Directions Details for the course Dates: 21st and 22nd of March 2015.
Make your own shave horse
Time: 10:00-16:00 h. Venue: Pishwanton Wood, one of the few places where you can make your own shave horse. Cost: £395 including a soup and roll lunch and tea breaks refreshments.
Bring a friend – course reduction of £35 (£360 in total). Promotion :
Booking: To ensure a place pay a deposit of £70. Learning Disabilities: This course is suitable for people with special needs.
After leaving Gifford, at the top of the road splits into three. One road leads to East Saltoun, one pass Gifford Golf Club, the other to Longyester. Take the left hand turn for three miles. Following signs to Longyester farm turn right and follow the road for about a mile. Pishwanton Community Wood is on the right hand side of the road. You will notice a large wooden shed and the turf roof of our craft workshop. Please park in the car park provided, which is a hundred metres further up the road from these buildings.
Postal Address: Quince Cottage 4 Baxtersyke, Gifford, EH41 4PL, Scotland, UK Telephone: + 44 (0) 1620 810 259 Email: Website: The Life Science Trust (Pishwanton Project) Company Registration Number 140925 Charity Number SCo20705140925 Charity Number
Green woodwork with Malcolm Lemmon
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness” (John Muir, 1838-1814)
The Programme
Equipment: Timber in the round will be used and from this all shaping and fixing will be done using traditional tools.
The Teacher
The shave horse is a traditional wood clamping device, made from green wood coppiced materials. Wood is clamped and shaped with a drawknife to fashion chair legs, wood slats, hurdles, trugs, stools, and benches, bent wood chairs. And also preparatory to pole lathe turning (we are also offering a “Make Your Own Pole Lathe” course). Malcolm Lemmon, a man with a wealth of experience in green woodworking, woodland management, timber framing and historic carpentry will lead the course.