Power Insider Asia Volume 11, issue 2

Page 1


iT’S in oUr hAndS The Hydrogen Economy

Microgrids and Distributed Generation

Limiting Climate Change

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conTenTS Editors Note .......................................................................................................................... 3 The emerging Hydrogen Economy .................................................................................. 6 Australia’s Hydrogen future ............................................................................................ 20 Is advanced nuclear the answer to global energy problems?................................... 22 Q&A with Clive Turton, CEO, Vestas Asia Pacific.........................................................25 Case Study...........................................................................................................................28 Gas turbine components life extension clinic ............................................................. 30 The role of Generator Sets in the new landscape of Microgrids ..............................33 The importance of exploring the Hydropower potential in India’s northeast ......38 Limiting climate change by switching to hydropower ...............................................46 Attracting investment in Hydro Power ...........................................................................51 Building a case for distributed generation in Asia.......................................................56 Are Micro-grids the answer to energy poverty? ..........................................................58 Australia’s Sun Cable project ............................................................................................61 Cyber Security is critical for Asia’s smart cities ............................................................64 Advertisers Index ...............................................................................................................66



9 _ 13 N OV E M B E R 2 0 2 0 S









Distinguished Speakers Include

Toh Seong Wah CEO Energy Market Company, Singapore

Mohd Yusrizal Mohd Yusof Managing Director TNB Renewables, Malaysia


Akihiko Taniguchi Executive Officer Global Partnership JERA, Japan


Geert Bunkens CFO ENGIE Asia-Pacific, Thailand


C-Level Buy Side Median Executives Management Audience

Simon Li President & GM Asia Pacific Trina Solar, China


Ingo Birnkraut CEO & MD RWE Technology International, Germany


Countries Asian Attendees Represented

Supporting Partners

Powerweek - Asia

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*T&C Apply



The Emerging Hydrogen Economy Michael Joyce, Kelvin Mahal Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP



There are several reasons hydrogen is

Natural Gas Reforming Process

again receiving serious consideration

At present, the majority of the world’s

The worldwide demand for energy

as an alternative energy source.

hydrogen is produced through the

continues to grow at a substantial

In addition to a global desire for

natural gas reforming process, which

rate. The World economic Forum

more environmentally friendly fuel

involves using high-temperature

predicts that by 2050, global energy

sources, improvements in hydrogen

steam to produce hydrogen from a

demand will be between 30 to 40

technologies, increasing government

methane source such as natural gas.

percent higher than today, even on the

support for climatefriendly fuel

This method is currently the cheapest

assumption that the world becomes

diversification (e.g., in countries such

and most efficient method by which

much more energy efficient . At

as Japan, Korea and germany) and

hydrogen is produced and can be

present, the majority of the energy

changes in global energy policy, in

coupled with carbon capture and

sources the world depends on release

emission standards and in the global

storage technology to reduce the

greenhouse gas emissions, particularly

technology landscape (such as the rapid

carbon emissions produced in the

carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere.

deployment of intermittent renewables

hydrogen production process.


that require grid-scale storage for As such, the renewables sector has

system stability) all help to support the


focused on developing renewable

argument for developing the hydrogen

Hydrogen can also be produced by

and clean energy resources such

economy. It is also generally recognized

means of ‘gasification,’ which is the

as solar, wind, nuclear, hydropower

that hydrogen has the potential to

process of, for example, releasing

and biofuels as alternatives to fossil

decarbonize a range of industries.

gaseous hydrogen compounds

fuels. However, hydrogen is set to

from coal or biomass utilizing high-

make a return to the mainstream as

A rising star of the renewable energy

temperature steam and oxygen in

the international community seeks

sector, hydrogen is a versatile and

a pressurized gasifier. The resulting

to respond to the world’s energy and

environmentally friendly resource which

gas contains hydrogen, which is then

climate challenges, particularly in light

produces only pure water and heat when

reacted with steam to separate the

of the targets set by the 2015 Paris

combusted. Although hydrogen has

hydrogen. This process can also be

Climate Agreement and recent climate

been traditionally used as a feedstock

coupled with carbon capture and

activism around the world.

in several industrial processes (such as

storage technology to reduce carbon

ammonia synthesis and the refining of

emissions produced through the

crude oil), recent developments have

gasification process.

What is the ‘Hydrogen Economy’?

shown that hydrogen can also be used for a number of applications, including

Renewable Liquid Reforming

The term ‘Hydrogen economy’ refers to

electricity generation, transportation

Like with natural gas reforming/

the vision of using hydrogen as a clean,

and storing energy from intermittent

gasification, this process involves

low-carbon energy resource to meet

renewable sources.

reacting renewable liquid fuels, such as

the world’s energy needs, replacing

ethanol, with high-temperature steam

How is Hydrogen Produced?

to produce hydrogen near the point of

Council, the international hydrogen

As hydrogen does not occur naturally


market could be worth up to US$2.5

in a pure form, it must be produced

Another commonly used method of

trillion by 2050, meeting 18 percent

from other compounds such as oil,

producing hydrogen is electrolysis,

of global energy demand, providing

natural gas and water. There are various

which uses electricity to split water

30 million jobs around the world and

methods by which hydrogen can be

into hydrogen and oxygen. This

reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 6

produced, which are outlined in more

method also provides the potential for

gigatonnes per year .

detail below .

establishing a zero-emission fuel chain

traditional fossil fuels and forming a substantial part of a clean energy

end use.

portfolio2. According to the Hydrogen




FEATURE: Hydrogen Economy

if the electrolysis process is powered by

out pure hydrogen gas from ammonia,

renewable energy generated from solar

which can then be used, for example,

or wind. In doing so, the process of both

in fuel cell vehicles5.

Potential Methods of Hydrogen Production A number of hydrogen production

producing and then subsequently using hydrogen to generate energy would not

The advantages of extracting hydrogen

methods are currently in development

produce any greenhouse emissions.

from ammonia are that:

and are summarized below6.


Due to its chemical composition,

It should, however, be noted that,

the production of hydrogen

High-Temperature Water Splitting

currently, the production of hydrogen

from ammonia does not release

This method aims to use high

from water requires the use of fresh

greenhouse gas emissions.

temperatures that are generated by

It is much easier to transport

sources such as solar concentrators or

production of hydrogen from seawater

hydrogen in the form of ammonia

nuclear reactors to drive chemical reactions

requires the development of new

that in a pure gaseous or liquid

that split water to produce hydrogen.

technologies to achieve commercial

form (as will be discussed in

viability. In geographies where fresh

greater detail below). If hydrogen

Photobiological Water Splitting

water is itself a precious commodity,

can be produced from ammonia

This method intends to make microbes,

the production of hydrogen requires a

at the point of need (using,

such as green algae, consume water

two-step process: (i) the production of

for example, the hydrogen

in the presence of sunlight to produce

fresh water by means of desalination

membrane technology from

hydrogen as a byproduct.

technology, followed by (ii) the

CSIRO), it will be easier and

application of electrolysis for hydrogen

cheaper to organize supply chains

Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

production. Despite this additional step,

to support the use of hydrogen.

Similar to high-temperature water

water as the base material. The direct


splitting, photoelectrochemical water

the process has the benefit of being capable of implementation by utilizing

Extraction from liquid organic hydrides

splitting aims to produce hydrogen from

existing and proven technologies.

Technologies for the extraction of

water using special semiconductors and

hydrogen from liquid organic hydrides

energy from sunlight.

Currently, the production of hydrogen from water requires the use of fresh water as the base material

such as methylcyclohexane (MCH) are under consideration. MCH is produced

Uses of Hydrogen

from toluene and hydrogen, and both toluene and MCH exist in a liquid form

Power Generation

at ambient temperatures and pressures.

A hydrogen fuel cell produces

Hydrogen is removed from the MCH

electricity by combining oxygen

through a catalytic process, and the

and hydrogen, with this combustion

resulting toluene can be reused as the

process generating electricity and

base for the production of MCH.

producing only water and heat as byproducts. Small hydrogen fuel cells

Extraction from Ammonia Ammonia is a colorless inorganic

MCH is also capable of safe storage

can power items such as laptops and

compound of nitrogen and hydrogen

and transportation using existing

cell phones, while at the other end of

(NH3), usually found in gaseous form

technologies. However, at present there

the spectrum, larger hydrogen fuel cells

with a pungent odor. Much research

is no commercial scale project utilizing

can provide electricity for powering

has been undertaken into finding

an MCH value chain.

buildings. As such, hydrogen has the

methods of extracting hydrogen from

ability to generate power on small,

ammonia, such as that undertaken


medium and large scales, which makes

by the Commonwealth Scientific

Fermentation involves converting

it a very attractive option for helping

and Industrial Research Organisation

biomass into sugar-rich feedstocks

countries and corporations meet their

(CSIRO) in Australia. The CSIRO has

that can then be fermented to

decarbonizaton targets.

created a metal membrane that filters

produce hydrogen.



of being refilled in a manner similar to cars fueled by gasoline. Outside motor vehicles, hydrogen is already being used to power trains in both the United Kingdom and germany and is also being tested as a fuel source for powering other modes of transportation, such as aircraft, ships and material handling vehicles such as forklifts and tow trucks10, illustrating that hydrogen can power several modes of transport outside of normal automobiles An example of hydrogen fuel cells

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and

and further demonstrating its

being used as the sole energy resource

Hitachi) and general electric have been

decarbonizing potential and versatility.

to generate electricity for buildings is

particularly focused on developing such

the three-story building at SP group’s

turbines, testing natural gas containing

It is also worth noting that many

training center in Singapore, the first

hydrogen contents ranging from 30

countries, particularly in Asia, have set

100 percent zero-emission building

percent to 90 percent. By blending

ambitious targets to get more FCVs on

in Southeast Asia powered by green

hydrogen with natural gas, the carbon

their roads. China, the world’s biggest

hydrogen. The building uses solar panels

emissions created by the combustion

automobile market with 28 million

to generate power, which is then utilized

process can be significantly reduced. For

vehicles being sold annually, is aiming for

in an electrolysis process to produce

example, general electric has found that

more than 1 million FCVs to be in service

hydrogen. The hydrogen is then stored

using a 5 percent blend of hydrogen in

in the country by 2030, compared with

in tanks, where it bonds with metal

the natural gas supply to a gas turbine

just the approximately 1,500 currently

alloy powders to form a metal hydride.

can reduce annual carbon dioxide

in use11. Japan, with sales of 5 million

When electricity is required, the stored

emissions by nearly 19,000 metric

vehicles annually, is looking to have

hydrogen is then released and passed

tons, using a 50 percent blend reduces

800,000 FCVs sold by 2030, up from

through on-site fuel cells to generate

carbon dioxide emissions by 281,000

its current level of 3,40012, and South

electricity. This hydrogen system was

metric tons and using a 95 percent

Korea, whose automobile market is one-

developed by SP group in conjunction

blend reduces carbon dioxide emissions

third the size of Japan, has set a target

with Japan’s Marubeni Corporation and

by 1.04 million metric tons9. Other

of selling 850,000 FCVs in the country

Tohuku University and the building is an

companies are also undertaking research

in the same time frame, up from the

example of how a zero-emission supply

into hydrogen-only fired turbines.

current level of 3,00013.

Transport (Fuel Cells Electric Vehicles)

Hydrogen Energy Storage

Many automobile companies, such as

Hydrogen energy Storage (HeS) is the

Moreover, several major power

Hyundai, Toyota/Lexus, Honda and

process of storing energy in the

companies (including Mitsubishi Power

Mercedes-Benz, have undertaken

form of hydrogen. Stored as hydrogen

Systems, general electric, Siemens

substantial investment to develop

for use in fuel cells, for example,

energy and Ansaldo energia) are

hydrogen-powered vehicles, which

hydrogen is an alternative to battery

developing gas turbines that can operate

possess both a longer range and much

storage. Intermittency, one of the

using a fuel containing a high volume

shorter refueling times when compared

key issues facing wind a solar power

of hydrogen8, offering another method

to electric vehicles. These vehicles are

generation (i.e., the sun doesn’t

by which hydrogen can be used for

called ‘Fuel Cell electric Vehicles’ (FCVs)

always shine nor the wind blow), can be

power generation on a large commercial

and contain hydrogen fuel cells and

resolved either by:

scale. MHPS (a joint venture between

hydrogen storage tanks that are capable


chain can be established when using hydrogen as an energy resource.




Using hydrogen fuel cells for power generation during periods when power cannot be produced from wind or solar.


Using wind and solar to produce hydrogen, e.g., from hydrolysis, and then utilizing the power per point 1 above.

Japan, one of the leading countries in hydrogen development, has set a goal of becoming the world’s first ‘Hydrogen Society,’

Production of hydrogen utilizing wind

for the games (which is part of a longer term goal of deploying 200,000 such vehicles in the next six years19) and powering the Athlete’s Village with hydrogen. In addition to the number of Japanese automobile companies that have been developing FCVs (such as Toyota, Honda and Lexus), a number of other Japanese companies have also invested heavily in hydrogen. For

and solar when coupled with hydrogen

in hydrogen. In the United States,

example, in March of 2018, a group of

storage and transportation solutions

the funding provided by the U.S.

11 Japanese companies (including JxTg

(discussed further below) effectively

Department of energy for hydrogen

Nippon Oil & energy Corporation,

also allows wind and solar energy to be

and hydrogen fuel cells has ranged

Tokyo gas Company and Iwatani

“transported” in the form of hydrogen

from approximately US$100 million to

Corporation) launched a venture

and converted back into electricity (for

US$280 million per year over the last

called Japan H2 Mobility, which aims

example, by fuel cell) when needed. The

decade, with approximately US$150

to build 80 hydrogen fueling stations

HeS process can also be utilized to store

million per year being invested in

by 202220, with 12 stations already

energy from other renewable and non-

hydrogen by the U.S. Department of

nearing completion.

renewable energy sources. The hydrogen

energy since 201716. Japan’s Ministry

produced by the HeS process is most

of economy, Trade and Industry has

Major Japanese power utility electric

commonly stored as compressed gas,

also budgeted hydrogen funding

Power Development Co., Ltd (known

but can also be stored as cryogenic

of approximately US$560 million

as “J-Power”), in conjunction with

liquid at very low temperatures, similar

for 201917, while China has also

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Marubeni

to liquefied natural gas (LNg). Other

announced hydrogen transport industry

Corporation, Iwatani Corporation and

methods by which hydrogen can be

investments of more than US$17 billion

Sumitomo Corporation, and Australian

stored include using metal hydride

through to 2023.

energy company AgL Ltd., with support from the Australian national and

materials (referred to above) as well as various chemical hydrides . 14

Japan, one of the leading countries

Victoria state governments, are building

in hydrogen development, has set

the world’s first coal-to-hydrogen

The benefit of using HeS is that it can

a goal of becoming the world’s first

demonstration project. Located in

address much longer storage timescales

‘Hydrogen Society,’ which includes

Victoria, Australia, the approximately

than batteries. For example, solid-state

plans to build 900 hydrogen-refueling

AUD$500 million project will produce

batteries are best suited to discharge

stations in the country by 2030 .

hydrogen from the gasification of brown

times of four hours or less, while HeS

Japan’s energy ministry has also set

coal and then liquefy the hydrogen for

can address longer duration needs

ambitious goals in the lead up to next

shipment21. Akin gump Strauss Hauer

(days, weeks or longer) by simply adding

year’s Olympic games, intending to

& Feld LLP is advising J-Power on its

more storage tanks or on-site hydrogen

deploy 100 hydrogen fuel cell buses

participation in this project. The project


production similar to the SP group

aims to demonstrate the technologies

building referred to above15.

needed to potentially develop an integrated commercial-scale hydrogen

Recent Developments

supply chain that encompasses production, transportation and storage,

given its numerous uses and

with a goal of delivering liquefied

decarbonizing potential, countries

hydrogen in a similar manner to

and corporations around the world

LNg. The project is the first initiative

are intensifying their investment

proposing to transport mass quantities


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of hydrogen across open waters using

that it wanted the country to become

Netherlands. Meanwhile, Uniper Se has

an innovative liquefied hydrogen ship

“the number one in the world” for

established a pioneering gas-to-power

(which Kawasaki Heavy Industries

the technology and announced that

plant, which is the world’s first facility to

is currently developing22 with the

20 new research laboratories would

turn wind energy into a stored asset in

first such ship being launched on 13

receive a total of €100 million a year

the gas grid.

December ). When combined with

to test new hydrogen technologies

geo-sequestration of unwanted

for industrial-scale applications26. In

In the United Kingdom, the U.K.

gasses produced from the coal

addition, natural gas pipeline owners

government has recently unveiled a

gasification process, the entire supply

in germany have asked the german

£12 billion plan to use 4 gigawatts of

chain can effectively be greenhouse

government for rules that would allow

offshore wind for renewable hydrogen

emission free.

them to carry more hydrogen in their

production, which is scheduled to

pipelines. The world’s first passenger

begin in the early 2030s29. Hydrogen

Japanese company Chiyoda Corporation

train powered by hydrogen fuel

interests in the U.K. have also attracted

is also planning to demonstrate an

cells, which can run for up to 1,000

international investment, with The Linde

international hydrogen supply route by

kilometers on a tank of hydrogen

group recently investing £38 million

importing up to 210 tons of hydrogen

and store excess energy produced by

for a 20 percent stake in London Stock

(enough to fill 40,000 FCVs) in a

the fuel cell in on-board lithium-ion

exchange-listed technology developer

demonstration project in 2020 .

batteries, also began operating in

ITM Power30. London’s Metropolitan

germany in September 201827.

Police Service has added 11 Toyota Mirai



IHI Corporation also announced in

cars fitted with hydrogen fuel cells to

September of this year that it had

germany’s biggest companies are also

its fleet of responsive vehicles, and in

started construction on a 1,000

making substantial investments in

Scotland, a project which successfully

square-meter hydrogen facility

hydrogen . Siemens Ag announced

used tidal power to produce hydrogen

in Fukushima, which will focus on

in July of 2019 that it was building a

has been awarded €12 million in funding

developing hydrogen carriers, including

hydrogen laboratory system in eastern

to develop a hydrogen power system

ammonia and methane, which can

germany, with german Chancellor

for the car and passenger ferries that

be used in the logistics steps of a

Angela Merkel hailing the move as a

connect the Orkney archipelago31.

hydrogen supply chain25.

“milestone.” eON Se, a major utility company, is working on a project to

In France, taxi company Hype, which

In germany, hydrogen is now seen

blend hydrogen into natural gas grids

currently has a fleet of 100 FCV taxis

as an important option to fill the

at much higher rates than at present.

from Hyundai, is aiming to add a further

energy gap left from the impending

RWe Ag and Innogy Se are jointly

500 FCV taxis from Toyota by the end

closure of nuclear stations and the

evaluating a large-scale facility to

of 2020, with the company’s ultimate

phase-out of coal-fired power. In

produce green hydrogen close to Innogy

goal being a completely zero-emission

2019, the german government stated

Se’s Westereems windfarm in the

taxi industry in France by the 2024



Olympic games32. France also deployed

hydrogen economy, detailing how

at the same time that the costs of both

its first hydrogen-powered passenger

the U.S. can expand its global energy

hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cells have

bus in September 2019, and the

leadership by scaling up its activity in

fallen. The rise in Ballard Power’s share

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region in France

the fast-evolving hydrogen industry37.

price has also been attributed to an

recently committed €200 million

Commenting on this road map, Morry

investment from a substantial Chinese

towards 1,000 hydrogen-powered

Markowitz, President of the Fuel Cell and

investor, as well as rising speculation that

vehicles and 15 electrolyzers . In the

Hydrogen energy Association, noted

there will be an upcoming mainstream

U.S., the majority of investment in

that in addition to hosting more than

adoption of hydrogen fuel cells40.

hydrogen has been focused in California,

half of the world’s FCVs, the U.S. also

where there are currently 40 hydrogen-

has more than 25,000 hydrogen fuel

refueling stations and 7,000 FCVs in

cell material handling vehicles, as well as

use (the U.S. already accounts for more

more than 8,000 small-scale hydrogen

than half of the world’s FCVs on the road

fuel systems in 40 states and more than


). The California Fuel Cell Partnership

550MW of large-scale hydrogen fuel

As the third most abundant element

(CFCP) aims to increase these numbers

cell power either installed or planned.

on earth, hydrogen can be found in

to 40,000 FCVs on its roads by 2022

Mr. Markowitz also noted that hydrogen

resources including water, natural

and 200 hydrogen refueling stations

could strengthen the U.S. economy by

gas, coal and biomass, meaning that

by 2025 . In early 2019, the CFCP

up to US$140 billion per year in revenue

there is no possibility of running out of

started work on building a large-scale

and generate 700,000 jobs by 2030,

hydrogen, unlike fossil fuels, which are

liquid hydrogen production unit, with a

while by 2050, it is estimated that

limited in their supply.

capacity to produce nearly 30 tons of

hydrogen will contribute US$750 billion

hydrogen per day, which will be able to

to the U.S. economy per year, generate


fuel 35,000 FCVs. Moreover, Microsoft

3.4 million jobs and meet 14 percent of

The biggest advantage of using hydrogen

is studying how to use hydrogen fuel

U.S. energy demand38.

as an energy resource is its ability to



cells in their servers. general electric has

Advantages of Using Hydrogen

decarbonize a variety of industries,

also installed over 70 gas turbines in the

In Canada, Ballard Power Systems Inc., a

including the transportation and power

U.S. that previously have or currently are

hydrogen fuel cell company, has recently

generation industries. As detailed above,

using various levels of hydrogen as part

seen its shares climb significantly after

hydrogen fuel cells combine hydrogen

of the gas being used to power

40 years of never posting a profit, with

with oxygen to produce energy, with the

these turbines .

its stock being the best performing

only byproducts of this process being


stock on the S&P/TSJ Index in 2019 .

water and heat. This makes hydrogen a

A coalition of major oil & gas, power,

The reasons behind this rise are the

very attractive alternative to fossil fuels,

automotive, fuel cell and hydrogen

introduction of more restrictive emission

particularly given that if hydrogen is

companies have also come together

rules and stricter emissions targets

produced using energy from renewable

to develop a “Road Map” to a U.S.

across the world, which have occurred

resources (as explained above), then not



FEATURE: Hydrogen Economy

only will industries be decarbonized,

While hydrogen is widely available, the cost of producing hydrogen is expensive

but the whole chain of producing and using hydrogen as an energy resource will be one that does not produce any harmful emissions or pollutants. As such, hydrogen possesses significant potential to assist with decarbonizing numerous industries and is, accordingly,

solar and wind resources in Australia or Latin America to cities thousands of kilometers away, enabling renewables to make an even greater contribution to the global energy mix44.

Challenges Facing Hydrogen

an attractive renewables option for

of gasoline42. In addition to the

many countries and corporations around

emissions-free nature of hydrogen use


the globe.

in FCV’s, they can also achieve better

While hydrogen is widely available,

fuel economy that vehicles using

the cost of producing hydrogen is

internal combustion engines.

expensive given the time and energy


required to separate hydrogen from

Hydrogen is a very efficient energy resource, particularly in comparison to

Also, while FCV and electric

other elements45. While the methods

more traditional fossil fuels. For example,

motor vehicles are not necessarily

of producing hydrogen are becoming

the traditional internal combustion

technological rivals (indeed, many

more cost-efficient, the cost of

engines operate at a very low efficiency

see them as complementary), FCVs

producing hydrogen remains high in

level (approximately 25 percent), while,

do have the advantage (based on

comparison to other renewable energy

according to the Connecticut Hydrogen

present technology) of faster refueling

resources and, in particular, fossil fuels.

Fuel Cell Coalition, a stationary hydrogen

and longer range (as FCVs can store

As such, the primary challenge for

fuel cell, when used with heating and

additional hydrogen as fuel). Powering

hydrogen production is to reduce the

power systems, can have an efficiency

Existing Renewables The International

cost of producing hydrogen to make it

level that exceeds 80 percent41.

Energy Agency (IEA) has noted that given

competitive with other energy resources.

hydrogen’s capacity to act as a short- or

This is particularly so when combined

Furthermore, hydrogen fuel is also

long-term storage medium, hydrogen

with the costs involved in storing and

more efficient than energy resources

can assist with storing energy from

transporting hydrogen, as well as the

such as gasoline (a fuel cell coupled

intermittent sources such as renewables,

costs of building the infrastructure

with an electric motor is two to

storing this energy when demand is low

required to support hydrogen as an

three times more efficient than an

and deploying it when required (see the

energy resource on a commercial level,

internal combustion engine running

paragraph on ‘Hydrogen Energy Storage’

all of which are examined below.

on gasoline) and by weight contains

above). Moreover, the IEA has also

more energy; for example, 1 kilogram

noted that hydrogen (and hydrogen-

However, it is important to note that

(2.2 pounds) of hydrogen gas contains

based fuels) can transport energy

the costs of producing, storing and

about the same amount of energy as

from renewables over long distances,

transporting hydrogen as well as building

1 gallon (2.8 kilograms, 6.2 pounds)

such as from regions with significant

the necessary infrastructure have been


steadily decreasing. In addition, countries such as Japan have firm targets in place in order to try and make hydrogen more costcompetitive (for example, Japan has set a target for reducing the cost of hydrogen by one-third by 2030, from the current price of US$10 per kg (2.2 pounds) to US$3 per kg)46. There is also collaboration between the Japanese government and Japanese industry to help reduce prices for hydrogen fuel cells,



which involves (i) extending its current

Liquefied Hydrogen Tankers:

transporting other energy resources such

fuel cell program to reduce the price of

This method involves cooling

as fossil fuels, storing and transporting

hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cells; (ii)

the hydrogen to a temperature

hydrogen is still not currently deemed

beginning the large-scale introduction of

where it becomes a liquid.

suitable for general commercial use from

hydrogen power generation and supply

While the liquefaction process is

a cost perspective50.

infrastructure; and (iii) establishing a

expensive, it enables hydrogen to

zero-emission supply system throughout

be transported more efficiently (in


the manufacturing process47. The cost

comparison to using tube trailers)

A substantial amount of the energy

of producing energy from hydrogen fuel

over long distances by truck, railcar,

infrastructure currently in place around

cells is also decreasing.

ship or barge.

the world is designed to support the use of fossil fuels, such as oil pipelines and

Storage and Transportation One of hydrogen’s properties is that it has a low density, meaning that it must be stored in a highly pressurized environment or in a liquefied state. Hydrogen must also be stored at low temperatures to ensure that is both efficient and effective as an energy resource. Furthermore, hydrogen needs to be transported in a highly pressurized or liquefied state at low temperatures, making it more expensive to move in comparison to fossil fuels such as

While hydrogen has a high energy content by weight and is an efficient energy carrier, it does not have a high energy content by volume, presenting a particular challenge for storage

coal power plants. As explained above, specialized equipment and infrastructure is required to transport and store hydrogen, let alone generate power. While the infrastructure required to support the use of hydrogen is gradually being installed around the world, particularly in countries like Japan, it is not at a sufficient level to support the commercial use of hydrogen. For example, a commonly cited challenge to FCVs is a lack of refueling stations, which are costly to build (although it

oil and coal. Accordingly, at present, hydrogen is usually only transported

Furthermore, while hydrogen has

is also thought that a lack of refueling

in small quantities and requires

a high energy content by weight

infrastructure is due to there being an

specialized supply chains and logistical

and is an efficient energy carrier, it

insufficient number of FCVs on the road

arrangements in order to make sure it is

does not have a high energy content

to make refueling stations profitable

transported safely and effectively. The

by volume, presenting a particular

given their high cost51). When combined

three main methods by which hydrogen

challenge for storage49. Consequently,

with the high costs of generating,

is currently transported are48:

in order to store sufficient quantities

storing and transporting hydrogen, it is

of hydrogen gas, for example, it will

unlikely that hydrogen will be able to

Pipeline: This method involves

need to be compressed and stored at

rapidly replace lower-cost alternatives

using a pipeline to transport

high pressures, necessitating specialist

(such as gasoline).

hydrogen, similar to pipelines that

pressure relief devices and equipment

are used to transport oil and gas,

for both safety reasons and to ensure

A more cost-effective option

and is the least expensive way to

that the correct pressure is maintained.

may be to use or modify existing

deliver large volumes of hydrogen. •

energy infrastructure (such as gas

High-Pressure Tube Trailers:

As a result of these requirements,

infrastructure) in order to transport

This method, which is generally

the costs of storing and transporting

and store large quantities of hydrogen,

expensive, involves transporting

hydrogen remain high even though

which is what german company FNB

compressed hydrogen by truck,

these have gradually been decreasing,

Posch has suggested should occur in

railcar, ship or barge in high-

particularly over recent years as

germany. The company is looking to

pressure tube trailers and is

investment in hydrogen has intensified.

carry a mandated share of renewable

generally used for distances of 200

These high costs mean that, in

and decarbonated gases, including

miles or less.

comparison to the costs of storing and

biomethane, synthetic methane and



hydrogen, starting at a blend of 1

of hydrogen fuel cells being used to

It is clear that hydrogen has the

percent in 2021 and rising to 10

generate power. As the costs associated

potential to form a substantial part

percent by 2030 . This would also

with hydrogen continue to decrease, it is

of the global energy mix as countries

help increase the uptake of hydrogen

hoped that governments, corporations

and corporations strive to meet their

as an energy resource, fueling the

and individuals will begin to take up

climate change and decarbonization

growth of hydrogen, and will likely

and install the technology required to

targets. The many applications and

lead to a decrease in costs given that

support a hydrogen economy at a faster

benefits of using hydrogen to generate

it would allow hydrogen to benefit


energy make it particularly appealing


from the economies of scale that

and are core reasons governments

would result from an increased uptake

Safety and Environmental Concerns

and corporations globally are making

in hydrogen energy.

One of the main challenges facing the

substantial investments into hydrogen.

vision of a hydrogen economy is the

Hydrogen’s versatility and multiple

Uptake of Technology

safety and environmental concerns that

applications, along with its ability reduce

Like with the infrastructure required

exist with regards to hydrogen given its

greenhouse emissions, increase energy

to support hydrogen, the pace of the

properties and characteristics. Hydrogen

security and support the deployment

uptake of the technology required

is a highly flammable element that

of renewable energy sources such as

to support hydrogen as an energy

can cause explosions when leaked.

wind and solar make it very likely to play

resource has not been as fast as was

This property of hydrogen can make

a significant part in the world’s future

initially hoped. For example, and as

it dangerous in enclosed areas such

energy mix.

mentioned above, it is often said that

as underground tunnels or carparks.

the lack of refueling stations for FCVs

Hydrogen is also odorless and its

While hydrogen faces various

is due to there being an insufficient

flames are almost invisible to the naked

challenges (particularly as to the

number of FCVs on the road to justify

eye, presenting challenges for both

costs of its production, storage and

building more refueling stations, which

safety and detection54. environmental

transportation in addition to the

are themselves expensive. Moreover,

concerns also arise with hydrogen, as

infrastructure required to support its

the costs of hydrogen technology,

current technology means hydrogen

use as an energy resource), recent

although decreasing, remains high

is generally made from fossil fuel

developments have shown that

compared to more traditional sources


progress is being made on all of

(for example, a Toyota Mirai FCV costs

these, providing the foundation for

US$46,200, which is about 50 percent

Advances in the technology used to

hydrogen to become a widely used

more expensive than a Toyota Camry,

generate energy from hydrogen as

energy resource around the globe.

which runs on a conventional gasoline

well as the implementation of strict

Consequently, it appears that the

engine) .

standards and regulations regarding

outlook for the future of hydrogen as an

the use, transportation and storage of

energy resource remains promising.


Furthermore, the uptake in the

hydrogen have helped to reduce these

technology required to produce, store,

risks and regulate the use of hydrogen

transport and use hydrogen as an

so that it is used both safely and in

energy resource on both industrial

an environmentally friendly manner.

and commercial scales has not been

However, the perception regarding the

as fast as anticipated given the cost

environmental and safety problems

and complexities involved in building

associated with using hydrogen still

such infrastructure. In addition, there

persist and will need to be addressed

has been reluctance to invest in such

in order for hydrogen to be used on a

infrastructure until there has been

wide-scale and commercial level.

a wider uptake in hydrogen power, such as an increase in the number of

What Does the Future Hold for

FCVs on the road and/or the number




Endnotes 1.

2. 3.

World Economic Forum – ‘Why



‘IHI Breaks Ground on Hydrogen

energy’ – 22 May 2018.

November 2018.

Research Facility’ – 5 September

The Guardian – ‘What’s the ‘hydrogen

Hydrogen Energy Storage’ – 1

Petroleum Economist – ‘Hydrogen

November 2018.

Hydrogen in Quest for Clean Energy Economy’ – 2 August 2019.

Alternative Fuels Data Center

Review and Peer Evaluation (DOE

countries are pioneering hydrogen

– ‘Hydrogen Production and

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program,

power’ – January 2019.


2009 through 2019).

CSIRO Website – ‘Hyper for


International Partnership for

27. World Economic Forum – ‘These

28. Bloomberg – ‘Germany Turns to Hydrogen in Quest for Clean Energy

hydrogen: our world first for carbon-

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the

Economy’ – 2 August 2019.

free fuel’ – 22 November 2018.

Economy – ‘Country Update for

29. Green Tech Media – ‘10 Countries

U.S. Department of Energy:

Japan’ – April 2019. 18. StateImpact – ‘Amid global push

Moving Toward a Green Hydrogen Economy’ – 14 October 2019.

– ‘Hydrogen Production and

to reduce carbon emissions, Japan


looks past battery-powered electric

Moving Toward a Green Hydrogen

Channel News Asia – ‘SP Group

cars and envisions a ‘hydrogen

Economy’ – 14 October 2019.

launches first zero-emission building

society’’ – March 2019. 19. StateImpact – ‘Amid global push

30. Green Tech Media – ‘10 Countries

31. World Economic Forum – ‘These countries are pioneering hydrogen

hydrogen’ – 30 October 2019.

to reduce carbon emissions, Japan

PowerMag – ‘High-Volume Hydrogen

looks past battery-powered electric

32. New Mobility News -

Gas Turbines Take Shape’ – 1 May

cars and envisions a ‘hydrogen

33. Green Tech Media – ‘10 Countries

GE Reports – ‘The Hydrogen

society’’ – March 2019. 20. CNBC – ‘How Toyota is helping Japan

power’ – January 2019.

Moving Toward a Green Hydrogen Economy’ – 14 October 2019.

Generation: These Gas Turbines Can

with its multibillion-dollar push to

34. Thomas – ‘New Report Offers Road

Run On The Most Abundant Element

create a hydrogen-fueled society’ –

Map to U.S. Hydrogen Energy

In The Universe’ – 7 January 2019. 10. Hydrogen Europe – ‘Hydrogen 11.

26. Bloomberg – ‘Germany Turns to

and Fuel Cells Program: Annual Merit

2019. 9.

16. U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen


U.S. Department of Energy:

in Southeast Asia powered by green 8.

15. AZO Materials – ‘Understanding

economy’?’ – 11 October 2012.

Alternative Fuels Data Center


25. Ammonia Energy Association –

Hydrogen Energy Storage’ – 1

scales up’ – June 2018. 4.

14. AZO Materials – ‘Understanding

hydrogen could be the future of green

26 February 2019. 21. Reuters – ‘Japan’s Kawasaki set to

Leadership’ – 7 November 2019. 35. Air Liquide – ‘Hydrogen mobility


trial Australian hydrogen exports in

around the world – Episode 2: United

Reuters – ‘Explainer: Why Asia’s

2020’ – 19 July 2019.

States and China, the giants’ – 6

biggest economies are all backing

22. Kawasaki Heavy Industries Website

hydrogen fuel cell cars’ – 29

– ‘Hydrogen – Transportation &

September 2019.


12. Reuters – ‘Explainer: Why Asia’s

23. PortNews - Kawasaki Heavy

biggest economies are all backing

Industries launches the world’s

hydrogen fuel cell cars’ – 29

first liquefied hydrogen carrier – 13

September 2019.

December 2019.

13. Reuters – ‘Explainer: Why Asia’s

24. CNBC – ‘How Toyota is helping Japan

September 2019. 36. GE Reports – ‘The Hydrogen Generation: These Gas Turbines Can Run On The Most Abundant Element In The Universe’ – 7 January 2019. 37. Thomas – ‘New Report Offers Road Map to U.S. Hydrogen Energy Leadership’ – 7 November 2019.

biggest economies are all backing

with its multibillion-dollar push to

38. Thomas – ‘New Report Offers Road

hydrogen fuel cell cars’ – 29

create a hydrogen-fueled society’ –

Map to U.S. Hydrogen Energy

September 2019.

26 February 2019.

Leadership’ – 7 November 2019.



39. Hydrogen Fuel News – ‘Hydrogen fuel cell company shares take off after

14 June 2019. 45. U.S. Department of Energy

51. Reuters – ‘Explainer: Why Asia’s biggest economies are backing

4 decades of decline’ – 8 November

– ‘Hydrogen Production and

hydrogen fuel cell cars’ – 25



September 2019.

40. Hydrogen Fuel News – ‘Hydrogen fuel

46. Mistubishi Hitachi Power Systems –

cell company shares take off after

‘All eyes are on hydrogen’ – 16 March

4 decades of decline’ – 8 November 2019.

2019. 47. PowerMag – ‘High-Volume Hydrogen

41. Future of Working – ‘18 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells.’

Hydrogen in Quest for Clean Energy Economy’ – 2 August 2019. 53. Reuters – ‘Explainer: Why Asia’s

Gas Turbines Take Shape’ – 1 May

biggest economies are backing


hydrogen fuel cell cars’ – 25

48. U.S. Department of Energy –

42. U.S. Department of Energy -

52. Bloomberg – ‘Germany Turns to

Alternative Fuels Data Center

September 2019. 54. ‘The Current Hydrogen Economy

Alternative Fuels Data Centre –

– Hydrogen Production and

and Its Challenges’ – November 2015

‘Hydrogen Basics.’


(Stanford University Coursework).

43. The International Energy Agency

49. Hydrogen Tools – ‘Hydrogen

Website – ‘The Future of Hydrogen’ – 14 June 2019.

55. The Current Hydrogen Economy and

Compared With Other Fuels.’

Its Challenges’ – November 2015

50. Future of Working – ‘18 Advantages

(Stanford University Coursework).

44. The International Energy Agency Website – ‘The Future of Hydrogen’ –


and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells.’


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AUSTrALiA’S hydrogen FUTUre Australia is a nation built on natural

are being forced to grapple with

solution for Australia. Hydrogen has

resources. They have fortified our

an escalating environmental crisis

2.4 times the energy of natural gas.

economic growth and lifted our

that calls for lower emissions and

It is abundant, transportable, and

prosperity. They created generations

cleaner economies. Australia is in

when produced from water has the

worth of jobs and income for

the same position and has slowly

capacity to become the linchpin to

regional communities. Their boom-

awoken to the reality that it must

Australia’s shift to renewable and

and-bust cycles are part of our

decarbonise its energy supply to

low-carbon energy generation. But as

national identity and the peaks and

meet its international commitments,

Finkel rightly noted, hydrogen is not a

troughs of modern Australia.

and in the longer term, decarbonise

silver bullet. It will be one part of what

its minerals sector.Advertisement The

must be a multi-technology energy

transition from coal is an evolution –

future, including natural gas and coal

not a revolution – and it’s happening

as bridging fuels between our previous

in slow motion. Today, we rely on it for

reliance on resources and renewable

electricity, jobs and revenue, and will


continue to do so for many decades to come. It still forms the basis for many

Our existing gas and coal resources not

CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall

of our strongest trade relationships.

only give us a head start on hydrogen,

with a mini-hydrogen fuel cell.

Countries such as South Korea rely

they are crucial to an orderly transition.


heavily on coal to fuel their industrial

Hydrogen from coal – with carbon

growth. But governments around the

capture – could even bridge the divide

Australian coal has powered Asia’s

world have begun positioning their

between clean energy advocates and

industrial development, but it is

countries for the transition, and the

the resources sector.

now time that hydrogen launches

governments that are best prepared

its future. Australia must be ready

are looking to hydrogen.

to capitalise on this opportunity.

The transition will take decades, but in South Korea, hydrogen is already

The world – and our trading

Last week, Australia’s Chief Scientist,

a reality. It has developed a roadmap

partners – are moving away from

Alan Finkel, sounded the clarion

to build a “hydrogen economy”. By

our national stalwart. Countries

call for hydrogen as a major energy

2040, hydrogen gas will account for 5


per cent of its gross energy. Korea has

which describes the hydrogen

Corporation for clean hydrogen

simultaneously begun to phase out

export industry as a critical piece

development at the last election.

coal and nuclear energy, driven by a

of our future by 2060, and our

Australia can become a global

national plan to captivate investment

Chief Scientist released a National

hydrogen powerhouse; a renowned

and provide renewable energy for its

Hydrogen Roadmap.

exporter of renewable energy. We have

households and industry that by 2030

gas networks that can switch to 100

will account for 20 per cent of total

The business community is betting

per cent hydrogen and the technical

electricity generation.

big. Hydrogen was the focus of the

expertise to deliver emissions-free

joint meeting between the Australia-

energy to every Australian household

Korea Business Council and Korea-

and business. We have willing private

Australia Business Council in Sydney

sector investment and world-class

last year. Macquarie group has made

universities producing innovative

substantial investments through

hydrogen technology.

the Asia Renewable energy Hub in the Pilbara, Fortescue has partnered

The decades-long death knell for

Simon Crean, the chairman of the

with the CSIRO to develop hydrogen

coal could herald the ascendancy of

Australia-Korea Business Council,

fuel technologies, and Woodside is

hydrogen as our key national export.

with Australia’s chief scientist, Alan

partnering with Korea gas Corporation

What we need is the political will to

Finkel, and the chairman of H2Korea,

to study the feasibility of a green

capture the market. If we don’t, another

Jaedo Moon.

hydrogen pilot project.

country will. The time is now.

In Australia, we’re planning for

Critically, hydrogen has broad

Simon Crean is chairman of the

the shift. Our Resources Minister

bipartisan support, with the

Australia-Korea Business Council,

met South Korean officials in

Morrison government opening

and a former minister in the Hawke,

November to promote our potential

public consultations on a national

Keating, Rudd and gillard

as a hydrogen supplier. The

hydrogen strategy, and Labor

Labor governments.

CSIRO recently released its latest

committing $1 billion in funding

Australian National Outlook report,

for the Clean energy Finance


iS AdVAnced nUcLeAr The AnSWer To gLoBAL energy ProBLemS? Is Advanced Nuclear the answer to global energy problems?

Concern theeffects climate Concern aboutabout the climate

effects ofthe man-caused COnuclear has prompted gigantic 2 emissions down country’s remaining to develop advanced nuclear reactor investments into so-called renewable energy sources: wind, solar, hydropower and of man-caused CO2 emissions has power plants by 2022. technologies as the key to eliminating source biofuels. Meanwhile, in a huge mistake, nuclear energy – a reliable 2-free power prompted gigantic investments into world CO dependence on fossil fuels –a producing 14% of the world’s electricity – has been left far behind. so-called renewable energy sources: Would it not be more rational, if we goal that could never be attained by the wind, solar, hydropower and biofuels.

believe that human emissions of CO

so-called renewable sources alone.

source producing 14% of the world’s

rather than shut it down? Last December

versatile test reactor. illustration: US

2 Germany provides a bizarre example, albeit not the only one. Here the government’s are destroying the planet, to expand Meanwhile, in a huge mistake, nuclear commitment to its so-called climate goals has been combined, paradoxically, with the nuclear energy as quickly as possible, energy – a reliable CO2-free power Design of Bill gates’s TerraPower-Hitachi decision to shut down the country’s remaining nuclear power plants by 2022.

electricity been far behind. Would–ithas not beleftmore rational,

german DOe who remain destroying ifthe weinfluential believe that magazine human Der emissions ofAddressing CO2 arereaders

Spiegel ran story with as the title, “Can terrified of nuclear Spiegel the planet, to expand nuclear energy asa quickly possible, rather than shut energy, it down? germany provides a bizarre New Reactor Concepts Save UsSpiegel from the ran writes: “According estimates, Last December theexample, inßuential German magazine Der a story withtothe title, 800 ÒCan New Reactor Concepts Save Us from the Climate Collapse?Ó The article reports albeit not the only one. Here the Climate Collapse?” The article reports on 000 people die every year fromon the how numbers of international investors and Þrms, including and his TerraPower, government’ s commitment to its sohow numbers of international investors Bill Gates smoke produced by coal, containing are climate engaged in abeen race to develop nuclear technologies assuch theaskey called goals has combined, andadvanced firms, including Bill gates reactor and toxic substances sulfurto dioxide, eliminating world dependence on fossil fuels – a goal that could never be attained by the But paradoxically, with the decision to shut his TerraPower, are engaged in a race nitrogen oxides, mercury or arsenic. so-called renewable sources alone.

Design of Bill GatesÕs TerraPower-Hitachi versatile test reactor. illustration: US DOE Addressing readers who remain terriÞed of nuclear energy, Spiegel writes: ÒAccording to estimates, 800 000 people die every year from the smoke produced by coal, containing 22 | POWER INSIDER VOLUME 11 ISSUE 2 toxic substances such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury or arsenic. But concepts must also be demonstrated for how to dispose of the toxic substances contained in usedup photovoltaic cells.Ó

concepts must also be demonstrated for

new reactor concepts are on the table,

construction of new coal power plants,

how to dispose of the toxic substances

which addresses those issues and could

which are the single biggest source of

contained in usedup photovoltaic cells.”

completely redefine the role of nuclear

CO2 emissions by human activity. Since

energy in the world economy.

the start of 2018, China has brought 42.9

The magazine explains that “energy

gigawatts of new coal-fired power plants

generation nearly always claims

I shall describe some of these reactor

online, with another 121.3 gW under

victims and creates some pollutants.

concepts in a bit of detail. But first

construction and 200 gW or more in

The question is, what costs and risks

I should try to establish clarity on a

various stages of planning.

are we ready to accept? What should

crucial point. India also continues to expand its coal

we fear most: global warming, which is sure to come, or a possible regional

I believe we are facing a branching point in

power capacity, with 36 gW under

reactor catastrophe? The objections to

global energy policy. What should be the

construction. Last July the Indian power

nuclear energy are justified. But in view

priority? Assuming it should be a goal to

ministry’s chief engineer declared that

of climate change, is it right to reject

drastically reduce world emissions of CO2

coal-fired power generation capacity

nuclear technology altogether?”

in the medium and long term – which I

is expected to rise by 22.4% in the

don’t want to argue about here – is it wise

coming three years. The ongoing

New reactor designs such as the traveling

to invest so much in renewable energy

expansion of coal power in China

wave reactor, the molten salt reactor

sources, as many nations are doing today?

and India does not reflect a lack of

and small modular reactors promise

Or should we allot only a limited role to

concern about pollution and climate

to be much safer and cheaper than

the renewables, and go for a massive

change; the problem lies above all in

conventional nuclear power and have

expansion of nuclear energy instead?

the economic, physical and technical

broader ranges of applications. Some

constraints under which these nations

could even “burn” nuclear waste as a

Note: nuclear energy in this article

fuel – eliminating the need for very long-

signifies only fission energy, presently

term storage of radioactive material,

the only established means for large-

The simple fact is, that in the

which is a major argument against

scale energy generation by nuclear

foreseeable future no amount of

nuclear energy. Standardised modular

processes. Promising developments in

investment into renewables, however

construction would allow nuclear

next-generation technologies that may

large, will be sufficient to eliminate

reactors to be factory-produced in much

become game-changers for a future

humans’ dependence on coal, oil and

shorter times.

generation, which we may group under

natural gas. That is, unless we are willing

the shorthand term “cold fusion,”. First

to collapse the world economy.

must design their energy policies.

On this basis, a massive expansion

let’s deal in more detail with a very big

of nuclear power worldwide might

question: To what extent could so-called

If we are really committed to reducing

be accomplished within the space

renewable energy replace the use of

CO2 emissions, then there is no way

of 10-15 years. The rapid build-up of

fossil fuels?

around nuclear energy, and lots of it.

nuclear power in France, in response to

According to Bloomberg New energy

The reasons are elementary.

the 1973 “oil shock,” provides a certain

Finance, $288.9 billion was invested into

historical precedent.

renewable energy in 2018, the bulk of

Suppose that by some means we could

which went into wind and solar energy.

completely eliminate the use of fossil

Despite this, CO2 emissions worldwide

fuels for transport and heating. This

continue to grow relentlessly.

is hardly conceivable without greatly

New agenda There is no doubt that nuclear energy

increasing the global consumption

is back on the world agenda, even

China, for example, leads the world

of electricity, which can already be

for many of those who have been

in the size of its investments into

projected to more than double over

bitterly opposed to it in the past. And

renewable energy, with over $100 billion

the next 25 years. Where will all the

nuclear energy – in the form used

invested in 2018 alone. At the same

electricity come from?

today – still has serious problems. But

time China also leads the world in the



If we insist on “CO2-free” sources of

it impossible to fit the output curve to

the same capacity. I mentioned biogas.

electricity, then the number of realistic

the demand curve, even approximately.

electricity production from biogas

options is small. When it comes to

Solar panels produce no electricity at

could be included as “CO2-neutral” in

large-scale power production they are

all at night, of course, and not much on

the sense that the CO2 emitted by the

limited essentially to hydroelectric,

rainy and overcast days. The electricity

combustion of biogas ultimately derives

wind, solar and nuclear energy.

output from wind power installations

from the photosynthetic capture of

electricity generation from biofuels,

can fluctuate wildly even from one hour

atmospheric CO2 by crop plants.

which can claim to be “CO2-neutral”,

to the next, and even when averaged

might contribute a few additional

out over a large region. In contrast,

The World Bioenergy Association

percent. Unfortunately, economically

conventional or nuclear power plants

estimates that biogas has the future

viable hydropower is limited to

provide a continuous, steady supply of

potential to provide an amount of

certain geographical locations, and

electricity, at power levels which can be

energy equivalent to about 25% of that

its potential for further expansion is

precisely controlled.

presently generated from natural gas (in all its uses) in the world economy.

strongly constrained by environmental, economic and social factors as well

Quite apart from the intermittent

If 100% of that biogas were used to

as very long lead times for large

character of solar and wind energy, the

produce electricity – which is highly

projects. Leaving these problems aside,

so-called renewable energy sources

unrealistic – this would cover about 5%

hydroelectricity might hypothetically

all suffer from the drawback of low

of today’s electricity consumption.

be increased to about three times its

intrinsic power density: the renewables

present level in the long term. given the

require vastly larger areas and/or larger

Large-scale biogas production – as

projected growth of electricity demand,

numbers of operating units to reach

opposed to smaller-scale utilisation of

the share of hydropower could at best

the same output as a modern, compact

organic wastes – de facto means using

grow from 16% today, to 25% in 2050.

coal, gas or nuclear plant.

agricultural crops as solar collectors. Unfortunately, photosynthesis in

Where will the other 75% come from? Under typical weather conditions of

plants is 10 times less efficient in

Wind and solar power have some

central europe, for example, it takes

capturing solar energy, than modern

obvious strong points. They require

some thousands of large wind turbines,

solar cells. This makes the production

no supply of fuel and their total

or solar cells covering a total area of

and use of biofuels for large-scale

capacities can be expanded quickly, at

the order of 100 square kilometres, to

electricity generation an extremely

relatively low unit cost, as is occurring

generate the same yearly quantity of

resource-intensive process, requiring

today around the world. At the same

electricity as a single 1 gW conventional

large land areas, water resources,

time, wind and solar energy have a

or nuclear power plant. Building a

machinery, transport and labor

fundamental drawback: their output

wind turbine capacity of 1 gW requires

per unit output – resources that

fluctuates depending on conditions that

50-100 times as much steel and

might otherwise be applied to food

are outside human control. This makes

cement as a nuclear power plant with

production and other uses.


Questions and Answers wih Clive Turton, CEO, Vestas Asia Pacific

1. Tell me about yourself and your role

of smart, driven people who share my

as CEO, Asia Pacific at Vestas

passion for the renewable industry and for building a clean, sustainable energy

I grew up in Australia, and have

industry in Asia. As the CeO of Vestas

2. How does Asia Pacific differ from

been living overseas for more than

I get to see close up the birth of new

other regions where Vestas operates?

20 years. I have lived and worked

clean energy projects across the region

in the US and europe but I have

– from Australia one day, Mongolia the

Asia Pacific is a high growth market;

made my home in Singapore and

next, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India and

the most important market for growth

the Asian region. I began my career

so on. We are construction, operating

in the global energy market. By 2040,

as a corporate lawyer in Sydney,

and developing renewable energy

the power market here will be larger

transitioned across to banking where

projects across fifteen countries and

than the rest of the world’s combined.

I ran the energy and Infrastructure

the growth in activity level for our

As the economics of renewables

group for INg Bank in Hong Kong and

business over the last few years has

improve, wind and solar are

since then have managed a number

been amazing.

increasingly competing with fossil fuels

of energy businesses in the region,

I am extremely passionate about the

as a clean power source to replace coal

before joining Vestas as Asia Pacific

region, and even more so about the

in Asia Pacific.

CeO in early 2017.

regional prospects for the renewable energy industry. Renewables are

However, it is also a highly complex and

I feel extremely lucky to be a

abundant, clean, and increasingly cost

diverse market. There are 11 time zones

regional leader for the world’s largest

effective, and it is clear they will play a

and more than 20 languages across

renewable energy company. We are

vital role in the region meeting its fast-

the 15 markets in which we operate

at an immensely exciting time in the

growing demand for energy.

here. We also serve a diverse customer

history of energy production and to

base, from mature markets like Australia

be part of a world-changing energy

Vestas has always been a leading player

to emerging markets like Vietnam

company in an industry that changes

within the region and now we’re uniquely

and Thailand and then the enormous

and grows and adapts on a daily basis

positioned to capitalize on this growth

potential of India. Our customers range

is very exciting. I am also very lucky

and further expand our leadership as a

from utilities, to independent power

to be supported by a fantastic team

renewable solutions innovator.

producers, to financial institutions, with



a variety of experience in the wind

of power demand in the region. Its

4. Compared with other renewable

energy space.

electricity consumption has increased

energy sources, why is wind the best

by 13% annually since 2000. electricity

option for Vietnam’s energy transition?

Due to this uniqueness, we need to

peak demand is growing at 11% annually

set up a very fast-paced and agile

as investments in the country continue

Vietnam has some of the strongest

organization to tailor our solutions to

to accelerate. Industries are adjusting

wind resources in the Southeast Asian

customer needs.

their supply chain to be less reliant on

region. endowed with more than

neighbouring China, and are attracted

3,000km of coastline, Vietnam has 24

3. What factors are driving the rate

by lower labour costs in Vietnam.

gW of estimated technical potential

of growth of Vietnamese power

Vestas is leading the pack in developing

for onshore wind. Average wind speeds

consumption over other Southeast

new wind projects in Vietnam – we

in Vietnam are 7.2m/s at 100 meters

Asian countries?

closed four of the five deals last year in

height in the top 10th percentile of

this market and we are now deep into

windy areas.

Southeast Asia is primed to become

execution of new projects. Vietnam has

the engine of global economic growth.

a feed in tariff and a government that is

In Vietnam, costs for wind and solar

The region’s electricity consumption

supportive of renewable energy. There

dropped below those of coal in 2017,

has grown by nearly 6% annually since

is considerable interest in this market

meaning renewables are now the

2000, double the world’s average.

from investors the world over and it has

cheapest form of new power generation

the opportunity to be a regional leader

on a Levelized Cost of energy (LCOe)

in the renewable energy industry.

basis. While the average LCOe of coal

With a growing population of 96.7 million, Vietnam is at the forefront

is projected to remain at current levels

Clive Turton Group Senior Vice President President, Vestas Asia Pacific Clive Turton is Vestas Asia Pacific President.

Pacific and VP Business Development at independent

With over 15 years of experience in the region, he has

power development company APR Energy LLC where

built and managed businesses across all sub-markets;

he built and managed APR’s Asia Pacific business,

from South East Asia, China, and India to Korea, Japan and

and extensive board experience from his position as

Australia. His background is within business development,

Non-Executive Director at infrastructure development

asset management, banking and law.

company, Infraco Asia Development.

Clive comes from a position as the CEO of Asia Power

Previously he spent 10 years with ING Bank, N.V. in Hong

Development Platform (APDP), a power generation

King and Singapore where he held positions as Managing

development company established through a joint

Director, Head of Corporate Finance, Asia, and Head of

venture between Australian financial services provider,

Utilities and Infrastructure Group, Asia. Earlier positions

Macquarie and German power generation company,

include Business Development Director at IPP developer

STEAG. APDP is focused on the development,

Mirant Corporation, Hong Kong, Senior Associate at Gide

construction and operation of power generation assets in

Loyrette Nouel, a law firm in Paris, France, and as Solicitor

South East Asia.

at Clayton Utz, a law firm in Sydney, Australia.

Clive also has strong leadership and commercial

Clive Turton holds Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws

experience from his positions as Managing Director Asia-

(Hons) degrees from Australian National University.


through 2030, wind and solar LCOe

This technology reduces disruption

In the end though, our goal for

are set to continue to decline as the

to farming and other activities on

Vietnam, Southeast Asia and every

technologies mature. We project that

land close to the shore, but does not

market that we operate in around the

wind and solar will be cheaper than

require the capital investment for

world is to reduce reliance on polluting

hydropower around 2022.

full-scale offshore wind development.

fuels and bring abundant clean,

It is popular in Vietnam where there

affordable renewable to the markets for

This would be the same story though

are tidal flats surrounding a lot of the

the benefit of consumer, of industry,

in a lot of Vietnam’s neighbours.

coastline in the Mekong Delta where

and ultimately the whole planet.

Wind and solar are fast becoming

there are good wind resources.

the cheapest forms of new energy in

7. Is there anything you would like to

markets across the region and across

6. What are Vestas’s current goals for

the world. Countries that previously

capacity and operations growth both

relied on imported fossil fuels, sending

in Vietnam and the Southeast Asian

Wind and other renewable energy can

money overseas month after month,

region? How close is the company to

play a bigger role in helping Vietnam

are now realising that they can tap

meeting those targets?

meet its increasing energy demand, and

their own indigenous wind and solar

add or reiterate?

bring clean, cheap, reliable energy to

resources to deliver clean, cheap power

Currently, Vestas operates more than

industries and communities.

to consumers without the need to fund

80 MW of wind assets in Vietnam, and

More ambitious wind development

fuel shipments.

won an additional 200 MW of orders

targets, clearer future procurement

in 2019. By virtue of our mature project

framework post 2021 FiT expiry, and a

5. How does an intertidal wind farm

execution record and service set up, we

fit-for-purpose PPA could help Vietnam

differ from traditional offshore projects?

are already the dominant wind solution

move away from its reliance on coal,

provider in the market. It is our goal

attract more foreign investment, as

Intertidal projects are located in the

to maintain our leadership position in

well as bring jobs and cheaper/cleaner

shallow near-shore waters, and use

both Vietnam and Asia Pacific region

energy to its communities.

onshore wind technologies to harvest

as a whole.

wind resources from the sea. Turbines are built on top of raised foundations,

As our business in the region grows, we

using the same foundation technology as

will continue to strengthen relationships

onshore wind farms. The tower, however,

with key customers, provide innovative

is coated in a special paint to prevent

and advanced energy solutions, and

corrosion in the marine environment.

offer market leading products suited to the Asia Pacific region.




Adoption of variable speed drives yields increased plant efficiency, reliability and availability PacificLight Power

in Singapore to be completely fuelled

operations without compromising on

by Liquefied Natural gas (LNg),

reliability, availability and flexibility.

Singapore-based power generation

and is capable of producing enough

and electricity retailer, PacificLight,

electricity to meet the demands

As part of an initiative to reduce

utilizes variable speed drive technology

of all households in Singapore. In

onsite electrical consumption, the

from Siemens to achieve significant

2015, the plant generated over

company elected to modify its two

energy savings and improve overall

9% of Singapore’s total electricity

cooling feed water pumps. Prior to the

plant efficiency.

consumption. PacificLight energy, a

modification, the cooling feed water

subsidiary of PLP supplies electricity

pumps represented over 35% of the

to contestable retail customers.

total unit onsite auxiliary load and were

PacificLight Power (PLP) is a Singapore-based power generator

the highest consumer of internal energy

whose power plant stands as one of

The Need for Greater Efficiency

the most efficient operating units in

With Singapore’s growing energy

the Singapore power market today.

needs, which are currently around

The plant was installed with a

With an installed electrical generating

46,403 gWh per year, coupled with

mechanical throttling valve control

capacity of 800 megawatts (MW), the

the increasingly competitive business

for the feed flow, which consumed

state-of-the-art Combined Cycle gas

environment, PLP recognized the

a considerable amount of energy as

Turbine (CCgT) power plant is the first

need to improve the efficiency of its

the pump motors were running at


within the CCgT plant

constant speed. In addition to vary

integrated transformer and the ability

water cycle, which has reduced

pressure, the upstream high-pressure

to scale the drive for a wide range of

the differential pressure across the

feed water control valve was throttled

voltage and output power. The drive

feed water control valve to a value,

to control the flow, which led to

offers increased availability due to its

which was initially not thought

severe valve erosion.

modular design and ability to bypass

possible. The energy savings from

any one cell during operation.

this project will allow the company

Seeking a Partner with Automation

to realize a return on investment in


Siemens installed the first unit of

Automation is at the heart of today’s

variable speed drives at PLP’s power

CCgT performance and PLP wanted

plant in October 2015, and the second

noise enclosure of the feed water

an automation partner that was

unit in January 2016. Because of the

motor and pump at ambient

dependable and experienced enough to

unique multi-cell topology design,

conditions. The noise level of the

help the company evolve and embrace

the Perfect Harmony converter does

feed water pump motor dropped

system changes in a timely manner.

not cause any significant stress on the

from 89 dBA to 81 dBA, meaning

PacificLight needed a partner that had:

motor insulation or bearings and does

that the plant operator does not

Relevant experience.

not affect the mechanical and electrical

have to wear ear plugs to carry out

Proven concept – with successfully

integrity of PLP’s feed water pump as

patrol inspections.

commissioned products with

it does not require repositioning of

reliable operating history.

the pump and motor. Once installed,

temperature, therefore less chiller

Readily available engineering

the variable speed drives were able to

capacity required.

support expertise in terms of

control the speed of the feed water

quality in on-site field service

pumps and modulated the discharge

The technology has also enabled

personnel, turnaround time,

pressure optimally according to the load

operators to control the speed of the

logistical sourcing of critical/

profile, delivering the required flow at

pump and modulate the discharge

contingency spares, remote

much lower motor power.

pressure of the flow according to the

engineering specialist consultation,

less than 3 years. •

Significant improvement in the

Close to 4% decline in

load profile – delivering the required

and prompt technical update to

Apart from supplying the technology,

alert the customer.

Siemens also contributed valuable

Competitive pricing.

insights and advice leading to increased

flow at a much lower motor power.

reliability of the installed variable

“Throughout the years of working with

Taken the above into account as well

speed drives. Furthermore Siemens

Siemens, the company has consistently

as the detailed understanding that

assisted to train PLP’s duty operators

proven itself in providing robust

Siemens has of PLP’s plant given

and maintenance personnel to ensure

technological solutions that are delivered

its role as ePC contractor in the

maintenance and operations can be

on time, within budget and that often

construction of its 2 x 400MW F-class

conducted smoothly post installation

operate even better than expected. Trust,

Combined Cycle gas Turbines that

by the PacificLight team.

reliability, professionalism and honesty

were completed in 2014, Siemens were selected for the project.

are just some of the values that Siemens Seeing the Results

has demonstrated, and we appreciate

Since the installation of the variable

their ability to not only handle the project

Siemens Variable Speed Drives:

speed drives, PLP has achieved:

smoothly from start to finish, but also


A significant reduction in onsite

provide us excellent support at every step

GH180 Converter System

power usage of up to 50% for

in the plant operation. We look forward to


the feed water pumps, thereby

many more years of partnership ahead,”

gH180 Converter System is a series

improving the generation output

Mr. K.K Shivakumara,

of cells linked together to create the

and efficiency of each unit.

Chief Operating Officer,

An 18% increase in energy savings

PacificLight Power

medium voltage power output of the drive system. The design features an

due to the flexibility of the steam


gAS TUrBine comPonenTS LiFe eXTenSion cLinic

Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis

Formerly PW Powers Systems’ IgT

repair program, by undertaking TBC

(MD&A) now offers gas turbine

division, the MD&A San Antonio

coating systems, and by making

components life extension through its

Service Center experts have years

platform improvements.

integration of PW Power Systems IgT

of experience evaluating the life

division based in San Antonio, Texas.

limiting factors for gas turbine vanes

Thermal mechanical fatigue cracks

or blades. Such factors include cracks,

will eventually lead to platform

We can extend the service life of parts

corrosion, wall thickness, and material

failure. Design modifications often

whose OeM service limit has passed

condition. Most cracks are located

are required, incorporating a robust

or whose configuration is no longer

at the platform or shroud. Smaller

repair procedure. The life cycle

suitable to operate. Significant savings

percentages occur at the blade tip, the

enhancement process used by our

can be realized by opting for lower-cost

blade airfoil, or the root.

experts exceeds OeM platform

repaired spares instead of new parts.

properties. Platform degradation can be reduced

elevated temperatures take a big toll

in many ways: by operating in base

Our experts at the San Antonio

on gas turbine components. Repair

load only (even though dispatch

Service Center combine years of

enhancements can extend a part’s

conditions may prevent that from

experience with state-of-the-art

life by slowing its degradation and

being a practical solution), by

equipment to deliver exactly the right

pushing out its usable service life.

pursuing a robust platform weld

solutions to you!


9FA 3rd Stage Blade Extended to 120,000 FFH

9FA 3rd stage blades were received by our San Antonio facility where they underwent detailed inspections, including microstructural assessment and high-temperature testing.

Vacuum Heat Treat Furnace

Observations indicated galling in root

were deemed repairable.

condition and in the post repair

serrations and seal pin surfaces, as well

Additional repair work included grit

heat treated condition. These third

as the presence of two distinct casting

blasting and polishing the gas path

stage blades were evaluated and

houses to produce the row of buckets.

surfaces to remove an oxide layer,

subsequently determined to be

Scope of work included a visual

a complete x-ray inspection, and

candidates for a Life Time extension

inspection, dimensional measurements,

HVOF coating and diffusion to reduce

(LTe) repair.

and an x-ray inspection. Also included

surface degradation.

were a microstructural assessment,

Once established as candidates for Life

high-temperature mechanical

Repair heat treatment was applied to

Time extension, our experts employed

properties testing, assessment of

several samples from the test blades.

repair practices to further extend the

material condition at multiple locations,

Our experts utilize a vacuum heat treat

useable life of the components and

heat treatment of specimens to

furnace, where we control the heating

the 9FA 3rd stage blades’ lives were

demonstrate the effects of repairs, and

and cooling of metals to alter their

extended to 120,000 FFH.

high-temperature mechanical property

physical and mechanical properties. The test blades were evaluated to

V94.3A4 2nd Stage Blade Extended to 75,000 EOH

Inspections showed that the

determine the material’s response

A V94.3A4 2nd Stage Turbine Blade

manufacturer’s heat treatment did

to the heat treatment. The material

set had 50,000 eOH and operated

not achieve full solutioning. All blades

responded well to the heat treatment

through two service intervals, along

also displayed a two-phase gamma

on the blades. The primary gamma

with one repair performed by the

prime structure within each grain,

transformed to a more cuboidal

OeM at 25,000 eOH.

indicating that the previous repair heat

morphology, which provides for

treatments were not optimized to

improved component creep life.

testing performed post-heat treatment.

Our San Antonio service center experts performed testing and

achieve a good structure. In addition, the blades had surface oxidation and

In conclusion, our experts evaluated

evaluation on the blade set to

depletion. even so, the components all

each component in the as received

determine if the hardware is deemed


FEATURE: Life Extension Clinic

lives were extended to operate to a total of 75,000 EOH. Our San Antonio Service Center, or Gas Turbine Parts Service Facility, exemplifies best in service because of the deep experience in industrial gas turbine engineering and technology, repair techniques and equipment, and proven expertise on multiple frame gas components. MD&A’s available Gas Turbine services range from full turnkey major inspections, to rotor unstacking, gas Blade tip showing significant oxidation

turbine alignment, and control systems troubleshooting services.

repairable and serviceable for another

One heat-treated blade’s metallurgical

interval, as well as, evaluation of the

properties were then evaluated and

MD&A is a global full-service OEM

previous repairs.

compared to the other blade in the

alternative for services, parts, and

One 2nd Stage Blade tested in the as

as received condition. The evaluation

repairs. Call our MD&A Gas Turbine

received condition had an internal and

confirmed that the heat treatment

Services today at +1-518-399-3616 or

external Coating Evaluation, along with

process will heal and improve the

visit our website www.mdaturbines.com

a mechanical properties & metallurgical

gamma prime structure.

properties inspection.

Note: Not subject to the EAR per 15 Based on all the evaluation performed

C.F.R. Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3). © 2018

The other 2nd Stage Blade was

on the two 2nd Stage turbine blades,

Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis LLC. All

evaluated in the post heat-treat

our experts considered that the full set

Rights Reserved

condition with a mechanical properties

is a viable candidate for life extension to

& metallurgical properties inspection,

75,000 EOH.

and then evaluation of metallurgical results. The heat-treated part was then

The measurements of the blade

evaluated for reparability.

tip cap indicated that there was sufficient material to perform a

Our experts performed a pre-weld heat

successful weld build up repair,

treatment, post-weld heat treatment,

so they removed most of the

and a diffusion or aging heat treat

previous weld repair. Because of

solution utilizing our vacuum heat treat

heavy oxidation on the blade tip,

furnace in our shop.

an oxidation resistant alloy was used. Our weld repair procedure has

The external TBC appeared in good

demonstrated to provide excellent

condition. However, the blade tip has

oxidation resistance during operation

significant oxidation. This is most likely due to the weld wire selected during

A coating system consisting of a

the previous repair. All other inspections

NiCoCrAlY applied by HVOF and a TBC

were normal.

top coat was applied with our propriety coating. The V94.3A4 2nd Stage Blades’


A coating consisting of a NiCoCrAlY is applied by HVOF


The roLe oF generATor SeTS in The neW LAndScAPe oF microgridS The demand for primary energy, the

we currently enjoy. On this last point,

energy needed to meet the basic needs

this is where generator sets play a crucial

of the population for heating, transport

role. generators add reliability to this

and electricity consumption, has

new mix, which has to meet many

consistently grown in recent decades.

requirements at the same time: it has to

Since 2010, it has increased by a factor

be efficient, compatible with the existing

of 1.5 and, according to the International

infrastructure everywhere, adapt to

energy Agency, it is predicted to grow

demand at any given time and reduce

32% by 2040. How can this growth be sustainable in the long term? The energy mix needs to be remodelled to make way for cleaner forms of energy, without sacrificing the stability of supply

the environmental impact caused by the

Distributed Energy to meet longunstoppable increase in global energy term energy demand needs.

demand for energy resources. But this growth has set a course: the process has to be sustainable. The last United Nations

Increased consumption in countries such

Climate Change Conference, held in

as India and China, global population

Paris in 2015, set out the path towards

Massimo Brotto. HIMOINSA SALeS

eNgINeeRINg MANAgeR growth and the significant industrial


commitment of the 195 countries that

an enormous effect on the upswing in

signed the agreement. The majority have

take en


autono Control

Distributed Energy to meet longterm energy demand

such as India and China, global population growth and the significant

Increased consumption in countries such

industrial development that is taking

as India and China, global population

place have an enormous effect on resources. But this growth has set

the ele dema continu growt Microg to be develo

Clima to date Paris to the

development that is taking place have

a lowdiffere comm techno

an enormous effect on the upswing in

signe genera

growth and the significant industrial

the upswing in demand for energy a course: the process has to be


sustainable. The last United Nations Paris in 2015, set out the path towards



a low-emission economy, with the

Distributed Energy to meet longterm energy demand

Climate Change Conference, held in

to put


development that is taking place have

Increased consumption in countries


part, w Control work c MICROGRID

heart o

a low-emission economy, with the

Technology already offers concrete

on the electricity grid, can produce

commitment of the 195 countries that

solutions to these needs. “Distributed

energy continuously and sustainably.

signed the agreement. The majority

Generation” makes it possible to take

have heeded the agreement and have

energy production to where the

Microgrids represent the most

started to put solutions in place to

energy is, with units that, by working

developed Distributed generation

reduce their dependence on coal.

autonomously and without depending

model to date: systems, whether



Combining genera Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

connected to the grid or not, which can

management syste

combine different conventional and

to plan running hou

renewable technologies. In addition

to increase the mic

to energy generation, they have





enormously. SOLAR DIESEL

two distinctive features: control, the most intelligent part, which predicts consumption and work cycles; and




The combination o

fuel-powered gene BIOMASS COAL



100% renewable e

significant advanta


storage devices, the with power


Firstly, it provides a

supply, which a ren

electronics compensate for the load

alone is unable to

variations of renewables and are much SOURCE: FROST&SULLIVAN SOURCe: FROST & SULLIVAN

more efficient in energy production.

Secondly, it signific

costs. A typical loa

next five years, and rural and island

The combination of a conventional

plants shows how

To make all this equipment work,

electrification is expected to lead the with power electronics compensate

such the legislativegeneration framework, plant the fossilasfuel-powered

generator sets wit

a monitoring system is required to

for theas load variations of year-on-year renewables process a whole, with

with a 100% renewable energy plant

collect and communicate all data,

and are growth ofmuch 23%.more efficient in energy

both from the grid and from the other


Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

To make all this equipment work, a

from generator sets, another third from wind energy and the rest from

Incorporating generator sets into

microturbines, solar panels or fuel cells.

these hybrid systems guarantees that sets, another third from wind energy and

environment. At present, one third of energy supplied by microgrids comes








offers not only a si

grid, and the cost and profitability of

but also reduced o

generators with its a smart electrifying anCombining area, considering

maintenance costs

population density and its level of to plan running hours to perfection and

always be lower an

to increase microgrid’s efficiencyis industrialisation. Even so, this market Firstly, it provides anthe uninterrupted

and lubricant, filter

expected to grow at a abrisk around SOLAR GAS The combination of apace, conventional fossil power supply, which renewable energy

will be required.

offers significant advantages.

Advantages ofis required to collect monitoring system incorporating and communicate allgenerator data, both from the grid and from the other connected sets in hybrid + = sources, in a smart grid generation plantsenvironment.

connected sources, in a smart grid

distance from the national electricity

management system makes it possible


generation with a 17.1% per yearfuel-powered for the next fiveplant years,

plant alone is100% unable to guarantee. renewable energy plant offers



At present, one third of energy supplied by microgrids comes from generator

and rural and island electrification is significant advantages.

WIND DIESEL Firstly, it provides an uninterrupted power expected to lead the process as a whole,

Secondly, it significantly reduces with year-on-year 23%. alone growth is unable toof guarantee.

supply, which a renewable energy plant

Secondly, it significantly running running costs. A typical loadreduces pattern of


costs. A typical load pattern of these

to combine different technologies to

Hybrid solutions ar

for industrial marke

Advantages of incorporating these plants plants shows how the combined shows how the combined use of or telecommunicat generator sets with renewable energy such as the legislative framework, the generator sets in hybrid with power electronics compensate or fueliscells. up energy in rural a energy always available. They are use of generator sets with renewable offers not only a significant fuel saving, distance from the national electricity for the load variations of renewables generation plants but also reduced overall running and and the cost and profitability of However, the global trend is grid, certainly well as a single so thethe system is reliable: it ensures rest from microturbines, solarthat panels

However, the global trend is certainly

Suitable conditi installation of a

and are much more efficient in energy the ingredient in the mix thatelectrifying provides energy offersmaintenance not only a significant costs. Running hours will an area, considering its production. to combine

different technologies to

Incorporating generator sets into

power for shops, f

eliminate the negative aspects they

always be lower and less maintenance population density and itsfuel level of aTovery sound solution saving, but also reduced overall make all this equipment work, ato the intrinsic

each have when used individually,

be required. expected to grow at a brisk pace, around instability ofallrenewable running and will maintenance costs. and communicate data, both from energy,

and to reduce dependency on

the grid and from the other connected because, unlike renewable energy, Running hours will always be lower and rural and island electrification isis always Suitable conditions for are the theand • reduce dependency on fossil fuels. The energy available. They sources, in a smart grid environment. expected to lead the process as a whole, installation of a hybrid plant At present, one third of energy supplied falling price solar panels iswith making the ingredient in the mixand thatlubricant, provides afilter very generators areofnot dependent upon less maintenance year-on-year growth of 23%.

fossil fuels. The falling price of solar panels is making the transition much smoother and countries such as the United Arab emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, germany and Chile

and lubricant,guarantees filter or injector that changes industrialisation. Even so, this market is eliminate the negative aspects they these hybrid systems monitoring system is required to collect

each have when used individually, and to the system is reliable: it ensures that 17.1% per year for the next five years,

by microgrids comes from generator

transition much smoother countries sets, another third from wind energy and and often unpredictable natural conditions. or fuel cells.

Arabia, Germany However, the Qatar, global trend is certainly and

started to encourage renewable energy

the system is reliable: it ensures that

falling price of solar panels is making the

ingredient in the mix that provides a very

energy projects with this goal.

such as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi largely depend on external

for industrial markets, such asrunning the hours mining aArabia, smart management system makes Qatar, Germany and Chile have with around 4,000 renewable energy, generators are not The appeal of combining fossil fuels

to encourage renewable energy per year. The ideal situation for a dependent upon often unpredictable or telecommunications sectors, as itstarted possible to plan running hours projects with this goal. hybrid plant is most of the demand natural conditions.

and renewable energy, and its success,

Theperfection appeal of combining fossil occurring during the day, when solar as a energy in backup rural areas and islands, to and tofuels increaseIn addition, the generators function

largely depend on external factors,

largely depend onefficiency external factors,enormously. • They have a high of exposure respond very quickly to load as variations. well as a SMART single source of level continuous microgrid’s GRID

and renewable energy, and its success,

very useful storage alternative that can

sources are available.


power for shops, farms or households. BALANCE OF SYSTEM SMART GRID

grid, and the cost and profitability of electrifying an area, considering its population density and its level of industrialisation. even so, this market is expected to grow at a brisk pace, around 17.1% per year for the



Their demand

occurring duri

connected to the grid or have

• Their demand to 5MW, of renewable energy, because, unlikevery quickly factors, respond to loadis up variations.

excessively h

hybrid plant is

common features:

and renewable energy, and its success, very useful storage alternative that can Hybrid solutions are especially attractive variations. Combining generators withto the intrinsic transition much smoother and countries excessively high electricity costs. sound solution instability

connected to

per year. The i

eliminate the negative aspects they All these applications share a number of these hybrid systems guarantees that for the installation of a very usefulwith storage alternative that projects this goal. natural conditions. each have when used individually, and to

They are place

with around 4

dependent upon often unpredictable

reduce dependency on combining fossilquickly fuels. The fossil • They are function places that are is always available. They are the generators The appeal of fuels In addition, asnota hybrid plant can respond very to energy load

distance from the national electricity

Suitable power conditions In addition, generators function as a to combine different technologies to for shops, farms or households. Incorporating generator sets into

have started to encourage renewable

such as the legislative framework, the

common features:

Hybrid solutions are especially attractive

sound solution the will intrinsic instability forto industrial markets, as the mining or injector changes be such required.

Advantages of incorporating or telecommunications as backSaudi of renewable energy, because,sectors, unlike generator sets in hybrid up energy in rural areas and islands, as generation Chile haveplants renewable energy, generators are not well as a single source of continuous

thesuch rest from panels as microturbines, the Unitedsolar Arab Emirates,

All these applicatio

sources are a •

They have a h

generator set actually works

integrated in the management of a smart

In this specific case, it would mean

an annual saving of 1,600,000 litres of FEATURE: geNeRATOR INplant NeWisMICROgRIDS Let’s suppose that aSeTS hybrid diesel per year, more than one third of installed in Chile, in a region where solar

grid, make it possible to plan running hours and to increase the efficiency of the whole system.

PV 36%




All these applications share a number of

this is under a roof, the ratio should

for detecting which energy source is the

common features:

be around 10 square metres per

best at any given time. So, during the

They are places that are not

kW generated. Where this is on the

hours of greatest solar irradiance, the

connected to the grid or have

ground, 20 square kilometres would

generators work at a minimum level. In

excessively high electricity costs.

be required per MW.

this way, the service life of the engine

Their demand is up to 5MW, with

and maintenance costs of the unit are

occurring during the day, when solar

Case study: how integrating renewable energy with a generator set actually works

sources are available.

Let’s suppose that a hybrid plant is

1,600,000 litres of diesel per year, more

They have a high level of exposure

installed in Chile, in a region where solar

than one third of current consumption.

to sunlight or wind. To guarantee

irradiance is 2,312kWh/m² and annual

Based on these figures and depending

a return on investment, solar

electricity consumption is approximately

on the price of diesel and solar irradiance,

irradiance should be more than

17,520MWh/year. For constant daily

the investment in a plant that combines

1,300kWh/kWp or, as applicable,

consumption of 4MW for 12 hours, let’s

generator sets with solar panels could be

wind exposure should be at least 4

estimate that 4,800,000 litres of diesel

recouped within three to five years.

m/s. Countries such as Chile, Peru

would be required.

around 4,000 running hours per year. The ideal situation for a hybrid plant is most of the demand

is increased and therefore the running reduced. And of course, fuel consumption is considerably reduced. In this specific case, it would mean an annual saving of

www.himoinsa.com | the 2017 and India, or regions such as

Caribbean, Asia Pacific, Middle east

If three HIMOINSA HTW-2030 T5

and North Africa are geographical

generator sets, which supply a total of

areas that meet all these optimal

4.85MW are installed, how many hours

natural conditions for installation.

would it take to recoup an investment

They have enough space for the

like this? How much fuel could be saved?

installation of solar panels. Where

The monitoring systems are responsible


With more than 15 years of experience, he leads a team of professionals


providing technical support to the

In the transition from conventional energy production to more renewable forms of

the development of generator set

production, generator sets unquestionably have a role to play in the coming years.

applications with batteries and

Their capacity to ensure availability of energy to meet increasing demand that is more

renewable systems. In terms of

challenging from an environmental point of view makes them a sound solution to the

new product design, he focuses on

intrinsic instability of renewables, and a useful storage alternative. generators respond

optimising profitability and minimising

quickly when load variations occur and, when integrated in the management of a

running costs.

sales department and working on

smart grid, make it possible to plan running hours and to increase the efficiency of the whole system.





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IT’S IN Barges & HANDS PowerOUR The Hydrogen Economy

Microgrids and Distributed Generation

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Limiting Climate Change

The imPorTAnce oF eXPLoring The hydroPoWer PoTenTiAL in indiA’S norTheAST JAYA THAKUR

ABSTRACT The Northeastern states of India have massive potential for harnessing hydroelectricity. While the government has rightly recognised this capacity as crucial to boosting the growth of the region, the pace of development has remained slow, and marred by many problems. This brief builds on the “43rd Report on Hydro Power” presented in Parliament in January 2019 by the Standing Committee on Energy, to assess the prospects of the hydropower sector in the Northeast. The brief outlines the challenges faced by the sector and offers suggestions to address them. Attribution: Jaya Thakur, “Exploring the Hydropower Potential of India’s Northeast,” ORF Issue Brief No. 341, March 2020, Observer Research Foundation. Observer Research Foundation (ORF) is a public policy think tank that aims to influence the formulation of policies for building a strong and prosperous India. ORF pursues these goals by providing informed analyses and in-depth research, and organising events that serve as platforms for stimulating and productive discussions.


hydropower potential of the country.

India3. In 2001, the Central electricity

Since the 1990s, the government

Authority (CeA) conducted a

India’s Northeastern states, with

of India (goI) has shown interest in

preliminary study of the hydroelectric

their mountainous topography and

exploring this potential as an energy

potential of various river basins in

perennial streams, have the largest

source that is cleaner and more

India, ranking the Brahmaputra basin

hydropower potential in all of India.

sustainable than traditional ones.

the highest. In 2003, the Ministry of

Together, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh,

Following the Northeast Business

Power launched a hydro initiative of

Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram,

Summit in Mumbai in July 2002,

50,000 MW, with a major focus on

Nagaland and Tripura account for

the Northeast has fre quent ly been

the Northeast. In January 2007, the

almost 40 percent of the total

calle d the “Future Powerhouse” of

“Pasighat Proclamation on Power” was




adopted at the Northeast Council’s

focus on exploiting the full potential

banks, financial institutions or bonds.

Sectoral Summit on the Power Sector,

of hydropower in the previously

The SCe’s report claims that for

identifying the region’s “hydropower

underexplored regions of India, 9

projects developed by Public Sector

potential” as a priority area with regard

specifically the Northeast.

Undertakings / Central Public Sector

to India’s energy security .

Undertakings (PSUs/ CPSUs), the


In the context of the recommendations

availability of domestic loan is not an

In 2001–02, Sikkim became the

made in the report, this brief

issue.11 “However, lenders carry out

first state in the region to kickstart

examines their feasibility, viability and

their own exercise of due diligence

the hydroelectricity boom, followed

sustainability for India’s Northeastern

before deciding to finance any project.

by Arunachal Pradesh. Both states

states. It first discusses the challenges

In some cases, after releasing part

signed a number of Memoranda of

that have caused time overrun and

of the loan, the lenders may stop

Understanding/Agreement (MoU/MoA)

the palpably slow development of the

disbursing further loan due to reasons

with power developers. Meghalaya,

hydropower projects, then assesses the

such as inability of promoters to

Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland

SCe’s report and its suggestions in light

deploy requisite equity, unsatisfactory

soon followed. The government of

of these. Finally, the brief highlights

physical progress of the project, time &

Arunachal Pradesh had already allotted

some gaps in the report and makes

cost overruns etc.”12

132 projects to companies in the

recommendations to address them. This can turn into a vicious cycle,

private and public sector, of which 120 involved private players. Together, these projects accounted for a total installed

Hydroelectricity Projects in the Northeast

capacity of 40,140.5 MW . At the time

especially when the project is affected and delayed by the other factors. Previous studies have found that, “In


of signing the deals, project developers

Time Overrun Causes Listed in the

a large numbers of instances over the

also offered substantial monetary

SCE’s Report

Hindu Kush Himalayan stretch, the

advances to the states6. Despite such

viability of these projects has been in

progress, however, the development

There are various reasons behind

question and private players are exiting

of hydroelectric power has been slow.

the time overrun of the hydropower

the business due to their inability

At present, India has a total potential

projects in the Northeastern states of

to break even within their planned

of 145,320 MW hydropower, excluding

India (See Figure 1). The SCe’s report

period.”13 Recommendation No. 6 of

takes cognisance of some of these and

the SCe report urges approaching

offers suggestions to combat them.

bankers for longterm loans (tenure

pumped storage scheme, but only 45,399.22 MW of this has been utilised . 7

In 2019, there were only 18 projects

> 20 years), grants or assistance at

above the capacity of 25 MW under

Fund Constraints

construction across Northeast. Of these,

According to the SCe’s 2019 report,

from international agencies, along with

10 are suffering from time overrun due

the average cost for new power

power finance corporations and rural

to various challenges . On 4 January

plants is around INR 8 crore/MW for

electrification corporations. However,

2019, the Standing Committee on

coal-based ones and INR 10 crore/

this strategy might not work as well

energy (SCe) presented the “43rd

MW for hydroelectric ones. Thus,

as projected, since the domestic

Report on Hydropower” in the Lok

from an initial-cost perspective,

organisations lending money might

Sabha, which discusses the potential

hydropower projects are less lucrative

not be in a position to recover their

and significance of hydropower in India,

for developers. A typical hydro station

investments, and foreign institutions

as well as the challenges faced by the

is financed based on the debt–equity

might not be interested to invest in

sector which have resulted in the slow

ratio of 70:30. ‘The 30 percent equity

further projects. The report claims that

pace of development. Based on the

is managed by developers, either from

investors would be more interested

report, in March 2019, India declared

their own resources or from public–

if the clearance process is sped up;

large hydropower projects (installed

private placements. The remaining 70

however, this can create several

capacity more than 25 MW) as sources

percent can be obtained from various

problems elsewhere.

of “renewable energy,” with special

sources such as scheduled commercial


cheaper rates for hydropower projects 10



Table 1: Reasons for Time Overrun of Hydroelectricity Projects States

Project (IC) Executing Agency

Reasons for Time Overrun CENTRAL SECTOR

Arunachal Pradesh

Pare (2x55 = 110 MW) NEEPCO


Kameng (4x150 = 600 MW) NEEPCO

Arunachal Pradesh/ Assam

Subansiri (8x250 = 2000 MW) NHPC

Law-and-order problem Poor geology Poor approach roads Flash flood during June and September 2015; dam area inundated with water Concreting of dam affected for four months Funds constraints with contractor Change in dam parameters Slow progress in dam and HRT due to bad geology, heavy Seepage and inadequate machinery Flash flood in October 2008 and September 2012 Ingress of water in HRT Poor approach roads Contractual issues Shortage of aggregate Clearance for quarry from state government Slow progress of works Funds constraints with contractor Delay in transfer of forest land Disruption of works by locals in Arunachal Pradesh Slope failure in powerhouse in January 2008 Damage to bridge on Ranganadi River Change in design of surge shafts to surge tunnels Stoppage of works due to agitation launched by the anti-dam activists in Assam against construction of projects Work stopped since 16 December 2011; issue of D/S impact studies Case in NGT

PRIVATE SECTOR Teesta Stage VI (4x125 = 500 MW) Lanco Energy Pvt. Ltd.


Rangit-IV HE Project (3X40 = 120 MW) JPCL Bhasmey (2x25.5 = 51 MW) Gati Infrastructure Rongnichu Land (2x48 = 96 MW) Madhya Bharat Pvt. Ltd.

Arunachal Pradesh


Gongri (2x72 = 144 MW) Dirang Energy (P)Ltd Rangit (II 2x33 = 66 MW) Sikkim Hydro Power Ltd. Panan (4x75 = 300 MW) Himagiri Hydro Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Poor geology Land acquisition Contractual issues Funds constraints with developer Slow progress of HRT and Surge Shaft works due to poor geology Works hampered due to earthquake in September 2011 Financial constraints with developer Forest clearance Financial constraints with developer Land acquisition Poor geology Works awarded on 22 November 2011; however, consent to establish from State Pollution Control Board issued on 19 May 2014 Financial constraints with the developer Slow progress of works Financial constraints with the developer Clearance from NWLB received in December 2015 Pvt. Ltd. Clearance from NGT

Source: Created by the author, with data from the 43rd Report on Hydropower, 2019.14 40 | POWER INSIDER VOLUME 11 ISSUE 2


Lack of Clearance

Department.17 Moreover, the eIAs

2001, structural engineering experts

The SCe’s report states that delays in

often grossly neglect the ecosystem

Sitharam and govindarajau, speaking

environmental and forest clearances

services provided by the rivers and

of the importance of seismic resistance

have been cited as one of the major

rarely highlight the need to maintain

in their 2004 paper, noted that “there

reasons for apprehensions and entry

ecosystem flows in the constrained

is an imperative need to assess the

barriers. At present, three types

rivers. Recommendation No. 4 of the

design and construction practices” of

of clearances are mandatory from

SCe report proposes the establishment

dams in India.20

three different wings of Ministry of

of a special cell to address the

environment and Forest (MoeF), i.e.

hydropower projects.18 While this is

geological issues, such as slope

environmental clearance from the

a definite step in the right direction,

failure, are the second-largest

expert Appraisal Committee (eAC),

the authorities should not attempt to

cause of delay for ongoing projects

forest clearance from the Forest

fast-track the clearance process at the

(See Table 1). The SCe’s report calls

Advisory Committee (FAC), and wildlife

cost of national ecological resources.

such issues “geological surprises.”21

clearance from the National Board of

Recommendation No. 5 of the report

However, geological problems like

Wildlife (NBWL). Developers as well

suggests conducting basin-based

these are anything but a surprise in

as the Ministry of Power describe this

studies before planning a project. If

this region. After all, the Himalayas

process as cumbersome and time-

properly implemented, this can help

are a growing ‘folded mountain’ in

consuming. However, five of the 10

make eIAs more holistic by identifying

an active tectonic zone, where slope

projects that were previously delayed,

the ecological costs of a project, which

failure is a frequently occurring event,

had already started construction

will allow for informed decisions during

especially when the fragile rock strata

with partial clearance. This resulted

clearance processes. However, the

are disturbed by construction. There

in increased delay and costs, as the

framework of this basin-based study

are several folds and fault zones in the

construction then had to be stalled

requires further elaboration.

Himalayas as well as the Northeastern hills, with discontinuities in the

while the developers waited for the remaining clearances.


Geological Issues

rock masses. Developers have faced

India’s Northeast is one of the six

“geological surprises” since the start of

An important aspect of clearances

most seismically active regions in

hydroelectric development in the region.

is the issue of environment Impact

the world. From 1953 to 1992, the

Assessment (eIA). The eIA conducted

region experienced 21 earthquakes of

A paper published in 199322 details

for several Northeastern hydropower

more than 6.5 on the Richter Scale.19

the issues that stall projects in the

projects has been found lacking. Dr.

The proposal for large constructions

eastern part of the country, such as the

Anwaruddin Choudhury, renowned

in the region should consider such

existence of soft rocks behind faults,

naturalist from Northeast India,

susceptibility to seismic activity. The

the highly weathered and decomposed

examined the eIA reports of a few

project reports lack sufficient details

rocks under hard gneissic rocks, and

hydro projects and found them poor

and transparency in this aspect.

the existence of buried channels. The

on some ecosystem aspects.16 For

While the seismic aspects of the

analysis used certain projects as case

the Tipaimukh project (a proposed

construction area are evaluated by

studies—Umiam and Umling Dam

178-metre high dam on the Barak)

experts, and dams designed based

in Meghalaya, Manu Dam in Tripura,

the then Principal Chief Conservator

on the seismic criteria for “maximum

Kopili Dam in Assam, and Teesta-III

of Forest S. Singsit noted that the

credible earthquake” and “design

in Sikkim—to examine how the issue

preparation of the 2007 “Detailed

basic earthquake,” the lack of proper

of these “geological surprises” have

Project Report” did not even involve

historical cataloguing of earthquakes,

been handled before.23 Since these

the Forest Department. This is a

poor knowledge of ground motion

geological issues often cause leakage

critical oversight, since the reservoir

post-earthquake, and the variation

and seepage, they had to be addressed

created behind the dam will lead to the

of spectral acceleration can lead to

before the construction of the dams,

submergence of 219.5 sq. km of land

incorrect assessments. Following

which sometimes required changing

that comes directly under the Forest

the Bhuj earthquake in January

the dam design. This caused significant



delays in the construction process. As

and resettlement plans are formulated

by the Siang project in Arunachal

any project in these area has a high

and implemented by the state

Pradesh have alleged that “their right

probability of facing such geological

governments. Therefore, the proactive

to free, prior and informed consent (as

issues, prior arrangement of funds for

support and cooperation of the state

enshrined by the UN Declaration on

mitigation and their inclusion in detailed

and local authorities is necessary

the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) is not

project reports can avoid future stalling

for their effective implementation.

only being ignored, but deliberately

of construction due to lack of funds.

The non-availability of land records

avoided.”31 Such incidents have made

has been another major hurdle in

the locals increasingly sceptical of

Land-Acquisition Issues

landacquisition. Rehabilitation and

hydropower projects, exacerbating

The SCE’s 2019 report suggests a

resettlement issues become further

distrust and resistance and further

“regional government structure”

complicated due to the issue of multiple

delaying the projects.

to facilitate the land acquisition,

claimants.28 The identification of

resettlement and rehabilitation

villages and individual households that

The SCE’s report rightly notes that the

processes. However, India has a long

are likely to be affected by a project

local district administration has a major

history of improper identification of

must be the foremost consideration.

role to play in R&R and expects that

stakeholders (and the extent of their

In this context, many EIAs have been

“the District Administration, wherever,

involvement) in large dam projects,

found lacking. For example, different

the hydro power projects/potential

even when local government is

versions of the EIA for Tipaimukh

lies, will actively participate and do the

involved. Involuntary displacements

Project on Barrak mention different

needful to expedite the matter of land

and inadequate resettlement and

numbers of affected individuals

acquisition and R&R process related to

rehabilitation of the people affected

and villages. Such lapses fuel local

hydro power projects to provide fair

by large Multipurpose River Valley

agitations and anti-dam movements,

deal for the affected people as well as

Projects (MRVP) are some of the

which sometimes escalate into court

to fast track the hydro power projects.

biggest reasons behind anti-dam

cases, further delaying the projects.

The Committee also recommend that

movements in India, which hinder the

According to local protestors, the

the Central Government, the State

land-acquisition process.

public hearings conducted are often

Government(s) and the Developer



designed to ensure that the affected

of the Projects should coordinate

The “Rights and Risk” framework of

stakeholders cannot be present to

and cooperate with the District

WCD Report of 2000 prioritises

make their case. For example, in the

Administration in this regard.”32

five core values— equity, sustainability,

public hearing for Tipaimukh dam

However, in its recommendations,

efficiency, participatory decision

in Churachandrapur (Manipur) on

the report fails to include a clear

making, and accountability—with

November 2006, only those officially

methodology of making the land

able to prove their displacement were

transfer and rehabilitation process

dialogue at all stages of development.

allowed to participate. Those from

more transparent.

The GoI has passed several policies

displaced villages who did not have

and acts to ensure transparent and

any official documents were denied

fair compensation and rehabilitation

entry. Moreover, even the ones were

for those displaced due to the

allowed inside had to deal with the

There are a number of other issues

development of any hydropower

delay tactics, i.e. being made to wait for

that have hampered the economic

project, e.g. The National Rehabilitation

the hearing for long hours, compelling

profitability and sustainability of these

and Resettlement Policy (2007), and

many to return to their villages. The

hydropower projects but which were

the Right to Fair Compensation and

documents that listed the details of

not mentioned in the 2019 report.

Transparency in Land Acquisition and

the dam were not translated into

While these issues are pervasive in

Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act

local dialects, and according to some

the Northeastern states, they are not

(2013). However, a huge gap remains

affected villagers, the authorities were

exclusive to the region. Due to this

between the onpaper provisions and

patently biased in their judgements.

oversight, the SCE’s report falls short of

the on-ground reality. Rehabilitation

The Adi and Galo tribes affected


importance given to stakeholder 26



Issues Not Listed in the SCE’s Report


being comprehensive.


Sediment Management

India and Bangladesh. The projects

human technology over nature, of

The Brahmaputra and Meghna systems

developed by India (the upstream

harnessing the untameable. After

(the main river systems in the Northeast

country) creates panic concerning

Independence, India gave the green

region), together with the ganga system,

water scarcity and ecological distress

light to a number of multipurpose

are the largest carriers of sediment in

in the lower riparian Bangladesh,

river-valley projects in the first two

the world. Consequently, sediment

e.g. the hydroelectric projects on

Five-year Plans. Such reservoirs

segregation is required before the water

Teesta, some rivers in Tripura, or the

played a crucial role in making India

can be used to produce electricity,

proposed Tipaimukh dam. India and

self-sufficient in food production by

even for run-of-the-river projects.

Bangladesh have established a “Joint

supplying irrigation water. According to

The production of sediment in any

River Commission” to address the

a 2000 report by WCD, approximately

river system significantly impacts any

common issues regarding water and

35 percent of the water needed for

engineering obstruction created on the

river management. However, the major

irrigation in India is provided by large

river. Sediment accumulation in the

motivation is the quantitative sharing of

storage reservoirs or dams.35 However,

reservoirs of large hydroelectric projects

available water volume.

while dams have been hailed as the


“New Temples of Modern India” (a

can diminish their life expectancy. Unless properly managed, sediment load also

India has proposed several large

term coined by Jawahar Lal Nehru,

reduces the cost- and carbon-efficiency

projects in the Northeast, which

India’s first Prime Minister36), they

of hydropower projects over time. Thus,

will occupy transboundary rivers

have some far-reaching adverse

construction of dams on the Northeastern

between India and Bangladesh. These

consequences that have remained

rivers must be preceded by the creation

constructions can affect the ecology

understudied and underestimated.37

of a proper database of the sediment load

and economy of the downstream part

Dams are large structures that obstruct

of those rivers. Further, when the project

of those rivers, i.e. Bangladesh. Without

the flow of river water to create a

is planned, a management process must

proper assessment and negotiation,

reservoir. However, rivers are complex

be put in place.

these projects can create hydro-

ecosystems created by the interaction

diplomatic problems for South Asia

of water, energy, biodiversity and

Transboundary River Management

in future. The cross-border corelation

sediment (WeBS).38 River ecosystems

A large number of the rivers that

based on energy trade between

have supported the development

are utilised for hydropower flow

some neighbours can result in further

of human society and economy for

through more than one country. The

discords. In this context, basin-based

centuries. For communities that live

basin-based study mentioned in

authorities under the JRC can handle

on banks and floodplains, especially

Recommendation No. 5 of the SCe’s

bilateral issues regarding India and

tribal and indigenous ones, rivers form

report must include this issue of

Bangladesh. While doing so, the JRC

an integral part of cultural history and

hydropower projects being developed

must take a holistic approach, instead

intangible heritage. The building of

in transboundary river basins. For

of considering rivers as mere ‘water

large dams disturbs this natural and

example, the ganga–Brahmaputra–


social equilibrium.

The Risks of Hydroelectricity Projects in the Northeast

A case in point is that of the Himalayan

Meghna Basin is shared between India, China, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh, with Bangladesh being the lower riparian to India. The Indus basin

region, where the issue of large dams has become a critical one due to the region being a young folded mountain

includes India, China and Pakistan, with Pakistan being lower riparian to India.

The building of dams in India has

and one of the most seismically active

Many of these rivers do not have any

largely been a colonial legacy, with

regions of the world.39 A number

basin-based authority in place.

the technology of flood control,

of large and active faults and thrust

irrigation and power generation

zones exist in and near the basin.

In the case of Northeastern states, the

having come first from europe, then

As mentioned earlier, the region

majority of the projects are being built

North America. Large dams were

experienced 21 earthquakes of more

on basins that are shared between

considered a symbol of triumph of

than 6.5 on the Richter scale during




the period of 1953 to 1992.40 Before

The Way Ahead

the construction of the Tehri Dam,

Despite their significance, the viability of hydropower projects has come under

the environmental impacts of large

In light of the worsening climate crisis

scrutiny in Northeast India. Private

dams had not received significant

that especially threatens developing

players seem uninterested in investing

attention. When the historical anti-

countries like India, the country should

in the business due to difficulties they

Tehri campaign by the “Tehri Bandh

move away from fossil fuels and towards

face in reaping economic returns

Birodhi Sangharsh Samiti” demanded

eco-friendly sources of energy. However,

within the expected timeframe.42 To

a wider review of economic and safety

it cannot roll out large hydroelectricity

ensure project viability, all possible

aspects of the dam, such issues were

projects without first conducting

hidden costs—including those of losing

brought to mainstream consciousness.

proper impact assessment. In addition

ecosystem services—must be factored

That campaign remains one of the

to traditional eIAs, detailed studies

into the projected cost of a plant before

most important contributions to the

should be carried out regarding possible

national resources are allotted. The

methodology of the environmental

geological issues that might arise during

time overrun of the current hydropower

Impact Assessment of large dams in

the project . Further, rehabilitation

projects in the Northeast is an


and resettlement processes should

important reminder of the importance

be transparent, and the people most

of ecological and human issues, which

While building large dams to harness

likely to be affected should be involved

must not be neglected in favour of

hydroelectric power has certain

from the start to avoid future feuds. The

quick benefits.

benefits, the current paradigm, which

43rd Report on Hydropower urges the

neglects environmental issues, can

government to fast-track the clearance

About the Author

have disastrous consequences and is

processes. However, while doing so, the

Jaya Thakur is a Junior Fellow at ORF,

fast becoming outdated.

goI must be mindful of the possible,



often irreversible, damages that can be caused to the ecosystem.

Endnotes 1.

Power Potential of North East by

third Report on Hydro Power (2018–

March 2018, accessed 19 November

NEEPCO, https://neepco.co.in/

19),” presented to Lok Sabha and laid

2019, http://thethirdpole.net/


in Rajya Sabha on 4 January 2019,

en/2018/03/ 29/hydropower-in-the-

2. “‘North-East Business Summit’” in

accessed 19 November 2019, http://


Mumbai from 19 July,” The Hindu



Business Line, 11 July 2002, accessed


14. Standing Committee on Energy, op. cit.

15 November 2019, https://

8. Standing Committee on Energy, op. cit.

15. Standing Committee on Energy, op. cit


9. N. Khandekar, “Only Hydro Projects

16. N. Vagholikar and P.J. Das, op. cit..


Can Feed India’s 24×7 Power Needs,”


Indiaspend.com, 27 October 2019,

without power, but we can’t live without

accessed 19 November 2019, https://

our land’: Indigenous Hmar Oppose

the Northeast (Pune/Guwahati/New


the Tipaimukh Dam in Manipur,”

Delhi: Kalpavriksh, Aaranyak and


Sociological Bulletin 61, no. 1 (2012):

Action Aid India, 1 November 2010).



3. N. Vagholikar and P.J. Das, Damming

17. V. Arora and N. Kipgen, “We can live

4. Ibid.

10. Ibid.

18. Standing Committee on Energy, op. cit.

5. Arunachal Pradesh State Government

11. Ibid.

19. V. Arora and N. Kipgen, op. cit..

and Ministry of Environment and

12. Ibid.

20. T. G. Sitharam and L. Govindaraju

Forests data, 2010.

13. N. Ghosh, “Hydropower in the

“Geotechnical aspects and ground

6. N. Vagholikar and P.J. Das, op. cit.

Himalayas: the economics that are

response studies in Bhuj earthquake,

7. Standing Committee on Energy, “Forty-

often ignored,” The Third Pole, 29

India”,Geotechnical and Geological



Engineering 22: (2004) 439–455,.

30. S. Akoijam, “Public hearings on

“PSUs: Modern industrial temples of

21. Standing Committee on Energy, op. cit.

Tipaimukh project a farce,” Down

India,” DNA India, 8 October 2009,

22. S. Gangopadhyay, “Geotechnical

to Earth, 4 July 2015, accessed

accessed 19 March 2019, https://www.

Problems of Dam Sites and Their,”

15 November 2019,https://www.


International Conference on Case



Histories in Geotechnical Engineering



16 (1993): 493-498. 23. Ibid. 24. J. Bandyopadhyay, B. Mallik, M.

a-farce-8872. 31. C.K. Duarah, Activists Continue

37. Standing Committee on Energy, op. cit. 38. J. Bandyopadhyay, “Why we need a

to Protest Dam Being Built on

new perspective on rivers,” The Third

Mandal and S. Perveen, “Dams and

Brahmaputra , The Wire, 2017,

Pole, 25 July 2018, accessed 19 March

Development: Report on a Policy

accessed 15 November 2019,

2019, https://www.thethirdpole.net/

Dialogue,” Economic and Political



Weekly 37, no. 40 (2002): 4108–4112.



25. World Commission on Dams, Dams


39. K. Khattri, “Great earthquakes,

and Development: A New Framework

32. Standing Committee on Energy, op. cit.

seismicity gaps and potential

for Decision-Making (London:

33. J.N. Holeman, “The Sediment Yield

for earthquake disaster along

Earthscan, 2002). 26. Ibid. K. Conca, “The World Commission On Dams And Trends In Global Environmental Governance,” Politics and the Life Sciences 21, no. 1 (2002): 67–71.

of Major Rivers of the World,” Water

the Himalaya plate boundary,”

Resources Research, 4, no. 4 (1968):

Tectonophysics 138, no. 1 (1987):

737–747. 34. J. Bandyopadhyay, B. Mallik, M. Mandal and S. Perveen, op. cit. 35. Ibid. World Commission on Dams,

79–92. 40. V. Arora and N. Kipgen, op. cit. 41. J. Bandyopadhyay, “Sustainability of Big Dams in Himalayas,” Economic

27. Standing Committee on Energy, op. cit.

Dams and Development: A New

and Political Weekly 30, no. 38 (1995):

28. Ibid.

Framework for Decision-Making


29. F. AFCL, “Introduction,” in

(London: Earthscan, 2000).

Comprehensive Environmental

36. Special Correspondence, “When the

Studies on Tipaimukh Hydro-electric

Big Dams Came up,” The Hindu, 20

(multipurpose) Project: Environmental

March 2015, accessed 19 March 2019,

Impact Assessment, Vol. 1 (Shillong:


NEEPCO, 2007). V. Arora and N.


Kipgen, op. cit.

dams-cameup/ article7013509.ece.

42. N. Ghosh, op. cit. 43. ORF


LimiTing cLimATe chAnge By SWiTching To hydroPoWer Human activities currently consume close to 150,000 terawatthours of energy each year – 25 times more than in 1800. Today’s energy supplies are largely derived from fossil fuels, which have been proved to contribute significantly to climate change.

“It’s clear that they are great pollutants,” eddie Rich, CeO of International Hydropower Association, a non-profit organisation working to advance sustainable hydropower, has said.

“[We] are using up the world’s resources and they are contributing enormously to climate change – manmade climate change. We have to do something to move beyond this

The burning of fossil fuels to produce

It’s clear that fossil fuels are great pollutants … they are contributing enormously to climate change. We have to do something to move beyond this reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energies

energy has been proved to contribute

Eddie Rich, CEO, International Hydropower Association

reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energies.” As reserves of fossil fuels are being depleted, industries and governments are increasingly looking at other alternative sources of energy, particularly renewable energy.

greatly to climate change.


The focus of renewable energy has

achieved despite hydropower accounting

where almost 100 per cent of electricity

been centred on solar and wind energy,

for less than 10 per cent of the energy

is generated from hydropower.

but what happens when the sun goes

mix in Malaysia, outside Sarawak.

The Malaysian state of Sarawak – home to more than 55 rivers with a combined length exceeding 3,300km (2,050 miles) on the island of Borneo – is playing to its strengths and sustainable competitive advantage by investing in hydropower to drive development. The goal is to supply Sarawak with full electrification by 2025.

Focus on affordable and clean power Hydropower is the largest source of renewable energy in the world, accounting for around 16 per cent of the planet’s electricity.

“There are opportunities around the world at the moment for more growth in

down and the wind speed drops?

There are opportunities around the world for growth in hydropower … [we must] draw on the lessons of the past, in terms of environmental, social and climate impact, to make sure that the impacts can be very positive

hydropower,” Rich says. “As I look to the future of hydropower, I hope that there’ll be a lot more of it – and it will be replacing much of the fossil fuel production and complementing other forms of renewable energy.” “I also hope that it will draw on the lessons of the past, in terms of environmental, social and climate impact, to make sure that the impacts can be very positive.” Sarawak has not only an abundance of waterways, but also benefits from all-year-round rainfall and tropical monsoons.” This plentiful supply of water has made Sarawak a key mover in Southeast Asia’s

Eddie Rich

Association of Southeast Asian Nations Sarawak joins other hydropower

The availability and accessibility of

power grid; it began exporting power to

successes around the world including

hydropower sources in the state mirrors

West Kalimantan across the Indonesian

Norway, Canada, Brazil and China.

countries such as Norway and Uruguay,

border in 2016.

At present, Sarawak’s three large hydropower dams have a combined installed capacity of 3,452MW of renewable energy, in line with the stateowned energy developer and power company Sarawak energy’s goal to help fulfil one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development goals (SDg) of affordable and clean energy. This has led to a 77 per cent reduction in carbon emissions from the state’s electricity system since 2009, when Sarawak started focusing strongly on hydropower. In turn, this cut has contributed to

Eddie Rich, CEO of International Hydropower Association, says the use

Malaysia’s 2015 UN Climate Change

of hydropower should be maximised to complement other renewable

Conference (COP21) target of a 45 per

energy sources. Photo: SCMP

cent reduction by 2030. This is to be



As I look to the future of hydropower, I hope that there’ll be a lot more of it – and it will be replacing much of fossil fuel production, and complementing other forms of renewable energy Eddie Rich

By working with neighbouring utilities

and other renewable energy to account

are likely to be within reach by then:

such as PLN in Indonesia and Sabah

for 4 per cent of the total mix by 2030.

affordable and clean energy (goal no

electricity Sdn Bhd in Sabah, Sarawak

7), which is closely linked to decent

energy plans to complete a Borneo grid

The diverse geographic make-up of

work and economic growth (goal no 8)

connecting the member states of Borneo

the state means Sarawak energy also

and climate action, via the reduction of

– Brunei, Sabah, and Kalimantan – with

uses microhydro and solar hybrid to

carbon emissions (goal no 13). With a

its hydro resources. In the longer-term,

power scattered and remote rural

good mix of different renewable energy

Sarawak can potentially export power to

communities. The power company

sources, Sarawak is creating a template

Southeast Asian states beyond Borneo,

is also exploring hydrogen’s potential

for states across Southeast Asia and

such as parts of the Philippines, Java, in

as an alternative fuel and energy. The

the wider region to move away from a

Indonesia, Singapore and West Malaysia.

UN’s 17 SDgs are interconnected so

dependence on coal and gas-generated

achieving all of them by 2030 may be

electricity while playing their part in

too challenging, but some core goals

achieving the 17 SDgs.

State combines different energy sources To further maximise hydropower, the ways in which it can complement other forms of renewable energy should be fully explored, Rich says. Hydropower currently accounts for 75 per cent of Sarawak’s total power generation mix. For energy security, the state balances its hydro strengths with thermal energy from indigenous gas and coal resources. Sarawak is also exploring large-scale solar power production that floats on existing lakes instead of

Hydropower currently accounts for 75 per cent of Sarawak’s total energy generation.

clearing land for solar farms. Sarawak

Photo: Sarawak energy

energy targets large-scale solar power


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ATTrAcTing inVeSTmenT in hydro PoWer

Hydropower is a strategic industry in

Over 150 managers from hydropower

water resources while Kazakhstan

Central Asia, as industrial production

sector, state authorities, international

has coal and gas. Then Kyrgyzstan

is developing and digitalisation is

investors and leading manufacturers

accumulated water, and Uzbekistan

ongoing in the region.

of hydropower technologies and

and Kazakhstan watered their

equipment took part in the event.

fields during the growing season. In

How to attract investment in

winter, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan

Regional cooperation

compensated with electricity.

in the region? These issues were

The development of energy sector

With the collapse of the Soviet

discussed by the participants of the

is impossible without international

Union, each country began to resolve

international congress “Hydropower

cooperation. In Soviet times, there

energy issues on its own. The parallel

Central Asia and Caspian 2020� held

was a reliable and efficient single

operation of energy systems has not

in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on February

energy system in Central Asia.

become reliable enough, energy expert


Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan possess rich

Shamil Dikambaev said.

the hydropower sector, improve cooperation and develop green energy



Industry challenges

It is necessary to create a common energy

in the industrial sector. Over the past

market in Central Asia. The work has

few years, electricity consumption has

begun on creating the Eurasian Economic

grown by more than a third, while the

electricity consumption in Kyrgyzstan

Union’s electricity market which will be

capacity of hydropower plants (HPP)

is increasing by 4% annually, but since

launched before January 1, 2025.

has been replenished by only 3.5%.

2010 no hydropower plants have been

For instance, there is a problem with

The most realistic way out is to

country’s hydropower potential is 142

tariffs in electricity trade between

increase trade in electricity supplies

billion kilowatt-hours, of which only

Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The

from neighbouring countries.

10% is used.

CASA-1000 project

Due to high wear and tear on

launched or built in the country. The

complexity will remain even if the unified energy system is restored, since electricity tariffs in Kazakhstan

equipment, annual maintenance

are much higher than in Kyrgyzstan.

CASA-1000 is a new electricity

costs are rising. The country has HPPs

The southern Kazakhstan bordering

transmission system to connect

from 63 to 92 years old, but thanks

with Kyrgyzstan experiences electricity

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan

to the professionalism of employees,

shortages, said yernur Djienbayev,

and Pakistan.

they are still operating. Some hydroelectric units have served more

Head of the Samruk-energy JSC Project Office. Kazakhstan is

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have

than a hundred years, since they were

interested in using Kyrgyzstan’s

abundant hydropower resources

transported from europe and installed

hydropower to regulate morning and

with water cascading from the

in Kyrgyzstan during the Second World

evening peaks in the region.

mountain ranges and filling the

War, representative of Kyrgyz energy

rivers every summer. Both countries

Holding Kubanychbek Astapaev said.

In Kazakhstan, more than 70% of

have a surplus of electricity during

electricity is generated at coal-fired

the summer. Nearby in South Asia,

Currently, with the support of ADB, one of

power plants, kursiv.kz reported.

Afghanistan and Pakistan suffer from

the largest projects is being implemented

For comparison, in the eU energy

chronic electricity shortages.

— the reconstruction of the Toktogul HPP, which will result in a 20% increase in

systems, the share of electricity generation at coal-fired power plants

CASA-1000 project would help make

its capacity. During the first phase, the

is 19%, in the US — 27%, in Russia —

the most efficient use of hydropower

electrical and mechanical equipment was

17%, and in Uzbekistan — 19%.

resources in Central Asian countries by

upgraded. The second phase includes

enabling them to transfer and sell their

replacing of two hydraulic units, resulting

Kazakhstan, which has dozens of

electricity surplus during the summer

in 60 megawatts power increase of each

power plants, is a large consumer of

months to the deficient countries,

unit. In the third phase, the remaining two

electricity due to increased demand

Afghanistan and Pakistan.

hydraulic units will be replaced by new ones.



The rehabilitation is to be accomplished

The Kambar-Ata HPP-2 was launched

in 2022. As a result, the HPP’s total

in 2010. The two projects are important

The development of renewable energy

capacity will increase by 240 MW.

and interconnected, because Kambar-

sources (RES) needs political will

Ata-2 cannot fully work without launching

based on mutual interests, said eBRD

Kambar-Ata-1. In 2008-2009, the Kyrgyz

representative erlan Ramazanov.

Kambar-Ata-1 HPP

government was in talks with Inter RAO Kyrgyzstan plans to begin construction

on the construction of Kambar-Ata-1,

Another important point is the term for

of the Kambar-Ata-1 HPP, head of the

but due to certain disagreements, the

concluding a contract for the purchase

National energy Holding Aitmamat

project was suspended. At the congress,

of energy from a producer. According to

Nazarov said.

the Inter RAO representative said that the

Kyrgyz law, electricity generated from

company had not denounced the project

ReS can be sold at an increased price

and was ready to return to it.

for ten years. This is not a sufficient

The feasibility study is ready, and negotiations are underway with several investors and international financial

period of time, Ramazanov believes. It

Renewable energy

institutions, he added. It is planned to

is 15 years in Kazakhstan, and 20 years in Uzbekistan.

hold negotiations with Uzbekistan and

eight HPP cascades, including 34 small

Kazakhstan, so that they also take part in

hydropower plants, can be built on the

Regulatory changes that improve

the construction. Earlier, Kyrgyzstan signed

Naryn River, the largest in Kyrgyzstan.

investment conditions will positively

a memorandum with Uzbekistan on joint

Their total capacity will be 6,450

affect investment growth and

HPP construction, and it is in force.

megawatts, and an average annual

the signing of contracts, which is

output — 25 billion kilowatt-hours.

especially important for Kyrgyzstan.

The National energy Holding intends

According to the State Committee

to give the project national status. The

According to the National energy

for energy, Industry and Subsoil Use

capacity of the Kambar-Ata-1 HPP will

Holding, the Upper Naryn HPPs cascade

of Kyrgyzstan, the potential of the

be 1,860 megawatts with an annual

project is of interest to many investors.

country’s small HPPs is 258 MW and

output of 6 billion kilowatthours.

earlier, the project of building small

of wind energy — 44 million kWh.

Kambar-Ata-1 will generate 1.5-fold

HPPs was widely promoted in the

Uzbekistan has enormous potential

more electricity than the country’s

country but it was delayed due to lack

for the development of solar and

largest Toktogul HPP.

of funding.

wind energy. In collaboration with the Masdar Clean energy Company, UAe, it

The Inter RAO Russian energy company

The only problem with small HPPs is

is planned to build wind power stations

is developing projects in all Central

their profitability. In 2014, a tariff was

with a total capacity of 500 MW based

Asian countries. The company is also

introduced for energy companies to

on the g2g principle. A memorandum

interested in the Kambar-Ata HPP

purchase electricity for 4.4 soms per

was also concluded with the eBRD on

project, Inter RAO’s representative

kilowatt hour, but energy companies

the implementation of PPP projects in

Dmitry Volkov said.

cannot afford such price.

wind energy.




Raising tariffs is an important issue, and

In Kazakhstan, the first ReS law was

political will and a balanced system

adopted in 2009, and the eBRD was

To build new HPPs, investments are

are needed, expert Ramazanov said.

the first international institution to fund

needed. However, potential investors,

It is necessary to take the first step

the first renewable energy project in

having learned about electricity tariffs

and determine a strategic line, having

the country. In Uzbekistan, a law on

in Kyrgyzstan, refuse to cooperate. The

developed a long-term strategy. This

ReS was adopted two years ago and

country has the lowest electricity tariffs

is what investors need, he concluded.

the first result was last year. The eBRD

in Central Asia. Investors will come

The National energy Holding proposed

is currently working with the Uzbek

when they see profit.

raising tariffs to breakeven. The State

government on wind generation.

Committee for Industry, energy and

emil Osmonbetov, Chairman of the

According to the National energy

Subsoil Use and the energy Holding are

Kyrgyz State Committee for energy,

Holding, Kyrgyzstan has the lowest

now drafting a proposal to increase the

Industry and Subsoil Use, believes that

average electricity tariff among the

tariff for thermal energy.

Kyrgyzstan can be called a country with

eeU countries. In Belarus, it is about

green energy, since more than 90% of

Green energy

electricity is generated from hydropower.

$0.17, and in Kyrgyzstan — an average

When considering energy projects,

To attract investment, there should be

of $0.07. In Kyrgyzstan, production of

financial institutions take into account

a base and tools within which financial

one kilowatt hour of electricity costs

environmental issues, and more

institutions could develop projects, bring

1.69 soms and most of the electricity is

attention is paid to clean energy and

them up for discussion and implement

sold at a social tariff of 0.77 soms. So,

renewable energy sources. In 2015, the

them, expert Ramazanov said.

companies involved in the generation

eBRD adopted the green economy

of electricity operate at a loss.

Transition (geT) approach, under

All countries in the region are competitors

which the Bank had to increase green

in the investment market, and they

financing to at least 40% of total annual

should provide attractive opportunities for

investments by 2020.

investors to come.

$0.7 per one kW, in Russia — $0.37, in Kazakhstan — $0.25, in Tajikistan —




power for asia

BUiLding A cASe For diSTriBUTed generATion in ASiA Rapid economic development, a

region, not helped by constrained

can rapidly bring power to provinces

continuous growth in population,

transmission and distribution facilities,

that are currently not connected

and increased domestic and foreign

is making it challenging to satisfy the

to the countries’ national grids due

investments across key industries

immediate electricity demand.

to isolation and remoteness. While

have all contributed to the remarkable

in Myanmar, distributed power

increase in Southeast Asia’s power

The observed inadequacy in the

generation systems can provide

consumption in recent years. The

current power infrastructure, delays

electricity to smaller load centers,

region’s power demand has risen by

in the construction of permanent

considering that the country’s overall

2.5 times in the past 20 years, and

power generation facilities, and the

electrification rate is only 26% and

by 2040, Southeast Asia’s electricity

heightened need to fulfill the region’s

the transmission line losses stands

requirements is likely to triple, for

immediate power requirements have

at 25%.Cars are Already Rushing

which an additional power generation

prompted Southeast Asian countries

Through the Racetracks Moreover,

capacity of approximately 400 gW is

to find solutions in distributed power

more than 60% of the land in

said to be required.


Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam are greatly suitable for large-scale solar

In the interest of maintaining a healthy

Distributed Power generation in

farms, with substantial irradiance

economy and attracting further foreign

Southeast Asia According to global

levels between 1,200 kWh/m2/year

investment and activities, countries in

research and consulting firm Frost and

and 2,000 kWh/m2/year. Overall,

Southeast Asia have ramped up their

Sullivan, the overall installed capacity

Southeast Asia is touted to have an

spending in infrastructure, including

of the distributed power generation

annual global horizontal irradiance

in roads, railways, and residential and

market in Southeast Asia is in the area

ranging from 1,200 kWh/m2 to

commercial facilities. This, among

of 20,450 MW in 2015, which can

1,800 kWh/m2, making the region

other factors, has caused the region’s

scale up to 34,747 MW by 2020.

highly ideal for developing solar

power demand to exponentially expand.

power plants. Among the countries in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia,

The key types of distributed power

And while Southeast Asian

Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam

facilities installed in the region include

governments and allied stakeholders

are considered to be high-potential

biomass and waste-to-power, solar

are also funding the building of new

territories for distributed power

photovoltaic, and diesel/HFO/

or the refurbishment of existing

based on market potential and

gas temporary rental power plants.

power facilities to support long-term

available resources. For instance,

Hybrid power plants and micro-

electricity requirements, the current

in the Philippines and Indonesia,

grid systems are reportedly also

shortage in power supply within the

distributed power generation facilities

being developed. Distributed Power


System in Southeast Asia (Photo

and the National Power Corporation

credit: Flickr) Biomass and waste-to-

in the Philippines, or the Perusahaan

power plants are ideal to supply the

Listrik Negara in Indonesia and the

captive power needs of small- and

Vietnam electricity Company, will

medium-scale industries. This type of

find numerous benefits in setting

distributed power system enjoys wide

up temporary rental power plants to

government support across Southeast

meet the immediate power demands

Asia, and benefits from abundant

of their countries. Temporary power

biomass resources, particularly

plants are also scalable, in that its

in Indonesia, the Philippines and

output can be tailored to the existing

Thailand. Solar PV facilities, on the

electricity demand of a community,

other hand, are gaining ground across

a city or a province. They can also be

the region, thanks to policy support

installed even in areas with limited

and incentives. Thailand is at the

power infrastructure, say where

forefront of the solar PV market in

substations are absent, because they

Southeast Asia, with an estimated

can be directly connected to the grid

capacity additions of approximately

having been equipped with the latest

one gW in 2015 alone. Temporary

protection systems and advanced

power plants running on diesel or

transformation and switching

HFO still dominate the rental power

equipment. When the permanent

segment in Southeast Asia, owing

power plants are completed, the

to significant cost-savings, rapid

rental power plants can be easily

installation, wide availability of fuel,

and completely demobilized, thus

and inherent flexibility of use.

leaving no power facility not used or that will require further maintenance

Temporary power plants running on

and servicing. As Southeast Asian

gas are also gaining popularity in the

economies continue to grow in the

region, in recognition of their cost and

coming years, the region’s demand

environmental benefits. By going for

for electricity will proportionally

the rental power option, one avoids

increase. While the region’s

the need for a significant upfront

governments are implementing

investment, and the long lead times

long-term programs to respond to

associated with the construction of

future power needs, power utilities

permanent power generation facilities.

in Southeast Asia, including Tenaga Nasional in Malaysia or the electricity

Industry studies conducted across

generating Authority of Thailand,

Southeast Asia reveal that a

can take advantage of the availability

permanent centralized power plant

of distributed power generation

may take around five to ten years to

systems, like temporary power

become fully operational due to the

plants. Distributed power facilities

obstacles created by environmental

can help overcome topographical

laws in the region and land acquisition

challenges in delivering power,

requirements, compounded by overall

circumvent power transmission and

construction delays. While waiting for

distribution limitations, and boost

the power plants to be constructed

the electrification rates of various

and activated, power companies in

countries in Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asia, the likes of Meralco


Are micro-gridS The AnSWer To energy PoVerTy? Natarajan Chandrasekaran is chairman of the Tata Group. Rajiv J. Shah is president of the Rockefeller Foundation. Imagine you are one of the 840

modern economy, according to the

We are now at a tipping point: Advances

million people around the world who

report tracking progress on SDg7. The

in science and technology have

live without access to electricity: Basic

business, social, and public sectors

produced next generation, decentralised

machinery is powered manually, you

must come together to do more.

energy solutions transformational

rush to finish work before sundown,

enough to quickly connect the

there are limited means for reading

When electricity enters a community,

unconnected and move people to

or studying at night, and you are

everything changes. Families can light

a new level of economic potential.

locked out of the modern information

their homes, charge their cell phones,

Today, advancements in energy

economy. yet imagine that suddenly,

and power appliances that save

management systems, smart meters,

your situation changes with the arrival

hours of household chores each day.

remote monitoring, and new energy

of microgrids.

Communities enjoy modern health

storage technologies make microgrids

care services and education, and

the best possible solution to connect

Renewable energy microgrids,

streetlights increase safety for women

hundreds of millions of people more

also referred to as mini-grids, are

and girls.

quickly and more sustainably. The World

decentralised electrification systems,

Bank recently released a flagship report

comprising local generation (solar,

Farmers increase their crop yields with

assessing that over half of the world’s

biomass, micro-hydro), battery

irrigation, protect their crop value with

unelectrified population would be more

storage, a small control room, and

cold storage, or increase their returns

cost effectively served via microgrids.

local distribution lines. These grids

through post harvest processing. Small

offer not only the potential of

businesses can grow and hire new

extending the existing grid is of

electricity, but also the power of

workers, connecting into increasingly

course another way to address energy

data and technology. This reversal

integrated supply chains and markets

poverty, although that expansion takes

of fortune is now possible for

at home and around the world. Indeed,

time and is often not cost effective,

hundreds of millions of people. In

electricity is the foundation on which

especially in rural areas where most

fact, it is one of the critical Sustainable

modern businesses run and thrive.

of the world’s unelectrified population

Development goals of the United

lives. A typical microgrid, on the other

Nations, SDg7: the global goal of

When such gains happen at scale, the

hand, can be up and running in as little

ensuring basic energy access for

economic benefits multiply and lift up

as two months. It can power a small

100% of the world’s population by

communities, regions, and countries.

village or an entire town, and serve

2030. yet as we look ahead to this

This is what ending energy poverty

a wide range of customers, including

new decade, at the current rate of

means—and why we believe ending

households, businesses, and public

progress, 650 million people will still

energy poverty is core to ending

institutions such as health care clinics

be left behind and locked out of the

poverty itself in the 21st century.

and schools.


Today microgrids in rural areas across

standards in a manner that is

the standard for microgrids,

sub-Saharan Africa and Asia are

consistent with our shared global

significant cost reductions for capital

using control and data management

climate goals. There are other

and operating expenditures will help

systems as sophisticated as what

major players in this growing space.

deliver the cheapest microgrid power

utilities use in major cities, according to

Powergen, which one analyst calls

in the world. Continued innovation

a report by the Institute for Advanced

the market leader in Africa, has

will further drive cost reductions,

Sustainability Studies. It is even possible

rapidly scaled up from 60 microgrids

helping define a pathway for more

to pair microgrids with traditional grid

at the end of 2018 to 193 sites

affordable, low-carbon development

extension for faster, cheaper, and more

currently. PowerCorner, the mini-grid

strategies worldwide.

impactful electrification.

arm of French multinational engie, is operating nine microgrids with four

As we embark on a new decade, the

This is why TP Renewable Microgrid

more under construction, with the

need to end energy poverty—and

Ltd., an initiative of Tata Power

aim of continuing to expand in the

the impact it will have—can’t be

supported by the Rockefeller

coming years.

ignored. There is room for everyone

Foundation, has come up with

to have a role—investors, technology

a plan to provide clean, reliable,

To end energy poverty on a global

companies, data scientists, and those

affordable power to 10,000 villages

scale, the private and philanthropic

in the energy industry.

across India, directly impacting

sectors must work together to drive

the lives of 25 million people over

technology improvements so that

Through collaboration and partnership

the next decade. (This projection

systems get smarter, cheaper, and

across sectors, we can transform the

is based on research conducted by

quicker to deploy. Philanthropy can

lives of millions of people around the

the Rockefeller Foundation, Smart

reduce risk for businesses looking

world. Providing reliable, renewable

Power India, and the Institute for

to scale up social impact through

electricity to the communities that

Transformative Technologies.)

increased investment.

need it most is one of the best ways for

This partnership will unleash local

us to end poverty, protect our planet,

economic opportunities, driving

With highly efficient lithium-ion

and unleash economic opportunity in

energy consumption and living

battery technology close to becoming

our lifetimes.


Ametek Land


W W W. L A N D I N S T . C O M


W W W. A M E T E K . C O M


Australia is the world’s third largest

The proposed Sun Cable project

vast renewable energy resources. They

fossil fuels exporter – a fact that

envisions a ten gigawatt capacity solar

promise to provide an alternative to the

generates intense debate as climate

farm (with about 22 gigawatt-hours of

export business of coal, iron ore and gas.

change intensifies. While the

battery storage) laid out across 15,000

economy is heavily reliant on coal

hectares near Tennant Creek, in the

As experts of east-Asian energy

and gas export revenues, these fuels

Northern Territory. Power generated

developments, we welcome Sun

create substantial greenhouse gas

will supply Darwin and be exported to

Cable. It could pioneer a renewable

emissions when burned overseas.

Singapore via a 3,800km cable slung

energy export industry for Australia,

across the seafloor.

creating new manufacturing industries

Australia doesn’t currently export

and construction jobs. Importantly, it

renewable energy. But an ambitious new

Sun Cable, and similar projects in the

could set our economy on a post-fossil

solar project is poised to change that.

pipeline, would tap into the country’s

fuel trajectory.



Long-term cost benefits Sun Cable was announced last year

unit) of generating and transporting

farms to create renewable hydrogen,

renewable power offers further

transported to east Asia as liquid


hydrogen. Similarly, the planned

by a group of Australian developers.

Asian Renewable energy Hub could

The project’s proponents say it would

The A$20 billion-plus proposal’s

have renewable hydrogen generated

provide one-fifth of Singapore’s

biggest financial hurdle was covering

in Western Australia’s Pilbara region

power supply by 2030, and replace

initial capital costs. In November last

at 15 gigawatts. This would also

a large share of fossil fuel-generated

year, billionaire Australian investors

be exported, and supplied to local

electricity used in Darwin.

Mike Cannon-Brookes and Andrew


“Twiggy” Forrest provided initial funding to the tune of up to A$50

These projects align with the Western

million. Cannon-Brookes said while

Australian government’s ambitious

Sun Cable seemed like a “completely

Renewable Hydrogen Strategy. It’s

batshit insane project”, it appeared

pushing to make clean hydrogen a

achievable from an engineering

driver for the state’s export future.

perspective. Sun Cable is expected to be completed in 2027. Submarine cables are laid using deepsea vessels specifically designed for

Bringing in business

the job. Alan Jamieson/Flickr. The proposal would also bring To export renewable energy overseas,

business to local high-technology

a high-voltage (HV) direct current

companies. Sun Cable has contracted

(DC) cable would link the Northern

with Sydney firm 5B, to use its “solar

Projects such as Sun Cable could

Territory to Singapore. Around the

array” prefabrication technology to

reduce Australia’s reliance on coal

world, some HVDC cables already

accelerate the building of its solar

exports. AAP

carry power across long distances.

farm. The firm will pre-assemble solar

One ultra-high-voltage direct

panels and deliver them to the site in

current cable connects central China

containers, ready for quick assembly.

Reliable solutions generating and transmitting power

to eastern seaboard cities such as Shanghai. Shorter HVDC grid

The Northern Territory government

from renewable resources avoids the

interconnectors operate in europe.

has also shown support, granting Sun

energy security risks plaguing fossil

Cable “major project” status. This

fuel projects. Renewable projects use

The fact that long distance HVDC

helps clear potential investment and

manufactured devices such as solar

cable transmission has already proven

approval barriers.

cells, wind turbines and batteries. These all generate energy security (a nation’s

feasible is a point working in Sun Cable’s favour.

Across Australia, similar renewable

access to a sufficient, affordable and

energy export plans are emerging.

consistent energy supply)..

The cost of generating solar power is

The Murchison Renewable Hydrogen

also falling dramatically. And the low

Project in Western Australia will use

marginal cost (cost of producing one

energy produced by solar and wind



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cyBer SecUriTy iS criTicAL For ASiA’S SmArT ciTieS Civic leaders around the world are

as well as the convenience of remote

for not only devices to connect to OT

looking to automate the infrastructures

operations, hinge on the convergence

networks, but also cybercriminals.

that make their cities run in a drive

of IT and OT (operational technology)

to reduce costs and cope with rising

for maximum connectivity.

What might be attacked?

utilities, through to refuse collection and

However, IoT devices often run

Public services can be made more

streetlighting, making services “smart”

on operating systems that have

time- and cost-efficient through

by connecting devices to the Internet

vulnerabilities that are challenging

automation and connectivity. However,

is appealing to those managing cities

to patch, or simply no longer

with each service that is brought online,

and large towns. In fact, UBS predicts

supported. For instance, IPnet is

smart cities are exposing themselves

that Asia’s smart city market could

still an integral part o ng systems

and their citizens to the risk of large-

reach US$800b in 2025. The UN

of smart devices used in connected

scale threats.

projects that 66% of the population

cities, despite being unsupported

in Southeast Asia will be living in

since 2006. Combined with the

Take street lighting for example. By

urban areas by 2050, and many of its

reality that there are likely to be

2026, Asia Pacific is set to be home

cities are looking to smart solutions to

hundreds of thousands of these

to a third of all smart streetlight

address their challenges. However, in

devices connecting to an OT network,

installations worldwide, the bulk of

their rush to automate their cities, civic

that presents a huge, exposed attack

which include central management

managers need to ensure that they

surface for attackers to exploit.

systems. In Jakarta, remote monitoring

populations. From transit networks and

and control of streetlights has allowed

also build in cybersecurity to protect Already, 88% of organisations in Asia

the city to save energy during off-peak

Pacific have experienced at least

hours, and to deploy repair crews

one IoT-related security breach, the

only when necessary. Street lighting

highest rate in the world. This is likely

is vital for towns and cities as it helps

The benefits of generating data-based

to be exacerbated by the rollout of 5g

enhance quality of life, improve public

insights from IoT-powered smart cities,

networks, which provides a better way

safety, and reduce traffic accidents.

them from threats.

The severity of the threat


Conversely, a cyberattack knocking out

was leaked in a cyberattack, which

and mitigate any vulnerabilities on their

an entire street lighting system could

has been attributed to system

networks. As IoT and OT environments

endanger commuters.

vulnerabilities and weak passwords.

use unique communication protocols,

This should be of concern to smart

this requires specialised solutions that

There is also the reality that alongside

city managers, as it doesn’t take

can recognise them.

the potential to cause widespread

long once a threat actor is in an IT

chaos, cybercriminals are likely to want

network to move laterally into the

Once they know what is running on

to break into these systems to steal the

OT that a smart city runs on if there

the network, security professionals

data, including personally identifiable

is not proper segmentation between

also need to know how assets

information, on which they run.

the two. Local authorities must also

should be running, so that they can

ensure existing staff are trained to be

detect any anomalies. This requires

“cyber aware”, so that their actions

continuous automated monitoring

don’t compromise their networks’

that can present contextualised alerts

While IoT could transform how cities

security. They must also recruit or train

ranked by level of severity, providing

are managed, these advantages

a cybersecurity team that understands

security teams with all the information

can be wiped out by a single

the difference between managing and

they need to tackle potential risks in

cyberattack. As such, cybersecurity

protecting IT and OT networks.

priority order. Such solutions also help

Reducing risks

must be a priority when making any infrastructure “smart”.

reduce time wasted dealing with false The other piece of the puzzle is to

positives and low risk alerts.

invest in technology that provides However, public servants often lack

detailed oversight into everything on

When building physical infrastructures,

cybersecurity expertise. In 2018,

a city’s IT and OT networks. Knowing

a key consideration for civic managers

Singapore faced what authorities

granular details such as a device’s make,

and leaders has always been safety

dubbed its “most serious personal

model, OS and IP address through to

and security. The same now has to be

data breach” when the personal

risk level and update schedule, the IT

true when building OT infrastructures

information of 1.5 million patients

security team will be able to identify

in the age of IoT.


AdVerTiSerS indeX ABB ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Powerweek - Asia .............................................................................................................. 5 Sumitomo Shi FW.............................................................................................................11 MHPS-Tomoni ..................................................................................................................19 Engie ..................................................................................................................................36 Smart Utility Systems ....................................................................................................49 Andritz Hydro ................................................................................................................. 50 Karpowership ................................................................................................................... 55 Ametek Land ................................................................................................................... 60 Enexio ................................................................................................................................63 Powerweek - Africa ......................................................................................................... 67 MHPS-Tomoni .................................................................................................................68



14 _ 18 SEPTEMBER 2020 JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA Distinguished Speakers Include

Abubakar Sani Sambo Chairman Ministerial Task Force on Power, Nigeria

Geoffrey Mabe Executive Secretary Energy Regulators Association of East Africa

Oscar Amonoo – Neizer Executive Secretary Energy Commission, Ghana



Haliru Dikko Commissioner ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority


Median C-Level Buy Side Executives Management Audience

William Price CEO Enel Green Power, South Africa


Cyprian Nyakundi Director Energy & Petroleum Regulatory Authority, Kenya


Countries African Attendees Represented

Supporting Partners

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