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Асо Бла Укр

National competition



Opening address by Oleksandr Maksymchuk, President of the Association of Charities of Ukraine Dear friends and colleagues, We sincerely congratulate everyone who joined the 2018 National Charitable Ukraine Competition. For many years, the Association of Charities of Ukraine has the honor and pleasure of conducting this Competition and representing the best Ukrainian philanthropists and charities. They are the ones who are truly committed to making our country better in all spheres of our life - health, social, environmental issues, education, science, culture, restoration of historical heritage, protection of Ukraine. Every year almost thousand organizations from all over Ukraine compete in more than 20 nominations and who prove that the millennial traditions of charity in Ukraine are worthy of continuation. We see how projects become more systematic as the quantity goes into quality, as creativity and innovation make our communities more cohesive, as even the most difficult social problems and challenges are overcome due to your professionalism and efficiency. We want the rewarding of the best benefactors to be not just a formal procedure, but a celebration of gratitude and recognition. This competition is not only for those who systematically engage in charity and volunteering, but also for those who make the first successful steps. We are particularly proud of the extremely interesting projects carried out by young people and schoolchildren, who show us extraordinary examples of responsible citizenship. We also would like to say the words of personal gratitude to large business in Ukraine, without which today it is impossible to revive our cities, towns and communities, which not only create thousands of new jobs, but also the conditions for decent living of their workers and their families. Today, real charity and community development should take place in the synergy of business, philanthropists, and the media. Combining the efforts of all participants in the process, and supporting each other is the basis of systemic charity and responsible citizenship. Partnership and cooperation make our work more efficient and productive. Therefore, the competition is just a platform for those who are looking for partners or interesting projects, this is an opportunity to show a powerful charitable potential of Ukrainians. We sincerely thank you, dear friends and colleagues, and wish you new victories and achievements, and for Ukraine and its citizens - well-being, prosperity and peace.

Oleksandr Maksymchuk, President of the Association of Charities of Ukraine



Opening address by Karina Zlochevska, Director of the Board of Directors of Burisma Group In today’s world large businesses are capable of producing huge positive social impact for their communities. In addition to their core business activities, they are successfully implementing a wide range of social and philanthropic initiatives. Even ten years ago this was optional, now it is a common practice. Increasingly, creation of common values, which benefits both the company and community, is becoming an integral part of corporate culture and strategy. Socially oriented philanthropy projects have already become part of an overall corporate strategy for Burisma Group. Considering the role of the Group`s companies in the Ukrainian market and following the best standards of corporate governance, we identified for ourselves the key areas of social support and developed very distinct criteria for selection and evaluation of the impact and efficiency of our charitable projects and initiatives. By doing that, we have moved away from the chaotic approach to the selection of projects, which have eroded the positioning of the company as socially-oriented business, with clear-cut leadership in particular areas. We have identified three large categories: – regular local social initiatives in the communities where the Group`s enterprises operate (schools/kindergartens/orphanages, infrastructure development); – development and support of children's talents (Black Sea Games Children's Song Festival, other Ukrainian competitions/ festivals aimed at identifying and promoting talents); – selection of several target projects for regular initiatives (for example, Horodetsky City Orphanage, environmental program). These social and charitable projects are becoming part of corporate culture for all Burisma Group employees. In the course of our work, we have identified five factors that help philanthropists to achieve global fundamental changes, in order: – to make sure everyone equally understands the nature and context of the problem; – to set real intermediate goals within the framework of clearly articulated big idea; – to develop approaches that work on large scale; – not to not to seek supporters, but to cultivate them; – to be ready to adjust in the process. In their turn, these projects helped to increase the reputational value of the Burisma Group in the community. This is how quantity is converted into quality, because each of our projects strengthens the reputation of our business. This is the most important intangible capital of Burisma that takes years to build! But this is what allows us to convert investor confidence into real projects that are important for Ukraine. Sincerely, Karina Zlochevska, Director of the Board of Directors of Burisma Group



NATIONAL COMPETITION "CHARITABLE UKRAINE" National contest "Charitable Ukraine" is an annual AllUkrainian competition, founded by the All-Ukrainian Charitable Association "Association of Philanthropists of Ukraine" aimed at the development of effective socially-oriented philanthropy, charity and volunteering in Ukraine through public stimulation of the best philanthropists, activists and volunteers, their organizations and initiatives. It is the only active nationwide project and the celebration of philanthropists and the most effective charitable initiatives in Ukrainian society, which began its history in 2007, since 2012 in its current Charitable Ukraine format. According to the results of the competition of the best philanthropists, volunteers and activists of the country, the most effective charity initiatives are presented with unique award – an amber "Angel of Goodness". "Angel of Goodness" is a ceramic sculpture of, decorated with amber sun stone , which is legally mined by the Association of Amber World in Rivne region. The award was created by Ukrainian artist dynasty of Kozaky family. Over the years the Contest has become a significant event in the public life of our country. The motto of the Contest: "Thank your benefactors!".

14. "Good starts with you". 15. Charitable event of the year. 16. "Platform of good". Individual nominations: 1. Philanthropist of the year. 2. Volunteer of the year. 3. The patron of the year. Special nominations: 1. Popular philanthropist ( through direct on-line voting). 2. Media about charity. 3. Charity of the media. 4. Assistance from abroad. Within the framework of the All-Ukrainian competition, there are also regional stages of the competition. Regional Charitable Ukraine-2018 competitions started in the following areas: Lviv, Odesa, Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr, Kherson, Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Poltava, Zaporizhzhya and Bukovyna. The ceremony was conducted in Kyiv (at the Kyiv City Hall) on April 16, 2019.

The purpose of the competition: the development of effective socially-oriented philanthropy and volunteering in Ukraine through public stimulation of the best philanthropists, activists and volunteers, their organizations and practices.

Conducting, presenting, popularizing and electing the winners of the "Charitable Ukraine” is done by the following bodies: Organizational Committee, Supervisory Board, National Expert Council, Media Council and Business Council.

Goals of the Contest: 1) popularization of philanthropy, activism and volunteering, their organizations and effective practices; 2) celebration of the best philanthropists, acitivsts and volunteers, their organizations and effective practices, other groups and organizations that implemented significant charitable projects and events in Ukraine during the year; 3) communicating the best practices of charity; 4) popularization and involvement of a wide range of citizens to charity.

Organizational committee: Oleksandr Maksymchuk is the President of the Association of Charities of Ukraine, Chairman of the committee; Maryna Antonova, Chairman of the Board of the International Charitable Foundation "Ukraine 3000"; Olexander Oliynyk, Vice-President of the Association of Charities of Ukraine; Volodymyr Demchak, President of the Ukrainian Trade and Industrial Confederation; Larysa Mudrak, Vice-President of the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists, journalist, media expert and volunteer; Olha Vieru, Director of the Mystetskyi Arsenal Charitable Foundation.

In October 2018, the 12th National Contest was launched. The winners at the national level will be determined in sixteen main, three individual and four special categories: Major nominations: 1. Charity of large business. 2. Charity of the medium and small business 3. Corporate charity. 4. Collective volunteering. 5. All-Ukrainian charity. 6. Regional charity. 7. Local philanthropy. 8. Charity in health care. 9. Charity in education and science. 10. Charity in culture and art. 11. Charity in the social sphere. 12. Charity in the defense of Ukraine. 13. Charity of the non-governmental sector. 6

AngelicaRudnytska, singer, artist, journalist, volunteer, public figure, Charwoman of Supervisory Board; Serhiy Fomenko, singer, leader of the band "Mandry"; Ivan Malkovich, poet, director of the publishing house "A-BABA-GA-LA-MA-GA"; Irma Vitovskaya-Vantsa, actress, volunteer; Victoria Voronovich, volunteer, a public activist and founder of the NGO "International Alliance of Brotherly Assistance; Taras Topolya, singer, frontman of "Antibodies" band; Oksana Bilozir, People's Artist of Ukraine, member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, volunteer. National Expert Council: Maryna Krysa, President of the Charity Fund "Friends of the Children". Head of the National Expert Council;


Olexander Oliynyk, Vice-President of the Association of Ukrainian Charities, Secretary of the National Expert Council; Kateryna Yushchenko, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Ukraine 3000 International Charitable Foundation; Larysa Mudrak, Vice-President of Association of Ukrainian Charities, journalist, media expert; Volodymyr Demchak, President of the Ukrainian Trade and Industrial Confederation. Media Council: Larysa Mudrak, Vice-President of Association of Ukrainian Charities, journalist, media expert Oleh Nalyvayko, journalist, Chairman of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting Ukraine; Tetyana Liakhovetska, television producer, volunteer; Andriy Kulikov, journalist, editor, radio broadcaster, TV presenter, media expert, chairman the board of public organization "Public radio"; Inna Kuznetsova, Chief Editor of the Kyiv Bureau of the Ukrainian Service "Radio Liberty"; Bohdan Maslych, Executive Director of NGO "Gurt", activist, expert on civil society development. Business Council: VolodymyrDemchak, President of the Ukrainian Trade and Industrial Confederation, Head of Business Council; Angela Kuznetsova, Rector of the School of Business Administration "University of Banking"; Andriy Ionov, Director of NGO "Vector"; Olexiy Voynalovich, Director of the Publishing House "New Time"; Volodymyr Ikhtiyarov, President of the Association "Light Technique of Ukraine". Further information about the competition can be obtained at the official website Facebook: BlagodijnaUkraine Organizing Committee: tel. +38 (067) 16 40411, E-mail: .

All-Ukrainian charitable organization "Association of Philanthropists of Ukraine" has been active since 2011. President of the Bank - Alexander Maksymchuk. The association of philanthropists combines 64 institutions - all-Ukrainian and regional charitable foundations, public organizations, socially responsible business, private individuals. The Association aims at creating the most favorable conditions for the development of charity in Ukraine; the introduction of a system for the transfer of modern technologies for conducting charitable activities, the modernization of modern legislation that regulates the implementation of charitable activities in Ukraine, the wide popularization of charity in society. The largest projects of the Association of Ukrainian Philanthropists: National contest "Charitable Ukraine" is an annual allUkrainian competition for the celebration of the best philanthropists and the most effective charitable initiatives in Ukraine. The contest began its history from 2007, in the format of "Charitable Ukraine" – since 2012. "Green Book of the Ukrainian Charity" is an annual expert study of the state of Ukrainian charity in the past year. The experts conduct public consultations on how to develop philanthropy in Ukraine. The introduction of interest-based philanthropy in Ukraine since 2012, the Association of Charities of Ukraine conducts advocacy and lobbying campaigns, aimed at the introducing interest-based philanthropy in Ukraine. On its initiative, a working group was set up, which worked out a working version of the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine for the Support of Non-Profit Organizations", which would regulate the mechanisms of interest-based philanthropy.



Winners and laureates of the National Charitable Ukraine-2017 Contest

CHARITY OF LARGE BUSINESS 1st place - Burisma Group (Kyiv) 2nd place - Private Joint-Stock Company "Novokramatorsky Machine-Building Plant" (Donetsk region.) 3rd place - Poultry Factory "Vinnytsia Broiler" of MHP PJSC (Vynnytsia).


1st place - Humanitarian project "Support of Hospitals in Ukraine" (USA) 2 nd place - Charitable Fund "Contemporary Village and City" (Cherkasy region). 3rd place - Charitable Foundation "Hearts of the Future" (Kyiv)

CHARITY OF MEDIUM BUSINESS 1st place - Limited Liability Company "VIVAD-09" (Zhytomyr region.) 2 place - Limited Liability Company "Legal Company" SPRAVA "(Vynnytsia region). 2 nd place - Family Holiday Park "CHILDREN'S PLANET" (Vynnytsia) 3rd place - Zorya Agricultural Limited Liability Company (Cherkasy region).

CHARITY OF SMALL BUSINESS 1st place - Agency 21 (Kyiv) 2nd place – individual entrepreneur Anton Soshnikov (Donetsk region) 3rd place - Master beauty HUB (Odessa)

CHARITY OF THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 1st place - Vinnytsia Regional Human Rights Organization "Source of Hope" (Vynnytsya) 2nd place - Social organization "Social Center" MHP "(Vynnytska oblast). 3rd place - NGO "Commonwealth of citizens" Vidrodzhennya "(Donetsk region)

CHARITY IN EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 1st place - Charitable Foundation for Social Development of Kharkiv

CORPORATE CHARITY 1st place - Southern Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant (Mykolaiv region). 2nd place - ASHAN Ukraine Hypermarket Limited Liability Company (Kyiv) 3rd place - Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Limited (Kyiv region)

Oblast (Kharkiv) 2nd place - Limited Liability Company "Khmelnytskyi" (Vinnytska oblast) 3rd place - Charitable Foundation «MagneticOne.Org» (Ternopil) 3rd place - Charitable Foundation "Choose the Future Together" (Kyiv)

COLLECTIVE VOLUNTEERING 1st place - NGO "Volunteer Movement "Net Battalion " (Kyiv) 2nd place - Volunteer group "Volunteer crew" (Kyiv) 3rd place - NGO "Znamensky Association" Maidan "(Kropyvnytskiy region).


ALL-UKRAINIAN CHARITY 1 st place - Charity Foundation "Tabletochki" (Kyiv) 1st place - All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "It is Easy to Help" (Dnipro) 2 nd place - Charitable Foundation "Your Support" 3rd place - International Charitable Foundation "Welfare of Communities" (Kyiv)


1st place - Center of the Ukrainian Song "Narodna Philharmonia" (Kyiv) 2 nd place - NGO "Artistic Hundred" Haydamaky "(Khmelnytsky) 3rd place - All-Ukrainian association "Development” (Vynnytsya)

1st place - International Charitable Foundation Caritas Ukraine (Kyiv) 2nd place - Charitable Foundation "Save Ukraine" Center for Mutual Assistance (Kyiv) 3rd place - Agricultural enterprise "Nibulon" (Mykolaiv)

CHARITY IN THE DEFENSE OF UKRAINE REGIONAL CHARITY 1st place - International NGO "Charity Association" Emmanuel "(Kyiv) 2nd place - Charitable organization "I am Volnovaha" (Donetsk region). 3rd place - Charitable Foundation "Caritas Kharkiv" (Kharkiv) 8

1st place - Berdychiv Charitable Foundation "Oberig-26" (Zhytomyr region.) 2nd place - All-Ukrainian Volunteer Center "People's Project" (Mykolaiv) 3rd place - Public organization "Heat of Hometowns" (Khmelnitsky)


YOUTH AND CHILDREN'S CHARITY 1st place - World Executive of the Union of Ukrainian Youth (USA, Kyiv) 2 nd place - Children's public organization "Kapitoshka" (Kyiv region). 3rd place - All-Ukrainian youth association "Oberig" (Lviv region).

CHARITABLE EVENT OF THE YEAR 1st place - All-Ukrainian Charitable Organization "Ukrainian Assistance Fund" (Kyiv) 2nd place - Monthly Kyiv Event "Curaz Bazar" (Kyiv) 3rd place - VOG RITEIL, Limited Liability Company (Kyiv)

VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR 1st place – Armen Shaharyanets (Kyiv region). 2 nd place – Oksana Mukha (Lviv region) 3rd place – Yuriy Andreyev (Kyiv) PEOPLE'S BENEFACTOR OF THE YEAR 1st place – Araik Mkrtchyan (Cherkassy) 2 nd place – Olha Cherevatova (Vynnitsa region). 3rd place - International Charitable Foundation "Welfare of Communities" (Kyiv)

CIVIC CHARITY 1st place - Petro Zalizny (Zhytomyr region) 2 nd place – Olga Cherevatova (Vinnitsa region). 3rd place – Diana Moroz (Vinnytsya)

CHARITY IN THE MEDIA 1st place - Charitable Organization "You Are Not One" Charitable Foundation 1 + 1 Media "(Kyiv) 2nd place - TV channel "Kyiv". Social talk show "City of Good" (Kyiv) 3rd place - Branch of PJSC "National Public Television Company of Ukraine" Sumy Regional Directorate "(Sumy)

PATRON OF THE YEAR 1st place - Olexander Tygov (Kyiv region). 2 nd place – Viktor Myalik (Rivne region) 3rd place - Anna Islamova (Kyiv region). 3rd place – Olena Rosenblatt (Zhytomyr)

ASSISTANCE FROM ABROAD 1st place - EuroMaidan NRW eV (Germany) 2nd place - "Chernobyl Assistance" (Germany) 3rd place - Coordinating Office of the Turkish Agency for Co-operation and Coordination in Ukraine (Kyiv, Turkey).



Winners and laureates of the National Competition "Charitable Ukraine - 2018" CORPORATE CHARITY 1st place - Burisma Group (Kyiv) 2nd place - LLC "ACHAN UKRAINE HYPERMARKET" (Kyiv) 3rd place - Separate Subdivision "Southern Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant" (Yuzhnoukrainsk, Mykolaiv region). CHARITY OF LARGE BUSINESS 1st place - PJSC "Myronivsky Hliboproduct" (Kyiv) 2nd place - DTEK Group, DTEK Limited Liability Company (Kyiv) 3rd place - PJSC "Novokramatorsky Machine-Building Plant" (Kramatorsk, Donetsk region). 3rd place - BurismaGroup (Kyiv) CHARITY OF MEDIUM AND SMALL BUSINESSES 1st place - LLC AGROFIRMA "DOBROBUT" (town of Kozel'shchyna, Poltava region.) 2nd place - FOP Mkrtchyan Araik Rafikovich (Cherkassy) 3rd place - Family Party "DYNATHA PLANET" (Vinnytsya) CHARITY IN THE PROTECTION OF UKRAINE 1st place - "Berdychiv Charitable Foundation" Oberig-26 " (Berdychiv, Zhytomyr region). 2 nd place - NGO "Volunteer Movement "Net Battalion" (Kyiv) 3rd place - Kitsman Volunteer Center for Assistance to the Ukrainian Army (Kitsman, Chernivtsi region). CHARITY IN CULTURE AND ART 1st place – Charitable Foundation "International Assistance "Good Samaritan" (Odessa) 2nd place - Charitable Organization " Nadia Ye " (Zhytomyr) 3rd place - Charitable organization "Dniprovsky" (Kyiv) CHARITY IN EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 1st place - Charitable Foundation "Believe in Yourself" (Kyiv) 2 nd place - Public Association "Osvitoria" (Kyiv) 3rd place - Charitable Foundation " Impulse.UA" (Zaporizhzhya city) PLATFORM OF GOODNESS 1st place - International Charitable Foundation "Ukrainian Charitable Exchange" (Kyiv) 2nd place - Charitable Foundation "Podilskaya Hromada" (Vynnytsia) 3rd place - Charity Exchange "Dobrodiy" (Dnipro) CHARITABLE EVENT OF THE YEAR 1st place - All-Ukrainian Charity Foundation "From Heart to Heart" (All-Ukrainian charity event "Heart to heart") (Kyiv) 2nd place - Charitable Foundation "Choosing the Future Together" ("Together for Success" event) (Kyiv) 3rd place - Volunteer group "AngelS" (Zapizhzhya)


CHARITY IN HEALTH CARE 1 st place - Charitable Foundation "Tabletochki" (Kyiv) 2nd place - Charitable Foundation "Zaporuka " (Kyiv) 3rd place - Charitable Foundation "Happy Child" (Zaporizhzhya) CHARITY IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE 1st place - Charitable organization "Lviv Educational Foundation" (Lviv) 2nd place - Charitable Foundation "Caritas Kharkiv" (Kharkiv) 3rd place – Charitable Foundation "Save Ukraine" Center for Mutual Assistance (Kyiv) ALL-UKRAINIAN CHARITY 1st place - Charitable Foundation "Together with Kernel" (Kyiv) 2 nd place - Charitable Foundation "Tabletochki" (Kyiv) 3rd place - All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Let's Help" (Kyiv) LOCAL CHARITY 1st place - Charitable Foundation "Modern Village and the City" (Uman, Cherkasy region). 2nd place - Charitable organization "I am Volnovaha" (Volnovakha, Donetsk region). 3 place - Drohobych city-based public organization "The Community of Mutual Aid "Our Home" (Drohobych, Lviv Oblast). COLLECTIVE VOLUNTEERING 1st place – Lyudmila and Pavlo Luchinski (Yalosovets'ke village, Poltava region). 2nd place - "Volunteer Community Ukraine” (Zaporizhzhya) 3rd place - Charitable Foundation "Ty-Angel" (Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region). CHARITY OF THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 1st place - NGO "Life and Development of Communities" (Ladyzhyn, Vinnitsa region). 2nd place - International NGO "Charity Association" Emmanuel " (Kyiv) 3rd place - Public organization "Commonwealth of citizens “Vidrodzhennya" (Avdiyivka, Donetsk region). REGIONAL CHARITY 1st place - International Charitable Foundation "Mission to Ukraine" (Zhytomyr) 2nd place - Zaporizhia Regional Charitable Foundation "Smile of the Child" (Zaporizhzhya) 3rd place - Charitable Foundation "Blahomay" (Kyiv) "GOOD STARTS WITH YOU" 1st place - Public organization "Apostolic Chota" (town of Gorodok, Lviv region). 2nd place - World Association of Ukrainian Youth (USA) 3rd place - Charitable Children's Volunteer Movement “Charity BRO (Kyiv)


HELP FROM ABROAD 1st place - Charity Project "Support Hospitals of Ukraine" (USA) (The charitable project "Support Hospitals in Ukraine ") 2nd place - Ukraine-Hilfe-Vorpommern eV (Germany) 3rd place - Association of onlus "SHARE" (Italy) PHILANTHROPIST OF THE YEAR 1st place - Lyudmyla Kropivnitskaya (Zhytomyr) 2 nd place - Olha Cherevatova (Vynnytsya) 3rd place – Solomy Chubay (Lviv) VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR 1st place - Angelica Rudnytska (Kyiv) 2nd place – Father Vasyl Hasynets (Chernivtsi) 3rd place - Lyudmila Lunyaka Nikolaevna (Mykolayiv) CHARITY OF THE MEDIA 1st place - Charitable Organization "You Are Not Alone" 1 + 1 Media " (Kyiv) 2nd place - Newspaper "Evening Korosten" (Korosten, Zhytomyr region). 3rd place - Council of Khmelnytsky City Self-Government Student "New Generation of the City" (Khmelnytsky)

MEDIA ABOUT CHARITY 1st place - TK GLAS. Program "Territory of Good" (Kyiv) 2 nd place - Television and Radio Company "TVA" LLC (Chernivtsi) 3rd place - NGO "Ukrainian Independent Information Alliance" (Zastavna city, Chernivtsi region). PATRON OF THE YEAR 1st place - Bumerasa Pantellis (Odessa) 2 nd place - Viktor Myalik (Rivne region) 3rd place - Olena Rosenblatt (Zhytomyr) 11



Corporate Charity Charitable activities of companies, groups of legal entities, institutions and organizations

1st PLACE BURISMA GROUP (Kyiv) Burisma Group is the largest private gas production group in Ukraine. The company is the only vertically integrated company in the country that carries out exploration, extraction, service and sale of hydrocarbons.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Main production capacities of Burisma Group are located in Kharkiv, Poltava, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk regions. That is why companies of the Group actively support the local communities of these regions. In 2016-2018, the Company directed total of 150 million UAH to address the needs of local communities. Description of the project: Projects have diverse focus and are aimed at addressing the urgent problems of local communities. All operational companies of Burisma international energy group comply with high standards of social responsibility, demonstrate best practices in supporting local initiatives and in engaging with local communities, restoring historical and church monuments, and implementing 12

infrastructure projects that help address important social issues. In 2018, in addition to on-going charity projects, Burisma supported the largest Ukrainian festival of children's song "Black Sea Games". For active participation in promoting the culture of business philanthropy and implementation of significant social projects Burisma group became a winner in the national contest "Charitable Ukraine" and was presented with a special "The Angel of Good" award. The group continues to stay among the most reputable and responsible investors in the oil and gas industry in Ukraine, contributing to the development of corporate responsibility in Ukraine and in the world. The importance and relevance of its projects is to help the government to address the urgent problems of small

towns and villages. By the efforts of private companies, this process is implemented with greater efficiency and speed. Locations of Burisma group companies - Kharkiv, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The biggest part of Burisma Group projects are implemented on the territory of Kharkiv region where main production facilities of the Group are concentrated, as well as the largest extraction facilities of the group. Among the main projects of the Group in the Kharkiv region are road repairs in villages, assistance to local communities, support for school and pre-school institutions, construction and reconstruction of churches, participation in various local initiatives aimed at improving the conditions of local communities.


2nd PLACE AUCHAN UKRAINE HYPERMARKET (Kyiv) Auchan is the Ukrainian segment of supermarket and hypermarket chain Auchan SA (headquartered in Lille, France).

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: competition for the best social project "10 years of Auchan in Ukraine, 10 social projects." Assistance provided for the amount of 2,154,437 UAH. Project Description: In April 2018, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary in Ukraine, Auchan Retail announced the search for new partners for the implementation of socially important projects aimed at the development healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyles for children and youth aged 5 to 25 years. All projects are funded by the corporate charity foundation "Auchan Youth Foundation". A feature of the Foundation's projects is a combination of financial assistance and corporate volunteering. As a result of the competition, 7 projects from 7 charitable organizations in 4 Ukrainian cities received funding from the Auchan Foundation for Youth:

- City eco-farm for growing microgreen for young people with Down syndrome (Auchan of Labor Heroes and Caritas Charitable Foundation Kharkiv) - Healthy lifestyle among children from crisis families (greenhouse and cycling school) in an orphanage of the family type "Otradne" (Auchan Oleksiyivska and Kharkiv Regional Charitable Foundation "Social Aid") - Culinary Training as a way of social integration of young people with cerebral palsy and orphans (Auchan Tarasivska and Emmaus Foundation from Kharkiv) - Setting up a dining room at Marty Levchenko's “City of Good”, where lonely needy mothers and children live (Auchan Khotyn and the Foundation “Safe Life Together” with Caritas Chernivtsi) - "Sports loving children for strong Ukraine", that is, the establishment of a professional sports ground on the territory of school

number 7 in Zhytomyr (Auchan Kyiv and NGO "We do everything by ourselves"). - SCHOOL FOOD: a new dining room for healthy eating at the Kyiv School 285 (Auchan Lugova and the Starts of Hope Foundaton - "SUNNY @ CAFE", social and professional integration of children with Down syndrome on the basis of the experimental class "Stairs" at boarding school №8 in Kyiv (Auchan Sosninykh and "Down Syndrome" NGO). Children and young people with disabilities, internally displaced persons, orphans and those in crisis situations, as well as ordinary students, benefited from these projects, 11 715 persons specifically, they represented 7 charitable organizations. In 2018 held 17 meetings of Auchan employees with project participants were conducted, 40 employees of the company volunteered 680 hours of their time.

3rd PLACE SEPARATE SUBDIVISION "SOUTHERN UKRAINIAN NUCLEAR POWER PLANT" OF THE STATE ENTERPRISE "NATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY GENERATING COMPANY" ENERGOATOM" (Yuzhnoukrainsk, Mykolaiv region) South-Ukrainian AE is a nuclear power plant located in the steppe zone on the left bank of the Southern Bug River, near the Tashlyk Reservoir, east of the Yuzhnoukrainsk, in the Mykolaiv region. It was constrcuted in 1975-1982. The energy company is officially called the Yuzhno-Ukrainskaya NPP PE, which is part of the state enterprise - the National Atomic Energy Generating Company "Energoatom" of Ukraine. It is part of the South Ukrainian Energy Complex.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Assist veterans of Yuzhnoukrainsk town. In 2010, the VP YuUAES launched a long-term "Veteran" prioject. Assistance provided for the amount: More than 3,500 personnel members raised over 6 1 6305 UAH for

the project during 2018, 1 7 , 4% more than in 2017. Project description: Since 2010, employees of the power plant raise money for the veterans of the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk. In

2018, the funds were distributed as follows: 70% of the total was spent on the needs of the veteran organization of the South Ukrainian NPP, and 30% was received by the Union of Veterans of War and Labor of Yuzhnoukrainsk. 13



"The charity of a large business"

Charitable activities of business entities - large business in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine

1st PLACE "MIRONIVSKIY KHLIBOPRODUKT" (Kyiv) Private Joint-Stock Company Myronivsky Hliboproduct is a Ukrainian PJSC, one of the leading agro-industrial companies in Ukraine. Founded in 1998. Main activity: breeding of poultry, production and sale of meat products, namely chicken meat (TM "Nasha Ryaba"), beef (TM "Certified Angus") and goose (TM "Fua Gra"), meat semi-finished products (TM "Easily!") and sausage products (TM "Baschynsky", TM "Druzhba Narodiv", TM "Europroduct".

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Major areas of the charitable activities of the holding at the regional level: infrastructure, medicine, education and children, culture and sports,. Assistance provided for the amount of more than 200 million UAH. Project description: Holding companies actively participated in co-financing and financing of projects: • more than 41 million UAH were invested in the development of kindergartens and schools, specialized higher educational institutions with which MHP has established strategic cooperation in the field of training and involvement of young specialists. Children's facilities 14

• • • •

are provided food, gifts for holidays, financial support, repair of buildings and premises, replacement of windows, doors, purchase of necessary furniture, equipment, machinery, as well as sssistance in installation, replacement and adjustment of equipment; 52 million hryvnas allocated for reconstruction and repair of roads; 37 million UAH aimed at infrastructure development; 27 million UAH for the investments in the development of the social sphere; 12 million UAH used to support rural medicine (purchase of necessary equipment and materials), medical facilities (building and repair of

premises), targeted assistance for community members, project of the company "Doctors for the village" (organization of reception of medical specialists in villages and conducting diagnostics and medical examinations); • 20 million UAH for the sponsorship of cultural and sporting events. Organization of sports competitions, festive concerts, festivals, support of creative contests; • 7 million UAH spend for targeted assistance at the birth of a child, assistance to families, veterans and ATO soldiers; • 7 million UAH spent on providing villages with light and water.


2nd PLACE DTEK GROUP (Kyiv) The DTEK Group focuses on projects that create new energy. DTEK Group companies conduct coal and gas production, produce electricity at thermal and renewable energy stations, transmit and supply heat and electricity to end-users, and provide electricity services.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Overall, over a period of systematic work within the framework of the implementation of DTEK's social partnership programs on the territories of the company’s location from 2013 to 2018, over 580 million UAH was invested. In 2018, assistance was provided for the amount of UAH 150 million. Description of the project: With focus on sustainable development of the cities where the company's companies operate,

we develop and implement projects of the DTEK Social Partnership Program, the main purpose of which is to ensure sustainable socio-economic and cultural development of communities by improving the quality of life of people in the territories where DTEK Group companies operate. We cooperate with cities in developing and implementing Social Partnership Strategies that create new opportunities and are growth spots for the economy and social area of the territories. Local governments,

communities and experts are involved in the development of the Strategies, whose representatives form the committees that control the implementation of the projects. This allows involvement and consolidation of local communities in addressing the pressing issues of sustainable development. For example, in 2017, 168 projects were implemented within the framework of the social partnership program in 7 regions of Ukraine in 55 locations; in 2018, the number of projects peaked 173.

3rd PLACE "NOVOKRAMATORSKY MACHINE-BUILDING PLANT" (Kramatorsk, Donetsk region) Private Joint-Stock Company Novokramatorsky Machine-Building Plant (PJSC "NKMZ") is a production facility in Ukraine, located in the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. It is focused on the production of unique machines and equipment for the mining and metallurgical complex, one of the largest specialized enterprises in Ukraine.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Assistance provided for the amount of 151 697 766.33 UAH Description of the project: NKMZ implements a multi-level charitable social program

"NKMZ for Kramatorsk"focused on addressing the city's infrastructure problems at the request of citizens or groups of citizens; Assistance to education and health care facilities in the repair of premises and the purchase of equipment;

promotion of healthy lifestyle; organization of mass cultural and sporting events. The cost of the program "NKMZ for Kramatorsk" in 2018 - 80 927 201 UAH. The implementation of the program will continue in 2019.

3rd PLACE BURISMA GROUP (Kyiv) Burisma Group is the largest private gas production group in Ukraine. The company is the only vertically integrated company in the country that carries out exploration, extraction, service and sale of hydrocarbons.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Main production capacities of Burisma Group are located in Kharkiv, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk regions. That is why companies of the Group actively support the local communities of these regions. In 2016-2018, the Company directed total of 150 million UAH to address the needs of local communities.

Description of the project: Projects have diverse focus and are aimed at addressing the urgent problems of local communities. All operational companies of Burisma international energy group comply with high standards of social responsibility, demonstrate best practices in supporting local initiatives and in engaging with local communities, restoring historical and church monuments, and implementing infrastruc-

ture projects that help address important social issues. In 2018, in addition to on-going charity projects, Burisma supported the largest Ukrainian festival of children's song "Black Sea Games". The group continues to stay among the most reputable and responsible investors in the oil and gas industry in Ukraine, contributing to the development of corporate responsibility in Ukraine and in the world. 15



"Charity of the medium and small business"

Charitable activities of small and medium business according to the current legislation of Ukraine

1st PLACE AGROFIRM "DOBROBUT" (Kozelshchyna, Poltava region) LLC "Agrofirma Dobrobut" was founded on October 7, 2003. The main area of activity is the cultivation of grain and technical crops. Due to leadership qualities, perseverance and professionalism of the General Director of the Dobrobut Agricultural Company Andriy Petrovich Berezovsky - "Dobrobut" entered the cohort of the best enterprises of the Poltava region. More than 150 million UAH in taxes were paid by the agricultural company to the budgets of all levels. Due to the efficiency of the company, the budgets were adequately funded, giving the opportunity to use funds for community development and for the benefit of the people of Poltava. Agro Comoany Dobrobut conducts business transparently, honestly, in compliance socially responsible business practices. Innovation and new technologies, continuous improvement and development are the main priorities of the activity. The Astarta-Kyiv agro-industrial holding, which includes Dobrobut, is among the largest agroindustrial holdings in Ukraine, a major exporter of cereals and industrial crops, a leader in the Ukrainian sugar industry and a powerful investor.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Assistance provided: 3 million 267 thousand UAH. Project description: EDUCATION - Repair and equipment for schools. Educational projects: - "School of Humane Pedagogy", "IT Education in Rural Areas", "Transfer of Good Practices", "The Week of Environment Protection". 16

Health Care projects - Repairs and equipment for 11 local hospitals, internet access for local villages. Culture - 9 village clubs were repaired Office equipment and furniture for 6 rural clubs purchased and delivered. Cultural heritage site"Chumatsky Kolodyaz" in the village of Kozelshchyna repaired. Sports - Sports clubs sports teams supported throughout the year.

Infrastructure and facilities improved in 6 villages, buildings and houses repaired in 40 villages, local charities supported for the amount of 33 thousand UAH. Local festivals supported for the total amount of 721 thousand UAH, financial assistance provided for the treatment of local residents - 285 thousand UAH


2nd PLACE ARAIK RAFIKOVICH MKRTCHYAN (Cherkasy) Araik Rafikovich Mkrtchyan Born April 10, 1966 in the village of Atis, Abovyan district, Republic of Armenia. Since 1989 he has been a citizen of Ukraine. A businessman has been actively engaged in social and charitable activities since 1992, systematically providing material and charitable assistance to the Cherkassy Orphanage for preschool-age children of compensatory type, where orphans and children deprived of parental care are brought up. He is a resident of Cherkassy.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Low-income families of Cherkasy region, volunteer organizations, educational institutions of the region were supported for the total amount of 2,000 000 UAH. Araik was a last year's winner in the nomination "People's Benefactor-2017". Project description: Organization and financing of excursion trips for the pupils and pedagogical staff of Cherkassy secondary school №20, secondary school №27, secondary school №28, school №26, school №30, school №32, DNZ, collective of Communal enterprise "Cherkasyelektrotrans", KSN "Victory", veterans of communal institutions of the city of Cherkasy, etc. Procurement of clothing for Cherkassy region low income families, (more than

1,500 autumn coats are distributed). Organization and financing of excursions for students of all schools of Chigirinsky region (20 educational establishments) within the framework the program to support rural schools. Provision of stationery and toys of first-graders of 10 schools of the city of Cherkasy and 5 schools of Cherkasy oblast, Organization of the holiday for St. Nicholas Day and March 8 for children from low-income families (about 500 students for each holiday). Financial support for the "Malyatko" child's home (the purchase of equipment and sweets for holidays). Financial support for projects of Cherkasy regional multi-family association, Territorial Center for the provision of social services, Cherkasy Regional Association "Ukrainian Cossacks"

NGO "Disabled without housing", NGO "Center for the Assistance to the POWs" and NGO "Cherkasy regional organization of disabled "Children of Chernobyl". Sponsor of the St. Nicholas Festival (Chyhyryn city), "Cossack Way" festival, "Student Miss Cherkasy " beauty contest. Sponsor of the collection "Art therapy to help parents and children in difficult situations". Financial support for the amateur chorus "Promin". Financial assistance for the Ukrainian Army stationed in Volnovakha and Avdiyivka. Sponsor's support for the Children's Day. Financial assistance to the Cherkasy Regional Psychiatric Hospital. Financial assistance for the arrangement of a pedestrian avenue in Cherkasy city park. Financial assistance in organizing tours of the Cherkasy Regional Drama Theater.

3rd PLACE FAMILY PARK "CHILDREN”S PLANET" (Vinnytsya) Children's Planet is a network of parks for unlimited entertainment, a special place for family holidays and celebrations. In 2013, the first park Children's Planet opened in Ukraine to celebrate birthdays.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Social-charitable program "Children's Planet". Assistance provided for the total amount of 1 875 030 UAH + free entrance for parents so that they spend time with the children, an increase of 13% from 2017. Project description: Social events for visitors, support for the vulnerable

groups of the population, motivation to study / rest and good things by providing free visit to the park in Vinnytsia. We have set up business processes in such a way that, through a free visit or a significant discount, we can provide: • Ability for the children to enjoy park facilities,

• Relax with parents • Performances of creative groups • Support of city events Positive emotions give motivation for actions. It is in this way, acting as a platform for creativity, we cultivate healthy childhood and family values for our communities. 17



"Charity in the protection of Ukraine"

Activities of philanthropists, volunteers, charitable, non-governmental and volunteer organizations in the field of assistance to the Ukrainian army soldiers and officers and their families, protection of the population in emergency situations of peace and war

1st PLACE BERDYCHIV CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "OBERIG-26" (Berdychiv, Zhytomyr region) "Berdychiv Charitable Foundation "Oberig-26". Launched in October 2014 in Berdychiv to help the Ukrainian army. The Foundation carries out charitable activities in the interests of the Ukrainian army, which currently fights Russian invasion and war in the east, supports military families as well as refugees and people in difficult living conditions. The logo "Oberig" is number 26, which is associated with the name of the legendary Berdychiv Artillery Brigade, which has proven to be a worthwhile successor of the glorious fighting traditions of older generations of Brigade 26. In further plans of the charitable foundation is the creation of a rehabilitation center for the veterans.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Technical assistance to the Army for the total amount of 5 million UAH. Project description: Assist children living in the ATO zone in the "grey" zone. Assistance to ATO soldiers (stationed along the frontline), military hospitals, wounded, families of those KIA. Humanitarian assistance to low-income families with many children and displaced persons. Assistance to orphans (boarding houses, boarding schools) Assistance to disabled and lonely (elderly homes). 18

Coordination of efforts of Ukrainian volunteers and volunteers from abroad. Action of the year: "Children to children" (Ukraine for children, Ukraine United). Holiday gifts for St. Nikolay's children to children living in the "grey" zone (Zhytomyr region, Vinnytsya region, Kyiv region, Kharkiv region). Technical assistance to military units, humanitarian assistance to low-income families, large families, IDPs in the form of grocery sets, clothes, footwear, furniture. Help for children living in the ATO zone and in the "grey" zone (holiday gifts for the day

of St. Nicholas, grocery sets) Humanitarian assistance – clothing and toys for children - orphans (orphanages, boarding schools). Assistance to disabled and lonely (elderly homes). Supporting emergency service in Berdychev, Zhytomyr region with medications. Assistance to victims of the accidents, oncology patients. Support for the low-income groups. Currently, the city of Berdychiv has organized a humanitarian center throughout Ukraine, along with volunteers from Germany and France.


2nd PLACE "VOLUNTARY MOVEMENT" BATTALLION NET" (Kyiv) "Volunteer Movement of the “BATTALION NET", brings together more than 100 volunteers. These are people who seek to help their country fight for independence. They realize this assistance through providing Ukrainian soldiers with warm clothing, camouflage nets and costumes, by sending products and other material resources to the zone of combat and the frontline.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: 1. Assistance to the Ukrainian Army. 2. Encouraging a wide range of citizens for charity. 3. Social adaptation of veterans and members of their families. 4. Assistance to the 24 families of those KIA who live in the Lugansk region and have school-age children. Assistance provided for the following amount: In 2018, for the amount of 1 095 000 UAH ( 7 000 kg). In 2014-2018 – for the total amount of 5,5 million UAH (67 000 kg). Project description: In 2018, “Battalion Net” delivered the ATO zone: • 7 000 sq.m. of masking nets (since 2014, total of 45 000 sq.m.) and 60 camouflage costumes.

• 125 pairs of knitted socks, 100 units of linen, 150 pillows for sleeping bags • 89 backbelts. • Numerous spare parts for cars. • Dried foods; • Medicines. In October, volunteers from the Battalion Net, within the framework of the "Greet the Soldier" campaign, made 60 cakes and delivered to the forefront, in order to support the fighting spirit and as a show of respect for Ukrainians to their army. In December, the organization organized the “Vitamin Shield" challenge. Organization volunteers made and delivered 45 kg of vitamin mixture for soldiers at the frontine.

The project "Joy of Life" was implemented - social adaptation for ATO veterans and members of their families. "Seaside Festival" was organized as social adaptation effort for the rehabilitation for demobilized soldiers. In July 2018 members of the organization worked in the village of Katranka of the Odessa region with 50 families of ATO veterans. "Remember! Honor!" project to support the families of the fallane heroes, for children who lost their parents. "Easter basket", "Legal literacy", "Educational summer", "School call", "Day of the defender of Ukraine", "Congratulation of St. Nicholas" social events were organized.

3rd PLACE KITSMAN VOLUNTEER CENTER FOR ASSISTANCE TO UKRAINIAN ARMY (Kitsman, Chernivtsi region) Kitsman Volunteer Center for Assistance to the Ukrainian Army - Volunteers from Kitsman district in Bukovyna help Ukrainian soldiers in the front, wounded in military hospitals, families of defenders and other residents in the area who need care and assistance.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Assistance to the Ukrainian Army, combatants and their families, support to the rehabilitation center for disabled children. Assistance provided for the total amount of 650000,00 UAH. Project description: Collection and delivery of food and grocery goods

in the ATO zone. Social support of demobilized combatants and members of their families. Delivery of food and grocery goods to the ATO zone, military hospitals and to permanent dislocation of the Ukrainian troops was regularly conducted during 2014-2018, deliveries were made 20 times in 2018.

The district program is operational from 2015. The activities of the volunteer center are on-going. Volunteers provide assistance to all needy groups. Areas: Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kitsman district of Chernivtsi region, Kitsman.




All-Ukrainian Charity Activities of charitable organizations at the national level.

1st PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "TOGETHER WITH KERNEL" (Kyiv) Kernel is the largest agro-industrial company in Ukraine and the CIS. An important and indispensable component of Kernel's activities is the promotion of socio-economic development of territorial communities in the regions of presence. In 2013, Kernel's social initiatives were united into the program of support of territorial communities "Together with Kernel" under All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure and improvement, Culture and Civic Initiatives, Sport, Social entrepreneurship. Assistance provided for the amount: 43 million UAH Project description: "Together with Kernel" Foundation actively funds the implementation social projects, in order to create comfortable living conditions in Ukrainian villages and conditions for young people to live and work in villages. Systemic assistance from the Charitable Foundation "Together with Kernel" is received by the local establishments of education, health care, culture and sport. Funding is also aimed at improving the local infrastructure - roads, water pipes, 20

street lighting systems. In addition, targeted assistance is provided to local residents. Also, the Foundation supports social entrepreneurship for the development of long-term business environment in the regions. In general, in 2018 more than a thousand important projects were implemented, among them: • 196 schools - received assistance in repairs / equipment purchase. As a result, more than 15,000 students study in better conditions • 66 000 children received gifts for New Year's holidays. • financial and advisory assistance was provided in creating 2 service cooperatives. As a result, 12 jobs were

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created, better access to community services was provided. 10 playgrounds were installed. 146 paramedic and obstetric centers received assistance for repairs / purchases of equipment, drugs 6 million U AH spend for road improvement. More than 200 festive events, including Village Days, were supported and funded/ more than 1,000 war veterans received gifts for the Victory Day More than 4000 first-graders from rural schools have received stationery supplies before the beginning of the school year.


2nd PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "TABLETOCHKI" (Kyiv) “Tabletochki” is the largest charitable foundation in Ukraine, which helps children and their families with all types of cancer.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: charitable foundation which protects the interests of cancer patients in Ukraine. Assistance provided for the amount of: 48 370 611 UAH Project description: Timely purchased medicines for 665 cancer patients from 15 regions of Ukraine for the amount of 16 602 052 UAH. The Foundation oversees 17 cancer hospitals in Ukraine: in Kyiv, Poltava, Cherkassy, Chernhiv, Zaporizhzhya, Rivne, Mykolayiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk. • Purchased equipment, medical furniture and supplies for the amount of 10,860,220 UAH for the Kyiv and regional cancer hospital departments. • 39 children received assistance for treatment abroad: medical examinations, surgeries, control trips. • In 2018, we sent 33 doctors from 9 hospitals and 15 departments for

training, accommodated about 60 participants and translated 500 pages of medical protocols for treatment. 32 families from our palliative care program received 2,413,147 UAH. These were medicines and consumables, hygiene products, medical consultations, psychological counseling and ritual services. For the third time we conducted a Memorial Day for 45 families who gathered together to remember their children, share photos and stories. 80 active volunteers of the fund conducted 426 interesting and fun art-therapeutic classes with children in the wards, organized the Days of the Beauty for Moms and various thematic events. The "Holiday of the Winners" was organized for the second time, attended

by 100 families who have overcome cancer or have completed basic treatment, the Foundation provided media coverage of the event. • 1264 psychological counseling sessions were provided to the families of cancer patients. Participated in the Improvement of the Regulations on Foreign Treatment. Currently, the document passes the final stages of approval. • Lobbied the inclusion of cancer treatment drugs in the government procurement plans, controlled timely delivery of medicines. These drugs were added to the list of government procured medicines. • Developed and submitted the bills "On the abolition of 20% VAT on the importation of unregistered medicines from abroad."

3rd PLACE ALL-UKRAINIAN CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "LET'S HELP" (Kyiv) International Charitable Foundation "Let's Help" Helps orphans, elderly people and sick children. The Let's Help Foundation was created in 2015 by the Bondarenko family - the founders of the "Liga" group of companies. We involve all friends and business partners, unite people around us to implement large-scale charity programs and help people. ICF "Let's Help" is included in the "LIGA" group of companies as corporate and social responsibility entity of our groups of companies. The administrative costs of the Fund are fully funded by the founders, and 100% of the funds raised are used for charity, as evidenced by a certificate of compliance with the international standard of Transparency and Distinction from the charity organization monitoring company Charity Tuner.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: "Decent Aging”, BlackBox Dinner, WhiteBox, Volunteers, Universal Environment Program. Assistance provided for 12 055 000 million UAH. Project description: For 4 years the Fund L et’s Help fulfills the following mission in Ukraine: • Develops traditions of charity; • Unites people; • Inspires for good deeds.

The Fundation has two main areas of work: 1. "Decent Aging" program assistance to single people of elderly age and institutions for the elderly. One of the Foundation's main tasks is to raise the value of the elderly person in society. 2. Universal Environment Program -

helping people with impaired vision and deseases of central nervous system, building children's inclusive playgrounds where children can spend time together. In 2018, we built two children's inclusive playgrounds in Kyiv. One in the park named after VP Chkalov, and the second one - in the National Botanical Garden named after M.M. Grishko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 21



Regional Charity Activities of charities focused in no more than regions of Ukraine (including Kyiv).

1st PLACE INTERNATIONAL CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "MISSION TO UKRAINE" (Zhytomyr) ICF "Mission to Ukraine" is an international charitable foundation that helps the most vulnerable segments of the population: women with unwanted pregnancy and children with disabilities. All services are provided absolutely free of charge. The fund's activities are extended to Zhytomyr and Zhytomyr oblast. The Foundation is a non-governmental, apolitical, independent and nonprofit organization.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Helping women with unwanted pregnancy (psychological help, social protection). Prevention of risky behaviors among adolescents and young people. Medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities, including orphans with disabilities (comprehensive assistance, including vocational rehabilitation and humanitarian programs). The following amount of assistance: 9 334 439 UAH Project description: Helping women with unwanted pregnancy: Faced with the problem of unplanned pregnancy, without having close support, the only way out of a crisis situation seems to be abortion. Thanks to the advice of IDU psychologists, every woman 22

has the opportunity to consider various options for getting out of the crisis. If a woman decides to give birth but needs help, then she gets material support from the program "Mom and Baby" and humanitarian assistance under the "Humanitarian" program. In 2018, 257 women chose to give birth to a child. Since 1998, thanks to the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 2000 babies were born. Prevention of risky behavior among young people and women's groups In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and drug addiction, our staff conducts educational activities for the prevention of risky behavior among

young people in secondary, vocational and higher educational institutions and boarding schools. Medical and social rehabilitation of children and youth with disabilities In Zhytomyr and the region there are about 6000 children and youth with disabilities. The lack of easy access to transport, public places and residential buildings for people with disabilities, the lack of a wellfunctioning rehabilitation system, and the difficult economic situation in the country lead to the fact that the vast majority of families with children with disabilities are not only beyond the poverty line without the possibility of obtaining qualified rehabilitation assistance, but and even in isolation from society.


2nd PLACE ZAPORIZHZHYA OBLAST CHARITABLE FOUNDATION “SMILE OF THE CHILD” (Zaporizhzhya) Zaporizhzhya Regional Charitable Foundation "Smile of the Child" was created on April 26, 2013 by the volunteer group "Smile of the Child", which since 2012 began to organize trips to the orphanages and boarding school of the Zaporizhzhya region, to provide humanitarian assistance and to conduct creative master classes.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The main purpose of the Foundaton is to promote social adaptation of children from orphanages and boarding schools and social and psychological rehabilitation centers for socially vulnerable families, internally displaced persons through social assistance and integration into the culture and society through targeted assistance and the implementation of integrated programs and activities aimed at development moral, ethical, universal, labor and creative skills that would contribute to maximum realization of personal potential in life. Assistance provided for the amount of 9 582 279 UAH. Project description: In 2018, the following projects were implemented: • The course of social adaptation of children

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from orphanages boarding schools of the Zaporizhzhya region "Workshop of good". The project contributes to raising the level of social and psychological adaptation of boarding school pupils. Course for rehabilitation of children with disabilities "Hippotherapy for children". Family holiday "Circle of friends". The project is aimed at the integration and socialization of internally displaced persons and the unity of the local community of Zaporizhzhya. Project "Life Without Violence". Prevention of sexual violence among teenagers through an information campaign for children, professionals who work with them every day, and an interactive smart party. Providing comprehensive humanitarian

and social assistance to internally displaced families and community members living in the Zaporizhzhya region. • Public centers for people in Avdiivka and Bahmut. The centers provided assistance to internally displaced people affected by the war, as well as to those who were in difficult living conditions. • Economic Development Program of Eastern Ukraine. The project provided business development minigroups aimed at supporting entrepreneurs from among internally displaced persons and local people. • Project "Various World". The project is aimed at informing teenagers about their rights and protection of rights through interactive programs in the Zaporizhzhya region.

3rd PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "BLAGOMAY" (Kyiv) Foundation "Blahomay" – the main goals of the charitable foundation is to help children in orphanages and social adaptation of children to real life. The Foundation works in the following areas: education; arrangement of doctor’s offices at children's residential institutions; setting up sports halls and playgrounds in orphanages; various needs of children's residential institutions.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Assistance to children deprived of parental care living in orphanages in Ukraine. Assistance provided for the amount of 5 390 382 UAH Project description: Charitable Foundation "Blagmay" helps orphans and children deprived of parental care in orphanages and boarding schools of Ukraine. The amount of money that was spent in the Kiev region in 2018 was 2 750 000 hryvnia. During the period of 2018 on the territory of the Kyiv region, the Blomay Foundation, in partnership with other organizations, implemented the following charitable

programs: • “Warming the hearts" (January-February 2018) and "Factory of Wonders" (December 2018) fundraising for the needs of the children in orphanages winter jackets and shoes, warm clothes, socks, hats and gloves. In general, 22 orphanages received assistance for about 1500 children; • Conducted 2 educational " WOW Kids Forum". This is a one-day event, attended by about 1,000 children from children's homes. During the school day, the children listened to wellknown international speakers, along with mentors and volunteers, children

were given the opportunity to work in small groups, do quests and various intellectual tasks and developed their practical skills; • "Children's Day" - children's sports grounds and sports equipment in 60 orphanages were installed. • WOW Kids Camp - organized and conducted an educational camp for 30 children from orphanages. • "Full Bagpacks" - preparation for 1500 children from orphanages of the Kyiv region for the school year (involving sponsorship and purchasing office supplies, school uniforms, shoes and backpacks for children). 23



Local Charity Activities of charitable, non-governmental or volunteer organizations that are registered and carry out their activities on the territory of small towns (except for the city of Kyiv and cities-regional centers)

1st PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "CONTEMPORARY VILLAGE AND CITY" (Uman, Cherkasy region) Charitable Foundation "Contemporary Village and City" Charitable is an independent non-profit, non-government, non-political charitable organization whose activities are aimed at cooperation with medical, educational, and social institutions of Cherkasy region. The mission of the Fund is to promote the implementation of social and economic development programs, to provide charitable assistance to those who need it. The Charitable Foundation "Contemporary Village and City" aims to implement projects to improve living standards of the population, regardless of their place of residence - large cities, and villages.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: support of communal health care institutions (medical institutions of Cherkasy region); social programs (support for large families, low income families, social institutions); assistance to patients in need of medical help. Assistance provided for the amount of 5,981,885 UAH Project description: In 2018, medical and social institutions in the Cherkasy region, mainly Khrystynivka, Uman and Monastyryshche districts, received assistance for the improvement of the conditions of patients, wards, the material and technical base, and upgrading equipment to improve the 24

level of services to the population for a total of nearly 6 million UAH, and over 47,000 kg worth of goods, clothing and medications. In 2018, special attention was paid to the Victoriv psychoneurological boarding house, with 130 persons with mental disorders (30 palliative patients), who are constantly under the supervision of doctors and staff, and therefore constantly need proper conditions of stay. So in 2018, 80% of beds, mattresses, bed linen were replaced and equipped with specialized equipment for the disabled. The above-mentioned medical facilities of Cherkassy oblast received medical equipment, furniture, hygiene products,

medical supplies, wheelchairs, functional beds, operating tables, analyzers, autoclaves, mattresses, inspection tables, X-ray tubes, ATO rehabilitation classrooms, medical consumables, etc. In 2018, "Contemporary Village and the City" Foundation expanded its activities in rural areas - these are hospitals and ambulances of the most remote villages in Cherkasy Oblast, where equipment has not been updated since the 70s of the last century. Continuing support for the socially vulnerable population included provision of clothing, school supplies, toys, office supplies for the large and low-income families of Khrystynivka district, as well as for children.


2nd PLACE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION "I AM VOLVOVAHA" (Volnovaha, Donetsk region) The main goal of the charity organization "Ya-Volnovaha" is to assist IDPs, single parents, people with disabilities, large families and low-income families. The fund also helps local communities, medical and educational institutions.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Targeted humanitarian and social assistance. Charitable events, charity concerts. Implementation of social grants programs. Assistance to state and municipal institutions (kindergartens, schools, hospitals). Assistance provided for the total amount of 5, 477 million UAH . Project description: • Charitable project "New Vision" is implemented together with Volnovakha, Nikolsky and Mangush district state administrations. The project aims to provide 25,000 visually impaired people (especially the elderly) with eyepieces for reading. The project started in 2018 and will last until 2020. At the moment, 1200 people were provided with glasses. • Participation in the international

charitable project Ski United implemented with the Spanish NGO. The project is being implemented in 5 countries, including Peru, Romania, Slovenia, Lithuania and Ukraine. The main goal of the project is to provide socially vulnerable people with warm clothes. Within the framework of cooperation with Spain, 300 people from the line of demarcation area in the Volnovakha district of Donetsk region received warm ski suits. • Social program for the provision of persons with the first disability group with wheelchairs. Under this program wheelchairds were provided to 180 people and three central district hospitals in the Volnovakha, Nikolsky and Mangush districts. • Provision of food enriched with

soybeans and proteins to persons living on the demarcation line in the Volnovakha district, as well as to large families in the Volnovakha, Nikolsky and Mangush districts of the Donetsk region. In 2018, 914 people in need were given 18 tons of rice mixture. • In cooperation with the "Caritas Mariupol", the Volynovka Regional District Hospital was provided with 82 beds, and Nikolsky and Mangush Central District Hospitals with 15 beds each. • I n c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h U N D P, implementation of the project "Restoration of governance and reconciliation of the war-affected communities of Ukraine". In the course of the project, assistance was provided to youth non-profit non-governmental organizations.

3rd PLACE DROHOBYCH CITY-BASED PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "OUR HOUSE" COMMUNITY OF MUTUAL AID (Drohobych, Lviv region) Drohobych city-based public organization "The Community of Mutual Aid" Our HOUSE" - a community for homeless people was founded in 2009 on the territory of the former military unit in the village Dobrivlyany, Drohobych district with the support and assistance of Caritas Foundation. The purpose of the community is to ensure that every person, society and state can live in peace, achieve realization and self-improvement through communication and interchange in equality and dignity.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The community "Our Hut" cares for homeless people and those who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Assistance provided for the amount of 2 088 415 UAH Project description: The community "Our Hut" is organized in the city of Drohobych and the region, which cares for homeless people and those who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Our community provides social housing, full 3 meals, medical care, and also

attracts community residents to a variety of social projects, as a condition for resocialization. We actively cooperate with the local authorities, cover the problems of the homeless in the region in the media, in radio broadcasts, in articles in the local press. We also help people who need it: we provide shelters, we distribute hot dinners, grocery sets, help with used clothes and footwear, furniture (old furniture, but repaired). International “Emmaus” movement helped us to buy two minibuses.

We also have labor camps from Austria, France and the Bauorden organization , which involves 40 foreign volunteers in our projects. Having created the "Our Hut" community in Drohobych, we see ways to overcome poverty in the region and in Drohobych city and to solve social problems. We provide social housing for 30 people. Our events are attended by more than 120 people, and free lunches are distributed to 200 people per month, we accommodate more than 50 appeals for humanitarian aid, namely, footwear, clothes, furniture. 25



"Platform of Good" Activities of charitable organizations (foundations), other formalized or non-formalized structures involved in fundraising (or create appropriate organizational and technological prerequisites) for the implementation of charitable projects, but do not implement these projects on their own.

1st PLACE INTERNATIONAL CHARITABLE FOUNDATION UKRAINIAN CHARITABLE EXCHANGE (Kyiv) The International Charity Foundation "Ukrainian Charitable Exchange" is a crowdfunding platform, an effective and modern tool for raising funds for a variety of charitable and social projects, which allows benefactors and beneficiaries to help control their use. Our goal is to create and operate an alternative, transparent, effective mechanism for the implementation of charity in Ukraine

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Ukrainian Charitable Exchange promotes the development of the culture of charity in Ukraine and increases the level of trust and efficiency of charitable organizations. Assistance provided for the total amount of 45 741 101 UAH Project description: Results delivered in 2018: • Creation and support of an alternative, transparent, effective mechanism for the implementation of charity in Ukraine. • Guaranteeing potential donors an easy and safe ways to make charitable donations, including through a certified and safe online 26

payment system. • Increasing the level of transparency and publicity by reporting on the use of borrowed funds and making it possible for any interested party to provide detailed financial and analytical reports on the use of charitable funds donated. • Аttract the attention of citizens, politicians, representatives of mass media to charity activities, learning the best world practices and the implementation of their principles in Ukraine. • In 2018, 903 projects were funded for a total amount of over 45 million UAH. Most of the projects were fully implemented in 2018.

The implementation of some projects has been postponed to 2019. Thus, the total amount of charitable assistance in 2018 was 45,741,011 UAH • In general, by the end of 2018, the UBB benefactors have already supported more than 3 793 aid projects, of which 3,410 have been fully assembled, implemented, and reports for benefactors are located on the platform site. 118 corporate donors and over 830,000 individual donors involved. 100 famous people were involved with targeted charity campaigns. Coorganized 23 charitable events.


2nd PLACE CHARITY FUND "PODILLYA HROMADA" (Vinnytsya) Charitable Foundation "Podillya Hromada " is a community foundation of the city of Vinnytsia, which activates the community and unites its resources to solve current problems by developing a culture of philanthropy.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Auction of projects. The goal is to unite the community around initiatives aimed at developing the city and civil society. Assistance is provided for the amount of 10 010 195 UAH. Project description: "Podillya Hromada" uses various tools to raise funds for solving current problems. One such tool is the Auction of Projects, an effective tool for bringing together all sectors of civil society such as government, business and community around local needs. The auction demonstrates the willingness and ability of the community to act and invest their own resources in solving problems.

The auctions of projects was successfully carried out by the NGO in 2016, 2017 and 2018. The auction is preceded by the competition of projects, applications submitted by nongovernmental organizations, city initiative groups. The competition committee selects 5 winners. Next, the process of preparing short interactive presentations of projects begins, together with the project teams, residents of Vinnytsia are invited to a public event - the Auction of projects. During the event, teams introduce projects to the audience, and then the "auction", begins, and the "Donors of the city" vote for the projects that they like.

There are three types of donors: Ambassadors contribute from 3000 UAU, Corporate Donors from 1000 UAH, Individual donors contribte from 500 UAH. All donor funds are brought together, and thus budgets of five projects are defined. The results of the auctions in 2018: 65 donors, 5 financed and implemented projects, 79 725 UAH collected during the auctions. Topics covered by the Auction 2018 projects: environmental awareness, waste management, environmental education for children of preschool and junior school age, financial literacy for teens, infrastructure.

3rd PLACE CHARITY EXCHANGE "DOBRODIY" (Dnipro) Charity Exchange "Dobrodiy" is a unique platform for meeting and interacting with people who need financial support and people who want to help. We are 4 years old, and over these years we provided targeted assistance to 550 children with severe illness in the amount of more than 6.5 million hryvnia and to purchase medical equipment worth more than 5 million hryvnas for hospitals and orphanages. Also helped veterans of the Second World War and ATO fighters for the amount of more than 4 million hryvnia.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: "Dobrodiy" helps the elderly poor people, supports various educational projects and talented children, finances repair and equipment of the children's rehabilitation center for children with special needs, conducts creative classes at the Center for childrenwith special needs, conducts charitable events, engages in social activities at the department of hematology. In the midst of the ATO, the Exchange bought artificial ventilation devices, body armor and medicines for the soldiers. Financing of the reconstruction of hospitals destroyed during the war. Assistance provided for the amount of 4,000,015 UAH Project description: In 2018, the Charity Exchange "Dobrodiy" provided assistance in the treatment

and rehabilitation of 88 children with various severe diseases. Among them: 31 children with oncology, 19 newborns with serious pathologies, 28 children with cerebrovascular issues. The project purchased and brought equipment for a modern medical cabinet and medicines for orphans from the Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation "Hope" of the city of Apostolove for a total amount of 150 thousand hryvnias. "100 books for the hospital - we will present new books to small patients!" event was organized for the small kids, books donated for the total amount of 10 000 hryvnia. Now in the hematological department of the Dnipro Regional Clinical Hospital there

is a permanent reading area for sick children and their parents, which is replenished with new books and board games. The project organized arrival of children's surgeons in the Dnipro to participate in two scientific and practical conferences held on the basis of the regional children's clinical hospital in Dnipro in the department of reconstructive surgery for a total amunt of 88 thousand hryvnia. As part of our gifted children's program, we fully paid for the trip and participation in the prestigious European musical contests of two talented girls the 15-year-old violinist Natalia Snizhko from the Dnipro and the 12-year-old pianist Sonya Selianko from the village Orlovshchyna (Dnipro region). 27



Phipantropist of the Year Activies of high net worth patrons of education, culture and art, protection of cultural heritage, science and research

1st PLACE BUMBURAS PANTELIS (Odessa) Bumburas Pantelis – Odessa benefector, Honorary Consul of Greece in the Crimea. The founder of the Bumburas Foundation, which provides assistance in the fields of charity (education, health care, ecology, social protection, culture and art, science and sport, etc.), as well as the development and support of these areas. Among the goals of the Foundation are the development of regional programs, including educational, the search and development of talented youth, the promotion of social rehabilitation of the poor, the disabled and other persons in need of care, as well as the development and spread of Greek culture in Ukraine, protection and preservation of cultural heritage of Greece, monuments of history and culture.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Restoration of the Hall of Antique Art at the Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art. Project description: The repair and restoration works of the interior of the hall of antique art of the Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental 28

art were performed. Restoration of the halls and exposition, allowed visitors of the museum to enjoy the collection of antique art at the museum, museum objects were properly prepared for exhibiting, new exposition equipment was constructed and installed, and a modern lighting system. The project allowed to restore the halls

of the Antique Art, which has not been functioning for more than 10 years, has improved the technical condition and operational qualities of the monuments of national significance. During 2018, the exposition of antique art was visited by more than 30 thousand visitors.


2nd PLACE VIСTOR NYCHYPOROVYCH MYALYK (Rivne) Viktor Nichiporovich Myalyk is a businessman and philanthropist. He purchases body armor, helmets, ammunition, repairs APC and other heavy equipment for ATO, also supports sports, children's initiatives, donates to the church. He enjoys love and respect of his workers, fellow villagers, his countrymen, clergy of various denominations.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Assistance to ATO, education, health care, sports, culture and art, social and religious sphere, "Debattle" smart show, installation of children's playgrounds, "Open Ukraine" projects, "Green Planet", "Life without garbage", etc. Assistance provided for the amount of 15 million UAH. From 2015-2019 more than 50 million were invested in various community development projects. Project description: I. Implementation of the Educational Project "Open Ukraine" in Varash city for adolescents from all-city schools. Goal:

To teach youngsters to be responsible citizens, implementation of socially useful projects. Innovation is delegation of responsibility to youngsters. School teams themselves studied and analyzed the problems and characteristics of their own school and, based on their own research, compiled and then implemented their projects. Six schools, six teams, have changed their schools and city for the better, more than a thousand participants were involved for seven months. The students realized implemented the following projects: "Green Planet", "Life without garbage", current show

"League of School Projects", Tour to the Verkhovna Rada, Gymnasium. II Smart show " Debattle ". Within three months on the Rivne 1 TV channel, the best school teams in Rivne region demonstrated their art to debate in different forms on current topics in front of the jury. Five of them were supported by Victor Myalyk throughout the project. III Assistance to educational institutions in the form of improvement of their material base, development of creative teams, increase of energy efficiency and energy saving of institutions.

3rd PLACE OLENA SOLOMONIVNA ROZENBLAT (Zhytomyr) Olena Solomonovna Rozenblat serves as Chairman of the Board of the Rosenblat Family Foundation, she is an entrepreneur from Zhytomyr.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Support for the low income families, families with many children, gifted children, people with disabilities, families raising children with cerebral palsy and disability, displaced persons, single pensioners, ATO members and their families, children deprived of parental care and living or studying in specialist institutions, orphaned children, people living in an area of hostilities affected by domestic violence, cancer patients and people in need of immediate surgical intervention. During 2018, for the implementation of the charity program "Who are we?" The Rosenblatt family spent 1 million 760 thousand UAH in 2018. Assistance provided by the Family Foundation totalled 5 million UAH. Project description: In 2018, the Foundation brought and delivered humanitarian assistance from abroad – 80 tons of medical equipment provided to the

municipal and regional hospitals. 18 000 packs of "Enzistal" drung was donated to the hospital. "Happy childhood" program: during the year the Foundation has established 12 playgrounds for children for the amount of 424, 000 UAH. For the third year in a row, the Foundation implements "Traveling in Ukraine with the Rosenblat Family Foundation" program. This year more than 200 children were able to visit different cities of Ukraine. "Assistance to the elderly": starting from March buys butter and biscuits for the "Zhytomyr city urban social care center", where more than 300 residents of Zhytomyr get food every day. Competition "Sing Zhytomyr" for schoolchildren. Supporting "Dance Choreographic Group named after N.Skorulsky", "Song Spas" competition and "Thai boxing" competitions, Street workout.

Annual support for the poor children and children of ATO participants who visit the "Center of Choreographic Arts" named after N. Skorulskaya. Over 4 years the Foundation spent more than 300 thousand UAH for these projects. Over three years, about 150 thousand UAH was spent to support the NGO “Autism Zhytomyr”. Annual event "Starting the School with the Foundation" – 50 children from low income families received backpacks with books from the Foundation. The Foundation is the organizer of the annual Christmas Fair in Zhytomyr, total costs of the event was 542 350 UAH. "Assistance to the military": 6 wounded soldiers visited rehabilitation in Egypt, the Foundation assisted ATO veterans and volunteers to obtain needed medical services for the total amount of 300 000 UAH. 29



"Charity in education and science” Activities of philanthropists, volunteers , charities, non-governmental and voluntary organizations in education, science and scientific research

1st PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF" (Kyiv) Charitable Foundation "Believe in Yourself" is a non-profit organization founded by Viktor and Irina Ivanchyk in 2009. The goal of the organization is to promote the development of education: the material and spiritual support of young talents.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: "Believe in yourself" Charitable Foundation develops and implements cultural and educational projects, provides material support to rural talented young people (academic scholarships are received by 510 university students, the Foundation compensates for housing, finances individual projects), provides research grants to university lecturers. The total amount of the projects was 12 298 000 UAH Project description: 1. The "Rise!" Project is a workshop of leadership and project management for young people, created with the purpose of activating rural youth to take an active part in the life of their communities through the implementation of their own projects. 120 young villagers from four oblasts of Ukraine participated in the project. According to the 30

results of the training, 11 best projects received grants for implementation. 2. "RID: Develop. Integrate Action is a cultural and linguistic camp for funders and rural students, aimed at improving English through communicating with native speakers, familiarizing and comparing American and Ukrainian culture, raising leadership skills and engaging young people to create their own projects with the ability to implement them in villages and communities. Thirty participants and three English speaking mentors were involved in the project. As a result of the study, six projects were created, and two of them received grants for implementation. 3. The charitable fund provided material support to 510 talented children from rural areas and puts them through higher education.

4. "Believe in yourself" Forun, 300 people participating from all over Ukraine. The "Believe in Yourself" Forum is a oneday event for scholars and program participants of the"Believe in Yourself" program. 5. Granted 3 annual scholarships to Stanford for Ukrainians. The purpose of the "Ukrainian New Leadership" program is to strengthen leadership skills and enhance their academic background. 6. 21 lecturers received scientific research funding from NaUKMA and UCU, 6 sabbatical from biological, chemical, mathematical, philosophical and religious studies. 7. Assistance in support of projects with the cultural-artistic center of the KyivMohyla Academy and educational and cultural initiatives of the Ukrainian Catholic University.


2nd PLACE PUBLIC ASSOCIATION "OSVITORIYA" (Kyiv) Zoya Vyacheslavivna Lytvyn, Chairman of the Public Association "Osvitoriya" The public association "Osvitoriya" is a non-for-profit civil society association with a goal to develop and reform education in Ukraine. We want to bring modern Ukrainian education to the international level, create opportunities for teaching children according to the best standards and combine the best domestic traditions of teaching with the most modern international educational techniques and innovations. The purpose of the "Osvitoriya" is the development of the education. This is supported by the broad direction of our initiatives: we focus on working with teachers, students and their parents, cooperate with government institutions, involve foreign professionals in our programs.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: During 2018, "First profession" amounted to 450 thousand UAH. 200 thousand UAH were spent to procure equipment. iLearn program cost 698 060 UAH, Youth Development Program - 948 589 UAH. Project description: Public Association "Osvitoria" is the initiator of iLearn platform - an open platform with online courses, webinars and tests for preparing for external testing for anyone who needs it and wants to study. We strive for all children in Ukraine to have the opportunity to enter exactly those universities that they dream of, regardless of their place of residence,

educational institution, or social status. We are convinced that access to education must be equal for all. More than 10,000 students from all over the country have already benefited from our comprehensive programs, including those who live in occupied areas of Ukraine, but want to join Ukrainian universities. With this project, we give children a chance to achieve more. Providing access to quality education within the framework of the "First Occupation" program, solving the social problem of youth unemployment. It is a social project that helps boarding school students to have work in the future and find their way into life. Since 2010, we teach orphans who are 10-

15 years old to gain their first profession, help them find themselves and not be afraid of the unemployed future beyond the walls of the boarding school. Youth Development Program - This is a comprehensive program of support for children from boarding schools, which we implement together with Coca-Cola. We help children prepare for External Independent Evaluation, choose their future profession, encourage them to study, teach them to dream, evaluate their opportunities and believe in themselves. The program for the development of youth began in 2015 from one of the "Emerald City" boarding schools in the city of Donetsk.

3rd PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "IMPULS.UA" (Zaporizhzhya) Charitable Fund "Impuls.UA" is engaged in socialization and development of social activity of children, teenagers and youth of vulnerable categories of Zaporizhzhya and Zaporizhzhya region. The program is aimed at orphans and children deprived of parental care; boarding schools and rehabilitation centers; children from low-income and large families; children from families of displaced persons and children affected by warfare; children of ATO participants who were injured; children with disabilities, and other.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The purpose of the "Impulse Youth" charitable foundation is to help vulnerable children to overcome the difficulties of the beginning of their lives, and regardless of life ircumstances to become happy, successful and socially responsible people, to successfully realize themselves for the benefit of society. Assistance provided for the amount of 482 thousand UAH.

Project description: In its activities the fund puts two main goals: - development of personal qualities of such children, overcoming the negative consequences of their lives, developing them as self-sufficient, capable of constructive

self-realization individuals; - stimulation of volunteer and community activity of such children. To achieve these goals, the Foundation is organizing events in a variety of formats that help children to develop in many ways: self-confidence, oratory, communicative skills, non-violence, leadership, teamwork skills, self-organization and self-motivation, project management, volunteer skills, development useful domestic social competencies, etc. The basic approach to conducting developmental activities of the fund is to maximize the interactivity and practical use of knowledge and skills. We proceed from giving the child the knowledge and

skills that will enable them to successfully realize themselves in real life. We pay special attention to the creation of comfortable atmosphere and friendly environment for the children. According to the results of the fund's activities, our children demonstrated significant progress in overcoming their own negative qualities, psychological complexes, manifestations of deviant behavior, and in positive personal development and self-realization. According to parents, educators, teachers and children themselves, they become more open, positive-minded, purposeful, independent, confident in their goals and motivated for further active self-actualization. 31



"Charity in culture and art” Activities of philanthropists, volunteers , charities, non-governmental and voluntary organizations in culture and art, protection of cultural heritage

1st PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE "GOOD SAMARITAN” (Odessa) Charitable Foundation "International Assistance" Good Samaritan " founded in 1992. Main focus: assistance to elderly people and people with disabilities; health care institutions; social work in institutions of the state penitentiary service, AIDS and rehabilitation centers; help for families with many children and poor families. The Charity Foundation "International Assistance" Good Samaritan” conducts a number of charity events:" People's Christmas Fair "," The Second Life of Your Things, “Donate gifts for orphans", charity events dedicated to: March 8, Victory Day, Children's Day Protection, Youth Day, Knowledge Day, Disabled Day and others. The Foundation is co-organizer of the charity action "Odessa without orphans", "Vyshyvanka Festival" and the conference "Ukraine without orphans". In 2018, the Foundation organized the single and largest Ukrainian theatrical performance in historical costumes - "Easter Reconstruction". The Foundation helps organize events for other organizations: the Federation of Sports for Disabled, the Sports Club "Odessa - Basket", sporting events for orphan children.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Easter Reconstruction, total amount of 403 900 UAH Project description: For seven consecutive years, we organize the single and most dramatized event in historical costumes in Ukraine in Deribasovskaya street, attracting thousands of spectators, staging the last path of Jesus Christ. In 2018-2020 we are creating the 32

historically educational and tourist project "Odessa-ancient city", in particular: Festival "The Week of Antiquity in Odessa" • The scientific forum of antiquity with the participation of directors of museums, consuls, historians, reconstructors, archaeologists, researchers, as well as other figures in the history and culture of Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. • A spectacular historical reconstruction

of the Roman legionnaires camp. We have reconstructed the outfits of Roman legionnaires, unique and exact copy of those times: clothes, helmets, swords, shields. • A large costumed Easter reconstruction on Deribasovskaya Street with 320 actors and 2,000 spectators. • Educational historical lectures in Odessa higher educational institutions, in the format of "open university".


2nd PLACE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION "THERE IS HOPE" (NADIYA YE) (Zhytomyr) Charitable Foundation "Nadiya E" is Foundation based in Zhytomyr, founded in 2013, with a goal to help talented orphans, give the youth perspective the achievement of creative, sporting and professional peaks, and raise the overall culture of the city.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Promoting the development of the culture of Zhytomyr region, assistance and support for creatively gifted children and youth, popularization of charity. AllUkrainian TV contest-festival of arts "Zyrochko, zasvity", International festival "Zhytomyr Tower", educational and cultural project "Step to Dream", Thematic Calendar "Creative", Olena Pchilka Prize. Assistance provided for the amoun of over 900 thousand UAH. More than 3 thousand creative young people participated in the events last year. The Fund provides free participation for all attendes of artistic

events, nourishes, encourages valuable gifts, provides the most outstanding scenes for the performance. The Foundation organizes excursions, attending performances at the National Opera of Ukraine. Project description: All-Ukrainian TV contest-festival of arts "Zyrochko, zasvit", International Festival "Zhytomyr Tower", dedicated to the Day of Zhytomyr, educational and cultural project "Step to Dream" includes a program of creative laboratories "Solosiv", workshops "Art Chest ", Artistic reading for talented

children of Zhytomyr region. Thematic calendar "Creative", Olena Pchilka Prize - all events are held annually for six years. In 2015, the Nadiya Ye Foundation together with the Culture Administration of the Zhytomyr Regional State Administration initiated the Olena Pchilka Oblast Literary and Arts Children and Youth Prize in three nominations, giving it to the All-Ukrainian Literary and Arts Festival "Forest of Origins" in Novograd-Volynsky. A very large part of its activities is dedicated to the release of annual high-art themed calendars, such as "Creative", issued for 2019.

3rd PLACE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "DNIPROVSKY" (Kyiv) Charitable Foundation "Charitable Foundation" Dniprovsky" founded in 2010, is a non-profit charitable organization. Our goal is to provide charitable support to the residents and guests of Kiev. The main objective of the Fund is to provide charitable assistance aimed at satisfying and protecting the social, legal, economic, creative and spiritual interests of the residents and guests of the city of Kyiv.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: 1. All-Ukrainian Festival of creativity for elderly people "With love for life". 2. Folk-ethnographic festival "Ukrainian Vechornytsi". Assistance provided for the amount of 100,000 UAH.

Project description: For creative groups and individual performers, especially people of respectable age, an urgent problem is the lack of sufficient number of art sites to showcase their creative potential and skill. Due to the mentioned cultural and

artistic activities and the involvement of charitable contributions (funds) of "Dniprovsky" charitable organization, new opportunities appeared for the elderly to demonstrate to the community their creative abilities. The event attracted nearly 2000 participants. 33



“Good starts with you” Charitable activities and / or socially important initiatives of formal or informal children's and youth organizations (communities)

1st PLACE PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "APOSTOLIC CHOTA" (Gorodok, Lviv region) Public organization "Apostolic Chota" - an organization engaged in spiritual and patriotic education of children and young people in the city of Gorodok and Gorodotsky district of the Lviv region, as of January 1, 2019, there are 154 participants aged from 14 to 78, who are preparing for joining the organization.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Assistance to single elderly people in Gorodok, needy children in Gorodok and Gorodok district; assistance to defenders of Ukraine and children in orphanages, assistance in collecting funds for the treatment of sick children, regular action "Basket of good". Project description: During 2018, 124 participants took part 34

in the Apostolic Chota, including social and charitable events: • "A Supper for Lonely Old People and Needy Kids" event • "Basket of good" (assistance to products for elderly people who are single and needy children) event; • "Easter basket for single elderly and needy children";

• fundraising for sick children; • assistance to soldiers and offciers staying in a hospital (on an ongoing basis); • helping to low-income children of Gorodok and district (on a permanent basis; • visiting orphanages (during the year on an ongoing basis)


2nd PLACE WORLD EXECUTIVE OF THE UKRAINIAN YOUTH ASSOCIATION (USA) The World Association of the Ukrainian Youth Association in Ukraine is united by SUM national organizations operating in 10 countries of the world: USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Germany,Argentina, France, Belgium, Estonia and Ukraine, as well as initiative groups for the establishment of SUM in Portugal and Spain.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: "Warming up Hearts", assistance provided for the amount of 1 385 750 UAH. Project description: Within the framework of this charitable initiative, 2599 children of Ukrainian soldiers and officers and children of IDPs, received Christmas presents: packages of clothes, footwear, toys, stationery and sweets. It is noteworthy that the children and young people of the Ukrainian diaspora were collecting gifts, they were members of the Ukrainian Youth Association from

the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Portugal, as well as Ukraine. During December 2018, members of the CYM in Ukraine were engaged in the delivery of gifts in the cities of Kalush, Khmelnytsky, Novoyadar, Kyiv, Ternopil, Lviv, Dnipro, Kramatorsk, Kagarlyk, Bobrynets. In addition to gifts, hundreds of children of Ukrainian soldiers had the opportunity to take part in the Christmas holidays, which were organized by SUM members. It should be noted that the first four such actions were held by the World

Executive of SUM in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. By the way, this is not the only event of the Ukrainian Youth Association aimed at supporting Ukrainian military families - in 2015 and 2017, children of fallen soldiers had the opportunity to camp in the town of Rose (France) and in the SUM settlement "Tarasivka" in the UK. Also, the Union organized in 2015-2018 AllUkrainian charity camps, which involved more than 280 children of fallen soldiers and Ukrainian military who defend the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine in the ATO zone.

3rd PLACE CHILDREN'S VOLUNTARY MOVEMENT CHARITY BRO (Kyiv) CharityBRO Children's Volunteer Movement is engaged in the organization of leisure for orphans and children deprived of parental care in orphanages, at charity, public city and district events, charity festivals, etc.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: During the period of existence (2017-2018), CharityBRO took part in community charity events, each attended by more than 1,000 people - families with children with disabilities, low income families, large families, as well had performances at orphanages and centers for children with disabilities. Project description: In 2017-2018, CharityBRO delivered over ten thematic performances, festivals, and charity events. Various audiences: children from children's homes, attending charity events such as: Tom Sawyer Fest , Family Day, "The Day of Victory over Fascism", "Friendly Family Fest" participated in costume theatrical

thematic performances, flash mobs from CharityBRO . CharityBRO is created to promote philanthropy among children and young people. We have developed a program with which to promote charity, to introduce it into the category of prestige among children and young people. The program includes: interaction with children from orphanages and rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities on all holidays using theatrical costume performances with gifts, which include hand made gifts made by children; Participating in charity events using contemporary dance and hip hop and rap songs with thematic texts that promote Christian values.

The program of theatrical skill includes elements of pedagogy of experiences, critical pedagogy, role-playing games, development of emotional intelligence (EQ), development of rhetoric, diction, plastic, imaginative development. Hip-hop, rap, graffiti art give children the opportunity to develop as modern youth, but to be an alternative to cleanliness and aesthetics and a healthy lifestyle in these areas. Each performance is not just a dramatized act, every single scene has a profound meaning, which highlights the problem of contemporary Ukrainian society and makes them think not only of the spectators but also of the actors themselves. 35



"Charity in the social sphere” Activities of philanthropists, volunteers, charitable, non-governmental and volunteer organizations in the field of social protection, social security, social services and poverty reduction.

1st PLACE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION "LVIV EDUCATION FUNDATION" (Lviv) Charitable organization "Lviv Educational Foundation" started its activity in 2000. Our first project was the construction and launch of a public library in Dobrovtyr, Lviv Oblast. 10 projects were implemented to develop Ukrainian society by creating and maintaining a network of volunteer, social and educational initiatives

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Charitable activities are carried out in three main areas: the development and distribution of volunteering, community development and support for children and families in difficult living conditions. Assistance provided for the amount of 15 640 773 hryvnas. 36

Project description: Within the framework of the projects, we conducted are community-based training in the delivery of social services, support for initiatives in the social sphere, support for families and children in difficult living conditions (15 families for 2018). The

social sphere is represented by such projects as: "Program of the Ginger UCOF Foundation", "Good neighbor", "Mobile brigade", "Implementation of patronage in the Lviv region", "Implementation of the local government reform in the Lviv Region”.


2nd PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "CARITAS KHARKIV" (Kharkiv) Charity Fund "Caritas Kharkiv" during 4 years of activity provides social services to people in life difficult circumstances, helps the needy, supports children and families in difficult life situations.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Assistance provided by Caritas Kharkiv was focused on assistance to seriously ill, social support for low income families, psychological assistance and integration for IDP families and demobilized ATO participantsm, taking care of the elderly and severely ill, rehabilitation of children and their comprehensive development. All the assistance provided was carried out in accordance with international standards and guided by Christian principles, assisted provided in the amount of 19 676 638 UAH.

Project description: In 2018, social workers introduced the practice of "case management" by providing social support to the families of displaced persons and local residents. The Children's Center provided services for the comprehensive development of the child, including from 2018 Caritas Kharkiv took care of children with Down Syndrome. The Foundation also helps families of demobilized ATO members and families of those KIA. Psycho-social support and reintegration assistance were provided

by psychologists and social workers. The Foundation implemented peace-building programs aimed at integrating the local population, members of the ATO and IDP population. The Foundation provides assistance for the IDPs in opening their own business, organized through business school for 120 participants from Kharkiv and region, free legal support for those who have been forced to move from Luhansk and Donetsk region. In total, more than 23,000 people received assistance in 2018 .

3rd PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION CENTER FOR MUTUAL ASSISTANCE "SAVE UKRAINE" (Kyiv) Charitable Foundation "Save Ukraine" Mutual Assistance Center - The Mutual Assistance Center "Save Ukraine" is a platform designed to coordinate the activities and interactions of dozens of charitable organizations and 165 volunteers who provide assistance in front-line cities in eastern Ukraine. Appearing first as a "hot line" for the evacuation of people in the summer of 2014, "Save Ukraine" soon grew into the Foundation, which provides centralization and coordination of mutual assistance of volunteers, organizations and churches in dozens of settlements, as well as balancing needs and opportunities in the zone of ATO and places of compact settlement of people who find themselves in extremely difficult living conditions as a result of the war in eastern Ukraine. Today, our fund covers the whole buffer zone along the line of demarcation in the Donbass, with volunteer centers of assistance in 26 settlements. Our motto is: by saving people we save Ukraine!

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Assistance provided for in 2018: 15 676 272 UAH. Project description: In 2018: • In November-February 2018/19 in Donetsk region, 128 tons of briquettes were delivered to 64 households in Marinka, Krasnogorovka Mariinsky district, Donetsk region. (0-20 km) • In November-February 2018/19 in Donetsk 50 solid-fuel boilers for 50 households in Marinka, Krasnogorovka Mariinsky district,

Donetsk region were purchased and installed. (0-20 km ) • In January-February 2018 198 cubic meters of firewood were provided for 33 households in urban areas of Luhansk, Yasinuvatsky district, Donetsk region. • In May-September 2018, 860 non-food and 400 food sets were distributed in Pervomaysk, Nevelske, Netaylove, Yasinuvatsky district, Kamyshyne, Donetsk Oblast. • In May-September 2018, 116 beneficiaries received non-targeted

cash benefits in the amount of 1440 UAH. Cash was used to purchase products, drugs and medicines. • Permanent Members of the United Nations Food Cluster (Food Security Livelihoods Cluster) and the Shelter Cluster, meetings with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Ukraine. • Theatrical performance "Christmas Tale" for children in more than 40 populated areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, with the support of the President of Ukraine, together with the "Emmanuel" Association. 37



"Charity of the non-governmental sector” Charitable activities of the non-governmental organizations (except for children and youth), registered under current legislation, and unformalized communities of citizens

1st PLACE NGO "LIFE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMUNITY" (Ladyzhin, Vinnytsia region) The mission of the NGO "Life and Development of Communities" is to promote the social and economic development of Vinnytsya by mobilizing resources, changing and supporting communities, government and business partnerships. Public organizations attract funds through grant projects and through collaboration with a socially responsible business, implemented many development projects and charity events.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The work of the NGO "Life and Development of Communities" during 2018 was aimed at: general educational institutions, pre-school establishments, cultural buildings, children's and youth art houses, libraries, medical institutions of the Vinnytsia region; children, the elderly, people with disabilities, single elderly, poor families. Assistance provided for 33 million UAH. The total annual amount of charitable assistance provided by NGO "Life and Development of Communities" is 3 026 823 UAH. Project description: All projects are aimed at supporting 38

people with disabilities, preserving the historical-cultural and spiritual heritage, developing sports and tourist infrastructure of settlements, introducing energy-saving and resource-efficient technologies in budgetary institutions, and modernizing street lighting networks. 29 projects - repairs and energy saving in budgetary institutions (schools, kindergartens, libraries, museums, medical nursing and obstetric stations); 15 projects - sports infrastructure; 11 projects - lighting of streets; 5 projects - health care, 32 projects - landscaping and ecology, 2 projects - support for people with disabilities.

During 2018, targeted assistance was provided to 27 general educational institutions, 12 preschool institutions, 7 cultural houses and children's and youth work buildings, 7 medical and obstetric centers, 2 museums and 14 libraries of the Vinnytsia region. Visited 3000 lonely citizens of the old age of Vinnytsya with New Year's holidays. 1300 children visited the children's opera "Koza-Dereza" within the framework of the festival "Opera Fest Tulchin". New Year's holidays for 10 thousand children of Vinnytsia region were organized and held.


2nd PLACE INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "ASSOCIATION OF MERCY "EMMANUIL" (Kyiv) Association "Emmanuel" is an international public organization founded in 1992 for implementing social and media initiatives. The organization's activities are aimed at: creation of spiritual and educational TV programs; Fighting poverty; Creating TV programs for children aged 4 to 14; Defending traditional family values and supporting families that adopted children; Supporting people in need through an international trust line; Increase the institutional capacity of churches and religious organizations through training center for leaders. The Association realizes its mission through the support of international donor organizations and a network of partners from Ukraine and Russia. On the territory of the CIS, the Emmanuel Association is known for its products - "Club 700", "House of Live Stories" and the "Superbook" cartoon.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Cash aid for basic needs. Assistance provided: 6 535 433.60 UAH

Project description: - solving social problems: The situation in frontline zone has become complicated, it can be declared that there is no humanitarian catastrophe, but problems remain with supplying food, providing medical care and providing medicines, preparing for winter and providing fuel. It is also worth paying attention to the situation of families with children, especially in the case of single-parent families who lack sources of living and there is an urgent need of support from humanitarian organizations.

Qualitative (fundamental) changes: The main goal of the project has been achieved: provision of financial assistance in the amount of UAH 2,470 per person for the needs of people living along the demarcation line (0-15 km from the delimitation line). - Innovation of applied forms and methods Instead of delivering humanitarian aid, it was decided to transfer cash assistance to the people in need, because there are different people, different needs, so the purpose was to enable the beneficiaries to decide on their primary needs to spend money on their own. On the eve of winter, most people were able to pay for utilities, purchase fuel materials,

medicines, pay off electricity debts, buy winter clothes for themselves and for children. This is a fundamentally new approach to charity, because people do not receive what they are offered in their natural form, namely, that will solve their urgent needs. Also, it was possible to reach the most remote and cut off from the civilization settlements, because it was not possible to get there with cargo because of the danger of shelling, and it was easier to issue money, though not without hindrance. Total number of direct beneficiaries (individuals): 2536 families Number of indirect beneficiaries (individuals): about 4462

3rd PLACE PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "COMMONWEALTH OF CITIZENS “REVIVAL" (Avdiyivka, Donetsk region) Main activities of NGO " Commonwealth of citizens" "Revival": assistance to citizens affected by terrorist actions through military or social conflicts, accidents and victims, refugees, assistance in restoring and repairing damaged property; assistance for dealing with consequences of man-made or natural emergencies; Assistance to persons who, due to their physical or other defects, are limited in the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests; organization of restoration work on damaged property as a result of terrorist acts, as a result of military or social conflicts, accidents.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 The project: support and protection of the interests of socially vulnerable citizens and providing comprehensive assistance, personally to those who suffered from hostilities. We stand for peace and coexistence with other organizations, implement programs aimed at ensuring the progress of individual and social life. In 2018, the program "My residence is my fortress" was implemented, which includes: assisting citizens who have suffered as a

result of military or social conflicts, refugees, assistance in the restoration and repair of damaged property, restoring material and technical base of kindergartens and schools, the purchase of equipment for the Avdiivka City Hospital, and others. Assistance amounted to 6 019 835 UAH. Project description: Within the framework of this program, the city was provided with assistance in restoring private property after the shelling, which

lasted several months. With financial support of METINVEST HOLDING Ltd., our organization implemented projects in the city of Avdiivka, aimed at the restoration of ruined houses, purchased new sports equipment for the city's schools, new equipment for the city hospital. We paid scholarships to the distinguished students of the Avdiyivka Schools. We organized free meals for 24 brigades rescuers from the Service of Emergencies of Ukraine who repaired roofz in 596 houses of people in the city of Avdiyivka. 39



"Charity in health care" Activities of benefactors, volunteers, charitable, non-governmental and voluntary organizations in the health care sector.

1st PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "TABLETOCHKI" (Kyiv) see the nomination "All-Ukrainian Charity" with. 18-19

2nd PLACE "ZAPORUKA" CHARITABLE FOUNDATION (Kyiv) "Zaporuka" Charitable Foundation since 2008 supports the families of cancer patients, providing them with medicines and medical supplies, free housing at the Center for the living of cancer patients "Dacha". The Foundation has organized and funded psychological service, service of physicians-rehabilitants, and provides financial support to the average medical staff. It provides medical institutions with equipment and satisfies everyday needs.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Helping critically ill children. Assistance provided in the amount of 11 302 142 UAH.

Project description: The Zaporuka Foundation works in the field of childhood oncology, from early diagnosis to working with children who have successfully completed treatment. Zaporuka promotes educational program of early diagnostics of oncological diseases "Let's Expect Trouble" - training for primary care physicians from different regions of Ukraine. Every day, the fund helps children with severe illness at the Department of Children's Oncology at the National Cancer Institute, Department of Neurosurgery of the Child in the Department of Neurosurgery. Romodanov National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and in the Department of Hematology and Intensive Chemotherapy 40

"Western Ukrainian Specialized Children's Medical Center", providing targeted assistance and providing medicines, covering expense, nutrition, other needs for qualitative treatment, as well as treatment and diagnostics abroad for those who cannot be treated in Ukraine. The Foundation regularly buys modern medical equipment and supplies to the department. "Zaporuka" has created and maintains a psychological service in the abovementioned departments - a highlyqualified group of psychologists who work with seriously ill children and their families. The service is headed by a psychologist with a 13-year experience in childhood oncology. Physical rehabilitation - For 10 years, “Zaporuka” coordinates and finances assistance to small physically recovered patients after severe treatment at the National Cancer Institute. The Institute has

allocated a separate office for this, and “Zaporuka” pays wages to 2nd specialists and provides all the technical and material equipment of the cabinet. The Foundation maintains the Center for Oncological Children "Dacha", which, since its inception, provided free housing for the treatment of more than 1,000 families with seriously ill children. The Foundation has started construction a new large "Dacha", which will be able to accommodate15 families. Twice a year Zaporuka holds a "Winner Camp" with a weekly educational and entertainment program for children who have completed treatment and are in remission. The Foundation also helps these children to take part in such programs abroad. Results of the program in 2018: 162 seriously ill children received individual targeted assistance for the amount of 5 798 335 UAH.


3rd PLACE CHARITY FOUNDATION "HAPPY CHILD" (Zaporizhzhya) Zaporizhzhya Charitable Foundation "Happy Child" was founded in May 2007 by a group of volunteers who have been helping orphans and children with cancer for a long time. The "Happy Child" Foundation has a regional status, therefore, residents and institutions of Zaporizhzhia Oblast are the recipients of assistance. Material and spiritual support for seriously ill children and their parents. Spiritual, social, material assistance to orphans who are in orphanages and boarding schools.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Charitable Foundation "Happy Child" works in several areas: • creation and support of "Happy Homes" for foster families • assistance in the family placement of orphans • purchase of equipment for Zaporizhzhya regional hospital • purchase of medicines and payment for the treatment of seriously ill children both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad • organization and conducting trips for children from low-income and large families

• assistance to large families and IDP families • organization and conducting of social events, popularization of charity, attraction of foreign and international funds for support of social projects. • Assistance provided for the amount of 6,064,422 UAH Project description: The Foundation is responsible for 80 children and adults with cystic fibrosis (an incurable genetic disorder). The program provided funding for a total of 1 402 526 UAH Assistance is provided

to patients with cystic fibrosis from all over Ukraine. The Foundation also helps children with other serious diseases (oncology, hematology, cardiology, etc.), injuries, burns. Assistance was provided to 183 children in the amount of UAH 2 784 201. During the year, for the 7 hospitals of Zaporizhzhya, equipment was purchased for the amount of 142 759 UAH. We constantly buy needed supplies for children hospitals. By helping medical institutions to purchase equipment, we help thousands of children in the city and region.




"Charitable event of the year"

Events (projects, programs, etc.) conducted and completed during the year and aimed at supporting certain groups of society that provide for the separate fundraising and use of charitable funds.

1st PLACE ALL-UKRAINIAN CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "HEART TO HEART" (ACTION "FROM HEART TO HEART") (Kyiv) The All-Ukrainian From Heart-to-Heart Foundation was founded in 2006 by a group of young people to save lives and children's health and return public trust to charitable organizations through transparency, simplicity, comprehensive control and public reporting. For 14 years once a year (traditionally in spring), the Foundation conducts a charity event "From Heart to Heart" in order to raise funds for the purchase of medical equipment in the regional children's hospitals of the country, which is then used for the free provision of medical care to children.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: All-Ukrainian charity action "From Heart to Heart". Assistance provided for the amount of 3 875 369, 23 hryvnas. Project description: From April 2 to April 22, 2018, for the 13th year in a row, a From Heart-to-Heart charity event took place in every corner of Ukraine. During 3 weeks volunteers managed to collect UAH 3,875,369.23 and exceed the last year's result by more than 700 thousand UAH. This year, the focus was to help children with hearing impairments, and traditionally 100% of the money raised was spent on the purchase of medical equipment. The Fund 42

purchased and transferred 229 hearing aids worth UAH 5,000 to children's regional hospitals in each of Ukraine's oblasts and 12 thousand UAH. Some regional centers received 12 units of medical equipment for the early diagnosis of hearing problems for children. Thus the Foundation bought new equipment for hospitals in Ukraine, which will significantly improve the support for children with hearing impairments. Patients with hearing problems have received hearing aids that will provide them with adequate hearing and promote their adaptation to society. More than 20 thousand volunteers joined the "Hear all!" Campaign. In

each region, city, district, village there were bright concerts, flash mobs, fairs, creative events, cycles, cars, motorbikes and extraordinary finals that gathered together thousands of young Ukrainians. Charitable events of the “From Heart to Heart" Foundation are the most prominent events in the country, which over the years have already managed to provide children's hospitals with modern medical equipment for more than 35 million UAH. The Foundation also develops olunteer movement in our country. From Heart to Heart team is an association of activists who believe that a better future is in our hands.


2nd PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "CHOOSE THE FUTURE TOGETHER" ("TOGETHER FOR SUCCESS" EVENT) (Kyiv) "Everything that we can give to our children is love and education, " from this slogan in 2013 the work of the Foundation "Choose the Future Together" began . Our future depends on what contribution we make today for our children - who they will be, how they will affect the development of society, which way we will lead. To do this, they need to provide as much opportunities as possible to study, gain a diverse experience of communication, tools for discovering creative potential and manifestation of leadership qualities. This is exactly what the work of the "Choosing the Future Together" Foundation, founded by Elizabeth Yurusheva in 2013, is aimed at.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The action "Together for Success" - motivational meetings for orphans with stars and celebrities: Andriy Shevchenko, Volodymyr Klitschko, Sergiy Prytula, Alexander Pedan, Monatik, Kozak System, rapper Yarmak, cyber sportsmen NaVi, Alexander Usyk, Tina Karol, 95th quarter (by Volodymyr Zelensky and Yevhen Koshovyi). Assistance provided: 150 thousand UAH Project description: Orphaned children, unfortunately deprived of a good parental example,

their circle in a boarding school is often also limited. There is a strong tendency to repeat the scenario of their socially disadvantaged parents. In order to inspire these children to build their own successful and happy life, inspire them to achieve their goals, their desires, and to convince themselves of the power and boundless possibilities that this world gives us - we organized "Together for Success" event - motivational meetings of stars with orphans and boarding school pupils. In these meetings, "stars" give the

orphans their main message - you can achieve anything, if you work hard! And it does not matter what the starting conditions were, all the well-known personalities told that at the beginning of the professional or creative way, they had absolutely no support from anyone. In addition, the stars gave their advice and recommendations (recipes for success) to orphans. Innovative application of forms: Individual meetings of an orphaned child with a well-known personality, but not collective (the whole class).

3rd PLACE VOLUNTEER GROUP "ANGELS" (Zaporizhzhya) The volunteer group "Angels" is an alliance of like-minded people, for whom good deeds and help for children are a common goal. The group has been operating since October 2011 in Zaporizhzhya. During this period, they implemented almost 150 projects. The number of stars they invited to orphanages, and the creativity with which volunteers fit into the realization of their intentions, is impressive.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Talent show "Harmony of Beauty" for children from orphanages, rehabilitation centers and foster families of Zaporizhzhya and Zaporizhzhya region. Assistance provided for the amount of UAH 605,290. Project description: Talent show "Harmony of Beauty" is a talent show of children from orphanages, rehabilitation centers and foster families of of Zaporizhzhya and Zaporizhzhya region. This event helps children to feel themselves

as full members of society. Also, "Harmony of Beauty" shows these children to the society as talented, purposeful children, worthy of respect and support. In addition, this event helps to find new parents for orphan children who need a new family. The purpose of the initiative is the development of an organized volunteer movement in Zaporizhzhya, which systematically works on social adaptation, overcoming psychological problems and facilitating the family placement of boarding schools.

In general, the project achieved the planned results both quantitatively and qualitatively. The project's information campaign has attracted the attention of the public and the project participants themselves, and to the problems of pupils of orphanages and children of vulnerable categories. The project has become a powerful impetus for the further development of the volunteer movement, which provides support to orphans and has attracted a large number of new people to this movement. 43



"Philanthropist of the Year" Charitable activity of individuals - citizens of Ukraine, citizens of other countries, who provided and mobilized financial and non-financial donations.

1st PLACE LYUDMILA KROPYVNITSKA (Zhytomyr) Kropivnitskaya Lyudmila Gennadyevna was born on January 28, 1972. He lives in Zhytomyr. General Director of the Lucyna Group of Companies and Ocean Corporation . Carries out charitable activities in Zhytomyr region.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: "Give the Tithes to Poor". Ludmila Kropivnitskaya constantly helps children, low-income families, people of retirement age, people with disabilities, veterans, religious communities and military personnel. For 2018 she spent 4 000 000 UAH to support variuos charitable projects. Description of the project: Lyudmila Kropivnitska has been helping the needy since her youth . When Lyudmila Kropivnitska led the corporation "Ocean", she decided that she would donate 1/10 of her profits to the poor. 44

Only in 2018 she spent more than 4,000,000 UAH. She provides grocery kits every month for the veterans of the war, now actively helps military in the east, helps children from large families and children with special needs. She buys furniture for kindergartens and schools, donates lawnmovers. She also helps cancer patients and supports various artistic activities. Sponsorship: All-Ukrainina Sport D a n c e C o m p e t i t i o n s C R Y S TA L CUP, MiniMis Zhytomyr, The Most Beautiful Mini Top Model of Ukraine

2018 and The most beautiful Man of Ukraine 2018, Karate ADDITION, Beauty Queen 2018 of Stanishevka Village , festival Wings, Many Socks (Lots of socks), International Day of People from Down Syndrome, Mixed Championship martial arts of MMA of Ukraine, charity action Records of Goodwill, participation in the International festival-requiem Maydan-fest, help of GO Mercy to repair premises for homeless people, supports Children Kinofest festival, Ivan Kupala festivities in Lishchyn village and many other events.


2nd PLACE OLGA CHEREVATOVA (Vinnytsya) Cherevatova Olga Aleksandrovna was born July 29 , 1982 . The founder of the only private crisis center "DIM MAMA" in Ukraine, designed for mothers and children in crisis situation. She carries out charitable activities in Vinnitsa region.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Crisis Center "DIM MAMA". The goal of the center is to assist children and mothers who are in severe crisis and who are victims of domestic violence, namely she saved 120 children from children's shelters. In 2018, assistance is provided for the amount of 2 454 350 UAH. Description of the project: The Crisis Center "DIM MAMA" provides free accommodation, 3 meals a day, legal, psychological and social assistance to mothers and children who find

themselves in crisis situations. Moms and children living in the Center are provided with everything they need, such as free accommodation, free meals, hygiene products and household chemicals, clothes, shoes, fruits, sweets, etc. , for free . Part of the money was spent on helping sick children and children and mothers for surgeries , treatment and rehabilitation , assistance was provided to 10 people for the amount 276 thousand 90 UAH. The total amount of annual expenses related on repairs, arrangement of new

rooms at the Crisis Center "DIM Mama" is UAH 997,600 , namely: utilities, real estate tax, video surveillance, a new washing machine and gas tile, children's pool, trampolines, electric heaters, yearly maintenance and care center also made repair of the third floor of the center. The total amount of annual funds spent on the maintenance of children and mothers in the "Dim Mama" Crisis Center is UAH 1,169,000 , namely: diapers for children, baby food and blends, food products, hygiene and household chemicals, household and children's equipment.

3rd PLACE SOLOMIYA CHUBAY (Lviv) Chubai Solomiya Grigorievna is a Spanisg linguist, musician, vocalist of the band "Dzhalapita", producer for a number of literary and musical projects, public figure, chairman of the first public association "Virmenska 35", and the author of the project "Lullabies for Alex. Autism". In 2018 she received the award and made it to the list TOP 100 most influential people of Lviv region.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: "Lullabies for Alex. Autism". The project is aimed at children and parents in order to better understand what autism is. "Lullabies for Alex" is a unique musical and social video art project in Ukraine , based on the real story of a boy with Asperger's syndrome (highly functional autism) – Olexiy Andriyishyn and his mother, Solomiya Chubai. This is a project that, through the experience of Alex, tells about special children and their world. And his mother, by singing Ukrainian folk and author's lullabies, is looking for a key to the world of her son. Assistance provided: 150 thousand UAH Amount, which was collected in cash during charity concerts,

was partly spent on the center "Circle of the family" and the "Dovira" Center. A cartoon "I'm from another planet Earth" was created, a film with 10 families with children with autism. Project description: In 2016, Solomiya Chubai organized a social-cultural project "Lullabies for Alexa" - an audio album and a concert in support of families with autistic children. The project involves the publication of an album of Ukrainian lullabies, the work of psychologists with elementary school teachers, tutors in the garden, Legotherapy, videos "Mom and Me", master

classes with artists and musicians, behavioral therapy with parents who have problems with the upbringing of children. Also, within the framework of the project, they created their own symbol of autism - a flying bird with Ukrainian ornaments. During the project, Solomiya Chubai started cooperation with the UN and Google, that provided furniture and equipped a gym at the boarding school "Dovira" and "Circle of Family" guest room with special soft furniture. More than 25 workshops and 6 new programs for parents with special needs children as well as teachers were opened. 45



"Volunteer of the Year" Individual volunteer activity of individuals

1st PLACE ANGELICA RUDNYTSKA (Kyiv) Angelica Nikolaevna Rudnytska - Ukrainian singer, TV presenter, volunteer, artist, public figure, president of the art agency Territory A, President of the Foundation for the Revival of the Cultural Environment of Kyiv, Honored Artist of Ukraine, member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Chairman of the Supervisory Board National contest "Charitable Ukraine". Since 2017 - Advisor to the Minister of Culture of Ukraine. Born on June 11, 1970 in the city of Rivne.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The volunteer activity of Angelica Rudnitskaya is aimed at supporting the military and civilians who are in the zone of the OOS. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Angelica Rudnitskaya, dedicated most of her time as a volunteer. From the first days of the war, the singer and her like-minded friends delivered humanitarian aid and raised funds to support Ukrainian troops: warm things, food, knitting needles, equipment for the military, and medications. She deidcates a lot of her time to cultural front, a battle that is also very important. The question of cultural reintegration of the frontline zone is relevant for the areas, that are only returning to peaceful life. Project description: In recent years, her volunteering activities, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, have become systematic and bring significant benefits. Angelica Rudnitska is the initiator and participant of many large-scale 46

charity projects and volunteer activities. She organizes concerts, meetings, literary readings, artistic master classes, donations for those who are most affected by the war in the East of Ukraine. Cultural and artistic activities in the ATO zone are held both for civilians and for the military. One of the areas of her volunteer activity is the Territory Books project, the collection of Ukrainian-language books for eastern libraries. For nearly 5 years of the war, the collection of books for village libraries in the Donetsk region and Lugansk region is on-going. Another important area of charitable activity is support for children deprived of parental care. Anzhelika Rudnitskaya is a frequent and welcome guest in orphanages in Severodonetsk and in the villages of Novoaydar of Luhansk region. Traditional concerts were held on St. Nicholas Day. Important is the "Ukrainian East" project, which, for the third year in a row, is being implemented by the Ministry of Culture

of Ukraine together with Luhansk and Donetsk military civilian administrations and volunteers and is aimed at supporting military and civilian communities in the zone of the war. During its existence, many meetings and concerts have been held in many places, even where our artists never arrived before. During 2018, a number of cultural, artistic and educational events took place in the front-line zone: t"Wake up the winter, meet the spring" event, the action to commemorate the Great Kobzar, the holiday program "We are Ukraine. We are 27 dedicated the 27th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine, the celebration of the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language. For the fifth year in a row, Angelika Rudnitskaya tirelessly travels the front-line zone, conducts concerts, meetings, presentations of books, workshops on folk crafts, replenishes with Ukrainian books of the library, communicates with people, filling every meeting with deep meaning, enriching this world with love and harmony.


2nd PLACE FATHER VASYL HASINETS (Chernivtsi) Father Hasynets Vasyl Stepanovich is a Bishop of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Anthony of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. From the beginning ATO he serves as a military chaplain and a volunteer. He lives in Chernivtsi, and often travels to Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Father Vasily Gasynets volunteer field is his assistance to the Ukrainian military in the war zone. Every year hundreds of thousands of hryvnias are spent on assistance to Ukrainian military. Since 2014, this amount to million UAH. Description of the project: For

the purpose of helping the Ukrainian military in the war zone, Father Vasily Gasinets bought and personally delivered: 33 cars, 12 thermal imagers, about 50 night vision devices, about 60 electric generators, over 70 chainsaws, binoculars, sights, 3 quadcopters with spare parts, dozens of batteries to URAL, APC and APV,

medicines for over 100 thousand UAH, boots and clothes for hundreds of thousands of UAH. Assistance was provided to the Armed Forces of the 80th brigade, 128th brigade, 57th brigade, 58th brigade, 24th brigade, 10th brigade, 93th brigade, 92th brigade, 72th brigade and volunteer battalions.

3rd PLACE LYUDMILA LUNYAKA (Mykolaiv) Lyudmila Lunyaka was born in the village Lepetyha Bereznehovatskogo district of Mykolayiv region. Upon graduation, he received economic education. At first he worked as an assistant to the chief accountant in the village council of her native village, then, after moving to Mykolaiv, worked in various spheres of entrepreneurial activity. But in April 2014, having seen the situation in the ATO area, she decided to become a volunteer.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Ludmila Lunyaka is a restless volunteer and benefactor. She is a permanent coordinator at the volunteer post "Mykolaiv and a taxi terminal". From the first days of the war she helps the army. From 2015, assistance is provided directly in the ATO area.

Project description: Lyudmila Lunyaka carried out 81 trips to the ATO zone since 2014 with humanitarian

assistance. She is the coordinator of the rec rooms for military personnel at the train station. She raisesfunds for the needs of the army. She works with the 79 Brigade, helps deliver instruments and spare parts for the urgent need for the armed forces of Ukraine and local people Donetsk region (Krasnogorivka, Kurakhovo, Avdeyivka, Mariupol, Mar ' yinka and villages Donetsk region). She helps orphanages in the city of Avdeyevka

and other orphanages in the East. With her help, more than one unit of military equipment was repaired, she helps doctors working in the war area. Lyudmila Lunyak, from the first days of the war, helped 79 brigade, but then she activities expanded to 57, 36, 501, 28 and other brigades. As coordinator of the volunteer post, "Mykolaiv Bus Station" she organizes shifts, manages logistics, involves schools, college and other people. 47



"Collective volunteering" Volunteer activities of legal entities of private law and institutions, with the assistance of its employees or volunteers, as well as with informal or volunteer communities

1st PLACE LUCHINSKY LYUDMILA IVANOVNA AND PAVEL GEORGIEVICH (Yalosovetske, Poltava region) Lyudmila and Pavel Luchinski. - a couple of pensioners from the Poltava region of the Khorol district of Yalosovetska village who volunteer since 2014 . From the beginning of the war in eastern Ukraine the couple supply Ukrainian troops with food. During this time, they cooked over ten thousand vareniks and almost 16 thousand cakes.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The Luchinsky couple is helping soldier and volunteers travelling to the front. It is not possible to estimate the work in this family as a monetary equivalent, because they dedicate one pension for charitable needs, and all food is grown at their farm. Description: In 2014, the family of pensioners supply food for the crews of volunteers travelling to the ATO zone. One day, a crew who was on the road almost a day, Lyudmila Lucinsky managed to invite to his house for rest. Since then, it was decided to meet volunteer crews, feed them, provide them with rest and, if possible , upload them to those products. 48

The flow of cars in 2015 was such that every night the couple accommodated up to 5-8 crews. At the same time, it was decided that funds from one pension would go completely to charitable needs. Iryna Piskun, Head of the Berdichev Charitable Fund "Oberig-26" (twice the winners in the nomination "Charity in the protection of Ukraine"), describes this couple: " We met with this family in 2017. On the way to ATO, we met with a volunteer from Malin, who invited us to borshch in Yalosovetskii. We were just surprised! It was night, but we but we arrived with the Malin crew and ... when we We went to the house, saw several cars, everything was lit up. We were invited to the house

and there we saw a long table through the whole room. Volunteers from Lviv were sitting around our friends from the FB, with whom we met for the first time in our life. The house was a real museum! All the walls to the ceiling were covered with flags of other countries, Ukrainian flags, which were signed by military, photos of volunteers. There were pots, vyshyvankas, and so on around. The family carries out a historical description of events. Everything is documented in photoes. There is a map of Europe, in the center of which is the village Yalosovetskaya, and lines drawn from the cities represented by people who came to their living room.


2nd PLACE VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY UKRAINE (Zaporizhzhya) The volunteer network Volunteer Community Ukraine has 28 volunteer centers in 22 cities of Ukraine. It was launched in 2015 and works in 6 countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus. It brings together thousands of volunteers and annually assists tens of thousands of people in need of this assistance.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Volunteer Community Ukraine Charity Scope extends to all socially important areas of society: assistance to orphans, disabled children, children from single-parent families; humanitarian help; healthy lifestyle and sports; corporate volunteering; education, awareness programs; assistance to children and people with special needs; helping wild animals; assistance to HIV- infected; assistance to displaced persons and refugees; diverse care for the elderly; development of culture, sports, tourism; ecology. Assistance provided for the amount of UAH 2635416.00. (monetization of the volunteer contribution by

the average indicators (number of volunteers, hours volunteering, average cost of working hours) for all volunteer centers (28 centers) for 2018. Project description: For 2018: • 42224 people received help; • 34 608 kg of humanitarian assistance provided; • 64664 kg of Garbage collected and disposed under the framework of "Make Ukraine clean" action; • 1,410 wild animals received help;

• 920 children were taken to school within the framework of the campaign "Get a backpack for a child; • 12 All-Ukrainian actions were conducted; • 12 educational webinars for coordinators of centers and volunteers; • 1 coordinator workshop; • 1 Conference; • 2 vocatons for 140 volunteers; • 2 volunteer international camps More than 300 long-term projects have been implemented . Assistance was provided for: 4681 people with disabilities, 799 elderly people, 500 children, 461 families.

3rd PLACE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "YOU ARE AN ANGEL" (Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region) Charitable foundation "You are an angel" does not have employees and wages, also has no administrative expenses. The team of the fund is more than 250 volunteers, who daily find time to ensure the life of the organization, implementing significant socially significant projects. The fund supports children's homes, centers for social and psychological rehabilitation of children, shelters for minors, children's hospitals, children who have been in difficult living conditions. The purpose of the fund is to provide charity to those who need it.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The main areas of activity of Charity Fund "You are an angel" : children's health; education, sports, ecology; Carpathian Mountains for children. In 2018, assistance was provided for an amount of UAH 600,000 UAH. Description of the project: In 2018, charitable foundation “You are an angel” arranged the following: • Purchase of medicines for children undergoing treatment in the oncohematology department of IvanoFrankivsk Oblast Children's Clinical Hospital; • Payment for medical vouchers at "International Kozyavvkin Rehabilitation Clinic" for children with cerebral palsy; • Payment for surgeries for children with musculoskeletal disorders; • Purchase of medicines for children suffering from rare genetic diseases;

• Purchase of laboratory equipment at Dolyn City Children's Hospital; • Organization of the summer sports and recreation camp "Yangoljatko"; • Arranging St. Nicholas day for the children of Dolyn city children's hospital and oncology and hematology department of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Children's Clinical Hospital; • Organize and celebrate Christmas in the Carpathians; • The publishing of the children's coloring book "Grandmother's House of Hanussi"; • Carrying out weekly classes in art therapy at the Department of Oncohematology of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Children's Clinical Hospital; • Organization of excursions for orphans, social orphans and children in difficult living conditions (travel to holy places of the Carpathian region, Lviv, Kyiv, Bukovel, dolphinarium, visits to cinemas,

exhibitions, etc.); • Purchase of clothes and shoes for children from Yablunivska special boarding school and Ivano-Frankivsk regional center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children; • Purchase of professional kitchen equipment, boilers in the Dolyna orphanage "Warm House"; • Provision of detergents and hygiene products for children of Yablunivska special boarding school, Solotvyno sanatorium special boarding school; • Preparation of orphans from the Dolyna Orphanage "Warm House" for the school year; • Organizing and conducting a charity event in Switzerland; • Organization and conducting of a dance fleshmob to support of the children participating in Charity Fund’s programs. 49



"Help from abroad"

1st PLACE CHARITY PROJECT "HOSPITAL SUPPORT OF UKRAINE" (USA) Charity project "Support to hospitals in Ukraine» (The charitable project "Support Hospitals in Ukraine") was launched in the summer of 2014, at the beginning of the active phase of ATO in order to provide modern American medical equipment to hospitals, working with wounded from the combat zone. Now the project is in the second phase and expanding its geographical coverage of the western and southern regions of the country and areas of medicine (neurosurgery and general medical services).

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The main field of charity activity is the provision of medical equipment to the hospitals in Ukraine delivered from the United States in the form of humanitarian medical supplies. In May, 2018, the charitable project "Support of hospitals of Ukraine" delivered from the USA to Ukraine the fourth cargo with humanitarian medical cargo worth of 740 50

thousand dollars, or 20.7 million UAH. Since the summer of 2014, the project team has delivered medical equipment in Ukraine as well as humanitarian aid worth $ 2.4 million, or UAH 67.2 million. Description of the project: In 2018, the cargo with useful medical equipment was transferred free of

charge to the Regional Clinical Hospital named after Mechnikov (Dnipro), Zaporizhzhya Regional Clinical Oncology Center and two hospitals in Kyiv. In particular, expensive equipment such as C-arc X-ray, ultrasound devices, surgical and neurosurgical kits, special beds for intensive care, and much more were provided to hospitals.


2nd PLACE UKRAINE-HILFE-VORPOMMERN EV (Germany) Ukraine-Hilfe-Vorpommern eV A German citizen, Jürgen Martin, and a Ukrainian citizen living in Germany, Ludmila Lauf, organized the collection of assistance from Germany for Ukraine. In 2014, this aid was directed at the military who fought in the ATO zone. Since 2015, this assistance has expanded to the poor, to the wounded soldiers, to the families of the victims. Jürgen Martin and Ludmila Lauf have repeatedly been on the line of contact since 2015, fell under fire, talked with ATO soldiers, saw the real state of events in Ukraine. This family conducted an educational activity on the events in Ukraine among the local population of Germany. After that they organized a group of German citizens who over the years regularly helps with money, humanitarian things, food. Director, Jürgen Martin awarded with the medal "For sacrifice and love for Ukraine" from Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Filaret and with the medal “For helping the Ukrainian Army from Association of ATO veterans, diploma from the Minister of Defense from December 5, 2018, by the certificate of honor from 26 artillery brigade.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: During 2018 Germany delivered to Ukraine 72 tons of humanitarian aid amounting to 2 680 000 UAH, medicines for the amount of 1 420 000 UAH. At their own expense (6 000 euros or six thousand euros) we acquired reanimobile with medical equipment and delivered it to ATO area. Technical assistance for the amount (technical clothing, equipment) of 685 000 UAH was delivered. The total amount of aid from Jürgen Martin and Lyudmila Lauf is about 5 126 000 UAH. . Description of the project: The main sphere of charitable activity is the assistance for

ATO soldiers. Assistance was provided in the form of: • products, clothes, balaclava, gloves, boots, sleeping bags, socks; • camouflage costumes, warm specialized suits for military, tea, coffee, bafs, tactical glasses, binoculars, thermal imagers, generators, medicines; • professional jackets, medicines for ambulance in the city of Berdichev; • Humanitarian assistance to the families of victims and wounded in the form of grocery sets, kitchen utensils, clothing and footwear, toys for children;

• help to the wounded in the hospital: bones, strollers, diapers, medicines. • ambulance with medical equipment at the military hospital in the city of Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, medical equipment for the hospital, dressing materials, medications; • presented the car to the volunteer Armen Shaharianets for his traveled to the east; • help procure furniture for the school in Malin. With the help of the FB social network, relations between ATO soldiers, their families and residents of Germany have been established.

3rd PLACE ONLUS ASSOCIATION "SHARE" (Italy) The onlus association "SHARE" , from the Italian city of Rovello (Trentino) , has provided charitable assistance to Ukraine, in particular the Chernivtsi region, for many years. Ukraine cooperates with the NGO "Ukrainian Independent Information Alliance", Zastavskaya regional organization of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, volunteers of the city of Drohobych, the Association for the Humanitarian Assistance to Ukraine "Help to live", the "Pure Heart" Association, and other Italian organizations.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The main areas of activity of the Association of Onlus"SHARE" : assistance to children with disabilities, orphans, children with cancer, homes for the elderly, large families, hospitals, opening shelters for stray dogs, cats in Chernivtsi region. Assistance is provided for the amount of about 700 thousand UAH . Description: The Association works with the association "Help to live" (Italy), Association "Pure Heart" ( Ukraine) and help

to vulnerable sections of the population such as: nursing homes, cancer kids, poor families, children with cerebral palsy. As joint efforts together with Ukrainian and Italian volunteers we participate in the opening of a rehabilitation office in Zastavna hospital where a truck was sent with the necessary equipment to provide children with disabilities with the necessary services. Funds allocated for the Drohobych hospital in Lviv region. Assistance was provided for: • Hospitals, boarding schools in the city

of Drohobych (Lviv region) ; • Orpganages, Maternity Department of the Ivano-Frankivsk hospitals; • Boarding school in Zhydachivsky district (Lviv city); • Department for Chidren Oncology in Kyiv (Ohmaydyt) ; • Homes for the elderly in Zastavna (Chernivtsi region); • Home for the elderly in Kalush (IvanoFrankivsk region) ; • Shelters for dogs in the city of Zastavna (Chernivtsi region). 51



"Charity of Media"

1st PLACE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION "YOU ARE NOT ONE" 1 + 1 CHARITY FOUNDATION (Kyiv) Charitable Organization "You Are Not Alone" Charitable Foundation 1 + 1 Media " . Over the past two years, 1 + 1 media group successfully implements a number of social charity projects, helping those who need it most. Understanding and taking responsibility, the management of the media group decided to create a charity foundation "You are not alone" 1 + 1 media "and to solve important social problems in society. The Foundation concentrates on three main areas and implements social and charitable activities in the field of health care for children and adults, and education.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: One of the active projects of the Foundation is the "Make A Wish" project, co- chaired by Lidiya Taran, TV-host of the TSN on the channel 1 + 1. The "Right to Education" project is the provision of educational services for children undergoing in-patient or interval treatment. The curator of the project is Natalia Moseychuk, TV host of the TSN on the channel 1 + 1. The project "Winners" tells the stories of ATO veterans and volunteers who have lost their limbs. The purpose of the project is work in the field of psychological and sports rehabilitation for ATO veterans. 52

In 2018, within the framework of the social charity project "Make A Wish", assistance was provided for the amount of UAH 1 488 349,45. Project description: The project provides psycho-emotional support, motivation, because such children have to see world filled with goodness and smiles, joy, our love and support and understanding, that everything is real and they can do something incredible despite their medical diagnosis. The project realizes dreams, the budget of which is from 5000 to 500 000 UAH. (Krasoushin

Alexander - climbing the mountains in Bukovel with Dmitry Komarov, Eva Symchuk - painting courses, wheelchairs, Lokotos Sandy - dancing carriage and participation in the Dancing project, Mykhailo Komnatskiy - meeting with the Chess master in Prague, etc.) In June 2018, "You Are Not One" Foundation together with UMG conducted the first Ukrainian study " What do children dream about? " ; among all children both healthy and and critically ill. The results were stunned: 95% of children have a desire, mostly material and only 5% dream without limits.


2nd PLACE CHARITABLE FREE NEWSPAPER "EVENING KOROSTEN" (Korosten, Zhytomyr region) The charity free newspaper "Evening Korosten" was created 28 years ago by writer, honored journalist of Ukraine Victor Vasilchuk, the edition is the laureate of the International rating of popularity "Golden Fortune", the name of the founder is listed in the Golden Fund of the Ukrainian nation.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Charitable free newspaper "Evening Korosten” implements the following programs and events: 1) Free newspaper for every resident of Korosten!; 2) We help "our little brothers"!; 3) Writer behind the counter"; 4) Annual charity action "Grow kavbus - Won the Prize"! In 2018, assistance was provided for the total amount of 40 000 UAH. Description of the project: "Evening Korosten" is distributed in stores, cafes, pharmacies, bus stops, the Society of Disabled Persons. People have the opportunity

to read about the news in the city, write about their problems, which are gradually resolved through the newspaper. There are many homeless animals in the city and the newspaper has been caring for dog shelters for six years (2 in the city), in every possible way contributes to the program of sterilization of stray animals, equip kitchen for feeding animals, delivered old clothes for warming. Food, booths for dogs are being made, homeless animals are searched for by the owners (there is a special heading in the newspaper). As a result, 40 kilograms of meat products were purchased for the Hakiko NGO from the proceeds from the "Writer for a

Count" campaign . Advertised free sterilization of homeless animals. In this way, the love of "our little brothers" is instilled, the number of stray and sick animals decreases. Together with the professor, director of the Center for the spiritual revival and rehabilitation of man and the environment Anatoly Potopalsky, newspaper from 2016 conducts a charity action promoting ecological drugs against cancer (in particular, izatizon). Journalists take care of the unique "Peremoha" arboretum in the Hodaky village - planted trees, flowers, groomed plants, 90-year-old amster of the arboretum Potopalska, attract participants to the annual toloka.

3rd PLACE COUNCIL OF KHMELNYTSKY CITY STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT "NEW GENERATION OF THE CITY" (Khmelnytsky) Council of Khmelnytsky City student government "New Generation of the City" trains and coordinates the leaders of the school authorities through various projects: "School Leadership", "Surzhyk - dangerous language rodent", "We have not forgotten, we remember" "East and West together", "Language is the soul of the people”, “Let's read a book ", etc. NGO leaders take part not only in the city, regional and interregional, but also in international projects: "Vacations without frontiers" and "Culture without borders" (Ukraine - Poland).

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 The project: "Open (he) Art" is an inclusive artistic project that is part of the traditional Leadership School project and aims to unite children with special needs, displaced children and children without special status from 10 to 16 years of age for a common cause: to evaluate yourself as a leader, to find like-minded people, to identify with the sub-project "The Night of Self-Government in the Palace of Creativity" - a bonus subproject for active participants in the Open (he) Art project (at will and with the consent of parents).

Description of the project: Similar leadership projects have become traditional for the council of Khmelnytsky urban self-government school "New generation of the city". Every spring the Council holds a traditional one-two-day "School of Leadership" (certificates from the "Schools" were received by more than 250 leaders of Khmelnytsky region and the city of Vinnytsia). In the autumn, the School of Leadership was held for leaders and IDP children from Svitlovodsk (Kirovograd region). In the summer of 2017 they took

part as organizers of the project "Vacations without frontiers. Ukraine-Poland "and as participants in "Culture without Borders. Ukraine-Poland" project. The first one was implemented in the Khmelnitsky region. The second took place in Poland, in the town of Hotsen of the Pomeranian-Kuyavian Region. In February 2018, a creative project "The Night of Self-Government in the Palace of Creativity" was implemented for the students. 45 participants of this extremely interesting project received certificates and enjoyed themselves. 53



"Media about Charity"

1st PLACE TK CLASS. PROGRAM "TERRITORY OF GOOD" (Kyiv) TK GLAS - Ukrainian satellite religious and TV channel position itself as a modern, dynamic, cultural-minded non-TV for the whole family. The TV channel first appeared on air in 2005. With requests from people in need of assistance, they prepare daily videos and posted themm on the website of www.vzaemodopomo, social networking on Facebook and on the video service Youtube .

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: The "Territory of Good" project is an independent, non-governmental, nonprofit, non-political, journalistic, charitable TV-Internet program. Over 3 years more than 500 thousand UAH were raised. In 2018 - 213 thousand UAH. Project Description: The "Territory of Good" project has united a team of professionals with significant and successful experience in implementing socially important projects on the territory 54

of Ukraine. Workers and journalists of the "Territory of Good" program consider their work but as a vocation of life, therefore all programs and actions are implemented inspirationally and actively. The main purpose of the project is to carry out charitable activities in the interests of society or certain categories of persons. The project implements a number of charitable programs in the following areas: 1) Assistance to needy children, orphan children, disabled children,

sick children, and also large families with low income; 2) Education; 3) Development and improvement of medical care; 4) Promotion of charity and goodness. In the period from 2018 to 2019, approximately 12 children whose history came out within the framework of the "Territory of Good" program, received direct assitance from the Foundation.


2nd PLACE TELEVISION AND RADIO COMPANY "TVA" LTD. (Chernivtsi) TV channel "TBA" - Chernivtsi local non-government entertainment and information channel. TV channel motto: "New TV of the old city. The audience of the TV and radio company is more than 500 000 spectators across all of Bukovina. It is an independentregional channel that exists in the media space for more than 20 years. During the existence of the channel it became an integral part of the Chernivtsi media space. Every day TV channel presents entertainment, cultural, educational, information and educational programs.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: TVA Radio and TV Company covers the activities of Chernivtsi oblast philanthropists. More than 20 stories came out in the "Themes of the Day" programs devoted to philanthropists and charity.

Description: Among the most resonant themes covered broadcasters by the "TBA" : • a series of materials "Hospice is about life" - about the small patients of Chernivtsi " Children's Mobile Hospice " and about the support of children by volunteers;

support of the volunteers of the project " Build Ukraine together " which voluntarily repaired houses for already more than hundreds of families. • regular stories about the activities of the best volunteer organizations of the region.

3rd PLACE NGO "UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENT INFORMATION ALLIANCE" (Zastavna city, Chernivtsi region) NGO "Ukrainian Independent Information Alliance" - is a non-profit public organization that unites citizens based on the common interests of its members to realize goals and objectives. The main objective of the organization is to protect and restore the violated legal, economic, labor, social and other social rights and interests of the members of the organization and citizens of the Ukraine people, who are not members of the organization but need to protect and restore their rights and interests. A public organization works exclusively on a voluntary basis, not funded by anybody; volunteers, activists, journalists work exclusively for free, without any principle participation in any grant projects.


Project: The main sphere of charitable organization helping vulnerable sections of the population and children who urgently need financial assistance. In 2018, assistance was provided for the amount of 2,7 million UAH for variuos charitable projects.

Description: NGO "UNIA's" cooperates with Italian activists to open rehabilitation facilities for children with cerebral palsy in Zastavna central district hospital. Received humanitarian aid with medical equipment from Italy to Zastavna hospital, and this equipment is vitally important (for

paralyzed children who can not walk , ATO veterans). Also, in addition to big events, the organization is trying to help in raising funds for children who require an urgent transplantation or kids who are struggling with oncology. Usually, the organization helps distribute information on its online resources . 55



"People's benefactor"

1st PLACE LEVKO SKOP (Lviv) Levko SKOP is a legendary Lviv iconographer . Born in 1954 in Lviv . Author of more than 20 personal exhibitions. His works are in museums and private collections not just in Ukraine, but in other countries. Works as an artist and restoration expert at the "Drohobychchyna" museum and as a senior lecturer on Department of Sacred Art of LNAM. Author of research on history of Ukrainian art. Author of a number of icons in the churches of Western Ukraine, the author of the iconostasis in Koty village of Yavoriv district. In addition to painting, he is engaged in scientific - research work. In 2002 he founded creative association “Cactus” to continue the Ukrainian national painting tradition in contemporary art. The Author of unprecedented art project , drew 365 icons of the Virgin Mary on every day of the year .

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: During the war, Levko Skop draws icons to support Ukrainian soldiers , he is a Euromaidan activist, plays rock music, collects old guitars and publishes books with his lyrics . 56

Description of the project: The icon painter Lev Skop initiated and conducted the "Angels of Hope" project for help the military.


2nd PLACE CHARITABLE AUCTION "CREATIVITY FOR LIFE" (Rivne) The project "Charity auction" Creativity for of life "has begun in December of 2015 and was initiated on creative classes that are held weekly in the oncohematology department of the Rivne City Hospital.

CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF THE COMPANY IN 2018 Project: Initially, the charity auction " Creativity for life " had the purpose of collecting money on consumables materials to conduct master - classes for children and adults , who are there for long-term treatment. Very soon the community turned it in full project creative - charitable platform - to help for children with oncological and rare diseases. Patients who create pieces of art, feel their "inclusion" in the process of recovery, which encourages their spirit and prevents them from depression. They inspire and support others .

Description: The auction accepts products by children and adults, both professional artists (painters , embroiderers , puppeteers , confectioners) and amateurs , because the main goal is to disseminate information about those who needs help and come up creatively to fundraising. Mandatory condition for participation in the auction: product has be done by yourself, the author should have page in Facebook. Bids are accepted in the group's comments. After completion

of the auction of the lot provider passes or sends it to the Buyer . Group administrators (they are the authors project and volunteers) are responsible for checking the authenticity of the information provided, creating collage, describing the lot, receiving funds and coordinate actions related to transferring the lot. The success of the project, in our opinion, lies in its ransparency, creative approach and possibility reach out to large quantities people for charity and volunteering.

3rd PLACE SOLOMIA CHUBAI (Lviv) Solomiya Grigorievna Chubai (see the Philanthropist of the Year nomination, pp. 60-61)




1. Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epiphany for his personal contribution to the development of charity in Ukraine;

6. Oksana Mukha, singer and the winner in the "Voice of the Country" for volunteerism work and active public opinion; (Ukrainian singer and violinist, laureate of the Grand Prix of the First International Contest of Ukrainian Romance named after Kvitka Tsysik, winner of the talent show "Voice of the Country" (Season 9, 2019).

2. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko for social philanthropy and strengthening of the country's defense capability for the period from 2014 to 2019; 3. Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Limited for years of systematic support of charity in Ukraine;

7. Volodymyr Slabovskyi, Ukrainian businessman and volunteer for his active public position and volunteer work (posthumously);

4. TIU Canada for a special contribution to the regional development of Ukraine;

8. Svetlana Ivaniuta, Financial Director, Association of Charities of Ukraine, for her personal contribution to the development of charity (posthumously); 5. Iryna Paliashvili, President and the Ukrainian Legal Group (RULG), heads the Legal Committee of the American-Ukrainian Business Council (USUBC), for a special contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture and art; 58

Special diplomas were also given to Olga Nesterenko, Sergiy Tanchynets and volunteer Dmitry Lazutkin for volunteer work and active public opinion.


Levko Skop draws magnificent angels






National Competition «Charitable Ukraine». Organizing Committee 01001, Kyiv, Ukraine 20-A Mala Zhytomyrska Street, apt. 1

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