS -
Clayton - McDonalds
Corey - Harvey Norman Team
Mel - Echo Team
Carlton • St Kilda Collingwood • Lions Essendon • Melbourne WC Eagles • Hawthorn
Carlton • Geelong Collingwood • Freo Bulldogs • Melbourne WE Eagles • Hawthorn
Karratha Falcons fled to the Recreation Club on Saturday 19 March to join as a team before the 2011 season commences. The sponsors were welcomed, as well as new and old players and the teams were given the opportunity to be introduced to the league and reserves coaches. To begin the evening’s celebrations the awards from the 2010 season were presented to players. Best and Fairest went to Ashley Milligan from the league and Rory McDonald for the reserves. Rory McDonald also took out a second award as he was presented with Most Courageous Player for 2010. Following a sit down dinner, the coaches were introduced who talked about what they expect from the players this year. Winning the 2010 season, President Steve Martyn hopes that the team can emulate. “We have made the last two grand finals and there is no reason we cant go close again” he said.
• 2011 Karratha Falcons Players “We would have to keep on improving as every club playing us this year will lift to play us, and also they’ll use how they play against us as a measuring stick for there season. “We have become the hunted, not the hunter so as long as we are competitive I am happy.” As well as the sponsors, the Shire of Roebourne’s President Nicole Lockwood and CEO Colleen Longmore were invited. The Shire are currently working on the Bulgarra Sporting Precinct, home to the Karratha Falcons, and once
complete is expected to be the home for sport and recreation within the region. Falcons President Steve Martyn is proud that the CEO and Nicole Lockwood find the Falcons a creditable sporting club that they are happy to be a part of. Nicole Lockwood was later presented with the number one ticket for the 2011 season. Any players wishing to join the Karratha Falcons are welcome to join training at Bulgarra Oval on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6pm. For more information call Steve Martyn on 0419 240 666.
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Dampier Sharks announce coaching team By Dave Blackman
Sunday, 10 April 2011
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• Dave Blackman Secretary, Russell Turner President, Mick Turner Reserves Coach and Peter Morrissey Senior Coach Best on ground for the night was Dampier Ross James with Jason Cox coming a very close second. The night was filled with excitement and the ground filled with spectators from both Exmouth and Dampier as the Exmouth community was pleased to get some Australian Rules Football back on the agenda. Thanks to David Dowding and his troop of Boundary Umpires for umpiring the game in a professional manner and good spirits as the game was intended. Sharks are training Tuesday and Thursday nights at Dampier Windy Ridge Oval with teas on Thursday nights; new players and families are always welcome. Thank you to our Sponsors especially those that have come back for the 3 – 4 year term.
Dampier Sharks Senior Football Club is very pleased to finally, announce the Coaching team for 2011. Senior Coach Peter Morrissey has a lot of football experience having coached at all levels from 1978 through to 2008 and as a senior player at Roleystone, Merridin and Nukarni. Peter is an accredited Level 2 AFL Coach and had been awarded South Fremantle Coastals Association Junior Coach of the year in 2003. He has filled all roles as a football radio commentator, news paper columnist, committee member to Vice President and Senior Football Manager at Club level. Reserves Coach Mick Turner has been both a senior player and a Previous Assistant Coach at the Dampier Sharks FC and has been a most valued committee member over the past five years and has been nominated and elected as Club Treasurer for the second term. It is with much pleasure that the Club introduces Peter and Mick as the Dampier Sharks FC coaches for 2011. Last weekend the coaches liked what they saw when the Dampier Sharks travelled to Exmouth to take on the 2010 Gascoyne Premiers; Exmouth Eagles. Sharks came out winners by over 10 goals with a mix of up and coming colts and experienced players.
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Free Weekly 26 March 2011
Tennis for the kids
• Ayrton Nichols, 5, ready to start hitting some tennis balls
• Zak Ramage is just one of the children part of the MLC Tennis Hotsots program
At the beginning of the year a local couple, Leon and Katherine Ramage, started up a Australian wide tennis program by MLC Tennis Hotshots, aimed at children between the ages of five and 12. Mr Ramage said when he found the program he thought it would be an excellent way his son, Zak and other students, to have some fun and exciting introduction to the sport of tennis. “There is very little to offer for children in relation to individual and racquet sports, particularly under the age of seven,” he said. “It’s an exciting program to offer the community and we’ve had a really positive response already with over 100 children joined up to play.” With his coaching background in tennis Mr Ramage was eager to get the program up and running. “We went around to different primary schools at the end of last year and beginning of this year and received a lot of positive feedback,” he said. “We are still trying to
set up squad training for students older than 12, hopefull in Term 2 as we are involving other coaches within the community and will be taking enrolements this term. “The sport is great for the young children as it improves fundamental movement skills and gets the children interacting socially. “I have played tennis since I was 14 and at 19 I began coaching the sport whilst at university to gain my coaching qualifications. “I like it because it is predominantly an individual sport and tactical or skill based errors in performance come back solely to you and it is up to you to analyze these errors and make improvements.” In the program there are three stages. Red for children ages five to eight years old, orange for children aged eight to 10 and green for children aged 10 to 12. The difference between the stages are the modified balls and equipment, the higher the stage, the higher the percentage of compression used in the balls
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plus bigger court and racket sizes. This is until the children’s strength and ability is improved for them to play on a full sized court, racket and balls. Parent Tracy Shu has two children in the program and she said both her children really love the sport and are always happy to come down for training. “I really encourage parents to get their children involved,” she said. “It improves the coordination and gets them social with other children that have the same interests as well.” Classes are held at the Dampier Tennis Courts on Monday 4pm - 5.45pm and at the Karratha Tennis Courts on Tuesday through to Friday 4pm - 5.45pm and Saturday 8am - 9.45am. For information on how you can get your child into the MLC Tennis Hotshots program or register for Squad Training you can contact Leon or Katherine Ramage on 0425 463 051 or email katherinejoy02@ hotmail.com