2011-2012 Annual Report

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2011–2012 Annual Report

t he e a s t ca ro l ina a lu m n i a s s o c iation

The mission of the East Carolina Alumni Association is

to inform, involve, and serve members of the ECU family throughout their lifelong relationship with the University.

Dear Pirate Nation The 2012 Annual Report of the East Carolina Alumni Association is designed to share a snapshot of the impact your association has had in the lives of our students, alumni, and faculty on behalf of our University. This report includes data and stories about our successes over the past year. More importantly, it highlights the people who continue to make a significant difference in the Pirate Nation through their service accomplishments and leadership. I hope that you visit PirateAlumni.com/annualreport to watch a video featuring some of these Pirates and hear about your association in their words. I also wanted to thank all of you who support East Carolina through your Alumni Association membership. This annual report is a testimonial to your loyal and generous support. Thank you and enjoy the video.

Alumni Association Members 8,066





North Carolina – 75% International – less than 1%

Paul J. Clifford President and CEO

Visit PirateAlumni.com/annualreport to hear from alumni like Board Chair Carl Davis ’73 about how the Alumni Association is making a difference.

t h e e ast c arolina alumni assoc iati on

Engaging Our Alumni

Providing unique, fun, and informative events and programs for alumni is the best way to keep Pirates connected, near and far. As the primary point of contact for alumni and friends, the Alumni Association takes pride in offering hundreds of opportunities for Pirates to get together. The annual golf tournament raises money for student scholarships.

Events and Activities East Carolina alumni love to get together to revel in their Pirate Heritage. Each year, the Alumni Association offers hundreds of events and activities designed to engage alumni and offer opportunities to reconnect. During 2011–2012, 15,613 alumni attended 218 alumni events. Popular events and activities included the ECU Alumni Scholarship Golf Classic, Pirate’s Bounty Scholarship Auction, Pirate Alumni Road Race and Fun Run, the Alumni Awards Ceremony and Dinner, networking events, viewing parties, and the Alumni Tailgate.

Pirates show their pride at Alumni Tailgate, a tradition at every home game.



Homecoming is a special time of year where alumni converge on Greenville and East Carolina to celebrate the University. Alumni from near and far return to relive college days, visit old stomping grounds, and rekindle their love for their alma mater. 1,404 alumni participated in 19 Homecoming activities across campus in fall 2011.

Did someone say reunion? Each year the Alumni Association hosts reunions for classes and affinity groups, providing activities focused on bringing alumni back to campus, renewing old friendships, and reminding alumni why they love East Carolina. 55 alumni attended the ECTC and ECC Alumni Reunion, 14 alumni came back to campus for the Collegians Reunion, and 19 Golden Alumni participated in their 50th anniversary reunion.


t he e a s t ca ro l ina a lu m n i a s s o c iation

Serving the Pirate Nation

Service is instilled in the heart of every Pirate. As the University’s motto and a component of the Alumni Association’s mission, Servire—To Serve—is at the forefront of everything the Alumni Association does. Volunteers make events like our spring Road Race and Fun Run possible every year!

Volunteers The heart and soul of the Alumni Association are its volunteers. 50 Pirate Contacts and 26 Board Members ensure the Alumni Association, its programs, and services will remain robust during the current year and for years to come. These volunteers help the Alumni Association plan events and activities in their areas and serve as official representatives of the Alumni Association.


Pirates get together at an alumni chapter event in Kinston.


Regional alumni chapters are an integral part of the Alumni Association. Alumni chapters provide a gateway for alumni to connect with one another in their area. There are 14 in state and 26 out of state. 2,917 alumni attended 84 events that focused on volunteerism, scholarships, Pirates athletics, Pirate pride, and community service.

Service The Alumni Association celebrates Service Month each April. Thanks to dedicated volunteers who plan service projects, East Carolina alumni across the Pirate Nation can live the University’s motto Servire. 87 alumni and friends participated in 6 service projects.

t h e e ast c arolina alumni assoc iati on

Honoring Pirate Heritage

Being a Pirate is more than just four years spent at East Carolina—it’s a way of life! Instilling Pirate pride in students will ensure loyalty and dedication to their alma mater as alumni.

ECU Ambassadors

The Magnolia Belles

Student Forever Pirates

The ECU Ambassadors, the studentservice organization of the Alumni Association, is comprised of 72 dedicated Pirates who contributed 12,219 volunteer hours to the campus and community. These dedicated students are the official student representatives of the University and take pride in everything they do.

An all-female a cappella group, the “Maggie Belles” share their vocal talent across campus and in the Greenville community. Always ready with a song, this group of 13 students sing popular hits, golden oldies, and their version of the Fight Song and Alma Mater.

At the completion of its second year, the Student Forever Pirates program has an impressive 1,110 members! This special, lifetime membership allows current ECU students to pledge to be members of the Alumni Association upon gradation. While enrolled at ECU, members receive unique benefits and participate in exclusive events and promotions. Graduating seniors who completed 75 percent of their Traditions Book received a “Traditions Keeper” medallion to wear at commencement.

Senior Salute and Senior Candlelight Ceremony Past met present when the Classes of 2012 and 1962 participated in these two traditions, which were held backto-back for the second year. 404 attendees were treated to a wonderful meal on the Mall followed by a special candlelighting ceremony in which graduates of the Class of 1962 were inducted as Golden Alumni. Hundreds of candles illuminated the night sky in honor of two milestones: the 2012 graduation and the 1962 50th Reunion. Students who become Forever Pirates pledge to become lifetime members of the Alumni Association.


t he e a s t ca ro l ina a lu m n i a s s o c iation

Recognizing Excellence

Alumni Awards are given based on service, leadership, and professional achievements.

CASE Awards The Alumni Association was recognized in 2011–2012 by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education with an Award of Excellence for Overall Alumni Relations Program.

Outstanding Alumni: Ralph A. Finch Jr. ’67 Marsha Moore Lewis ’76, ’85 Emilie Tilley ’60 Steven H. Wright ’78

Distinguished Service:

Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award

Sen. Robert B. Morgan ’47 William K. “Kel” Normann ’85

The Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award is given to exemplary graduating seniors at spring commencement.

Honorary Alumni: Beatrice “Bea” A. Chauncey V. Parker Overton

2012 Benjamin Joel Aydelette Megan Christine Campbell Courtney Blake Evans Brooke Tierra Leigh Justin Mark Salisbury

Faculty Awards


Robert L. Jones Award for Teaching Excellence Dr. Alan C. Taylor, College of Human Ecology

The Alumni Association is proud to have awarded 22 scholarships for the 2012–2013 academic year.

University Alumni Award for Outstanding Teaching Patricia “Patch” A. Clark, College of Fine Arts and Communication University Alumni Award for Outstanding Teaching Dr. Subodh K. Dutta, College of Arts and Sciences


Visit PirateAlumni.com/annualreport to see this year’s scholarship recipients.

t h e e ast c arolina alumni assoc iati on

Spreading the Word

Keeping East Carolina’s 138,000 alumni informed is central to the Alumni Association’s mission. Thanks to social media, more alumni than ever are connected and engaged with the University.

EC Alumni

A Pirate’s Life for Me!

The magazine of the Alumni Association, EC Alumni, is sent quarterly to approximately 15,000 households. With feature articles that showcase alumni achievement, news from around campus, career advice, legislative news, and updates from University Advancement, the magazine is a treasure trove of information.

From politicians and entrepreneurs to celebrities and athletes, A Pirate’s Life for Me! showcases the many talented and successful alumni of East Carolina. This half-hour radio show airs in eastern North Carolina Fridays at 6:00 p.m. on Pirate Radio 1250 and 930 AM and streams live on PirateRadio1250.com. 26 guests were interviewed during the 2011–2012 season.


On the Web

Stay Connected!

With a monthly distribution of nearly 40,000 alumni, ECUpdate informs its readers of upcoming Alumni Association events and programs, University news, and Pirate Athletics headlines. A new format was unveiled in January 2011, and the Alumni Association’s electronic newsletter now also features one guest from A Pirate’s Life for Me!, the alumni photo gallery, a YouTube video, top Tweets, and a monthly poll.

PirateAlumni.com and social media are the fastest ways to connect Pirates. Alumni and friends stay informed through a click of the mouse or touch of the screen. In 2010–2011, the Alumni Association used social media more than ever!

Social Networks:

210,362 website visits 2,131,599 e-mails sent 795 Tweets sent 5,283 “likes” on Facebook 6,244 alumni LinkedIn

facebook.com/ecaafanpage twitter.com/piratealumni piratealumni.com/linkedin youtube.com/piratealumni flickr.com/photos/piratealumni

How to Contact Us Alumni Association Phone: 800-ECU-GRAD Fax: 252-328-4369 Web: PirateAlumni.com

Paul J. Clifford President and CEO 252-ECU-GRAD Paul.Clifford@PirateAlumni.com Monique Best Accounting Technician 252-328-1839 Monique.Best@PirateAlumni.com Linda Cataldo ’80 Alumni Center Coordinator 252-ECU-GRAD Linda.Cataldo@PirateAlumni.com Jackie Drake Assistant Director for Alumni Communications 252-328-4902 Jackie.Drake@PirateAlumni.com Candi High ’97 Accountant 252-328-0604 Candi.High@PirateAlumni.com Tanya L. Kern ’02 Director of Alumni Programs 252-328-1958 Tanya.Kern@PirateAlumni.com Doug Smith ’00, ’07 Vice President for Alumni Membership and Marketing 252-328-1959 Doug.Smith@PirateAlumni.com Chris Williams ’01 Assistant Director for Alumni Membership 252-328-0610 Chris.Williams@PirateAlumni.com

Executive Committee Chair Carl W. Davis Jr. ’73 Vice Chair Adrian Cullin ’04 Treasurer James Newman Jr. ’68, ’74 Secretary Glenda Palmer-Moultrie ’79 Immediate Past Chair Ernest Logemann ’68 Directors Diane Davis Ashe ’83, ’85 William Burnette ’96 Justin Conrad ’96 Tarrick Cox ’96, ’07 Neal Crawford ’85 Ralph Finch ’67 Dave Fussell Jr. ’90 Robin Good ’80 Melanie Holden ’79 Wesley Johnson ’85 Lewis “Pat” Lane ’67 Charles “Charlie” Martin Jr. ’69 Marian McLawhorn ’67, ’88, ’97 Michael McShane ’66 Douglas Morgan ’88

Steve Morrisette ’69 Angela Moss ’97, ’98 Joanie Tolley ’65 Jason Tomasula ’00, ’03, ’10 Linda Lynn Tripp ’80, ’81 Emeritus Board Members Virgil Clark ’50 Dave Englert ’75 Ex-Officio Dr. Steven Ballard Chancellor Morgan Carter President, ECU Ambassadors Bill Clark ’69, ’73 President, ECU Foundation Inc. Paul J. Clifford President and CEO Mickey Dowdy Vice Chancellor, University Advancement Josh Martinkovic President, SGA Carmin Ipock ’02 Financial Manager, Foundations

Thank you to our members who make the Alumni Association’s programs and services possible!

U.P. 12-247

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