26. märts 2021
The Great Spring Cleaning: where do I take things in good condition I no longer need? On April 24, the Re-Use Center’s truck will be driving around Pirita, stopping for collection by Pirita Selver department store from 11 am to 1 pm. The truck accepts household items in good condition that have become redundant in your home. This serves as a convenient opportunity close to your home to give into reuse items in good condition that are no longer used, merely collecting dust in your house. Spring always calls for extensive cleaning as we’ve overcome yet another winter. However, before you send items to their “winter abode” and take out all the necessities for the spring/summer season anew, take a second look and think hard about which of these items you will really use again. Has something been outgrown or has a certain hobby been left behind? All of the things that are no longer needed - such as, bicycles, sleds, skis, articles of clothing, and footwear that have become too small for the kids as well as all kinds of hobby related items - can be handed in for reuse. By doing this, we care for the environment and prevent things in good condition ending up in a landfill. Bring to the Re-Use Center (Uuskasutuskeskus) all items in good condition that could be useful or bring joy to someone. To make it more convenient to give a new life to things and make sure that good things do not find their way to the garbage can this spring, order a Donation Cab from the Re-Use Center to come pick up your items. You may donate clothing articles, footwear, tableware, books, toys, sports equipment, furniture and household items, and appliances as long as all
of the items are clean and fit for use. To order the Donation Cab, go to the ReUse Center’s home page at uuskasutus. ee/annetustakso or call +372 55533001. Contact-free handover All of the Re-Use Center’s stores during their opening hours as well accept items in good condition that have become redundant in your home. To hand over your items contact free during the time that restrictions apply, call the store’s phone number (written on the store’s door) when you arrive. At least two staff members are present in each Re-Use Center store to accept donations, sort the items, and enter them in the e-store. To take a safe look online at available reusable items go to On-site collection in Pirita On April 24, the Re-Use Center’s truck will be driving around Pirita, stopping for collection by Pirita Selver department store from 11 am to 1 pm. The Re-Use Center’s truck accepts clean and unbroken clothing articles,
footwear, toys, tableware, kitchenware, books, sports and hobby equipment, decorative trinkets, household textiles, interior design elements, smaller home appliances, and even household plants. Furthermore, do not hesitate to donate non-seasonal items such as, for example, winter sports equipment. Hand over all your items safely and contact-free, placing them in the truck. For safety reasons, the Re-Use Center will not accepts car seats, CRT television sets, and gas cookers as well as broken items. The Re-Use Center does not mend items and, furthermore, a broken item may put the next user in danger. The ReUse Center asks you not to bring furniture items to the collection truck and, rather, order a separate truck for home pick up of any furniture. Within the framework of the Cleanup and Upkeep Month (Heakorrakuu), the Re-Use Center is a cooperation partner of Tallinn Environment and Public Utilities Board. The Cleanup and Upkeep Month sets its main focus on circular economy.
Large families, single parents, and the elderly in Pirita to receive free masks To pick up your medical grade masks, visit Pirita District Administration at Kloostri tee 6. The free mask packs are meant for families with three and more children and least privileged single parents whose residence is registered in the population register as situated in Pirita city district. Masks are also provided to Pirita city district’s elderly residents. Masks are handed out free of charge to ensure that people that have not been
able to wear a mask until now due to economic reasons will now be able to wear a mask as required. After all, it depends on each and every one of us how quickly we can put a stop to the spread of the coronavirus. To that end, make sure you wear a mask in all public spaces, avoid contact, and maintain social distancing. Each large family receives two packs of 50 masks and each single parent one pack of 50 masks. Just like in December, free masks are also handed out to the elderly to make sure they stay healt-
Pirita Retirement Home is now open in Pirita The contemporary retirement home is situated in the midst of beautiful nature in Pirita-Kose, a mere 15 minute drive away from Tallinn’s city center. The retirement home accommodates 255 beds in single and double rooms. Pirita Retirement Home offers residents a wide and flexible selection of services, among them, for example, interval care service and day care service for persons suffering from dementia. Pirita Retirement Home was established with a lot of thought going into ways in which the home could provide for a variety of opportunities for residents to spend their time in a meaningful manner, socializing with each other. The home has all you need to engage in gardening, crafts, reading, yoga, swimming lessons etc. Experienced specialists will be happy to assist residents with any of their hobbies. Medical personnel are available on site around the clock. First residents have already happily moved in to the newly opened retirement home.
hy. Each elderly person will receive one pack of 50 medical grade masks. To pick up your masks, visit Pirita District Administration at Kloostri tee 6 (Mon 8:15 a.m. - 6 p.m., Tue–Thu 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m., Fri 8:15 a.m. - 4 p.m.). Should you have any questions, kindly contact Pirita District Administration by e-mailing or calling +372 6457600. Note: Kindly visit the District Administration only if you are healthy. You are required to wear a mask.
Playground in Merivälja Park to undergo full makeover Reconstruction of the playground in Merivälja Park is underway with a total cost of 111,000 euros. The playground in Merivälja Park was set up twenty years ago and even though it has continuously been maintained, the children’s play area is by now depreciated and in need of complete reconstruction. Playground equipment will be replaced, new opportunities for play will be added, pathways will be refurbished, and lighting and the play areas’ sand cover will be replaced. The playground in Merivälja Park will gain a new spinner bowl, nest
swing, and a number of hammocks, while keeping the climbing structure. The playground equipment that will not be replaced will be restored and cleaned of any graffiti. A separate street workout area is planned for the Park with a variety of training equipment for fitness lovers. Bicycle racks as well will be installed in the Park. The contractual deadline for above work is July 7 and the work commissioned by the Tallinn Environment and Public Utilities Board is performed by InfraRoad OÜ at the cost of 111,000 euros.
Pirita Social Center’s art class goes online Due to the coronavirus, Pirita Social Center’s hobby group activates are temporarily suspended or rearranged. The art class, for example, continues online. Online classes have inspired art enthusiasts to carry on doing what they love. Participants inform one another of what they’re working on and demonstrate their projects, while each student remains at a separate location. In classes carried out via Zoom, art lovers have been able to communicate with their
instructor, discuss finished paintings, and energize their spirit, debating the goings-on of the world. Art class members that have been unable to take part in online classes have kept in touch with their instructor and the Social Center by telephone. Pirita Social Center’s art class Brush Spinners (Pintslikeerutajad) that assembles some ten art lovers and benefits from long-standing traditions is led by Sirje Merelaid.
Lights to be installed for Pirita beachfront walkway Mid-March saw the commencement of lighting work on Pirita beachfront walkway, set to be completed by May 14. All year round, the beachfront walkway is in busy use by walkers, joggers, cyclists, and scooter riders. When it’s dark, the walkway becomes dangerous for people using it as they simply cannot see each other. The project plan for Pirita beachfront walkway lighting was prepared in December and work to install the lights commenced in March. Nature conservation is high priority The new supply line is installed in the form of an overhead power line as the confined space on the site leaves no room to install a cable and significant damage to tree roots could not be prevented. Lighting towers are positioned so that as few trees as possible had to be cut down – a total of five damaged trees were cut down and branches were trimmed here and there in the way of the overhead line. A
total of 73 lighting towers were installed by the walkway. The street lights make use of LEDbased technology. The walkway will be lighted to its full extent. The contractual deadline for related work is May 14. The lighting work commissioned by the Tallinn Environment and Public Utilities Board is performed by AS KH Energia-Konsult at the cost of 59,600 euros.