Parent questionnaire [Type the document title]
June 11, 2013
Questionnaire about helping your child’s speech and language development Please complete the questionnaire if you have asked for advice from a speech and language therapist. This questionnaire is designed to help us understand how parents and speech and language therapists work together. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and you will not be identified by name. The questionnaire should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The results will be used for educational purposes, as part of my Doctoral degree. The findings may be published. This research is part of a national study funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grant for Applied Research Programme. For further details see Questions Section 1: Information about your child 1. My child’s age is 2. How old was your child when you first saw the speech and language therapist 3. My child has difficulty with talking
Saying words clearly Learning words Putting words together Understanding what you say Talking fluently Other (please specify)
4. When I first saw the speech and language therapist, my child’s difficulties were 1. very minor
3. Not sure
4. major
5. My child has other learning or health needs (please specify)
6. I have seen the SLT
7. I am seeing
once 2-4 times 5-10 11 or more times
NHS speech and language therapist Private speech and language therapist
5. very major
Parent questionnaire [Type the document title]
June 11, 2013
8. What type of speech and language therapy support have you had? 1. Assessment of child’s talking
2. Advice from speech and language therapist
3. Parent’s group run by speech and language therapist
4. Individual coaching from speech and language therapist
5. One to one therapy for my child with speech and language therapist
6. Therapy in school or nursery
7. Other (specify)
Section 2: You, your child and the speech and language therapist 9. I know what to do to help my child improve their talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Agree
5. Strongly
10. I am worried about my child’s communication and talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
11. The SLT makes me feel confident to help my child 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
12. I work well with the speech and language therapist 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
13. I am worried about my child’s behaviour 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
14. A speech and language therapist should decide what to do with my child’s talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
15. The speech and language therapist has made me feel comfortable when I see him/her 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
Parent questionnaire [Type the document title]
June 11, 2013
16. I know how to adjust activities at home to help my child’s talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Agree
5. Strongly
17. I believe it is my fault that my child has trouble talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
18. The speech and language therapist should show me how to help my child’s talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Agree
5. Strongly
5. Strongly
19. I am keen to help my child improve their talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
20. I am able to encourage my child to do activities that help his/her talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
21. I find it easy to take a positive approach with my child when I am helping his/her talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
22. I was worried about meeting the speech and language therapist before I came see him/her 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
5. Strongly
5. Strongly
23. I expect the SLT to give me specific things to do with my child 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
24. I expect to have choices about what should be done with my child 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
Parent questionnaire [Type the document title]
June 11, 2013
25. The speech and language therapist should work with my child every week 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
5. Strongly
26. I like to learn how to help my child 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
27. The speech and language therapist should know what will help my child 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
28. I am keen to learn new techniques to help my child’s speech and language 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Everyday
5. Don’t know
29. I spend time helping my child with their talking 1. once a month
2. Once a week
3. 2-4 times a week
30. Since working with the speech and language therapist I have changed the way I try to help my child 1.Not at all
2. A little
3. some changes
4. A lot
5. I haven’t seen the SLT
31. I expect to do specific activities with my child to help his/her talking 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Agree
5. Strongly
4. Agree
5. Strongly
32. I am able to encourage my child to do speech and language activities 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
33. I find it easy to take a positive approach to my child 1 Strongly disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Not sure
Parent questionnaire [Type the document title]
June 11, 2013
34. What was your reason for coming to see the speech and language therapist in the beginning Please tick any that apply to you a. To help my child progress at nursery or school b. To help my child have friendships c. To get reassurance d. To do what was recommended by someone else e. To improve the way he/she talks f. To learn how to help my child g. To change the way I interact with him/her h. To improve my child’s behaviour i. To get some tips and ideas to help his/her talking
Which is the most important? Please insert a letter Section 3: What you do with your child How much do you agree with these statements: Strongly disagree 35.
I can help my child with his/her talking
I can understand my child’s talking
I can enjoy interacting with my child
I can use the techniques that the speech and language therapist showed me
I can show my child how to say sounds and words
I can respond to my child differently following advice from the SLT
I can use fun activities to help my child’s talking
I can find the time to help my child with his/her talking
I can get more advice about my child’s talking
I can talk to the SLT about my worries about my child’s talking
I can change the targets that I work on with my child
I can see that my child is making progress with his/her talking
I can tell whether the speech and language therapist is
Not sure
Strongly agree
Parent questionnaire [Type the document title]
June 11, 2013
doing a good job 48.
I can make the decision about whether it is worthwhile seeing the speech and language therapist
I am able to talk to my child’s teachers about helping my child’s talking
I can motivate my child to work on activities to help his/her talking
Section 4: Background information
Which describes you?
Mother Father Other
Which describes you?
White British White Other Mixed/ Multiple ethnic groups Asian/ Asian British Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British Chinese Middle Eastern Other ethnic group (please describe)
What is your highest level of education
Secondary school GCSE A Level or equivalent Degree
Have any other children in your family had speech and language therapy?
Yes No
Please give the ages of your children
Occupation (current or previous)
Ist child 2nd child 3rd child 4th child Others: