Pimagazine Asia Volume 10 Issue 4

Page 5

Pay attention: LockerGoga and Trisis/Triton demand an improved cyber security strategy The need for a solid cyber security strategy has been discussed and debated for almost half a century now and yet the basic worm-type attacks first documented back in 1972 are still with us today. Why? Because even the most basic measures

ticket” item t hat would be expensive

thinking, for some reason, often is not

to protect control systems from

to replace — you protect that asset with

applied. Cyber experts are still struggling

these types of attacks are still not

insurance. And even though you can’t

to convince senior management they

systematically employed.

see it or feel it, you know, instinctively,

need to spend money to protect their

that it’s worth the money. You sleep

control system assets.

It’s hard to believe that there are still

better at night knowing you have it and it

thousands of systems in operation

would be a high-priority item to reacquire

But major security events starting in

today without any basic security

if you lost it — especially if it contributed

2017 set off alarm bells in board rooms

controls in place. If you own a car, a

to your livelihood. But, when it comes

across the industrial world. Two viruses,

house or a boat — just about any “big-

to control system cyber security, this

WannaCry and NotPetya, wreaked


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