Pin Sangkaeo Portfolio 2021

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pin sangkaeo Architecture + Design Portfolio | 202-215-6950

Studies of Piranesi’s Etchings Graphite on Paper


+1 202 215 6950



Syracuse University School of Architecture | New York Bachelor of Architecture, August 2021 GPA: 3.85

The Living Room Conversation at Everson Museum of Art

Related Experience Sekou Cooke Studio - MoMA: Reconstructions

Design Assistant | October - December 2020 | Syracuse, New York

Built a large-scale model and produced drawings that were displayed at the Museum of Modern Art for the exhibition Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America

Atema Architecture

Architectural Intern | June - August 2019 | New York, New York

Generated floor plans, sections, construction drawings, and prepared presentations for office renovation and residential projects

Architects 49

Architectural Intern | June - August 2018 | Bangkok, Thailand

Produced floor plans, iterative visualizations, and formal diagrams for residential buildings in Bangkok

Additional Experience Digital Pandemic Short Film

Co-Set Designer | November 2020 - March 2021 | Syracuse, New York With Benson Joseph, designed and fabricated wooden structures for the set of a short film involving contemporary dance

Video Installation and Sculptural Exhibition | April - May 2021

With Benson Joseph, led 3 project teams, organized 4 symposiums, and designed and fabricated a screen-like sculpture to project work

Black History Month - Hidden Histories Video Exhibition | NOMAS | February 2021

With Benson Joseph, produced 3, 6-minute-long videos based on 15 posters by various designers under the theme ‘Hidden Histories’

Body & Space

Physical Interventions & Video | November 2020

With Benson Joseph and FADS, organized and filmed a series of interventions in Syracuse with people wearing hoodies in choreography

Pursuit of Design Extremes

Exhibition | Harry der Boghosian Fellowship | October 2020

Assisted Professor Benjamin Vanmuysen in designing and fabricating exhibition that explores design extremes through five elements of the exhibition room

Cognitive Awareness

Exhibition | November - December 2019

With Benson Joseph, curated an architectural exhibition based on our understanding of how one perceives space


Sculptural Installation | October - November 2019

Paleight Studio

With Benson Joseph, designed and fabricated a sculptural installation to be displayed in the library of Syracuse University; it was later donated to McKinley Brighton Elementary School in Syracuse

Graphic Designer

Press Coverage

Co-founder and Art Director | June 2020 - present | Bangkok, Thailand Create brand identity and manage social media content for a fashion brand Freelancer | 2017 - present Design logos, posters, and packages for new brands

Archinect | 2021

Awards & Honors

By Nathaniel Bahadursingh, “Syracuse University School of Architecture Students Uncover the Forgotten Histories of Systemic Racism with “Hidden Histories” Exhibit”

Finalist, King + King Leadership by Design Competition | 2021

The NewsHouse | 2020

1st Place, Barbara G. Laurie Student Design Competition | 2019

Won first place competing among 36 schools at the 47th Annual National Organization of Minority Architects Conference

SOURCE Grant: The Living Room Conversation | 2021

Awarded $10,000 grant to develop three projects about design justice

PICS: Performing Identities Across Cultures | 2021

‘Body & Space’ video was selected to be screened on the university quad among five other videos under the theme “Together-Apart”

Best Experimental - MINUS THE HAIR | 2021

Short film about female body hair was awarded Best Experimental at Salt City International Film Festival in Syracuse and Special Mention at MikroFAF in Serbia

Finalist, Provost’s Award for Undergraduate Contributions to Human Value | 2021 SOURCE Summer Grant: Temples of Consumerism | 2020

By Chandler Plante, “Syracuse FADS project shows the power of virtual fashion”

Archinect | 2020

By Sean Joyner, “Professor Kermit Lee Jr., Syracuse School of Architecture’s first black graduate, honored in student organized exhibition”

The Daily Orange | 2019

By Carlo Di Giammarino, “SU architecture students use plexiglass in ‘Cognitive Awareness’ exhibit”

Syracuse University News | 2019

By Christina Hatem, “Bird Library Hosting ‘Homo-Symbiosis’ Architectural Installation”

Skills Representation: SketchUp, Revit, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros 3D, Enscape, V-Ray, Grasshopper, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere

Awarded $2800 grant to travel to Bangkok and conduct research on the design of Bangkok shopping malls

Fabrication: 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC milling, ink, graphite,

Dean Frederick W. Revels Endowed Scholarship | 2019

Languages: English (Fluent), Thai (Native)

foam, wood, plexiglass

Studies of Parc de la Villette by Bernard Tschumi and OMA In Collaboration with Benson Joseph


Architectural Design


Independent Study





Cultural Center and Hotel


Democracy in Debate

Debate Society and Senior Housing


Machinery as Windows Archive of Syracuse

MoMA: We Outchea

Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America


Digital Pandemic

Set Design for Experimental Short Film

Cognitive Awareness Architectural Exhibition



Public Sculptural Installation


Body & Space

Public Intervention and Experimental Video


Culturescape Cultural Center and Hotel

Crenshaw, South LA is a community full of diversity. In order to address and respond to the issues of race, class and intersectionality in this diverse community, the community needs a pure black space. The questions become how to approach collective ownership of space in such a diverse community while still being inclusive, democratic, and embraces individuals. Culturescape seeks to provide a new hub for the Crenshaw community of South L.A. and beyond by serving as a venue for art, performance, and education. The project is composed of a collage of figures each exhibiting their own unique architectural identity and program and linked by a common spine. Together, these programs will work to foster vibrant community life and catalyze new cultural dialogue. Situated within a broader master plan for the redevelopment of the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Mall, the Culturescape will bridge over MLK Boulevard through a raised public walkway, facilitating a continuous public realm. Course: Design VII - Fall 2020 Professor: Cory Henry Location: Crenshaw, Los Angeles Teammate: Bram Monson

Site Strategy

Site Plan

Roofscape Plan

The programs in Culturescape include hotel, reading room, forum, library, cafe, offices, gallery and art studios. The main programs are named following black historic figures including Ethel Waters, David Hammons, Wanda Coleman, and J.B. Stradford, in order honor their work and contribution to the world.

Formal and Programmatic Strategies

East-West Section

Ground Plan

The Ethel Waters Forum

The Wanda Coleman Reading Pavilion

The David Hammons Gallery


The J.B. Stradford Hotel

Crenshaw Plaza

The Wanda Coleman Reading Pavilion

The Ethel Waters Forum


The David Hammons Gallery


Democracy in Debate Debate Society and Senior Housing

Our proposed program, a debate society, becomes the connection to the city of Syracuse and the residences’ retired academics. The debate space is formally connected to the city in that it aligns with the axis of Syracuse City Hall and of the adjacent church. The axis becomes a connection of reason, faith and state. Therefore, this project associates itself with a long trajectory of the importance of these 3 components in the evolution of the making of political structure. With the cafe across the debate space, this project becomes a representation of the historical roman urban block that consist of government, religion and commerce that function together to form public space and discourse. The project uses its structural elements to support the building mechanically, while creating a space to congregate. The debate roof is structured by glulam ribs, circular beams and tension ring in the center that allows for skylight. The debate roof and the skylight celebrates this space of public discourse that is rooted in the archive of knowledge below, while at the same time, the structural core that supports it carries air and water that functions the building. The residential tower is composed of a flat slab and series of structural walls which perform as a core for water and electricity that archives the books of retired academics. The project uses its structural elements to support the building mechanically, while creating the a space to congregate and deliberate. Course: Design VIII Integrated Design - Spring 2021 Professor: Elizabeth Kamell Location: Syracuse, New York Teammate: Kelsey Benitez

Structural Systems

Passive and Active Systems

Housing Plan

First Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan

North Elevation

Housing Configurations

Passive and Active Systems

Housing Facade Details

Debate Space Structural Details

Elevated Plaza

Debate Space


M a c h i n e r y as W i n d o w s Archive of Syracuse

This archive is a machine of floating elements that are placed within a gridded framework. It employs the motif of periscope as a viewing device and manipulates the people’s perception of outside or inside of the building through the system. The thick façade separates the city of Syracuse with the collection of its books. The inner glass façade that is made of alternating clear and frosted glass panes control what people see or do not see inside out as well as outside in. The stairs and the cat walks bring the people around to experience the gridded steel frames as they align and misalign with the grid system. The hung book archive which can be seen from multiple areas of the building, including the outside, reinforces the importance of the knowledge and information that is collected there. The viewing elements of this archive and the gridded structure system work together to manipulate and control the people’s perception of the city of Syracuse both from inside out and outside in. Course: Design II - Spring 2018 Professor: Jonathan Louie Location: Syracuse, New York

Study Models

Floor Plans

Final Model

Circulation and Programmatic Diagrams


Periscopes Diagram

Final Model


We Outchea: Hip-Hop Fabrications and Public Space MoMA Exhibition - Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America

February 2021 Exhibition by Sekou Cooke STUDIO In Collaboration with Benson Joseph

Sekou Cooke: The story of Syracuse is really an American story of displacing Black residents when there is a public infrastructural project happening. When you’re going to build a public highway you don’t go through the white neighborhoods. Instead, you designate the black neighborhoods as slums and you clear them out and you build a highway right through it. I am Sekou Cooke. There are several layers of history of the site that I’ve chosen in what used to be the old 15th ward of Syracuse. In the 1920s, it was a really dense neighborhood of single family housing. All of that was developed into one of the first public housing projects in the country. Then the highway came through, and then they tore down some of that development. And what’s being proposed for the site now is that all of that low-income housing is going to be cleared away to build new mixed-income housing. One of the things that I’ve done for a long time in my practice is think about how hip hop as a culture can influence architecture. So my proposal is taking all of those layers of history and sampling them, remixing them into something new. The stoop has a long legacy of being really important to Black people in urban environments. It’s been a place for sitting and watching the world, for interacting with neighbors, it’s been a playground for children, it’s been the location for storytelling. So the model is actually a large section of concrete stoop. And it is attached to a base of plywood layers. The wood areas are the new proposal for mixed income housing and the orange areas are spaces for commerce, for public interaction. In claiming public space, that’s a space where black joy can really exist. We are able to form community despite hardship, despite oppression, despite being placed in public housing and then displaced. The way that we use public space is really the way that we express freedom and in freedom is joy and in joy is ultimate self preservation and self care.

Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art

Model Fabrication Process

(Concrete Stoop, Stacked CNC-Milled 3/4” Plywood, Lasercut Basswood)


Digital Pandemic

Set Design for Experimental Short Film

March 2021 In Collaboration with Benson Joseph and Lainey Marra Short Film by Samantha Slaughter Location: Lights on Fayette, Syracuse, New York

Digital Pandemic is an experimental short film that brings the issue of screen addiction to light by contrasting themes of reality and screen overload, each defined by their own unique space, sound design, choreography, and editing effects. The film works to deconstruct the negative components of screen addiction. The set design represents the reality space with the use of scattered wooden structures, which are contrasted by a growing amount of projected visuals on the rectangular fabric screens throughout the film. The use of the raw seams, scrap fabric, and loose threads in each screen is then brought to light to represent the chaos of our minds when being immersed in the digital realm.

Conceptual Drawing by Benson Joseph

Behind the Scenes


Cognitive Awareness Architectural Exhibition

November 2019 In Collaboration with Benson Joseph Location: Marble Room, Slocum Hall, Syracuse University

Architecture acts as a conceptual paradigm that should direct towards prioritizing our registration of space, rather than the construction of space. Inside any given volume of space, an object exists only within the perimeter of its physical make-up. The object does not pose the ability to register, process, or project the perception of the space back to the environment. Our senses, however, offer us the ability to register far beyond our physical make-up. Our cognitive awareness allows the conceptualization of spatial extension to exist primarily within the non-tangible realm of the mind, extending the boundary of our spatial occupation. The series of abstract models aims to illustrate the basic process of the spatial construction by identifying the working plane, site boundary, grid organizational structure, and formal manipulation of components in building the registration of space. For clarity, we have decided to reduce the equation for the construction of space into its fundamental horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal member and plane refer to the lintel, the ground plane, and the sheltering plane. We have also adopted the notion that the vertical plane is considered as the primary components for the registration of spatial boundaries.

Interview with the Daily Orange

spatial condition

conceptualizing spatial condition

horizontal plane

identifying working plane

spatial boundary framing boundary

Series of Conceptual Models and

cardo and decumanus

setting structure and order

d Drawings of Precedent Projects


expressing vertical element

primary elements

free-forming the elements


Homo-Symbiosis Public Sculptural Installation

September 2019 In Collaboration with Benson Joseph Location: Bird Library, Syracuse University

Too often we are easily influenced by the latest buzz feed, political pundit, and our president’s most recent tweet. In the process, we tend to forget our common humanity. The virtual realm of free speech has been turned into isolated cocoons constructed from a series of algorithms designed to categorize the individual into a nest of their own mind. We are neither for the individual or the collective consciousness. We believe in the example provided by the natural world that everything exists within a symbiotic relationship. Therefore, both parties are of equal necessity. The installation aims to illustrate the idea into a tangible construction. Where the whole is the sum of its parts. Each individual hold within unique characteristics, perfectly suitable for the machine of our collective civilization. The irregular arrangement of the whole aims to render an idea of flexibility offered and limited by one’s imagination, implying many possible configurations. Next, the slight variation of every single diamond within a module of nine caters to the unique characteristics of an individual. Finally, the mirror surfaces act as a reminder that you, as an individual within the collective, are the spectator. Your role as a crucial participant through the use of the reflected surfaces reiterates the equal necessity of both complementary bodies.

Drawings of Modular Units and Structural Details

technical drawings and module unit standard parts

Application as Fashion Item Model: Izmaillia Sougoufara


Body & Space

Public Interventions and Experimental Video

November 2020 In Collaboration with Benson Joseph, Sandrine Bamba, Ashley Nowicki, Kyle Neumann and FADS (Fashion and Design Society) Advisor: Dean Michael Speaks

The conversation is between Body and Space. The intervention is designed to challenge accepted norms, imposed force to be accepted or put in place to label the “other”. The disproportionate “othering” that happens between or against other races and ethnicities. In “Body and Space” the personification of the “other” is a black man with a hoodie. Serving as a direct confrontation to the concept of spatial registration, the body proclaims itself as a visual limitation, merely a backdrop in what we perceive as spatial registration. Our senses, however, dictate that there are five factors that extend us beyond our physical being, in conjunction to our own self-awareness. Therefore, we theorize the concept that there lay a spatial extension beyond the limitation of our senses, dancing on the thin line between visible and invisible. Through this understanding, we challenge our initial cognitive awareness of how we identify within spaces, and by quantifying this registrar, spatial extensions infiltrate space and expand the limitation of spatial registration beyond the visible.

Interventions Video

Link to Video:


Life Sciences Building, Syracuse University


The Promenade, Syracuse University

Urban Public

Interstate 81, Syracuse

Urban Public

Columbus Circle, Downtown, Syracuse

Series of Interventions

pin sangkaeo | 202-215-6950

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