Obvestilo o javni drazbi

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DELO, časopisno in založniško podjetje, d.d. DELO, časopisno in založniško podjetje, d.d., Dunajska 5, 1000 Ljubljana (v nadaljevanju »DELO, d.d.«) objavlja:

DELO, časopisno in založniško podjetje, d.d., Dunajska 5, 1000 Ljubljana (hereinafter referred to as »DELO, d.d.«) announces:



za nakup 202.788 (79,24 %) delnic izdajatelja ČZP VEČER, časopisno-založniško podjetje, d.d. (v nadaljevanju »VEČER, d.d.«), z oznako VEMG.

for the purchase of 202,788 (79.24%) shares of the publisher ČZP VEČER, časopisno-založniško podjetje, d.d. (hereinafter referred to as »VEČER, d.d.«), designated as VEMG.

1. Dejstva, vezana na prodajo

1. Facts regarding the sale

DELO, d.d., je imetnik 202.788 (79,24 %) delnic izdajatelja ČZP VEČER, d.d., Ulica slovenske osamosvojitve 2, 2000 Maribor, z oznako VEMG. Delnice so izdane v nematerializirani obliki in so vpisane v KDD.

DELO, d.d., is the holder of 202,788 (79.24%) shares of the publisher ČZP VEČER, d.d., Ulica slovenske osamosvojitve 2, 2000 Maribor, designated as VEMG. Shares are issued in a dematerialized form and are registered with the Central Securities Clearing Corporation.

Skladno z 58. členom Zakona o medijih (ZMed) mora vsakdo, ki želi pridobiti več kot 20 odstotkov lastninskega ali upravljavskega deleža oziroma deleža glasovalnih pravic v premoženju izdajatelja radijskega oziroma televizijskega programa ali izdajatelja splošnoinformativnega tiskanega dnevnika, za veljavno sklenitev pravnega posla ali veljavno sprejetje sklepa skupščine ali drugega pristojnega organa družbe dobiti predhodno soglasje pristojnega ministrstva.

Pursuant to Article 58 of the Media Act (ZMed), anyone who wants to acquire more than 20 percent of the ownership or management stake or voting rights in the assets of a broadcaster of radio or television program or a issuer of general informative printed diary, must, in order for it to be valid, obtain a prior consent of the competent ministry for the legal transaction or resolution of the Annual General Meeting or other the competent authority of the company.

Skladno z odločbo Urada RS za varstvo konkurence, opr. št. 306-195/2008-57, mora DELO, d.d., za odsvojitev delnic VEČER, d.d., pridobiti soglasje Javne agencije RS za varstvo konkurence (v nadaljevanju »AVK«).

In accordance with the decision of the Competition Protection Office ref. No. 306195/2008-57, DELO, d.d., must obtain obtain the consent of the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency (hereinafter referred to as »SCPA«) for the disposal of shares of the VEČER, d.d., company.

2. Predmet prodaje Predmet prodaje je paket 202.788 (79,24 %) navadnih imenskih delnic VEČER, d.d., z oznako VEMG, za začetno izklicno ceno 3.098.000,00 EUR.

3. Pogoji prodaje in javne dražbe

2. The object of sale The object of sale is a package of 202,788 (79.24%) ordinary registered shares of VEČER, d.d., designated as VEMG, at the initial minimum bid price of EUR 3,098,000.00.

3. Terms of sale and public auction

Paket delnic se draži izključno kot celota. Dražbo vodi pooblaščenec DELA, d.d., v slovenskem jeziku. Dražba se začne z izklicem začetne izklicne cene paketa delnic. Dražitelj sprejme izklicno ceno z besedo »sprejmem« in z navedbo imena oz. firme dražitelja. V primeru, da eden ali več dražiteljev sprejme začetno izklicno ceno, se dražba nadaljuje na način, da vodja dražbe v naslednjem koraku izkliče novo ceno, ki je za najmanj 10.000,00 EUR višja od prejšnje izklicne cene, kar se nadaljuje, dokler v zadnjem koraku noben dražitelj tudi po tretjem izklicu cene ne sprejme izklicne cene. Na dražbi je uspel dražitelj, ki je sprejel izklicno ceno v predzadnjem koraku. V primeru, da je v predzadnjem koraku izklicno ceno sprejelo več dražiteljev, je uspel tisti, ki je izklicno ceno sprejel prvi. Če so dražitelji sprejeli izklicno ceno istočasno, se med njimi opravi žreb. V primeru, da noben dražitelj na dražbi ne sprejme izklicne cene za celoten paket, se dražba nadaljuje na način, da lahko dražitelji ponudijo nižjo ali višjo ceno od začetne izklicne cene za paket delnic. Dražitelji s svojimi ponudbami, razen cene, ne morejo spremeniti nobenih drugih pogojev dražbe. Ponudba se poda ustno z navedbo skupne cene za celoten paket delnic. Dražba se za ponujen paket delnic, za katerega je dražitelj podal ponudbo po najvišji ceni, zaključi, ko ni podana ugodnejša ponudba niti po tem, ko voditelj dražbe poda tri pozive za podajo ugodnejših ponudb in ko vodja dražbe poda izjavo, da sprejema ponudbo najugodnejšega dražitelja. V tem delu dražbe vodja dražbe ni dolžan sprejeti nobene ponudbe in lahko dražbo zaključi brez sprejema ponudbe. Kot najugodnejši ponudnik se bo štel dražitelj, ki bo za paket delnic ponudil skupno najvišjo ceno. Dražbe se lahko udeležijo le dražitelji, ki so pravočasno vplačali varščino. Varščina za udeležbo na dražbi je 10 % izklicne cene (309.800 EUR). Varščina mora biti vplačana na račun SI56 0292 2001 2208 609, sklic: 09 7-10-672000, namen: Plačilo varščine, najmanj tri (3) dni pred dražbo. Dražitelj mora najkasneje na dan dražbe, do 9. ure pooblaščencu prodajalca predložiti dokazilo o plačilu varščine, pooblastila, če jih bo zastopal pooblaščenec, in v primeru pravnih oseb tudi izpiske iz sodnega registra. Če ponudnik, ki je na dražbi uspel, ne sklene pogodbe, varščina zapade v korist prodajalca, družbe DELO, d.d. Ponudnikom, ki na dražbi niso uspeli, se vplačana varščina brezobrestno vrne v petih (5) delovnih dneh po končani javni dražbi pod pogojem, da so prodajalcu DELO, d.d., predložili pisno izjavo z navedbo računa, na katerega naj se vrne varščina. V primeru, da se pisna izjava predloži kasneje, se neobrestovana varščina vrne v petih (5) delovnih dneh po predložitvi izjave z navedbo računa, na katerega naj se vrne varščina. Pogodba o prodaji delnic v skladu s ponudbo najugodnejšega ponudnika mora biti sklenjena v desetih (10) delovnih dneh po končani dražbi. Pogodba bo sklenjena pod odložnim pogojem, da prodajalec DELO, d.d., pridobi soglasje AVK za odsvojitev delnic ter da kupec pridobi soglasje Ministrstva za kulturo za pridobitev 20 ali več odstotkov lastninskega ali upravljavskega deleža oziroma deleža glasovalnih pravic v premoženju izdajatelja radijskega ali televizijskega programa ali v premoženju izdajatelja splošnoinformativnega tiskanega dnevnika. Plačilo celotne kupnine, ki je enaka najvišji sprejeti oz. ponujeni ceni, mora biti opravljeno v treh (3) delovnih dneh od uresničitve obeh odložnih pogojev na račun prodajalca DELO, d.d., št. SI56 0292 2001 2208 609, sklic: 09 7-10-672000, namen: Plačilo kupnine. Varščina se všteje v kupnino in ima po sklenitvi pogodbe značaj are. Pravočasno plačilo kupnine je bistvena sestavina pogodbe. V primeru, da kupec zamudi plačilo preostanka kupnine (celotna kupnina – varščina/ara), se šteje pogodba za razvezano in prodajalec DELO, d.d., obdrži aro. Prodajalec poda nalog za prenos delnic brez bremen 1. delovni dan po prejemu celotne kupnine. Delnice se kupujejo po načelu videno-kupljeno. Kupec plača vse davke in stroške v zvezi s prenosom predmeta prodaje. Dražitelji fizične osebe se morajo pred dražbo izkazati z osebnim dokumentom, dražitelji pravne osebe pa z izpiskom iz sodnega registra, ki ne sme biti starejši kot deset (10) dni. V primeru, da dražitelja na javni dražbi zastopa pooblaščenec ali oseba, ki ni zakoniti zastopnik, oz. oseba, ki je kot pooblaščena vpisana v sodni register, mora zastopnik oz. pooblaščenec predložiti pooblastilo za zastopanje dražitelja, ki mora vsebovati tudi pooblastilo za sklenitev pogodbe o prodaji delnic. V primeru, da pooblaščenec ni odvetnik, mora biti pooblastilo notarsko overjeno.

4. Kraj in čas javne dražbe Javna dražba za prodajo predmetnega paketa delnic bo dne 28. februarja 2014 ob 12. uri, v prostorih prodajalca DELO, d.d., na naslovu Dunajska 5, Ljubljana.

5. Pravica do preklica DELO, d.d., si pridržuje pravico dražbo kadarkoli in iz kateregakoli razloga preklicati in/ali prekiniti oz. ustaviti. Dražitelji iz tega naslova ne morejo uveljavljati nikakršnih zahtevkov zoper prodajalca.

The package of shares is being offered exclusively as a whole. The auction will be conducted by a DELO, d.d., agent in the Slovenian language. The auction shall start with an auction price at the initial asking price of the package of shares. The bidder shall accept the initial asking price with the word »sprejmem« (I accept) and the indication of their name or their company name. In the event that one or more bidders accepts the initial asking price, the auction shall proceed so that the auctioneer calls a new price, exceeding the previous asking price by a minimum of EUR 10,000.00, and it shall continue until in the last step none of the bidders accepts the asking price, even after the third call. The auction is successful for the bidder, who has accepted the asking price in the penultimate step. In the event that several bidders have accepted the asking price in the penultimate step, the winning bidder is the one, who has accepted the asking price first. If the bidders accepted the asking price at the same time, the winning bidder is chosen by drawing lots among them. In the event that none of the bidders accepts the asking price for the whole package, the auction continues and the bidders can bid a lower or higher price than the initial asking price for the package of shares. With their bids the bidders cannot change any other term of the auction, except the price. The bid shall be made verbally stating the total price for the whole package of shares. The auction for the offered package of shares, for which the bidder has made a bid at the highest price, ends when a more favourable offer is not made even after the auctioneer makes three calls for making more favourable bids, and when the auctioneer states that he accepts the bid of the most favourable bidder. In this part of the auction, the auctioneer is not obliged to accept any offer and the auction may be closed without accepting a bid. The bidder, who will bid the highest price for the package shares will be considered the winning bidder. Only the bidders, who have paid the security deposit on time, may attend the auction. The security for the participation in the auction is 10% of the asking price (EUR 309,800). The security must be paid to the account of SI56 0292 2001 2208 609, with reference: 09 7-10672000, purpose: security payment – at least three (3) days before the auction. The bidder must no later than on the day of the auction by 9:00 am present the proof of payment of security to the agent of the seller, if they are represented by a representative and in the case of a legal person, they must also present extracts from the court register. If the bidder, who succeeded at the auction, does not enter into the agreement, the security deposit shall remain with the seller, DELO, d.d. The security deposits of bidders, who were not successful at the auction, will be reimbursed to them interest-free within 5 business days after the completion of the public auction, provided that they have submitted to DELO, d.d., a written statement indicating the account to which the security is to be reimbursed. In the event that the written statement is submitted later, the security deposit without interest shall be returned within 5 business days following the submission of the statement indicating the account to which the security deposit is to be reimbursed. The agreement on the sale of shares in accordance with the bid of the most favourable bidder must be entered into within 10 business days of the completed auction. The agreement will be entered into under the suspensive condition that the seller DELO, d.d., obtains the consent of Slovenian Competition Protection Agency for the sale of shares and that the buyer acquiers the consent of the Ministry of Culture to obtain 20 or more percent of the ownership or management stake or the share of voting rights in the assets of the broadcaster of radio or television program in the assets of the issuer of the general information printed daily. Payment of the full purchase price equal to the highest accepted or offered price must be made to the account of the seller DELO, d.d., within three (3) business days of fulfilment of both suspensive conditions: No. SI56 0292 2001 2208 609, reference: 09 7-10-672000, purpose: payment of the purchase price. The security payment is included in the purchase price and shall be considered as earnest money after the conclusion of the agreement. A timely payment of the purchase price is an essential part of the agreement. In the event the buyer is late with the payment of the remaining part of the purchase price (the whole purchase price – security deposit/earnest money), the agreement shall be deemed terminated and the seller DELO, d.d., shall keep the earnest money. The seller shall give an order for the transfer of shares free of any encumbrance on the first business day following the receipt of the full purchase price. Shares shall be purchased by the principle “as is”. The Buyer shall pay all taxes and the costs arising from the transfer of the object of sale. Bidders – natural persons must present proof of identification prior to the auction and bidders – legal person must present an extract from the court register, which may not be older than ten (10) days. In the event that the bidder is represented at the public auction by an agent or a person, who is not a statutory representative, or a person, who is registered in the court register, the representative or agent must submit the power of attorney of the bidder, which must also include the power to enter into the agreement for the sale of shares. In the event that the agent is not an attorney, the authorization must be notarized.

4. Place and time of the public auction The public auction for the sale of the package of shares will be held on February 28, 2014 at 12.00 am in the premises of the seller DELO, d.d., at Dunajska 5, Ljubljana.

5. Right to cancel DELO, d.d., reserves the right to cancel and/or stop or close the auction at any time and due to any reason. Consequently, the bidders cannot make any claim against the seller.

6. Dodatne informacije Potencialni dražitelji lahko dodatne informacije dobijo pri KPMG poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o., Železna cesta 8a, 1000 Ljubljana, mag. Boštjan Malus, tel. +386 1 23 64 330, faks +386 1 23 64 349, gsm +386 31 626 371, elektronska pošta: bmalus@kpmg.com.

6. Additional Information

7. Pravo in pristojnost

Potential bidders can obtain additional information from KPMG poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o., Železna cesta 8a, 1000 Ljubljana, from Boštjan Malus, MA, tel +386 1 23 64 330, fax +386 1 23 64 349, cell: +386 31 626 371, e-mail: bmalus@kpmg.com.

Za to javno dražbo in pogodbo o prodaji delnic se uporablja pravo Republike Slovenije.

7. Law and Jurisdiction This public auction and the agreement on the sale of shares is governed by the law of the Republic of Slovenia.

Ljubljana, dne 14. 2. 2014

Ljubljana, on 14. 2. 2014 DELO, d.d. Predsednica uprave mag. Irma Gubanec

DELO, d.d. President of the Management Board Irma Gubanec, MA

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