2nd term communique

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2ND TERM ACTIVITIES As you know, 2nd TERM is coming full of activities and new challenges FOR BOTH, 4TH AND 5TH YEARS. The first thing we would like to let you know is that during this 2nd TERM, tutor’s team becomes bigger (and better) to assist 4th years in their Design Realization Report. They will be: -

UNIT22 practice tutors: Richard Hyams from AA studio (helped by George Brennan and Max Rengifo). We have 6 sessions with them, already scheduled.







Briefing about report & expectations


Students to come with first ideas


Students to come with developed idea and their specialist subject


9am to 1pm




9am to 1pm

02.03.12 – CROSS CRIT - UCL 3.




9am to 1pm

have the next few weeks to write

Students to come with structure of their report in draft in order to



First draft review



2pm to 6pm




Second draft review



Final review prior to report binding


2pm to 6pm 6.

16.04.12 2pm to 6pm


w7 w11

UNIT22 Structure consultant: Roberto Marín, the most amazing structure engineer we have in Spain. As part of his CV we can extract the supervision, calculations and design supervisor of the Castillo de Garcimuñoz structures. We have 2 sessions with him, already scheduled. 20-26 FEB. 19-25 MAR.

24 th Reinhard + Roberto Marín+ Carlos. 23 rd Siv+ Roberto Marín + Carlos .

The second message is that 2nd TERM is full of important dates, IN ORDER TO LET YOU CHECK THE IMPORTANT EVENTS, I’ve prepare an AUTOCAD-presentcalendar, please, use this calendar to juxtapose your working schedules and working pits stops (the calendar information is also updated at the unit22 calendar). As always, we are going to do an special emphasis in your working schedule, ALL 4TH AND 5TH YEAR PROBLEMS REGARDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ARE COMING FOR A MISMANAGEMENT OF TIME, we have had sad experiences last year. This won’t happen again. In every hand in, we will ask for the updated individual calendar till the end of the year. Scarlett O’Hara’s quote: “As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to misunderstood me. I won’t live through this time mismanagement any more and when 2nd and

3rd TERM are all over, I'll never be late again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to foresee , optimize , work hard or anticipate. As God is my witness, I'll never be late again�. Third and last introductory information is that 4th and 5th years are going to have a parallel design schedule, but 4th year design and DR information production it is going to be much more specific (this year DR has two hand in, the first one, that has been scheduled on Monday the 19th of March, demands 4th years to finish the overall DR to receive the proper feedback before Easter - off term). So, without any further delay we describe the 2nd TERM activities: 2ND TERM DIGITAL HAND IN. In order to have an anticipated design reaction in 4th and 5th year schedule, we have organized 6 hand ins with some specific topics for each one. All of them aiming to achieve an original concept, original use, original shape and form, original technology and original materiality in a non linear working protocol. This is the list of Submissions: Hand in 1, 11th JAN. - Brief-Programme, Agenda, Research bases, plans and sections. Hand in 1, 26th JAN. - Brief-Programme, Agenda, Research, plans and sections 2nd row + User Experience: Hand in 3, 31st JAN. - Structure: Hand in 4, 23rd FEB.- structure 2nd row + construction: Hand in 5, 29th MAR.- Structure 3rd row + construction 2nd row + building performance (including building services) + building delivery. Hand in 6, 21st MAR.- Structure 4th + construction 3rd + building performance (including building services) 2nd row + building delivery 2nd row + shape and form redefinition.


09-15 JAN.


16-22 JAN.


23-9 JAN.


30-05 FEB.


06-12 FEB.


13-19 FEB.


20-26 FEB.


27-04 MAR.


05-11 MAR.


12-18 MAR.


19-25 MAR.


26-01 APR.


02-08 APR.


09-15 APR.


16-22 APR.

Hand in 1, 11th CRIT, 27th nd


Hand in 2, 26th Hand in 3, 31st

CRIT, 24th

Hand in 4, 23rd Hand in 5, 29th

CRIT, 22nd

Hand in 6, 21st

12-13 Siv and Carlos (Brief-Programme, Agenda, Research bases, plans and sections). One to one tutorials with Carlos nd 27 Siv, invited tutors and Carlos (Brief-Programme, Agenda, Research, plans and sections 2 row + User Experience). 01-Siv and Carlos for 1to1 Tutorials, 02 Siv, invited tutors and Carlos (Structure). One to one tutorials with Carlos One to one tutorials with Carlos nd th 24 Reinhard + Roberto Marín+ Carlos (structure 2 row + construction). + 25 IZASKUN ?+ Carlos (1to1 Tutorials) rd nd 01-02 Siv and Carlos 1to1 Tutorials (structure 3 + construction 2 + building performance (including b. services) + building delivery One to one tutorials with Carlos One to one tutorials with Carlos th rd nd nd th th 22 Siv + invited tutors and Carlos (struct.4 +const.3 + b. p.2 + b. d.2 + shape and form re-definition+ 23 Siv+ R. Marín + C (1to1 T) +24 IZASKUN ?+ C.(1to1) OFFTERM, One to one tutorials with Carlos OFFTERM OFFTERM, One to one tutorials with Carlos OFFTERM, One to one tutorials with Carlos


4TH YEARS All submissions will be composed of a series of DOCUMENTS. They are going to be VERY AMBITIOUS, HIGHLY INFORMATIONAL AND SELF EXPLANATORY, QUALITY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN QUANTITY. All documents must combine three main characteristics: a- METADOCUMENT: we will develop a series of PLANS,SECTIONS, 3DMODELS OR PERSPECTIVES containing all the contextualized information of the project regarding the topic of the hand in. And never forgetting the reality it is taking part of (Urban, Social, economical and environmental Context). ALL TECHNIQUES AND MEDIA will be used, producing a coherent hybrid document. Don’t forget that DR is a creative module! b- VULNERABLE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS: we will juxtapose over those PLANS,SECTIONS, 3DMODELS OR PERSPECTIVES the information describing the Vulnerable Community improvements (graphically reasoned) as a result of the architecture we have proposed. ALL TECHNIQUES AND MEDIA will be used, producing a coherent hybrid document.


c- DESIGN REALIZATION REPORT STRUCTURE: DR is very demanding document, in both, time and effort. Only by a conscious attitude, this work can be reduced positively to an affordable everyday attitude. Please, check and read this DRs uploaded to the Blog by part of our great 5th years students. Julian Huang‘DR, http://unit22bartlett.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/julian-dr-2011/ Sinan Pirie’DR, http://unit22bartlett.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/sinans-dr-and-history-theory-enjoy/ Paul McManamon’DR, http://unit22bartlett.wordpress.com/2011/05/06/paul_dr_2011/

5TH YEARS All submissions will be composed of TWO DOCUMENTS for 5th YEARS. They are going to be VERY AMBITIOUS, HIGHLY INFORMATIONAL AND SELF EXPLANATORY, QUALITY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN QUANTITY: d- METADOCUMENT1: we will develop one A-1 PLAN,SECTION OR 3DMODEL containing all the contextualized information of the project regarding the topic of the hand in. And never forgetting the reality it is taking part of (Urban, Social, economical and environmental Context). ALL TECHNIQUES AND MEDIA will be used, producing a coherent hybrid document. e- VULNERABLE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS: we will develop one A-1 PLAN,SECTION, 3DMODEL OR PERSPECTIVE (with the same information included in the METADOCUMENT1) describing the Vulnerable Community improvements (graphically reasoned) due to the architecture we have proposed. ALL TECHNIQUES AND MEDIA will be used, producing a coherent hybrid document. Hand in 1, 11th JAN. - Brief-Programme, Agenda, Research bases, plans and sections. -

Including an accurate graphical description (scaled ) of the programme you are developing. Including a detailed set of references taking part of the PLAN,SECTION OR 3DMODEL produced. Remember that we are part of a discipline that provides already tested architectural resources. Including The User´s Performance (significant action of every programmatic cell). Including all the relevant research data gathered. For this hand in, we will include an extra document, this is going to be the PORTFOLIO. Updated individual calendar.

Hand in 2, 26th JAN. - Brief-Programme, Agenda, Research, plans and sections 2nd row + User Experience: -

Including the 1st hand in information. The space and programme will be described in detail by three different users of the architecture we are creating: One Vulnerable Community Member, One builder, and an Invisible User ( maintenance, surveillance....etc) in a 24 hours cycle. Including all the relevant research data gathered. Updated individual calendar.

Hand in 3, 31st JAN. - Structure: -

Including the 1st and 2nd hand in information. This documents must be a reasoned graphic description of the structural decisions and schemes. Collections of different attempts: absolute solutions are unlikely . Intelligent alternatives are more believable. During this hand in, we will include an extra document, it will be an filled STRUCTURAL FORM in which we will answered Roberto Marín questions (both 4th and 5th years). Including all the relevant research data gathered. Updated individual calendar.

Hand in 4, 23rd FEB.- structure 2nd row + construction: -


Including the 1st , 2nd and 3rd hand in information. Collections of different attempts: absolute solutions are unlikely . Intelligent alternatives are more believable. The described details must prove that sustainable parameters have been taken into consideration, therefore, most of the products can be produced locally, that most of the joints are reversible, that most of the materials are recyclable and/or biodegradable and/or recycled, that energy consumption is low, that CO2 footprint is reduced in comparison to other systems…… etc. Including a detailed set of references taking part of the PLAN,SECTION OR 3DMODEL produced. Remember that we are part of a discipline that provides already tested architectural resources. Including all the relevant research data gathered. Updated individual calendar.

Hand in 5, 29th FEB.- Structure 3rd row + construction 2nd row + building performance (including all building services) and building delivery. -


Including the 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th hand in information. Including an accurate description of the performance of the building, the systems proposed must prove that sustainable parameters have been taken into consideration, that means the design must have a maximum use of passive systems and removable sources of energy supply, a convenient maintenance protocol....etc. Including a detailed set of references taking part of the PLAN,SECTION OR 3DMODEL produced. Remember that we are part of a discipline that provides already tested architectural resources. Including the role of users in the building performance. Including all the relevant research data gathered. Updated individual calendar.

Hand in 6, 21st MAR.- Structure 4th + construction 3rd + building performance (including building services) 2nd row + building delivery 2nd row + shape and form re-definition. -

Including all the previous hand in information. The building has been suffering many transformations to make if more efficient, more sustainable, easier to use...etc, and of course, more beautiful. This time we will describe graphically reasoned and accurately all the evolutions. Including all the relevant research data gathered. Updated individual calendar.

PROTFOLIO: As you might have discovered, it is extremely important to have a professional and disciplined attitude toward PORTFOLIO. We are asking you many PDF/DIGITAL hand in, please, be practical and finish these PDFs in the PORTFOLIO manner. It is always a disaster to spend the last week of the year in compiling information, putting in order, and giving a coherent graphic and information structure to the whole document. REMINDER:

I would not like to finish this communiqué with an old message, the design intentions we all (Unit members, students and tutors) intend to apply in our design practice of the year. This collection of statements is, above all, a design protocol to put the architectural discipline back to work toward society. Please, click the boxes to do a self-design-critique: ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃

We will measure the quality of architecture by its ability to represent the interest and programs of others, being these others, humans, non humans, institutions or any other aspects and entities of our. BRUNO LATOUR. Abandon anthropocentrism. Re-think if human activities are more important than natural events and the balance between the human activities and the natural environment, which has it's own activities. ARNE NAESS. Accepting and including the legitimacy of different aesthetical repertoires. Tenderness, Closeness, Affection has not been part of the architects official aesthetics but are part of the “structure of feelings” that historical changes are creating. RAYMOND WILLIAMS. Including the ecological limits and dependence of everything we design. Protecting the context from the damage we are creating using the logic of "Solving for pattern", coined by Berry in his essay of the same title, as the process of finding solutions that solve multiple problems, while minimizing the creation of new problems and maximizing the amount of opportunities. WENDEL BERRY. The technical perspective on design provides the author with a whole domain and a panoptic view of everything is happening in his deducted hypothesis. We want the student to learn to build clues from observing, participating and experimenting. Knowledge coming from sharing the future performance of our architecture will be postulated as much more reliable than that deducted from theoretical propositions. HAROLD GARFINKEL. Bathrooms, stairs, kitchens and other rooms considered to be service spaces will now fundamental. In the same way all architecture will deserve our interest not matter how small, peripheral or academically irrelevant seem at first glance. BERNARD RUDOFSKY. We will consider any waste or small part of already used materials as candidates to create new components for our architecture. Feathers, paper, sand has to be rethink as full of potential elements. SARAH SZE. We want avoid break, mistake or error. On the contrary we will look for creating breakable conditions that not only can be relevant academically, but can ensure reversibility or that stimulate adaptation and change. We will discover new advantages and strengths in apparently weak elements. LE RICOLAIS. We won´t promote a romantic attitude. Use of every technology will be encourage. The aims and goals for its use would not only include technical demonstration but a real empowering the all users’ communities. Digital technology would be a fundamental material to aim the use of intuition in interactive built environments. MORITZ WALDEMEYER.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR EFFORT. We are working side by side. Siv, Izaskun and Carlos

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