Pixelated Palette July 2020 Ornament Issue

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2020 Maxine Thomas

Lynne Andrews



We Three Nutcrackers

Jeannetta Cimo

Christmas Cuties

Sandra Malone

Sweet Gingerbread Friends

Christmas Ice Cream Cones



Lydia Steeves

Karen WisnerDyar

All I Want for Christmas


Goodie Thyme Ornaments

Vera Collier

Memories of a Country Christmas


Sandy LeFlore

Soda Pop Ornaments


Debra Pool

Woodland Trio



Donna Hodson, CDA

Jamie Mills-Price

Linda Hollander

Candle Glow

Heartstrings Tree Ornaments




Deb Antonick

Deb Mishima

Sharon Bond Snowie Gnomie

Healthcare Angels



Marlene Fudge, CDA

Diane Marie Kellogg

Cardinal Sled Ornaments

Holiday Barrel Lid Ornaments



Sharon Cook

Christmas Critters Ornaments


Trio of Peacock Ornaments

Winter Cuties


Connie Lanagan Santa and Friends


Copyright Notice: ©2020 Pixelated Palette. The Pixelated Palette is produced 12 times per year by Cupboard Distributing, 1463 S US Highway 68, Urbana, Ohio 43078. All rights reserved on entire contents of this digital magazine. The information contained within this publication is presented in good faith. As the author(s) and publisher have no control over the application of the information presented, the results are not guaranteed. Reproduction of editorial content is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher. 2

August 2020 Sneak Peek


Clear your painting tables, fill your water basins, and line up your brushes… This year’s ornament issue is overflowing with 57 unique designs! (And that’s only counting the ones appearing in this issue!) When we published the call for ornaments, our designers responded with unbridled enthusiasm. We actually received many, many more ornaments than we could publish in this, one issue. Beginning with July and moving into October, November and even December, the collection of ornaments that we will publish this year will exceed 75 designs! The tradition of decorating a holiday tree began in earnest in the 15th century but didn’t become popular until 1605, when a tree was brought inside the home and decorated with paper roses, candy, and even candles. As decorative painters, creating these miniature designs has become a task that occupies our brushes well beyond the Christmas season. What lovely gifts our little painted treasures become for our non-painting friends. Lindsey and I look forward to seeing your ornaments posted on the Pixelated Palette Facebook page. ( I’ll be posting mine there too) Happy Painting! Susan


Original Design by Maxine Thomas stippler@aol.com https://www.facebook.com/maxine.thomas.5851 http://countryprimitivesdesigns.com/

Designed to be tokens of good luck and fierce protectors of those who own them, Nutcrackers have a fascinating history. If you would like to learn more about them, here is a link to an informative article detailing their evolution from the early 1800’s onward. https://www.christmas-treasures.com/steinbach/HistoryofNutcrackers.htm


Surface: 2.5” x 6.25” MDF ornament, item # 31-L538 Available from Cupboard Distributing Supplies: Usual Acrylic Tools White Graphite Paints: DecoArt American Acrylics Burnt Sienna Country Red Hauser Medium Green Heritage Brick Irish Moss Lamp Black Light Buttermilk Marigold Milk Chocolate

Mocha Neons Fiery Red Payne’s Gray Purple Rain Snow White Splendid Gold Metallic Twinkles Crystal Williamsburg Blue

Mediums: DecoArt All Purpose Sealer Varnish of Choice Brushes: Assorted flats, and/or Angles Assorted Scumblers (if drybrushing) Fine Liner Maxine’s mop NOTE: They will be referred to as KING, CANDY MAN and SANTA Preparation MDF typically does not require sanding. Seal front and back of surfaces and basecoat with Lamp Black. Transfer main pattern lines and basecoat as follows: Mocha – All faces/hands. Country Red - King’s coat/bands on crown/floor, Candy Man’s hat/coat/boots. Heritage Brick – Santa’s hat/coat/pants. Light Buttermilk – Triangle inside Candy Man’s coat/shoulder pad/cuffs/pants/top of Hat/Sucker/floor. Hauser Medium Green – Inside Santa’s shirt/birdhouse/floor. Purple Rain – Top of King’s crown/shoulder pads/bands on crown/coat/inside triangle/pants. Splendid Gold Metallic – King’s crown/scepter. Lamp Black – All 3 belts/boots on King and Santa.


Drybrush or float highlights: Light Buttermilk – center of faces/hands. KING: top of crown, center of purple band on crown and inside edge of bands on coat, center triangle and knees, center/toes of black boots. Santa: stipple fur on hat/coat letting some dark show through. Neons Fiery Red – KING: center of red bands on crown, sleeves and sides of coat. Candy Man: center of hat, sleeves, coat and boots. SANTA; top of hat/tail, sleeves, coat, knees of pants. Irish Moss – SANTA: center of green shirt and bottom of birdhouse. All Faces/Hands/Hair/Beards are done the same: Shade Burnt Sienna; across top of faces under hats and all around hands (wider at bottom). Cheeks/Mouth: Country Red. Highlight center of mouth Neons Fiery Red. Nose: Mocha + Burnt Sienna. Line down center Mocha. Eyes: Half circles – Light Buttermilk. Iris – Williamsburg Blue. Pupils/line across top – Lamp Black. Highlight – Light Buttermilk. Brows/Mustache: King – Lamp Black with Light Buttermilk highlights. Others – Light Buttermilk with Snow White highlight. Hair/Beards Line or dab in Light Buttermilk. Highlight Snow White and shade Payne’s Gray next to and under heads. Fur Hat/Coat/Pompom: Stipple Snow White: across center of SANTA’s fur on hat/coat and top of pompom. King Details: Splendid Gold Metallic – scroll design on purple crown band/bands on coat/lines on shoulder pads/cuffs/pants/boots. Add Light Buttermilk highlights to crown/sleeves/ hands/belt/center stripes on pants/toes of boots/scepter. Add a thin line of Light Buttermilk to each side of belt/boot sides/over toes. Jewels on crown are Neons Fiery Red. Shade Burnt Sienna; across bottom of gold part of crown/under dots on points/ under levels of scepter/above/below hand on stick. Payne’s Gray- Shade on purple part of crown (down in V’s)/each side of red bands/under top red band on purple center/under head each side of beard/under shoulder pads/on arms next to body/above cuffs, on triangle center inside coat/under coat on pants and above boots/strengthen shades on scepter. Dab Twinkles Crystal on Jewels/scepter to sparkle.


Candy Man Details: Dot at top - Country Red. Lines on hat – Light Buttermilk. Candy buttons – Light Buttermilk with Country Red swirls (same on sucker). Stripes on pants – Country Red. Sucker stick – Milk Chocolate with Marigold highlight. Payne’s Gray - Shade bottom of top dot/bottom of each white frosting layer/above brim/each side of brim/ under head each side of beard/under candy buttons/triangle inside boat/top of shoulder pad/on arms next to body/above cuffs/under coat on pants/above boots/on boots under cuff/above toes. Add strong Light Buttermilk highlights to sleeves/coat/hands/boots. Add thin lines of Light Buttermilk each side of belt. Snow White - Highlight top of frosting/stripes on hat/center dot/line on sucker. Dab Twinkles on frosting/sucker/candy buttons for sparkle. Santa Details: Birdhouse roof/stick – Milk Chocolate. Highlight Marigold. Hole – Lamp Black. Bird – Williamsburg Blue. Highlight wing Light Buttermilk. Beak/eye - Marigold. Buckle/buttons on boots – Splendid Gold Metallic. Highlight on belt/boots same as before. Lines on shirt – Lamp Black. Garland – Light Buttermilk with Snow White center dots. Payne’s Gray - Shade at bend in hat/next to pompom/above fur/bottom of pompom/ each side of hat fur/under head/top of shoulders/on arms next to body/on shirt next to coat/on coat next to/under birdhouse/under belt/above fur at bottom/each side of fur/ under fur on pants/above boots. Add strong Light Buttermilk highlights; on hat/arm/coat/ pants/hands/boots. Dab Twinkles on snowflake centers to sparkle. Finishing Line where needed with Lamp Black, antique (or not), varnish, add a string and ENJOY!


Line Art is at 100Ψ


Sweet Gingerbread Friends Original Design by Jeannetta Cimo jsdecour@gmail.com

Doncha’ just love gingerbread guys at Christmas time? This trio is all about having fun and enjoying sweets… they are just too cute! No calories among ‘em, so enjoy their treats!


Surface: Available from Cupboard Distributing www.cdwood.com 3: 6” Snow globe ornaments, Item #31-L646 Project Supplies: Chris’s Painters Pal, Item # 29:24747 available at www.cdwood.com Stampendous Arabesque cling rubber stamp, #46:23182 available at www.cdwood.com Specialty sponge or makeup sponges Fine grit sanding block Painters tape Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Blue Haven Bright Orange Brilliant Purple Buttermilk Cadmium Yellow Camel Cinnamon Drop Dark Chocolate Deep Burgundy Fawn DecoArt Americana Neons Fiery Red DecoArt Americana Dazzling Metallics Splendid Gold

Festive Green Forest Green Grey Sky Honey Brown Midnite Green Milk Chocolate Ocean Blue Soft Black Titanium White Victorian Blue Mediums: DecoArt Americana Dura-Clear Ultra-Matte Varnish

Brushes: Available at www.cdwood.com 1/8” Chris’s Awesome Angle: Series 925 18/0 Chris’s Epic 924 Script Liner Basecoat and misc. standard brushes Tips and Techniques Slip Slap: This is done wet on wet, so you get some blending. The brush isn’t cleaned between colors, just wiped on a paper towel to remove the excess of the previous color. Basecoat as directed and allow it to dry. The brush movement is quick and random in pressure and in the stroke direction. Start with the Basecoat color to wet the area, wipe brush, for this small area pick up just a little of the next color and brush in the center using the quick random motion working out to the edges. In this design I wanted the center a little darker than the edges and somewhat blended. If you get too dark, wipe the brush, and add in more of the Basecoat color, don’t fuss this is only the background.


Stamping with paint: I like the specialty sponge for its large, flat surface area that can load stamps quickly before the paint dries. The makeup sponges are ok but are much smaller and take longer to load the larger stamps. Always dampen your specialty sponge with water and use a paper towel to remove excess moisture before loading with paint. If your paint is thick, thin with water first, I’ve found that thinner paint takes longer to dry and doesn’t gum up the stamp as quickly. For the globe background I used two colors (1/2 and ½) loaded on the sponge, I turned it as I loaded the stamp to get both colors randomly applied. After loading the sponge, blot off all excess paint on a paper towel, put stamp face up, tap sponge across the stamp evenly, set stamp on surface and press evenly for a few seconds, carefully lift off. On the globe background I overlapped and stamped it three times to cover the area, reloading it every time. On the other areas I loaded and stamped once. Clean your stamp between colors, I wash mine with soap, warm water and a toothbrush. Preparation Basecoat the entire surface with Buttermilk, sand lightly if needed Basecoat all the globes with Blue Haven, let dry. Slip slap with Blue Haven and Victorian Blue until somewhat blended. Load specialty sponge with Blue Haven and Titanium White. Stamp Arabesque pattern on globes overlapped to cover, about 3 times When Dry, transfer basic pattern lines

Cookie Globe Stand Camel: basecoat Honey Brown: wash over Basecoat, let dry, float shade under globe, above and below top ridge line, sides of center piece, bottom of bottom ridge Milk Chocolate: float deeper shade under globe, under top ridge, sides of center piece, above bottom ridge, and bottom. Transfer icing lines and details on stand.


Buttermilk: basecoat icing lines, and decorative strokes Camel: float shade on the bottom of icing and strokes Titanium White: float highlight on the top of icing and strokes Cinnamon Drop: basecoat hearts Deep Burgundy: float shade around hearts Neon Fiery Red: float highlight on left side of hearts Titanium White: liner highlights top left on hearts Cookies Camel: basecoat cookies Milk Chocolate: float shade on the edges of cookies, where they overlap, around the legs, and on the top or right side of where the chocolate chips will be Dark Chocolate: float deeper shade on cookies around ginger and where they overlap. Liner in the chocolate chips in odd shapes instead of using a stylus. Camel: stipple or drybrush highlights near the center or tops of the cookies, float highlights on cookies at the bottom or left side of the chips. Using the tip of the liner brush add a tiny dot highlight on the chips Buttermilk: stipple or drybrush extra highlights on cookies as needed

Gingerbread Boy Honey Brown: stipple a wash of color over gingerbread, let dry. Float shade outside edges of head, arms, body, legs, above and below icing lines, under mouth Milk Chocolate: float deeper shade on face around hands and under mouth, on body against arms and legs, on arms above knees Camel: float highlights above mouth, on hands, on knees Buttermilk: liner icing lines Camel: float shade bottom of icing on head Soft Black: eyes and buttons Grey Sky: float highlight left side in eye 13

Cinnamon Drop: base nose, lightly drybrush in the cheeks Neon Fiery Red: float highlight on top of nose Titanium White: liner highlight dots in eyes and buttons, top of icing lines, hands and knees, float top of icing on the head

Globe Victorian Blue: soft float or brush mix with Blue Haven to float shade on background under and against cookies, around ginger. Titanium White: thin with water to float a sheer highlight around the outside of the globe, liner the snowflakes and highlight lines


Peppermint Globe Stand Top and bottom ridges stay Buttermilk, tape off these areas before you Stamp on the center section Midnite Green: base center section Forest Green: stamp once with Arabesque Pattern, let dry and remove tape Soft Black: float shade top and bottom of center section, transfer details on stand

Buttermilk: Use the largest circle on Chris’s Painters Pal, a stencil brush or makeup sponge to stencil the peppermint candies on the base Titanium White: float highlight on edges of candies, float back to back the center of the buttermilk stripes on ridges Cinnamon Drop: basecoat red stripes on ridges and candies Fawn: float shade top and bottom of stripes on ridges, just the center point on the candies Deep Burgundy: float shade top and bottom of stripes on ridges, just the center point on the candies Neon Fiery Red: float back to back in the center of the red stripes, outside edge of the candies Festive Green: basecoat holly leaves Forest Green: float shade above vein line and across bottom edge Midnite Green: liner vein line Cinnamon Drop: dip dot berries Neon Fiery Red: highlight berries Titanium White: liner highlight lines on ridges, candies, dot berries


Gingerbread Boy with Peppermints Camel: basecoat ginger Honey Brown: stipple a wash of color over gingerbread, let dry. Float shade around all edges, against the icing lines, under mouth, on foot around stick Milk Chocolate: float deeper shade on head under icing, against candy, under mouth, against icing on arms, under icing on legs, against the stick Camel: float highlights above mouth, edge of hands, tip of left foot Buttermilk: basecoat icing, candy cane, sucker and stick Titanium White: float highlights on icing, top edges of candy cane, around sucker Cinnamon Drop: basecoat nose, red stripes on candies, drybrush cheeks Fawn: float inside edge of white stripes on candy cane, center points on peppermint, top of stick, on icing against hands Deep Burgundy: float shade inside of red stripes on candy cane, center points on sucker Neon Fiery Red: float highlight top of nose, top edges of red stripes on candy cane, outside edge on sucker Soft Black: eyes and buttons Grey Sky: float highlight left side in eye Titanium White: dots in eyes and buttons, liner highlights top of head, nose, hands, candies, left foot, and down left side of stick.

Globe Victorian Blue: soft float or brush mix with Blue Haven to float shade on background around ginger, candies and stick Titanium White: thin with water to float a sheer highlight around the outside of the globe, liner the snowflakes and highlight lines


Gum Ball Machine Stand Cinnamon Drop: basecoat Neon Fiery Red: brush over entire area to lighten. Tape off to cover bottom of globe Deep Burgundy: stamp once with Arabesque design, let dry, remove tape. Transfer pattern. Float shade under globe, top ridge, in and under curls, both sides of center section, above bottom ridge, in and around curls, against dispenser and inside hole Deep Burgundy/ Soft Black brush mix – float deeper shade under globe, under top ridge and curls, in hole, above bottom ridge and curls, liner line in curls Neon Fiery Red: reinforce highlights on top and bottom ridges and curls Grey Sky: basecoat dispenser Soft Black: basecoat area behind lever

Grey Sky/Soft Black brush mix: float shade bottom of dispenser and bowl, around ends of lever Titanium White: float highlight top and sides of dispenser, top of hole, top edge of bowl, liner highlight on lever Splendid Gold: float over curls, dip dots on dispenser Gum balls Note: transfer just the basic outline of the gum balls, you will undercoat them with Titanium White and use the largest circle on Chris’s Painters Pal to stencil the different colors.

Stencil the gum balls using: Titanium White Cadmium Yellow Bright Orange Festive Green Ocean Blue Brilliant Purple


Red Gum Balls only: stipple the Neon Fiery Red highlight only in the top left area Titanium White: wet stipple or drybrush the highlights in the top left area of the remaining gumballs. Start soft and add more as you move into the lightest part of the highlight. Float the shading on the bottom right side, where they overlap or sit behind with the corresponding colors: Base color Shade color Titanium White Grey Sky Cad Yellow Cad Yellow/Bright Orange mix Festive Green Forest Green Cinnamon Drop Deep Burgundy The Orange, Blue and Purple are not shaded, I added more highlight to them to make them appear shaded Grey Sky: liner highlight on the white gum balls only Titanium White: liner highlight on all of the others

Gingerbread guy Camel: basecoat Honey Brown: stipple a wash of color over gingerbread, let dry. Float shade around all edges, against the icing lines, under the mouth, on body around the arm, against the gum balls Milk Chocolate: float deeper shade under mouth, on body around arm, against gum balls Camel: float highlights above mouth, top of arm and hand, top of foot Buttermilk: basecoat icing Soft Black: eyes and buttons Grey Sky: float highlight on left in eye 18

Cinnamon Drop: basecoat nose, drybrush cheeks Neon Fiery: highlight nose Titanium White: float highlight on icing, liner dots in eyes and buttons, nose, hand and foot Globe Victorian Blue: soft float or brush mix with Blue Haven to float shade on background around ginger and gum balls Titanium White: thin with water to float a sheer highlight around the outside of the globe, liner the highlight lines Finishing Apply a couple coats of DecoArt varnish, let dry Add a ribbon or twine for hanging, feel free to add glitter or any other embellishments Enjoy these cute little guys on your tree and gift them to family and friends, Have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!



Original design by Lydia Steeves lsteeves@sympatico.ca http://www.lydiasteeves.com/

This little critter is wishing hard for a special gift and a friend to share it with. I am so lucky to have my friend Marilee to share her love of chipmunks (and photos of them) with me. When I saw these faux wood slices, I knew a set of “chippers” were just the thing.


Surface: x Faux Wood Slice SKU 31-19538 from Cupboard Distributing info@cdwood.com Project Supplies x Tracing Paper x Black Fine Point Sharpie x White Transfer Paper Paint: DecoArt Traditions x Carbon Black x Naphthol Red x Raw Sienna x Medium White x Burnt Sienna x Raw Umber x Warm White x True Gold (optional)

Conversion: DecoArt Americana Acrylics x Lamp Black x Naphthol Red x Raw Sienna x Sand x Burnt Sienna x Soft Black x Light Mocha x Champagne Gold (optional)

DecoArt Americana x Hot Shots Fiery Red Mediums x Multi-Purpose Sealer by DecoArt Americana x Product no. 2643, Medium from Margot’s Mud, available at www.bearwithusinc.com x Dura-Clear Gloss Varnish by DecoArt Americana Brushes: by Princeton Select Series 3750 Available at https://www.lydiasteeves.com/ x #1 Round x 10/0 Short Liner x #2 Filbert x 1/4” Oval Mop x 1/4” Filbert Grainer x 1/8” Filbert Grainer x 1/8” Lunar Blender x 1/16” Lunar Petite x 3/8” Angle Shader Tip: Use your home printer to make an accurate tracing on tracing paper as well as an overhead transparency to check details throughout the painting process. Be sure to purchase the correct transparency for your printer


Tips for Painting with Filbert Grainers: o Soak your grainers in your water bucket for about 2 minutes before beginning to paint. o I used to use Easy Float by DecoArt and water (1:1) to help adjust the light value paint to the correct consistency, but it has been discontinued. Now I use Medium by Unique Glass which is part of Margot Clark’s Mudding supplies. o Light value colors in this project are marked with an asterisk (*) If your paint is at the correct consistency, the paint will flow off your brush effortlessly. o Use the largest grainer first, dropping down to the smaller ones as needed. Sometimes the 1/8" filbert grainer bridges the gap between a grainer and a liner. Pay attention to the directional arrows. Start the strokes in the air and finish them in the air. Use the brush on the chisel edge to get more variety in the fur lines. Important Techniques: o ** Rake/Wash - to use the filbert grainer to wash in gentle, light patches of colour. o ** To “Base Coat Furry Things” - use the oval mop. Dampen your brush before loading with paint. Use short strokes and follow the directional arrows. As you finish your stroke, the brush should create a ragged edge. You do not need solid coverage. For a free video tutorial please visit https://lydiasteeves.com/products.php?cat=32 Preparation Remove the strings. Remember where you put them. Apply a multi-purpose sealer to the side you will be painting on. Dry. Trace out your pattern accurately. See TIP. Place the hole at the top and apply pattern carefully using white transfer paper. Painting Ornament 1 – Wishing Ornament 2 – Presenting Ornament 3 - Sharing (Pictures on following page) Using the #1 round, paint the eyes in Carbon Black, including the closed eye. Using the #1 round, base the hands and noses with a brush mix of Burnt Sienna and Medium White. Feather the top edge of the nose to blend into the fur. Base the mouth Ornament #2. Using the #2 filbert base the inside of the ears. Using the #1 round, base the bows with Napthol Red. Using the #2 filbert, base the peanut with Raw Sienna. Erase extra transfer lines and repeat these two colours. Using the 10/0 short liner, finely line the mouth line and nostrils with Raw Umber. Using the #1 round, base the eye markings with small lines of Medium White; base the light back markings on Ornament #1. Base the cheeks and chin on Ornament #2



Using the #1 round, base the dark back markings with small lines of Raw Umber. Using the 1/4” oval mop, base the rest of the chipmunks with a brush mix of Raw Sienna and Medium White (1:2). This is a bit of an undercoat, so the mix is pale. Erase extra transfer lines. Using the 1/4” oval mop, base the fur once more with Raw Sienna. This time go over the areas with a Burnt Sienna mix like noses and ears.

These guys are very small, so keep the painting strokes very short! Remember that the brushes and sizes are suggestions. Use the one that works for you. The key will be to get the paint to the correct consistency, so you achieve that nice soft look.

(Pictures on following page) Review Technique Tips for Painting with Filbert Grainers. Using the 1/4” filbert grainer, rake Raw Umber using very short strokes, over the chipmunk fur. Follow fur direction. This step won’t show all that much but it does give depth.

Using the 1/8” lunar blender, dry brush a highlight into the ears with a brush mix of Burnt Sienna and Medium White. Using the 1/16” lunar petite, highlight the noses and fingers with the same mix. Brighten everything with more Medium White. Using the 1/4” filbert grainer, brush mix Raw Umber and Carbon Black (2:1) to get a darker value brown to paint in the darker markings around and under the eyes. Rake this mix on the head and down the back as well as in shadow areas Using the 3/8” angle shader, shade Raw Umber around the edge of the peanut (on the peanut) and under the bow. Brush mix Carbon Black and Raw Umber to darken under the peanut on Ornament 3. Using the 3/8” angle shader, float softly behind the chipmunks to bring them forward. Brush mix Carbon Black and Raw Umber to darken in a few areas. Using the 3/8” angle shader, shade the bow to give form with a brush mix of Napthol Red and Carbon Black.



Using the 3/8” angle shader, float Raw Umber in the ears and separate fingers. Using the 1/8” lunar blender, drybrush a highlight onto the peanuts. Using the #2 filbert, dab casual indents in the peanuts with thinned Raw Umber. Press with your finger while still wet. Using the 1/4” filbert grainer, rake Medium White* beginning in the light fur and eventually putting thin lines everywhere. Pay particular attention to how the markings join the ears on the profile views. Using the 1/8” filbert grainer, rake Medium White to lighten cheeks, under the chins and to add some coarser hairs on the head, shoulders and back. Using the 10/0 short liner, fine tune marking under and around the eyes as well as fine work on ears with Medium White. Using the 10/0 short liner, fine tune the dark marking around the eyes with a brush mix of Carbon Black and Raw Umber (2:1).


Using the 1/4” oval mop, wash all the fur with Raw Sienna. Dry. Using the 1/4” filbert grainer, tint Burnt Sienna on the heads, on the dark marking under the eyes, on the shoulders and back. Using the 10/0 short liner, brighten the eye markings and cheeks with Warm White. Using the #1 round, highlight the bows with Hot Shots Fiery Red.


(Pictures on following page)

Using the 1/8” filbert grainer, rake Carbon Black to add coarser hairs on the head, shoulders and back. Rebase the eyes with Carbon Black. Using the 1/16” lunar petite, drybrush the secondary highlight in the eyes with Warm White. Using the 10/0 short liner, place a little sparkle of Warm White in the secondary highlight. Then, make a thin dash at the front of the eyes on ornament 3. Using the 3/8” angle shader and Warm White, highlight the outer edge of the wishing cloud. Using the #1 round, fill in the little bubbles with a thin wash. Using the #2 filbert, wash the peanuts with True Gold if desired. Repeat any fur layers as you like using whatever brushes needed to keep control. Use brush mixes for short cuts. Rake/wash as needed to keep the golden colours.

Following manufacturer’s instructions, varnish both sides with Dura-Clear Gloss Varnish. Attach the strings again. Give them to a favourite person.






©2020 Donna Hodson, CDA

Original Design by Donna Hodson CDA dhodpaints@gmail.com

I love traditional things and the Christmas Season isn’t complete without the soft glow of candles. Being from Louisiana originally, every year we decorated with magnolia leaves and the wild holly we found in the woods. As a child, I loved walking through the woods looking for the holly. I hope you will enjoy painting these ornaments.


Surface: Three Laser Cut MDF Hearts, SKU: 31-L223 available at www.cdwood.com Project Supplies: 20 gauge gold wire, 3 pieces about 9” in length. Wire cutters Small needle nosed pliers Small and medium balled stylus Tracing paper White and old grey graphite Usual acrylic supplies Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Gold Antique Maroon Berry Red Bright Salmon Cadmium Red Cadmium Orange Cadmium Yellow Deep Burgundy Fiery Red (NEON)

Hauser Light Green Hauser Medium Green Light Buttermilk Midnight Green Olive Green Snow White Soft Black Tomato Red

Mediums by DecoArt: Multi-Purpose Sealer DuraClear Matte Varnish Brushes: Listed are the brushes I used but other good quality brushes will work well. ¾” Wash: LaCorneille 7550 ¾” Moon Filbert, Champagne by Scharff series 435 ½” Angle: LaCorneille 7400 Sizes 2 and 4 flats, LaCorneille 7300 Size 2 or 4 filbert, Princeton Select 3750FB 18/0 Script Liner, Chris’s Epic 924 6/0 Script Liner, Scharff SYM-SABLE Scroller 480 Size 6 Princeton Select Round Blender or a similar domed dry brush ½” Maxine’s Mop by Lowe Cornell, optional Surface Prep: o Base coat the hearts on both sides with Tomato Red + Multi-Purpose Sealer about 1-1. o When dry, paint again with a coat of Tomato Red. o Paint over the front side with Deep Burgundy and while wet, mottle some Antique Maroon into the Deep Burgundy, more on the outer edges. These are a bit transparent so you will see some of the Tomato Red showing through. Repeat this on the back side of the ornament. o Paint the edges with Antique Maroon.


Candle Glow: Select the best side of the ornaments to use. Notice that the dotted lines on the patterns indicate how far to extend the glow on each ornament. Technique: Important Note: Be sure to let one layer dry well so that you won’t lift paint when applying the next layer. Using a domed dry brush, load in the paint and rub off on a dry paper towel. Place the brush in the center of the glow area and using a circular motion, rub over the area, gradually working the value outward to the edge of the area and letting it fade into the background. Repeat until you have a nicely graded area with the first value. Go to the second value and begin in the center area and rub outward but not all the way to the outer edge. Repeat with all the values until you are satisfied with the glow. Be sure to let one layer dry well so that you won’t lift paint when applying the next layer. Use the values in this order: 1. Tomato Red 2. Cadmium Red 3. Cadmium Orange 4. Antique Gold

Using white graphite, transfer the basic shapes of the candles, the leaves, Christmas balls, and a line for the boughs using white graphite. Be sure the candles line up correctly. Basecoat as follows: x Candles: Light Buttermilk for opaque coverage. x Holly Leaves: One coat of Hauser Medium Green x Magnolia Leaves: One coat of Hauser Medium Green (the center front leaf will be painted later). x Christmas Balls: Tomato Red x Flames: Cadmium Yellow Pictures follow on the next page.


Painting Instructions Refer to the step by step illustrations to assist in painting the design. Candles: 1. Lightly transfer the drip edges to the large pillar candles. Begin to shade the candles on both sides and under the drips using light floats of Antique Maroon. These should be narrow floats so that the candles do not turn pink. Erase any graphite lines still showing at the drip lines. 2. Shade again with Antique Maroon having deeper shading on the left edges. Shade the candles above the leaves and Christmas balls. 3. Add just a little bit of Deep Burgundy to the shaded areas on the sides but not under the drips. 4. Add some Light Buttermilk to the center areas to cover any areas where the shading extended too far, especially on the thinner taper candles. Soften this into the shaded areas so that you don’t create hard lines. Float Light Buttermilk along the lower edge of the drips across the front. Float a little across the top of the candles. 5. Re-highlight with Snow White as often as needed. This is to the right of center on candles and along the top and the bottom of the drips.

Flames: 1. Base coat again with Cadmium Yellow as needed. Float Cadmium Orange at the bottom of the flame and create a jagged top using a liner. Repeat as needed. 2. Shade the bottom of the flames with a narrow float of Antique Maroon. 36

3. Coming down from the tip, use a liner to pull Cadmium Yellow into the orange part to keep from having a hard line. 4. Paint the wicks with Soft Black. Single Pillar Candle: Christmas Balls: 1. Clean up the edges if needed with another coat of Tomato Red. 2. Float along the lower left edge and to separate one ball from another with Antique Maroon. Repeat. 3. Float Cadmium Red on the upper right portion of the balls repeating at least once. 4. Mix Bright Salmon + Cadmium Red about 1-1 and create an inner highlight in the upper right portion of the balls. This is a narrow circular back to back float. Mop lightly to soften if needed. Float a little of this on the lower left edges for a reflected light. 5. Wash over balls with Berry Red to brighten. This will not obliterate the values. Add Fiery Red to the highlight area in the upper right portion and also a little over the reflected light area. Repeat if needed. Add a high shine mark in the center of the highlight area with a little Snow White. Dry and repeat if needed.

Fir Boughs: 1. Using thinned Midnight Green with the 6/0 liner, paint the stems. 2. Pull needles out from the stems at a slant keeping them the same length. Some can at a different angle to fill in the center area a little. 3. Add more needles using Hauser Medium Green. It’s fine to paint over existing needles. 4. Add some Hauser Light Green needles to highlight. Paint less needles than you did with Hauser Medium Green. 5. Add highlights to the tips of some of the needles with thinned Olive Green. Float some Midnight Green at the base of the boughs to shade and tuck them under the balls. Three Pillar Candles: Leaves and Berries: Re-base coat the holly leaves with Hauser Medium Green. Holly Leaves: 1. Float at the base of the leaves with Midnight Green to shade. Repeat at least once more. 2. Highlight the tips of the leaves with floats of Hauser Light Green repeating if needed. 3. Thin Hauser Light Green and use the 18/0 liner to paint the veins. 37

4. Float a little Midnight Green at the base of the leaves to shade the veins. On some of the leaves in the foreground, highlight the tips with a little Olive Green.

Holly Berries: 1. Using a medium balled stylus with fresh Tomato Red, place dots for the berries redipping after two or three dots for variation of sizes. Refer to the finished photo to assist. 2. When dry add highlights to the berries with a little Fiery Red. Repeat if needed. Three Taper Candles: Magnolia Leaves: 1. Rebase the magnolia leaves with Hauser Medium Green. Add the additional magnolia leaf in front of the taper candles. With Midnight Green, float at the base of the leaves. Dry and then float down the center vein area. Repeat as needed. 2. Float Hauser Light Green on the edges and tips and highlight on the convex side of the center vein. 3. With thinned Hauser Light Green and the 18/0 liner, paint the center and side veins. 4. Shade at the base of the leaves again to shade the veins with Midnight Green. Add Olive Green highlights to those in the front areas that would reflect light from the candle glow.

Berries: 1. Using the 18/0 liner and thinned Soft Black, paint some stems coming from under and behind the leaves forking these at the ends. 2. Highlight the stems here and there with Soft Black + some Snow White. 3. Use the stylus with fresh Tomato Red to add berries along the stems. Refer to the finished photo for assistance. 4. Highlight the berries with Fiery Red but leave some plain Tomato Red to help them recede into the background.


Finishing: o Sign and date the ornament with thinned Antique Gold. o Check to see if any areas need more shading or highlighting. o When satisfied, allow the paint to cure a few days and then varnish as you desire. I like a matte finish but that is a choice. I varnish with three light coats on each side. o Cut three 9” lengths of 20-gauge gold wire. Insert from the back through the holes and curl the ends using needle nosed pliers. I use some smaller ones I purchased in the jewelry section of Walmart. Try to have the curls match on each side. o Press the curls upward and out a little. I hope you have enjoyed this project. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments.

©2020 Donna Hodson, CDA


©2020 Donna Hodson, CDA


©2020 Donna Hodson, CDA



Snowie Gnomie! Original Design by Sharon Bond

“Ornaments are always so much fun… and so are GNOMES! - I personally like the “traditional” Christmas colors such as the blues and whites for snowy scenes and the greens and reds for Christmas, but if you wanted you could change the colors to anything you liked for these silly folks! I think the girl gnomie would be adorable in pinks and purples and maybe more blues and browns for the guys! Just have fun!!”


Surface: * “Glory to God” Snow globe Ornaments (3) – Available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 31-L410 Project Supplies: * Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker – (Such as an Ultra-fine Sharpie, available at most stores!) ----OR-----* Black PITT Artist Pen, Superfine and/or an Extra Superfine by Faber-Castell (for even finer lines.) (I would suggest two sizes for this project, such as an Ultra-fine Sharpie and also a finer lined marker.) * Small Sponge * Ball Stylus (Optional but helpful!) * Ordinary Ruler (Optional but helpful!) * Scotch’s Magic Tape or Painters Tape (Optional) * Tim Holtz’s Starry Stencil – Available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 09-56202 * Chris’s Painter’s Pal – (Optional but helpful with the tree ornaments!) – Available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 29-24747 * Old toothbrush (or Splatter Brush available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 46-04784) * Ultra-Fine Red Sharpie Marker (Optional) * Wire, ribbon, etc… if you wish to create hangers for your ornaments Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics: * Black * Blue Haven * Dove Grey * Festive Green * Holly Green * Marigold * Olive Green * Peony Pink

* * * * * * *

Rookwood Red Salem Blue Sand Grey Slate Grey Tomato Red Traditional Burnt Umber Warm Beige * Warm White

Specialty Items by DecoArt: * DecoArt Dazzling Metallics – Shimmering Silver * Americana’s Matte Spray Finisher * Americana DuraClear Gloss Varnish (optional) * DecoArt Glamour Dust Glitter Paint – Ice Crystal (optional) * DecoArt Media – Clear Liquid Glass (optional) Brushes: * Angle Shader ¼” * Flat Shader # 6 * Glaze/Wash Brush ¾” * Round # 2 * Script Liner 10/0 Other Brushes from Cupboard Distributing: * #4 Oval Drybrush – Jo Sonja’s Sure Touch – Item # 03-2010-4 * #6 Oval Drybrush – Jo Sonja’s Sure Touch – Item # 03-2010-6 * Chris’s SPECTACULAR Stencil Brush – Item # 03-926-4 44

Tip: Anytime during the instructions if I mention to “finely outline” something in Black you can choose whether you want to thin your Black paint and use a liner brush to outline or simply use a Black marker! Preparation: Basecoat all three ornament in Blue Haven and let dry. Prepare two small puddles – one each of Blue Haven and Salem Blue. Add a bit of water to them to thin them just a bit. We will be using these colors to sponge the backgrounds. You can use most any sponge – I actually took an old sponge and cut it in half (one for each color). Dampen each sponge and squeeze out any excess. Pounce each ornament (working on just one ornament at a time) with Salem Blue first. Then use your other sponge to pounce on a bit of Blue Haven. Your pouncing of the colors is completely random, adding as much or as little as you like. I like to have a more “blended/watercolor look” so I kept my paints thinned a bit as I worked on each ornament. Once done, let dry completely. Next step is stenciling! Center your Starry stencil to cover the majority of the ornament and stencil with Shimmering Silver. Let dry completely. Now we will have some fun splattering! With an old toothbrush (or a splatter brush) use Warm White to ‘flick’ paint over the entire ornament –you can add as much or as little as you like. Let dry completely before tracing on the main designs. Tracing tip: I know the background looks a little busy so if you want, trace on your main outline and then basecoat (fill it in) with Blue Haven. This will help the rest of your detailed tracings show up better. I left mine as it was, so the choice is up to you! Common Areas: There are a few areas/parts on each ornament that are all painted exactly the same. You may wish to paint these areas all at the same time before proceeding to the details of each separate ornament. They are as follows: The Snow on the Ground: Basecoat the snow areas all with Warm White. I actually ‘dabbed’ my paint on these areas to give it a bit of texture and to build up the color quickly. All skin areas: (this includes all faces, noses and the girl’s hands). Basecoat with two coats of Warm Beige. Once dry, highlight the cheeks, noses and hands with Tomato Red. If it appears too bright, simply add Warm Beige back into your brush and drybrush again until you have achieved the color you like! I used a very fine Black marker to create the tiny triangles on their noses then filled those in with thinned Tomato Red. 45

Painting Instructions: Gnome with Christmas Tree Hat: Basecoat with two coats of Rookwood Red and let dry. Drybrush with Tomato Red. Continue to use the same brush to highlight (mainly on the right side) of the hat with a bit of Warm Beige mixed in. Add the main stripe to the hat using Holly Green and drybrush with Festive Green. Add the ‘diamond’ shaped details and paint those with Olive Green. Once dry, add a tiny Black dot to the center of each. Finely outline in Black. The thin stripes on the top section of his hat are lined with thinned Warm White. The trim of his hat is also done in Warm White. Once dry, finely outline in Black and add the tiny vertical stripes with Black as well. The tiny snowflakes beside the deer are lined with thinned Warm White and dotted with Warm White as well. Finely outline the entire hat in Black, as well as outlining the deer shape in Black. The belt across the middle of the deer is painted with Holly Green and dotted with Olive Green. The deer’s eye is Black and fill in the legs with Black as well. Fill in the nose area with Warm White. Gnome’s Beard: Basecoat with Dove Grey and drybrush with Sand Grey. Highlight (continuing to use the same brush) with Warm White. Shade under his nose, cheeks and mouth with Slate Grey. Also shade under his arm, under the bottom of the tree and above his boots with Slate Grey as well. His mouth is finely lined in Black. Tree: Basecoat with two coats of Holly Green and let dry. Drybrush with Festive Green. Once this has dried, add a few strokes of thinned Holly Green from the tree’s tips upward. Finely outline the circles for the ornaments on the tree (you may want to use Chris’s Painter’s Pal!) and also add the tiny circles for the garland with your Black marker. I like to use a Ball tipped Stylus when I can to fill in any circles. I feel that it is easier to outline the circles first, then simply ‘dip-dot’ to fill them in! Fill in the ornaments (randomly) with Olive Green, Tomato Red, Peony Pink and Salem Blue. Fill in the tiny circles for the garland with Marigold. Star Topper: Base in with two coats of Marigold. Once dry, shade (or wetbrush) on the left side with thinned Tomato Red. Dot the center of the star with Warm White. The tree trunk is painted solidly with Traditional Burnt Umber and then finely outlined in Black, as well as the rest of the tree. 46

Mittens: Based in Rookwood Red, dry brushed with Tomato Red, and highlighted with just a touch of Warm Beige mixed in. They are also finely outlined in Black. Shoes: Basecoat his shoes in Black. Highlight them with a fine stroke of thinned Warm White. Once that has dried, then drybrush them with a bit of Slate Grey. Peppermint Gnome Hat: Basecoat with two coats of Holly Green. Once dry, drybrush with Festive Green. Stripes on the hat are based solidly with Rookwood Red and then drybrushed with Tomato Red. Add the ‘diamond’ shaped details to the largest stripe and paint the diamonds with Peony Pink. Once dry, dot the center of each diamond with Black. Finely outline with Black as well. Snowflakes: Both the large snowflake and the small snowflakes on his hat are all done in Warm White. W Finely outline the dots around the large snowflake (including the circle in the center) with Black and then fill these in with Tomato Red. The trim at the bottom of his hat is based in Warm White. Finely outline it in Black and add tiny Black vertical stripes. Beard: Basecoat beard with Dove Grey and drybrush with Sand Grey. Highlight (continuing to use the same brush) with Warm White. Shade under his nose, cheeks and mouth with Slate Grey. Shade around the left side of his boots with Slate Grey as well. His mouth is finely lined in Black. Mittens: Based in Rookwood Red, dry brushed with Tomato Red, and highlighted with just a touch of Warm Beige mixed in. They are also finely outlined in Black. Peppermint Lollipops: Base them with Warm White (two coats). Once dry, trace on the stripe design. Paint stripes Rookwood Red and let dry. Then paint the stripes again, this time using Tomato Red. Once dry, add a fine line of Peony Pink down the left side each red stripe. Finely outline the stripes (including the center circle/dot) with Black. Dot the center circle with Warm White. Also add a ‘semi-circle’ fine lined stroke to each lollipop with thinned Warm White. Finely outline the outer circle of the lollipops with Black and their sticks as well. Shoes: Basecoat his shoes in Black. Highlight them with fine strokes of thinned Warm White. Once that has dried, drybrush to highlight them with a bit of Slate Grey. 47

Cardinal: Basecoat him in two coats of Rookwood Red and let dry. Trace on the details. Paint around the details with Tomato Red. Finely outline the entire bird with Black. Using a mix of Tomato Red and Marigold (or if you don’t want to mix, ail simply use Canyon Orange), to paint the bird’s beak and to highlight his chest, tail and bottom part of his wing, going up into the tip of the wing. I added a very fine stroke off thinned Marigold to his upper beak (optional). His eye is Black and the ‘mask’ around his beak is also done in Black. Gi Gnome Girl Braids: Basecoat her hair (pigtails) with Dove Grey. Drybrush with Sand Grey and highlight with a bit of Warm White mixed in. Shade between each braid with Slate Grey. Finely outline and add finely lined details with Black. Her mouth is also finely lined in Black. Bows: Her hairbows are based with two coats of Tomato Red. Once dry, drybrush (or even wet brush) Peony Pink over the Tomato Red areas (making sure to leave a Tomato Red border). The openings in the bows are painted solidly with Rookwood Red. Finely outline the bows with Black. Hat: Basecoat with two coats of Holly Green. Drybrush with Festive Green. Once dry, trace on the poinsettia. Basecoat the leaves first, painting Olive Green. Paint the outside petals next with two coats of Tomato Red. Paint the center petals next with two coats of Peony Pink. Line the left side of each Tomato Red petal with a stroke of Rookwood Red. Pounce a bit of Tomato Red in the center of the Peony Pink petals. Once dry, finely outline ALL petals and leaves in Black. Add tiny circles of Black to create the center in the middle of the Peony Pink petals. Fill in these tiny circles with Marigold. Add tiny circles (polka dots!) to her hat! Randomly dip-dot these to fill them in with Olive Green and Warm White. Fill in the area behind the packages with Rookwood Red. (Add an additional coat, if needed for solid coverage). Stack of Gifts: Paint the package on the bottom first by basecoating it with two coats of Festive Green. Once dry, drybrush it with Olive Green. Add small, random circles to the package by finely outlining them in Black. Fill in the circles with Olive Green and Warm White. We will complete the bow after we finish the package on top.


Basecoat the package on the top with two coats of Peony Pink. (It may still look a bit transparent, but that’s fine!) Once dry, drybrush it to highlight it (mainly around the center) with Warm White. To create the stripes on this package, I used my ruler and an Ultrafine Red Sharpie marker! Easy-peasy! Bow: Finely outline the bow and ribbon on this package and basecoat it solidly with Olive Green. Once dry, drybrush it with a bit of Marigold. Once that has dried, finely outline it and add any fine details with Black. We can also go back now and add the ribbon and bow to the package on the bottom. Finely outline it in Black and then paint it with Rookwood Red. Once this has dried, wet-brush strokes of Tomato Red over the same areas. Basecoat her shoes in Black. Highlight them with fine strokes of thinned Warm White. Once that has dried, drybrush to highlight them with a bit of Slate Grey. Finishing Touches: Before sealing our ornaments, I did go back and add a few more Warm White ‘dots’ of snow randomly over each ornament. Now that we have finished, we can seal our ornaments before we add any extras. I simply spray sealed mine with Americana’s Matte Spray Finisher per instructions and let dry. Once our project has dried, there are many things you can do to enhance it, if you like! This is what I did: * I used Americana DuraClear Gloss Varnish to add some extra shine! This was added to the star and ornaments on the tree/to the peppermint lollipops as well as the cardinal’s eye and beak and also to the outside petals of the poinsettia. * I used DecoArt Glamour Dust Glitter Paint – Ice Crystal to all snow areas. (I did dab this one quite heavily!) I also painted the peppermint lollipops with it as well as the green ribbon/bow on the girl gnome’s top package to the outside petals of the poinsettia on her hat. * I also added DecoArt Media – Clear Liquid Glass to all of the ornaments on the tree as well as all the dots on the girl gnome’s hat and package. I also added it to the Marigold center of her poinsettia. I added it to the center dots of the lollipops and also the red dots on his hat! I love the dimension of Liquid Glass! There are so many ways to embellish these ornaments! If you have other colors of Glamour Dust or Galaxy Glitter you could really sparkle these up! I hope you had as much fun with these Snowie Gnomies as I did!




Cardinal Mini Sled Ornaments Original Design by Marlene Fudge, CDA Paintingmarlene@gmail.com

I love to paint cardinals and this trio are the perfect addition to these little mini sleds. With the added stamping on the background it makes them such a fun project to paint for the holidays for your tree, as gifts or for your next craft fair.


Surface: ¾ 4” x 1 ¾” Small Sled Ornaments (Item #1952 bearwithusinc.com) ¾ Any small ornament of choice Project Supplies: ¾ Usual Acrylic Tools ¾ Fine Grit Sandpaper ¾ Cling Christmas Background Stamp, #CRR144, Stampendous.com ¾ StazOn Ink Pad- Jet Black Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics ¾ Black Green ¾ Burnt Umber Mediums: ¾ Honey Brown ¾ Minwax Polycrylic Protective Finish -Clear Satin ¾ Lamp Black ¾ DecoArt Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer ¾ Primary Red ¾ Sea Glass ¾ Snow White ¾ Thicket Brushes: Dynasty Black Gold ¾ #5 & #14 Shader- 206S ¾ #3 Round- 206R ¾ 5/0 Liner- 206L ¾ Mezzaluna- Small Preparation: Mix together equal parts of Black Green + Multi-Purpose Sealer. Use the #14 Shader to basecoat the sled runners and the back of the ornament. Let dry well and sand lightly. Add another coat of just Black Green. Painting Instructions: Mix together equal parts of Sea Glass + Multi-Purpose Sealer and base coat the top of the sled and the dowel. Let dry and sand lightly. Using Sea Glass and Thicket, double load these colors on the #14 Shader and slip slap onto the top of the sled. Blend the color slightly. Stamp: Press the stamp onto the stamp pad, press onto your palette once to remove some of the ink so it isn’t so dark. Press onto the top of the sled. Let dry and then transfer pattern.


Branches and Pinecones: Base coat the pinecones with Burnt Umber using the #3 Round brush. Add a touch of water to the Burnt Umber to make an inky consistency and using the liner brush, add the branches. To add the petals of the pinecone, load a small amount of Honey Brown onto the corner of the #5 Shader brush. I like to turn the ornament upside down for this step. Float little semi circles for each petal. Try to make them a little bit random so they don’t look too perfect. Add a touch of water to Black Green and use the liner brush to add the pine needles on the branches. Use the stylus to add the berries with Primary Red.

Cardinals: Use the #3 Round to base coat the cardinals with Primary Red. Use the liner brush to add the faces with Lamp Black. The beaks are Honey Brown. Add a very thin line of Burnt Umber on the beak for the mouth. Add a touch of Lamp Black to Primary Red and using the #5 Shader, float along the wings, the bottom of the bellies and the tail. Add a tiny dot of White for the eye. Finishing: Use the Mezzaluna brush to stipple some snow onto the branches with White. Let dry well and remove any remaining transfer lines. Varnish the sleds with 2-3 coats of Polycrylic.


Resize the line drawing to best fit your surface 100%




Original Design by Sharon Cook sharonpaints@gmail.com


Create a cozy, farm-type country Christmas display for your tree this year with these three captivating country critters. Each ornament was designed with a touch of catchy Christmas humor that will bring a smile to everyone. This set is quick and easy to paint, and a great set for painters of all level. Happy painting! Surface: Arrow Ornaments (3); 6” x 3”, Item 31-L535; from Cupboard Distributing; https://www.cdwood.com/products/arrowornament?_pos=1&_sid=d3c4e3e01&_ss=r Project Supplies Woven Pattern Stencil, by Tim Holtz, THS082; Item 09-45611; Available from Cupboard Distributing; https://www.cdwood.com/products/woven-layeringstencil?_pos=1&_sid=4a4925624&_ss=r Usual Acrylic Painting Tools Stylus Grey and white transfer paper Tracing paper Thin 22-gauge wire, approximately 1 yard Needle-nosed wire cutters 2 yards ribbon and trim of your choice Hot glue gun and hot glue stick Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Blue Haven Bright Green Burlap Coral Blush Coral Shell Forest Green Grey Sky Grey Storm Hauser Dark Green Lamp (Ebony) Black Lemonade Light Buttermilk

Milk Chocolate Mermaid Tail Orange Flame Saffron Yellow Sour Apple Summer Squash Tuscan Red Watermelon Slice Warm White White Peach Glamour Dust—Ice Crystal

Mediums: 'HFR$UW $PHULFDQD Multi-Purpose Sealer Dura-Clear Matte Varnish Brushes: Royal & Langnickel Zen, Z73WO, Oval Wash, Size 3/4” Majestic Script Liner, R4585, Size 10/0 Aqualon Angular, 2160, Size 1/2” and ¾” Aqualon Round, R2250, Size 8 Zen, Z83SC, Soft Scrubber, Size 8


Chris Haughey Chris’s Epic 924 Script Liner, Size 18/0, https://www.cdwood.com/products/epic-18-0-script-liner Dynasty Brush Stencil Pro Brush, Sizes 1/2”; Available from The Brush Guys; https://www.thebrushguys.com/cgi-bin/sc-v4/proddisp.pl?client=firesaleguys&catid= 429&PRID=6475 Preparation The ornaments require no sanding. Apply Multi-purpose Sealer to the front, sides, and back of ornaments. Allow to dry.

Background Painting Instructions Forest Green: Base front, sides, and back oI ornaments. Bright Green/Sour Apple/Mermaid Tail: Brush a layer of water over front of ornament. While ornament is still wet, dip brush in brush basin, then into a pool of Bright Green. Using slip-slap, haphazard strokes, lightly brush some Bright Green in several spots of the ornament. Clean brush. Dip brush in water again, then in a pool of Sour Apple; slip-slap on the ornament, blending into some of the Bright Green spots. Repeat the application with Mermaid Tail, blending many of the spots together. Do not completely blend colors together; you want distinct areas of color to show. If more or brighter colors are desired, repeat the application. Allow to completely dry. Hauser Dark Green: Lay the Tim Holtz Woven Layering Stencil over the front of the ornament, and lightly stencil with Hauser Dark Green. Float around the edges of the ornament with Hauser Dark Green. Warm White: Thin paint slightly with a drop or two of water; loosely spatter front of ornaments. Using the 18/0 liner brush, line stitching around the edges of the arrows, except at the tip of the point, and the two back corners—the lining on those areas should be solid lining, rather than stitched lining. (Refer to photos for reference.)

Ornament Lettering

Warm White: Use the 10/0 liner to base all lettering. Repeat, if needed, to obtain opaque coverage. 59

Burlap/Light Buttermilk: (Equal mixture) Float to shade left edge of each letter. Lamp (Ebony) Black: Thin paint slightly and use the 18/0 liner to line a thin line on the left side of each letter (kind of like a drop-shadow). It is not necessary to line all the edges of the lettering. Watermelon Slice: Apply a stroke in the first letter of the following word (refer to photo for guidance): Good, WooO, All, Men, Cow-nt, Blessings, Duck, the, Halls.

Grey Sky: Base face, ears, and tail. Light Buttermilk: Base fluffy body and hair below the hat. Bright Green: Base holly leaves. Blue Haven: Base fur and pom-pom on hat. Watermelon Slice: Base hat, heart by holly, and mouth. Warm White: Dry brush center of fluffy body, center of face, ears, and tail, and fur trim on hat and pom-pom. Burlap: Float to shade around fluffy body; float each section of “fluff” in the middle of the body. )ORDW DURXQG WKH KROO\ OHDYHV Milk Chocolate: Sheerly float bottom of fluffy body to deepen shading. Grey Storm: Float around face, tail, and ears. Grey Storm/Lamp (Ebony) Black: (Equal mixture) Very thinly float around face, ears, and tail to deepen shading. Blue Haven/Drop of Mermaid Tail: Lightly float bottom and sides of hat fur and pom-pom to shade. Orange Flame: Dry brush center and top of hat to highlight. Float top of heart by holly leaves. Tuscan Red: Float to shade bottom of hat. Warm White: Line thin, short choppy lines all over the hat fur and pom-pom to resemble fur. Base eyes. Lemonade: Float top half of holly leaves. Forest Green: Float to shade bottom half of holly leaves. Lamp (Ebony) Black: Base pupils in eyes. Add a drop of water to thin paint slightly. Use the 18/0 liner brush to thinly line the sheep, hat (excluding the fur and pom-pom), holly, and heart. Warm White: Dot the center of the pupils.


Coral Shell: Base the cow’s muzzle. Light Buttermilk: Base the cow’s tail, body, head, and ears. Line a few strands of hair at the end of the tail and on top of the head (between the holly leaves). Summer Squash: Base the antlers. Bright Green: Base the holly leaves. Watermelon Slice: Base the mouth and bow on tail. Warm White: Dry brush the face, ears, and body. Base the eyes. Burlap: Float to shade around the black spots on the cow, and on the bottom of the ears and tail. Lamp (Ebony) Black: Base the black spots on the cow. White Peach: Dry brush center of muzzle; dry brush again with a little Warm White added to the dirty brush to brighten highlights. Coral Blush: Float to shade around the sides and bottom of the muzzle. Coral Shell/One drop of Lamp (Ebony) Black: Base the nostrils. Saffron Yellow: Shade bottom of antlers. Add a tiny bit of Orange Flame to the brush and deepen shading on antlers. Orange Flame: Float ends of bow on tail to highlight. Tuscan Red: Shade bow on tail; base mouth. Lemonade: Float top half of holly leaves. Forest Green: Float to shade bottom half of holly leaves. Watermelon Slice: Dot holly berries. Lamp (Ebony) Black: Use the 18/0 liner brush to thinly line the cow, holly, and bow. Line a few pieces of hair on the forehead. Base the pupils. Warm White: Dot the center of the pupils.


Light Buttermilk: Base the ducks. Blue Haven: Base fur and pom-pom on hats. Watermelon Slice: Base the hats. Summer Squash: Base the beaks and feet. Warm White: Dry brush center of duck’s faces and bodies. Dry brush center and top of fur on hat and pompoms. Burlap: Float to shade around heads and bodies; float around wings, around beaks, and on heads below hats. Milk Chocolate: Sheerly float bottom of bodies to deepen shading. Warm White: Float top of beaks and top of feet to highlight. Saffron Yellow: Float bottom of beaks and feet to shade. Add a tiny bit of Orange Flame to the dirty brush and float beaks and feet again to deepen shading. Orange Flame: Float top of hats to highlight. Tuscan Red: Float bottom of hats to shade. Blue Haven/Drop of Mermaid Tail: Lightly float bottom and sides of hat fur and pom-pom to shade. Warm White: Basecoat Eyes. Line thin, short choppy lines all over the hat fur and pom-pom to resemble fur. Bright Green: Base holly leaves. Lemonade: Float tops of holly leaves to highlight. Forest Green: Float bottoms of holly leaves to shade. Lamp (Ebony) Black: Base the pupil in the eyes. Use the 18/0 liner brush to thinly line the ducks, hat, and holly leaves. Use the 10/0 liner and line a thicker line for the light strand. Warm White: Dot the pupils in the eyes.


Blue Haven/Bright Green/Summer Squash/Watermelon Slice: Base three of the light bulbs Blue Haven, three of the light bulbs Bright Green, three of the light bulbs with Summer Squash, and two of the light bulbs with Watermelon Slice. Highlight the tips of the Watermelon Slice bulbs with Orange Flame and shade the base of the bulbs with Tuscan Red. Shade the base of the Blue Haven bulbs with a mixture of Blue Haven and Mermaid Tail. Shade the base of the Bright Green bulbs with Forest Green. Shade the base of the Summer Squash bulbs with a mixture of Saffron Yellow and Orange Flame. *UH\ 6N\: Line the base of each bulb. /DPS (ERQ\ %ODFN: Use the 18/0 liner brush to thinly line the bulbs and the base of the bulbs. Finishing Instructions: Glamour Dust—Ice Crystal: Base Glamour Dust—Ice Crystal over the following areas on each ornament: Good WooO to All Men!—over hatband and pom-pom and holly leaves and heart; Cow-nt Yer Blessings!—over muzzle on cow, on holly leaves, and bow on tail; Duck the Halls!— on pom-pom and fur trim on hats, on holly leaves, and on each light bulb. DuraClear Matte Varnish: After the Glamour Dust has thoroughly dried, varnish the top, sides, and back of the plaque. Wire hanger: Cut 12” of wire for each ornament. Wrap center of wire around handle of a large brush, and use the needle-nosed plyers to twist together, creating a stem about ½” long. Slip ends of wire through drilled holes in ornaments, from the front of the ornament to the back. Use the needle-nosed plyers to tightly wrap the ends of the wire into small loops, and bend back so that it lays flat against the ornaments. Ribbon and trim: Create a small bow from ribbon and trim, as desired. Attach to stem on wire hanger with hot glue.

Copyright Notice: © Copyright 2020 Sharon R. Cook. All rights reserved under Pan American and international copyright conventions. This pattern may be hand copied as necessary for the purpose of transferring the design for painting. Whether this pattern is purchased as part of an electronic magazine or as a paper packet or electronic-packet, you may not resell this design in any manner, nor make copies of either for resale, to give away, or to use in teaching classes or workshops without express written consent from Sharon R. Cook and/or the owners of this electronic magazine (see Note to Teachers/Shop Owners below). You may not print the colored images for the purpose of decoupaging to a surface, nor may you sell copies of the printouts from this publication in any format. The designs may not be used as web graphics. The projects created from the patterns in this packet may be personally painted by the purchaser for fun or for sale (i.e. at local craft shows, or internet auctions such as eBay, and on their own websites or photo sites), although if shown on the internet, you must provide credit to Sharon R. Cook as the designer in your description. Manufacturing the finished product for mass marketing in national gift shows and national gift publications is prohibited. No mechanical, electronic, digital or any other method of reproduction or distribution of this pattern, line drawing, and/or instructions is authorized. Any use other than described herein is prohibited without the express written consent of the designer and author. Disclaimer: The information in this pattern packet is presented to you in good faith. Since the author/designer has no control over the physical conditions surrounding the application of the information presented, results cannot be guaranteed.



Christmas Cuties Original Design by Lynne Andrews https://www.lynneandrews.com/

These little cuties were inspired by my series of “Snowies”, also known as Snow Angels. All are painted on the heart shapes, which are a perfect size ornament. I thought it was about time to introduce a Christmas version. Enjoy.


Surface % Birch hearts 5” x 2 ¼” from Lynne Andrews Folk Art, item #2011-11S Supplies % Usual Acrylic Tools % 200 grit sandpaper % Black transfer paper % Hair dryer % Fine point permanent black marker % Fine point permanent Red marker % Americana Glamour Dust- crystal % Rusty wire- approx. 10” per ornament % Pink powdered blush (from your makeup kit) % Cotton Swab % Red plaid ribbon (available from Hobby Lobby or Michaels) approx. 9” and 3/8” wide Paint: DecoArt Americana Acrylics % Antique Gold % Antique White % Burnt Umber % Buttermilk % Country Red % Hauser Light Green

% % % % % %

Hauser Medium Green Heritage Brick Lamp Black Plantation Pine Snow Titanium White Spiced Pumpkin

Brushes: Lynne Andrews % Series 3020, #’s 2, 4 Floater % Series 3014, #4 Stippler % Series 3030, ¼” Magic Mop % ½” Maxine’s oval mop series 270 % Large Brush of choice to seal and basecoat Mediums: DecoArt Americana % Multi-Purpose Sealer % Sealer/ Finisher- Matte To see a video on the techniques I use to layer acrylic paint using my new Floater Brush, please watch my video demonstration here:

https://www.lynneandrews.com/default.asp Preparation Lightly sand each heart. Apply Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer to all areas of hearts, following label directions. When dry, basecoat each heart Antique White. When dry, lightly sand and apply second coat. Paint the edges Black. Transfer pattern onto each heart. Leave off small details such as holly pattern on clothes, polka dots, etc. Add them as needed once your initial washes have been applied. 66

Instructions Each Snowie will be painted the same way. One Pig Tail Snowie. % Using the #4 floater wash Buttermilk onto the head, legs and wings. Lightly mop with ¼” magic mop to blend and soften, not to remove wash. Dry and repeat if needed. Generally, two light layers are needed for a soft and blended look. (fig. #1) % Using the #4 floater, wash Heritage Brick over her dress. (painting right over her doll) % Mop with 1/2” mop to blend. Dry and repeat. Paint the doll’s dress opaque Black. Paint head, hands and feet of doll with Buttermilk. When dry, go back over with White. Do the same wash of White, on top of the Buttermilk, to Snowie’ s head, hands and legs. Mop with ¼” mop. (fig # 2) % Lightly float watered down Black to shaded areas; yoke on dress, sleeves, bottom edge of dress and creases on the lower skirt, using #4 floater. Mop as you go to blend. % Wash Antique Gold onto each wing and mop to blend and soften. Start at tip of the wing and lightly wash downward with the 4 floater. Mop and dry. (fig #3) Fig #1


% %

Fig #2

Fig #3

Use the #4 to float Burnt Umber all around the outside edges of Snowie, including wings. Mop as you go to soften edges. Shade each wing up against side of her head and mop. When dry, load #4 floater with White and add stroke feathers. I start at the bottom and lift upward, tapering and smaller as you get to the top. Overlap edges as you go. (fig #4 on next page) Use the #2 floater to add her little pig tail at top of head. Take the #4 stippler and load with White. Stipple Snowie’ s head so that you just barely overlap onto the edge, to give a fuzzy, soft appearance. Dry. (fig #5 on next page)


Fig #4

Fig #5

Details The eyes on Snowie and doll, bow on her pig tail, yoke lines, polka dots on dress, and lines on stockings, are all done using the fine point marker. I suggest you use your hair dryer set on high heat for approx. 20 seconds to heat-set the ink. Fill in shoes with pen or paint Black. %


Doll’s dress has holly leaves of Hauser Light and Medium Green painted with the #2 floater. I did not mix colors, they are separate. I just tried to imply holly by painting at least one or two points on leaves. With stylus, add Country Red berries.


Both doll and Snowie have a Spiced Pumpkin carrot nose; and use a cotton swab to drybrush cheeks, using blush. I used the #2 to add White highlights to sleeve folds and added White lace to bottom of dress and cuff. Add White stylus dots on top of lace at the bottom. Doll has a White pig tail.


The holly halo starts with a Plantation Pine base. I used the #2 floater to paint small holly leaves first Hauser Medium Green, then came back with Hauser Light for contrast. Berries are Country Red.


Float Burnt Umber along edges of heart, all the way around. Mop as you go to keep it blended and soft. Dry completely before using the Red fine point marker to fill in all the blanket stitching around edges.


On your palette, add a few drops of Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer. Into that, lightly tap a little Crystal Glamour Dust. Mix well and I like to use a clean, soft ¼” mop to apply mixture to holly halo and wings. Dries clear and dust does not get all over everything. 68

Two Pig Tail Snowie: % The head, wings and legs are done the same as the previous Snowie, including White wash over the Buttermilk. Paint each wing the same also. Float around outside of head and wings using Burnt Umber. %

Finish face (nose, eyes, cheeks) and paint two White pigtails, same as previously.


Her dress is painted Black. I applied two coats. To define the arms and yoke of dress, I used a small amount of White, and used it like I was shading; around the outside of each arm, to imply folds along the bottom and define shape of yoke. %

Using the tip of the #2 floater, add White lace to cuffs and bottom of dress. Float between the hands with Burnt Umber. %

The holly on dress is Hauser Light and Medium Green. Stylus Country Red berries are added last. Paint the halo. %

Her stockings and shoes are the same as before. Float around outside of legs with Burnt Umber. Add Glamour Dust glitter mixture to wings and halo. Float Burnt Umber around edge. Add Red blanket stitching. Three Pigtail Snowie. % Face, wings and legs are all painted the same way. Add details to face. %

Her dress has an opaque Black yoke and pockets. The remaining dress is washed Plantation Pine. Mop to blend and soften. Repeat if you need to build up your depth of color. I did two layers. %

Paint holly on yoke, pockets and halo. Float around outside of head, wings body and legs. Mop as you go to blend and soften. Paint the heart Country Red. When dry, drybrush center in White. Add White lace to right cuff and bottom of dress. Finish stockings and legs same as others. %

I used my Black marker to add a few lines on her dress. Add Glamour Dust to wings, halo and heart. Float Burnt Umber around outside edge and when dry, add Red blanket stitching.

Finishing I used Americana Sealer/ Finisher (matte) to seal my little hearts. Once dry, add rusty wire to each heart. To get the spiral ends, just wrap excess wire around your paintbrush handle. I tied a little bit of red plaid ribbon to each one, just as a fun accent.



hristmas I ce



Original Design by Sandra Malone


Surface: Rectangle ornament of your choice. This one is 2 ½ X 6 ¼ inches. The item # is 31L538, MDF wood available from Cupboard Distributing. Supplies: Usual Acrylic Tools Tracing Paper Grey and White Graphite Paper Stylus Stencils or Stamps of Your Choice Old Toothbrush for Spattering Clothes Pins-optional Paints: Deco Art Americana Acrylics Black Plum Boysenberry Pink Buttermilk Camel Cotton Candy Deep Blush Deep Burgundy Espresso Foliage Green Hauser Medium Green Honey Brown

Lemonade Light Buttermilk Plantation Pine Primary Red Sea Glass Soft Black Terra Cotta Thicket Uniform Blue Warm White Winter Blue

Mediums: Deco Art Americana Sealer/Finisher-Matte Brushes: We all have our favorites and I have used multiple of brands, and the ones I’ve used here are shaders sizes 12-10-8-6-4-2, and a liner brush. Note: Read the instructions before painting. One of the designs shows berries hanging above the main part. It is much easier to shade around your design before painting these berries Preparation: No sealer is necessary for MDF. Basecoat the ornaments with Sea Glass, two coats may be necessary. Using transparent Thicket and a large, flat shader, float shade around the main design areas. Using any stamps or stencils you have on hand, randomly embellish background with Warm White. I used a script stamp, but your choice of design will work. This step will add a subtle interest to the background. Spatter Warm White. Allow to dry and then transfer on the pattern. You don’t need to trace the detail, just place the main outline.





Red These are basecoated Warm White. Repeat for good coverage. The red is Primary Red. Float Winter Blue down one side of the candy cane going over the broad red stripe. If you need a little more contrast, add Uniform Blue to Winter Blue. Shade the broad red stripe Deep Burgundy. Shade this over the existing blue shading. The thin red stripe is Primary Red. The highlight line is Warm White. Green: Basecoat Warm White. The green stripe is Foliage Green. Float Winter Blue to shade one side. Add a small amount of Uniform Blue if more contrast is needed. Float Hauser Medium Green over the broad green stripe for extra shading. The thin green stripe is Foliage Green. The highlight line is Warm White. Red Candy-White Center: Basecoat the outer area Primary Red. Repeat as needed. Float Deep Burgundy on each side. Highlight the center front area with a mix of Primary Red plus Cotton Candy. The white center of the candy is Warm White with Winter Blue shading on the left side. The center green dot and linework is Hauser Medium Green. Green Gum Drop: Pick up Foliage Green on the corner of your small brush and begin dabbing paint in the center of the gum drop. As you move to the left, begin picking up Lemonade, and finish. Pick up Foliage Green again on your brush, and starting in the center again dabbing color, and as you move to the right side, begin picking up Hauser Medium Green and finish. Add a tiny amount of Plantation Pine for more contrast in the shading areas. Work this wet into wet for a nice graduation of color. Tap Warm White on the left side for extra highlighting. The underneath area of the gum drip is painted the same, just keeping the lightest at the bottom, and moving up to the lower rim of the gum drop with shading colors. Large andy anes Swirl: Basecoat all white areas Warm White, shaded Winter Blue and then Winter Blue plus a small amount of Uniform Blue added to it. The red area is basecoated Primary Red, shaded first with Deep Burgundy, and then Black Plum slightly. Dry brush or float highlights on the bulges with a mix of Primary Red plus Cotton Candy, then just Cotton Candy. Add a final highlight of Warm White. Holly Leaf: Basecoat Foliage Green. Shade first with Hauser Medium Green, and then slightly with Plantation Pine. Highlight Lemonade. Float thin Deep Burgundy on a couple of the tips.


Frosting: Basecoat Warm White, shading Winter Blue, and then Winter Blue plus a small amount of Uniform Blue. This darker shading doesn’t need to go on every first shading area, just where you want the most contrast. Chocolate Fudge: Basecoat Espresso. Repeat as needed. Form shading with Soft Black. Highlight first with Terra Cotta and then Deep Blush. Add Warm White sparkles randomly Berries: Some of the berries are Primary Red, shaded Deep burgundy, and some are Deep Burgundy, shaded Black Plum. Highlight with a Warm White dot. The vines and stroke leaves are Hauser Medium Green, Foliage Green, and Plantation Pine. Dirty brush these for interest. Chocolate, Waffle Cone: Basecoat Espresso and repeat as needed. As you move to the top area, begin picking up Terra Cotta to finish. Blend the colors where they meet for a graduation look. Repeat this step as needed. Float Soft Black to form the triangles in the cone. Tip a small flat brush in Honey Brown and pull it down between the triangles on the front area of the cone. If you’ve lost your triangles on each side, then bring this color down in between them also, just keep them faint in color. Pick up Deep Blush and do this same step but keep it mostly on the front. Float Soft Black down each side of the cone. Tap Warm White sparkles on the front of the cone. Now to finish the top area. Using a scruffy brush, tap Deep Blush to resemble sugar. Without cleaning your brush, pick up Warm White and tap on top of the Deep Blush. You can add a little extra Warm White here and there if needed. The idea is to have a sugar look. Float thin Thicket around your design. Natural Color Cone: Basecoat Camel. Repeat as needed. Form the triangles by floating Honey Brown. If you need extra contrast on some, float thin Espresso. Float Espresso down each side of the cone. Tip a small flat brush in Buttermilk and run it in between the triangles on the front for some extra highlighting. Tint some of the triangles with thin Boysenberry Pink. Float thin Thicket around the design. Natural Cone-Pink Band: Start painting with Camel in the center, moving into Light Buttermilk as you paint to the left. Clean your brush and load again in Camel, begin painting in the center area and picking up Honey Brown as your move to the right side. Repeat as needed. The pink band is Boysenberry Pink, moving into cotton Candy as you paint to 74

the left. Boysenberry Pink in the center again, blending into Primary Red as you paint to the right side. This is better blending if your paint wet into wet. Repeat if needed. Float a little extra Cotton Candy on the left. Float thin Primary Red over the right area. We’re just adding extra contrast. Float Light Buttermilk again on the left side of the natural color cone. Float thin Espresso on the right side of the cone and also under the chocolate ice cream. The linework on each side of this pink band is Warm White. Details: Float thin Thicket on parts of the outer areas of the tags. Float this around areas of your design if you didn’t do that before adding berries. Finish: Following manufacturer’s instructions, apply several coats of spray varnish. Display Tip: Glue a clothes pin to the back of each tag to enable you to have more versatility placing the ornaments on tree branches or wreathes

Line Art is at 100%. Enlarge or reduce to fit your surface.


Line Art is at 100%. Enlarge or reduce to fit your surface.



Original Design by Karen Wisner Dyar kdolls.designs@gmail.com

I love painting snowmen and gingerbreads on ornaments! I truly hope you will enjoy painting these holiday designs. Feel free to adjust their sizes and paint on your favorite surface. Enjoy!! 78

Surface: * (3) #22-7338, Mink board ornaments 8 1/4" www.cdwood.com Supplies: * Usual Acrylic Tools * Black Micron Pen 01 * Stylus * Dark Transfer Paper * Tracing Paper * Cotton Swabs * 1" rusty wire for making hangers or narrow ribbon, pliers if using wire Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics * Antique Maroon * Avocado * Burnt Sienna * Dark Chocolate * Deep Midnight Blue * Foliage Green * French Grey Blue * Graphite * Honey Brown * Lamp Black * Light Buttermilk

* * * * * * * * * * *

Milk Chocolate Raw Sienna Saffron Yellow Sand Slate Grey Snow White Tangerine Terra Coral Tomato Red Williamsburg Blue Winter Blue

Mediums: * Americana Acrylic Sealer/Finisher Matte DAS13 Brushes: * Round sizes 1, 3 & 5 * Flat Wash 3/4" * Shaders 16 & 20 * Script Liner (long bristles) 10/0 * Mop 1/4 & 1/2 * Fabric Rounds 1/8 & 1/4 * Old Brushes: 1 Round, 1/4" angular Helpful Tip: Use the round brushes to basecoat. The script liner to paint vines, boughs, highlight strokes and small details. The 3/4" flat wash to float color areas and wide shades and highlights. The shaders to float color, shade and highlight (When floating color, load the brush with a wider amount of paint then done for shading or highlighting.). The fabric rounds to drybrush inner highlights and cheeks. The mops to blend floated areas. Use the Cotton Swab as a mini mop. The old brushes to stipple snow areas and make snowmen bodies. 79

Preparation: * Sand wood and wipe away dust. Completely cover ornaments using Light Buttermilk, let dry. Apply a second coat of Light Buttermilk, let dry. * Trace patterns onto tracing paper using the Black Micron Pen. * Transfer the basic design lines onto the ornaments, using the small end of a stylus and transfer paper. Transfer the detail lines as needed. Basic Painting Instructions: As you paint, refer to the pattern, for shading (///) and highlights (...). Sky Background Areas: Float using Winter Blue, let dry. Shade darkest shaded background areas using Williamsburg Blue. After painting is completed, make snow dots using the handle tip of the liner brush tip and Snow White.

Basecoat, Color Floats & some details


Snowmen: Float snowman body and snow areas using French Grey Blue (not the small snow mounds), let dry. Stipple first layer of snow-body and snow areas using Light Buttermilk, let dry. If needed shade lightly using a small amount of French Grey Blue. Stipple the snowmen and snow areas using Snow White, allowing some shading to still be seen, let dry. Facial Details: Paint Tangerine carrot noses and let dry. Shade noses using Burnt Sienna. Drybrush Terra Coral cheeks. Paint Lamp Black eyes and mouth. Twig Arms: Float Milk Chocolate twig arms, let dry then paint detail lines. Gingerbread Bodies: Float gingerbreads using Honey Brown, let dry. Paint Light Buttermilk frosting areas. Shade using Raw Sienna, let dry. Deepen the darker body shades using a small amount of Dark Chocolate, let dry. Drybrush Tomato Red cheeks. Paint Lamp Black eyes. Hangtags: Basecoat hangtags using Sand, let dry. Shade using Honey Brown. Candy Canes: Shade candy canes using Honey Brown, let dry. Paint red areas using Tomato Red, let dry. Shade red areas using Antique Maroon, let dry. Paint Snow White highlight strokes and make dots. Holly Leaves: Float holly leaves using Foliage Green, let dry. Shade leaves using Avocado, let dry. Highlight leaves using Saffron Yellow, let dry. Paint center leaf details using Avocado, let dry. Float a small amount of Tomato Red on leaves (see photos). Share the Chocolate Ornament: *Paint the sky background areas, snowman body, lower snow area, gingerbread body, holly leaves, candy canes and hangtag, following "Basic Painting Instructions". Snowman Hat & Scarf: Float the blue hat areas using Williamsburg Blue, let dry. Float the red areas and scarf using Terra Coral, let dry. Dot blue areas using Light Buttermilk. Paint Tomato Red lines on the red areas and scarf, let dry. Shade the blue areas using Deep Midnight Blue, let dry. Float Tomato Red over the Terra Coral to make the red areas on hat and scarf, let dry then shade using Antique Maroon, let dry. Highlight blue areas using Winter Blue. Highlight red areas using Light Buttermilk. (Snow will be stippled on at the end of the instructions along with boughs, vines, etc.) Paint a Deep Midnight Blue thread hanging from the hat end. Cake: Float cake areas using Honey Brown, let dry. Float frosting areas using Light Buttermilk. Paint chocolate on top of cake, using Dark Chocolate, let dry. Shade cake using Milk Chocolate, let dry. then make tiny dots using the small end of the stylus, let dry. Shade the frosting using Honey Brown, let dry. Deepen the shading on the cake using a small amount of Dark Chocolate. Drybrush cake highlights using Light Buttermilk. Highlight frosting using Snow White, let dry then paint highlight strokes on the upper chocolate and on


the frosting (see pattern). Dot the lower edge decoration using Snow White for the white dots, using the large stylus end. Dot using Tomato Red, using the small end of the stylus. Gingerbread Girl Scarf & Dress: Float scarf color using Winter Blue, let dry. Paint Williamsburg Blue lines on the dress, let dry. Dot the scarf using Williamsburg Blue, let dry then shade. Shade dress using Deep Midnight Blue; deepen the scarf shades at the darkest areas. Highlight the dress and scarf using Light Buttermilk. Frosting & Cherry: Paint frosting using Light Buttermilk. Paint cherry using Terra Coral. Shade frosting using Honey Brown, let dry. Float Tomato Red over the Terra Coral and let dry. Highlight frosting using Snow White, let dry then paint highlight strokes. Deepen the shading on the cherry and paint a stem, let dry. Highlight cherry using a small amount of Terra Coral. Shade and Details

Highlight, Details, Finish


Cupcake: Float frosting area using Terra Coral and cupcake paper using Sand, let dry. Float frosting using Tomato Red, let dry then dot frosting using the small stylus tip. Shade paper using Milk Chocolate, let dry then paint lines. Paint frosting "squiggle" on top of frosting, using Snow White. Highlight paper using Snow White. Hangtag: Paint the tiny square hole using Graphite. Paint or ink "Share the Chocolate", using Lamp Black and dot the letter ends. Snow Sweets Ornament: Detail photos, next page Paint the sky background areas, snowman body, lower snow area, gingerbread body, holly leaves, candy canes and hangtag, following "Basic Painting Instructions". Snowman: Float hat color using Graphite. Float cookie cutter using Slate Grey. Float scarf color using Williamsburg Blue, let dry then dot using Light Buttermilk. Shade hat using Lamp Black. When dry, paint cracks, holes, and stitches. Shade cookie cutter using Graphite, let dry then paint lines on the lower part of cutter, let dry. Shade scarf using Deep Midnight Blue. Drybrush hat highlights using Slate Grey. Deepen shading on the cookie cutter using a small amount of Lamp Black, let dry. Highlight the cookie cutter using Light Buttermilk, let dry. Paint tiny highlight strokes on the cookie cutter handle and upper edge of the cutter. Tree & Star Cookies: Float color onto the outer edges of the star and tree cookie using Honey Brown, let dry. Float star frosting color using Terra Coral. Float tree frosting color using Foliage Green, let dry. Dot star frosting using Tomato Red, let dots dry and then shade. Paint green sprinkles on the tree using Avocado, let dry then shade the frosting. Deepen shades on the cookie edges using Milk Chocolate. Deepen shading on the star frosting using a small amount of Antique Maroon, let dry. Drybrush highlights on the tree and star frostings using Light Buttermilk. Hangtag: Paint tiny Graphite hole in the tag, let dry. Paint or ink letters "Snow Sweets" using Lamp Black or the micron pen, dot letter ends using Lamp Black and the small stylus end. Gingerbread Cookie: Float coal buttons using Graphite, let dry. Shade coal using Lamp Black. Chocolate Chip Cookie: Float cookie using Honey Brown, let dry. Paint chocolate chips using Dark Chocolate. Shade cookie using Dark Chocolate, let dry. Highlight cookie using Light Buttermilk. Dot cookie using Milk Chocolate. Paint tiny highlight strokes on the chocolate chips using Snow White.


Shade and Details

Highlight, Details, Finish

Goodie Thyme Ornament: Paint the sky background areas, snowman body, lower snow area, gingerbread body, holly leaves, candy canes and hangtag, following "Basic Painting Instructions". Snowman: Float vest color using Winter Blue, let dry. Float pocket color using Saffron Yellow, let dry. Paint Williamsburg Blue lines on the vest and dot pocket using Snow White, let dry. Shade vest using Williamsburg Blue, let dry. Shade pocket using Burnt Sienna, let dry. Shade button using Milk Chocolate. Deepen shading on the vest using Deep Midnight Blue, let dry then paint the stitches.


Paint Lamp Black stitches around the pocket, buttonholes and bow; dot stitch ends, let dry. Highlight upper edge of pocket using Snow White. Hangtag: Paint tiny square hole in the hangtag using Graphite. Paint or ink letters "Goodie Thyme" and dot ends using Lamp Black. Gingerbread Girl: Float dress color using Saffron Yellow, let dry. Float frosting color on head, using Terra Coral, let dry. Dot dress using Snow White, let dry. Dot frosting using Tomato Red, let dry then shade the frosting. Shade sleeve cuff using Honey Brown, let dry then paint the cuff stitches. Shade and Details

Highlight, Details, Finish


Shade the center of the cuff button using Milk Chocolate. Shade dress using Burnt Sienna, let dry. Highlight lower dress edges and frosting on head using Snow White, let dry. Paint lower dress stitches using Burnt Sienna. Cupcakes: Float cupcake papers using Sand, let dry. Shade cupcake papers using Honey Brown, let dry. Float red frosting color and cherry using Terra Coral, let dry. Float green frosting color using Foliage Green, let dry. Deepen color on the cherry and red frosting using Tomato Red. Shade green frosting using Avocado, let dry then paint sprinkles. Sprinkles and Papers: Paint the chocolate on the green cupcake, using Dark Chocolate. Dot red frosting using Tomato Red, let dry. Deepen shading on the red frosting and cherry using a small amount of Antique Maroon, let dry and then paint the cherry stem. Deepen shading on the papers using Milk Chocolate, let dry then paint the lines. Shade the lower edge of the chocolate using Graphite, let dry. Highlight both cupcakes using Snow White, paint squiggle frosting and dots on the chocolate. All Ornaments: Vines, Berries, Boughs & Snow Clumps: Paint vines and bough centers using Dark Chocolate. Paint dark bough needles using Avocado and light needles using Foliage Green. Stipple "snow clumps" using Snow White. Dot berries using Tomato Red and end of the stylus. Finish: * Following manufacturer’s directions, spray the entire painted surfaces using Matte Spray Varnish, let dry then repeat. * Cut a 10" piece of rusty wire. Curl one end and push through the hole, from front to back, bend the wire upwards. Curl the remaining wire to form a hanger and remove any excess wire. Or, push a thin ribbon through the hole to form a hanger. Any questions or concerns, please contact me: Karen Wisner/Dyar - kdolls.designs@gmail.com or message me on Facebook "Karen Wisner"

Line Art is at 100% Enlarge or reduce as necessary for your surface 86

Line Art is at 100% Enlarge or reduce as necessary for your surface 87

Heartstrings Tree Ornaments Original Design by Jamie Mills-Price support@betweenthevines.com

I have an affinity for the gnome folk lately and I just had to pair them with wee frosty folk on simple tree shaped ornaments! You could paint the trees in a variety of tones… yellows, oranges, purples, etc., in an ombre effect! Makes for fun backgrounds!


Surface: Heartstrings Tree Ornaments (Item #: 520027), available at https://pinecraftinc.com/ Project Supplies: Punchinello, available from Just Fine Designs, https://www.justfinedesigns.com/ (In place of Punchinello, you can use a small circles/bubbles stencil) Ball Stylus Toothbrush (or spattering tool) Cosmetic Sponge (wedge) 3 Swarovski crystals (optional) Glue (for crystals) Ties, ribbon, or wire for hanging Paint: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Black Plum Bright Blue Bright Orange Burgundy Wine Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Frosted Plum Green Lagoon Honey Brown Indian Turquoise Lamp Black Midnite Green Glamour Dust Glitter Paint: Sapphire Blue Sizzling Red Limelight

Mocha Neutral Grey Open Water Payne’s Grey Plantation Pine Plum Sable Brown Sand Grey Snow White Sour Apple Wedgewood Blue Wild Berry

Mediums: DecoArt Snow Tex Glamour Dust, dry, Crystal Multi-Purpose Sealer Varnish of choice

Galaxy Glitter: Clear Ice Comet Dazzling Metallics: White Pearl Brushes: Jo Sonja Sure Touch Brushes Series 1375 Square Wash (SW): 1/2 Series 1365 Script Liners 5/0, 18/0 Series 1350 Rounds 3, 1 Series 1370 Flats 8, 6, 4 Series 1317 Mop 1/2 Series 1385 Filberts 6 Series 1390 Oval Glaze (OG): 1/2 Series 2010 Oval Dry Brushes (ODB): 8, 6, 4 Preparation: MDF: Ornaments that are cut out of MDF, I usually do not seal. Wood: Sand if needed, seal and lightly sand again.


Painting Instructions Initial Basecoats: The trees are all based in an ombre fashion (darker toward the top, lighter toward the bottom). Use the 1/2 Oval Glaze to slip-slap the colors on (casually blended, no worries!). It can be completely different than what mine look like, don’t stress it! Red Tree: Base the surface in a slip-slap fashion (back and forth in a crisscross manner). Load the 1/2 OG in Burgundy Wine and apply to tree, tip the brush into Black Plum and this is kept more toward the upper part of the tree. Then, while wet, dirty brush into Wild Berry and continue basing on down the tree. Dirty brush into Bright Orange (optional!) and finally tip into a bit of Sand Grey for the lighter notes (where the snow will be). Green Tree: Paint as described above using the colors: Plantation Pine, Sour Apple, Sand Grey Blue Tree: Paint as described above using the colors: Bright Blue, Indian Turquoise, Open Water, Green Lagoon, Sand Grey. Secondary Basecoats: Apply pattern as needed and basecoat as follows. (I used the 6 filbert and the 3 round for basing.) Little Gnomes (all): Noses are filled in with Mocha. The beards are Neutral Grey (they do not have to be opaque). Their hats are filled in with Sand Grey. Red Tree Gnome: Fill coat in with Green Lagoon. Blue Tree Gnome: Fill coat in with Frosted Plum. Green Tree Gnome: Fill coat in with Wild Berry. Wee Frosty Friends... Penguin: Black sections are Lamp Black; light sections are Sand Grey. Snowman: Base in Sand Grey. Gingerbread: Base in Sable Brown.


Painting Instructions Red Tree: 1.) Shade behind the gnome and the gingerbread babe, with Burgundy Wine and then with a brush mix of Burgundy Wine + Black Plum. Deepen Black Plum (especially at the top); the deepest tones can be with a dirty brush tip into Lamp Black. 2.) Highlight through the central areas with a soft drybrush scrub of Sand Grey, using the 8 ODB. (Load a small amount in the brush, scrub off most of the color onto a dry paper towel before moving to project.) 3.) Line the blanket stitch on edge with the 5/0 liner and Snow White. Line the heart (tied to the heartstring) and bow tie with Snow White and then float around it with the same color. Float the top of the inside of the heart with the background shade color. 4.) Trunk: Line the diagonal detail with variegated stripes of thin Burnt Umber and Sand Grey. Float a side-load of Burnt Umber to separate the trunk from the tree area. Float Bright Orange across the bottom and brighten with Snow White. 5.) (Paint this lastly). Use the Punchinello and Snow White to drybrush (8 ODB) the circle effect onto the snowy ground area (brightest under the characters, fade off on the edges). The snow under the elements is floated with the 1/2 SW and Snow White. Use the stylus to add Snow White dots across the bottom, on the circles and add little Bright Orange stylus dots from the tree edge to the character. Green Tree: 1.) Shade behind the gnome and the penguin babe with Plantation Pine, and then with a dirty brush into Midnite Green. Deepen Midnite Green; the deepest tones can be a dirty brush into Lamp Black. 2.) Highlight through the central areas with a soft drybrush scrub of Sand Grey, using the 8 ODB. (Load a small amount in the brush, scrub off most of the color onto a dry paper towel before moving to project.) 3.) Line the blanket stitch on edge with the 5/0 liner and Snow White. Line the heart (tied to the heartstring) and bow tie with Snow White and then float around it with the same color. Float the top of the inside of the heart with the background shade color. 4.) Trunk: Line the diagonal detail with variegated stripes of thin Burnt Umber and Sand Grey. Float a side-load of Burnt Umber to separate the trunk from the tree area. 5.) (Paint this lastly). Use the Punchinello and Snow White to drybrush (8 ODB) the circle effect onto the snowy ground area (brightest under the characters, fade off on the edges). The snow under the elements is floated with the 1/2 SW and Snow White. Use the stylus to add Snow White dots across the bottom, on the circles and little Sour Apple stylus dots from the tree edge to the character. Blue Tree: 1.) Shade behind the gnome and the snowman babe, with Wedgwood Blue, and then a brush mix of Wedgwood 91

Blue + Payne’s Grey. Deepen Payne’s Grey; the deepest tones will be with a dirty brush into Lamp Black. 2.) Highlight through the central areas with a soft drybrush scrub of Sand Grey, using the 8 ODB. (Load a small amount in the brush, scrub off most of the color onto a dry paper towel before moving to project.) 3.) Line the blanket stitch on edge with the 5/0 liner and Snow White. Line the heart (tied to the heartstring) and bow tie with Snow White and then float around it with the same color. Float the top of the inside of the heart with the background shade color. 4.) Trunk: Line the diagonal detail with variegated stripes of thin Burnt Umber and Sand Grey. Float a side-load of Burnt Umber to separate the trunk from the tree area. 5.) (Paint this lastly). Use the Punchinello and Snow White to drybrush (8 ODB) the circle effect onto the snowy ground area (brightest under the characters, fade off on the edges). The snow under the elements is floated with the 1/2 SW and Snow White. Use the stylus to add Snow White dots across the bottom, on the circles and then add little Indian Turquoise stylus dots from the tree edge to the character. Gnome Hats: See picture on following page *Note: You will see a highlight on the hat edges of the final photos; that happens after we have floated other colors, do not let it confuse you! Red Tree Gnome Hat: 1.) Use the Punchinello and the 6 ODB loaded in Burgundy Wine (scrub out most of the color on a dry paper towel) to scrub over the circles; (to create the polka dot effect). Dirty brush into Bright Orange and add a few orangey-tones on the circles. 2.) Initially shade down the left side with Burgundy Wine, with random floats on the right side. Deepen the Burgundy Wine floats in the darkest areas with a brush mix of Burgundy Wine plus Black Plum, with darkest tones dirty brushed into Lamp Black. 3.) Float random tints on the edges with a soft side-load of Green Lagoon and Bright Orange. 4.) Highlight with floats of Snow White to accentuate the droopy hat folds; scrub through the center of the hat using the 8 ODB and Snow White. Use the 8 flat and a small side-load of Snow White to add the backlights and additional highlights you like. 5.) Add little Bright Orange stylus dots on some of the circles. Line, to make the little top flip and scattered wispy hair with thin Snow White. Add little scattered leaf strokes using the 3 round and Plantation Pine. A little Snow White stylus dot for the berry. Add little scattered leaf strokes using the 3 round and Plantation Pine. A little Snow White stylus dot for the berry. Blue Tree Gnome Hat: 1.) Use the Punchinello and the 6 ODB loaded in Wedgewood Blue (scrub out most of the color on a dry paper towel) to scrub over the circles (to create the polka dot effect). 2.) Initially shade down the left side with Wedgewood Blue, with random floats on the right side. Deepen floats with a brush mix of Payne’s Grey. 3.) Float random tints on the edges with a soft side-load of Plum, dirty brush into Burgundy Wine to intensify the tone in a couple areas. 4.) Highlight with floats of Snow White to accentuate the droopy hat folds; scrub through the center of the hat using the 8 ODB and Snow White. Use the 8 flat and a small side-load of Snow White to add the backlights and additional highlights you like. 5.) Add little Indian Turquoise stylus dots on some of the circles. Line, to make the little top flip and scattered wispy hair with thin Snow White. Add little scattered leaf strokes using the 3 round and Plantation Pine. A little Snow White stylus dot for the berry. Add little scattered leaf strokes using the 3 round and Plantation Pine. A little Snow White stylus dot for the berry. 92

Green Tree Gnome Hat: 1.) Use the Punchinello and the 6 ODB loaded in Plantation Pine (scrub out most of the color on a dry paper towel) to scrub over the circles (to create the polka dot effect). 2.) Initially shade down the left side with Plantation Pine, with random floats on the right side. Deepen the floats in the darkest areas with a brush mix into Midnite Green, with darkest tones dirty brushed into Lamp Black. 3.) Float random tints on the edges with a soft side-load of Sour Apple; and Wild Berry with a touch of Burgundy Wine, for some pinky tones. 4.) Highlight with floats of Snow White to accentuate the droopy hat folds; scrub through the center of the hat using the 8 ODB and Snow White. Use the 8 flat and a small side-load of Snow White; add the backlights and additional highlights as you like. 5.) Add little Sour Apple stylus dots on some of the circles. Line, to make the little top flip and scattered wispy hair with thin Snow White. Add little scattered leaf strokes using the 3 round and Plantation Pine. A little Snow White stylus dot for the berry. GNOME COATS: Red Tree Gnome Coat: Stripe with thin Open Water using the 4 flat; add lines and dots with Sand Grey over the lighter stripes. Shade with Open Water and deepen with a dirty brush into Payne’s Grey. Highlight with Sand Grey, with brightest tones floated with Snow White.


Blue Tree Gnome Coat: Stripe with the 6 flat and thin Plum; add wavy lines and dots with thin Sand Grey. Shade with Plum; dirty brush into Black Plum to deepen. Highlight with Sand Grey, with the brightest tones using Snow White. Green Tree Gnome Coat: Stripe with the 4 flat and thin Burgundy Wine; add lines and dots with thin Sand Grey. Shade with Burgundy Wine; deepen with a dirty brush into Black Plum. Highlight with Sand Grey, brightest tones are floated with Snow White. All Gnome Gnoses: The noses are shaded with a brush mix of Mocha + Burnt Sienna; deepen with just Burnt Sienna. Float Burgundy Wine on the sides of the nose. Float Snow White along the bottom to highlight; and for the bright highlights tap a little on with a liner on the upper right and lower left.

All Gnome Beards: Float a brush mix of Neutral Grey + Lamp Black under the nose and hat. Float coordinating tints from the tree/coat colors over the beard for each gnome. Red Tree: Float Indian Turquoise and Bright Blue. Blue Tree: Float tints of Plum and Wedgewood Blue. Green Tree: Float tints of Plantation Pine and Burgundy Wine.


Drybrush scrub, using the 8 ODB and Snow White through the central area of the beards. Thin down Sand Grey and begin stroking the beard on, using the 5/0 liner. Move to the 18/0 script and add finer detail lines and the beard and mustache. Stroke beard out onto the coat, hat and the tree background. WEE FROSTY FRIENDS… Gingerbread Babe: Line the frosting and dots with thin Sand Grey using the 18/0 liner. Float the shading with a brush mix of Sable Brown + Burnt Umber, deepen with Burnt Umber, dirty brush into a touch of Lamp Black for the darkest tones. Tint down the left side with a soft side-load of Burnt Sienna; float a tint of Bright Orange down the right. Drybrush, using the 6 ODB and Mocha, onto the open areas of the body. Float highlights with a soft side-load of Sand Grey. The features are as follows: Eyes are stylus dots of Lamp Black; nose is a swish of Burgundy Wine. Add teeny-tiny touches of Sand Grey for highlights in eyes and nose. The lashes and mouth dot are thin Lamp Black. Use the 4 ODB and a touch of Burgundy Wine (scrub out most of the color onto a dry paper towel) and scrub the small cheeks (circular motion). The heart on the chest is filled in with Burgundy Wine, while wet tip the brush in Sand Grey (or Snow White) to highlight. Line with Lamp Black (if needed). Float around it with a soft side-load of Burgundy Wine. Add small stroke leaves using the 1 round and thinned Plantation Pine, pulled through thin Snow White. Heartstrings: Line first with thin Lamp Black; stroke above with Snow White. Dot over the string with stylus and Snow White; (you can line it like rope with small strokes). Penguin Babe: Float the shading on the light sections with Neutral Grey; float the dark sections to show shape, with a soft side-load of Sand Grey. Float a tint down the left side of the belly with a soft sideload of Wild Berry. Drybrush, using the 6 ODB and Snow White, onto the tummy section body. Float any additional highlights with a soft sideload of Snow White (8 flat). The penguin’s beak and feet are stroked on with the 3 or 1 round; load brush in Honey Brown, dirty brush tip into Sand Grey and add the highlight. The eyes, and button dots, are dotted using the stylus and Lamp Black. Add a tiny highlight in the eyes with Snow White. Underline the beak on the left side, add tiny little eyelashes, brows, and fluffy hair with thin Lamp Black, (18/0 liner); dirty brush into a touch of Sand Grey to add a few light fluffs of hair. Use the 4 ODB and a touch of Burgundy Wine (scrub out most of the color onto a dry paper towel) and scrub the small cheeks (circular motion). The heart on the chest is filled in with Burgundy Wine, while wet tip the brush in Sand Grey (or Snow White) to highlight. Line with Lamp Black (if needed). Float around it with a soft side-load of Burgundy Wine. Add small stroke leaves using the 1 round and thinned Plantation Pine, pulled through thin Snow White, if needed to show up.


Heartstrings: Line first with thin Lamp Black; stroke above with Snow White. Dot over the string with stylus and Snow White; (you can line it like rope with small strokes). Snowman Babe: Float the shading with Neutral Grey. Tint down the left side (face and tummy) with a soft side-load of Wedgewood Blue; float down the right side (tummy) with Frosted Plum. Drybrush, using the 6 ODB and Snow White, onto the open areas of the body. Float highlights with a soft side-load of Snow White. The features are as follows: Eyes and mouth dots are stylus dots of Lamp Black; nose is a swish of Burgundy Wine. Add teeny-tiny touches of Sand Grey for highlights in eyes and nose. The lashes and mouth dots are thin Lamp Black, 18/0 liner. Use the 4 ODB and a touch of Burgundy Wine (scrub out most of the color onto a dry paper towel) and scrub the small cheeks (circular motion). The heart on her chest is filled in with Burgundy Wine, while wet tip the brush in Sand Grey (or Snow White) to highlight. Line with Lamp Black (if needed). Float around it with a soft side-load of Burgundy Wine. Add small stroke leaves using the 1 round and thinned Plantation Pine, pulled through thin Snow White, if needed to show up. Heartstrings: Line first with thin Lamp Black; stroke above with Snow White. Dot over the string with stylus and Snow White; (you can line it like rope with small strokes). Finishing: Erase any remaining graphite. Basecoat the ornament backside in the color of your choice. Tap on the edges of the ornaments (as needed) using the cosmetic wedge sponge loaded in the coordinating tree color or Lamp Black. (This just helps to finish the edges.) Use the old toothbrush (or your favorite spattering tool) with thin Snow White to spatter “snow” over the ornaments (front and back!). Snow Tex (Optional): Load the 1/2 SW in a side-load (tiny amount!) of the medium; blend it a bit on the palette before taking it to the snowy ground to float. *Float the medium toward the top of the snowy mounds under the characters (err on the side of having too little, rather than too much, as we just want a touch of dimension!). I floated a touch on the gnome’s caps, and on top of the wee snowman’s head too…sweet! Glitter and Glamour Effects (optional): DA Glamour Dust Glitter Paint: I used the coordinating color on the tree trunks and on the hearts. DA Galaxy Glitter: I tapped this over the snowy ground area (most concentrated is under the characters) and while wet, tap the DA Glamour Dust (dry) over the Galaxy Glitter (makes it super, duper sparkly!). Let dry. DA Dazzling Metallics, White Pearl: I over-stroked some of the brightest beard and mustache strokes, and a few of the wispy hairs coming from the hat. I side-load floated some along the bottom of the tree (above the trunk). I over-stroked the rope tie on the heartstrings. 96

Varnish as desired. (I often will use a brush on varnish before adding the dry glitter and then set it with a spray varnish.) Glue the Swarovski crystal to top each of the gnome’s hats and add the hanging ribbon, wire or ties. Hope these bring a little smile to your heart as you paint them, and that you enjoy having them on your tree this year! Hugs, Jamie


Line Drawings are at 100%



Original Design by Deb Antonick, Painting with Friends www.paintingwithdeb.com

The Coronavirus has given us all the time to look at what is really important, and to appreciate those around us working daily so we can stay home and remain safe. I have been spending a lot of time in Hospital these past weeks with my Mom and have seen firsthand all the hard work that our healthcare workers do every day. I designed and painted these sweet little angels to show my appreciation to the staff taking care of my Mom. I hope you enjoy painting these angels, I have left enough space along the bottoms for personalization. Be Kind, Be Calm and Stay Safe


Surface: Set of 3 angels #SLDPK777 available from www.sheilalandrydesigns.com Supplies: Usual Acrylic Tools Fine sandpaper String for hanging Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Blue Chiffon Cactus Flower Cotton Candy Dried Clay Green Tree Indian Turquoise Jadeite Lamp Black. Light Buttermilk

Light Lime Pink Chiffon Shoreline Snow “Titanium” White Summer Squash Sunny Day Warm Beige Warm Sunset

Mediums: DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer Ultra-Matte Varnish Galaxy Glitter – Clear Ice Comet Brushes: available from www.thebrushguys.com Dynasty Black Gold (206 Series) #2, #4, #6, Flat shaders 3/8” and ¼” Angle Shaders 20/0 Script liner 206SL #1 Round 206R #6 Dome Blender (Decorator Series 200) 3/8” Mop Brush (Decorator Series 400) PREPARATION: Seal the ornaments with DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer. Let dry. Sand lightly. Transfer on the basic designs. PAINTING INSTRUCTIONS: All Angels Hair: o Basecoat with Summer Squash. o Shade with Tangerine. Highlight with Sunny Day. o Deepen shading with Warm Sunset. Brighten highlights with Light Buttermilk. All Angels Face, Hands, Neck and Feet: (Note – hands may need to be added later) o Basecoat with Warm Beige. Shade with Dried Clay. Float the highlight above the mask with Light Buttermilk. o Float the cheeks, in the corner above the mask, with Cactus Flower. 101

o Paint the eyes with Snow “Titanium” White. Dot the eyeballs with Indian Turquoise. Dot the pupil with Lamp Black. Dot a sparkle with Snow “Titanium” White. o Paint the shoes with Lamp Black. Dot with Snow “Titanium” White. Shoes: o Paint all the shoes with Shoreline. Dot with Snow “Titanium” White. Wings and Halos: o Basecoat with Light Buttermilk. o Shade with Blue Chiffon, highlight with Snow “Titanium” White

Pink Angel Dress and Mask: o Basecoat with Pink Chiffon. o Trace on details. o Shade with Cotton Candy. o Float highlights with Blue Chiffon. o Deepen shading with Cactus Flower. o Float highlights again with Spa Blue. o Float some watery tints of Sunny Day here and there. Heart: o Basecoat with Shoreline. o Shade with Indian Turquoise. o Highlight with Blue Chiffon. o Deepen shading with more Indian Turquoise. o Line the highlight with Snow “Titanium” White. Gloves: o Basecoat with Jadeite. o Shade with Green Tree. o Highlight the fingertips with Light Lime.

Blue Angel Dress and Mask: o Basecoat with Blue Chiffon. o Trace on details. o Shade with Shoreline. o Float highlights with Light Lime. o Deepen shading with Indian Turquoise, o Float highlights again with Light Lime. ere. o Float some watery tints of Sunny Day here and there. Toilet Paper: o Basecoat with Light Buttermilk. Titanium” o Shade with Light Lime and highlight with Snow “Titanium” White. © 2020 Deb Antonick 102

o o o o

Time some of the shading areas with Sunny Day and some with Blue Chiffon. Tint some of the highlights with Pink Chiffon. Drybrush with Snow “Titanium” White. Deepen shading with Jadeite.

Lysol: o Basecoat with Pink Chiffon. o Shade with Cotton Candy. o Highlight with Light Lime. o Deepen shading with Cactus Flower. o Highlight with a tint of Sunny Day. Green Angel: Dress and Mask – o Basecoat with Light Lime. o Trace on details. o Shade with Jadeite. o Float highlights with Pink Chiffon. o Deepen shading with Green Tree. o Float highlights again with Cotton Candy. o Float some watery tints of Sunny Day here and there. Towel: o Basecoat with Pink Chiffon. o Shade with Cotton Candy. o Highlight with Blue Chiffon. o Deepen shading with Cactus Flower. o Dot with Snow “Titanium” White.

© 2020 Deb Antonick

Hand Soap: o Basecoat with Blue Chiffon. o Shade with Shoreline. o Highlight with Snow “Titanium” White. o Paint the lid and pump with Lamp Black.

FINISHING: Outline as desired with Lamp Black. There are lots of tiny details. Line all stitching with Lamp Black. Dot buttons with Lamp Black, then with Snow “Titanium” White. Following manufacturer’s instructions, apply Ultra-Matte Varnish. Paint the wings and the halos with the Galaxy Glitter using the #1 Round. It is easiest to scoop this glitter onto the brush and tap it onto the surface. You want lots of glitter -


Pixelated Palette July 2020 - Copyright © 2020 Deb Antonick - All Rights Reserved. 104 Photocopying or mechanical reproduction is strictly prohibited. May be painted for fun or profit. No mass producing. Credit must be given to the designer when selling your painted pieces on websites such as Etsy. www.paintingwithdeb.com


Original Design by Diane Marie Kellogg


When I first saw these wooden ornaments, they reminded me of cute little barrel lids, my first thought was ‘I wonder what was in the barrels?’ Throw in a little Christmas magic and these are ready to adorn your tree. I hope they help keep your holidays ‘tasty’! Surface 3 - Round Pallet Ornament SKU: 31-L599 CDWOOD.COM Project Supplies Craft Sponge – For staining. Stylus & Transfer Paper Baker’s Twine SKU: 46-41214 CDWOOD.COM Paints: DecoArt Americana Black Plum Bleached Sand Burnt Orange Burnt Umber Deep Midnight Blue Dove Grey Honey Brown Milk Chocolate Napa Red

Orange Flame Soft Blue Terra Coral Tuscan Red Warm Beige Warm White Watermelon Slice Williamsburg Blue

Brushes: Royal Langnickel Majestic Series 4250 Round 6 Zen Series 273A Angular Shader ½” Mini Majestic Series 4200A Angular Shader 0 4200M Monogram 30/0 4200SP Spotter 20/0

Mediums Maple Gel Stain by DecoArt Matte Metallics Soft Silver by DecoArt Matte Sealer/Finisher Spray by DecoArt

Preparation Seal surface with matte spray, if desired. Painting Instructions Background Base the background stripes with Warm White and Red Alert. Once dry, ‘antique’ the background by wiping with Maple gel stain. Allow to dry. Transfer the design using transfer paper and stylus. (Do not transfer lettering yet.) Santa: Base his face with Warm Beige, shade with Terra Coral. His eyes are Lamp Black, Williamsburg Blue and Warm White. The linework for his eyes is done with Lamp Black.


Float a little Tuscan Red for his cheeks. The dot on his nose, eyes and cheeks are done with Warm White. His lip is a touch of Terra Coral shaded with a touch of Tuscan Red. His beard, moustache and eyebrows are based with Warm White. They are shaded with Dove Grey. His hat is Tuscan Red, shaded with Black Plum. The highlight is Watermelon Slice. The trim on the hat is done with Bleached Sand, shaded with Burlap. The highlight is Warm White. His gloves are based with Milk Chocolate, shaded with Burnt Umber. The highlight and the stitch lines are done with Honey Brown. Rudolph: His face and ears are based with Honey Brown, shaded with Milk Chocolate. The ears have a light wash of Terra Coral on the inside. His cheeks are lightly floated with Tuscan Red, the dots are Warm White. His eyes are Lamp Black, Williamsburg Blue and Warm White. The dots on his eyes are Warm White. The linework for his eyes and mouth is done with Lamp Black. His nose is based with Tuscan Red, shaded with Napa Red, the highlight is Watermelon Slice. The dots on his nose are both Warm White and Terra Coral. His collar is Tuscan Red, shaded with Napa Red. The jingle bells are dots of Soft Silver topped with smaller dots of Lamp Black. His hooves and antlers are based with Milk Chocolate, shaded with Burnt Umber. The highlights on both and the details on the antlers are Honey Brown. His little poofs of hair in the middle of his antlers is done with Milk Chocolate, then shaded with Burnt Umber and the highlight is Honey Brown. Snowman Sam: His face is based with Bleached Sand and shaded with a little Dove Grey. The highlights are Warm White. His cheeks are lightly floated with Tuscan Red, the dots are Warm White. His eyes are Lamp Black, Williamsburg Blue and Warm White. The dots on his eyes are Warm White. The linework for his eyes and mouth is done with Lamp Black. His nose is based with Burnt Orange, shaded with Napa Red, the highlight is Orange Flame. The snow on his nose is Warm White. His scarf is based with Williamsburg Blue, shaded with Deep Midnight Blue. The highlight and the stitch and fringe lines are done with Soft Blue. His gloves are based with Milk Chocolate, shaded with Burnt Umber. The highlight and the stitch lines are done with Honey Brown. Details: With Burnt Umber, shade each ornament around the outer edges, along the plank and around the characters with Burnt Umber. Transfer the lettering to the ornaments and fill in with Lamp Black. 108

Finishing Following manufacturer’s directions, spray with Matte spray. Lace with baking twine to hang. Tip Step outside your comfort zone and use these designs on other pieces. Use your favorite font to create alternate text. They would work great on lids for candy jars or in the kitchen. Just enlarge as needed.

Enlarge or Reduce Line Art as Needed

©2020 DMK/OCO www.oilcreekorginals.com


Enlarge or Reduce Line Art as Needed


©2020 Vera Collier

Memories of a Country Christmas Original Design by Vera Collier

I turned wood tags on their sides to create these “memories of a country Christmas”!


Surface Three - 4 1/2” gift tags. 31-0146 from Cupboard Distributing cdwood.com

Project Supplies 1 1/2 yards string or butcher twine 6 small rusty bells Rusty wire Micron pens in black .05 and .07 Drill with small drill bit Palette paper Stylus Tracing Paper Graphite paper

Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Avocado Berry Red Black Green Black Plum Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna Deep Burgundy Deep Midnight Blue Evergreen French Grey Blue

Brushes Mediums: DecoArt 18/0 liner Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer 10/0 liner Americana Dura-Clear Matte Varnish #2 liner Krylon: 1/2” wash 1311 or workable fixative #4 shader #2 and 4 rounds for basecoating ¾” and 1/2” angular shaders or your favorite shading brush Your usual acrylic brushes. (Unless specified, use the best brush for the area you are painting)

Hauser Light Green Khaki Tan Lamp Black Marigold Moon Yellow Snow White Uniform Blue Warm White Hot Shots Fiery Red

Preparation Using the 1/2” wash, apply Multi-Purpose Sealer to the fronts and backs of all three tags. Trace the design onto tracing paper. Basecoat the tags with Warm White. Using grey graphite paper, trace the edge of the ruffle onto the end of the tags. Gingham: Using the #4 shader paint the gingham on the bottom of each tag. The colors used for the gingham are: Berry Red, Marigold and Avocado. Thin the paint, then paint the horizontal stripes, leaving a white area in between each stripe approximately the same width as the brush. Allow to dry, then paint vertical stripes in the same manner. Roughly, extend this pattern about 1” from the bottom of the tag. 112

Once dry, lay your tracing on the tag and using grey graphite paper, trace the edge of the ruffle onto all three tags. Basecoat as follows: Paint each tag up to the edge of the ruffles with the following colors: The Avocado checked tag is based Deep Burgundy. The Marigold checked tag is based Avocado Green. The Berry Red checked tag is based Deep Midnight Blue. Once the tags are dry, trace the oval and the trim line onto each tag. Painting Instructions: Basecoat each oval with Warm White. Paint the trim line Warm White, using a #2 liner. Chur tag Church Pain the oval Khaki Tan. Paint T Trace the snow, pathway, and church onto the surface. The snow is painted by sideloading a 3/4” angular shader and Snow White. You want the color strong at the top, fading to the Khaki Tan background color at the bottom. Repeat with Snow White. Pa the pathway Khaki Tan. Paint Chu The Church: B F Basecoat French Grey Blue. Shade with Deep Midnight Blue on either side of the tower and under the roof-line. The windows are Moon Yellow. The door and bell are Lamp Black. Shade the right side of each window with Burnt Sienna. The trim around the windows, door, belfry and along the roof-line are painted using the 18/0 liner and thinned Snow White. Snow and path: Shade on the snow against either side of the pathway with French Grey Blue. The stones in the pathway are painted using a small round. Use various colors from the palette for the stones. I used Burnt Umber, Warm White and Khaki Tan, brush mixing the colors as I went to give the stones some variety. Trees and Greenery: The tree trunks are painted with Burnt Umber. Using the 18/0 liner, paint the tree branches st starting at the top. Start with Black Green, the Hauser Light Green, increasing the length of the lines as you work your way down. Finish with some random strokes of Snow White. Trim Details: Shade along each side of the trim line with Evergreen. The lines on the trim are painted with Avocado. Shade with Burnt Sienna on the checked area, against the ruffle. The ruffle itself


is shaded with Evergreen in the low areas. Highlight the high areas with Hauser Light Green. The Holly: Base coat with Hauser Light Green, shaded with Evergreen and highlighted with a touch of Moon Yellow. The veins are painted with Black Green. The berries are applied with the end of your stylus and Berry Red. Shade with Deep Burgundy. Add tiny highlight dots with Warm White. Using the stylus, dot the snow randomly over the design area with Snow White. Using the .05 Micron pen, outline the oval and add the stitch lines. Add detail lines to the ruffle and line on either side of the ruffle. Detail lines within the oval are done with the finer, .07 Micron pen. I also outlined the holly with the .07 Micron pen. House Tag Paint the oval Uniform Blue, then shade around the inside edge with Deep Midnight Blue. Trace the design onto the oval. See instructions above for Church tag to paint the snow. The House: Ba with Moon Yellow. The chimneys are Deep Base Burgundy and the roof is Lamp Black. Shade with Burnt Sienna under the roof line, along the left corner of the house and where the one-story wing connects with the main structure. The windows and door are painted Lamp Black, and the trim is done with a 18/0 liner and thinned S Snow White. Add some Snow White to the roofs and also the tops of the chimneys. Front Pathway: Painted by sideloading French Grey Blue onto the ½” angular shader. With the stronger color to the outside edges of the path, shade it with a choppy, zig-zag motion. The Pine trees are painted in the same way as the Church Tag. Outline the oval with the .05 Micron and add the stitch lines. (Same as on the Church tag) Detail the design with the .07 Micron pen. Using the stylus, dot the snow randomly with Snow White over the oval design area the same as you did on the church tag. Trim Details: Shade the green gingham area against the ruffle with a sideload of Evergreen. Repeat with Black Green if the shading is not strong enough. Shade on either side of the trim line with Black Plum and paint the stripes on the trim are Avocado.


Shade the low areas on the ruffle with Black Plum and highlight the raised areas with Berry Red, then Neons Fiery Red. The pine boughs underneath the oval are painted with Burnt Umber branches, the needles are painted using the 18/0 liner. Start with Black Green, then Avocado and finally with Hauser Light Green. The berries are dotted on with Snow White using the small end of a stylus. Snow Snowman Tag P Paint the oval with Uniform Blue and shade around the inside edge with Deep Midnight Blue. The snow is painted in the same manner as the other two tags. Trace the pattern onto the surface. T Snowman: The Stip Stipple with a small deerfoot brush using Warm White. d stipple again with Snow White keeping the color When dry, mostl to the center of the body and head. mostly The scarf is based Deep Burgundy. Shade the snowman to the right side of his head and body with a sideload of French Grey Blue. Also shade to the left of where the scarf hangs down against his body. The branch arms are painted with the 10/0 liner and Burnt Umber. The nose is based with Burnt Sienna. The eyes, mouth, and the pieces of coal on his body are all painted with Lamp Black. Highlight the eyes with tiny dots of Snow White. The earmuffs are Hauser Light Green, the wire connecting them is Lamp Black. The stripes on the scarf are also Hauser Light Green. Add detail lines to the design using the .07 Micron Pen. Dot the snowfall the same as on the other two tags. Paint the trees the same as in the other two tags. Outline the tag with the .05 Micron pen. Because of the dark blue background, I chose to do the stitching with thinned Snow White using the 10/0 liner. The snowflakes are painted with the 18/0 liner and Snow White. Use the small end of your stylus for the dots. Trim Details: Shade on the red gingham against the edge of the ruffle with Black Plum. The trim line is shaded on either side with Lamp Black and the lines on the trim are painted with Berry Red. Shade the low areas of the ruffle with Lamp Black and highlight the raised areas with French Blue Grey. Outline the trim and add the gathered lines on the ruffle with the .05 Micron pen. 115

Finishing So as to not smear the penwork, following the manufacturer’s directions, lightly spray the tags with a spray sealer like Krylon 1311 or a workable fixative. Then varnish with American Dura-Clear Matte Varnish. Drill two small holes at the top edge of the design. Thread the rusty wire through the holes and use the end of a paintbrush to curl the ends of the wire. Cut the string into 18” lengths. Thread through the hole at the side of the design (the top hole of the tag). Thread two rusty bells onto the string before tying it into a bow.

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Soda Pop Ornaments ǡ ̹ʹͲʹͲ Ǥ ǯ ǡ ǯ ǡ Ǥ Ȃ ǯ Ǧ Ǩ SUPPLIES Surface x ͹ Φdz ǡ ͶͲͳ Ǥǡ ǡ ͺ͵͸Ͳ͹ ȋʹͲͺȌ ͶͷͻǦʹ͵ͺͲ Ǥ Ǥ Project Supplies x DecoArt Americana Acrylics x ͳ͹ʹ x Ͳ͸Ͷ x ͵ͳ͸ x Ͳͳͺ x ͳͲͳ x ͵ͲͲ x ͵ͷ͸ x ʹͶʹ x ͳ͸ͺ x ͵͹ʹ x ͳ͸͵

x x x x x x x x x x

͵ͳʹ Ͳ͸͹ Ͳ͵Ͷ ͳͳͶ ͵ͺͻ ͵ʹ͸ Ͳ͸ͳ ͵͸ͷ Ͳ͸ͺ ʹ͵ͻ

Royal/Langnickel Brushes x ͻͷͲͲͷ Ǧ ͳͲ x ʹ͹ͲͲ Ȃ Φdz x ʹͷͻͷ Ǧ ͓ͳ

Preparation: Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Dz dz Ǥ


Painting the Design: Bottles: ǡ Dz dz ȋ ǯ Dz dz ǤȌ Dz ǯ dzǢ Dz ǯ dzǢ Dz ǯ dzǤ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Rudolph’s Rootbeer: Dz dz ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Frosty’s Blue Fizz: Dz dz ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Santa’s Cherry Soda: Dz dz ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Remaining Details on the Bottles: Ǥ

ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ȋͺͲΨ ǡ ʹͲΨ Ȍ Ǥ Dz dz Ǥ ȋ ǡ ǯ ǤȌ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Rudolf: Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ 119

Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Santa: Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Dz dz Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ

Ǥ Ȁ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Frosty: ȋ Ȍ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ 120

Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Labels: ȋ Ȍ ȋ Ȍ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Twinkles: ȋ Ȍ Ǥ


Lettering: Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Finishing Touches: Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ


̹2020 Sandy LeFlore, Just Fine Designs Thank you for taking the time to ready my copyright statement. The design purchased in this packet is intended for Decorating Painting Purposes only. You may change the shape, size or surface of this design and hand paint it for personal use or sale at your craft show, craft mall, on your website, in your Etsy or eBay store or any craft-related sales market. This design and the packet contents may not be mechanically or electronically mass produced. You may not scan or copy the design photos provided in these instructions/packet. Digital tole or graphic reproductions is prohibited. You may photography YOUR hand painted version of this design for teaching use. No copies can be made of these written instructions or line drawing to sell or give away, even for classes. TEACHERS, CHAPTERS AND SHOP OWNERS: You may purchase multiples of this packet, at a discount, and provide them to your students as part of their class fee. Whether selling your hand painted version of this design or posting your finished project online to share with other painters or teaching it in a class, please give Just Fine Designs/Sandy LeFlore credit (i.e. “Designed by Sandy LeFlore” or “Based on a design by Sandy LeFlore”. Any other use of this design and/or packet contents will require permission from Sandy LeFlore.



Original Design by Debra Sillitoe Pool, ADP

I received this set of wood ornaments as a gift from Smooth Cut Wood. As soon as I saw them, I was inspired to create a set of Christmas ornaments. They are easy to paint and will make a whimsical addition to the holiday tree!


Surface Σ #MS1219013 (set of 3), includes: 3 ½” Square, 3 ¾” Round, and 5” Tree www.SmoothCutWoodProducts.com Project Supplies Σ Basic Acrylic Painting Supplies Σ Masterson Wet Palette Σ Fine Grit Sandpaper Σ White & Grey Graphite Paper Σ .01 Micron Pen, Black Σ Craft Wire, 19 gauge Σ Needle Nose Pliers Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Σ Bleach Sand Σ Burnt Sienna Σ Fawn Σ Grey Sky Σ Hauser Medium Green Σ Lamp Black Σ Mint Julep Green


Santa Red Snow White Terra Cotta Watermelon Slice Williamsburg Blue Winter Blue

Mediums: Σ DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer Σ #810 Blair Satin Spray Varnish (hofcraft.com) Brushes: Kingart Original Gold, available from www.brushesandmore.com Σ ¾” Angle Shader, Series 9400 Σ #’s 2, 4, Rounds, Series 9000 Σ #’s 2, 4, 6, 10 Flat Shaders, Series 9300 Σ 10/0 Script Liner, Series 9050 Σ #2 Scumbler by Princeton Tips * I prefer using a Masterson Wet Palette. This not only keeps the paint from drying out, but it is also a nice surface for side loading my brush. * Remember when base coating, two light coats are better than one thick coat. This will help create a nice smooth surface for all the details. Let’s go! Preparation: Sand, seal surface with DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer, sand again.


Background Basecoats Apply two coats, sanding lightly between applications Square: Basecoat with Winter Blue, Round: Bleached Sand Tree: Mint Julep Green. Owl: Float a shadow around the outside edge of the square, around the outside edge of the owl (on the background), and the top and bottom of the pond with Williamsburg Blue. Basecoat owl body with Bleached Sand. The scarf is Mint Julep Green with Snow White fringe. The feet and beak are Terra Cotta and the skates are Grey Sky. Fox: Float a shadow around the outside edge of the circle and around the outside edge of the fox (on the background) with Terra Cotta. Basecoat fox body with Terra Cotta and markings with Snow White. The scarf and hat are Winter Blue. Racoon: Float a shadow around the outside edge of the tree and around the outside edge of the racoon (on the background) with Hauser Medium Green. Basecoat racoon body with Grey Sky and markings with Bleached Sand. Hat is Watermelon Slice with Snow White trim. Tree stand is Terra Cotta. Transfer detail pattern.

Owl: Shadow with Fawn at the bottom of the ears, around eyes and beak, above scarf, on the wings next to the body and around scarf, and on top of knee continuing around foot and skate. Shadow with Hauser Medium Green, on scarf folds, next to wing and body, and above fringe. Shadow with Burnt Sienna, around skate blades and bottom of beak. Shadow with Williamsburg Blue, on skate blades. Highlight with Snow White, on top of ears, top of head, top of scarf and below scarf fold lines, wings, knee, bottom of skates and inside edges of pond. Highlight with Fawn, the top of the ears, top of beak and top of feet. 127

Fox: Shadow with Burnt Sienna, on top of the Terra Cotta sections, the bottom of the ears, under the hat and above the nose, the tail and legs next to the Snow White, and on the tail next to the body. Continue on the body next to the scarf and around the legs. Shadow with Fawn, on top of the Snow-White sections, the bottom of the ears, under the hat and down to the nose, and on the tail and feet. Shadow with Williamsburg Blue on the hat above the brim, on the scarf below the face, on the left of the two sections down the front and above the feet. Highlight with Snow White, the top of the ears. on top of the hat and the bottom of the brim, and the right side of the two sections of the scarf. Racoon: Shadow with Fawn, on top of the Bleached Sand, at the bottom of the ears, around the eyes, the bottom of the hands, and on the hat brim next to the red. Shadow with Lamp Black, on top of Grey Sky, at the bottom of the ears, the bottom of the forehead, around the inside of the eye sections, under the fact and inside of the arms, under the hands and ornament, below the body and between the legs, both sides of every other strip on the tail. Shadow with Santa Red the hat next to the brim and the pompom. Highlight with Bleached Sand, the top of the ears, top of the nose section, top of hands, on the arms and bottom of the body, around the outside edges of the feet, on top of the tail on the Grey Sky sections, and top of tree stand.

Racoon: Shadow with Fawn, on top of the Bleached Sand, at the bottom of the ears, around the eyes, the bottom of the hands, and on the hat brim next to the red. Shadow with Lamp Black, on top of Grey Sky, at the bottom of the ears, the bottom of the forehead, around the inside of the eye sections, under the fact and inside of the arms, under the hands and ornament, below the body and between the legs, both sides of every other strip on the tail. Shadow with Santa Red the hat next to the brim and the pompom. Highlight with Bleached Sand, the top of the ears, top of the nose section, top of hands, on the arms and bottom of the body, around the outside edges of the feet, on top of the tail on the Grey Sky sections, and top of tree stand.

Note: Black line work can be done using Lamp Black with a script liner brush or a .01 Micron pen. They are not solid lines, just enough to give the design definition. Owl: Paint design on scarf with Hauser Medium Green. Line around entire design on owl. fill in the skate straps. Dot eyes using Lamp Black. When dry, dot eye highlights with Snow White. Continue using Snow White to line the snowflake background and patten in the pond. Highlight beak. 128

Fox: Basecoat leaves with Mint Julep Green. Shadow bottom of each leaf with Hauser Medium Green. Line stems with Terra Cotta, then dot berries with Sant Red. Line scarf pattern with Williamsburg Blue. Line around entire design on fox, fill in nose and line eyes. Using Snow White, dot pompom on top of hat, while still wet, pounce with scumbler to make fluffy. Highlight nose. Racoon: Basecoat ornament in hands Watermelon Slice, shadow bottom with Santa Red, and highlight top with Bleached Sand. Line light cord Hauser Medium Green. Using liner brush, dot oval lightbulbs along cord with Santa Red, Winter Blue, Bleached Sand and Mint Julep Green. When dry, line on each side of the bulbs and add the top of the ornament. Line around entire design on fox. Dot eyes and nose with Lamp Black and line mouth. Using Snow White, dot pompom on hat, while still wet, pounce with scumbler to make fluffy. When eyes are dry, dot highlight with Snow White, then line snowflake background. Highlight nose.

Accents & Details I used the shadow colors to paint the edges and backs of the ornaments. Owl is Williamsburg Blue, Fox is Terra Cotta, and Racoon is Hauser Medium Green. Attach wire hangers, using needle nose pliers. I bent the wire to mimic the shape of the wood. Finishing Spray with Blair Satin varnish. Apply three or four light coats on both sides. 129

I love everything about Christmas. I’m sure these ornaments will make a great addition to the holiday season on your tree, wreath or garland. They would also be great gifts for family and friends. ENJOY!

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Original Design by Linda Hollander paintingfool@live.com

I developed a “thing” for peacock colors a few years ago and used them to decorate my new home. When it came to the holidays, I knew I needed to decorate to match my new décor. I painted these ornaments for my “glammy peacock themed Christmas tree”. They will be right at home with the lime green and turquoise ornaments and all the glittery accents.


Surface: ¾ Clear glass square ornaments from Hobby Lobby (3.5” x 1”) or ornaments of choice. Project Supplies: ¾ Rust-Oleum 2X Ultra Cover Primer or similar primer suitable for glass ¾ Tracing paper ¾ Graphite paper ¾ Rubbing alcohol ¾ Stiff brush or spatter tool for flyspecking Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics ¾ Crisp Blue ¾ Foliage Green ¾ Golden Straw ¾ Hauser Medium Green ¾ Indian Turquoise ¾ Olive Green ¾ Prussian Blue ¾ Snow (Titanium) White ¾ Zinc

Dazzling Metallics: ¾ Splendid Gold ¾ Peacock Pearl Glamour Dust Ultra Fine Glitter Paint ¾ Limelight ¾ Turquoise Sparkle

Brushes: Royal Majestic ¾ Series R4175 Kingslan Fabulous Filbert #6 ¾ Series R4999 Kingslan Fabulous Mop #4 ¾ Series R4585 Script Liner #1 ¾ Series R4595 Short Liner 10/0 ¾ Series R4250 Round #2 ¾ Series R4160 Angular Shader 3/8” ¾ Series R4700 Glaze/Wash ½” Mediums: DecoArt ¾ DuraClear Soft Touch Varnish Notes: ¾ Use appropriately sized brushes unless otherwise noted. ¾ Use the mops to soften floats as needed. ¾ Use water to thin paints as needed for linework and sheer floats. ¾ Metallic, pearl, and glitter paints are usually transparent. It is necessary to underpaint your project in a similar opaque color before applying the specialty paint. For best results use dry or damp brushes so as not to dilute the paints. Use long smooth strokes with soft brushes which I why I prefer Royals’ Majestic line for this project. Allow extra time for paints to dry thoroughly. Preparation: Remove hangers and set aside. Use rubbing alcohol to clean the ornaments. Spray with primer. Several light coats are best.


Basecoat Instructions: Use the glaze/wash brush and Indian Turquoise to base ornaments until opaque. Base again with Peacock Pearl. Let dry until no longer tacky and repeat until the paint is smooth and uniform in color. Painting Instructions: Bird Ornament: Transfer only the main outlines of head and neck. Be sure to carry the design over the bottom edge of the ornament. Head/Neck: Use Indian Turquoise to base until opaque. Use Crisp Blue to float the first shading. Transfer or pencil in details (Fig. 1). Use Prussian Blue to deepen shading. Repeat floats as needed to deepen the darkest areas (Fig. 2). Load the filbert brush with Indian Turquoise + touch of Titanium White. Offload excess paint on a paper towel then drybrush the center of the neck to highlight it. Use the chisel edge of the dirty brush to highlight the top of the head. Clean and dry the filbert. Load with Hauser Medium Green. Use the chisel edge to drybrush touches of green on neck and top of head (Fig. 3). Beak: Titanium White to basecoat. Transfer detail (Fig. 1). Use Zinc to float shading on beak next to face (Fig. 2). Use Zinc to deepen float and add details (Fig. 3).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3 133

Eye: Use Prussian Blue to float shading on corners of the eye. Use Hauser Medium Green to base iris (Fig. 1). Use Prussian Blue to base pupil (Fig. 2). Use Olive Green to add a highlight to the bottom of the iris. Use the liner and Titanium White to add a reflected highlight in the pupil, tap a broken ring around the perimeter of the eye, and paint the stripes above and below the eye area (Fig. 3). Crest: Use Prussian Blue to paint the quills. Use Crisp Blue to paint the small feathers (Fig. 2). Use Prussian Blue to paint the eyes on the feathers. Use Titanium White to highlight quills (Fig. 2). Use Titanium White to paint details on top of feathers. Use the stylus and Splendid Gold to add a dot inside each eye (Fig. 3). Saddle Feathers: Use Foliage Green + touch of Titanium White to basecoat until opaque. Transfer the pattern. Use Hauser Medium Green + touch of Prussian Blue to float shading. Use Olive Green to float the highlights. Deepen shading near body with a sheer float of Prussian Blue. Use the chisel edge of the filbert to drybrush Hauser Medium Green over the body in the transition area. Use Foliage Green on the dirty brush to highlight the transition area. Fantail Plumage and Quills: Transfer the main quills and fantail eyes only. (Use the pattern as a guide to paint the plumage). Use the 10/0 liner and slightly thinned paint to stroke in the plumage. Use Prussian Blue to paint the quills and the first layer of plumage. Use Olive Green to paint the second layer of plumes. Use Indian Turquoise to paint the third layer. Brush mix in a touch of Titanium White if you need more contrast here and there. Highlight the quills with Indian Turquoise. Fantail Eyes: Use Golden Straw to base the eyes until opaque. Repeat with Splendid Gold. Freehand the rest of the eye: use Crisp Blue to paint the iris. Use Indian Turquoise to paint the pupil. Use sheer Prussian Blue to float shading around eyes and at base of fantail behind saddle feathers. Feather Ornaments: Transfer the quills and eyes or freehand them. Do not transfer the plumage. (Use the pattern as a guide to paint the plumage). Use sheer Prussian Blue to float shading around the eyes and next to the quills.


Eyes: Use Golden Straw to base the eyes until opaque. Repeat with Splendid Gold. Use Crisp Blue to paint the iris. Use Indian Turquoise to paint the pupil. Float shading on the top of the pupil with Crisp Blue. Use thinned Prussian Blue to paint details on the eyes. Plumage: Use the #1 script liner to paint the plumage in the same manner as the fantail. Stroke Limelight over the green plumes and Turquoise Sparkle over the light blue plumes. Use Indian Turquoise to highlight the quills. Finishing: Apply Soft Touch Varnish. This varnish does not dull the metallic and glitter like most varnished I have used. Thin Titanium White with water to the consistency of heavy cream. Load the stiff brush or spatter tool then offload excess onto scrap. Place a piece of paper over the design areas to avoid spattering them. Lightly spatter open areas. Remove any “oopses” immediately. Mistakes are so much easier to remove off a varnished surface! Reattach hangers and hang where you can most enjoy! Contact: Linda Hollander at paintingfool@live.com 135


Line Art is at 100% Remember to bring the drawing over the edge of the ornament


Line Art is at 100% Remember to bring the drawing over the edge of the ornament

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Original Design by Deb Mishima debmishima1@gmail.com

This trio of Winter friends, wearing matching lace scarves, and with glittery holly berries adorning their hair, will have you wanting to paint a set for yourself and one (or more) to give as a treasured gift.


Surface: * 6” Snow globe Ornament Item# 31-L646 available from Cupboard Distributing www.cdwood.com Supplies: * Wood Embellishment: Holly Berries and Leaves, Item# 31-L342 available from Cupboard Distributing www.cdwood.com * Lace Scraps for Scarves (or material of your choice) * 3 Tiny Wood Buttons * Hemp String * Ball Stylus * White/Grey Transfer Paper * White Graphite Pencil * Wood Glue * Glue Gun and Glue Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics * Aloe * Antique White * Bleached Sand * Burnt Sienna * Canyon Orange * Coral Blush * Hauser Medium Green * Heritage Brick * Honey Brown * Lamp Black * Light Avocado * Light Buttermilk

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Light Lime Light Sage Plantation Pine Raw Sienna Snow White Sugared Peach Warm White Tuscan Red Warm Sunset Watermelon Slice Wild Berry Yellow Ochre

DecoArt Chalky Finish Paint: * Timeless Specialty Mediums: DecoArt * Glamour Dust (Dry Glitter) * Matte Medium * All Purpose Sealer Micron: * 2/0 Pointed Flat * 2” Palmer White Bristle FSAFIL Series #37036 * Assorted Dry Brushes, Mop Brushes and Scumblers

Brushes: Dynasty Black Gold Series 206 * ¼” and ½” Angular Shaders, 206A * ¼” ½” Flat 206FW * #12 Flat 206S * ¼” Deerfoot 206DF * 10/0 Liner * #6 Fountain Brush #206FNT


Preparation: Do Not Sand MDF Based on the surface you’re using, if necessary, sand surface until smooth. Apply Multi Purpose Sealer and lightly sand again to knock down any raised grain. Backgrounds: Basecoat all three surfaces with Chalky Finish, Timeless. Drybrush here and there over the surfaces with Warm White. Transfer on the patterns. Basecoat the top part of the snow globe around the heads with Light Sage. Shade Desert Cactus around the top of the snow globe and around the heads. Drybrush Light Lime. Deepen the shading softly with Hauser Medium Green. Drybrush here and there with Warm White. Holly Leaves and Berries: Basecoat all over with Chalky Finish, Timeless. Basecoat the leaves with Aloe. Shade around the edges of the leaves and around the berries with Hauser Medium Green. Drybrush Light Lime. Drybrush again very lightly, here and there with Warm White. Deepen the shading softly here and there with Plantation Pine. Line the veins with Plantation Pine. Berries: Basecoat with Watermelon Slice. Shade between the berries with Tuscan Red. Highlight Sugared Peach. Drybrush a little Snow White. Dot Snow White. Splatter the leaves with Bleached Sand and Snow White. Vines and Berries: Line the vines with Hauser Medium Green. Dot the berries with Watermelon Slice and Snow White. Gingerbread: Basecoat the head and body with Honey Brown. Trace on the details. Shade Raw Sienna above and below the headband, around the eyes, around the outside of the nose, under the head and around the body. Highlight Camel along the top of the head, under the eyes and around the nose. Deepen the shading softly with Burnt Sienna. Drybrush Camel in the middle of the face, the nose, and the body. Drybrush again softly with Bleached Sand. Drybrush the cheeks Wild Berry. Basecoat the eyes Lamp Black. Float a highlight with Snow White. Dot with Snow White. Line the eyelashes Lamp Black. Line the icing with Bleached Sand. Dot the freckles with Burnt Sienna. Line the hair Snow White.


Hairband: Basecoat with Light Avocado. Shade around the headband with Hauser Medium Green. Drybrush Light Sage. Deepen the shading softly with Plantation Pine. Drybrush again here and there with Bleached Sand. Line the stripes with Watermelon Slice. Using the ball stylus dot with Bleached Sand. Button: Using the circle template (or freehand) and Watermelon Slice, stencil on the button. Shade around one side with Tuscan Red. Drybrush in the middle with Sugared Peach. Dot Snow White. Snowie: Basecoat the head and body with Light Buttermilk. Drybrush Warm White in the middle of the head and body. Trace on the details. Shade Antique White above and below the headband, around the eyes, the nose, under the chin and around the body. Highlight Snow White along the top of the head, under the eyes and along the chin line. Drybrush the cheeks and here and there on the sides of the body with Coral Blush. Basecoat the nose Warm Sunset. Shade Heritage Brick very softly down the sides. Drybrush Canyon Orange. Line Heritage Brick. Basecoat the eyes Lamp Black. Float a highlight with Snow White. Dot Snow White. Line the eyelashes Lamp Black. Line the hair with Snow White. Dot the freckles Snow White. Hairband: Basecoat with Sugared Peach. Shade along the top and down the sides with Mocha. Highlight along the bottom with Warm White. Deepen the shading softly with Wild Berry. Deepen a little more here and there with Watermelon Slice. Drybrush Warm White. Dot Aloe. Button: Using the circle template or freehand and Lamp Black, stencil on the button. Drybrush softly with Warm White. Line the bow with Lamp Black. Line the cross and dot with Snow White. Penguin: Trace on the details. Basecoat the middle of the head and body with Light Buttermilk. Shade Antique White around the head and body, around the eyes, the nose, under the head and around the button. Highlight Warm White under the eyes, above the nose and along the chin line. Drybrush Warm White in the middle of the head and body. Highlight again with a little Snow White. Drybrush the cheeks and both sides of the body (lightly) with Coral Blush. Basecoat the nose Warm Sunset. Shade the sides of the nose with Heritage Brick. Drybrush the middle with Canyon Orange. Basecoat the eyes with Lamp Black. Float a highlight with Snow White. Dot 143

Snow White. Line the lashes with Lamp Black. Basecoat the outer head and body with Lamp Black. Drybrush softly with Snow White. Splatter a little Warm White on to the black sections. Headband: Basecoat Watermelon Slice. Shade along the top of the headband with Tuscan Red. Highlight Sugared Peach along the bottom of the headband. Drybrush Sugared Peach. Drybrush again very softly here and there with Warm White. Line the headband with Snow White. Button: Using the circle template and Watermelon Slice, stencil on the button. Highlight Sugared Peach. Drybrush softly with Warm White. Dot with Snow White. Finishing Touches: Brush on a little Matte Medium to the holly berries. While still wet, sprinkle on some Glamour Dust. Shake off the excess. Glue holly to surface. Under the head in the narrow area, wrap the scraps of lace around the bottom half of the snow globe. Wrap one end under the head. Glue the button and string onto the middle. Following manufacturers instructions, lightly spray several coats of All- Purpose Sealer.



By Connie P. Lanagan conniepl70@hotmail.com I love Santa and thought he needed a couple little friends to help him out. These tags are easy to find and most of us have them in our stash. If you don’t have a tag ornament, any rectangle shape will do. Paint a small wood easel to coordinate and display on your holiday table.


Surface: Wooden tag, # 207-1114, 3 by 6 inches available at Viking Woodcrafts Supplies: Usual Acrylic Tools Fine Grit Sandpaper White Graphite Tiny Snowflake Stencil Small Swirls Stencil Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Alizarin Crimson Bluegrass Green Burnt Sienna Hauser Dark Green Holly Green Lamp Black Neons Fiery Red Payne’s Grey

Razzle Berry Soft Black True Red Ultra-Blue Deep Warm White Paints: Delta Ceramcoat Rosy Beige

Brushes: Princeton Select Angle shader, 3/8 and ¼ Flat Shader 4, Lunar Blender 1/8 Script Liner 10 Specialty Brushes Mid-liner 1 or any # 1 round, Scharff Bringle Oval Blender #1440, sizes 2 and 6, for dry brushing, Plaid One Stroke chisel 13688 #2 (a rubber brush used on Santa’s hat to make lines) Mediums: DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer Brush and Blend Extender Preparation: Seal surface with Multi-Purpose Sealer and sand lightly. Background: Mix Ultra Blue Deep with Alizarin Crimson until you get a dark purple shade. I would mix a lot of this color because you use it on all tags. Save “Purple Mix” it in a covered container. Wet the tag with Brush and Blend and apply the purplish color at the top 1/3 of tag and then transition to Alizarin Crimson under that blending to avoid a harsh color change. Beneath the Alizarin Crimson apply True Red and then a bit of Razzle Berry and end at the bottom with a bit of Fiery Red. Blend so there are no lines in between colors. Add more Brush and Blend Medium as necessary. Prepare all your tags at the same time. I made sure they were dry before adding the line drawings by using a hair dryer. 147

Painting Instructions: Santa: (Figure 2 and 3) Begin by outlining the eyes and nose with BS. Santa Face: Base with THINNED Rosy Beige. Fur, mustache, beard and pom pom: Base with the purplish mix. Creating the Face: Start by adding more Rosy Beige. Add some shading with wash of Burnt Sienna plus some Warm White on sides and under fur, and around nose. Use the Bringle # 6 to dry brush cheeks and nose with True Red.

Fig 2

Fig 3

Eyes: Create Soft Black pupils then add Warm White to sides. Outline eyes with Soft Black and add some Burnt Sienna shading on top and sides outside of eye. Also added some of the background purplish mix behind eyes.

Facial Details Eyelashes: Add with Warm White and then some more with Soft Black. Add Warm White highlights to eyes, nose and cheeks.

Mouth: Wait until the Beard is complete and then add a tiny mouth with True Red plus some Soft Black. Santa’s Coat: Painted with True Red, highlighted with Fiery Red, and shaded with Alizarin Crimson. Once the beard is complete, add several Fiery Red dots on the coat.


Hat: Paint True Red stripes, highlight with Fiery Red and shade with Alizarin Crimson. Green stripes are Holly Green, highlighted with Bluegrass Green and shaded with Hauser Dark Green. Trees: Create using Holly Green, highlighted with Bluegrass Green and shaded with Hauser Dark Green. Randomly add Fiery Red dip dots. Tree trunks are Soft Black. Santa’s s bag: (Bottom, right corner) Base with Alizarin Crimson. Shade with a brush mix of Ultra Blue Deep + Soft Black. Highlight first with True Red and brighten with Fiery Red. Fur, Pom Pom, Mustache, Beard and Hair: The fur on the Penguin hat is done in the same manner. Define these areas with a light wash of Warm White. Shade around the perimeter of the hat fur using a thin wash of the “Purple Mix” color. Do the same for the mustache, hair and beard are done with same colors. Add Warm White highlight dots. Use liner brush to add lines. Eyebrows are done in the same manner. With the tip of a #1 round brush, add Warm White dashes on pom pom, hat fur and eyebrows. Details: Using the Plaid #2 one stroke chisel brush and Fiery Red, add stripes to the red sections of the hat. Simply load with paint and pull down a stroke. The stars were done with a toothpick and Fiery Red. Randomly place “old fashioned”, 5 arm stars. Go back and look at your painting. Adjust the shading and highlighting to please your eye. Bear: (The bow will be painted last) Basecoat with a light wash of the Purple Mix. Facial Details: Eyes: Use Soft Black and Warm White; eyelashes are Soft Black. Nose and Mouth Line: Soft Black. All highlights are Warm White. Use the #1 round and dab some Soft Black and Warm White marks everywhere for his fur. Highlight them with more Warm White dabs in middle of chest and forehead.


Cheeks are done with dry brush and True Red. Deepen shading with the Purple Mix; apply it heavily behind eyes and in ears. Hat Stripes: Paint True Red stripes, highlight with Fiery Red and shade with Alizarin Crimson. Dots are Bluegrass Green. Green stripes are Holly Green, highlight with Bluegrass Green and shade Hauser Dark Green. Bow: Basecoat True Red, highlight with Fiery Red and shade with Alizarin Crimson. Dots are Warm White. Details: Background curls can be done with Fiery Red using a stencil or added freehand. Background dots are with stylus alternating Fiery Red and True Red. Penguin: Base him in same background color as tag only it can be a heavier wash. The next color I applied was Payne’s Grey in the dark areas as in picture. Go over the beak area.

Add some Payne’s Grey shading under the wings and under neck area. Now take your lunar blender and add Warm White feathers on face around eyes, below beak, on wings and chest. I also used my liner brush to pull little “fluffs” out from around his face, his wings and his body using some Payne’s Grey and Warm White. Accent Payne’s Grey areas with fine, Warm White fluff lines.


Beak and Eyes: Create with Payne’s Grey and then with Payne’s + Warm White on lids and on beak. Holes in beak are Payne’s Grey. Lashes: Payne’s Grey and then some Warm White lashes too. Highlight both with Warm White. Go back with more Warm White on chin and chest and top of wings. Cheeks: Dry Brush with True Red just as the others. Lollipop: Basecoat in Alizarin Crimson and add stripes with Fiery Red. Use a Warm White wash on top of lollipop for the cellophane wrapping and line bottom area with Payne’s Grey. Highlight cellophane with little bit of Warm White marks. Stick: is Warm White shaded with Payne’s Grey. Bow and Red Stripes on his hat are done exactly as all the other red/green stripes. Pom Pom and Hat Fur: Shade the hat on sides and top and bottom with a thin wash of more of the “Purple Mix” color. Add Warm White highlight dots. Use liner brush to add lines. With the tip of a #1 round brush, add Warm White dashes on pom pom and hat fur. Stocking: is done in same colors as the hats but has Warm White in stripes and string to hang is shaded with the purplish color. Triangle Trees are the three greens with Soft Black trunks. Tag Background: Create using a very tiny snowflake stamp and Fiery Red. Finishing: When completely dry, follow manufacturer’s instructions to apply your sealer of choice. I used DecoArt Sealer Finisher. Several coats. I used a little stripped ribbon to make a hanger for them. Hope you enjoy painting these little tags. If any questions please email me at conniepl70@hotmail.com or pm me.


©2020 Connie P. Lanagan

©2020 Connie P. Lanagan

©2020 Connie P. Lanagan


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