“Plants in the Landscape” Painting in Pishwanton’s wild places in honour of John Muir’s Centenary 25-27th July - Margaret Colquhoun and Margaret Shillan Cost: £230 (£205 Concessions) includes tuition, refreshments and all materials At Pishwanton Wood from 2 pm Friday 25th July - Sunday 27th July 4 pm
“Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it”. John Muir (1838 1914) Course: In this week-end workshop we will be reading the Book of Nature by seeking out some of Pishwanton’s wild places on the edge of the Lammermuir Hills through the plants that grow there helped by Margaret Colquhoun. Margaret Shillan will aid us in drawing and painting to discover why a plant chooses to grow in a particular place and how each place gets its character composed by the plants which grow there. Teachers: Margaret Colquhoun - co-founder of the Pishwanton Project where she teaches Goethean Science and Margaret Shillan who was a class teacher and art teacher at Michael Hall School, Sussex. She taught at Emerson College for 28 years and founded the Visual Arts Course, where she taught painting and also kept up her own creative work, often inspired by nature. Accommodation and meals available if required.
Contact details on the back for booking and more information.
For further informa on please contact: The Administrator, The Life Science Trust, Quince Co age, 4 Baxtersyke, Gifford, East Lothian, EH41 4PL, Scotland. Tel/Fax: + 44 (0)1620 810 259 Email: admin@pishwanton.com Website: www.pishwanton.org
A member of the Camphill Associa on
The Life Science Trust is a Registered Sco sh Charity SC020705
Pishwanton Wood Contact No. 01620 810931