Pilipino Express • Feb 1 2023

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Manitoba to recruit nurses in the Philippines

A Manitoba delegation is heading to the Philippines on February 17 on a recruitment drive to bring hundreds of qualified internationally educated nurses (IENs) and other health-care providers to move and work here.

The mission includes recruitment efforts in three cities –Manila, Cebu, and Iloilo – between February 21 and 25. Filipino applicants will be pre-screened to meet specific requirements, with a specific focus on IENs who have worked for at least two years in acute hospital or long-term care, and who have completed an internationally recognized English language test.

Manitoba health-care employers are expected to participate during the interview process with the aim of providing conditional offers of employment

Maria Ressa, Rappler cleared of tax evasion charges

The Court of Tax Appeals ruled that prosecutors failed to prove “beyond reasonable doubt” that the news organization had evaded tax payments in four instances after raising capital through partnerships with two foreign investors. “The acquittal of the accused is based on the findings of the court that respondents did not commit the crime charge,” the court said in its decision.

See RESSA p3

Volume 19 • No. 1 • February 1 - 15 , 2023 Publication Mailing Account #41721512
Janine Gutierrez Manitoba Minister of Labour and Immigration Jon Reyes joins the delegation. He is asking the Filipino community to share the news with family and friends in the Philippines. See NURSES p4 MANILA –Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa and her online news company, Rappler, were acquitted of tax evasion charges on January 18. “Today, facts win, truth wins, justice wins.” Maria Ressa outside the court after being cleared of tax evasion charges, January 18, 2023
Credit: Janine’s Instagram


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This was just one of several legal cases that Ressa said were used by former President Rodrigo Duterte to suppress critical reporting.

“Today, facts win, truth wins, justice wins,” said a visibly emotional Ressa after the verdict was announced. Rappler welcomed the court decision as “the triumph of facts over politics.”

“We thank the court for this just decision and for recognizing that the fraudulent, false, and flimsy charges made by the Bureau of Internal Revenue do not have any basis in fact,” Rappler said in a statement. “An adverse decision would have had far-reaching repercussions on both the press and the capital markets.”

The case against Ressa alleged that Rappler had failed to include proceeds from a 2015 sale of depositary receipts to foreign investors in its tax returns. However, the tax court ruled that the receipts were non-taxable, which removed the basis of the tax

evasion charges filed by Justice Department prosecutors under former President Duterte.

Ressa and Rappler are currently appealing the Securities and Exchange Commission closure order that provoked the now-resolved tax case. That order had shut down Rappler based on an allegation alone that the news website violated a constitutional provision that prohibits foreign ownership and control of Philippine media companies. Rappler denied this, saying it was a news company totally owned and controlled by Filipinos.

Aside from the SEC appeal, Ressa and Rappler face another tax case filed by prosecutors in another

court while Ressa remains on bail and appeals the six-year prison sentence on the libel conviction in a case brought by businessman Wilfredo Keng. Rappler reported that Keng had lent a sport utility vehicle to Supreme Court Judge Renato Corona and cited sources who claimed Mr. Keng was tied to illegal drugs, human trafficking, and murder.

The National Union for Journalists of the Philippines said in a statement, “While colleagues similarly face legal challenges –from libel to made up terrorism charges – in relation to their work, we take inspiration from this acquittal that if we stand up and hold the line, we can win.”


Are you unhappy with any of the relationships in your life?

It can be a scary question to ask ourselves because connections with people are so important. When we can’t seem to get along with someone in our family, friend circle, or the workplace, it can cause us to feel frustrated, angry, and resentful. The state of our personal relationships can have a big impact on physical health, mental, emotional, and even spiritual well-being. Relationship problems can affect mood and sleep and cause us to be distracted from other important things.

One message that I often hear from clients is, “It’s their fault! They don’t understand how hard I try, and don’t see all the sacrifices that I make.” It is always easier to identify the mistakes and faults of other people. But often, the key to improving relationships is to focus on what we have control of – our own actions, and not the other person!

According to Williams (2012), in most cases, each person in a relationship is responsible for at least 30 per cent of the problem. And a lot of the time, the difficulty lies in how we communicate with each other. If we make a strong commitment to change our communication style, chances


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based on qualifications. Additional immigration support and facilitation will be provided by Manitoba immigration pathway officers, to help guide and assist the immigration and settlement process.

With more than 230,000 immigrants choosing Manitoba as their new home over the last two decades, and high numbers of Filipino immigrants settling in communities across Manitoba, the province is well positioned to attract internationally educated health-care providers from the Philippines.

Manitoba Minister of Labour and Immigration Jon Reyes will also participate in the mission.

“I’m very proud to be a member of Manitoba’s large and dynamic Filipino community, and long history of recruiting health-care providers from the Philippines. I look forward to sharing the many virtues and opportunities that our province has to offer, along with promoting the already thriving Filipino community here in Manitoba,” said Reyes.

Temporary Foreign Workers

In an e-mail dated January 29, 2023, Pilipino Express was informed by a Manitoba government spokesperson that the IENs who are recruited will be arriving as temporary foreign workers with Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program’s supported

are, the other person will follow and respond in a positive way. As the famous expression goes, “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar!”

John Gottman, a psychologist specializing in relationships, first conceptualized the four horsemen of communication failures. Although he focused on romantic couples, his ideas can be used to improve all relationships.

He identified four major mistakes that couples make, which should be avoided at all costs.

Engaging in these communication pitfalls could mean the end of a relationship. It would be worthwhile to ask yourself if you do any of the following:

1. Criticism

Criticism is different from complaining. While complaining addresses a behaviour that you don’t like, criticizing says that it is the other person that you do not like. Although criticism may feel good for the moment because you are angry and want to feel better, the long-term effects of considering the other person’s feelings will be much more beneficial. Change will be more likely to happen if you address the behaviour, not criticize the person.

Example of complaining: I

work permits.

According to the spokesperson, “This will allow the IENs to enter the workforce and become established in Manitoba while their permanent resident applications are in process with the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The processing of permanent resident applications is the responsibility of IRCC. Current processing times, as of January 27, 2023, indicate a timeframe of 21 months based on the submission of a complete application.

The IENs will be able to bring their eligible dependents with them to Canada. IENs’ spouses may be eligible to apply for open work permits, and unmarried children under the age of 22 will be able to attend schools in Manitoba.”

“We are asking for the community’s help in sharing news of this opportunity with friends and family living in the Philippines, as well as in sharing the many things that they love about living here,” added Minister Reyes.

The Manitoba government has developed a support and mentorship package for eligible nurses. The package includes support for travel, immigration costs, credentialing, and buddied mentorship.

“We know that Manitoba is an incredible place to live, work and build a future,” said Premier Stefanson. “Our close ties to the Philippines and the thriving local

Avoid communication failures and improve your relationships

noticed that the dishes are still on the counter, and you told me that you would load the dishwasher after dinner. It bothers me because this might interfere with our plans later. Could you have it done within the hour please?

Example of criticizing: The dishes are still on the counter after you told me that you would load the dishwasher after dinner. You always let me down. You’re so lazy!

You’ll notice that criticizing often involves name-calling and labelling the other. Words like “always” and “never” are dangerous because you imply that they are not capable.

2. Contempt Contempt is the most destructive to a relationship, as it means having resentment, disrespect, and even hostility towards another. It can take the form of saying direct, hurtful statements. However, contempt can also be subtle, when jokes and humour are used that are condescending and insulting. Often, when a person has facial expressions that include sneers and rolling their eyes, it is an indication of contempt.

Often, when one has contempt for another person, they discount the positive and only focus on and remember the negatives. This can lead to the conclusion that the other person is the cause of all their misery. This is hardly ever

Filipino community are natural selling points. This mission is an important step to highlight all that we have to offer, to attract new talent and add capacity, and contribute to our health-care workforce of the future.”

Deb Elias, chief executive officer and registrar of the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba said the college, “will be providing resources and information to applicants and recruiters while seeking further improvements to ensure qualified applicants get to work as quickly as possible.”

Manitoba previously announced support for IENs living in Manitoba, including clinical competency assessments, bridge training, living allowance, transportation and childcare, as well as access to caseworkers to help navigate the licensing process.

Last August, the Manitoba government was the first province in Canada to remove its requirement that internationally educated nurses already licenced in other jurisdictions be subject to further testing if they are trying to be accredited in Manitoba.

To date, 23 nurses have joined Manitoba’s health-care system as a result.

For more information about the recruitment mission and the Manitoba government’s efforts to recruit nurses from the Philippines, visit: https:// healthcareersmanitoba.ca/ buildyourfuturemb.

accurate. Contempt should be eliminated at all costs. This takes time and a lot of effort by both people in the relationship. One way to do this is to create an atmosphere of gratitude. Count and list all the things, no matter how small, that you appreciate the other doing or saying. Tell them when you notice something positive that they are doing and say thank you.

3. Defensiveness

Many people engage in this common communication pitfall. When another person expresses a complaint (or worse, a criticism) about us, we can feel attacked and then need to defend ourselves. We explain what we are doing, why we are doing it, and why the other person is wrong. Often this involves repeating the same thing over and over again. In the end, you do not hear what the other is saying.

A way to stop this cycle is to resist the urge to defend yourself and simply say, “I understand. What can I do to make this better?” You will then be more likely to look at your own actions and words and see how this contributes to conflict within the relationship. If you make positive changes, it will change your relationship for the better.

4. Stonewalling Stonewalling occurs when one person refuses to respond

to an issue or walks away. This can leave the other feeling angry and ignored. Although it can be good to leave for a quick time out when things get heated, it should not be left unaddressed for very long. Stonewalling may start out with good intentions (i.e. “I won’t say anything because I don’t want to argue,”) but what tends to happen is that you don’t let it go. Resentment starts to build up until a later time when there is an explosion of emotions, complaints, and criticism.

To avoid stonewalling, the issue should be addressed shortly after the issue comes up, in a respectful way. Emotions should be part of the dialogue, which has the effect of softening the impact of words. For instance, “I felt hurt when you didn’t ask me if I wanted to help plan the birthday party,” rather than, “You never ask me to be a part of your life. You’re so insensitive!”

Addressing the other person’s behaviour in a calm, respectful manner can have a positive effect on relationships. Making the effort to change the way you speak to others in your life can go a long way towards improving your own wellness.

After all, do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?

Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Fe Ryder, now retired, was one of the first five nurses who settled in Winnipeg in 1959. They worked at the Misericordia Hospital and were among the first Filipinos to arrive in the province. Photo published in Pilipino Express in 2016. Courtesy of the Ryder family.

There is no question that Canada is desperately seeking internationally trained nurses (ITN) to work in Canada. All provinces are facing a severe shortage of registered nurses and they are working to remove obstacles for nurses trained abroad.

The College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba announced in November 2022 that they would accept applications from those who do not have landed status in the country. This opened opportunities for nurses currently inside the country on temporary immigration status, visitors, students, and overseas foreign workers to start the process of obtaining the necessary license to work as a registered nurse inside the province. The provinces are currently offering cash incentives up to $10,000 to induce nonpracticing registered nurses back to the workplace.

British Columbia recently announced that it is removing some of the barriers for internationally trained nurses to register with the province. BC is no longer requiring application fees and providing new financial support to nurses returning to practice after an absence. The province will now cover application costs and assessment fees, which can cost more than $3,500 as well as up to $4,000 per applicant to cover assessments and travel costs for returning nurses.

“Supporting nurses is key to our work to making health care accessible to all British Columbians. Still, the demand for nurses is outpacing the supply,” said Premier David Eby. “There are talented and skilled nurses with the right experience who want to

Provinces move to address the nursing shortage

practice in BC and support highquality care, but they are kept on the sidelines by an expensive and complicated registration process. Whether a nurse was trained in or out of the province, we are ready to welcome those who are ready to care for British Columbians.”

The incentives in British Columbia have been in place for several years. The BC government announced $12 million in bursaries for IENs back in April 2022. Since the funding was introduced 5,000 people have expressed an interest in nursing in British Columbia and 2,000 applicants are working towards the completion of the registration and assessment process. More than 90 per cent of nursing applications received by the BC College of Nurses and Midwifes came following the cash incentives.

Ontario is another province working to hire and retain IENs. Last fall, Ontario made similar strides toward smoothing the path for IENs. In October, the Ontario Ministry of Health, the College of Nurses of Ontario, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario implemented several changes, such as: allowing internationally educated nurses to register in a temporary class and begin working sooner while they work towards full registration; making it easier for non-practicing nurses by being more flexible in allowing time for reinstatement; and introducing an independent practice registration class for physicians from other provinces and territories, making it easier to work up to 90 days in Ontario.

Like BC, Ontario is temporarily covering the cost of fees for examinations, applications, and registration

fees for the College of Nurses of Ontario, which can go as high as $1,500. Finally, Ontario has invested $764 million to provide Ontario nurses with up to $5,000 as a retention bonus.

The changes introduced by the provinces are significant but only go part way to addressing the occupational shortage for registered nurses. It is estimated that by 2028 the country will require a total of 191,100 new nurses, but current graduation rates, retention efforts and even immigration changes will only provide 154,600.

Federal immigration and the provincial nominee programs can also change their restrictions on registered nurses. The Registered Nurse (s) NOC 31301 on the recently introduced NOC 2021 can be included on the occupational demand list for the provinces, with a provision for those who pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). They can be given temporary work status such as the designation of “Graduate Nurses,” while they complete the registration and other requirements required for registration by the College of Registered Nurses of the province in question.

It is necessary for the immigration and health authorities to get together on this issue. Some of the barriers, such as the requirement for permanent status, never made sense and can be dispensed with. The immigration status of the applicant was never an appropriate determinant to declare which foreign trained nurse was able to work in Canada. The NCLEX test passer is an appropriate determinant and should be expanded as part of the recruitment of the foreign trained nurses.

It is time to address the

immigration barriers themselves rather than encourage ITNs to come on work permits as live-in caregivers with approved LMIAs or foreign students pursuing a short-term course in a related field such as x-ray technician.

The option to go around the immigration barriers is tempting and often the only viable route.

The solutions are available but the commitment to change is something that must first occur.

The licensing bodies and the provinces are all changing and

federal immigration must adapt with them if the nursing shortage is to be addressed.

Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.

Phone: 204-956-7845

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Editor-in-Chief: EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN

Associate Editor: PAUL MORROW

Art Director: REY-AR REYES

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Youth Contributors


Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK) Philippine Correspondents: FRANCESCO BRITANICO CRISTY FERMIN JON JOAQUIN AMBETH R. OCAMPO SALES & ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: 204-956-7845 E-Mail: info@pilipino-express.com Sales & Marketing Team: ISAGANI BARTOLOME RODGE LOPEZ NEIL SOLIVEN The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved. Annual subscription rate within Canada: $65.00. For advertising inquiries, call 204-956-7845, or e-mail: E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com.

For as long as I can remember, I have always preferred to be riding on two wheels, be it bicycle, scooter or motorcycle. As a young lad growing up in the Maples, I would be on my BMX from morning until night, with quick pit stops at home for lunch and dinner.

Before getting a driver’s license, this was my main mode of transportation – riding streets from home on Simkin Drive to Mandalay, Inkster and beyond was pretty normal. As I sit here reminiscing of my childhood, I am reminded of a large dirt hill next to the Shell station (where the car wash now sits) on the corner of Jefferson and Adsum

Gearing up for riding season

Buns Master Bakery. Them were the days…

where my friends and I would hit some pretty rad jumps. I got decent air back then. I also fell quite a bit and I have the scars to prove it. Those were the days –sun on my face and wind flowing through my hair. That last part is impossible these days as I am follicly challenged. Nothing will ever beat the long summer days hanging with my friends all while riding my trusted bike.

This past summer, the Burgos Bunch drove back to Winnipeg for a short visit. Each time we do this I usually take a tour of the old neighbourhood to see what’s new. Gone is the large dirt hill by the Shell station along with local favourites like Candy Castle and

After getting my driver’s license at 16, my bike didn’t see much action and started to gather dust. But as much I loved my cars, my passion for two wheels never subsided. It wouldn’t be until 2012 when I cured my insatiable desire to get on two wheels once again – this time, a motorized kind. In May and June of that year, I chronicled in the Pilipino Express News Magazine my time taking the motorcycle safety course with the Manitoba Safety Council. This was an important step in getting closer to my goal of riding a motorcycle. Sadly, I had to put a pause on any frivolous purchases as feeding five kids took priority.

In 2014, I finally saved enough to purchase a Yamaha scooter. I was grinning ear to ear every time I hopped on that bad boy. This proved to be a big benefit when

parking in downtown Winnipeg as I didn’t need to pay for parking when at work; I simply rolled up to any bike stand. That fun didn’t last and only kept it for a few months.

Fast forward to this time last year when I had a mini midlife crisis and felt like I had

to recapture some of my fond memories as a youth. The itch to get back on two wheels became too much to ignore. Naturally, I bought a motorcycle, I mean, I needed to scratch the itch, right?

Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.

Marcos visits Ranara’s wake, vows support

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. vowed on January 30 to extend aid to the bereaved family of Jullebee Ranara, the 35-year-old Filipino household worker whose burnt body was found in a desert in Kuwait on January 21, 2023. Her remains were repatriated to the Philippines on Friday, January 27. The main suspect in her killing was the 17-year-old son of her employer who is now in Kuwaiti police custody.

“I just wanted to offer my sympathies to the family and to assure them that all the assistance that they might need ... for the family and for whatever else, ang pangako ko sa kanila. Kaya naman nagsakripisyo ang anak nila na magtrabaho sa abroad ay dahil may mga pangarap siya para sa kaniyang pamilya. Sinabi ko, noong nawala na yung anak n’yo, kami na lang ang tutupad ng pangarap … Lahat ng assistance na puwede naming ibigay, ibibigay naming, (The reason why their daughter made the sacrifice to work abroad is because of her dream for her family. I said, because your daughter passed away, we will fulfil that dream ... we will give all the assistance we can give),” said Marcos.

Marcos said Ranara’s retirement and death benefits have been turned over by the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) to her family.

He said the OWWA has also extended burial assistance and support for her children’s educational needs. Marcos said that the government will provide scholarships for Ranara’s four children.

“Nabigay na yata yung death benefit na galing sa OWWA. Mayroon kaming hinahandang scholarship…Basta makapagaral nang mabuti at lahat pa ng ibang benepisyo … (I think the death benefit from OWWA has been given. We are also preparing scholarships… As long as her children can go to school and

other benefits). That’s what we are doing for them,” he added.

Bilateral labour pact

Meanwhile, Marcos said the government is also scheduling meetings with the government of Kuwait to review its bilateral labour agreement (BLA) with the Gulf state.

“We are also scheduling bilateral meetings with Kuwait to look at the agreement …We have to see if there are weaknesses in the agreement that allow this to happen and to make sure that those weaknesses are remedied so that the agreement is stronger … we’ll be more supportive of our workers and furthermore that we hope this will not happen again to anyone of our countrymen,” he said.

After Ranara’s killing, the Department of Migrant Workers said it would review the BLA that was signed to protect the rights of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) by allowing them to keep their passports and mobile devices, which Kuwaiti employers would apparently confiscate from OFWs. The BLA was signed in 2018 following the Philippines’ imposition of an OFW placement ban on Kuwait after a domestic worker was killed and stuffed into a freezer inside an abandoned apartment in Kuwait. However, this ban was lifted shortly after. Another ban was imposed in 2020 after two OFWs died at the hands of their employers in 2019. This ban was lifted just one month later in February 2020.

Congested temporary shelters OFW Party List Representative Marissa “Del Mar” Magsino urged the government to address the predicament of OFWs stranded in congested temporary shelters run by the Philippine Overseas Labor Offices (POLOs), now known as the Migrant Workers Offices (MWOs).

In a privilege speech, Magsino said hundreds of the country’s OFWs were reported to have gotten sick while cramped in shelters,

awaiting their repatriation.

The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) and the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) earlier said there were 421 OFWs, both documented and undocumented, that have been in refuge in a Bahay Kalinga (Home Care) in Kuwait.

Magsino learned that the shelter has been congested since it can only accommodate around 200 persons, adding that most of those in the shelter were victims of various forms of abuse by employers and many of them were getting sick or suffering from depression.

Although the DMW immediately addressed the situation in Kuwait, “this is just symptomatic of deeper and more crucial issues,” she said.

“The real and persistent problems here are the intertwined challenges of maltreatment of our OFWs by their employers forcing them to run away; the status of our shelters run by the government through our POLOs, now known as MWOs; and our government’s repatriation funding and system for distressed OFWs,” she said.

With reports from Zaldy De Layola/PNA/PCO

President Marcos Jr. visits the wake of slain overseas Filipino worker Jullebee Ranara in Las Piñas City on Jan. 30, 2023, to extend his sympathies to the bereaved family. Marcos assured Ranara’s family that they would receive assistance from the government. (Photos courtesy of PCO)

Dirty Linen

Powerful story, strong cast ensemble

ABS-CBN launched its much-anticipated revenge-driven Kapamilya series Dirty Linen. The drama has a powerful cast lead by Janine Gutierrez and Zanjoe Marudo. It also features newly minted love team (aka FranSeth) Francine Diaz and Seth Fedelin

They are joined by acclaimed actors Joel Torre, Tessie Tomas,

Susan Africa, John Arcilla, and Angel Aquino. Other cast members are Epy Quizon and Ping Medina, as well as Rans Rifol, CJ Navato, Xyriel Manabat, Raven Rigor, and Liza Diño. Christian Bables is expected to showcase his talent in the series, while Jennica Garcia is taking on her first starring role in a Kapamilya teleserye.

The show’s premise revolves

around a group of individuals attempting to avenge their family members’ inexplicable disappearance. Characters have their own secrets up their sleeves. With just a few episodes in, viewers have already given Dirty Linen good reviews.

Dirty Linen is directed by Andoy Ranay and Onat Diaz.


Zanjoe Marudo, Janine Gutierrez, Francine Diaz & Seth Fedelin

Premier Stefanson overhauls cabinet

Four new ministers will lead the renewal of Premier Heather Stefanson’s cabinet as she completes the third of four steps to refresh executive council to ensure the Manitoba government is better able to get things done quickly for the benefit of all Manitobans.

On January 30, the overhaul of executive council puts Stefanson’s stamp on her team while also marking a significant departure from previous cabinets over the past decade.

“While retaining the experience of ministers including Kelvin Goertzen, Rochelle Squires, Jeff Wharton, Cliff Cullen, I am excited to welcome fresh new energy and ideas from James Teitsma, Janice Morley-Lecomte, Kevin Klein and Manitoba’s firstever Muslim MLA, Obby Khan,” said Stefanson.

Janice Morley-Lecomte (Seine River) joins cabinet as minister of mental health and community wellness. James Teitsma (Radisson) becomes minister of the reframed Department of Consumer Protection and Government Services. Ibrahim (Obby) Khan (Fort Whyte) becomes minister of sport, culture and heritage. Kevin Klein (Kirkfield Park) will serve as minister of the refreshed Department of Environment and Climate Change.

The new ministers were sworn in earlier today in an historic ceremony at the Legislative Building, as the premier joined Lt.-

Gov. Anita Neville and Kathryn Gerrard, clerk of the executive council.

Other changes to executive council include:

• Cliff Cullen continues as deputy premier and assumes the role of minister of finance.

• Jeff Wharton becomes minister of economic development, investment and trade.

• Jon Reyes will serve as minister of the newly established Department of Labour and Immigration.

• Eileen Clarke becomes minister of Indigenous reconciliation and northern relations.

• Sarah Guillemard will serve as minister of the reframed Department of Advanced Education and Training; and

• Andrew Smith moves to the Department of Municipal Relations and retains responsibility for Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation.

Additionally, Josh Guenter (Borderland) will serve as legislative assistant to finance to play an integral role in the government’s upcoming prebudget consultation process, Stefanson noted.

The fourth and final step of Manitoba government renewal, a shuffle of deputy ministers, will occur in due course, Stefanson added.

Source: Manitoba Government

Jon Reyes, the minister of the newly established Department of Labour and Immigration with Lt. Governor Anita Neville Minister Jon Reyes with his wife, Cynthia, and his parents, Reynold and Letty Reyes

Filipino blood donors asked to roll up sleeves

Blood is critical to our survival. Its important functions enable us to live a healthy, meaningful life. Unfortunately, due to many factors, some people need to receive blood donations from other people. Hence, Canadian Blood Services (CBS) must often make appeals for life-saving blood and plasma donations.

Pilipino Express recently spoke with Brett Lawrence, the Community Development Manager for Donor Relations & Collections at Canadian Blood Services.

PE: Tell us about the CBS event coming up this month.

Brett: During the month of February, we have over 1,600 open appointments to fill at 777 William Avenue to help patients in need.

PE: How are the current national and provincial blood inventories?

Brett: Canadian Blood Services continues to meet the needs of patients in Manitoba and all over Canada. We have seen an increase in donations and prebooked appointments across the country since December when we called for donors to fill 25,000 open appointments by the end of the year. We have also returned to our normal operations and can safely distribute blood products.

The strong response from blood, plasma and platelet donors helped replenish several key blood groups. However, the inventory of blood and blood products is still not where it needs to be. More donors are needed to restore the blood supply to an optimal level and grow Canada’s plasma supply.

It is important to remember that the reason Canadian Blood Services can supply the lifesaving products to patients is because of people giving about an hour their time and rolling up their sleeves to donate. All over the country people are doing this. Strangers are helping strangers. There is always a need for blood. We need 100,000 new donors each year to come into one of our donor centres to offer their help and maintain the national donor base.

PE: In Manitoba, what are the factors influencing or hindering people to donate blood?

Brett: Winter is a challenging time to collect blood, platelets, and plasma. Winter activities and weather impacts in Manitoba and other parts of Canada, and

an influx of seasonal viruses and illness often disrupts donor attendance.

PE: Is there a particular type of blood that is most needed now?

Brett: All blood types are needed and can be used to help patients in need.

O-negative blood donors are especially needed because this blood type can be transfused to any patient. In times of emergency or for newborn patients, O-negative blood, the universal blood type, makes a lifesaving difference.

Regular blood donations are also needed to ensure platelets are available.

PE: Do blood donations expire?

Brett: Red blood cells have a shelf life of 42 days and platelets have a shelf life of seven days. Platelets are a vital blood component. One of the most common uses for platelets is to treat cancer patients. Therefore, it’s so important that people continue to come in to donate to replenish the blood supply.

PE: Is there a particular need for blood donations from the Filipino community?

Brett: Canadian Blood Services is looking for donors of all ethnic backgrounds to help meet the needs of patients in Canada. Blood type is related to ethnicity, and types that are more common in other countries may be rare in Canada.

Filipino donors are uniquely positioned to help patients who need a specific rare blood type called Jk3. Jk3 is one of the most difficult rare blood types to match, which is one reason Canadian Blood Services is always seeking blood donors of Filipino and Polynesian descent. The rarer a person’s blood type, the more difficult it is to find a donor if that person suddenly needs matched rare blood for a transfusion.

If both your parents are of Filipino descent, please check your eligibility online at blood. ca/eligibility. If you’re eligible, please book an appointment using blood.ca, by calling 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-2366283) or by downloading the GiveBlood app.

Canadian Blood Services’ Rare Blood Program strives to ensure that rare blood is available for anyone in need. Once you’ve booked an appointment, please send your full name and date of birth, as well as the date, time, and location of your appointment to rarebloodprogram@blood.ca.

This will help us identify your donation for additional testing.

If your blood is Jk3, we will send you a letter to inform you. Even if it’s not, you are a match for another patient in need and we hope that you will continue donating. Make blood donation a part of your life

Canadian Blood Services is responsible for operating a safe, secure, and affordable national blood system that ensures access to blood and blood products in Canada. Donations to our

national inventory system can go to any patient in all provinces and territories outside of Quebec.

CBS and the Pilipino Express encourages donors to return to donate, to be an advocate for blood donation, and to bring in their friends or family to donate along with them.

Brett: We ask new and current donors to make blood, plasma, and platelet donations a regular part of their life, to re-book their next appointment today, and to keep donating in 2023.

Everyone who can is

encouraged to donate. Ask a family member, friend, or colleague to book an appointment to donate at the same time as you. You can also donate as a group by joining or starting a Partners for Life team. Together, you can make donating blood or plasma a new meaningful tradition.

Visit blood.ca, use the GiveBlood app, or call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888236-6283) to find and blook an appointment at a donor centre near you.


MLA Mintu Sandhu meets his constituents

The MLA for The Maples, Mintu Sandhu, reached out to his constituents with a meet and greet event held on January 15, 2023, at the Amber Trails Community School.

MLA Sandhu and his guests discussed various topics such as health care, education, local infrastructure and immigration (Manitoba Provincial Nominee Programme).

Among the guests who attended the event were MLA for Transcona Nello Altomare; MLA for Burrows Diljeet Brar; Principal Navjeet Kambo of the Amber Trails Community School; Cruz Woloski, President, Colombian Alliance in Manitoba; and temporary foreign workers

and international students. From the Filipino community: Catherine and Ernesto Ofiaza Jr., Employment Coach and Settlement Worker at Seven Oaks Immigrant Services; Leila Castro of the 204 Neighbourhood Watch; Wilma Gaburno; and members of The Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers (MAFTI).

MLA Sandhu hosted the event with the help of his constituency assistants: Beth Campomanes, Sanjit Sidhu, Gurbax Brar, and Anandjot Dhillon.

Residents of The Maples are welcome to visit MLA Sandhu and his staff at the constituency office: 103-1730 Leila Ave. Winnipeg or e-mail Mintu. Sandhu@YourManitoba.ca.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023 was commemorated at the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba on January 25 with a showing of the documentary Rescue in the Philippines. The film tells the story of how President Manuel Quezon saved hundreds of Jewish refugees from the Holocaust during World War II by issuing visas to the Philippines. The event was presented by B’nai Brith Advocacy, the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada, Bridges for Peace, and the 204 Volunteers.

Mas malakas pa ang sigaw ng mga magulang at kamag-anak kumpara sa mga estudyanteng nanonood sa laban ng basketball league na pinagbibidahan ng mga magagaling na estudyanteng mula sa mga Pilipinong pamilya. Kaunti na lang at medyo napapamura na ang mga high-blood na fans para i-bash ang mga maling tawag daw ng referee. Kung hindi pabor sa kanilang team ang tawag ni ref ay mabibingi ka sa sigaw ng mga ito. Parang nasa Pilipinas ang dating. Parang laban lang ng Ginebra. Parang nasa kanto lang kung magpamalas ng kabastusan ang ilan sa mga panatikong nanonood.

Ito namang si coach na Pilipino rin ay walang habas kung i-pressure ang kaniyang mga players. Kung sigawan ni coach ang mga bata sa harap

Ang mala-barangay na Ginebra culture

mga magulang.

ng maraming tao ay parang napakabobo na ng mga bata. Kawawa naman at tila natotraumatize ang mga players dahil sa malupit na istilo ni coach. Feeling yata ni coach ay nasa professional basketball siya. Feeling niya yata ay may karapatan na siyang sigawan ang mga bata dahil nagkataong coach siya.

Kung may mga stage parents sa tanghalaan o showbiz ay mayroon din namang mga parents na pilit na itinutulak ang kanilang mga anak na ma-involve sa sports kahit ayaw naman ng mismong may katawan. Maraming mga parents ay tila mga frustrated “Jaworski” kaya’t pinipilit ang kanilang mga anak na maging mahusay sa ganitong larangan para sa kanilang pansariling satisfaction. Selfish ang ganitong

Isa pang karakter na madalas nating makita sa mga sports events ay ang mga taong marunong pa sa coach pero ayaw namang mag-volunteer na magcoach. Sila itong mga sobrang daldal at tila alam lahat pero ayaw namang tumulong sa team. Puro ngaw-ngaw at puna pero wala namang kontribusyon para maimprove ang team. Ang daming ganito. Ang daming sports expert wannabe.

Lumalabas ang tunay na ugali ng tao sa mga sitwasyong biglaan at nakaka-pressure. Kung gusto mong malaman kung gaano kahaba ang patience ng tao ay pumunta ka sa isang sports event. Dito ay magkakaroon ka ng ideya sa ugali ng tao lalo na’t kung ang tao ay isang player, coach at maging miron lamang o nanonood lang.

Masarap manood ng basketball o anumang hilig nating sports, pero masarap ding obserbahan ang kulturang makikita sa mga tao dito. Minsan ay matatawa ka na lang at mapapailing. Minsan ay masosorpresa ka sa mga iba’t ibang behaviour ng tao. Hindi mo aakalain na ganoon pala

ka-pikon o ka-bastos ang ilang mga indibidwal kapag nasa gitna ng pressure. Tunay nga na maituturing natin na isang sukatan ang sports event sa ugali ng tao regardless kung sila man ang manlalaro o manonood.

Ilang taon din tayong hindi nakapanood ng mga live sports competitions dahil sa COVID. Isa siguro itong dahilan kung bakit marami sa atin ay super-excited at hyper na hyper kapag nanonood ng mga tournaments.

Marami rin ang walang control ang bibig. Nakakahiya mang sabihin pero maraming Pilipino ang mariringgan mo ng pagmumura dahil sa frustration, excitement at emosyon.

Sa mga magulang, lagi sana nating isipin na nandoon tayo para suportahan ang ating mga anak na manlalaro. Tayo ang matatanda na dapat ay makikitaan ng respeto at sportsmanship. Huwag naman sana sa atin makita ng mga bata ang kabastusan.

Isa pa, bitbit natin ang pagiging Pilipino sa mga pampublikong events at lugar. Sana ay maging maingat tayo sa ating mga kilos para hindi naman masabing ang ating lahi ay mga pikon.

Ang panonood ko ng sports event ay isang magandang distraction para sa akin from my usual busy schedule. Nanonood ako nito para maglibang at suportahan ang aking team but not to the point na ako ay makikipagaway at makikipagmurahan sa iba. Sayang ang efforts ko. Isa pa, maha-high blood lang ako. Kaya relax lang.

Let us support our team! Magcheer tayo para sa kanila! Let us celebrate with them panalo man o talo!

Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.



Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

9. Uri ng kahoy

10. Lawa

11. Ibayo 12. Iluto sa mantika



Philippine Air Lines 11. _____ Kat
Unang bilang 15. Una sa takdang oras 16. Dakilang damdamin 18. Siniyasat 19. Notang musikal 21. Sabi nila 22. Tipo ng dugo 23. Liping minorya 25. Barkilyos 26. Nakaraan 27. Isang kaloob ng hari 29. Handog 30. Inihaw 32. Bigay 33. Iwanan PABABA
Pagtanaw ng utang na loob
Hudyat sa taguan
Sabaw ng sinaing
Indigenous People
Hindi makapagsalita
prutas 22. Mapanirang insekto 24. Tupad 26. Biyaya mula sa langit 28. Diwata 29. Handog 31. Panawag pansin 32. United States PAGE 14 PILIPINO EXPRESS FEBRUARY 1 - 15, 2023
17. Ikopya 20. Mabutong

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