Pilipino Express • Jan 1 2021

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Volume 17 • No. 1 • January 1 -15, 2021

Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Julie Anne San Jose

12 10 Matteo Guidicelli & Sarah Geronimo

Vaccination clinic moves to RBC Convention Centre Beginning January 4, 2021, the COVID-19 vaccination clinic will move to the RBC Convention Centre in downtown Winnipeg downtown from University of Manitoba’s Bannatyne campus. Appointments are being made for January 4 to 10 with second dose appointments occurring January 25 to 31, 2021. To date, about 800 first dose appointments have been made and approximately 5,000 remain available. The phone line is open to eligible health-care workers from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily, until all spaces are filled. Eligibility currently includes health-care workers whose work involves direct contact with patients and who meet at least one of the following criteria: • work in critical care units; • work in long-term care facilities, born on or before December 31, 1964 (changed from 1962); • work in acute care facilities, born on or before Dec. 31, 1964 (changed from 1962); or

• assigned to a COVID-19 immunization clinic or testing site. Individuals should not call to make an appointment unless they meet the eligibility criteria. Beginning in January,

Manitoba will launch an online dashboard to provide statistics about the immunization program. More information about the vaccine campaign in Manitoba is available at www.manitoba.ca/ vaccine.



JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021





JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

Ringing in 2021: Grieving and hope The year 2020 has been a year like no other. People around the globe have had to undergo concerns about health and the wellbeing of their families and friends, job and financial loss, lifestyle changes, as well as the stress of staying away from loved ones. Life as we knew it is out of reach. On both an individual and global level, we are mourning. What comes to mind for me are the stages of grief. Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross coined a theory that has been applied to people who have experienced any kind of loss. And right now, humankind is collectively feeling huge amounts of change and loss. As we begin 2021, perhaps we should start the new year with an acknowledgement of loss and emotions so that we can move towards acceptance and hope. I invite you to reflect on these phases of grief. This is not a linear process, meaning that not everyone experiences all of these stages, and that it is normal to go

back to a prior stage. Sometimes people stay in one phase for a long time and do not experience others. Everyone experiences loss differently. Shock and denial When people hear devastating news, they can feel numb at first. This is a defence mechanism that allows humans to slowly absorb bad news and then arrive at reality. Denial can shortly follow, and throughout this pandemic we have heard people say things like, “This is a hoax” or “It’s not really that bad” or “If I catch COVID, I’ll be fine.” There has been a lot of anger expressed at people who have such viewpoints and who do not follow the health guidelines. It is possible that they are experiencing some level of denial. Anger When people feel that their life has been flipped upside down, they can also experience anger. This can be viewed as another defense mechanism that can override feelings of fear, pain, and

hurt because it is easier to be mad. Oftentimes the target of anger can be another person, a large organization or system, or even an inanimate object. Over the last nine months or so, we have seen a growing crescendo of anger from people. Sometimes it is aimed at the government or a politician, a particular group of people, or individuals who choose not to follow pandemic guidelines. Some people are angry with their employer, another country or even at God. It can be easy for some to stay mad for a long time, but long term, it is not healthy to stay angry. Bargaining This phase can be seen as another way to delay intense emotions such as sadness, guilt or hurt. We see bargaining as a way to feel some sense of control or predictability. For those who are religious, people can make deals with God by offering to do things in exchange for a desired outcome. Throughout the pandemic,

we see shades of this happening when people strictly adhere to the guidelines. This allows people to feel more in control and calm because they can see a good result happening, i.e. not catching the coronavirus, helping to lessen the amount of case numbers for the greater community, which will eventually lead to a return of some sense of normal. Sadness and despair These are very heavy emotions that people can feel after the shock, anger and bargaining phases have eased. People might say, “How are we going to pay the bills?” “What will I do if my loved one gets sick?” or “I really miss hugs, laughter and being with my family.” It can be mentally and emotionally painful and some try to avoid feeling the depth of these emotions. The problem is that if we do not acknowledge and feel sadness, we may also avoid feeling calm, hope and gratitude. Acceptance Getting to this point doesn’t mean that you necessarily stop feeling the loss, but the intense emotions of despair and anger may have lessened. We have times when we feel more relaxed and calm again, can make good problem-solving decisions, and feel hopeful and thankful for what we have. No matter what you are going through right now, hopefully, you will find peace and comfort. I see these glimmers of hope when people tell me about “the gifts of COVID”: • I have more time with my family • I’m thankful that I have food today • Not everyone has a roof over their heads, but I do • My friends and I call each other more • I’ve learned to enjoy daily walks • My new hobby is fun and relieves some of my stress • I haven’t gotten a cold this year like I always do • Thank goodness I have access to technology because others don’t • We live in a country with free healthcare, education and freedom Wishing for you a Happy New Year full of hope and good things to come! Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

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JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021





JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

COVID-19 is a vaccinepreventable disease January 1, 2021. Joy to the world! How exciting it is, indeed, to know that Canadians, Americans, Britons and citizens of the European Union (EU) and 15 other countries have begun their mass immunization against COVID-19 to curb the unrelenting increase of new cases and deaths from SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2). The successful launch of this immunization drive before 2020 ended makes realistic the prospects of ending the acute pandemic before the end of the new year. Thanks to the regulatory agencies, the timely issuance of emergency use authorizations (EUA) have allowed the prompt arrival of both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. Already, members of the most vulnerable seniors and frontline workers have received the first of the two-dose intramuscular jabs to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Shots of hope “Shots of Hope” wrote science-writer Jon Cohen in an essay on the two vaccines for the magazine, Science. He chronicled the evolution of the pandemic from its start in December 2019 in China before its causative virus was identified and the new disease fully characterized, and before their scientific and medical names were formalized. He wrote of his daily phone conversations with his 90-year-old mother who went through a period of denial before agreeing to shelter-in, repeatedly asking, “When is this going to end?” With that as background, Cohen then traced the search for vaccines after the pathogenic virus was identified on January 8, 2020 and its genetic sequence posted online by the Chinese scientists two days later. Apparently, the search for vaccines started within hours of January 10. He noted the “confluence of forces” that propelled science to two COVID-19 vaccines at breakneck speed with several more nearing completion of their Phase III clinical trials. He noted, “never before have governments, industry, academia, and nonprofits thrown so much money, muscle, and brains at the same infectious disease in such short order.” Overwhelming yet cautious optimism Indeed, what a joyous feeling; to end 2020 and begin 2021 with overwhelming optimism. I never imagined the vaccines would be realized this soon. Although, I have prayed like others since I wrote the first part of this series for the February 1, 2020 issue to alert and inform our community and readership. Public health is now served with two vaccines – a twin set of biomedical tools with 95% efficacy and without concern

of serious harm. Truly a scientific breakthrough! Although we temper our optimism, I trust there will be no breakdown in the manufacturing supply chain. We remain confident that any unexpected serious adverse event will be fully investigated with dispatch. In fact, the U.S. regulatory agency convened a panel of experts last week to analyze and discuss a reported case of severe allergic reaction in one recipient. The current situation The launch of mass vaccinations is timely. Globally, the half-month increase in the total diagnosed came to over nine million cases. That is an average of over half a million cases daily and the total cumulative mark has surpassed the 80-million mark. Deaths increased by 10 per cent – a total daily average of over 10,000 (see the table on page 7). Compared to the global figures, Canada showed a halfmonth increase of over 90,000 cases. That is a total daily average of over 6,000. Deaths increased by almost 12 per cent – a daily total average of over 100. For the U.S.A., the half-month increases in both cases diagnosed and deaths were similar in magnitude to that of Canada. The increase in cases and deaths for the Philippines over the same halfmonth period was considerably less in magnitude. We need to stop the continuing circulation of the virus. Overall, the figures remain alarming. Compliance with public health restrictions has become increasingly difficult. The feeling of helplessness among all concerned – families, communities-at-large, frontline health care workers, students, public health officials, businesses, and governments at all levels – appears clearly palpable. What a change in feelings, indeed, when we heard about the vaccines being given the green-light for emergency mass vaccination. As discussed in the last issue, I chose to comment on the first vaccine – from PfizerBioNTech – in more detail to emphasize the meticulous care applied to its rigorous evaluation and the strict criteria used by the regulatory agencies in Canada, Britain and the USA. To enhance public confidence in vaccines by public transparency, the U.S. Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research has published master protocols for SARSCoV-2 (the COVID-19 virus) vaccine safety and effectiveness evaluation. Speed in approval was achieved without any short cuts. The regulatory agencies through their panel of experts have seen to it that safety and efficacy are paramount. Comparison of vaccines Two weeks before Christmas,

the U.K. government announced that the developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine had submitted their application for authorization to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Approval is expected on January 4, 2021. With comparable levels of efficacy and safety and with having the advantage of lower cost and less onerous demands on transport and storage, the third vaccine would certainly boost the earlier two. More than 700 million doses are expected by the end of the first quarter of the new year. Meanwhile, let us compare the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Like the Pfizer, Moderna’s vaccine delivers messenger RNA, or mRNA, which is a “genetic recipe for making a piece of the spikes that sit atop the coronavirus.” Once injected, the body’s immune system makes antibodies to the spikes. If a vaccinated person is later exposed to the COVID-19 virus, the person’s immune system is fully prepared to attack the virus. We do not know how long protection will last following vaccination but it will be critically important to measure long-term protection (at least two years) in the phase 3 trials and in other groups prioritized for early vaccination. We are still learning about the duration of protection following infection with SARSCoV-2 and it is too early to tell how long protection will last. The two vaccines are of the same type, have similar efficacy levels, but do have slightly different makeup in their lipid delivery systems. That difference explains why they have different storage and handling features. Unlike Pfizer’s vaccine, Moderna’s vaccine does not have to be kept in a super-cold environment. It can be kept at about minus 20 degrees Celsius, or about the temperature of a home freezer. Moderna’s vaccine can also be kept in a refrigerator for 30 days before it expires. That makes it more manageable in terms of distribution to outlets. Moderna’s vaccine is administered as two 100-microgram doses given 28 days apart. Pfizer’s vaccine is administered as two 30-microgram doses given 21 days apart to recipients as young as 16 years old. For Moderna, the lower age range is at 18. The two share the same spectrum of transient side effects. Side effects observed with the two vaccines The table on page 7 summarizes the side effects and the frequency of their occurrence with the two authorized vaccines in Canada. Although I have listed them in one table, I should note, as remarked in the fact sheets for the vaccines, that “because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions,

Nurse Venus Lucero administers the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at The Ottawa Civic Hospital, December 16, 2020. – Photo handout from The Ottawa Hospital adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of one vaccine cannot be directly compared with rates in the clinical trials of another vaccine and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.” Additional notes on safety, precautions and contraindications 1. There is a remote chance that either of these COVID-19 vaccines could cause a severe allergic reaction which, if it were to occur, usually occurs within a few minutes to one hour after getting a dose of the vaccine. 2. Such reaction could include a bad rash all over the body, dizziness, weakness, fast heartbeat, swelling of face and throat, and difficulty breathing. These need emergency attention. 3. Health Canada has, in fact, recommended that anyone who is allergic to any of the ingredients should not receive the vaccine. It also advised that anyone who has had a serious allergic reaction to another vaccine, drug or food, should talk to their health professional beforehand. 4. There are no data available on the interchangeability of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID 19 Vaccine or the Moderna with other COVID 19 vaccines to complete the vaccination series. Individuals who have received the first dose of the vaccine should receive a second dose of the same brand to complete the vaccination series. Scarcity and allocation of vaccines Even with the Oxford/Zeneca and other additional candidate vaccines in the pipeline, there won’t be enough for the general population until spring, and doses will be allocated to groups based on degree of vulnerability to COVID-19. Apparently, Canada was on track to receive 1.2 million doses of both vaccines by the end of last month. The vaccination campaign for the general population will begin in April. These are Canada’s vaccine orders to date, including options: • Pfizer – Up to 76 million doses (minimum of 20 million doses for delivery in 2021.) • Moderna – Up to 56 million

(Canada has so far agreed to purchase 40 million doses.) • Medicago – Up to 76 million • AstraZeneca – Up to 20 million • Johnson & Johnson – Up to 38 million • Novavax – Up to 76 million • Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline – Up to 72 million • International COVAX Facility – Up to 15 million Major General Dany Fortin, the commander in charge of Canada’s vaccine logistics, said the distribution last month of the Pfizer vaccine had gone smoothly. The provinces and territories have largely adhered to the guidelines released by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Long-term care and retirement home residents and staff, the elderly, front line health care workers and some Indigenous adults are in the first phase of distribution. Considering the global supply, it is understandable to have scarcity. Obviously, continued expansion of vaccine manufacturing capacity and availability of other vaccines are needed to meet demands, including global access. Meanwhile, we shall continue to include patience as a principle in addition to the principle of equity. Diversity and inclusion of minorities in vaccine trials It is gratifying to note that, from the viewpoints of both public health science and social justice, participants in the clinical trials of the two COVID-19 vaccines that have received emergency use authorizations in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the 27-nation bloc of the European Union have included representations from minorities. They have included Black, Latinx, and indigenous communities when the trials were undertaken in the United States. Why, indeed, do diversity and inclusion matter in these vaccine trials? Dr. Michele Andrasik at the University of Washington and Dr. Chris Beyrer at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public See COVID p7

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

COVID... From page 6 Health have shared the following key points in their blog series: 1. Minority communities, particularly Black, Latinx, and indigenous communities, have been particularly hard hit by COVID-19 in the United States as a consequence of high rates of virus transmission, that is, the “force of infection” becomes a major consideration as discussed below. 2. These communities also share a legacy of abusive policies and practices, creating social and economic circumstances compromising community health and well-being and fostering mistrust in COVID-19 vaccines; and 3. Participation of these communities in COVID-19 vaccine trials is thus of critical importance to ensure vaccine efficacy in the face of intense virus transmission and to build trust in the vaccines. At one point, the Moderna trial was purposely slowed down to allow for greater recruitment from among these minorities. “Not because of possible genetic differences,” I underscore, but because the “force of infection” – the epidemiologic risk of exposure to and acquiring the COVID-19 virus – is so much higher for these communities due to their daily life and living circumstances. That is, their housing, the transport they to take to work, the type of jobs they have, the inequalities in health care they receive or lack of them). Andrasik and Beyrer observed that the early phase of vaccination would be marked by a “scarcity of vaccine and by a complex set of challenges around allocation, access, and equity.” How should those from ethnic and racial minority communities be included in the allocation framework? What would be the level of their willingness to be immunized if they had not been as engaged during the trials? Their uptake could be markedly lower. Conceivably, their direct participation in the clinical trials could provide vital information for comparative efficacy of certain specific vaccine types relative to others in light of the greater force of infection in these communities, and not about racial or ethnic differences in biology. Also, their participation would help lessen mistrust of research results with which they have been part of. A feeling of fulfillment engenders public trust in health delivery, especially in public health. On the vaccine-hesitant, skeptics and antivaxxers

PILIPINO EXPRESS Last year, the World Health Organization identified vaccine hesitancy as one of the top 10 threats to global health. The problem has remained in some parts of the world. In Russia, even medical doctors hesitate. In Canada, nearly half of our eligible population are eager to receive their dose as soon as it’s available. About 15 per cent are a definitive “nay.” Are these the diehards? While it is truly difficult to fathom why some would remain mistrustful of the 95 per cent efficacy vaccines without concern of serious harm, we still ask ourselves, “How shall we react?” Respect their viewpoints, I say, and understand the situation. Perhaps, they have wounds from the self-serving narratives from some of our political leaders. Perhaps, they do not fully comprehend the reasons for the speed, not haste, with which the scientific and medical communities achieved what they did in so short a time. It was made possible by the long preparatory scientific research work done before, the collaborative efforts of research colleagues, the philanthropy from private donors, the partnership with governments, and the innovation on the part of regulatory agencies to evaluate research documents and submissions when applying for interim orders or emergency use authorizations for a vaccine product. All these have contributed to the accelerated work without compromising the integrity of vaccine development and clinical trials to ensure the safety and efficacy of vaccines. A tincture of time is needed to heal the wounds. I have taught many youth aspiring to be medical doctors and shared medical advances with fellow physicians. I have attended to patients in intensive care units. I have made house calls. I have seen adults and children as patients. I have done both basic and clinical research. And I even served in appointive and elected public office as a second calling. I have done a lot of community volunteer work. I have come to understand human needs and nature, to some extent. Accepting the gift of science and medical progress I know that respect, tolerance, understanding, and time are essential to achieving our common goal. I trust all would welcome their COVID-19 jabs – two intramuscular injections in your arm, three weeks and four weeks apart with the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines, respectively. We do not need a mandate from the outside, but we do need the mandate from inside us. And humanity will be forever


Cumulative cases and deaths including the half-month increases since December 12, 2020. Data from the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Tracker, December 27, 2020

Adverse reactions observed during clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines grateful. It is pleasing to note, indeed, that the vast majority of Canadians are optimistic for life in 2021, in light of the arrival of the two vaccine products. May we all accept the gift of hard scientific work. Says Dr. Dr. Larry Corey, Professor of Medicine and Virology at the University of Washington and Chair of the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials Working Group, “COVID-19 is a vaccine-preventable disease.” Rey D. Pagtakhan, P.C., O.M., LL.D., Sc.D., M.Sc., M.D. – former cabinet minister and Parliamentary Secretary to Canada’s Prime Minister and retired lung specialist and professor – graduated from the University of the Philippines. He did postgraduate studies/training at Washington University and University of Manitoba and spent a sabbatical year as Visiting Professor at the University of Arizona. Author/co-author of chapters and papers for medical textbooks and journals, he writes the column Medisina at Politika for two Canadian Filipino community publications. Widely lectured, he spoke on the “Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Science Ministers and Advisors Carnegie Group Meeting held June 1315, 2003 in Berlin, Germany. reypagtakhan@gmail.com.



JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

Invitations to apply under Express Entry exceed 100,000 for 2020 The Express Entry is an online system to facilitate the entry of foreign skilled workers to Canada. It was introduced in 2015 and has grown through the years to become the primary way skilled worker applications are processed. One measure of the effectiveness of this recruitment tool has been the dramatic increase in the number of invitations to apply issued in the current operational year. The recent December 23, 2020 draw’s Comprehensive Rating System (CRS) score was 468 and this brought to a conclusion a record high number 107,350 ITAs for the operational year. This is the first time ETAs exceeded 100,000. There were 31,063 issued in 2015, 38,782 in 2016, 86,023 in 2017, 89,800 in 2018, 85,300 in 2019 and 107,350 in 2020. The Express Entry, which has incorporated parts of the provincial nominee programs, has become a very effective way for

skilled foreign worker applicants to immigrate to Canada. Even in 2020, with the challenges of the pandemic, IRCC has taken steps to facilitate immigration processes for most of its programs and to ensure the continued selection of skilled workers for permanent residence. The Express Entry application management system still has three federal economic class programs: Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) and the Canada Experience Class (CEC). These three programs, as well as the various provincial nominee programs, invite applicants who have submitted online Expressions of Interest (EOI) on the basis of assessment points awarded for capital factors such as age, education, work experience and demonstrated English or French language ability. Those with the highest scoring or rating (Comparative Rating System for

Express Entry) are then invited to Canada for permanent residence. The December 23, 2020 draw is the lowest CRS cut off score recorded since the September 15, 2020 draw. CRS cut off scores of the last eight draws, with two-week intervals • 472 on Sept. 16, 2020 • 471 on Sept. 30, 2020 • 471 on Oct. 14, 2020; • 478 on Nov. 2020 • 472 on Nov. 18, 2020 • 469 on Nov. 25, 2020 • 469 on Dec. 9, 2020 • 468 on Dec. 23, 2020 The recent draw is the lowest CRS score but by a small margin. The consistently high CRS scores show Canada’s commitment to attracting the best foreign applicants but also the popularity of Canada as a choice destination for foreign trained candidates. Canada is able to maintain a high minimum standard because it has a surplus of skilled worker

applicants who have submitted their EOIs online. If Canada remains your choice destination then you and your family or friends must ensure that you qualify, either through a direct EOI submission to Express Entry, or indirectly through one of the provincial nominee programs, such as Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, who have held Express Entry linked draws over the past four weeks. Express Entry candidates who receive a provincial nomination are awarded an additional 600 points and move to the front of the line for an Invitation to Apply. The old year is ending and New Year rises ahead of us. If you and yours are skilled workers (especially in O, A or B occupational demand jobs), Express Entry may be the place to apply. You should be aware of the provincial nomination route in your province of destination but

Express Entry continues to be the main way for skilled immigrants to enter Canada. The COVID pandemic has plagued the health systems around the world but it has also presented an opportunity for potential applicants because countries such as Canada are positioning themselves economically by having a skilled labour force. Potential applicants should be aware of the opportunities available through Express Entry. There is a good chance that Canada will need around 100,000 ITAs for 2021. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

endure a full year in this new way of learning during a global pandemic. He’s happy to be done and start planning for his next stage in life. Similar news with kid #4 (Gavin). He’s in Grade 11, but since he can complete some courses remotely, he’s on track to graduate high school a full year early! He too is quite happy to be done with school. What’s next for him and Rece? Who knows what their path will be. Hopefully their future plans don’t involve living with mom and dad forever. I knew I should have bought a smaller house! As for #5 (Bella), she’s only in Grade 9 and has to wait it out a few more years, but she is ready to be done with school as well. I’m hoping one of the kids takes on a profession that will pay for my extravagant lifestyle in retirement. I think that sounds like a solid plan, right?

Other big news, Elizabeth and I celebrated 19 years together! It boggles my mind that she’s been able to accept my many quirks, which are too many to list in one article. She does shake her head a lot at me, but follows it with, “Oh Dale, I love you.” She gets me, thank God. In the last bit of positive news for the Burgos’, I’m the newly elected President for the Canadian Association of Communicators in Education (CACE for short). The election process took place in November, not long after another slightly more important election took place down south. The big difference, the CACE results were not disputed and the past president gladly handed over the reigns. The organization’s 300 members are some of the very best communicators and public relations professionals from Kindergarten to Grade 12 school

boards across the country. I am honoured to be in the presence of so many award-winning professionals. I look forward to guiding this group in professional learning and networking during these challenging and unprecedented times. (Ahh! Last time, I promise) 2021 marks the 13th year that I have been writing in The Pilipino Express News Magazine, which happens to be around the same time I started working in the education sector. Thanks to Ate Emmie, Kuya Paul, and Kuya Rey-ar for allowing me to share my stories these many years. I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey we’ve taken together! I can’t wait to see what the next year will bring. Happy New Year from the Burgos family! Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.

Clean slate This time last year, I was hopeful for 2020. To me, it was going to be a significant year. I was going to create marketing campaigns called “2020 Vision.” I was planning to have so much fun with it! I had the graphics ready to go – think eyeballs instead of zeroes! So cheesy, right? Turns out, we could not have envisioned what kind of year 2020 would eventually become. It’s been one we will not forget for a very long time. For me, it will be remembered as a “challenging and unprecedented time.” (I swear, I will never use that phrase in any of my writing for work again) For this article, I’m choosing to stay away from COVID-19, much like how I am living my everyday life. The only thing I’ll say is, thank you for wearing a mask! So, what’s good you ask? Top news, I’m a Lolo! I shared this fantastic news with you back in September. Something you didn’t know: she recently underwent surgery. At less than four months old, Tegyn Crystal Ann had a procedure due to her craniosynostosis diagnosis. Elizabeth and I were a bit scared as the surgery sounded very

serious. What I understood about the surgery is that the doctor would cut her scalp and remove some of her skull. Apparently, this is a somewhat common surgery, which, I guess, was supposed to calm my nerves. What compounded my fear was that Elizabeth and I weren’t able to travel to Winnipeg to be with her. Here is Wikipedia’s explanation of her diagnosis: Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which the bones in a baby’s skull join together too early. This happens before the baby’s brain is fully formed. As the baby’s brain grows, the skull can become more misshapen. Gone untreated, it could cause complications later in life. Surgery took five hours and baby Tegyn is healing nicely. Still smiling without a care in the world! In other news… Dale Jr. put in a lot of hard work during his early years in high school. It paid off because he completed all his required courses (and more) to graduate high school early in his Grade 12 year. It worked out since school isn’t quite the same anymore and he’d rather not have to

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021


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Emmie Joaquin Bus 204.697.8366 Cell 204.999.5159 emmiejoaquin@gmail.com 1045 Erin Street Winnipeg, MB R3G 2X1




JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

• Matteo Guidicelli at Sarah Geronimo, nakalipat na ng tirahan • Raffy Tulfo, milyunan kung kumita buwan-buwan • Isa Pang Bahaghari, matindi ang pakete ng pelikulang ito • Sharon Cuneta, masaya sa pagdating ni KC noong Noche Buena • Paulo Avelino, MMFF best Actor sa pelikulang Fan Girl • KathNiel fans, insecure pa rin kay Alden Richards? • Claudine Barretto, naputulan ng kuryente noong Kapaskuhan • Jeric Gonzales at Sheryl Cruz, noong isang taon pa magkarelasyon? Nakalipat na ng tirahan sina Matteo Guidicelli at Sarah Geronimo. Umalis na sila sa condo unit ni Matteo, bahay na ang pinili nilang lipatan, may garden. Tamang desisyon dahil ayon sa isang nakakuwentuhan naming psychologist ay napakalaki ng partisipasyon sa relasyon ng magasawa ang kanilang tirahan. Nag-alala nito ang isang mag-asawang artistang palaging nag-aaway. Palaging mainit ang kanilang ulo. Ang kanilang pagaaway ay nauwi na sa pisikalan. Kuwento ng aming kausap, “Parang wala na silang nakikitang maganda sa isa’t isa. Kontrahan sila nang kontrahan. Hanggang sa nagkaroon na sila ng physical contact kapag nag-aaway sila. “I found out na isang maliit na condo unit pala ang tinitirhan nila. It’s too small na para sa kanila. Parang masikip na ang mundo nila. I advised them to look for a better place. “And when they transferred, iba na ang mundo nila, hindi na sila nag-aaway dahil malaki na ang iniikutan nila, hindi na sila claustrophobic,” kuwento ni dok. Marami na kaming alam na kuwentong ganoon, mainit daw ang ulo ng mga taong nakatira sa mga saradong lugar na pinaiikutan ng salamin. Mahalagang mayroong garden ang kanilang tirahan. Hindi nagkakaroon ng mga away sina Matteo at Sarah. Nasa honeymoon stage pa rin sila hanggang ngayon. Sa Pebrero ay magdiriwang na sila ng anibersaryo bilang mag-asawa. Totoo ang pahayag ni Sarah na kailangang mayroon silang garden. Pareho pa naman sila ni Matteo na makakalikasan at malawak ang kanilang ginagalawan. At sana rin ay totoo ang ibinulong ng aming source, na hindi nanununog at nangunguryente na may posibilidad nang magkasundo sina Sarah at Matteo at sina Daddy Delfin at Mommy Divine.

May mga taong nagtutulay tungo sa kanilang pagkakasundo. ‘Yun ang mga taong hindi nila kayang pahindian. At totoongtotoo namang makukumpleto lang ang kaligayahan ng mga bagong kasal kung namumuhay sila nang tahimik at walang kumokontra sa kanilang pagmamahalan. *** Milyunan kung kumita buwan-buwan ang matapang na news anchor na si Raffy Tulfo sa kaniyang YouTube channel. Lalo na ngayon – siya ang tinanghal na Most Searched Male Personality sa Yahoo, padagdag na nang padagdag ang kaniyang mga tagasuporta. Napakalaki ng kaniyang kinikita kada buwan, kaya napakaraming nang-uusisa, saan kaya dinadala ng news anchorkomentarista ang kaniyang kinikita? Isang gabi ay nakakuwentuhan namin ang pinipiling pagsumbungan-lapitan ng mga problemado nating kababayan. ‘Yun din ang isa sa mga itinanong namin sa kaniya. Tawa nang tawa si Kuya Raffy. Busog na busog na raw siya sa ganoong klase ng tanong kahit saan siya magpunta. Monetized See CRISTY p15

Matteo Guidicelli & Sarah Geronimo

Raffy Tulfo

Charlie Dizon & Paulo Avelino

Claudine Barretto

Kathryn Bernardo & Daniel Padilla

Alden Richards

Jeric Gonzales & Sheryl Cruz

Sharon Cuneta & KC Concepcion

The cast of Isa Pang Bahaghari

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021





JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

ABS-CBN wins 40 awards at 18th Gawad Tanglaw ABS-CBN garnered over 40 distinctions, including Best TV Station, at the 18th Gawad Tanglaw for the previous year. ABS-CBN president and chief executive officer Carlo Katigbak was also awarded with the Gawad Natatanging Filipino sa Pamamahalang Broadcast Media (Telebisyon at Radyo), while Kapamilya stars Angel Locsin and Enchong Dee were recipients of the Gawad Tanglaw para sa Sining ng Sangkatauhan and Gawad Natatanging Kabataang Filipino para sa Sining at Kultura, respectively. ABS-CBN flagship newscast TV Patrol won Best News Program while Heroes in the Hot Zone and ANC’s Beyond Politics

took home Best TV Documentary and Best Public Affairs Show, respectively. ANC’s Christian Esguerra was also named Best News Presenter for Matters of Fact, while veteran journalists Doris Bigornia, Alvin Elchico, and Jorge Cariño were each given the Jury Award for Excellence in Philippine Media Reportage. Christian also received the Jury Award for Excellence in Broadcasting for Television, alongside former Market Edge and The Boss anchor Cathy Yang, and Headstart anchor Karen Davila. Meanwhile, Gawad Tanglaw recognized both Sports U and See ABS-CBN p13

Pia Wurtzbach

Angel Locsin

ABS CBN, Best TV Station

Maricel Soriano

Arjo Atayde

Charo Santos

Julie Anne San Jose

Golden Cañedo

Alden Richards

Maine Mendoza

Rita Daniela

Ken Chan

GMA wins various top honours Julie Anne San Jose won big at this year’s Aliw Awards after being named Entertainer of the Year and Best Rhythm and Blues Artist. The Clash Journey hosts Rita Daniela and Ken Chan took home the Best Featured Performance award for their number at the Two-gether Again concert. Earning the nod as Best Male Host was Derrick Monasterio. Fast-rising singer Golden Cañedo received the Best New Female Artist award, while comedian and TV host Donita Nose was chosen as the Best Stand-Up Comedian. The Clash director Louie Ignacio was inducted into the Aliw Hall of Fame for Best Concert Stage Director after winning the said award for the fifth time. Bilangin ang Bituin sa Langit

director Laurice Guillen was given the Lifetime Achievement Award, while her daughter, Ana Feleo was recognized as Best Classical Performer. At the recently concluded Paragala: The Central Luzon Media Awards, GMA News and Public Affairs dominated the News and Current Affairs category. The Network’s flagship newscast, 24 Oras, was hailed once again as Best News Program. This is the seventh time 24 Oras was given the award, making it the only newscast to win the recognition since Paragala was launched. I-Witness won the Best Documentary for Kara David’s episode Silaki, while travel and adventure program Biyahe ni Drew received the Best Magazine See ABS-CBN p15

ABS-CBN Music’s Himig 11th Edition The biggest song writing competition in the Philippines will have its grand finals in February 2021. Himig 11th Edition, formerly known as Himig Handog, is a worldwide search for the best Original Pilipino Music (OPM) songs. The competition is now on its final leg where overseas Filipinos can vote for their favourite song among the 12 finalists. The song with the most reactions and comments will receive TFC’s Global Choice special award. Before you vote, get to know the 12 song finalists below. Song: Tabi -Tabi Po Composer: Mariah Moriones Interpreter: JMKO Mariah first submitted the song Tabi-Tabi Po for Himig

Handog 2019, but unfortunately, it did not make it to the top 12 finalists. This year it was chosen. Interpreting the song is her college friend JMKO, which made their working relationship a breeze. Talking about the message of the song, JMKO said: “Ngayon sobrang fast-paced na ng buhay. It’s a reminder for us to be patient with love.” Song: Pahina Composers: Joshua Ortiz and Aniceto Cabahug III Interpreter: Kiss N Tell The song is interpreted by the band’s lead vocalist Jarea. As to the message of their song, Jarea shares, “it is about closure, ‘yong magpapaalam ka sa taong mahal mo kasi wala na, hindi na ikaw See HIMIG p13

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

ABS-CBN... From page 12 Game Time as Best Sports Program with hosts Dyan Castillejo and Migs Bustos also sharing the Best Sports Program Host trophy. Martin Nievera also won Best Talk Show host for his ANC program LSS: The Martin Nievera Show alongside Boy Abunda for Tonight With Boy Abunda. For radio, DZMM Radyo Patrol 630 was hailed as the Best AM Station while Pasada sa TeleRadyo anchor Peter Musngi and erstwhile Failon Ngayon anchor Ted Failon were recipients of the Gawad Dr. Debbie F. Dianco Para Sa Sining ng Komunikasyon. In entertainment, ASAP Natin ‘To got the nod as Best Variety Show, MMK won Best Drama Anthology, and Pamilya Ko notched this year’s Best Drama Series award. Irma Adlawan’s moving performance in the Passport episode of Maalaala Mo Kaya also won her Best Actress in a Single Performance. Former The General’s Daughter co-stars Maricel Soriano, Janice De Belen, Eula Valdez, and Angel Locsin were co-winners in the Best Actress in a Drama Series category, while Arjo Atayde won Best Actor in a Drama Series for the role he played in the same program. For lifestyle, Metro Channel’s Pia’s Postcards won as Best Travel Show, with former Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach securing the Best Travel Show Host distinction.

HIMIG... From page 12 ‘yong mahal niya.” Song: Out Composer: Erica Sabalboro Interpreter: Fana Finding herself on the verge of breaking down, composer Erica Sabalboro found refuge in writing the song Out, which speaks of the struggles she is quietly battling with. Coincidentally, the song’s interpreter, Fana, immediately related to the song because she once went through a silent battle because of bullying. Song: Marupok Composer: Danielle Balagtas Interpreter: KZ Tandingan As the song’s interpreter, KZ Tandingan gets to know the composer, and sharing her understanding of the song she says, “parang hinahalintulad niya ang pagpasok sa relationship sa isang pinto—kung hindi ka naman seryoso, ‘wag mo na ko paasahin.” KZ returns five years after her last Himig Handog song interpretation in 2015 for the entry Laban Pa with Jay R. Song: Kulang Ang Mundo Composer: Daryl Cielo Interpreter: Sam Mangubat An overseas Filipino based in New Zealand, Daryl is a huge fan of OPM, and knowing there are already numerous hugot (sentimental) songs out there, he wanted to offer something different with his composition Kulang Ang Mundo. “It’s a grand


Similarly, ANC’s Cityscape was named Best Lifestyle Show while its host Marie Lozano got Best Lifestyle Show host. Metro Channel’s Casa Daza was recognized too, with a Jury Award for Excellence in Culinary Arts in Philippine Television. Gawad Tanglaw also presented the Jury Award for Arts and Sciences in Philippine Television (Posthumous) to the late Gina Lopez for her role in the creation of classic ETV shows Hiraya Manawari, Sine’skwela, and MathTinik, the travel and environmental show G Diaries, and Knowledge Channel. Documentary series Dayaw, which is hosted and conceptualized by Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, was also honoured with the Jury Award for Culture and Arts in Philippine Television. In the field of cinema, the winning streak of Star Cinema’s Hello, Love, Goodbye was extended anew as Kathryn Bernardo and Alden Richards both won a Jury Award for Film Acting, while their co-star Joross Gamboa accepted the Best Supporting Actor award. Kapamilya actor Carlo Aquino was also given a Jury Award for Film Acting for his role in Black Sheep’s Isa Pa With Feelings. The Gawad Tanglaw, or Gawad Tagapuring mga Akademisyan ng Aninong Gumagalaw, is comprised of film critics, scholars, historians, and members of the academe. It aims to recognize the exemplary works in film and television. profession of love, na ang pagibig as much as it can be painful, it can also be magical. A true love could be so magical na dadalhin ka sa ibang mundo,” he explains. The song’s interpreter Sam Mangubat loves the song but at the same time was challenged by what it requires in terms of vocal range. Song: Kahit na Masungit Composer: John Francis Pasicolan and Jayson Franz Pasicolan Interpreter: Jeremy G and Kyle Echarri Interpreters and friends Jeremy G and Kyle Echarri are excited to lend their voice to the song Kahit na Masungit. The song is based on John Francis’s previous relationship where he learned that “in a relationship, you must communicate with your partner.” Being part of the 12 finalists is such a big achievement for the college student Jayson Franz who, like his brother, is musically inclined. Song: Tinadhana Sa ‘Yo Composer: SJ Gandia Interpreter: Zephanie Los Angeles-based SJ Gandia wrote Tinadhana sa ‘Yo a few days before the deadline and she says she feels blessed because it was her goal to make it to three Himig competitions, and this is the third time her song made it to the finals. This is the first time Zephanie will be interpreting a song for Himig and she is looking forward


Inigo and Moophs collaboration among the 100 best songs of 2020 Inigo Pascual and Moophs’ recent collaboration, the dancehall-afrobeat pop track Always, made it to Apple Music’s yearly roundup of global top music releases dubbed The 100 Best Songs of 2020 Playlist. This year’s theme is “music of all styles and perspectives bringing us closer together when many of us are forced apart.” Aside from Always, the list includes songs from Dua Lipa and Ariana Grande to Justin Bieber and some of the world’s biggest pop acts. “Dancehall meets Afrobeat put lovers’ heartbeats in sync,” cited Apple Music editors on Always, a pop song that speaks of convincing a love interest to commitment despite reservations, which is a theme remarkably central to Inigo’s upcoming 2021 full-length album, Options. “I feel like releasing songs that give you good vibes is important right now with what’s happening in the world. It’s the perfect way to bring smiles to people, wherever they are and whatever they’re going through,” said Inigo about the track. Moophs, meanwhile, expressed glee over the streaming platform’s recognition. “I’m honoured to be included in Apple Music’s Top 100 roundup for 2020 alongside such amazing artists. Big love to everyone enjoying and supporting the music. I’m

really glad what we’ve been doing is starting to reach some ears around the world,” he said. The Tarsier Records’ label head produced, composed, and mixed Always, with song writing handled by BTS’ Black Swan cocomposer Vince Nantes, fellow Tarsier Records artist and OPM pop artist Sam Concepcion, and Inigo himself. The single follows the creative crew’s hopeful track RISE from earlier this year, one of the biggest international releases to ever come out of the country, bringing together artists from the US (Eric Bellinger, Vince Nantes), Malaysia (Zee Avi), and the Philippines (Inigo, Sam, and Moophs). Inigo and Moophs also made history earlier last month when they released a remix

of their 2019 island pop hit, Catching Feelings, which nears 10M Spotify plays and has generated over 100K social dance challenge videos. The international collaboration featured Grammy-nominated producer Leslie “Bimwala” Ludiazo and one of Hawaii’s biggest reggae acts, J Boog. MYX Global hosted the worldwide premiere of Catching Feelings (Bimwala Remix), which was launched in a revolutionary four-day marathon of over 50 DJs playing it on their virtual sets on Twitch, kumu, and radio stations around the world from Manila to Los Angeles, Toronto and London. The song is currently holding the No. 2 spot on iHeartRadio’s Island 98.2, Hawaii’s top reggae radio station.

to performing the song live for all to hear. Song: Kahit Kunwari Man Lang Composer: David Mercado Interpreters: Agsunta, Moira Dela Torre This is a much-anticipated reunion for interpreters Moira and Agsunta because they go way back to their college days. Moira shares that in interpreting the song, she put herself in character where she set a boundary in the

relationship so even if it was painful, it was healthy for both parties in the end. Song: Ika’y Babalik Pa Ba Composer: Jabez Orara Interpreter: Juris Jabez Orara wrote Ika’y Babalik Pa Ba in 2015, so, when finalists where announced in September, he was overjoyed. Jabez shares how everything felt like a dream for him because he waited for a long time to be a Himig finalist.

This is the fourth time Juris will be interpreting a song for the Himig competition. She feels the earnest plea in the song, where the subject hopes his past love would return in time before he opens his heart to a future with someone new. Song: Ang Hirap Maging Mahirap Composer: Kenneth Reodica Interpreters: Davey Langit featuring Kritiko See HIMIG p15

Inigo Pascual and Moophs


Applying feng shui to a standard house comes with its own set of rules, but if you’re trying to create good feng shui to a single room or create a feng shui studio apartment, that comes with its own set of needs and challenges. There are many who rent a room in a house and want to apply feng shui to their bedroom because that space is their whole living space. No matter whether you’re renting a studio apartment or trying to apply feng shui to your one-room living situation, you can make it happen and give your home good feng shui! Studio apartment challenges For a studio that has a bathroom and kitchen and sleeping space all in one room, there are more challenging aspects because all those activities are combined in one small space. Even so, there are workarounds. Here are some of the feng shui considerations for a studio apartment and oneroom living. Designated living space. If you are able to create a dedicated sleeping area, that will help you feel more rested and secure. Try to keep your living and sleeping areas separate if possible. For bedroom rentals, this may not be possible, but you may be able to create a faux living area by sleeping on a foldout sofa or a futon so you’re not always in a bedroom. Cocoon your sleeping space In a studio apartment, your sleeping space is critical. It’s important that you are able to sleep without seeing either the kitchen or the bathroom. It’s best if you can create a sleeping nook or delineate a separate sleeping space with curtains, bookshelves or a room divider. These create a private and protected area for you to sleep well and be more rested. Auspicious entry Your entry always the start of your feng shui. Work at creating a streamlined entryway, keeping it as clear and open as possible. This allows good energy to enter your apartment and keep it from becoming stagnant and stuck – and that helps keep opportunities and income flowing. Create organization It’s easy for a small space to get messy quickly, that’s what makes good organization so important. Invest in space-saving


organizers and use as much available space as you can, such as under your bed to help you store more items. What to avoid? Watch that shelves are not aimed at you when you’re sleeping and avoid mounting shelves over your bed. Be cautious with plants If you live in a studio or a single room, plants should always be out of sight from the bed. Although plants are great feng shui, it’s important that your sleeping space is free of them so that your health is protected. It may seem counterintuitive, but plants can actually harm your health and relationship energy, so that’s why it’s important that they are relegated only to living areas and not bedrooms. If your studio or rental space is single room living, such as a rented bedroom, it would be better to forgo plants altogether and opt for an image of a plant instead. Check water fountains A bubbling water fountain is great feng shui, but when space is small, ensure that you turn off any water fountain at night so that you don’t hear it while sleeping. It’s also a good idea to keep your fountain small and in proportion to size of your space and kept only in a living area. If you have a one-room apartment or bedroom, avoid water fountains and opt for a small, pretty image of water. Use round shapes In small spaces, round shapes are good feng shui and good for decorating. They have no sharp corners and take up less space than square shapes. Choose round shapes for side tables, dining, and bedside tables. Good views and good vibes Because you have a small space, it’s essential to keep your home’s vibration bright, happy and uplifted. Add vibrant artwork at your entryway and try to create a pretty spot for your eye to land when you walk into your apartment or room. If you have windows, add a mirror opposite the window to open up your space visually and bring in more light. Just take care not to reflect the bed in any mirror. Understand your space Even small spaces need to be understood. This will help you to activate your home according to feng shui and know where your challenges are. For instance, this

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

Creating a feng shui studio apartment or one-room lifestyle

Invest in space-saving organizers and use as much available space as you can, such as under your bed to help you store more items. studio apartment shows a bagua laid over the diagram. We can see that the door is in the northwest and the windows are in the southeast. Do your best to create an accurate drawing of your apartment and then by standing in the center, take a compass reading to find the directional corners (N, E, S, SW, NW, etc.). Note the corners on your floor plan, so you’ll know how to activate them. Using the diagram shown, we can see that the living area is in the east and southeast. This makes a good spot to add a pretty plant or vase of flowers. The west, northwest, and north have the kitchen and bathrooms located here, but we don’t want to activate those areas, but activating these corners of the “living area” would be helpful. If you’re in a bedroom or single room living area, you’ll apply the bagua the same way for a single room, but if you don’t have a delineated sleeping area, it’s best to forego plants and water fountains overall. Instead, images of plants or water will be most helpful, or you can use those colors associated with the directions. Even a blue small throw pillow in a chair or a shell on a table can make a nice standin for water in the north corner as an example.

Do your best to create an accurate drawing of your apartment and then by standing in the centre, take a compass reading to find the directional corners (N, E, S, SW, NW, etc.). Note the corners on your floor plan, so you’ll know how to activate them. Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio show guest. She is often called

on by media to explain feng shui in down-to-earth terms, and has been featured in Seventeen, First for Women, Faces, Conceive, Martial Arts Professional, and Natural Health magazines, and on websites around the world.

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

GMA... From page 12 Show award. Six out of Paragala’s Top 7 News Personalities also came from GMA. These included GMA News pillars Mike Enriquez, Mel Tiangco, and Arnold Clavio, as well as award-winning broadcast journalists Kara David, Ivan Mayrina, and Atom Araullo. Various Kapuso shows also received special awards by various Paragala juries. iJuander was given this year’s Paragala Pang Kultura, which was chosen by the Center for Kapampangan Studies. Earning the Paragala Pampamilya award was Pepito Manaloto as it was the Jury’s choice of Holy Angel University’s Campus Ministry and Guidance Office. Infotainment show AHA!, on the other hand, received the Paragala Pang-Likhaan as decided by the Communicator’s League, the official organization of the Holy Angel University’s Communication students. Meanwhile, at the 10th EdukCircle Awards, Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza were recognized as part of the Most Influential Celebrities of The Decade for their impact among the audience and using their platform for social good. Several Kapuso personalities were also honoured by local entertainment website LionhearTV.net at its annual RAWR Awards. Alden was named as Actor of the Year while Maine won the Actress of the Year award. Aiko Melendez was named Favorite Kontrabida for her portrayal of Kendra in the GMA series Prima Donnas. GMA News and Public Affairs also tallied notable wins with Jessica Soho being named Female News Personality of the Year and Atom Araullo taking home the Male News Personality of the Year award. Descendants of the Sun PH lead actor Dingdong Dantes was among the recipients of their Most Admired Celebrities award.

HIMIG... From page 13 Kenneth Reodica reveals that this is his first time to be part of a prestigious song writing competition and he is very grateful. His inspiration in writing Ang Hirap Maging Mahirap came from his observation of life as a daily commuter. Ang dami po’ng salat talaga sa buhay. Naisip ko gagawa ako ng kanta na maririnig yung boses nila. (I see many from the fringes of society. I thought to myself that I should write a song where their voices can be heard.) Interpreter Davey Langit was immediately hooked on the play of words of the title, “It is a social commentary kind of song and when I first listened to it I was immediately interested because it’s right up my alley. Kritiko, who does a rap portion in the song, agrees that


the song has a powerful message that will send a wake-up call to fellow Filipinos. Song: Bulalakaw Composer: Joanna Ang Interpreter: Janine Berdin featuring Joanna Ang This is the first Visayan song in the history of the Himig competition. Joanna Ang wrote Bulalakaw during one of her lowest points. So, one night on a rooftop, under a beautiful sky full of stars, Joanna created Bulalakaw. The message of the song is to always hold on to hope. Janine Berdin was excited to learn she was interpreting the song. It is her third time to be an interpreter for Himig, but this is the first time for her to sing a Visayan song, and for her, it is a huge honour and a huge responsibility. Song: Ibang Planeta Composer: Dan Tañedo Interpreter: Zild That feeling of being mesmerized by one person, where you feel as if you are on another world or another planet – this is the theme of Ibang Planeta. Zild, who interpreted the song in his unique style, shares, Kahit hindi ako masyadong singer, kaya ko mag-interpret ng kanta ng iba. (I feel that even if I may not be much of a singer, I can interpret the songs of other people.) Your votes are needed to determine who will be TFC’s Global Choice among the 12 finalists. Be sure to react or post a comment on the in-studio performance video of your favorite song/s. Check them out on any of these official TFC Facebook pages. The song with the most reactions and comments will be TFC’s Global Choice awardee for Himig 11th Edition. Voting period is from December 15, 2020, to February 15, 2021. The date for the grand finals will be announced.

CRISTY... From page 10 ang kaniyang YouTube account, mayroon pa siyang FB account na halos dalawampung milyon na rin ang bilang ng mga tumututok sa kaniya. Sobra-sobra na nga ang kayamanan ni Raffy Tulfo. Mapagkumbaba niyang sagot, “Kulang pa nga ang kinikita ko para maibigay ang mga pangangailangan ng mga sinusuportahan namin sa Wanted Sa Radyo at sa Idol In Action. Kulang pa ‘yun kung tutuusin. “Kilala n’yo naman ako. Ramdam na ramdam ko kapag sincere ang pangangailangan ng mga lumalapit sa akin. Hindi na nila ako kailangan pang iyakan. “Okey lang na mayroon akong pinagkukunan. Nakakatulong ako. Halos wala na ring natitira!” tawa nang tawang pahayag ng mapusong news anchor. Bukas ang kaniyang mga palad sa pagtulong kaya bukas din ang daanan ng mga biyayang tinatanggap niya. *** Hindi kami nabigo sa inaasahan naming brilyo ng pelikulang Isa Pang Bahaghari.


Richard Yap signs with GMA Artist Center RicActor, singer, model, content creator, and businessman, Richard Yap is now officially a Kapuso as he signed his management contract with GMA Artist Center (GMAAC) on December 16. Present during the contract signing were GMA Senior Vice President for Entertainment Group Lilybeth G. Rasonable, GMAAC Assistant Vice President and Head for Talent Imaging and Marketing Unit Simoun Ferrer, GMAAC Senior Talent Manager Joy Marcelo, and Richard’s comanager Kate Valenzuela. Richard expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome, “I’m actually quite overwhelmed as I never thought this would come about. Now that it’s finally here, I am just so happy and so thankful to become a part of the

Kapuso family.” He also teased his fans for a much-anticipated comeback on TV. He will soon be starring in an episode of the comedy anthology Dear Uge Presents, in the latenight comedy-variety program The Boobay and Tekla Show. He is also set to top-bill an upcoming primetime series next year. Yap also promised the audience that they can expect a lot from him in his new home. “Expect the unexpected? I guess you can expect me to try and experiment into other genres other than the ones that I’ve done before.” Richard added that he is eager to work with various Kapuso stars including Marian Rivera, Heart Evangelista, Solenn Heusaff, Andrea Torres, his good friend Jean Garcia, and Michael V.

Richard Yap

Direk Joel Lamangan kasi ang kumukumpas. Nora Aunor, Phillip Salvador at Michael de Mesa pa ang mga pangunahing bituin. Matindi ang pakete ng pelikulang ito ng MMFF. Bukod sa husay ng mga sentrong karakter sa pelikula ay mahuhusay rin ang kanilang kasama, Zanjoe Marudo, Joseph Marco at Sanya Lopez. Istrorya ng isang dakilang pag-iibigan ang tema ng pelikula. Pagkatapos ng dalawang dekada ay muling nagtagpo ang magasawa. Naging mahirap ang muling pagbubuo ng pamilya pero nagkaroon ng isa pang bahaghari sa katapusan. Wala nang kukuwestiyon pa sa galing gumanap ng Superstar. Hindi rin nangalawang ang pag-arte ni Phillip Salvador, at napakagaling gumanap na baklang nagkaroon ng kaugnayan kay Phillip ang suwabeng si Michael de Mesa. Gasgas na ang kuwento ng pelikula – ang panunumbat ng misis at ng kanilang mga anak sa dekadang pagkawala ng poste ng kanilang tahanan. Ang pagkakaiba lang ay ang pagtatawid ng mga artista sa sitwasyon. Tagisan ng galing sa pagarte ang mga artista ng Isa Pang Bahaghari. Maraming nakaiiyak na eksena, pero ang pinakasentro ay ang pinakahuling tagpo sa pagsasara ng kuwento. Nakadamit pangkasal sina Phillip at Nora, magkahawak-kamay silang latag na latag ang mga katawan sa kama, pareho nang patay. Ang dami-dami muna nilang pinagdaanang pagsubok, pero sabi nga, kailangan munang umulan bago natin makita ang bahaghari. *** Isang masaganang hapunan ang ibinigay ng mag-anak nina Senator Kiko Pangilinan at Sharon Cuneta para sa kanilang kasambahay noong Noche Buena. Ang magkakapatid na Frankie, Miel at Miguel ang magkakatulong na nagsilbi sa mga taong ilang taon nang nagtatrabaho sa kanilang tahanan. Kung ang ibang tao nga ay nireregaluhan ng Megastar, ang mga loyalista pa kaya nilang

kasambahay ang maiiwan sa laban? Binusog sa regalo ng mag-anak ang mga taong kasama nila sa hirap at ginhawa nang napakatagal nang panahon. Sabi ni Sharon, “They deserve special treatment. They make things easier for our family. Sila ang tumitingin sa mga anak namin, sa bahay namin. Kung wala sila, mahihirapan kaming mag-asawa na gampanan ang mga trabaho namin. *** Dumating si KC Concepcion noong Noche Buena. Maligaya siyempre si Sharon dahil sa pagdating ng kaniyang panganay. Kumpleto ang kanilang pamilya. Pagpansin ng mga nakapanood sa ipinost na video ng Megastar ay mas espesyal na panahon pa raw ang ibinigay nila sa mga alaga nilang aso kaysa kay KC. Huwag na sanang ikumpara ang tao sa mga hayop. Sapat nang dumating si KC sa bahay ng kaniyang ina. Sapat nang nakasama nito ang kaniyang mga kapatid, pagkatapos nang mahabang panahon. Hindi kayang tiisin ni Sharon ang kaniyang panganay. Si KC ang pinagtuunan niya nang napakahabang malasakit at pagmamahal. Hindi ‘yon matutumbasan ni KC nang kahit magkano. Sapat na ang presensiya ni KC para makumpleto ang kaligayahan ni Sharon. Napakatagal na niyang hinihintay ang pagkakataong ‘yon, kaya huwag na sanang lagyan ‘yon ng ibang kulay ng mga nag-aabang ng butas na masisilip sa pagkikita ng mag-ina. Hindi rin ‘yon ang tamang panahon para pag-usapan ang mga nangyari. Sayang ang Noche Buena na dapat ay ninanamnam nilang mag-anak. Pinakamasayang ina si Sharon ngayong Pasko. Napakabait na sa kaniya ng kapalaran ay magkakasama pa nilang ipinagdiwang ang dakilang araw. Wala na siyang mahihiling pa. *** Sa mga nagtataka-nagtatanong kung bakit at paanong tinanghal na Best Actor sa MMFF si Paulo Avelino ay mas makabubuti

sigurong panoorin muna nila nang buo ang pelikulang Fan Girl. Kahit ang mga nambabash kay Charlie Dizon, ang bumida sa pelikula katambal ni Paulo, ay mas maganda kung matututukan nila ang pelikulang nagbigay ng mga tropeo sa dalawang karakter ng palabas. Hindi kasi puwedeng makinig lang tayo sa mga balikong pagpansin nang hindi man lang natin napapanood ang pelikula. Nagpakita lang daw ng ari si Paulo ay Best Actor na agadagad? Nagpasilip lang daw siya ng puwet ay pinakamahusay na aktor agad siya ng pestibal? Kung ang mga ganoong pagpansin ang tanging bibigyan natin ng bigat at hindi ang pelikula sa kabuuan ay baka nga maniwala tayo? May matinding dahilan ang mga hurado sa pagbibigay nila ng tiwala sa pagganap ni Paulo Avelino. Bawat kuwadro, bawat eksena, bawat pag-arteng ipinakita ni Paulo ay kaswal na kaswal pero kumakagat. Hindi siya umaarte, napakanatural niya, tulad din sa mga seryeng pinaglabasan niya kung saan nakukuha ng aktor ang paghanga ng manonood. Sakto ang papel na ginampanan niya bilang idolong huwad naman pala ang ipinakikitang ugali sa publiko. Swak sila ng kaniyang katambal na si Charlie Dizon. Mahusay ang pagkakabalangkas ng istorya. Magaling si Direk Antoinette Jadaone. Napakasimple ng mga dahilan kung bakit humakot ng parangal sa MMFF ang Fan Girl. *** Ano kaya ang problemang bumabagabag sa mga tagasuporta nina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo at hanggang ngayo’y masyado silang apektado sa presensiya ni Alden Richards sa mundo? Hindi naman lahat; may mga tagahanga ang KathNiel na gumagamit ng utak bago umupak, pero may mga tagahanga ang tambalan na kung i-bash ang Pambansang Bae ay parang wala nang bukas. See CRISTY p18




JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

COVID-19 vaccine myths debunked Vaccines are perhaps the best hope for ending the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a lot of news coverage about the COVID-19 vaccines recently developed and now being administered across the U.S. and Canada. But with so much information out there, it’s likely you’ve heard claims about these COVID-19 vaccines on social media or from the people in your life. Also, the rapid development and approval of these vaccines may make you hesitant about safety or effectiveness. Let’s set the record straight on some of the myths circulating about COVID-19 vaccines. Myth: The COVID-19 vaccine is not safe because it was rapidly developed and tested. Fact: Many pharmaceutical companies invested significant resources into quickly developing a vaccine for COVID-19 because of the world-wide impact of the pandemic. The emergency situation warranted an emergency response but that does not mean that companies bypassed safety protocols or didn’t perform adequate testing. Mayo Clinic will recommend the use of those vaccines that we are confident are safe. While there are many COVID-19 vaccine candidates in development, the Pfizer vaccine was the first authorized for emergency use by the FDA. This vaccine was created using a novel technology based on the molecular structure of the virus. The novel methodology to develop a COVID-19 vaccine allows it to be free from materials of animal origin and synthesized by an efficient, cell-free process without preservatives. This vaccine developed by Pfizer/ BioNTecH has been studied in approximately 43,000 people. Myth: I already had COVID-19 and I have recovered, so I don’t need to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it’s available. Fact: There is not enough information currently available to say if or for how long after infection someone is protected from getting COVID-19 again. This is called natural immunity. Early evidence suggests natural immunity from COVID-19 may not last very long, but more studies are needed to better understand this. Mayo Clinic recommends getting the COVID-19 vaccine, even if you’ve had COVID-19 previously. However, those that had COVID-19 should delay vaccination until about 90 days

from diagnosis. People should not get vaccinated if in quarantine after exposure or if they have COVID-19 symptoms. Myth: There are severe side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. There are short-term mild or moderate vaccine reactions that resolve without complication or injury. The early phase studies of the Pfizer vaccine show that it is safe. About 15 per cent of people developed short lived symptoms at the site of the injection. 50 per cent developed systemic reactions primarily headache, chills, fatigue or muscle pain or fever lasting for a day or two. Keep in mind that these side effects are indicators that your immune system is responding to the vaccine and are common when receiving vaccines. Myth: I won’t need to wear a mask after I get vaccinated for COVID-19. Fact: It may take time for everyone who wants a COVID-19 vaccination to get one. Also, while the vaccine may prevent you from getting sick, it is unknown at this time if you can still carry and transmit the virus to others. Until more is understood about how well the vaccine works, continuing with precautions such as mask-wearing and physical distancing will be important. Myth: More people will die as a result of a negative side effect to the COVID-19 vaccine than would actually die from the virus. Fact: Circulating on social media is the claim that COVID19’s mortality rate is one to two per cent and that people should not be vaccinated against a virus with a high survival rate. However, a one percent mortality rate is 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu. In addition, the mortality rate can vary widely and is influenced by age, sex and underlying health condition. While some people who receive the vaccine may develop symptoms as their immune system responds, remember that this is common when receiving any vaccine and it is not considered serious or life threatening. You cannot get a COVID-19 infection from the COVID-19 vaccines; they are inactivated vaccines and not live viruses. It’s important to recognize that getting the vaccine is not just about surviving COVID-19. It’s about preventing the spread of the virus to others and preventing infection that can lead to longterm negative health effects.

While no vaccine is 100 per cent effective, they are far better than not getting a vaccine. The benefits certainly outweigh the risks in healthy people. Myth: The COVID-19 vaccine was developed to control the general population either through microchip tracking or “nanotransducers” in our brains. Fact: There is no vaccine microchip, and the vaccine will not track people or gather personal information into a database. This myth started after comments made by Bill Gates from The Gates Foundation about a digital certificate of vaccine records. The technology he was referencing is not a microchip, has not been implemented in any manner and is not tied to the development, testing or distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Myth: COVID-19 vaccines will alter my DNA. Fact: The first COVID-19 vaccines to reach the market are likely to be messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. According to the CDC, mRNA vaccines work by instructing cells in the body how to make a protein that triggers an immune response. Injecting mRNA into your body will not interact or do anything to the DNA of your cells. Human cells break down and get rid of the mRNA soon after they have finished using the instructions. Myth: COVID-19 vaccines were developed using fetal tissue. Fact: Current mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not require the use of fetal cell cultures in the production process. Myth: COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility or miscarriage. Fact: No, COVID-19 vaccines have not been linked to infertility or miscarriage. A sophisticated disinformation campaign has been circulating online, claiming that antibodies to the spike protein of COVID-19 produced from these vaccines will bind to placental proteins and prevent pregnancy. This disinformation is thought to originate from Internet postings by a former scientist known to hold anti-vaccine views. These postings are not scientifically plausible as the COVID-19 infection has not been linked to infertility. Also, no other viral infection or vaccinationinducing immunity by similar mechanisms has been shown to cause infertility. Antibodies to the spike protein have not been linked

to infertility after COVID-19 infection. There is no scientific reason to believe this will change after a vaccination for COVID-19. While there are no formal studies, the best evidence comes from women who got sick with COVID-19 while pregnant. While data clearly indicate pregnant women are at higher risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 infection, there is no evidence of increased miscarriage rates. During natural infection, the immune system generates the same antibodies to the spike protein that COVID-19 vaccines would. Thus, if COVID-19 affected fertility, there already would be an increase in miscarriage rates in women infected with COVID-19. This has not happened. Myth: I am allergic to eggs so I shouldn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine Fact: Neither the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine nor the Moderna vaccine contain egg. Myth: COVID-19 vaccines must be stored at extremely low temperatures because of preservatives in the vaccines. Fact: Pfizer/BioNTech and

Moderna have reported that their vaccines contain no preservatives. Different vaccines have different storage requirements. For instance, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine must be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius, while Moderna has said that its vaccine needs to be stored at minus 20 degrees Celsius. Both of these vaccines use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to teach your cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response to COVID-19. However, messenger RNA is fragile and can break down easily. Storing messenger RNA vaccines, like these COVID-19 vaccines, in an ultra-cold environment keeps them stable and safe. You should not worry about these temperatures. Vaccines are thawed before injection. More information will be forthcoming as vaccines become available in your area. Even after being vaccinated for COVID-19, you should continue to wear a mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands often. Source: Compiled by Mayo Clinic staff. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should selfisolate and visit www.manitoba.ca/ covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or tollfree at 1-888-315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing. Symptoms may include:

• Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell • Vomiting, or diarrhea for

more than 24 hours • Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite • Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause While many people will develop only mild symptoms,

some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Those at higher risk typically develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure. High risk groups include those: • 60 years of age and older

• living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021


Dear 2020: Pilitin ko mang pasalamatan ka dahil sa isang taon na idinagdag mo sa buhay ko ay nangingibabaw pa rin sa aking puso ang lungkot dahil sa mga sitwasyong kinaharap ng buhay ko sa taon mo – 2020. Unang-una, binawian ng buhay ang aking Ama sa taong ito. Biglang-bigla. Walang pasabi. Sa isang iglap, nawala ang Ama ko. Hanggang ngayon ay nakikita ko pa rin ang bangkay na katawan ng aking Ama habang hinihimas ko ang kaniyang noo at kinakausap. Araw-araw kong nakikita ito sa aking isipan. Hindi nawawala ang sakit at lungkot ng pangungulila. Hindi ko na siya makikitang muli. Hindi ko na siya makakakuwentuhan muli at wala na muling awitang magaganap kasama ang buháy na tinig niya.

Wala na ang aking Ama. Ganumpaman, ang alaala at turo niya ay mananatili sa puso at isipan ko. May mga pagkakataong nagsisisi ako sa mga panahong labis akong abala at dahil dito ay nakaligtaan ko nang maglaan ng oras para sa kaniya at sa aking Ina. Ngunit alam kong naunawan niya ito. Siya ay kakambal ng aking isip. Marami kaming mga batuhan ng linya na laging nakabubuo ng impromptu na istorya na tiyak na ikatatawa ng pamilya. Kasama ko siya at ng aking anak sa musika. Isa siyang makata at dakilang mang-aawit. Ang mga istoryang ito ay mananatili na lamang na alaala ng lumipas dahil sa taon mo, 2020 ay pinangyari mo ang hindi ko inaasahan na darating sa aking buhay – ang kamatayan.

Ipinamukha mo sa akin na tulad mo, natatapos ang taon, ganoon din naman natatapos ang buhay ng tao. Kung hihimayin ko ang bawat taludtod ng karanasan ng aking Ama ay maaari akong makabuo ng isang mahabang kasaysayan ng buhay. Mula sa pagiging ulila sa Ina, sa paglaban sa kahirapan, ang pagiging alagad ng simbahan, mang-aawit, manggagawa at respetadong nilalang na may matibay na panininidigan sa kaniyang paniniwala. Ang wika ko sa kaniya noong siya’y nakahimlay na, “Tatay, sa wakas magkikita na kayo ng iyong Nanay.” Hindi kalian man nakita ng aking Ama ang kaniyang Ina dahil maaga itong namatay nang siya ay sanggol pa. Ulila sa Ina. Nagpalipat-lipat ng bahay, nakitira, nakisama sa mga kamag-anak at hindi kaanuano, nagsimulang magbanat ng buto simula pagkabata. Natutong mamuhay mag-isa na walang sinumang inaasahan. Bitbit niya ang katapangan at pagiging independent hanggang sa huling hininga ng kaniyang buhay. Lumisan siya on his own terms. Wala siyang pinahirapan kung hindi ang sarili niyang mortal na katawan. Hindi strikto ang Ama ko. Ang istilo niya ay ang pagbibigay na

pagkakataon na ako ay mag-isip at unawain ang mga sitwasyon. Tinuruan niya ako kung paano magdesisyon nang hindi batay sa impluwensya ng iba kundi galing mismo sa sarili kong pangunawa at paniniwala. May mga pagkakaiba kami ng paniniwala ngunit nirerespeto namin ang isa’t isa. 2020, natapos ka na ngunit ang kasaysayan ng Ama ko ay hindi pa. Sa taong ding ito ay ipinadala mo ang alagad mong si COVID-19 dahil sa kababuyan ng tao. Marami itong pinatay at pinahirapan. Hanggang ngayon ay nagpapatuloy ito. 2021 na ngunit nandito pa siya. Kailan ba matatapos? Sinong makakaalam? Huwad ka man o totoo, marami kang pinatay na tao. Sino nga ba ang nagsasabi ng totoo, ang datos ng kamatayan o ang mga paniniwalang salungat sa karamihan? Hindi ko alam. Sinong may alam? Ito ba ay bahagi ng isang napakalaking panlilinlang? Dahil dito ay nagdulot ang alagad mong si COVID-19 ng pagkakahati-hati ng tao. May natutuwa ba dahil sa polarisasyon ng mundo? Mayroon siguro. Sila itong ang hangad ay kontrolin ang mundo. Totoo nga siguro ang virus na ito. Ngunit isa ring katotohanan ang

PAGE 17 patuloy na pagmamanipula ng mga naghaharing uri ng mundo sa pag-kondisyon kung ano dapat ang gawin at paniwalaan ng tao. Tapos ka na ba 2020? O may kasunod ka pa? Kung sabagay, ang ipinaranas mo sa akin ay lalong nagpatibay sa aking kalooban na patuloy na lumaban sa hamon ng buhay at sa modernong digmaan na tiyak na may pagsasamantala at patayan. Tulad ng Tatay, haharapin ko ang susunod na digmaan ng buhay hanggang sa ito’y ating mapagtagumpayan. Umaasa na may pag-asa, Batang North End Taon, 2021 Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP). Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.




NO. 360

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 2. Ipahatid 9. Punla 11. Bahagyang lagnat 13. Ilista 14. Sabi nila 15. Sobrang ginaw 17. Toyo 18. Hindi ’yan 20. Malaking sasakyan 22. Init 26. Itik 29. Patatagalin 32. Habol 33. Pakuluan 34. Pangingibig 35. Galaw 36. Ihahanda PABABA 1. Hindi kanila 2. Angkan 3. Lumpo 4. Dampa 5. Modo 6. Maingat na pag-aaral 7. Diwa 8. Madalas

10. Mando 12. Pananong 16. Madali 19. Nahampas 21. Sinunog 23. Partido 24. Taba ng alimango 25. Plano 26. Liksi 27. Ipasyal 28. Sawi 30. Dagat-dagatan 31. Lengguwahe


CRISTY... From page 15 Matagal nang naipalabas ang pinagtambalang pelikula nina Alden at Kathryn. Sobra-sobrang pagtangkilik ang ibinigay ng ating mga kababayan sa kanilang proyekto. Inaangkin nila ngayon ang kredito bilang pinakaunang pelikulang Pilipinong kumita nang ganoon katindi. Hindi lang daang milyong piso ang pinaguusapan sa Hello, Love, Goodbye kundi bilyon. ‘Yun ba ang hanggang ngayo’y ikinagagalit ng ibang tagahanga ng KathNiel kay Alden? Sobrang matinding sampal ba ‘yun para sa tambalan ng kanilang mga idolo? Mabenta pa rin sa Netflix ang pelikula, habang umaandar ang kaliwa’t kanang streaming ng pinagtambalan nina Alden at Kathryn ay sige-sige rin ang pamba-bash kay Alden ang ibang miyembro ng KathNiel. Inilalampaso talaga ng mga ito si Alden. Extra lang daw naman si Alden sa pelikula. Si Kathryn lang daw ang bida. Nakakaloka ang mga faney na ito! Ilang ulit naman nilang pinanood ang proyekto? Kabisado naman nila ang ikot ng istorya, extra nga lang ba si Alden Richards? Literal na mabuti ang puso ni Alden. Ipinanganak siyang kakambal ng kaniyang inunan ang malawak na isip at haba ng pasensiya. Hindi sila sinasagot ng singer-actor. Pinababayaan lang niyang bumula ang bibig ng mga taong walang magandang magawa sa buhay ngayong pandemya kaya sobrang aligaga sa pagbira sa kaniya. Na tama lang. Bakit niya pa sasagutin ang mga taong parang kabayong may tapa ojo sa pagiging bulag at pagbubulagbulagan? Sayang lang ang napakahalaga niyang panahon.

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021 Ipunin na lang ni Alden Richards ang kaniyang lakas sa dami ng kaniyang trabaho. Wala na nga halos siyang tulog at pahinga sa pagdating ng mga proyektong nagpapatunay lang kung gaano siya kasikat at kain-demand. Paglalaanan pa ba naman niya ng panahon ang mga pasaway? No way! Mamatay na lang sila sa inggit! *** Kumpirmadong naputulan ng kuryente noong Kapaskuhan ang bahay ni Claudine Barretto. Sa isang panahong maliwanag na maliwanag ang mga bahay sa tinitirhan nilang subdivision ng kaniyang mga anak ay madilim na madilim naman ang kapaligiran sa bahay ni Claudine. Nagtataka ang kaniyang mga kapitbahay. Ano ang nangyari? Bakit naputulan ng kuryente ang bahay ng aktres? Nakalimutan lang ba niyang magpabayad ng kanilang konsumo? Naghihirap na ba talaga si Claudine kaya kahit pambayad na lang ng ilaw ay wala pa siyang pambayad? Kaya ba ganoon na lang ang paghahabol niya sa sustento ng kaniyang mga anak mula kay Raymart Santiago? Kuwentong-subdivision lang ang agarang kumalat, Walang katiyakan ang lumabas na istorya, kaya kailangang may isang taong malapit kay Claudine na kumumpirma ng naganap. Totoo, ayon sa kaniyang abogadong si Attorney Ferdie Topacio. Naputulan nga ng kuryente ang aktres noong mismong Kapaskuhan. Nagtaka raw si Attorney Ferdie noong magpunta ito sa bahay ng kaniyang kliyente. Madilim, parang walang katao-tao sa bahay. Tinawagan ng abogado si Claudine. Nasa bahay raw siya ng kaniyang mommy, kasma ang mga anak nila ni Raymart. Nilinaw ng magaling na

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abogado na bayad na ang kuryente ni Claudine Barretto. Walang ideya si Attorney Topacio kung magkano. Ang mahalaga ay maliwanag na uli ang bahay ng aktres. *** Mabilis kumalat sa pamamagitan ng isang blind item ang kuwentong nagdadalantao ngayon ang isang female personality na hindi na kabataan ang edad. Ang diumano’y ama ng kaniyang dinadala ay ang hunk actor na kasama niya sa isang serye. Sa dalas ng kanilang pagsasama sa set ay may nabuo raw na pagmamahalan sa pagitan nila. Tinanggalan ng talukbong kung sino ang diumano’y nagdadalantaong babae. Si Sheryl Cruz pala ang tinutukoy. Ang ama raw ng kaniyang dinadala ay binhi ng hunk actor na si Jeric Gonzales, kasamahan niya sa serye ng GMA-7. May mga nagdalawang-isip agad tungkol sa kuwento. Sabi ng isang nagkomento, “Naku, ha? Kuwarenta’y otso na si Sheryl. Puwede pa ba siyang magbuntis?” Pero pinabulaanan ng aktres ang kuwento. Paano raw siya magdadalantao, samantalang sa ikalawang linggo ng lock-in shoot nila ay dumating ang kaniyang buwanang dalaw? Mulat naman tayo na kapag may regla ang babae, ibig sabihi’y ligtas siya sa bintang ng pagdadalantao, tulad ng ibinigay na dahilan ni Sheryl. ‘Yun lang ang kaniyang nilinaw pero ang tanong tungkol sa kung ano ba talaga ang namamagitan sa kanila ni Jeric Gonzales ay hindi niya pinakahabaan ang paliwanag. Okey lang daw naman sila. Mayroon daw mga grupong nagmamahal sa kanila. Maraming bumoboto sa pagiging close nila. Tanong sa amin ni Tita Dolor Guevarra, sino ba ‘yung Jeric Gonzales na sinasabing ama raw ng dinadala ni Sheryl?, Kilala raw ba namin ito? Naputol ang linya sa paguusap namin ni Tita Dolor. Hindi tuloy namin nasagot sa kaniya nang punto por punto kung ano ang pagkakakilala namin kay Jeric. Hindi basta-basta tsismis lang ‘yun, kundi mayroon talaga kaming alam. Magdenay man sila ni Sheryl tungkol sa relasyon nila ngayon ay hindi namin ‘yun paniniwalaan. Noong nakaraang taon pa ang kanilang pagkakamabutihan. Hindi nila ‘yun puwedeng ikaila. May mga taong hindi nila makakayang paikutin, dahil hiniwalayan si Jeric Gonzales ng dati nitong karelasyon dahil kay Sheryl. Sa totoo lang! –CSF

JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021





JANUARY 1 - 15 , 2021

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