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4.3 A leader’s calling
manner. For long periods of time there were lists of names of persons who were not to be mentioned in the newspaper by the acting night editor. The reasons for such measures were seldom mentioned to the editorial staff, one had only to guess what lay behind and could understand that it referred to individuals with devious views concerning one or two points.‛24 Per Grevér, who for a time served as reporter for the IBRA Radio, remarks, ‚no opposition was tolerated whatsoever against the official policies of the movement‛ .
The above mentioned quotes from different periods in the history of the movement stem from young and old individuals in different positions within or from outside the movement and reflect personal observations and experiences.
4.3 A leader’s calling
Does Lewi Pethrus consider himself as leader of the Swedish Pentecostal Movement? In 1920 he answered the question as follows ‚I have never been, am not now and will never be leader of the Pentecostal Revival in Sweden or elsewhere. Woe betides the members of the Pentecostal Revival, when they appoint a leader for the Movement in its entirety. When this happens then we shall see the beginning and the end of this revival.‛26
In 1948 the Lidman schism, as it is called, took place. Among other discussions the leadership of the Pentecostal Movement was debated. During the Nyhem week that year the question of the spiritual positions were taken up. In connection with this Lewi Pethrus stated, ‚The very events themselves should make it evident to people what position of calling we have received. It is not necessary that we should go around proclaiming to the world that we are entrusted with this or that vocation. And if people suggest that we are this or that we have a right to answer 'no, I am not', and we have this right given to us as a mark of true humility. Even if we feel that we have received a calling from God we have a full right to decline from using all lofty titles. We want to serve God, and then God Himself will one day tell and decide what has been our calling and responsibility in life. The Church or its
_________________ 24 Andström 1966, p. 16, 76, 79. 25 Andström 1966, p. 115. 26 Evangelii Härold 5.2.20, Lewi Pethrus, ‛Diskussionen om pingstväckelsen‛ .