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Summer Edition 2009


Caribbean Cuisine






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Welcome to the launch issue of Worldfoods Guide to Caribbean Cuisine. This guide reflects the diversity of the Caribbean food culture whilst exploring traditional and new culinary boundaries. The pages are packed with tantalising time honoured mouth-watering recipes, authentic ingredients and products, refreshing concoctions of drinks with reviews of restaurants and caterers. Distributed exclusively at selective supermarket stores across London, Worldfoods Guide to Caribbean Cuisine goes beyond just food and drink, it is a celebration of caribbean lifestyle. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners, Gracefoods U.K., Encona, Portroyal Patties, Q Holidays, Authentic Caribbean Rum, Cockspur, Tilda, Dalgety and Caribbean Scene and all our advertisers.

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Derek Morrison-Bowen JB Rose Alan Dugard


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Caribbean Cuisine






History of Caribbean Food


Food Glossary

Discover how Caribbean Cuisine is influenced by the tastes, attidues and peoples of the African continent, the UK, Ireland, Spain, France, China, India, Portugal and much more.


Use this easy food index to recognise the difference between your Bammy, Sweet Sop, Yam, Green Banana, Coco Bread, Okra, Ackee, Mannish Water and so much more.

Products & Recipes

19 True Rum 29 Chefs and Caterer 35 Restaurant Guide 41

Bring life to 15 mouth watering recipes from the Caribbean including Jerk Chicken with Coconut Rice, Callaloo Soup, Ackee Saltfish Dumplings with Sweet Mango Chilli Dip and much more...

Discover althentic caribbean rums and the difference between your Over Proof, Flavoured, Spiced, Vintage, Gold, White or Dark Rums.

Get up close and personal with WorldFoods’ talented Pool of Star Chefs. Discover why we say, Caribbean Cuisine has got Genius Chef Talent!

Featuring: Caribbean Scene, Cottons, Bamboo Grove, Island Fusion, Windies Cove all serving genuinely delicious Caribbean foods throughout the entire London Region


Travel Q Holidays takes you on a wonderful Caribbean tour of the islands featuring holiday packages to suit all budgets, plus there is an opportunity to win a fantastic holiday to the beautiful island of Antigua.

the History of Caribbean Food


he thought of just putting chicken to cook without any seasoning, or just using salt and pepper would send Caribbean’s stir crazy. After washing the meat many times over, and using vinegar or lemon to wash further, then a long list of seasonings is added. After allowing time to marinate, preferably overnight, the meat is cooked to perfection. Don’t make the mistake of thinking rice and peas, is just rice and peas (and its not green peas either). It’s the additional spices and seasonings which take you out of this world. The long list of seasonings used in Caribbean Cuisine can include any of the following: Allspice (pimento), annatto seeds, bay leaves, black pepper, chives, chillies, cinnamon bark, coconut, cooking butter, curry powder, garlic, ginger, lemon, nutmeg, onion, oregano, scotch bonnet peppers, sugar, thyme, coconut, lime, orange, tamarind, tomato paste, vanilla, white pepper and more. Many people are pleasantly surprised when they have their first Caribbean Dish. The tastes are brilliant. Favourite meals such as Fried Chicken, Curry Goat, Rice & Peas, Plantain, Jerk Chicken,

Dumplings, Roti, Oxtail Stew and Patties are welcome varieties to any dining table.

Food plays a central role in family life and traditions in the islands. Cooks spend days preparing menu offerings for holidays, festivals, and special family gatherings. The cuisine of the Caribbean is like a cultural patchwork quilt. Each “patch” or dish represents the plentiful bounty of the islands’ lush tropical vegetation, combined with the one or more diverse groups of people that have lived there, including the original Carib and Arawak Indians, followed by the Spanish, British, French, and Dutch settlers, as well as Africans, who have had a profound influence on the food. Cultural traditions of the islands later followed Indian and Chinese settlers and travellers from the United States. The Arawak, Carib, and Taino Indians were the first inhabitants of the Caribbean islands. These first inhabitants occupied the present day islands of British Virgin Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Haiti, Trinidad, and Jamaica. Their daily diet consisted of vegetables and fruits such as papaw, yams, guavas,

and cassava. The Taino started the process of cooking meat and fish in large clay pots. The Arawaks are the first people known to make a grate of thin green wood strips on which they slowly cooked meat, allowing it to be enhanced by the flavour of the wood. This grate was called a “barbacoa” and the word we know today as barbeque is taken from this early Indian cooking method.

The Carib Indians added more spice to their food with hot pepper sauces, and also added lemon and lime juice to their meat and fish recipes. The Caribs are said to have made the first pepper pot stew. No recipes exist since every time the Indians made the dish, they would always add new ingredients. The Carib had a big impact on early Caribbean history, and the Caribbean Sea was named after this tribe. Then the Caribbean became a crossroads for the world . . . Once the Europeans brought Africans slaves into the region, the slave’s diet consisted mostly of food the slave owners did not want to eat. So the slaves had to be inventive, and they blended their traditional African foods with staples found on the islands. The









Caribbean Food Products

Africans introduced Okra, Callaloo, Fish cakes, Saltfish, Ackee, Pudding and Souse, Mangos, and the list goes on. Most present day Caribbean island locals eat a present diet that is reflective of the main ingredients of original early African dishes, and includes Cassava, Sweet potatoes, Yams, Plantains, Bananas and Cornmeal. African men were hunters in their homeland, and often away from home for long periods of time. They would cook spicy pork over hot coals, and this tradition was refined by the early slaves in Jamaica. The technique is known today as “jerk“ cooking and the secret involves a slow meat cooking process. Jamaica is famous for jerk chicken and pork, and you’ll find jerk all over the island. After slavery was abolished, the Europeans went to India and China for labour, and more cooking styles were introduced. Much of the Indian cooking culture remains alive and well in the Caribbean of today with the introduction of curried meats and curry powder. Indians call it “kari podi” and we have come to know this pungent flavour as curry. The Chinese introduced rice, which is

always a staple diet in home cooked island meals. The Chinese also introduced mustard, and the early Portuguese sailors introduced the popular codfish (saltfish). Most visitors to the Caribbean have no idea that the fruit trees and fruits so familiar to the islands were introduced by the early Spanish explorers. The fruit trees and fruits brought from Spain include Orange, Lime, Ginger, Plantains, Figs, Date palms, Sugarcane, Grapes, Tamarinds and Coconuts. Even the Polynesian islands play an important role in Caribbean cooking. Most of us remember the movie “Mutiny on the Bounty”, but do not know that particular ship carried breadfruit, which was loaded on board from the islands of Tahiti and Timor. In the movie the crew took over the ship, forced the captain into a small boat to fend on his own, and they threw the breadfruit, which they considered “strange fruit” overboard. Another ship was more successful in bringing breadfruit from Polynesia to Jamaica and the St Vincent and the Grenadines. Breadfruit is a staple diet in the current day Caribbean.

America is responsible for introducing Beans, Corn, Squash, Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Chilli pepper to the Caribbean. In fact these particular foods had never been seen in Asia, Europe or Africa, so America actually introduced these foods to the rest of the world via the Caribbean. It’s no wonder Caribbean cooking is so rich and creative with from flavours Africa, India, and China, along with Spanish, Danish, Portuguese, French and British influences. Food served in the Caribbean islands has been influenced by the cultures of the world, but each island adds its own special flavour and cooking technique. For a long time no Caribbean recipes were written down, the people just knew how to cook the different dishes, judging by having seen the older people cook and adding spices to their own tastes. The Caribbean is a virtual melting pot of worldwide cuisine blended into one that has become famous, so much so that it is cooked and sold all over the world. You can just as easily eat Caribbean cuisine in a restaurant in New York City as you can in Jamaica.


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Food Glossary

07 7

A-Z Caribbean Food Glossary Absinthe – This is reputed to be

dishes, or as glazes for cold dishes of fish, poultry, meat and eggs. They may also be cubed and served as a relish with cold meat, fish or fowl.

an aphrodisiac, it is a potent, bitter liqueur distilled from wormwood and flavoured with a variety of herbs. It’s distinct anise flavour and high level of alcohol has it considered hazardous to health and is prohibited in Jamaica and many other countries.

Acerola - This tiny tree has a small, deep-red, cherry like fruit. The fruit, which has a sweet flavour and a high concentration of vitamin C, it is used in desserts and preserves. It’s also called the Jamaica cherry, Barbados cherry, Puerto Rican cherry and West Indies cherry. Achar – These are pickled and

salted relishes. They can be made sweet or hot, depending on the seasoning added.

Ackee - This reddish-yellow fruit

of an evergreen tree was introduced into Jamaica from West Africa. Ackee, aptly named “vegetable brains”, lies inside the innermost chamber of the exotic red fruit. The yellow flesh tastes like scrambled eggs, and is popular served with Saltfish, hot peppers and onions. Cooked Ackee has the consistency and look of scrambled eggs. The purified oil from Ackee has high nutritive value.

Allspice (Pimento) - Allspice is

one of the most important ingredients of Caribbean cuisine. It is used in Caribbean jerk seasoning (the wood is used to smoke jerk, although the spice is a good substitute), in mild

Ballotine/Ballottine - Meat, fish or poultry that has been boned, stuffed, rolled and tied in the shape of a bundle. It is then braised or roasted and is normally served hot but can be served cold. sauces, and in pickling; it is also an ingredient in commercial sausage preparations and curry powders. Ground allspice is not, as some people believe, a mixture of spices. Rather, it is the dried fruit of the Pimenta dioica plant. The fruit is picked when it is green and unripe and traditionally dried in the sun. When dry, the fruits are brown and resemble large brown peppercorns. The leaves of the allspice plant are also used in Island cooking where available as they are similar in texture to bay leaves and are infused during cooking and then removed before serving. The leaves and wood are often used for smoking meats where Allspice is a local crop. Allspice can also be found in essential oil form.

Annatto - This slightly musky-

flavoured reddish yellow spice, ground from Achiote seeds is native to the West Indies and the Latin tropics. Islanders store their annatto seeds in oil giving the oil making a paste giving a beautiful colour.

Asopao – Meaning “soupy” in Spanish. Very popular in Puerto Rico, Asopao is a soupy stew which contains chicken, meat or seafood and rice, plus ingredients such as tomato, onion, bell pepper, ham, peas, olives, and capers. Aspic – A savoury jelly, usually clear, made of clarified meat, fish or vegetable stock and gelatine. Tomato Aspic, made with tomato juice and gelatine is opaque. Clear aspics may be used as a base for moulded

Bammy – This fried bread is made from cassava flour and is a popular accompaniment to a number of foods, especially fried fish. Baquette – A boat-shaped pastry shell that can contain a savoury filling when served as an appetizer or a sweet filling for a dessert. Bean threads – Bean Threads are not really noodles in the traditional sense, but are made from the starch of green beans. Big bamboo – This is a drink

recipe that is a mixture between Tia Maria, rum and pineapple juice. It is proported to have aphrodisiac qualities.

Bitter Melon – Also referred to

as a balsam pear, this fruit resembles a cucumber with a bumpy skin and is used as a vegetable in cooking. When first picked, the bitter melon is yellow-green and has a delicate, sour flavour. As it ripens it turns yelloworange and becomes bitter and acrid which is how many people prefer it.

Bitter wood – This is a tree with a bitter bark used as a herb to either cure fevers or to open ones appetite.

Black bread – Almost black in

colour, this bread gets its hue from a variety of ingredients including dark rye flour, toasted dark bread crumbs,

Cacao – The tropical, evergreen Cacao tree is cultivated for its seeds also called cocoa beans, from which cocoa butter, chocolate and cocoa powder are made.

leaf gives the pudding a blue colour.

molasses, cocoa powder, dark beer and coffee. It’s a hearty, full-flavoured loaf that, depending on the baker, can be lightly sweet.

Black bun - Not a traditional

Bois Bandé – This tree is used to produce a potent liqueur that some swear by. In the Castries market, you can purchase the bark and use it to prepare a “special” tea and is most popular in St. Lucia. Boniato - A white semi-

sweet potato.

Boudin/Black Pudding

– Sausage that may include pigs’ blood, thyme and Scotch bonnet peppers.

bun in the sense of bread, the bun is a spicy mixture of nuts with dried and candied fruits enclosed in a rich pastry crust. It can be called a Tutti Fruit at times. It’s best prepared several weeks in advance so the fruit mixture can ripen and develop flavour.

Bread Fruit - Bread Fruit are very rich in starch and before being eaten they are roasted, baked, fried, or boiled. When cooked the taste is described as potato-like, or similar to fresh baked bread.

Black butter – A butter cooked

recipe made from flour and sugar.

over low heat until dark brown (not black). The burnt butter is usually flavoured with vinegar or lemon juice, capers and parsley and served with eggs, fish and vegetables.

Blaff – A broth infused with whole

Scotch bonnet peppers and bay rum leaves in which whole or filleted fish is poached.

Blue drawers – Is a pudding made from cornmeal, bananas, coconut, herbs and spices. The pudding is wrapped in green banana leaf tied with a string. The banana Escabeche - Also called Escovitch by

the Jamaicans. Seafood that has been pan fried or poached, then marinated in citrus (or vinegar) and herbs.

Bulla – This is a flat round cake Bun and cheese – This is a

favourite dish eaten during the Easter months which includes a slice or two of the traditionally made Easter Bun with a slice of cheese.

Busta – This is a hard candy made from coconut grated and brown sugar and named after former Prime Minister of Jamaica Alex Bustamante because like the National Hero, the candy is hard and tough to chew. Calabaza - A sweet, pumpkin-like

squash, somewhat like butternut squash. It is often used in the Caribbean as the base for pumpkin soups and in vegetable dishes.

Calf’s Foot Jelly – This is made by boiling calves’ feet until the natural is extracted. The liquid is strained, mixed with wine, lemon juice and spices then refrigerated until set. It can be eaten as a dessert if sugar is added. Carambola - Known as the “star fruit” because of its shape when cut cross-ways. It is crisp, juicy and golden in colour, and is used in desserts or salads.

Casareep - Is the concentrated juice of the roots of the Cassava and flavoured with aromatics and boiled to remove the toxins. It is then used as a relish in soups and other dishes. Casareep is also a powerful antiseptic and was used for preserving meat in tropical countries. Ceviche - Seafood “cooked” by the acids of citrus juices, seasoned with onions and fresh herbs. Chayote - A member of the squash and melon families, it is also known as Cho-cho or Christophene. It is a green pear-shaped fruit used as a vegetable in salads can be cooked in a variety of ways.

Cherimoya – Pale-green fruit with white sweet flesh that has the texture of flan. Used for mousse and fruit sauces, the fruit is best when fully ripe, well chilled and eaten with a spoon. so known an as coco, taro starchy tuber dasheen is a served boiled lly that is usua used as a or cut up and is arty soups. It he in r thickene ve a ha to e m so considered by to vour superior texture and fla tichoke ar m le sa ru that of a Je or potato.

Dasheen – Ald tannia,

Chow-Chow/Chowchow – A mustard-flavoured mixed-vegetableand-pickle relish.

Chutney - A blend of cooked

tropical fruits and vegetables flavoured with peppers and spices.

Coco bread – A warm, buttered piece of coco bread and a sandy beach... no one could ask for much more than that. This heavenly bread is best right out of the oven. Coconut - A fresh coconut has

liquid inside, so shake it before you buy it! To open a coconut, puncture two of its “eyes” - the darker dots on one end - with a small sharp knife or an ice pick. Drain all the liquid from the coconut, then tap the whole surface of the shell lightly with a hammer, giving the shell a sharp blow. This will open the coconut, and the meat will now come away from the shell.

Conch - A beautiful pink curly shell nearly a foot long that, when blown by those in the know, can become an island bullhorn. The shell covers a huge piece of white meat with a rubbery texture. Many islanders swear by its aphrodisiac qualities.

Cowcod soup – Another one of the infamous Jamaican aphrodisiacs, Cowcod soup is usually sold at roadside stands and includes bananas, pepper and white rum. Curry - Curries are highly

seasoned gravy-based dishes originating from India. They are prevalent on islands such as Jamaica, Trinidad, and Tobago, where indentured servants from India settled in the mid-19th century. Many Caribbean cooks use prepared spice mixtures that include coriander, cumin, turmeric, black and cayenne peppers, and fenugreek, among others. Caribbean cooks also commonly add allspice to their curries.

bulb. Escallion is a common and much prized ingredient in authentic Jamaican cuisine, in combination with thyme, scotch bonnet pepper, garlic and allspice

Escovitch Sauce - This sauce

is integral to Jamaican cuisine and is used primarily as a final dressing for fried fish. It is the Caribbean version of a pickle sauce, a tart, spicy, hot combination of vinegar, pimento, scotch bonnet peppers, garlic, onions & thyme. This sauce can also be used to create a great tasting spicy salad dressing, simply blend with olive oil, sugar & mustard.

Green Banana - Best eaten boiled same variety as plantain.

Guava - A bright orange to red tropical fruit about the size of a small lemon. Used in compotes, pastes and jellies. Guava pastes from the Hispanic islands are intensely flavoured and are delicious served with cream cheese and spread on cassava or other crisp breads or crackers.

served with jerk and is similar to hush puppies.

Gyro – A specialty consisting of minced lamb or goat that is moulded around a spit and vertically roasted. The meat is usually sliced and topped with grilled onions, sweet peppers and a cucumber-yogurt sauce. Hotchpotch – A rich layered vegetable-and-meat stew recipe.

Fried Dumplings – Deep fried

Hushpuppy/hush puppy

Festival – This bread is frequently

savoury doughnuts made from flour.

Gizada – Jamaican Coconut Tart Grater cake - A confection made from grated coconut and sugar; usually pink and white.

–This is a small cornmeal dumpling, flavoured with chopped scallions, deep-fried and served hot. These are normally prepared as fritters or seasoned festivals and served with seafood recipes.

Jackfruit - This huge relative of the Jamaican breadfruit can

weigh up to 100 pounds. Spiny and oval or oblong-shaped, the tropical Jackfruit is green. Both its flesh and edible seeds are included in curried dishes. Ripe Jackfruit has a bland, sweet flavour and is generally used for dessert recipes.

Darne – The Caribbean name for kingfish.

Escallion - A culinary herb grown

in Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago similar in appearance to the scallion, Welsh onion and leek, though said by Jamaicans to be more flavoursome. Like these others, it is a relatively mild onion that does not form a large


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June plum – An oval shaped fruit that has green skin that turns yellow when ripe. The large seed has spikes in them. Jam – A thick mixture of fruit

Jonkanoo – A seriously hot

Jambalaya – One of Jamaica’s

– Sometimes called journey cakes (since you could carry them along on your journey) these cakes are actually fried or baked breads. They’re a favourite accompaniment to Saltfish.

and sugar that is cooked until the pieces of fruit are very soft and almost formless. It is used as a bread spread, a filling for pastries and cookies and is an ingredient for various dessert.

old-fashioned dessert recipe is a spicy, cornmeal-molasses baked pudding that can sometimes include sliced apples.

cookery’s hallmarks, Jambalaya is a versatile dish that combines cooked rice with a variety of ingredients including tomatoes, onion, green peppers and almost any kind of meat, poultry or shellfish. The dish varies widely from cook to cook.

Irish moss – This is a stubby

Janga – These are crayfish that are

Indian pudding – This hearty

purplish seaweed found along the west coast of Jamaica. When dried, the weed is used in cosmetics and medicines and is greatly valued as a thickening agent for foods such as puddings, ice cream and soup recipes. It is also used to make a drink that is said to possess aphrodisiac qualities.

Jack – A fish family of over two hundred species, these colourful saltwater fish go by a variety of names such as yellowtail, greenback, burnfin, black and amber jack. These delicately flavoured fish tend to be large, weighing a much as 150 pounds, and readily available in waters around the world. Tuna and swordfish make good substitutes. Jaggery - This dark, coarse,

unrefined sugar (sometimes referred to as palm sugar) can be made either from the sap of various palm trees or from sugar-cane juice. It comes in several forms, the two most popular being a soft, honey butter texture and a solid cake like form. The former is used to spread on Jamaican breads and confections, while the solid version serves to make candies, and when crushed, to sprinkle on cereal, and so on. Jamaican Jaggery has a sweet, winey fragrance and flavour that lends distinction to whatever food it embellishes.

Jalouste- A small cake made with flaky pastry, filled with a layer of Jamaican almond paste topped with jam. A latticed pastry topping allows the colourful jam filing to peek through. This os a great and favorite food recipe.

found in many rivers.

Jelly roll – Jelly rolls are a cake recipe made of a thin sheet of sponge cake, spread with jam or jelly (and sometimes whipped cream or frosting) and rolled up. This type of cake is traditionally sprinkled with confectioners’ sugar, rather than being frosted. When cut, jelly rolls have an attractive pinwheel design. Jerk - The words “Jerk” and “jerky” originally referred to the process of rubbing spices and acidic hot peppers onto strips of meat in order to tenderize and preserve them. In Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados and Tobago, an entire culinary art grew up around “jerk”. There are many jerk seasoning combination in the Islands, most of which call for scallions, thyme, allspice, hot peppers, onions and garlic. Some jerks use citrus juice or vinegar to add tartness, or molasses to add sweetness. Typically used on chicken or pork, jerk also complements fish dishes.

pepper sauce is made with a blend of red peppers and spices. It is quite thick so you will only need a small amount to fire up your favourite savoury dishes.

Johnny cake (Dumpling)

Jujube – A tiny fruit-flavoured candy with a hard gelatinous texture. Jumble Jumbal – This is a delicate, crisp, ring-shaped cookie. It’s like a thin, rich sugar cookie, often made with sour cream. Jumbles can also be made with other flavourings such as orange zest or grated coconut. Kebab/Kabob – Small chunks of meat, fish or shellfish that are usually marinated before being threaded on a skewer and grilled over coals. Pieces of vegetables can also accompany the meat on the skewer. This is a popular method of serving different foods in one bite. Kimchee/Kimchi – This spicyhot, extraordinarily pungent condiment is made of fermented vegetables such as cabbage that have been pickled before being stored in tightly sealed pots or jars and buried in the ground. King Orange – This orange has a rather flattened shape and loose rough skin. It has a juicy, sweetly tart flesh.

Jicama - A root vegetable that

looks like a large brown turnip with white sweet crisp flesh.

Limes - Caribbean limes have light yellow skins when ripe, though they are

often picked green because they go bad rapidly when ripe. When overripe, they turn yellow and are an excellent source of vitamin C. For this reason, the popularity of these citrus fruits grew with the realization by the British Navy that they cured scurvy. Now limes are one of the most important ingredients in sauces and marinades, and are used to perk up dishes from savoury to sweet. Chicken and fish turn glorious with a mere squeeze of lime. And beverages, cakes and preserves wouldn’t taste the same without it.

Kiss – A small mound-shaped

baked meringue which often contains chopped nuts, cherries or coconut. The texture of a kiss is light and chewy. They are usually made into one bite candies as well.

Lemon Balm – This

herb has lemon-scented, mint like leaves that are often used to brew an aromatic tea. Its slightly tart flavour is used to flavour salads as well as meats and poultry.

Knish – A pastry of Jewish origin that consists of a piece of dough. This pastry has been adopted by Jamaican chefs who use fruit fillings and can be served as a side dish or an appetizer. Kola nut – A popular Jamaican herb that looks similar to a coffee berry. The herb is used for upset stomachs and as an antidote for some poisons.

Ladyfinger – A light, delicate

sponge cake recipe roughly shaped like a rather large, fat finger. It’s used as an accompaniment to ice cream, puddings and other desserts.

Laurel leaf/ Bay Laurel – This aromatic herb comes from the evergreen Bay Laurel tree.

Leche – The Spanish word for “milk”. This term is used mostly by Jamaican Chefs. Leggings – This is a bundle of

fruits and vegetables that are sold in markets and used to make soup recipes.

Liverwurst – The Jamaican term for “liver sausage” referring to well-seasoned, ready-to-eat sausage made from pork liver mixed with pork or other meat. The texture of liverwurst can range from firm enough to slice to creamy-smooth and spreadable. It can be smoked or plain and comes in large links, loaves and slices. It’s generally used to make snacks and sandwiches and is especially suited to rye bread and crackers. Mace – This spice tastes and smells like a pungent version of nutmeg. Mace is the bright red membrane that covers the nutmeg seed. After the membrane is removed and dried it becomes a yellow-orange colour.

Mackerel rundown – This is

a popular Caribbean meal that is a combination of Mackerel and coconut milk to make a mush that is then seasoned with herbs and spices. The Mackerel rundown recipe is usually served with boiled green bananas and boiled dumplings.

Mangosteen – The Mangosteen is no relation to the mango. In size and structure, it’s much like a tangerine, having 5 to 8 fruit segments. The segmented flesh is soft, cream-colored and juicy. It has a tantalizingly sweet-tart flavour that is extremely refreshing. The hard skin of the Mangosteen is a dark purplebrown.

Lemon verbena – A long,

slender leaf of this potent herb have an overpowering lemon like flavour. For that reason, a light touch is necessary when adding lemon verbena (also called simply Verbena) to food. It’s used to flavour fruit salads and some sweet dishes, and for tea.

Lychee/Lichi – This is a small

fruit grown in that originated from China. The Lychee has a rough, bright red shell, smooth juicy creamy white flesh and delicately sweet. It surrounds a single seed. The Lychee is eaten as a snack in the same way as nuts or candy.

Kumquat – This pigmy of the Caribbean

citrus family looks like a tiny oval or round orange. The edible golden orange rind is sweet, while the rather dry flesh is very tart. The entire fruit (skin and flesh) is eaten and very ripe fruit can be sliced and served raw in salads or as a garnish. The kumquat is more likely to be found cooked, either candied or pickled whole or in preserves or marmalades.


Mamey Apple – This large

tropical fruit yields edible pulp that’s tangerine in colour. With a flavour similar to that of the peach and turns up most often as jam.

Mannish Water - Traditional

Caribbean dish made from goats’ heads but some cooks include tripe and feet as well, garlic, scallions, Cho-Cho, Green bananas, Scotch Lights – The lungs of an animal such as a calf or pig, sometimes used bonnet peppers and Spinners. White rum is an optional ingredient. in various preparations like pates. Lights can also be sliced and sautéed This spicy soup is reportedly an aphrodisiac and is sometimes called or used in a stew. power water, and is often, enjoyed by men before drinking rum, but this item Limeade – A drink similar to is a rarity on restaurant menus – it’s lemonade or limeade, made by usually sold at roadside stands, along combining water, sugar and citrus with roasted yam juice.

Lobster – In the Caribbean it’s the spiny lobster that is found; the same delicious crustacean as the langouste in France, and Aragosta in Italy, and the Langoasta in Spain. Although the texture of this cooked meat is consider in some to be inferior to that of the Maine lobster, the flavour of the spiny lobster meat more that makes up for the inferior texture. Lobster butter A compound butter is made by heating ground lobster shells together with butter. Sometimes lobster meat is also included. The mixture is then strained into ice water, which hardens the butter. Lobster butter has a multitude of uses including flavouring sauce recipes or soup recipes or as a spread. Mango - A tropical fruit with thick skin varying in colour from green to bright red. Its flesh is yellow, firm and sweet, and can be eaten raw or as part of many marinades, sauces, ice creams and sorbets. Green mangoes are a main constituent of the best chutneys and are used in down-island stews as a vegetable. Matrimony – This dessert is

available only near Christmas time. It’s made from purple star apples, which ripen in the winter.

Mauby (or Mawby) - Mauby is the

fermentation occurs and can include pulp, skins and seeds.

Nutmeg – Caribbean cooks are insistent when cooking their recipes and skip over the pre-ground nutmeg sold in supermarkets and buy the spice whole, grating it only as needed. Nutmeg, the inner kernel of the fruit is more flavourful when freshly grated. The spicy sweet flavour of this aromatic spice makes it an excellent addition to cakes, puddings and drinks. Okra - This green pod-like fruit was introduced

to the Caribbean region by African slaves, and

bark of a tropical tree. It is boiled with spices to make a Caribbean drink of the same name, reputed to lower blood cholesterol.

because it resembles the yellow mimosa flower. Consisting of finely chopped, hard-cooked egg yolk, it is sprinkled over salads and vegetables.

Miso – This is a bean paste. Fermented soybean paste can be either barley miso, rice miso and soybean miso. Miso is used in sauce recipes, soup recipes, marinades, dips, main dishes, salad dressings and as a table condiment. Mojito - Cuban cocktail made with rum, lime and soda water.

juice of grapes or other fruit before

shaped Otaheiti apple ranges from pink to ruby red in colour. This fruit is usually eaten fresh, though it can be packed in red wine or turned into a refreshing cold drink.

Paratha – This flaky bread is made with whole-wheat flour and fried on a griddle. The basic version simply has clarified butter brushed between multiple layers of dough that are then folded and rolled out again. This technique creates a flaky bread resembling puff pastry. More exotic versions of Paratha are stuffed with various vegetables, fruits, herbs or spices.

Mimosa – A garnish so named

Must – The freshly pressed

Otaheiti Apple - The pear-

Paella - Of Spanish origin, Paella generally consists of rice topped with chicken, pork, chorizo sausage, shrimp, clams, mussels, and peas in a chicken saffron stock. However, Paellas do not have a set list of ingredients and are as varied as the chefs who create them.

Menudo – This is a hearty, spicy soup made with tripe, cows feet and seasonings. It’s usually garnished with lime wedges, bowls of chopped chillies and onion and served with hot tortillas.

Mush – A thick, cooked cereal or porridge made by cooking cornmeal with milk or water. It’s served as a breakfast dish by adding melted butter, milk or maple syrup. Mush is also cooked, poured into a pan and cooled. It is then cut into squares, sautéed until golden brown and served hot, sometimes with gravy, as a side dish.

is cooked as a vegetable on the islands. Often used as a thickening agent in soups and stews or fried as a side dish.

Lemon grass – One of the most

important flavourings in Caribbean cooking, this herb has long, thin, gray-green leaves and a scallion like base. Citral, an essential oil also found in lemon peel, gives lemon grass its sour-lemon flavour and fragrance. The grass is used to make tea and to flavour some soups and other dishes.

Patty - a pastry that contains various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky shell, often tinted golden yellow with an egg yolk mixture or turmeric. It is made like a turnover but is more savoury. It is commonly found in Jamaica, but is also eaten in other areas of the Caribbean, such as Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast. In Haiti, the pastry is thick and crispy, making it essentially a turnover. It is to Jamaicans what the hamburger is to Americans. This fried pie is traditionally filled with seasoned ground beef, but fillings can include chicken, vegetables, shrimp, lobster, fish, soy, Ackee, mixed vegetables or cheese.

Roti - Exemplifies the great influence Indian cooking has had on Caribbean cuisine. It begins with a round, Indian flat bread called a “Roti” or “Paratha” that is wrapped around a big dollop of curried goat, chicken, shrimp, pork or vegetables.

Peas - Jamaicans refer to nearly all beans as “peas.” Kidney beans are probably the most popular. Gungo (pigeon) peas have also been a hit since their introduction from West Africa by the Spanish, as have cow peas, black-eyed peas, and butter, Lima and broad (also called Fava) beans. They are the island’s primary source of protein - even more than meat. Smaller peas are used in Rice and Peas while larger-sized peas often appear in savoury stews and side dishes. Pepperpot soup – Pepperpot is

indeed peppery, although the main ingredient is callaloo, which gives this island favourite its green colour. Along with the spinach-like callaloo, the soup includes pig tails or salt pork (sometimes salt beef), coconut milk, okra and plenty of spices.

lemon. A myriad of variations have evolved throughout the years, with additions such as baking powder or baking soda and flavourings such as coconut, nuts, raisins and dried fruit.

Pick-a-Peppa Sauce – A

mango-tamarind based spicy pepper sauce from Jamaica.

Pigeon peas – A good source of

protein and very high in dietary fibre and are also known as Gungo Peas.

Plantain - Plantains, or cooking bananas, are a staple across the Caribbean. They must be cooked to be edible; however they need not be ripe. Green plantains and ripe plantains are often sliced, cooked in a seasoned batter and deep fried for fritters. Ripe plantains taste like a cross between a sweet potato and a banana. Pound cake – A fine-textured

loaf cake made with one pound each of flour, butter, sugar and eggs, plus flavouring with vanilla or


Salsas - Intensely flavoured “little

Red pea soup – Another one of

Jamaica’s famous soups, this one is made from kidney beans, salted pig tails, beef and vegetables.

dishes” halfway between a condiment and a side dish. These varied combinations of fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs and chilli peppers add an intense flavour “kick” to any meal, and are simply and healthfully prepared.

Rice and peas – This dish is

Saltfish - this is salted water cod

found on just about every lunch and dinner plate and is sometimes nicknamed the Coat of Arms. It features rice and either peas or beans are cooked in coconut milk and spices and in Jamaica the preferred “pea” is the red kidney bean)

Ropa Vieja - Means “old clothes” in Spanish. This dish is made of shredded beef in a spicy sauce.

Picadillo - Spicy Cuban hash

made of ground beef and cooked with olives and raisins.

Rundown – This entrée is pickled fish cooked in a seasoned coconut milk until the fish just falls apart or literally “runs down.”

Papaya - Also known as Pawpaw, this is a large melon with sweet yellow-orange flesh. It can range in weight from 8 ounces to 20 pounds, and ranges in shape from round to pear-like to long and thin and is a very popular ingredient in drinks, salads, and desserts.

that has been cured, salted and dried. Most often made with cod, but can be made with mackerel, herring or haddock. As an alternative Saltfish is usually served with Ackee as a specialty in Jamaica. It is also commonly referred to as Bacalao on the Spanish-speaking islands, and Morue on the French-speaking islands.

Scotch Bonnets/ Habanero

- Habanero (Scotch Bonnet) chilli (chilli) peppers: Typically yelloworange but they can be green, red, or orange. These peppers are lantern shaped and typically about 2 inches long and are the hottest pepper grown commercially.

Spinners - (dumplings) made with flour and put into soups and stews and take their name from their thin, twisted shape.

Sofrito – Spanish tomato sauce adapted to the islands used to enhance roasts and thicken stews or soups. Sorrel – A tropical flower grown throughout the islands, it is boiled with other ingredients such as cloves, orange zest, and ginger, and then sweetened to make drinks, jams and jellies. The spicy-tart beverage is a beautiful raspberry-grape colour, and is a Christmas tradition throughout the English-speaking islands.

Soursop – This fruit is native to the West Indies and is

usually processed into ice creams, sherbets and drinks, but fibre-free varieties are often eaten raw. This large, elongated, somewhat oval fruit can be up to 12” long and 6” wide and usually weighs several pounds. The fruit is covered in small knobbly spines that easily break off when the fruit is ripe. The thin, inedible, leathery green skin cuts easily to yield the large mass of cream colourd, fragrant, juicy, and somewhat fibrous, edible flesh.

Stamp and Go - Codfish patties fried in heavy batter which has been flavoured with onions, annatto, and chillies and is very popular in Jamaica. “Stamp and Go” was a command given to 17th century English sailors when they had a task to do, like pulling on a rope. Star Apple - An important part

of a traditional dessert known a as matrimony, the star apple is a succulent round fruit about the size of an orange. Native to Jamaica and the Greater Antilles, the skin of this fruit is either a shiny purple colour or a less eye-catching green. No matter what colour, the flesh of the star apple is delicious.

Stinking Toe – Actually a

pod that resembles a human toe, this bizarre fruit possesses an evil-smelling and rough exterior. The sugary powder inside can be devoured on the spot or turned into a flavourful custard or beverage.

Sugar Apple, Sweetsop -

An interesting challenge to eat, the flesh of the Sweetsop is actually a collection of black seeds surrounded by sweet white pulp.

Sugar Cane - Sugar cane is eaten raw, crushed to make cane juice, and of course processed into white rum. Susumber – Also known as the

Gully Bean (belonging to the Potato -Tomato Family) is a prickly bigleaved bush, widespread in waste places in many parts of the tropics. It bears abundant round berries, less than a half-inch in diameter, which are very popular in the native cuisine of Jamaica. Utilized when immature and firm, they possess a distinctive puckery flavour which is most refreshing when cooked in combination with such things as dried salt codfish or freshwater crawfish, or when appearing in soups or stews.

Sweetsop - also called sugarapple it is a round, slightly pine cone-like fruit with a scaly or lumpy skin. There are variations in shape and size. The fruit flesh is sweet, white to light yellow, and resembles and tastes like custard. The edible portion coats the seeds generously; a bit like the gooey portion of a tomato seed. Sugar-apple has a very distinct, sweet-smelling fragrance. The texture of the flesh that coats the seeds is a bit like the centre of a very ripe guava. It is slightly grainy, a bit slippery, very sweet and very soft, high in calories and is a good source of iron. Tamarind - The fruit of a very large tree, it is a brown pod about 3-4 inches long which grows in bunches. Used in chutneys, curries and Worcestershire sauce. Turned cornmeal - Cook

cornmeal in seasoned coconut milk, add some meat, fish or vegetables if you like, and you’ve got this tasty dish.

Ugli fruit – The Ugli fruit is a tangerine and grapefruit hybrid. It ranges in size between that of a navel orange and a giant grapefruit. Its acid-sweet flavour suggests grapefruit with hints of orange. The extremely thick, yellow-green skin fits rather loosely over the large, juicy, yellow-orange pulp sections.

Yam – Similar in colour to the

potato, but nuttier in flavour, it is not to be confused with the Southern sweet yam or sweet potato. Caribbean yams are served boiled, mashed or baked.

Yankee bean – A small white legume.

Yautía – A member of the taro

root family, the Yautia is the size of a potato, but more pear-shaped. It has a brown fuzzy outer skin. The flesh is white and slimy and is custard-like when cooked. It is one of the most natural thickeners, used to thicken soups, stews, and bean dishes. There is also a purple Yautia which is also called Mora.

Yuca - Also known as cassava, or

manioc, it can be eaten boiled, baked or fried. It is a long, slim tuber (similar to Yam) with bark-like skin and very starchy flesh that becomes nearly translucent when cooked. It is used to make Casareep and Tapioca. It is also ground into meal to make bread.



Products & Recipes




Grace Tropical Rhythms virgin Daiquiri

Grace Callaloo 540g Callaloo is a leafy, green vegetable which looks like spinach and is steamed in a similar way. Mainly served as a side dish and a great accompaniment to meat, fish and rice. A Sunday lunchtime favourite in the Caribbean.

Grace Coconut Milk 400ml Grace Coconut Milk is made from pressing the meat of fresh coconuts after the shell, husk and juice have been removed. The juice, whilst making a refreshing drink, is never used for cooking.

Grace Jerk BBQ Sauce 510g Grace Jerk Barbecue Sauce combines authentic Jamaican Jerk seasoning with a rich barbecue sauce. This unique sauce will add a spicy Caribbean flavour to all fish, meat, chicken or vegetables prepared on the barbecue or in the oven. For best results, brush both sides of the meat or vegetables with the sauce during the last 5-6 minutes of cooking. The sauce can also be used as a condiment or as a dip. It can also be added to casseroles, stews or stir fry dishes.

Tropical Rhythms Fruit Punch 475ml Tropical Rhythms’ unique blends of exotic fruits and vegetables make them the perfect ingredients for cocktails and punches. Here is just one idea - the real fun is creating your own. Have Fun!


550 ml Grace Tropical Rhythms Fruit Punch 1 ripe banana 1 tsp lime juice Clear Syrup (optional) 1. B reak banana into pieces then place in a blender with all other ingredients. 2. Blend for about one minute. 3. Serve over crushed ice.

Grace Jamaican Jerk Chicken with Coconut Rice Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time: 30 minutes

Shopping list:

4 chicken thighs 4 chicken drumsticks 6 tblsp of Grace Jerk BBQ Sauce 1 tbsp parsley

For the rice:

200g long grain rice, soaked in water for 10 minutes and drained

For sim p option ler use Gra c microw e a rice mix vable e They are s. deliciou ready s and minute in just 2 s!

1 onion, finely chopped 400ml Grace coconut milk 300ml chicken stock 1 tin of kidney beans, rinsed and drained 3 bay leaves 1 lemon grass stalk, root slightly crushed 1 tbsp chopped parsley

How to do it: Wash and dry the chicken pieces. Make 3-4 slashes across the top of the chicken about 1cm deep. Place the chicken into a bowl and pour over the Grace Jerk BBQ Sauce, chopped parsley and mix well. Ideally leave the chicken overnight in the fridge covered with cling film or for a minimum of 2 hours. Cook the chicken over a medium heated barbecue for 25-30 minutes, tuning every so often and brushing with any left over marinade.

Meanwhile, to make the rice add the onion, Grace Coconut Milk, chicken stock, bay leaves and lemon grass to a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer. Add the rice and simmer for 15 minutes stirring every so often so it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. After 15 minutes add the kidney beans, parsley and season with salt and pepper. When the rice has softened transfer to a serving bowl and serve with the Jerk chicken.

Grace Callaloo and Coconut Soup Ingredients

1 tbsp vegetable oil or olive oil 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped 540g can Grace Callaloo A pinch of Grace Jerk Seasoning 1 tbsp freshly chopped thyme (or 1tsp dried)

150ml (1/4 pint) vegetable stock 200ml (7fl.oz) Grace Coconut milk 4 tbsp fresh double cream A pinch of freshly grated nutmeg A pinch of ground cinnamon Salt, to taste


• Heat the olive oil in a saucepan • Allow the mixture to cool slightly then blend until and gently cook the onions, smooth. Gently reheat the garlic, thyme and Grace Jerk soup. Season to taste with a seasoning for 2-3 minutes until little salt. Swirl in the double softened but not coloured. cream and sprinkle on a dusting of freshly nutmeg • Add the Grace Callaloo. Bring and ground cinnamon before to a gentle simmer then add serving. Enjoy with fresh the vegetable stock and Grace crusty bread. Coconut Milk. Simmer for a further 5 minutes.


Encona Creole Pork Chop with Spicy Mash PRODUCTS Encona Barbados Creole Pepper Sauce 142ml Explore the taste of the Caribbean with Encona Barbados Creole Pepper Sauce. Made to a traditional recipe from the island of Barbados, our unique blend of Scotch Bonnet and Habanero Peppers, spices and mustard gives this sauce its distinctive colour and delicious, tangy flavour for a true taste of the tropics.

Encona West Indian Smooth Papaya Hot Pepper Sauce 142ml Explore the taste of the Caribbean with Encona West Indian Smooth Papaya Hot Pepper Sauce. Made to the same, classic recipe for over 40 years, the combination of our Hot Pepper Sauce blend of Scotch Bonnet and Habanero peppers with fragrant Papaya gives a deliciously smooth and fruity flavour for a true taste of the tropics.

Encona West Indian Original Hot Pepper Sauce 142ml For over 40 years Encona Original Hot Pepper Sauce has been prepared to an authentic Caribbean recipe using only the very best Scotch Bonnet and Habanero Peppers blended with traditional island spices. Delicious as a cooking ingredient, or as a condiment with chicken, meat, fish and vegetables. Or use to add a touch of tropical spice to everyday meals.


Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes

Shopping list:

4 pork chops (230-290g) on the bone 4 tbsp Encona Barbados Creole Pepper Sauce 1 tsp fresh sage, chopped 1 tsp fresh thyme, chopped 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped 3 Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped 100g butter 100ml double cream 1 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tbsp of Encona Barbados Creole Pepper Sauce

How to do it:

Marinade the pork by mixing the Encona Creole Pepper Sauce with the fresh thyme and sage and then brush all over both sides of the pork, leave until needed. Meanwhile, cook the potatoes in a large pan of salted water until tender. Drain and let stand for 2 minutes. In a small microwavable bowl heat the cream and butter and mash into the potatoes along with 2 tbsp of the Encona Creole Pepper Sauce and chopped parsley, cover until needed. Cook the pork either on the barbecue or under the grill for 12-15 minutes, until the juices run clear, turning half way through cooking. Serve with spicy mash and green beans.

Encona Hot and Fruity Chicken Skewers Preparation time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes

Shopping list: For the kebab:

6 chicken thighs, meat cut into 2.5cm pieces 2 red peppers cut into chunks 1 large sweet potato, peeled and boiled for 5 minutes cooled and cut into 2.5 cm pieces. 8 wooden skewers, soaked in water for 10 minutes 5 tbsp Encona West Indian Papaya Hot Pepper Sauce 1 tbsp honey 1 tbsp coriander, chopped

For the fruity salsa:

1 mango, cut into small pieces 1 papaya, cut into small pieces ½ tbsp Encona West Indian Papaya Hot Pepper Sauce 1 tsp chopped fresh coriander Ÿ cucumber, peeled and finely chopped (not the core)

How to do it:

Pre-heat the barbecue. Thread the chicken onto the wooden skewers

alternatively with the sweet potato and the red peppers. Place the kebabs onto a tray or plate. Mix the Encona West Indian Papaya Hot Pepper Sauce with the honey and coriander and brush all over the kebabs. Cook on the barbecue for about 15 minutes, turning every so often and brushing with any remaining marinade. Meanwhile, to make the fruity salsa simply place all of the ingredients into a small bowl and combine. Serve with the kebabs.

Encona Spicy Caribbean Vegetable Soup Preparation time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 30-40 minutes

Shopping list:

2 onions, roughly chopped 2 tbsp olive oil 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and roughly cubed 250g cooked black eye beans 3 celery sticks plus leaves, roughly chopped

1 carrot, peeled and finely chopped 2 sprigs of fresh thyme 3 bay leaves 250g of tinned chopped tomatoes 500ml vegetable stock, made from concentrate 250ml of tinned coconut milk 2 tbsp Encona West Indian Original Hot Pepper Sauce

How to do it:

In a large saucepan fry the onion, carrot, celery and thyme for 3-4 minutes over a medium heat until they begin to soften. Add the sweet potato, tinned tomatoes, coconut milk, vegetable stock and bay leaves. Bring to a steady simmer and cook for about 20 minutes stirring every so often. After 20 minutes add the black eye beans and season with the Encona West Indian Original Hot Pepper Sauce. Continue cooking for a further 10 minutes and serve.


Brunswick Jalapeno Zingers PRODUCTS Brunswick Sardines in Louisiana Hot Sauce 106g Start a healthy habit today! Great tasting, nutritious and packed in easy-to-open ring pull cans, Brunswick Sardines are a convenient and versatile option for today’s busy lifestyles making lunchtimes and snacking a breeze. Containing no preservatives, artificial colours or hydrogenated fats, you can be sure you are eating the best with Brunswick.

BRUNSWICK Sardines - small fish with big benefits. They’re healthy, nutritious, and loaded with flavour.


12 Fresh jalapenos, washed, halved and seeded 1/2 cup (125 ml) Light Cream Cheese 1/2 cup (125 ml) Salsa 1/2 cup (125 ml) Tex Mex Blend Shredded Cheese 2 tbsp (30 ml) Cilantro, chopped 2 tbsp (30 ml) Yellow Bell Pepper, chopped 1 can Brunswick Sardines in Louisiana Hot Sauce, drained and cut to fit jalapeno halves

Method: Dunns River Ackee 540g The ackee tree is striking, with glossy leaves and scarlet, pear shaped pods which split open when ripe to reveal yellow fleshed fruit, each with a shiny black seed and reminiscent of scrambled egg. Ackee combined with salt fish has become Jamaica’s national dish.

Encona Indian Sweet Mango Chilli Sauce 142ml Explore the taste of Asia with Encona Indian Sweet Mango Chilli Sauce. Made using an exotic combination of Mango pulp and Passion fruit, blended with Habanero peppers for a mild, sweet flavour which is deliciously fragrant and fruity. A wonderfully versatile sauce for adding a fresh, chilli kick to all your favourite Eastern and Western foods.


Spread 1 tsp (5 ml) cream cheese inside each jalapeno half. Place on a baking sheet. Top each with salsa, Brunswick Sardines, cheese, cilantro and yellow pepper. Bake at 450ºF/ 230ºC for 10 minutes or grill directly on the BBQ (medium heat) for 5 minutes until jalapeno skin blisters and the cheese bubbles. Serves 12. Total preparation time is 20 minutes.

Dunn’s River Ackee and Saltfish Dumplings with Encona Sweet Mango Chilli Dip Two West Indian ingredients that make up the national dish for many – ackee and saltfish, used here as a filling for bite-sized dumplings. Delicious served with a sweet and spicy dip….true Jamaican style.


½ x 397g can drained and flaked Saltfish 5tbsp of a 540g can Dunn’s River Ackee, drained 1 tbsp olive oil ¼ red pepper, finely diced ¼ green pepper, finely diced 2 spring onions, finely sliced 1 large tomato, de-seeded and finely diced 2 tsp freshly chopped thyme (or a large pinch of dried)


• Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and gently cook the red and green peppers, onions, thyme and diced tomato for 2-3 minutes or until softened but not coloured. • Stir in the Saltfish, cook for a further minute then add the Dunn’s River or Grace Ackee. Stir in the Encona Hot Pepper Sauce. Allow the mixture to cool. • Sift the flour into a large bowl with the sugar and salt. Adding a tablespoon of cold water at a time, work the flour and water together with your fingertips to form smooth pliable dough. It does not want to be sticky or too dry.

1 tsp Encona Hot Pepper Sauce Vegetable oil for frying Encona’s Sweet Mango Chilli dip

For the dough bites: Ingredients:

400g (14oz) self-raising flour A pinch of caster sugar A pinch of salt Cold water

An e lectric d ideal fo eep fat fryer is r cookin Dumpli g the ngs in ensure . The thermo stat s the at the o ptimum oil is kept te m p best co e oking re rature for Never sults. leave a sau of hot o il unatt cepan ended.

• Divide the dough into 10-12 equal pieces and roll each out to a circle 9cm diameter. Place a teaspoonful of the Dunn’s River or Grace Ackee and Saltfish mixture in the centre, then gather up the pastry edges to enclose the filling. Crimp the pastry edges together to seal and form small dumplings. • Using a heavy based deep saucepan, large wok or deep frying pan, heat enough oil to just cover the dumplings – but do not fill the saucepan more than third full with oil. The best way for testing when the oil is hot enough is to throw a small cube of bread into it and if it turns golden brown in 60 seconds, the oil ready to fry in. • Cook the dumplings a few at a time for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown. Turn them as they cook to brown them evenly and do not allow the oil to get too hot otherwise the pastry will brown too quickly on the outside and not cook all the way through. Using a long slotted spoon, drain and transfer the cooked dumplings onto absorbent kitchen towel. Cook the remaining batch. • Delicious served with Encona’s Sweet Mango Chilli dip.



PRODUCTS Product Description In a non-stop, everything-by-yesterday world, you have to take your meals on the run. Nurishment is the perfect gap-filler, delivering an instant fix – anytime, anywhere. It’s a great-tasting, nutritionally-enriched milk drink that’s also a mini-meal to go. Each of our flavours provide an energy and nutrition boost, which are: - RICH IN CALCIUM - RICH IN VITAMINS - SOURCE OF PROTEIN - MADE WITH FRESH MILK

Strawberry Nurishment

Vanilla Nurishment Extra

Banana Nurishment 26

Feeling slightly faded an much eating on the run? Smoothie…a great kickStrawberry Nurishment Smoothie Ingredients

200g (7oz) small ripe strawberries ½ can Strawberry Nurishment 150ml (1/4 pint) low fat natural yogurt 6 – 8 ice cubes A few drops of natural vanilla extract 2 tbsp clear honey (optional) Freshly grated nutmeg

nd in need of a boost or just too ? Whiz up a Nurishment fruit -start to the day! Banana Nurishment Smoothie Ingredients

1 large ripe banana, sliced ½ can Banana Nurishment 150ml (1/4 pint) low fat natural yogurt 6 – 8 ice cubes 2 tbsp clear honey (optional) Freshly grated nutmeg trimmed and discarded, leaves chopped

Method for all Nurishment Smoothies: • Place the freshly prepared fruit, the flavoured Nurishment and the remaining ingredients except the nutmeg in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

• Pour into a tall glass, dust with grated nutmeg. Enjoy!

Mango Rum Nurishment Smoothie Ingredients

1 ripe mango (peeled and flesh diced) A dash of Coconut Rum i.e. Malibu (optional) 1 bottle Vanilla Nurishment Extra 150ml (1/4 pint) low fat natural yogurt 6-8 ice cubes A few drops of natural vanilla extract Freshly grated nutmeg


legendary rice for Creole Jambalaya

Chicken Jambalaya

Party Recipes

1kg Tilda Easy Cook Long Grain

2 green peppers, deseeded

6tbsp, sunflower oil

1 large onion

20 chicken wings

3 sticks celery

20 chicken thighs

500g Tilda Basmati Rice

3 onions, chopped

3 tbsp sunflower oil

6 cloves garlic, crushed

2 tbsp Cajun spice

4 sticks of celery, sliced thinly

1 tbsp caster sugar

5 large chillies, deseeded & chopped

1 tbsp tomato puree

2tbsp, ground cumin

900ml hot chicken stock

1–2 tbsp, paprika

800g canned chopped tomatoes

2tsp, thyme

2 bay leaves

4 bay leaves

800g chicken breasts, cut into 2cm cubes

2.5 litres chicken stock

20g fresh coriander, roughly chopped

1.6kg canned chopped tomatoes


400g large peeled, cooked prawns Salt and pepper to taste

COOKING METHOD 1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and brown the chicken wings and thighs in batches, then remove and keep warm. 2. In the same pan fry the onion, garlic, celery and chillies for 5 minutes. Stir in the cumin, paprika, thyme, bay leaves and Long Grain rice, and fry for a further 2 minutes. 3. Return the chicken to the pan, and mix in the stock, tomatoes and seasoning. Bring to the boil, stirring, then cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Add the prawns, cook for a further 5 minutes, check the seasoning and serve with a salad.

1. Preheat the oven to GM 6, 375°F, 190°C fan. 2. Place the peppers, onion and celery in a food processor and whizz until finely chopped. 3. In a large roasting tin, add the Basmati rice, finely chopped vegetables, oil, Cajun spice, and sugar and mix thoroughly. 4. Stir the tomato puree into the stock and stir into the rice with the canned tomatoes, bay leaves and chicken. 5. Cover the roasting tin with a lid or tightly with foil and bake in the pre heated oven for 1 hour 15 minutes until the liquid has been absorbed. 6. Remove the bay leaves and stir through the chopped coriander before serving.

legendary recipes

Authentic Caribbean Rum is unique. No other spirit can boast such a rich and diverse heritage. Authentic Caribbean Rums are the product of a craft developed over centuries an d of a history entwined with trade an d steeped with the spirit of discovery. Discover for yourself what makes Authentic Caribbean Rum so special.

1. Angostura Five Year Old (Trinidad & Tobago) 2. Appleton Estate V/X Jamaica Rum (Jamaica) 3. Barbancourt RÊserve SpÊciale Five Star Rum (Haiti) 4. Barceló Imperial (Dominican Republic) 5. Borgoe 8 Year Old (Suriname) 6. Brugal Extra Viejo (Dominican Republic) 7. Chairman’s Reserve (St. Lucia) 8. Clarke’s Old Grog (Grenada) 9. Cockspur Fine Rum (Barbados)

10. Doorly’s XO (Barbados) 11. El Dorado 15 Year Old (Guyana) 12. English Harbour 5 Year Old (Antigua) 13. Mount Gay Extra Old (Barbados) 14. Mount Gilboa (Barbados) 2QH %DUUHO 5H¿ QHG 2OG 5XP (Belize) 16. Sunset Captain Bligh Rum (St. Vincent & the Grenadines) 17. Westerhall Plantation (Grenada) 18. XM Royal 10 Year Old (Guyana)

7R Âż QG RXW PRUH DERXW WKH GLYHUVLW\ DQG YHUVDWLOLW\ RI $XWKHQWLF &DULEEHDQ 5XP visit for tasting notes, cocktail recipes and historical information.


Authentic Caribbean Rum. The Authentic Caribbean Rum Marque is

Authentic Caribbean Rum is made in

the symbol of provenance and quality

many territories around the Caribbean


and every distillery is united in the

part of this unique Caribbean family. It’s a

passion to produce rum of a distinct style

seal of approval that represents integrity,

and character - consider it a distillation

authenticity and all that is ‘true’ about rum.

of climate, geography and personality.


If you like it, it’s right!

The most versatile of spirits, rum not only forms the basis of the world ’s greatest cocktails but is also great straight; on the rocks; with a mixer or in a punch. This may be a surprising combination , but it’s also great with dark chocolate. It’s easy to think that cocktail making is a complex task and all just too much hard work to try yourself. The reality however could not be further from the truth. All Authentic Caribbean Rums are great in cocktails and we’ve shown some suggestions for you to try at home. But don’t forget to try your favourite Authentic Caribbean Rum straight or on the rocks.

Straight up or on the rocks

Rum & Ginger

A measure of your favourite Authentic

50ml Authentic Caribbean Rum; ginger

Caribbean Rum; spring water and ice

ale (or ginger beer for an added kick);

to taste.

a dash of bitters (optional);




a squeeze of lime.

Serve neat, over ice or with a splash of


chilled spring water… as nature intended!

Pour rum over ice and top up with ginger ale or ginger beer. Add a dash of bitters and a squeeze of lime. Finally, add the spent lime shell to the drink.



Bay Breeze

50ml Authentic Caribbean Rum; 20ml

50 ml Authentic Caribbean Rum; 50ml

fresh lime juice; 15ml sugar syrup; 6-8

pineapple juice; 100ml cranberry juice;

mint leaves; a splash of soda.

a lime wedge to garnish.



Gently muddle mint

Add all the ingredients to a shaker

leaves in a highball


glass. Add lime juice and


sugar syrup. Fill glass

Garnish with pineapple leaves

with ice cubes or crushed




ice. Add rum and gently churn with a spoon to mix ingredients. Add a splash of soda, top with more ice and garnish with a fresh mint sprig.


Ingredients 50ml Authentic Caribbean Rum; 20ml lime juice; 10ml sugar syrup (2 sugar: 1 water). Method Place all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with plenty of cubed ice and shake hard until the shaker frosts. Strain into a martini or cocktail glass. Garnish with a juicy wedge of lime.


Authentic Caribbean Rum is unique. No other spirit can boast such a rich and diverse heritage. Authentic Caribbean Rums are the product of a craft developed over centuries an d of a history entwined with trade an d steeped with the spirit of discovery. Discover for yourself what makes Authentic Caribbean Rum so special.

1. Angostura Five Year Old (Trinidad & Tobago) 2. Appleton Estate V/X Jamaica Rum (Jamaica) 3. Barbancourt RÊserve SpÊciale Five Star Rum (Haiti) 4. Barceló Imperial (Dominican Republic) 5. Borgoe 8 Year Old (Suriname) 6. Brugal Extra Viejo (Dominican Republic) 7. Chairman’s Reserve (St. Lucia) 8. Clarke’s Old Grog (Grenada) 9. Cockspur Fine Rum (Barbados)

10. Doorly’s XO (Barbados) 11. El Dorado 15 Year Old (Guyana) 12. English Harbour 5 Year Old (Antigua) 13. Mount Gay Extra Old (Barbados) 14. Mount Gilboa (Barbados) 2QH %DUUHO 5H¿ QHG 2OG 5XP (Belize) 16. Sunset Captain Bligh Rum (St. Vincent & the Grenadines) 17. Westerhall Plantation (Grenada) 18. XM Royal 10 Year Old (Guyana)

7R Âż QG RXW PRUH DERXW WKH GLYHUVLW\ DQG YHUVDWLOLW\ RI $XWKHQWLF &DULEEHDQ 5XP visit for tasting notes, cocktail recipes and historical information.




Chefs & Caterers




hef Anthony Cumberbatch first developed his interest in cooking from an early age. Brought up in Barbados he attributed a lot of his initial interest in cooking from the meals his grandmother made him and the use of fresh produce and the techniques used to achieve great flavours and textures.



rowing up in Trinidad’s famously multi-cultural environment, Hasan was seduced by the aromas drifting from his mother’s kitchen. She conjured up inventive, money-saving dishes in their humble household in the east of the island. Continuing the fascination with food, Hasan became one of the first boys in his secondary school to choose to study Food and Nutrition, and so began his grand love affair with Caribbean food that has spanned over a decade. Moving to the UK as a teenager, Hasan pursued his passion, studying at Walthamstow College and Westminster Kingsway University. Whilst learning the ins and outs of fine dining and European cuisine, Hasan always believed that Caribbean food also had the potential to enter the high-end market as a respected style of cooking. For several years, Hasan worked in top Caribbean restaurants in the UK, and has become a popular face, providing sumptuous meals for some of London’s well known West Indian events. Defour Catering has over a decade of experience within the UK, providing sumptuous meals for a wide range of events, from Weddings, Christenings, Corporate Events, Club Nights, and everything else in between. An advocate for all things West Indian, Chef Defour saw the opportunity to venture to his home region with Michelin star chef Gary Rhodes when he was chosen to be one of his sous chefs for his latest series, “Rhodes Across the Caribbean”, travelling across eight Caribbean islands learning local dishes from the region’s best; an experience he called eye-opening. Chef Defour plans to raise the game of West Indian food as Caribbean cuisine is some of the best in the world, and the general public do not realise just how diverse it is and believes instead that the food is food as coarse and lacking refinement. Chef Defour plans to change that assumption and make the best Caribbean food accessible to the wider market, without compromise of quality.


DeFOUR CATERING 79 Hennicker Road, London E15 1JY Tel: 0796 015 1419

Winner of Caribbean Chef of the Year for 2007-2008 and former chef at prestigious restaurants in London, Barbados and Dublin, he has now branched out with Bamboo Grove, a new venture described as “nouvelle Caribbean cuisine”. Awardwinning head chef, Anthony Cumberbatch, expertly fuses authentic Caribbean flavours with modern European cuisine to create an exotic blend of culinary influences. Chef Cumberbatch has skilfully prepared a unique menu, which reflects his creative flair and innovative culinary skills. By focusing on presentation and quality, Chef Cumberbatch creates beautifully presented dishes which successfully capture the flavours of the Caribbean and Europe, and are as pleasing to the palate as they are to the eye.

BAMBOO GROVE 33 South End, South Croydon, Surrey, CR0 1BE Telephone: 020 8667 0070



ven as a child Gary Tomlin knew he wanted to be a chef. At the age of 10, he would watch his Grandmother baking Christmas cakes and mimic her actions to create his own.


Although he was born in Britain, Tomlin is the descendant of first generation Jamaican parents; a cultural heritage that he says made the type of cuisine he would specialise in easy to determine. ‘Caribbean food was a natural choice because my earliest experiences with fine cuisine were through the dishes that my family made.’


Between the ages of 16 and 18 Tomlin attended Waltham Forest College to study catering. Driven by a desire to share the succulent recipes of his childhood he opened his own restaurant and wine bar; Guava.

Here’s a man to be treated with respect, having won the Caribbean Chef of the year twice in a row and was previously awarded the title of Master Chef of 2004.

By 2005 Tomlin’s successes within professional catering gave him the confidence to become a contestant on reality TV show, Hell’s Kitchen. ‘I knew going on Hell’s Kitchen would be a good opportunity to pick up some methods from well known Chefs such as Jean Christophe Novelli and Gary Rhodes,’ says Tomlin, ‘And of course…I wanted to win!’ Despite Tomlin’s ambitions of glory (he planned to open his own West End restaurant with prize-money from the show) he came third.

olin Brown was born in Trelawney, Jamaica in 1972. He started cooking at the age of eight and became a professional seafood chef by the age of sixteen. He then moved to the Cayman Island where he studied the art of fine dining but being creative and eager to learn more he decided to move to London to study European Cuisine.

Using imagination and continually developing and experimenting, Colin has recognised how foods compliment each other, developing ideas and paying great attention to detail in the composition of his dishes, he creates a fusion between Caribbean and European cuisines. By creating this style of cooking, his career, reputation and credibility in the industry has soared. Having gained a reputation as “Chef to the Stars” to the stars Colin Brown also caters for Weddings, Awards Ceremonies such as Miss Black Britain 2008 and the Screen Nation Film & TV Awards, Corporate Events and Parties. Chef Collin Brown aims to put the Caribbean on the world culinary food map and aims to show that it is of a standard that can easily sit amongst the best of French, Italian, Indian, Thai and Chinese food and is currently involved in a number of food related activities including a his own Caribbean DVD project and developing a Caribbean food programme.

Though being disappointed Tomlin has since completed various catering contracts including cooking for nearly 3000 people in 72 hours at the Choice FM Urban Weekend as well as fixing food for celebrities like Richard Blackwood, Felix Dexter and Audrey Reid. Since the competition, Tomlin has become a traveller, making regular visits to Jamaica and Ghana in order to enhance the quality of his food. Munch Caribbean Telephone: 0794 484 5245 gtmun

CHEF COLLIN BROWN 2 Yabsley Street E14 9RG Telephone: 0207 515 8177


The Caribbean Catering Company with a Difference. If you’re planning a wedding or you have an event that requires professional, high-end, Caribbean cuisine; then you need not look any further than the prestigious Sugar Mill Catering Service. Sugar Mill is a bespoke catering company that offers the very best in Caribbean, English and Mediterranean Cuisine. Established over 13 years ago Sugar Mill is the brainchild of the graceful yet softly spoken celebrity caterer Bevolyn Lewars. Their unique service was born out of a desire to bring Caribbean Food to the corporate market as well as to customers looking for traditional food with just that extra something. ‘I wanted to create a catering service that was reflective of the needs of the British public and I noticed that there was a distinct lack of West Indian food in the Corporate Market. Using my expertise in the kitchen I decided to bring to life the usual Caribbean favourites, adding flavours of the Mediterranean and England which would be recognisable to all the guests in attendance without alienating diners,’. Bevolyn is obviously enthusiastic about what she does as she explains, ‘I take traditional dishes and give them a unique modern twist, so instead of Callaloo and Saltfish I have created Callaloo with aubergines, Mediterranean peppers, or the Jamaican favourite Jerk Chicken drizzled in a tangy Mango Sauce. The difference with us at Sugar Mill is that we are always introducing something new to our menu. Our food is of a very high standard with freshly sourced and prepared ingredients. Customers love it and I’m proud to say we always have repeat trade’. Modestly Bevolyn explains, ‘to date we have catered for over 1000 weddings and on the corporate side of the business I am proud to say that we have catered for Prince Phillip, The Chelsea Flower Show, celebrity parties, the Grand Prix and a host of charity events up and down the country.’ ‘We don’t give our dishes fancy names but for us, presentation is just as important as the quality of the food. Caribbean food has been influenced from all over the world, Portugal, Africa, India and China therefore, we try to incorporate this in every dish we create trying to stay ahead of the game by introducing new varieties to our menu.’ Sugar Mill is considered to be a gem in a sea of caterers offering a service and quality of food that is second to none. One happy customer exclaimed, ‘If I could have Sugar Mill as my own personal caterer it would be like I was given the key to heaven,’ Anthony Bowen exclaimed after Bevolyn catered for his grandparents’ 45th Saphire wedding anniversary. A company with a solid track record, and a professional approach, Sugar Mill will make definately leave you wanting more.


A Caribbean Fusion of European and International Cuisine High Quality Catering Services Available for all occasions incorporating

- Corporate Events - Private Functions - Wedding Buffets - Parties & Lunches Sugar Mill Catering Company are specialist caterers available to hire for any occasion with experience in foods from around the world. You can be assured of the most exciting dishes from hot and cold buffets to a 5 course fine dining experience. Whatever the occasion Sugar Mill Catering Company can also help you to find the perfect venue to host your event. The Sugar Mill Catering Company Lombard House, No 2 Purley Way Suite 117, Croydon BRD 3JP Telephone 0208 770 7759

Mobile 079813 377 868

E-Mail: Web:

Plantation Inn Specialists in Caribbean Cuisine & Catering Services Plantation Inn Catering Services, provides authentic Caribbean cuisines for every occasion including corporate hospitality. Service include: • Entertainment • Product Launches • Promotions • Weddings • Anniversaries • Christening • Barbecues • Demonstration & Exhibitions Plantation Inn Catering Services established in 1985 is one of London’s leading outside caterers with experience staff, quality food and good service tailored to meet individual client s needs. Plantation Inn Take-away Services provides good food, quick service by friendly and efficient staff. Clients can make telephone orders prior to collection. Our clients range from High Commissions, Embassies, Tourist Authorities to Media Companies. To name a few: Air Jamaica

National Commercial Bank Victoria Mutual Building Society Jamaica National Overseas (UK) Ltd Myers, Fletcher & Gordon In 2003 the company was awarded Best Caribbean Catering Business by The Caribbean Food & Drink Awards. Voted Best Caribbean Catering Business Caribbean Food and Drink Awards 2003/4/7 Please call us today for rates and more information 351 High Road, Leytonstone, London E11 4JT

020 8558 5959 Mobile: 07836 710422 Fax: 020 8556 5509 Email:




The Caribbean Scene Experience A CELEBRATION OF CARIBBEAN CUISINE AND CULTURE on Sunday the 5th of July

from 12 noon until 6pm at the Caribbean Scene Restaurant & Bar ExCeL Marina 17 Western Gateway (ExCeL West) Royal Victoria Dock London E16 1AQ

Free drinks reception Special Caribbean Barbecue buffet prepared by celebrity chefs Plus Live Steel Band!!!

Come and enjoy the food and sounds of the Caribbean.

This is an advanced ticket event Tickets costs just £11.95 Adults £5.95 Kids (under 9) Limited Tickets available


TO BOOK CALL 020 7511 2023 Sponsored By:




Restaurant Guide


The Finest in Traditional & Modern Caribbean Cuisine


CARIBBEAN SCENE - the place of togetherness Welcome to Caribbean Scene where our aim is to stimulate all 5 of your senses with exquisite food, delicious cocktails, aromatic rums, great music, friendly service and a relaxed atmosphere. Relaxation is an art form in the Caribbean and at Caribbean Scene we have developed dining options to encourage relaxation to the maximum. In the Caribbean when the atmosphere is pleasing they say the ‘Vibes are Irie’. Celebrating all that’s wonderful about the Caribbean, we’ll be serving up great food and mixing delicious cocktails and drinks in beautiful surroundings to give you a real taste of the Islands which transmit from our plasmas all around the restaurant and bar. You’ll think you have really been transported to the islands.


Dining with us is a journey to the islands - enjoy a cool breeze, take in the delicious aromas, tastes and vibes unique to the Caribbean. Serving the best in authentic traditional and contemporary dishes, our meals are prepared in an open, theatre kitchen by a team of highly trained chefs. We use natural, fresh produce, herbs, spices and traditional cooking methods for a real taste of the Caribbean. Experience the delights of dishes inspired by the many islands and regions of the Caribbean Sea.


The award winning Caribbean Scene Royale 140 seater (Tel: 020 7511 2023) -V oted 2 years running “Best Caribbean Restaurant in the UK” 2006-2007 & 2007-2008 (Caribbean Cuisine Consortium) - Alfresco London: Best Places to Eat Outside (Evening Standard / London Lite 2008)

- “ 60 Under £60” (The London Restaurant / Evening Standard Award 2008)

- Great Places to Eat (Top Table 2008) - One of the “Top 50 Restaurants in London” (Time Out 2007) - One of the “Top 5 Al Fresco Dining Venues in London” (The Guardian, The Great Outdoors Food & Drink 2007)

Catering for corporate and private events such as: • Anniversaries • Award dinners • Conferences • Corporate Entertainment • Fundraising • Product Launches • Weddings

Caribbean Scene Family 250 seater (020 8522 8660)

“Family” is used by us in the generic sense, where it embraces all cultural & social groups. This is a reflection of the diversity of the Caribbean. Select from: • Buffet Lunch & Dinner • A la Carte Menu • Cozy Cove Bar • Zoned Areas • Birthday Parties • Entertainment

Caribbean Scene Quick (020 8522 8660)

If you are on the move and haven’t enough time to dine, order and collect your Caribbean takeaway at Stratford or we can deliver direct to your home or office (please call the restaurant to see if we delivery within your area) Call us on 020 8522 8660

Caribbean Scene Hospitality (020 7511 2023)

Caribbean Scene Hospitality can cater for those special Events, Corporate Parties and Annual Functions at our Docklands Restaurant or at a location of your choice. You can escape to the Caribbean with our variety of tropical mouth-watering menus, from Canapés to Buffet or Silver service. Choose from a variety of packages of entertainment including: Steel Pans Cabaret Singers Limbo Dancing Our live in-house band, playing a selection of reggae, calypso, soca etc. Email: Catering for corporate and private events such as: • Anniversaries • Award dinners • Conferences • Weddings • Corporate Entertainment • Fundraising • Product Launches



2 Yabsley Street E14 9RG Telephone: 0207 515 8177

Chef Collin Brown is Back Bigger, better and stronger You can​t keep a good man down and chef Collin Brown is a man who uses adversity as a stepping stone to greater things. Earlier this year he had a bit of bad luck at his previous restaurant, The Lane in London’s Brick Lane. With little choice he relocated the establishment he’d been steadily building and has started afresh down the road in Docklands. He renamed the restaurant from The Lane to “Chef Collin Brown”. As Docklands is fast becoming the home of cool, what with the Olympics taking place in nearby Stratford in 2012, Collin, has big plans for the 50-seater restaurant; he​s decided to call simply, Collin Brown. In these recession-ridden times, Collin turned his hand to personally decorating the venue himself which was not completely finished when I caught up with him but already has an air of sophistication and exclusivity about it. He​s also dipped into his own pockets to finance the project. Such is his reputation, however, he​s bound to make his money back and with his huge fan base (he gets half a million hits on

his website per day and 15,000 fans on Facebook). People are already booking for the Collin Brown experience long before it officially opens. Taking advantage of this fact was a 25 strong birthday party clearly enjoying having the restaurant practically to themselves. As I sampled Collin​s signature curried goat in filo pastry and sipped on a Mai Tai, Collin, excitedly shared his big plans. He wants to have a tropical garden theme outside, a carpeted walkway and get a least one Michelin star for now; but his aspirations are that people see coming to his restaurant like coming to his home. The financial climate means that some people are choosing to stay in their own homes to perfect their own culinary skills and if that​ s you, Collin has come up with an online video cook book that takes you step by step through his mouthwatering Caribbean inspired meals. From ackee and saltfish to the more ambitious stew peas with salt beef and pig​s tails, there​ s enough here for you to impress your dinner party guests.

But if going out is still within your budget then Collin wants you to enjoy every minute by creating the ultimate Caribbean experience​ and as the restaurant is near to Billingsgate Market, seafood (lobster, scallops), is going to be a big part of the menu. Which is a bonus for diners as Collin has been cooking for his huge family since he was a young boy and actually trained at one of Jamaica​s finest fish restaurants. Impressively, he can make lobster in 20 different ways. I think we​re going to be in for a treat once this menu is unveiled and I for one can​t wait to tuck into one of his specialty lobster dishes, any which way it​s cooked. For more information on Chef Collin Brown and his new restaurant which is now open visit By: Sophia A Jackson


RESTAUR ANT 33 South End, South Croydon Surrey, CR0 1BE T: 020 8667 0070 F: 020 8667 0699

Bamboo Grove restaurant offers a modern twist to the traditional Caribbean menu Bamboo Grove is cool Caribbean dining in an elegant Californianstyle brasserie. Bright and airy, the sharp, sleek tables give the space a feel of modernity. Fish sail about in the snazzy fish tank which is ensconced in the wall, pausing every now and then to peer out enviously as the diners savour the distinctly Caribbean food with a European edge. The curried goat arrives in what looks like a budding flower, made out of a crunchy pastry. It is sumptuous, as is the seabass, which is so beautifully laid out, one is scared to disturb it. Eating at Bamboo Grove makes sense of the title ‘Caribbean chef of the year’ which Anthony Cumbermatch has earned. He brings to Croydon the culinary skills which had The Ivy, Quaglinos and The Savoy eagerly pursuing him in the West End. Bamboo Grove doesn’t just do jerk chicken. It does Jamaican jerk chicken ‘niblets’. Crab claws, yam fritters and King prawns are an example of some of the

exotic cuisine that will tantalise your palate. In addition to a wide variety of alcoholic cocktails, the more diet-conscious customer has the choice of a number of smoothies and juices. Guava, lychee, pomegranate or sorell are a few of the juices which will take you to the heart of the Caribbean. Smoothies blend a European and West Indian taste, mixing coconut, banana and pineapple and feel like a meal in themselves. At Bamboo Grove, the large leafy green plants frame the smooth wooden floors, while the bamboo painted wall leads towards the open-plan kitchen. There is always something very comforting about a restaurant when you can see the chefs cook your food. With staff from Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados and Jamaica, gazing into the kitchen allows the customer the opportunity to not only judge the quality of the diverse Caribbean dishes but its people as well.

Open since June this year, Bamboo Grove has been pulling in the punters regularly. In the weekdays, they serve a lunch buffet, with a range of ten dishes for only £6.95. With desert, it is slightly more at £7.95. Try the Chocolate Terrine as I did. Difficult to describe, part cake, part cream, part chocolate, part strawberry, but delicious all over. Bamboo Grove is a delightfully exquisite experience which proves that fine dining with an exotic flavour does not only reside in town. Bamboo Grove puts Croydon on the map as the centre of South London, where Caribbean sophistication, peppered with European flair, makes it stand out of the crowd. By: Katherine Bing Opening Hours Friday - Saturday Lunch: 12-4pm Dinner: 6-12am Sunday - Thursday Lunch: 12-4pm Dinner: 6-11pm


A TASTE OF THE CARIBBEAN Cotton’s Caribbean Restaurant and Rhum Jungle, 70 Exmouth Market, London EC1 Tel: 020 7833 3322 Happy hour 5-8pm and 11–12pm

If you fancy an after work catch-up with your nearest and dearest in a serene environment whilst tucking into a sumptuous Caribbean feast then head to Cotton’s, Islington. However, if you would prefer to soak up some live music instead whilst indulging in some fine Caribbean cuisine then you can head to the same venue. This two in one eatery has something for everyone, but for my guest and I it was all about the live music downstairs in the Rhum Jungle. Tonight, (Friday, 22 May) an eclectic mix of talented singers of all ages provided an atmospheric dining experience as the attentive staff happily suggested food and drink options to perfect the evening. With a unique rum menu from around the world and an equally vast cocktail menu it was difficult to choose a suitable beverage but in the end my Jamaican heritage got the better of me and I had to try the Raas Berry Special (6.50) – a refreshing drink that reminded me of a Mojito. My guest had a traditional Mai Tai and a Bounty Hunter, a lot more girlie than it sounds. To eat, we shared the crabmeat and scallop spring rolls with plum sauce and papaya coulis (5.25) and the slow roasted pork belly with a sweet ginger glaze on a herbed cassava cake with caramel sauce to start. The pork stood out for being succulent and juicy. For main, we felt like we should have skipped our starter such was the ample portions of the jerked leg of lamb steak with caramelised onion and potato bake, jerk butter and Roasted aubergines in a spiced tomato-shallot sauce (13.50) and the nice and spicy


jerk chicken. Well at least you know you’re getting value for money though which is important in these tough financial times. For the finale (all desserts 4.50) I went for the safe option with the chocolate brownie with black cherries marinated in kirsch and pistachio ice cream but the winning dessert had to be the pear and raisin tart with lychee compot and vanilla ice cream – delicious. If you’ve over-indulged then shake off those extra calories on the Rhum Jungle dance-floor where djs spin the latest reggae, soul, funk, lovers rock, r&b, soca and funky house. By Sophia A Jackson

135 - 137 Trafalgar Road Greenwich, London SE10 9TX Reservations 020 8305 2500 E-mail: Enquiries: 07817 352 312

Feeling weathered? Feeling beaten? Is it the end of a hard week? Then retreat into the harbour that is Windies Cove. Homely, intimate and genuine, with the sounds of Bob Marley adding soothing tones to your evening, at Windies Cove, one can find an inner peace. Not far from the beating heart of Greenwich, this oasis of calm makes for the perfect get-away. Curries and roties, chicken in dozens of West-Indian styles, accompanied with delicious plantain or sweet potato mash, will ensure that your Caribbean experience is complete. The food isn’t just good. It is truly West Indian. You might even think you’ve mistakenly gone home to mum for dinner. Rum daiquiris of every description will help to send you off on your tranquil journey. The smiles of the lovely

waitresses will soothe your soul. ‘We don’t serve punch without a punch,’ the waitress tells me. ‘You have to be able to taste the alcohol.’ And taste the rum, one will. Have a few of these daiquiris, and you’ll be having a taste of the Caribbean itself. Windies Cove has been bringing in a regular trade for about 4 years. Open in the evenings until 11 pm, one can even pick up a late dinner to take home, if one is feeling too weathered to stay a while. But if one wishes to stay, the mixed clientele makes the dining area a pictureperfect example of multicultural London enjoying their dinner together. In search of something more lively? There is always the option of having a private party in Windies Cove’s basement rum bar. Open until 2am, one can

begin the evening with dinner upstairs, and then dance the night away downstairs, next to the well-stocked rum bar. The sofas in the rum bar have me wondering how long the ladies sit there, waiting to be asked to dance. The number of bottles in the rum bar have me thinking it can’t be very long. A visit to Windies Cove is like a trip down memory lane, where one can feel the pebbles from the West Indian dirt lanes beneath one’s feet and one can hear the waves beating down on the nearby beach. If you’re feeling like you need a break but cannot afford a flight, take my advice, moor your boat at Windies Cove and you’ll feel refreshed, as if you had been to the Caribbean. By: Katherine Bing


57B Westow Hill, Crystal Palace, London SE19 1TS Tel: 0208 761 5544 Web:

Island Fusion is a restaurant of distinction in the heart of Crystal Palace, rivalling the top restaurants in the West End. It looks like a five-star gem floating on the beach. The bamboo walls, lanterns and faux-windows with painted palm trees in the sun transport the dining room to another world. There are even fans and a water-feature to complete the Caribbean experience.

dishes even have an eastern twist. Spring roll pastry and sautéed baby pak choi are right at home on a menu where everything tempts the taste buds.

From the outside, it is impossible to predict the heavenly environment on the inside. Without windows, the dining adventure is all the more secluded and treasured, shutting out any memories of Crystal Palace traffic, and carrying you into that five-star bamboo hut on the beach.

While the Banana Cow, a white-rum drink, so sweet and yummy, might be enough to count for some as a desert, one must save room, for at Island Fusion, this is the most divine part of the meal. The passion fruit crème brulée takes crème brulée to a level the French would never have imagined. For excitement, order the banana flambé which is served with flames dancing on the rum swimming amongst the bananas. At Island Fusion, both the eyes and the stomach are satisfied.

Open since February this year, with a Jamaican manager and three Jamaican chefs, the expectation might be for high-quality Jamaican food. This is indeed the case. From plantain stuffed with ackee and salt fish to jerk chicken, festivals and oxtail with broad beans, the Jamaican palate will be satisfied. But Island Fusion is indeed a fusion of different cuisines. Barbados duck and Trini Doubles are just a few of the delectable island items on the menu. To add to the air of sophistication, there are vegetarian options like the stuffed bell peppers with a pumpkin risotto. Some

The presentation of the food is exquisite and resembles that of a top West End restaurant. My Caribbean prawns, which were delicious, never required a fingerbowl because of the clever layout. Even the salads are beautiful.

With several Christmas party menus, sporting varied 2-course and 3-course options, ranging from £22 to £30, Island Fusion is ideal for a work event. But it is also the perfect get-away for that special romantic dinner, or for any meal which requires a taste of elegance. Island Fusion is sleek, soft and sensual and is more than just food. It is an island adventure.


110 St. John’s Hill, London SW11 1SJ TEL: 020 7228 5584

Anda De Bridge

(Caribbean bar and restaurant) 42 Kingsland Road, London E2 8DA Tel: 020 7739 3863;

Bamboo Grove

33 South End, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1BE Tel: 020 8667 0070

Bamboula Jerk Kitchen

12 Acre Lane, London, SW2 5SG Tel: 020 7737 6633

Brixtonian Havana Club

11 Beehive Place, London SW9 7QR Tel: 020 7924 9262 Brown Eagle 236 High Road, Bowes Park London, N22 8HH Tel: 020 8889 8042

Brown Sugar

(Contemporary Caribbean restaurant and lounge bar) 165-167 St Johns Hill, Clapham Junction, London SW11 1TQ Tel: 020 7228 7713

Caribbean Scene Royale

(Caribbean cuisine) ExCeL Marina, 17 Western Gateway (ExCeL West), Royal Victoria Dock London E16 1AQ Tel: 08453718000

Glistening Waters

(Riverside Caribbean bar and restaurant) 5, Ferry Lane, Ferry Quay Brentford, Middlesex TW8 0AT Tel: 020 8758 1616 07737 812 949


12 Chapel Street, London IG1 2AG Tel: 020 8911 8350

Caribbean Spice

47 West Green Road, London N15 5BY Tel: 020 8245 5013

Heritage Inn

82-84 Cricklewood Broadway, London, NW2 3EL Tel: 020 8830 6771Lubanna 343 - 345 Cambridge Heath Road Bethnal Green, London E2 9RA Tel: 0207-739-8351

Rachel’s Restaurant & Stush Bar 46 Golborne Road, Ladbroke Grove, London W10 5PR Tel: 020 8968 2200 stushbar.htm


230 Hornsey Road, Holloway, London N7 7LL Tel: 020 7619 0959

The Humming Bird

(Caribbean restaurant) 84 Stroud Green Road, Finsbury Park, London N4 3EN Tel: 020 7263 9690


55 Chalk Farm Road, Camden London NW1 8AN Tel: 020 7485 8388

Island Fusion

57B Westow Hill, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 1TS Tel: 0208 761 5544

Paradise Inn

1443 London Road, London, SW16 4AQ Tel:020 8679 6519

Mango & Papaya

257 Hoe Street, Walthamstow E17 Tel: 020 8520 2637

Mango Rooms

10-12 Kentish Town Road NW1 8NH Tel: 0207 482 5065

Savannah Jerk

189 Wardour Street, London, W1F 8ZD Tel: 020 7437 7770

The Waterfall Caribbean Restaurant LTD Colman House High Street, London SE20 020 8778 1020

Windies Cove Caribbean Bar & Restaurant

135-137 Trafalgar Rd, Greenwich, London SE10 9TX Tel: 020 8305 2500 www.windiescove-restaurant.



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Jamaica is an island that brims with rolling hills, lush vegetation, stunning beaches and spectacular mountains, including the world famous Blue Mountains . A holiday here is all about stopping, relaxing and letting time stand still. From the reggae rhythms to the local rum you are sure to have a memorable time. This Caribbean gem is full of surprises, from its wildlife & unique beaches to its outdoor pursuits. The various locations around this unique island can take you to the most idyllic settings with bountiful activities to take your pleasure. Choose to laze on the 7 mile stretch of white sandy beach in Negril or climb the infamous water falls in Ocho Rios, from rafting on the Rio Grande to horse back riding, from sea safari to swimming with the Dolphins. Choose from one of the many water sports to a relaxing round of golf in Montego Bay . There is so much to choose from it is unlikely you can complete them all in one holiday and you will be sure to want to revisit this island of many treasures.

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Located near the Montego Bay airport this fun for everyone beach resort with an amazing Pirates Paradise Water Park including a pirate’s ship, waterfalls and two shooting slides, rooftop Jacuzzis and three swimming pools. This all inclusive resorts offers so many inclusions making it excellent value for money.

All Inclusive

A holiday paradise, with five lavish pools meandering through the resort & the lighthouse waterslide with twists and turns all set upon a glorious stretch of white-sand beach in Ocho Rios. With a superb kids club, array of activities and restaurants this is the perfect choice for all the family.

All Inclusive Welcoming guests after a $25 million renovation Couples Tower Isle (formerly Couples Ocho Rios) offers beautifully appointed rooms, gourmet dining and a vast array of activities all included in this premium all inclusive resort. For couples only this resort is perfect for romance, weddings and honeymoons. Tel: 0870 720 1127





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Take things slowly on the small and relaxed island of Barbados and enjoy the larger than life personalities of the friendly Bajan people. Lap up the tropical sunshine on a pristine beach or take a dip in the warm Caribbean waters to feel refreshed. Watch the sun set in the evening while you enjoy the local rum, what more could you ask for. This island may only be 430 square kilometres in size but it has nearly 100 km’s of coastline for you to enjoy. Those seeking ivory white beaches and crystal clear tropical waters should stick to the west side of the island. Over on the east side of the island the deep blue seas of the Atlantic crash into the island creating the ultimate surfers paradise. From rugged coastline to soft manicured beaches, Barbados has it all.


Bed & Breakfast Allamanda Beach Hotel is a 50 room property located on the picturesque south coast of Barbados. Near to restaurants, nightclubs, entertainment activities and banks, the hotel is directly opposite Hastings Plaza where there is some duty free shopping.

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Amaryllis Beach Resort is set on 150 meters of white sandy beach and is surrounded by lush tropical gardens. Enjoy the cuisine at the Almond Tree Restaurant and the Turtle Nest Beach Bar or simply relax on the beach or around one of our pools or Jacuzzi.



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The Crane Resort & Residences occupies a dramatic high cliff on the Southeast coast of Barbados, swept by fresh, invigorating breezes. This famous property overlooks a half-mile of white soft sands known as Crane Beach, recently named one of the top ten beaches in the world by Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.


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Dominica, being the youngest island in the region is the Caribbean’s ‘Nature Island’ - a landscape of soaring mountain peaks, pristine rainforest, rushing rivers, refreshing waterfalls, secluded beaches and endless natural beauty, ideal for hikers, divers and whalewatchers. Dominica is an English-speaking island in the Eastern Caribbean, with Guadeloupe to the north and Martinique to the south. Volcanic in origin, it is said to be the only island that Christopher Columbus would recognise today. Visitors are invited to explore the beautiful island and learn more about its unique culture and heritage, which has a fusion of European, African, Caribbean and indigenous Kalinago traditions. Dominica has a variety of activities and a wealth of exploring to undertake for the adventurous. From hiking in the jungle to whale watching excursions; from dives to the colourful coral to horseback riding; from visiting the hot spring to visiting Morne Trois Pitons National Park & heritage site. These are just some of the attractions that make Dominica, The Nature Island, an authentic Caribbean delight. To find out more, visit


Fort Young Hotel, Dominica’s Premier Hotel is located on the outskirts of Roseau, the capital. The hotel is on the waterfront overlooking the Caribbean Sea and many rooms are sea front with spectacular views. Hotel facilities include a wellness beauty centre, a gym, swimming pool with bar, sun terrace and three jacuzzi’s spas. All 71 rooms are air-conditioned, with en suite bathroom, and cable TV. Complimentary Room Upgrade from Standard to Oceanview room.

+ Room Only Anchorage Hotel sits perched over the tranquil Caribbean Sea, just one mile south of the capital. An ideal location for families, friends, divers, hikers and adventure seekers. As Dominica’s Whale Watching Pioneers, excursions depart right from their dock. Special Adventure Seekers’ offer this summer, with hikes into the rainforest to waterfalls, Whale Watching, Snorkelling and Natural Thermal baths. Take a walk on the wild side and experience Dominica, The Nature Island of the Caribbean!

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ANTIGUA Antigua is more than just sun, azure-blue waters and an astounding 365 beaches. The twin-island nation of Antigua and Barbuda provides the ultimate escape with its colonial-era historical sites, wide-ranging leisure activities, captivating culture and epicurean delights. Antigua is distinctly unique thanks to its history and Nelson’s Dockyard in English Harbour is an excellent example of the period with its restored collection of original buildings, forts and museum. St John’s, the capital, offers harbour-front shopping in Heritage Quay and at the boutique-chic Redcliffe Quay, shops, restaurants and galleries inhabit the historic stone and balconied wooden buildings. Music is integral to Antigua’s culture and the best way for visitors to participate is at the weekly ‘jump-up’ at Shirley Heights, which offers breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea. This is the place to be on a a Saturday night with an open-air barbeque and live music. Adventurers can hire a jeep and drive through the rain forest, zip through the rainforest on an eco canopy tour, or try one of the many water-sports. Those who prefer things a little more relaxed on holiday can also enjoy a pampering and rejuvenating treatment in one of the many excellent spas that abound in Antigua. There are few more romantic places on earth than award-winning Antigua in which to renew wedding vows, say ‘I do’, or take a honeymoon. The island offers a wide array of romantic hideaways to choose from. Antigua and Barbuda: the beach is just the beginning.

Room Only Like all Rex Resorts, Halcyon Cove is right on the beach, so you won’t have far to travel for your pre-breakfast swim or romantic, moonlit stroll. The resort is located on the shores of Dickenson Bay, one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean. Suitable for a family holiday with water sports and activities for all ages & kids club facility. You may choose from All-Inclusive or Room Only

See competition page for a chance to win this holiday

Room Only The Verandah Resort & Spa is a place where sea meets sky, where you can reconnect with nature, your loved ones and yourself. This eco-friendly family resort offers 30 spectacular beachfront acres on Antigua’s northeast coast overlooking a tranquil bay. The Verandah’s idyllic Caribbean village ambience is bound to inspire closeness and relaxation offering tranquil treatments from the spa. The perfect choice for romantic getaways or convivial family vacations.


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Jolly Beach is an excellent all inclusive family resort and is Antigua’s largest on the west coast of the island set in forty acres of gardens. The resort offers a range of water activities and is fringed by stunning beach and lapped by clear blue waters satisfying all your holiday desires .



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ST LUCIA The lush green volcanic island of Saint Lucia is one of the most scenic and romantic in the Caribbean. Saint Lucia may be a small island but it is strikingly varied and rich. The most famous landmark on the island is the majestic twin peaks of the Piton which rise seemingly out of the ocean. These giant hills were once the walls of a volcano which was blown apart when it erupted some 40,000 years ago. Adventurers will love the range of activities from climbing the Pitons, mountain biking, and trekking. Those looking to relax a little more can be pampered at spas or simply soak in the sun on one of our many platinum beaches. Situated on the shores of the beautiful Reduit Beach, one of our many chains of resorts, Rex Resort properties offer a taste of paradise. With two resorts set on stunning beach front locations, offering unique holiday experiences for families, couples and sports enthusiasts. Rex Resorts have combined activities ranging from windsurfing, scuba diving, tennis and a selection of spa treatments. At Rex Resorts you have the opportunity to stay at one and use the facilities of the other.

Room Only Discover St Lucian by Rex Resorts a fun and friendly family escape, set on the beautiful Reduit Beach. The resort provides a superb choice, in room types, restaurants, bars and activities and is a short walk from Rodney Bay Village. The resort is ideal for singles, couples and families with two pools, tennis courts, a gym and kids’ club.





Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa features two worlds at one resort. The resort caters to families, singles and couples. Couples and singles will enjoy the adult only pool, jacuzzi, intimate cabana beds and wonderful ‘Kai Mer Spa’, all located at one end of the property. At the opposite end families are drawn into “Splash” the resort’s tropical playground featuring Coco Land, and St. Lucia’s largest water park. Designed to please all ages, a casually Caribbean vacation at Coconut Bay is perfect for couples, families or singles.

The all-suite Royal by Rex Resorts with landscaped gardens and beautifully spacious rooms, provides relaxed ambiance, a variety of spa treatments, quality award wining dining experiences and a range of evening entertainment. The resort benefits from being set on one of the finest beaches in St Lucia, Reduit beach, and in the heart of the islands liveliest night spots.

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NEVIS Originally named St Christopher after the patron saint of travellers, where 9 fortresses once guarded the precious island’s coastline, St Kitts has culture, history and remarkable sights to offer as well as the cool calm lifestyle typical of the beautiful Caribbean. Upon arriving at St Kitts you will notice the impressive capital of the island ‘Basseterre’ and its wealth of eye pleasing attractive charm. One of the most desirable capitals in the Caribbean claimed its status from protection of the local area with up to 9 Forts guarding the islands. Today you will see the preserved Brimstone Hill fortress, a grand structure and now a world heritage site. Berkley Memorial, Cenotaph War Memorial, The National museum and churches such as St George’s Anglican Church are a few examples of the many different types and periods of architecture which always provide an interesting and fascinating venture.

Bed & Breakfast


Nestled on three acres of tranquil tropical gardens set on a magnificently landscaped hilltop just outside the capital town of Basseterre. OTI overlooks the Basseterre Bay, the Southeast Peninsula and the Sister Island of Nevis, and offers highly personalized standards of service.




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The St Kitts Marriott hotel is located at Frigate Bay and overlooks the Atlantic Ocean, and an amazing stretch of white sandy beach which is only ten minutes from Basseterre. This luxury resort is set in 26 acres of beautifully landscaped surroundings and enjoys the benefits of a golf course, casino, spa and health suite.

All Inclusive Royal St. Kitts Hotel & Casino, a family-run business formerly known as Jack Tar Village for over 20 years, is back with a new look, feel, and focus on Kittitian Culture. Here, you’ll rediscover your playful side and learn what it means to “lime”, a Kittitian term for hanging out and just getting away from it all.




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Why you should visit Trinidad Trinidad has great hotels, fine food, mesmerizing music and some of the finest rum in the Caribbean. There is an adventure for every day of the week, from hiking through rain forests on the trail of hidden waterfalls and exploring deep caves, to cycling through verdant countryside, turtle watching and kayaking past wildlife filled forests. For eco enthusiasts, Trinidad has more than 450 bird species, 108 types of mammals, 55 reptiles, 25 amphibians and 620 types of butterflies; ranking the island as one of the richest outposts of biodiversity in the Caribbean. Trinidad is South America compacted in to a Caribbean Island. We bring to you a small selection of hotels to wet your appetite.

Bed & Breakfast The Crowne Plaza Trinidad, is the ideal destination for the business and leisure visitors coming to Trinidad. Its convenient city center location is perfect for individual and group travelers to Port of Spain and is within walking distance from the financial and commercial district and 30 minutes from the Piarco International Airport.

Bed & Breakfast The Kapok Hotel is located at Cotton Hill St. Clair, adjacent to the capital city of Port of Spain. Kapok boasts of providing first class facilities, quality service and an elegant ambience. facilities include conference rooms, two elegant restaurants, lobby shops, a guest computer room, exercise facility and a swimming pool.

Bed & Breakfast Discover an urban oasis at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. A favourite among trendy Port of Spain hotels, the Courtyard features 119 stylish guest rooms and is located near the heart of the bustling city centre, and within walking distance of the shopping area.

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Why you should visit Tobago Aside from some of the best beaches in the world you will also experience calm blue seas and hotels to suit every budget. A premiere eco-tourism destination, Tobago has over 200 variety of birds and is home to over 6000 species of plants and animals and is surrounded by rich and colourful reefs with 300 South Atlantic coral and more than 600 types of fish. The island is also internationally recognised for its drift dive and is home to the Nylon Pool, a warm shallow area in the middle of the Buccoo Reef.

Room Only Turtle Beach is a true Caribbean escape, tucked away on the shores of its own palm-fringed beach, on the natural paradise island of Tobago. Perfect for children, the hotel’s beach is where giant leatherback turtles lay their eggs from March to July.




With majestic scenery and rural ambience that typifies Turtle Beach you may take in the breathtaking view from your room or balcony as they all face the sea. Experience the warm entertainment provided in the evening or relax in the pool which has a swim up bar to help quench your thirst.

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Bed & Breakfast An award winning boutique hotel which boasts ocean views from all rooms and private balcony’s. With only 55 superior and deluxe rooms including 10 suites you can be sure to experience personal and first class service. Frequented by celebrity and royalty in the past, it boasts a simple rustic design with a swim up bar and a choice of mouthwatering seafood.

This adult only all-inclusive resort is situated on the fabulous sandy beach at Stonehaven Bay. Le Grand Courlan Spa Resort is conveniently located and only a short transfer from the airport and close proximity to the Mount Irvin Golf Course.




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A relaxed resort which offers daily complimentary spa treatments, fitness classes and free use of non-motorised water sports. There is an on-property dive centre offering packages for those who wish to explore the reef. The resort offers a choice of local and international cuisine as well 3 bars including a swim-up bar and regular entertainment Tel: 0870 720 1127


Elite Island Resorts is a group of spectacular Caribbean beach resorts located in Antigua, the British Virgin Islands, the Grenadines, St Lucia and St Kitts, these exclusive properties rank among the best in the Caribbean. The resorts offer singles, couples and families the chance to enjoy top cuisine, excellent local attractions and superb on-site amenities including spa treatments, fitness centre and tennis courts - just a small taster - before retiring to beautifullyappointed rooms for a good night’s sleep. Elite Island Resorts are also ideal for wedding and honeymoon packages ( free wedding packages in some resorts - ask for details). We bring you a select few of the resorts they have to offer:-

(St Lucia)


Room Only Village Inn is located in the heart of Rodney Bay the hub of the best restaurants offering a relaxing and intimate atmosphere. The hotel offers charmingly decorated suites and rooms selectively positioned for intimacy and privacy. Guests can choose either Room Only or AllInclusive plans.

(Antigua) All Inclusive St James’s Club is set on a private 100-acre estate boasting breathtaking ocean views and two white sand beaches. There are two beaches, four swimming pools and a kid’s club as well as a variety of on-site activities to keep all age groups entertained. Choose from All Inclusive or Room Only.




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(Antigua) All Inclusive Boutique Galley Bay is the perfect all-inclusive retreat for the discerning traveler set in seclusion on forty-acres of tropical gardens between a bird sanctuary lagoon and 3/4 mile beach. Choose from the delightful Gauguin Cottages with private splash pool or one of the accommodations on the beachfront with stunning views. Perfect for sheer romance, weddings & honeymoons.

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WIN A HOLIDAY! 7 nights holiday for two at The Verandah Resort & Spa in Antigua, the island with 365 beaches. Qholidays will fly you and one companion on Virgin Atlantic to Antigua to stay in the luxurious 4* Verandah Resort & Spa for a romantic break or a family holiday. To find out more about The Verandah Resort and Spa see page 57 or visit our website For your chance to win this fabulous prize all you have to do is answer the questions below correctly and send your correct answers by email to to be entered into a free draw. One winner will be picked at random.

Competition Questions

1. On which Caribbean Island is The

Verandah Resort & Spa?

2. The Verandah Resort & Spa is situated

on how many acres?

3. Name one airline that flies to Antigua. Please send your answers along with your full name, email address & telephone number to

Terms & Conditions: Only one entry per person and all persons must be over the age of 21 years of age. Closing date is 31 July 2009 & all entries must be received by this date to be included in the draw. All correct answers will be entered into a free draw and the winner will be picked at random within 7 days of the closing date. The judges decision is final. This competition is open to anyone other than an employee of Qholidays, The Verandah Resort & Spa or any other affiliated groups of the afore mentioned companies. There is no cash alternative, the prize is as stated, however Qholidays reserve the right to substitute the prize for equal value in the event of circumstances beyond our control. The prize consists of Virgin Atlantic flight from London Gatwick to Antigua return transfers to The Verandah Resort & Spa, 7 nights stay at the resort on a Room only basis for 2 persons sharing & excludes transfer within the UK & travel insurance. Passports, visas & travel insurance are the responsibility of the prize winner. All entries for the competition will be added to the Qholidays group database to receive special offers unless advised us otherwise.

For discount flights & tailor made packages to the Caribbean call reservations now on 020 7326 7699

Flights • Car Hire • Holiday Packages • Group Bookings • Honeymoons • Weddings • Hotels • Resorts • Tailor-made Package website: email: 203 Stockwell Road, London, SW9 9SL


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