7-8th June Introduction to Plants as Healers with Dr Margaret Colquhoun Costs : £60 (£45 Concessions) per day includes tuition and all materials
Margaret Colquhoun studied Evolutionary Biology at Edinburgh University, where she also worked as a Research Scientist. In the 1980’s she moved to Germany to train as a Goethean Scientist in the Carl Gustav Carus Institute under Thomas Göbel and at the Natural Science Research Laboratory in Dornach Switzerland with Jochen Bochemühl and Georg Maier. Since 1989 she has been teaching throughout Britain and Europe and in 1996 was co-founder of the Pishwanton Project of the Life Science Trust, which she currently runs and teaches within the College for Goetheanism. She is a mentor on the Scottish arm of the Goethean Science Training for professionals (www.anthrobotanik.eu). She offers a consultancy facilitation service on landscape development and private tuition in Goetheanism. Her main areas of interest are medicinal plants, landscape and animal evolution. She lives in Berwickshire.
(Accommodation and meals available if required).
Contact details on the back for booking and more info.
7-8th June Introduction to Plants as Healers with Dr Margaret Colquhoun Costs : £60 (£45 Concessions) per day includes tuition and all materials
Margaret Colquhoun studied Evolutionary Biology at Edinburgh University, where she also worked as a Research Scientist. In the 1980’s she moved to Germany to train as a Goethean Scientist in the Carl Gustav Carus Institute under Thomas Göbel and at the Natural Science Research Laboratory in Dornach Switzerland with Jochen Bochemühl and Georg Maier. Since 1989 she has been teaching throughout Britain and Europe and in 1996 was co-founder of the Pishwanton Project of the Life Science Trust, which she currently runs and teaches within the College for Goetheanism. She is a mentor on the Scottish arm of the Goethean Science Training for professionals (www.anthrobotanik.eu). She offers a consultancy facilitation service on landscape development and private tuition in Goetheanism. Her main areas of interest are medicinal plants, landscape and animal evolution. She lives in Berwickshire.
(Accommodation and meals available if required).
Contact details on the back for booking and more info.
For further information please contact: The Administrator, The Life Science Trust, Quince Cottage, 4 Baxtersyke, Gifford, East Lothian, EH41 4PL, Scotland. Tel/Fax: + 44 (0)1620 810 259 Email: admin@pishwanton.com Website: www.pishwanton.org
A member of the Camphill Association
The Life Science Trust is a Registered Scottish Charity SC020705
Pishwanton Wood Contact No. 01620 810931
For further information please contact: The Administrator, The Life Science Trust, Quince Cottage, 4 Baxtersyke, Gifford, East Lothian, EH41 4PL, Scotland. Tel/Fax: + 44 (0)1620 810 259 Email: admin@pishwanton.com Website: www.pishwanton.org
A member of the Camphill Association
The Life Science Trust is a Registered Scottish Charity SC020705
Pishwanton Wood Contact No. 01620 810931