PJCC Connections - Fall 2017

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Exploring Identity FA L L 2 0 1 7



GUIDING PRINCIPLE — SHLEIMUT — Wholeness of Body, Mind and Spirit


Message from the President and Chief Executive Officer


Who Am I?


Unlocking Your Genetic Identity





“There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” — Aldous Huxley

What are the benefits of genetic testing and what can you learn from it?

Genetic Testing: Do You Really Want To Know? Before getting genetic testing, you need to know what you will do with the information.

The Blue in My Skin Guest artist-in-residence Siona Benjamin shares why it’s important to view the world outside the bubble of one’s own country, religion, and race.

Celebrating the Creation and Diversity of the Cosmos A High Holy Day message reflecting upon universal themes of identity, renewal, and forgiveness.

Creating Community Through Art Preschoolers use art to illustrate friendship, connection, and peace.


Why Give? Thank You to Our Donors


Why Jewish Peoplehood?


A Key to Myself


September/October/November Programs


Free Programs

Programs and events celebrating Jewish life and culture.

The PJCC’s Nicole Cruz knew she was Jewish but lacked a personal connection to it; that is, until a career change helped form her Jewish identity.




The PJCC encourages and supports the wholeness and well-being of body, heart, mind, and spirit — the four aspects of human existence. We honor the movement of our bodies, nourishment of our spirits and our hearts, and engagement of our minds as sacred acts. Through our fitness center and holistic cultural and educational programming, we are committed to inspiring and providing resources for flourishing, integrated, resilient lives. Because we believe that only through a balanced life can we truly be our very best selves.

This question is commonly associated with a personal search for identity, the seeds of which are planted in childhood.


Feeling Complete




Dear PJCC Friends, It’s hard to believe that fall is just around the corner and with it the beauty of the season. Especially welcome are the High Holy Days, which begin with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) on September 21. This is a time for contemplation and reflection on the year past: how we’ve grown and evolved, how we express our uniqueness, and our contributions to humanity and the planet. We purposely chose this issue of Connections to delve into the concept of identity. Through various lenses we examine how cultural, biological, and social influences impact who we are. We hope you find this exploration as interesting as we do. For example, at our Indian Shabbat Dinner with guest Artist-inResidence and contributing writer Siona Benjamin (pg. 10), she and PJCC member Natasha Kehimkar will discuss issues of identity relating to their personal experiences growing up as Indian Jews. Ms. Benjamin will also host our community Chalk the Block fest for families. Held in the style of Rangoli (an art form native to India), you won’t want to miss this free afternoon of artistry, beautification, and fun. From creativity to compassion, we’re pleased to present Compassion Cultivation Training, an interactive workshop developed by Stanford University scholars, clinical psychologists, and researchers. The 8-week course combines traditional contemplative practices with contemporary psychology and scientific research to help strengthen compassion and resilience. Given today’s charged climate, cultivating greater compassion is an appealing opportunity. On a lighter note, we invite adults to join us under the PJCC sukkah for our Sukkot Beer Tasting event. We will toast the Jewish harvest festival with seasonal craft beers, snack pairings, and music. We’re also celebrating the 10th anniversary of our popular Up Close concert series with the internationally acclaimed Calidore String Quartet. Described by Gramophone as ‘the epitome of confidence and finesse,” you’re in for a treat with their powerful performance. Lastly, as a wellness center we would be remiss not to encourage fitness. Whether you enjoy working out alone, with a group, (Zumba, anyone?), or one-on-one with one of our talented, certified personal trainers, we hope you’re taking care of yourself — and that you are moving. Your wellbeing is important to us. With that, we look forward to welcoming you — vibrant and thriving — for yet another dynamic fall season at the Center.


The PJCC is grateful for the support and recognition from our community in providing quality service and care on the Peninsula.

Neal A. Rubin President Board of Directors

Paul Geduldig Chief Executive Officer FALL 2017


CONTRIBUTORS Siona Benjamin is a painter whose work reflects her background of being brought up Jewish in a predominantly Hindu and Muslim India. She has exhibited in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, and her work has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Boston Globe, Art in America, The Jerusalem Post, and many others.

OUR MISSION The mission of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center is to build a caring and connected community, develop leadership and strengthen Jewish identity and values in a center with an environment that is welcoming to all people at every stage of life. The PJCC has been serving people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds throughout San Mateo County for more than 65 years. We achieve this vision through our Guiding Principles, the Ikkarim.


Nicole Cruz is the PJCC Youth & Family Program Manager and certified JOFEE Educator. Prior to joining the PJCC in late 2014, she obtained her master’s degree in Education at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.

Rabbi Lavey Derby is the PJCC Director of Jewish Life and founder of The Idra: A Community for Jewish Spiritual Learning and Practice. Lavey is part of a family line of rabbis that traces back to the year 1500.


JEWISH LIFE Chavaya Yehudit

We celebrate the dynamic gifts of Jewish culture, tradition, ethics and community we received from generations before us.

WELCOMING ALL Hachnasat Orchim

Our house is open wide to all, and we embrace the diversity of culture, opinion, religion and identity.


We are a hub for all events and activities that enrich our lives and community.


We respect and nurture each individual’s journey toward wholeness and see our role as a catalyst.


Each person makes a difference, and together we are responsible for improving the world through our actions.

Lauren Ryan is a licensed and certified senior genetic counselor at Color Genomics. Previously, she worked at the UCSF’s Cancer Genetics and Prevention Program providing clinical genetic counseling to an oncology population. She has a bachelor of science degree from the University of Missouri and master of science in Genetic Counseling from California State University Stanislaus. Jerry Saliman, MD, retired from Kaiser Permanente after working there more than 30 years. “Dr. J” is a volunteer internist at Samaritan House Medical Clinic in San Mateo. He is also a contributing wellness columnist at the PJCC, J Jewish News, and Foster City Islander.

CONNECTIONS Laura Toller Gardner, Chief Marketing & Membership Officer PUBLICATION TEAM Sharon Giordano, Marketing Director Eileen Mitchell, Marketing Communications Manager, Editor Ricardo Alvarez, Graphics Studio Manager, Designer Connections is a publication of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, 800 Foster City Blvd., Foster City, CA, 94404. Send comments or suggestions to editor@pjcc.org.

Who am I? By Rabbi Lavey Derby, PJCC Director of Jewish Life

Who am I? Why am I? These are questions commonly associated with a personal search for identity. The eminent psychologist Erik Erikson advanced the idea that these questions are expressive of the “identity crisis,” a phrase he coined to describe the temporary instability and confusion that besets adolescents as they struggle to integrate their prior experiences and characteristics into a stable, maturing identity. More broadly, these existential questions are essential to human nature. They are questions meant to help us find meaning and purpose in our lives. Each one of us has a sense of self, a sense of personal identity. The seeds of our identity are planted in us as children when we learn values, beliefs, and salient characteristics, as well as our role in the family, from our parents. As adults, our identity comes to include those roles, attributes, behaviors and associations that we consider most important about ourselves. We might tend to define ourselves in terms of gender, occupation, social relationships and affiliation with certain groups.




Yet the question still gnaws: Is that who I really am?

FALL 2017



who I really am

By Lauren Ryan, Senior Genetic Counselor, Color Genomics

Fundamentally, the actions we take, the people we spend time with, and the principles and values we choose to defend will both shape and be shaped by our identity. Our behavior signals to the world and to ourselves who we essentially are. Identity guides our personal choices, from what car we drive to what profession we enter to how we use our leisure time; the decision to embrace a religion or not and what political opinions we hold; what code of ethics we adopt and how we choose to use our money; what organizations we join and whether we do volunteer work; which charities we donate to; which causes we support; and what we care passionately about. Our identity is the cumulative expression of our very essence. Like many profound systems of thought, the Jewish tradition invites us–especially during the High Holy Days–to engage in deep introspection and self-reflection about our sense of self with conscious intentionality. As autumn approaches, we begin to contemplate fundamental questions about self: who have we been during the past year



and who do we wish to be? In what ways have we failed and/or succeeded? What in our lives is important and what is less so? How can we cultivate those attributes and characteristics that will guide us to become kinder, more thoughtful, more

“We begin to see our personal identity as an ongoing process rather than a static snapshot.” –Rabbi Lavey Derby

compassionate? How might we better craft our lives? Making self-reflection a practice, as many spiritual philosophies instruct us to do, we find ourselves guided towards greater wisdom and sense of self. As we delve deeply into examining our identities, we facilitate the emergence of what we’d like to become. Occupying ourselves with this kind of contemplation, we begin to see our personal

identity as an ongoing process rather than a static snapshot. We embrace a flowing sense of self whereby we are perpetually reframing, reorganizing, rethinking and reconsidering ourselves. It can be transformational to seek a deeper sense of self, to become intimately aware of our thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams. The key is to perceive one’s sense of self as malleable. In doing so, we begin to contemplate how we would like to engage life. As we delve deeply into examining our identities, we facilitate the emergence of what we would like to become. Constructing an identity can be a deliberate, self-conscious process. Self-exploration can be a daunting, even scary, journey. It can also lead to personal growth, renewal and deeper commitments. Being intentional about our understanding, evolution and expression of identity is a path to greater wholeness, meaning and integrity.

Genetic testing is becoming a much more widely used tool by individuals and their healthcare providers across many areas of medicine, including pregnancy, drug metabolism, and cancer treatment and prevention. But to most people, the subject is still a bit of a mystery. Why is genetic testing important? What can we learn from it? How can it be used? The information in your DNA can provide valuable insights to you and your family. While some tests offer interesting information, like where your ancestors came from, others provide actionable health knowledge. For example, many people are familiar with carrier screening, a test offered to couples before or during a pregnancy. This test can identify health risks to children if both partners are carriers of the same condition, such as Cystic Fibrosis or Tay-Sachs disease. A growing number of tests are also available to help people learn their risk of cancer. For example, a woman who undergoes a genetic test for mutations in her BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes may learn about her risk of breast and ovarian cancer. This test has recently become better known as celebrities like Angelina Jolie share their own stories. Similarly, if you or a loved one has already had cancer, you may also have heard of other types of genetic tests that look for genetic signatures inside the cancer cells. In many cases, the results of these tests offer new perspective into family planning, tailored cancer screening plans, or targeted cancer treatments. In the case of BRCA1 and BRCA2, a woman who carries a mutation may opt to begin mammograms at an earlier-than-average

age. Even a negative result can be helpful by lowering one’s chances of having a hereditary condition. And because you share your DNA with relatives, the results of your genetic testing could impact your family members’ risks and additional testing for them may be recommended. I often hear privacy as a concern related to genetics. Fortunately, there are certain protections in place to safeguard the security of people who do genetic testing. For example, a federal law passed in 2008, the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA), prohibits insurance companies and employers from discriminating on the basis of genetic information. You can learn more about GINA, including its exceptions, at ginahelp.org. The decision to undergo genetic testing is a personal one that can depend on what’s most important for you and your health at a given point in your life. The information you acquire could directly impact your knowledge about your health and the health of your relatives, so it’s important to make an informed choice. A genetic counselor is an expert medical professional who can help you understand the benefits and limitations of genetic testing and discuss your various options. You can find a genetic counselor near you at findageneticcounselor.com. Tools like genetic testing can provide crucial and sometimes even life-saving information, and there are plenty of resources available to help you navigate your own genetic testing journey.

FALL 2017


2 opinions + 1 sofa =

Genetic Testing: Do You Really Want to Know? By Jerry “Dr. J” Saliman

I recently asked a group of my friends if they would consider home genetic testing to predict their risk of malignancy. Everyone equivocated. They wondered: could a home genetic test save my life, or would there be unintentional harmful consequences because of an abnormal result? What are the pros and cons? Before considering genetic testing, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor or genetic counselor. The science of genetic testing is new and exciting, but there is no research to show testing leads to better treatment or longer life. One of the most fascinating aspects of genetic research is called epigenetics, the process of how genes are turned off and on. For example, epigenetic changes occur by the influence of an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise, smoking, environmental pollution, or hormone changes. Primarily because of epigenetic effects, identical twins not only have different fingerprints but differences in their health. In the future, by learning how epigenetics control our genes, there may be new ways to prevent diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s or diabetes. Epigenetics may be responsible for the development of more than 50 percent of all malignancies.

Take a seat and join the conversation. Thursday, November 16 • 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Before you get genetic testing, you might want to ask: what is the accuracy? Who gets the test results? How will your health insurance be affected? What might I do with the results? Although in 2008 Congress passed the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, this does not apply to long-term care, disability, or life insurance providers. My advice: unless you have a specific family history and have met with a genetic counselor, think carefully about your reasons for pursuing genetic testing. While the benefits of genetic testing might be beneficial, one friend noted that, “I wouldn’t want to live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder.”

In today’s charged climate, people are becoming compartmentalized and divided instead of connected and united. Sometimes it can be trying just to talk with someone of a different perspective.

Maybe better is the advice of my pragmatic wife, who simply says, “If you aren’t going to do something with the results, don’t get tested.”

This is a programmatic expression of our deeply held belief that the PJCC has a responsibility and an opportunity to serve as a platform and venue for civic discourse, community conversation, and the cultivation of relationships.

Co-founded in 2010 by social entrepreneur Joan Blades and Amanda Roman, Living Room Conversations allows people with different viewpoints on social, economic, or political issues to engage in self-facilitated conversations structured to help people share viewpoints without debating and to listen to understand other perspectives.

When people of all walks of life begin to care about one another, they can begin working together to solve the wicked problems of our time. Living Room Conversations

To register, see page 30. 8


FALL 2017


Lilith’s Lair and Other Stories of Deception


“Very often I look down at my skin and it has turned blue. It tends to do that when I face certain situations of people stereotyping and categorizing other people who are unlike themselves.”

Blue Like Me: Art by Siona Benjamin

–Siona Benjamin

July 11 – September 18, 2017


FALL 2017


I am a Bene Israel Jew from India. My family gradually dispersed, mostly to Israel and America, but my parents remained in India. I am now also an American, living and working in New Jersey, but I still recall the ornate synagogues of my childhood, the oil lamps, the velvet- and silver-covered Torahs, a chair left vacant for the prophet Elijah in our Bombay synagogues. Having grown up in a predominantly Hindu and Muslim society, having been educated in Catholic and Zoroastrian schools, and having been raised Jewish in India and now living in America, I have always had to reflect upon the cultural boundary zones in which I have lived. Very often I look down at my skin and it has turned blue. It tends to do that when I face certain situations of people stereotyping and categorizing other people who are unlike themselves. I have, therefore, over the years developed many blue-skinned characters in my paintings. This blue self-portrait of sorts takes on many roles and forms, through which I theatrically explore ancient and contemporary dilemmas. In White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Peggy McIntosh diligently expounds upon a list of scenarios that illustrate how a certain skin color is privileged over another. “One is taught to think of their lives as morally neutral, normative, and average, and also ideal, so that when we work to benefit others, this is seen as work that will allow “them” to be more like “us.”

Finding Home #102 Lilith

In my case, if “them” did not turn out to be more like “us” then the skin turns blue, standing out as “the other” but also as a realization that “the other blue skin” can, in turn, be celebrated and accepted as normal in its difference. Thus making my characters come alive and enacting their stories as they reach out from a mythological past, I show how these characters use their blue skin to tell their stories.

Finding Home No. 74 (Fereshteh) Lilith

Finding Home #71 (Fereshteh) Eda

About the work:

In this process of recycling and rejuvenating, they remind me, in making and sharing my work, that myth making is cyclical and timeless. Thus, the blue skin has become my symbol for being a Jewish woman of color.

The Blue In My Skin by Siona Benjamin

Finding Home No. 79 (Fereshteh) Mahalat


About the work:

am a transcultural artist. A transcultural person is rather like a chameleon, able to change their colors according to the situation and environment. Today’s world politics pushes and promotes a need for a sense of belonging, a categorization of sorts, a push to take sides, either black or white. The gray scale in between needs to be explored so that when one makes final evaluations, it is painted with a fairness that allows us to learn about all perspectives and points of view. It’s important to view the world outside of the bubble of one’s own country, religion and race. I believe that art can be an important vehicle in this endeavor. This involves not just presenting to my audience the uniqueness of immigrant cultures but taking this exploration a step further and deeper.



Does forgiveness come easily to Mahalat? Daughter of Ishmael Granddaughter of Hagar A bridge in the midrash Wife of Easu In the ying yang of her destiny The circle must complete What we have left undone.

Meet the artist at these PJCC special events: Improvisation #20: Rachel’s Dream

Indian Shabbat Dinner with Siona Benjamin, page 23 Chalk the Block, page 25

Idit in the midrash Translates to Eda Which means any ethnic group Appropriate for my theater, my life Eda looks back as she transforms into a pillar of salt But this time not frozen in time, in space Not another nameless woman in the Torah Her tefillin manages to save a home, just one Her vision promises to contain the mushroom cloud To stop burning cities from turning to ashes The Holocaust Darfur Baghdad New York Never again we say As we build higher walls, as if to protect Not from the other but perhaps from ourselves My grandmother said to feed the birds That sit on your windowsill They are souls of the departed Yes I believe they are revisiting The electric fence of the dreaded camps Cannot harm them anymore I paint then with nishama, with soul Their lives are now indestructible But the mother tree watches Her children cut from her umbilical cord More yellow ribbons are tied everyday As more sons die, every where

FALL 2017



Celebrating the Creation and Diversity of the Cosmos At this time of year, as we engage in ritual and self-reflective practice focused on universal themes of identity, personal meaning, renewal and forgiveness, may our minds and hearts open with amazement and wonder at the mystery of our unique selves and our common, shared humanity. ROSH HASHANAH Unlike most other Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah (September 22), The Jewish New Year, is not linked to the remembrance of national liberation or to the commemoration of a national tragedy. In fact, Rosh Hashanah does not focus on the historical experience of the Jewish people at all. Instead, Rosh Hashanah emphasizes a mythological moment in time – the creation of the cosmos. The Machzor — prayerbook — for Rosh Hashanah returns to this image repeatedly with the words Hayom harat Olam — “Today is the birthday of the world.” Accordingly, this central Jewish holiday celebrates humanity as a whole rather than the Jewish People. In its most salient formulation, the creation of one world presupposes one God and one humanity, which implies that all people are brothers and sisters.

This theme of the unification of all life is again replayed on Yom Kippur (September 30), The Day of Atonement (some would say At-One-Ment). Our religious mythos has the One God sitting in judgment of all of humanity, and each person is judged not by the color of their skin or by their creed or ethnicity but by their actions. Jewish wisdom recognizes the centrality of both Jewish particularism as well as universalism. As the Jewish People, we have a distinct identity we are meant to embrace and, at the same time, we are meant to recognize that we are all part of the same humanity. The PJCC is a community that celebrates both our particular Jewishness and the diversity (and inclusion) of the universal. Such a community is to be celebrated.

“May each of us, our loved ones, and all peoples of the earth be graced with health, happiness, and peace.” Rabbi Lavey Derby, PJCC Director of Jewish Life

Creating Community Through Art This spring, our Preschool students and families had the opportunity to help transform our multi-purpose room and create a mural (featured above) with renowned visiting artist Rosana Azar. Working together in small groups, the children painted designs onto parachute cloth, rotating around the cloth as they built upon each other’s work to create something together. We chose the Jewish text “Students Create More Peace in the World” to emphasize the values of friendship, connection, and peace that are at the core of our community. The resulting mural and installation is greater than the sum of its parts – hundreds of hands helped take an ordinary space and make it extraordinary, with a message of peace that will guide our children and families for years to come.

OUR PHILOSOPHY OF VALUES-INSPIRED GROWTH Whether building sky-high towers of wooden blocks, measuring sand into buckets, or painting a bright rainbow — children make sense of their world and learn new skills through play. Our award winning play-based learning environment is supported by the most current child development research, and engages young minds by sparking their creativity, curiosity, and imagination. Children are naturally motivated to learn skills that translate to success in school and life.




Meet our Preschool Directors and schedule a tour!

650.378.2670 or ece@pjcc.org

pjcc.org/preschool 14


FALL 2017


Donor Recognition — TODAH RAB AH — CHAVERIM (Up to $999)

Gifts received July 2016 – June 2017 Thank you for all you do for the PJCC and our community. Your generosity enables the PJCC to serve housebound seniors, postoperative breast cancer survivors, Jewish Life participants, and our Preschool, Treehouse, and Camp communities. Thanks to you, we provide financial assistance for membership and tuition for families in need, as well as additional support for children with special needs. Please know how thankful we are for your contributions, gifts in kind, services, and ongoing support of the PJCC. We appreciate your generosity more than you will ever know. We apologize in advance if we missed anyone on our list of supporters. You and your gifts matter and make a significant difference at the PJCC. If you have any questions, please contact Development at the PJCC at 650.212.PJCC (7522).

“Why give?”

Ana and Ariel Manalo For PJCC preschool parents Ana and Ariel, gratitude is the name of the game. The Manalos believe that supporting the PJCC sets a strong example of philanthropy for their two young children. “We teach our daughters Grace (5 years old) and Faith (20 months) the importance of being grateful for our blessings and finding ways to share and extend those blessings to family and friends,” says Ana, a Director at WageWorks. “We also emphasize the importance of being a good role model and performing mitzvot [good deeds] whenever the opportunity presents itself.” “We love all that the PJCC’s Early Childhood Education program (preschool) offers, especially the teachers and staff, as it has provided Grace with a foundation for learning socially and academically that will help her succeed in elementary school,” says Ariel, who works at Cisco Systems. “When our second daughter, Faith, is old enough, she will start preschool at the PJCC. And we want other children to benefit from a PJCC education as well.” The San Mateo couple credits the PJCC for strengthening the value they place on belonging to a diverse community. “We embrace helping others in need and supporting communities through shared experiences and goals,” says Ariel. “We’ve made longlasting friendships with other PJCC families and look forward to fostering those relationships in the years ahead.”

Featured artwork created by PJCC Preschool students and families with visiting artist Rosana Azar.


The Chai Society is our leadership annual giving program. This program includes gifts of $1,000 or more to the PJCC each year.


MENSCH CIRCLE ($1,000–$1,799)

Amy & Marshal Allshouse Anonymous (2) Phyllis Friedman Susan & David Folkman Sissy & Ted Geballe Sonny & Steve Hurst Candee & Jack Klein Eva Chernov Lokey z’l Anna Lyapis & Filipp Brunshteyn Naomi & Jeff Silk Kathy & Don Williams

Luba Abascal & David Weinstein Martha & Michael Adler Anonymous Barbara Berk & Gilbert Mintz Jill Blair & Fay Twersky Alda & Joseph Bronitsky Charles Bronitsky Cathy & Tom Brown Katherine & Roy Bukstein Marian & Allan Byer Connie Chen & Jackson Wu Roxanne & David Cohen Judy Edelson Shirley & Ben Eisler Amanda & Rabbi Dennis Eisner Nancy Evans & Art Wolf Bambi & Stan Feinberg Wayne & Leslee Feinstein Laura & Paul Geduldig Olivia & Carl Goldstone Lynda & Roland Graham-Helwig Laureine and David Greenbaum Family Foundation Susan Hamlin Jennifer Ackerman Helfand & Rabbi Corey Helfand Pam Jones & Steve Herskovitz Kendra & Tom Kasten Evva & Paul Kim Natalie & Alan Kubitz Edith & Daniel Lang Yvonne Levy Barbara & Jerry Lewis Carol Lloyd Susan & Scott Maltz Marilyn & Charles Meier Annie O’Donnell & RM Karr Cindy & Alex Panchula Ellen & Jerry Saliman Florette & Bill Schwartz Marcyl & Seymour Seidscher Lorna Siepser & Steve Klebe Lori Silverstein Anne & David Sipes Yash Snider Anne & David Steirman Ellen Weinstein & Fred Weiner

MITZVAH CIRCLE ($5,000–$9,999) Jack Bernstein Betsy & Michael Berman Hilary DeLorenzo & Nicolas DeLorenzo-Higueros The Hollingsworth Family Jane & Jon Post Linda Tate & Michael Lewis Jean Zemel

HASIDIM CIRCLE ($3,600–$4,999) Maria & James Burns Judy & Tom Fisher Kathy Reich & Ken Meyer Wendy & Jeremy Verba

MALACHIM CIRCLE ($1,800–$3,599) Gilah & Mark Abelson Anonymous (2) Jane & Jeff Boyarsky Heather Cahan & Kartik Krishnan Barbara Engler Manu & Sandeep Goel Debbie & David Goren Ally & Rick Lenat Stephanie Levin MJ Manocchio & Richard Braunstein Amy Rabbino & Neal Rubin Zoe & Dan Scheinman Cindy & Phil Strause

Subha & Yeturu Aahlad Adrienne & Howard Abrams Karen Adachi Janette Allen-Keene Susan L. Ammons Melissa Amorn-Klippert & Michael Klippert Johanna Anderholm Modell Marlow Andersen Anonymous (5) Linda & Gary Attell Glenna Auerback & David Menashe Roma Auerback Leah Baars & Marty Brounstein Debbie & Earl Bagby Madeline Baker Deniz & Mehmet Kaan Baloglu Susan & Gordon Bardet Dorean Barnes Barulich Dugoni Law Firm Wendy & Irving Benveniste Janice & Dennis Berkowitz Lisa & Bob Bernstein Deena & Rob Bertolina Beth El Fifty Plus Club Lilaben Billimoria Emily & Henrik Blixt Judy & Jordan Bloom Annette & Duane Bolton Nancy & Howard Bott Ilene & Jeff Bragman Cyd Braker Jennifer Brilhart Rachel Brodie & Adam Weisberg Diane Brouwers Jennie Brown Bunco Group Brenda Burke Nicola Burt & Christopher Banks Dr. Daniel & Barbara Buttlaire Raisa Bykhovsky Sheri Carroll Jeanne Chambers Susana Chan Julie & Damon Chandik Yun Cheng Corey & Rod Cherkas Grant Cherrington Joanna Cheung Alice Chin Cynthia Chin-Lee Shirley Chow Melissa & Sam Chuang Edith Chun Michele Cinq Mars & John Neil Carol & Mike Cohen Michael Colvin Suzy & Andy Colvin Elizabeth Consavari Linda & Dan Cooperman Greg Costanzo Jeffrey Cretcher Rocio Crisostomo Maida & Cecil Culverhouse Michelle & Nick Dabit Rochelle & Mervyn Danker Nidhi & Somesh Dash Ryan Davenport Bettie Davis Linda Davis Michael Davis Eleanore Debth Brian deHaaf Rabbi Lisa Delson & Brent Pliskow Rabbi Lavey Derby Nicole Devlin Heather & Michael Dickerson Susan Dickey Marilyn Dobbs Higuera Crystal & Steve Dyfoon Cynthia Easton Daniel Edelson Nicole Edhammer Shelley Eisenman & Elisa Friedlander Jody & Todd Emanuel

Dolores Lee Emrey Jill & Marc Engel Howard Epstein Ela Erbektas Olga Espira & Antonio Romero Alta & Jim Evangelist Mimi & Rabbi Nat Ezray Shawn Fahrenbruch Lenci Farkas Beverly Feder Donna & Phil Feitelberg Gryhoriy Feller Sheli Fernandez Rae Finegood Lori & Michael Fineman Marian & David Finkelstein Patricia Fitzgerald Carole & David Florian Doug Fong Ann & Stan Forman Lauren Fouquet Joan & Michael Fox Edith Foyer Marilyn Frank & Martin Goldstein Harriet & Kenneth Franklin Mindy & Dan Friedeberg Debbie Frink Elizabeth Fullinwider Anna Fung Eleanor Gale Enny Gani & Conor Tierney Judy & Michael Garb Amelia Garcia Barbara Gardyn Lois Gaspari Marilyn Gelder Sue & Albert Geller Ellen & Bruce Gellman Stella Genshaft Barbara & Joel Gereboff Erica & Jeff Gilbert Roberta & Bruce Gilbert Louisa & Mark Gillett Sharon Giordano Kike Gipson Florence & Bill Glatt Malvina Gockchan Jennifer & Brian Gold Diane & Manny Goldman Lisa & David Goldstein Gombosi Family Kimberly Gordon & Marc Hertz Paula & Simon Goren Phyllis Graff Michael Gray Jaclyn & Ken Grayson Steve Green Becky Greenberg Myra Greenberg Michelle Gregory Mary Lou Griffin Barbara & Joe Gurkoff Alan Hafter Barbara Hafter Wendy Halverson & Benjamin Lin Noel Han Mary Hanson Janet & Seth Hazen Jared Hein Dan Heller Fritzi Henning Jules Heumann Steve Hibshman Wendy Hill & Steve Cira Judy Hisaka Charlene & Nicholas Ho Gloria Hogan Angie & Steve Hollman Kathleen Holt Joan & Fred Hopkins Joanne Howard Randi & Jim Hutchinson Rachel Hyman Andrea Isaacs Jennifer Isaacs & Stephen Neal Ashley Iwanaga

Gifts reflective of July 2016 – June 2017

Tony Jackson Clara Jaeckel Helen & Don Jaffe Barbara & Norm Johnson Heather Johnson Ingrid & Frank Jonas z’l Sevilla Joseph Vivian Kalev Poorna & Rohit Kamath Jeanne & Steve Kane Huna Kang & Saehwan Kim Jung Kang Sydney Kapchan & Steven Tulkin Gay & Harvey Kaplan Ferne Katleman Janice & Irving Katz June & Jeff Kaufman Marcy Kawadler & Daryl Thomas Sandra & Brian Kearney Debbie Kelman & Rabbi Marvin Goodman Eunice & Gerald Kenner Kelli Keough & Tony Allen Debbie & Bob Kessler Ken Kinoshita Michelle & Bruce Klafter Gerhild & Peter Klein Judy Knowlton Martha Kokes & Jay Mellman Lisette Konya Gabriele Korn Corie Kotansky Bev Kotlove Marilyn & Norman Krasner Julie & Ed Kraus Melissa Kruse Ellen Kugler Julie & Rafi Kugler Peter Kulmars & Robert Hughes Patricia Kurnik Kofen Lai Jennifer & Kevin Lam Mara & David Langer Wendie Lash Joan LeBlanc Sheila & George Lederer Joyce Lee Nam-Ling (Betty) Lee Yuko Lee Rayna Lehman & Bill Nack Shaun (Ursula) Lenihan Shirley Lerner Sharon & Seth Leslie Mariamne Leung-Zippert & Aric Leung Marta Levison Lynn Levy & Bob Kahn Nell & David Levy Valerie Liberty Meredith Liron Eileen & Max Listgarten Neela Logan Gregory Lok Mike Loo Angela Ma Dee & Lachlan MacKenzie Chie & Mitsuga Maekawa Nathan Mamallan Ana & Ariel Manalo Michelle Mandel & Simon Reading Scion Mangubat Benjamin Marconi Diane Marcus Evelyn Marcus Britt Markussen Janet A. Martin Lisa Martin & Matt Murray Patricia Mastalir Stephanie Masten Iolanda Matinhos & David Pluto Lynne & Robert Matsumoto Linda & Joshua Maule Susan May Marcella McColl Caryn & James McDowell Michele McGeoy Eleanor McGrath Mary McGrath

Paula & Ken Meier Lisa & David Mendell Greg Menna Diane Merkadeau & James Kramer Pamela Merkadeau & Cary Wiest Bahrig Mikaelian-Deirmendjian Patricia & Dale Miller Bessie Mintz Gail & Matt Mintz Judy & Steve Mitchell Karen Moen Irene & Stephen Moff Priya & Sandeep Mondkar Jerome Moore Shirley Moore Suzanne Moore Marie Morris Sandy & Bob Morse Nilofer Motiwala & Ashish Motivala Fatma Moustafa April Muyalde Preetha Narajanaswamy Xuan-Vu Nguyen & Todd Braman Nicky’s Capcom Family Lynn & Richard Nightingale Mika Nishimura Dominic Nolan Katie Nolan-Stevaux Gayle & Allen Notowitz Celia Oakley Sandy Oberstein Gail O’Brien Mary Ogden Christine Opie Ann Otonari Katherine Papp Eileen Pascual Marcela Pasquinelli Shelley & Tom Pavela Doug Pawliuk Bonnie & Don Pearlman Lawrence Pelzner Miriam Perlson-Cohn Richard Phipps Pete Picetti Lynn Pierce Karen Piry Josie Pollack-Kamin Peter Pollat Wendy & Jeff Polonsky Elaine Porter Lisa Potocsnak Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent Sylvia & George Prozan Anne Putnam Julie Quayle Davida & Michael Rabbino Karen & Daniel Rabe Dorothy & Boris Ragent Ashok Rajan Angela & Steve Rakita Charlotte & Evan Reader Carolyn Reibel Sally & Robert Reingold Sandy Reinin Wendy Riedel Ann Ritzma Beverly Rochelle Marilyn Rosekind Betsy & Marc Rosen Jessica & Aaron Rosenbaum Ellie & Marty Rosenberg Natalie Rothschild Linda Roush Joanne & Steve Rovno Shari Rubin-Rick & Evan Rick Yvonne Ryzak Merle Saber Joyce Sakai Marilyn & Don Salle Natalie & James Sammet Priya & Amit Saraf Dorothy Saxe Ronald Scheinbach Heidi & Steve Schell Ruth & Bruce Schlesinger FALL 2017


Donor Recognition CHAVERIM

“Why give?”

Kathy Williams Kathy Williams, PJCC Board Director and longtime Center supporter, has philanthropy practically coded in her DNA. She credits her parents, Geede and Al Roberts, for teaching her about the obligation that Jewish people have to help others. “My parents were my teachers and role models – they provided my very first examples of Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World) and Tzedakah (Charitable Giving). They educated me about the two equally important parts of philanthropy: the practices of giving time and giving funds. Now these principles are woven into the fabric of my being.” Extending the circle of giving she learned from her parents has been part of Kathy’s life’s work, both professionally and in the raising of her family. “My husband Don and I taught the critical lessons of philanthropy to our children when they were growing up. We talked about ageappropriate concepts: whether you help someone who is homeless or make chicken soup for a sick friend, you are making the world a better place. Michael Bloomberg summed it up nicely: ‘If you want to do something for your children and show how much you love them, the single best thing is to support organizations that will create a better world for them and their children.’” Kathy passionately believes the PJCC is just such an organization.

Marilyn & Nathan Schmidt Lisa & Ellis Schoichet Sharon Schwartz Susan Schwartz Karin & Marlin Segal Reva & John Segall Cheryl & Jeffrey Selman Aveline Setyono Grace Shao & Marc Schmidt Sandra Shapiro Nancy Shaw Sharon Shaw Barbara & Michael Shenson Siraj Sherriff Marianne & Herman Shine Faina & Gennady Shpiler Diana Shteyman Margaret Shyr Rosalita & Alan Sicherman Norma Siegel Maxine Sigel Judy & Robert Silverman Wendy & Stephen Sims Norma Siskin Sharon & Limar Skelley Jane Skinner & Jaswanth Sreeram Rolly Slatt Shea Smith Denise & Larry Smurthwaite Madelaine Sokolsky John Solomon Michele & Josh Solomon Sommer Family Vera Sorensen Susie & Rich Sorkin Sari Spector Jory Stein Mary Stone Marcie & Artie Storch Tami Strang Sheila & Art Strosberg Keeratiya Sucharitakul Steven Sung Emi & Takao Suzuki Zinaida & Alexander Talis Rose Tamler Jane Tan & Kenneth Schwartz Michelle & Keith Tandowsky Rosabel Tao

Vicky Tapper Cornelia Taylor & Josh Bruckner Sue Teng Judy Thalheimer & Brian Kirshner Jeannie & Dave Thomas Susan Tobachnik Laura Toller Gardner & James T. Gardner Rose Tomey Fran Tompakov Mary Tong Town of Hillsborough Sherry Tsang Anny & David Tsay Cyril Tukeman Irina Tulman Tiffany & Rob Twilley U & I Entertainment Aurora Uyehara Judith Vacchino & Pascal Bensoussan Margrit & Jack Vanderryn Cindy & Luis Velasquez Allison Verdeckberg Alexander Voskoboynik Pamela Walsh Joyce & Norm Weil Emely & Ronald Weissman The White Family Cathy & Gary Whitman Liliana Wilkerson Lorraine Willamson & Carlson Newman Margaret Wilson Judy Winkelstein Rachel & Eyob Woldeselasie Fern Wollrich Darryl Wong Imelda Wong Vierra Wong & Tim Choy Astrid Worley Lily Wu & George Chiu Cathy Yeung & Wei-Ai Tai Janice & Dave Zalk Julia Zats Daisy Zhang Hong Zheng Joanna Zheng & Jack Lin Laura Zhu Lauren & Jonathan Zoob Jodi & Rob Zwiebach

TRIBUTE GIFTS Linda & Gary Attell in honor of Eve Glatt Jill Blair & Fay Twersky in honor of the exciting future of the PJCC Carol & Mike Cohen in memory of Diane Milner’s mother Judy Edelson in honor of Lorry Lokey in memory of Judy Wolf Jill & Marc Engel in memory of Regina Feitelberg Tina Eshaghpour in honor of Mahin Nazarian Nancy Evans & Art Wolf in honor of Judy Garb and Ellie Rosenberg Beverly Feder in honor of Marianne & Henry Sommer Sheli Fernandez in memory of Jennifer Fernandez Edith Foyer in memory of Karl Mautner Harriet & Kenneth Franklin in honor of Mollie Kraus Roberta & Bruce Gilbert in memory of Bella Waxman Malvina Gockchan in honor of Ginger Watts Lynda & Roland Graham-Helwig in memory of Rose Jeweler Janice & Irving Katz in memory of Joan Harmon Eunice & Gerald Kenner in honor of Amy Byer & the Byer Family Kelli Keough & Tony Allen in honor of Brad, GiGi and Chad Allen Bev Kotlove in memory of Norman Steinhart Yvonne Levy in memory of Fred Levy Doug Pawliuk & Nicole in honor of Isabelle Waxman Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent in memory of Sarah Fields Davida & Michael Rabbino in honor of Neal Rubin Ellen & Jerry Saliman in memory of Lynn Wolff

Atria at Foster Square Kaiser Permanente

JANE POST YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Luba Abascal & David Weinstein Anonymous Annette & Duane Bolton Jane & Jeff Boyarsky Ilene & Jeff Bragman Rachel Brodie & Adam Weisberg Cathy & Tom Brown Katherine & Roy Bukstein Maria & James Burns Nicola Burt & Christopher Banks Marian & Allan Byer Connie Chen & Jackson Wu Corey & Rod Cherkas Roxanne & David Cohen Rochelle & Mervyn Danker Marilyn Dobbs Higuera Daniel Edelson Judy Edelson

Shelley Eisenman & Elisa Friedlander Jill & Marc Engel Barbara Engler Nancy Evans & Art Wolf Leslee & Wayne Feinstein Rae Finegood Joan & Michael Fox Phyllis Friedman Judy & Michael Garb Laura & Paul Geduldig Ellen & Bruce Gellman Diane & Manny Goldman Kimberly Gordon & Marc Hertz Paula & Simon Goren Lynda & Roland Graham-Helwig Jan & Alan Hafter Rachel Hyman Ingrid & Frank Jonas z’l

Pam Jones & Steven Herskovitz Vivian Kalev Ferne Katleman Debbie Kelman & Rabbi Marvin Goodman Martha Kokes & Jay Mellman Julie & Ed Kraus Mara & David Langer Sheila & George Lederer Ally & Rick Lenat Sharon & Seth Leslie MJ Manocchio & Richard Braunstein Diane Marcus Bessie Mintz Shirley Moore Xuan-Vu Nguyen & Todd Braman Sandy Oberstein Cindy & Alex Panchula Lawrence Pelzner

Peter Pollat Jane & Jon Post Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent Amy Rabbino & Neal Rubin Kathy Reich & Ken Meyer Sandy Reinin Ellie & Marty Rosenberg Yvonne Ryzak Ellen & Jerry Saliman Wendy & Stephen Sims Yash Snider John Solomon Sari Spector Anne & David Steirman Linda Tate & Michael Lewis Wendy & Jeremy Verba Janice & Dave Zalk

SILVER ($5,000–$9,999) The Stuart Rental Company


Diddams Party and Toys East Bay Zoological Society Sharron & Elias Emergui Eminence Organic Skincare Gilroy Gardens Gloria Goldberg Habitot Children’s Museum Hiller Aviation Museum Jazz Cellars Candee & Jack Klein

Laurel Street Arts Lawrence Hall Of Science Lemos Farm Mad Science of the Bay Area Pacific Pinball Museum Pier 39 Presidio Bowling Center Russian Ridge Winery Safari Run San Carlos Children’s Theater

In honor of Vicki McGrath Charlotte & Evan Reader Elizabeth Fullinwider Gay & Harvey Kaplan Julie Quayle Patricia & Dale Miller

In honor of Rabbi Lavey Derby Wendie Lash Noreen Sommer

In memory of Joan Mechalovitz Susan L. Ammons Carol Lloyd

In memory of Frank Jonas Judy Edelson Jane & Jon Post

In honor of Jane Post Jill Blair & Fay Twersky Susan L. Ammons

In memory of Beatrice Kaplan Maria & James Burns Nicola Burt & Christopher Banks Lynda & Roland Graham-Helwig Richard Phipps Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent Charlotte & Evan Reader

In memory of Sarah Prandini Maria & James Burns Nicola Burt & Christopher Banks Alta & Jim Evangelist Debbie Frink Dan Heller Benjamin Marconi Linda & Joshua Maule Nicky’s Capcom family Karen Piry Wendy & Jeff Polonsky Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent Denise & Larry Smurthwaite Vera Sorensen Jeannie & Dave Thomas U & I Entertainment Cindy Velasquez

In memory of Bob May Modell Marlow Andersen Barulich Dugoni Law Firm Maria & James Burns Cynthia Chin-Lee Michael Colvin Suzy & Andy Colvin Bettie Davis Judy Edelson Howard Epstein Carole & David Florian Laureine and David Greenbaum Family Foundation Jules Heumann Judy Knowlton Nell & David Levy Susan May Marie Morris

In honor of Ellen Saliman Leslee & Linda Dorothy Saxe In honor of Josh Wolf Judy Edelson Jane & Jon Post

BRONZE ($2,500–$4,999)

PARTNERS (Up to $2,499)

Absolute Electrical Anonymous Color Genomics Inc Global Maintenance Resources Provident Credit Union NFP CA Insurance Services, Inc.


Dittmann Plumbing Inc Enterprise Holdings Lenat & Partners Pickled Clothing

Apple Matching Gifts Program Arch Insurance Group Inc. Bailard Inc ebay

Goldman Sachs & Co Google Matching Gift Program Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program Peninsula Medical Clinic US Bank Employee Matching Gifts Program Visa Givingstation Walmart Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

Congregation Beth Jacob The Federation’s San Francisco Jewish Women’s Fund High Fives Non-Profit Foundation Jewish Community Endowment Newhouse Fund Jewish Community Federation Koret Foundation

May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust Mills-Peninsula Medical Center The Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund Morris Stulsaft Foundation Palo Alto Medical Foundation Paul & Ruth Steiner Permanent Endowment Fund Peninsula Health Care District

Peninsula Sinai Congregation Peninsula Temple Beth El PJ Library (Harold Grinspoon Foundation) Safeway Foundation Section 5310: Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Program

Sequoia Healthcare District Silicon Valley Community Foundation Taube Foundation for Jewish Life & Culture TouchPoint Foundation Union for Reform Judaism Wells Fargo Foundation

NORTH PENINSULA JEWISH CAMPUS (NPJC) San Francisco Zoo School of Rock San Mateo Scribble Me Happy Target Lisa & Eran Tzur US Foods Shirley Waldum George Whitehill

THANK YOU to the many supporters that have made a Legacy Gift to the PJCC.


In memory of Gitel Frida Brunshteyn Anonymous Jennifer Isaacs & Stephen Neal Shirley Lerner Stephanie Levin Anna Lyapis & Filipp Brunshteyn Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent


GIFTS IN KIND A Runner’s Mind bare California Academy of Sciences Cameron Hughes Wine John Caputo Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose Clif Bar Costco, Redwood City Costco, S. San Francisco Cuvée Wine Cellars

Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent Sandy Reinin Maxine Sigel Mary Stone Marcie & Artie Storch Town of Hillsborough

In memory of Edward Blau Maria & James Burns Judy Edelson Laura & Paul Geduldig Jane & Jon Post


Gifts made in honor of Jane Post and her 37 years of service to the PJCC upon her retirement.

Marilyn & Nathan Schmidt in honor of Lori Silverstein Lisa & Ellis Schoichet in memory of Muriel Schoichet Sandra Shapiro in memory of Jean Shapiro Nancy Shaw in honor of Ian Silverglate Rosalita & Alan Sicherman in memory of Bess Booth Norma Siegel in memory of Bernie Blutman Judy & Robert Silverman in honor of Allan Byer Denise & Larry Smurthwaite in honor of the 2017 Avon Walk to End Breast Cancer Sheila & Art Strosberg in memory of Cindy Harband Michelle & Keith Tandowsky in honor of Paula Meier Rosabel Tao in honor of Debbie Goren and Jim Jaffe Emely & Ronald Weissman in honor of Jill Blair Ellen & Bruce Gellman in honor of Scott & Susan Maltz Johanna Anderholm in honor of Susan Ammons Crystal & Steve Dyfoon in memory of Sylvia Chan Sydney Kapchan & Steven Tulkin in honor of the Jewish Life Committee Jack Bernstein in honor of the PJCC and Cafe at the J employees

Thank you to supporters of the NPJC land campaign who made a donation or pledge payment during this fiscal year. The PJCC is proud to be a part of the Campus. Liki & Joe Abrams Jane & Jeff Boyarsky Abbe Braitman Maria & James Burns Connie Chen & Jackson Wu Elaine Date & Mark Ezersky Rabbi Lavey Derby Mandy & Rabbi Dennis Eisner Barbara Engler

Bambi & Stan Feinberg Brittany & Daniel Feitelberg Judy & Tom Fisher Laura & Paul Geduldig Barbara & Joel Gereboff Sharon & Scott Hartley Renee & Dennis Jermaine Jewish Community Endowment Fund Karen & Saul Jodel

Gifts reflective of July 2016 – June 2017

Joelle & Neal Kaufman Debbie Kelman & Rabbi Marvin Goodman Sheila & George Lederer Fran & Bobby Lent Stephanie Levin Rosanne & Al Levitt Nadin Mayblum-Boaz & Yoav Boaz Lisa & David Mendell

Sora Lei & Don Newman Caren & Robin Neydavoud Cindy & Alex Panchula Lori & Roger Pessah Amy Rabbino & Neal Rubin Rebecca Schwartz & Roger Feigelson Ron Sosnick Kathy & Don Williams Cynthia & Ken Wornick

FALL 2017


Jewish Peoplehood




Jewish Peoplehood is Central in Our Community The PJCC’s commitment to Jewish peoplehood supports us in taking pride in our culture and our people; it creates strong connections to local and worldwide Jewry and Israel; and it makes certain that we are literate about

A Key To Myself

the ideas, values and practices of Jewish living. Embracing our roots as we focus on present-day Jewish engagement ensures the continued vibrancy and diversity of our cultural and spiritual expression.

By Nicole Cruz, PJCC Youth & Family Program Manager, JOFEE Educator Growing up in an interfaith family, with a Catholic father and Jewish mother, I always knew that I was Jewish but was never able to grasp what that meant. Fast forward to 2016. I had been working at the PJCC for a little over a year in the Youth and Family Department where I was learning about various Jewish holidays, values, and traditions. While I enjoyed this introduction to Judaism, I still lacked a personal connection to it. In May 2016 I was accepted as a JOFEE (Jewish Outdoor, Food, Farming, & Environmental Education) Fellow. Upon completion of the fellowship, I would become a certified JOFEE Educator, creating programs that connected Judaism to the natural world. While extremely excited to be a part of the first cohort of the fellowship, I was also nervous about my lack of Jewish knowledge and spiritual connection. The fellowship began with an immersive, threeweek training in rural Connecticut where I learned about every letter of the JOFEE acronym, including how to infuse them to create a cohesive program. By the end of the training, I had challenged my personal limits and begun to form my Jewish identity. Once I returned to the PJCC, I started our Jewish

Family Wellness program, which infuses Jewish tradition and wisdom into wellness activities. These programs allow me to share my new JOFEE knowledge with families, cementing my role as a Jewish educator in our organization. In May of 2017 I became a certified JOFEE Educator. It has been an amazing year, with many highlights and challenges. I’m grateful to all of my mentors who have helped me along the way, including PJCC’s Rabbi Lavey Derby. Prior to the fellowship, I didn’t know that I was missing this key part of myself until I connected with my Jewish identity. Many of the ethics that I have always held closest to my heart align with Jewish values and mitzvot (commandments), including tzedakah (justice) and yosher (integrity). While I am still discovering what it means to be Jewish, without this fellowship I would not have had the courage to pursue this path.


Participants include Rabbi Nat Ezray of Congregation Beth Jacob, Rabbi Corey Helfand of Peninsula Sinai Congregation, Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin of Peninsula Temple Beth El, and Rabbi Dan Feder of Peninsula Temple Sholom. Facilitated by Rabbi Lavey Derby of the PJCC. Wed • 9/6 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • Ulam Gadol • Free • 50611

Through JOFEE and Jewish Family Wellness Programs at the PJCC, I hope to expose families to different ways of exploring Judaism and helping them connect with their Jewish identity.

“I didn’t know that I was missing this key part of myself until I connected with my Jewish identity” 20

RABBIS ROUNDTABLE: WHO IS THE GOD YOU PRAY TO? (FMP) The prayer book constantly refers to God as “King of the universe,” and on Rosh Hashanah we specifically celebrate crowning God as sovereign. Local rabbis will teach texts about the possible meaning of this God-language and discuss what metaphor for the divine has the most relevance for them. Pre-registration required.

LEHRHAUS PHILOSOPHY CIRCLE: THE ZOHAR The Zohar is the great compendium of Jewish mysticism, myth and esoteric teaching and is one of the most important religious texts of all time. Daniel Matt, the eminent scholar of the Zohar writes that it is “a challenge to the normal workings of consciousness [that] dares to examine one’s assumptions about tradition, God, and self.” Join this Bay Area-wide exploration of the Zohar, taught at the PJCC by Rabbi Lavey Derby, Director of Jewish Life. First Price = Members Second Price = Public FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members FMP = Free for Members and Public

Sponsored by Lehrhaus Judaica. For questions, email abra@lehrhaus.org. Register at lehrhaus.org or 510.845.6420. Mon • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • CRA • $175 if registered by 9/25 | $195 after 9/25 • 10/30, 11/13, 11/27, 12/11, 1/8, 1/22, 2/5, 2/26, 3/5

FALL 2017




JEWISH ENGAGEMENT LIFE, IT’S COMPLICATED: JEWISH PERSPECTIVES (FMP) Join this ongoing discussion exploring Jewish views on important issues and living a meaningful life. Thu • Weekly • 10:15 – 11:15 am • CRA • 50609 TAKE A BREATH: AN INTRODUCTION TO MINDFULNESS MEDITATION (FMP) Learn simple and basic instructions in the practice of meditation with Rabbi Lavey Derby. Thu • Weekly • 1:30 – 2:30 pm • BR • 50610 YIDDISH CLUB (FCCM) Increase your Yiddish vocabulary, learn about Yiddish culture, watch videos and make sure the mamaloshen (mother tongue) lives! Peer led. Tue • 9/5, 9/19, 10/3, 10/17, 11/7, 11/21 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • C • Public $3.50 per session FOOD FOR THOUGHT PRESENTS

THE WAR OF 1948: A FRESH LOOK As we approach Israel’s 70th anniversary, we will explore what recent research on the first Arab-Israeli War reveals: the military aims of the Israelis, Palestinians, and Arab states; the nature of the war as a conflict between nationalist movements or as a war of Jihad; and the resulting creation of both Palestinian and Jewish refugees from Arab countries. Connections will be drawn between the consequences of the 1948 war and current Middle Eastern realities and problems. Thu • 11/9 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • Wornick Ulam Gadol $15/$20 • 50608

FROM MOTHERLAND TO FATHERLAND: TRANSCULTURAL INDIAN JEWS IN ISRAEL (FCCM) Join PJCC Artist-in-Residence Siona Benjamin as she shares stories of Indian Jews she met in Israel during her second Fulbright scholarship and talks about her new series Faces: Weaving Indian Jewish Narratives. Mon • 9/11 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • Public $4 • BR • 50536

THE WAR OF 1948: A FRESH LOOK (Presented in Hebrew) Wed • 11/8 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • BR • $10/$10 • 50933

Benny Morris is an author and professor in the Middle East Studies Department at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, and former journalist at the Jerusalem Post. One of Israel’s preeminent historians, his academic work examining the Zionist narrative and the establishment of the State has provoked controversy on both sides of the political spectrum.

GROW JUSTICE FIGHT HUNGER: GARDEN SERVICE DAY (FMP) Activities include hands-on gardening and a variety of community service projects. Sun • 9/17 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • HG • 50607 ROSH HASHANAH IN THE LOBBY (FMP) Get ready for a sweet new year! Join us for apple and honey tastings, learn to blow the shofar, plus beautiful card-making to share with family and friends. Mon • 9/18 • 3:00 – 4:30 pm • L • 50612 OUTSIDE THESE WALLS: NATURE HIKE (FMP) Join Deborah Newbrun, a noted Jewish environmental educator, as she explores Jewish themes to help you learn about the Jewish roots of connecting to the land and nature. Location TBA. Wed • 9/27 • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm • Offsite • 50659



INDIAN SHABBAT DINNER WITH SIONA BENJAMIN PJCC Artist-in-Residence Siona Benjamin was raised in the Bene Israel Jewish Community in Mumbai, India. Joined by PJCC member Natasha Kehimkar, the two discuss issues of identity related to their personal experiences growing up as an Indian Jew. 6pm: Pre-event tour of the art gallery. 6:30 pm: Screening of the documentary short Blue Like Me. 7pm: Shabbat blessings and vegetarian Indian dinner with panel discussion. Fri • 9/8 • 6:00 – 8:30 pm • BR • $36/$40 • 50591

Facilitator Jim Van Buskirk’s essays have been featured in various books, magazines and other publications. Books are available from the Book Club in a Box program at the Jewish LearningWorks’ Jewish Community Library. $10 late fee for any book returned after the meeting date.

SHABABA (FMP) Celebrate Shabbat in a relaxed and playful, community atmosphere with music, creative prayer, movement, and more. Experience and connect with Shabbat in a brand-new and energetic way guaranteed to nurture family bonds and build connections to Jewish life and values. For grownups and their little ones. Instructor: Jeni Markowitz Clancy Fri • 9/1 – 11/7 • Group A is 9:30 – 10:30 am • BR • 50586 Fri • 9/1 – 11/7 • Group B is 10:30 – 11:30 am • BR • 50998 SHABBAT UNPLUGGED (FMP) Unplug, unwind and enjoy family and friends for a screen-free afternoon. Includes live music, snacks and refreshments. Co-sponsored by Reboot and the Contemporary Jewish Museum. Sat • 10/21 • 1:00 – 3:30 pm • CRA • 50613 FAMILY SHABBAT DINNER Sing, schmooze and nosh with PJCC families! Leave the cooking to us as we light the candles, drink the grape juice, and share challah along with a delicious meal. Fri • 11/3 • 6:00 – 7:30 pm • BR • Member adult $15/child $10; Public adult $17/child $11 • 50606

SEPTEMBER: A BACKPACK, A BEAR, AND EIGHT CRATES OF VODKA BY LEV GOLINKIN This memoir follows the Golinkin family as they cross the Soviet border with the promise of help in Vienna. Years later, Lev Golinkin, now an American adult, sets out to retrace his journey and gain a future by understanding his past. Tue • 9/26 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • D • Public $5 • 50549 OCTOBER: THE TWO-FAMILY HOUSE BY LYNDA COHEN LOIGMAN Two families in post-war Brooklyn are inextricably linked by blood, marriage, and a long-held secret. This debut novel is permeated with hope, happiness, heartbreak, betrayal, yearning, and disappointment. Tue • 10/31 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • D • Public $5 • 50550 NOVEMBER: HOMESICK FICTION BY ESHKOL NEVO This novel follows neighbors in a town outside Jerusalem, whose Arab inhabitants were displaced in 1948. Nevo explores the dualities of life in Israel, delicately drawing out hope and love in the hearts of its citizens. Tue • 11/28 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • D • Public $5 • 50551 MENSCHVILLE ACADEMY “Mensch: a person of integrity and honor.” All faiths and backgrounds will enjoy our six “mensch-themed” classes that explore and cultivate the goodness in all of us. From the physical (“Yoga for Compassion”) to the visual (movie: (Dis)Honesty: the Truth About Lies), to the mindful (lecture: The Science of Positive Emotions), and more, join us on this journey and discover your own “inner-mensch.”

SUKKOT BEER TASTING Toast the harvest holiday, shake the lulav and enjoy seasonal craft beers, snack pairings, games, and music in the PJCC sukkah. Schmooze and learn about Sukkot, the harvest festival. For ages 21+. Sat • 10/7 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • HG • $45/$60 • 50627 COMMUNITY SUKKOT CELEBRATION Spend Sukkot with the PJCC, Peninsula Temple Beth El, and Jewish Baby Network! Celebrate in the beautiful PJCC sukkah with a delicious dinner, blessings for new babies and dynamic family sing-a-long. Sun • 10/8 • 5:00 – 7:00 pm • HG • Per Family: $25/$35 • 50605



This group show presents artistic interpretations of the 24 middot (character traits/virtues) represented in the “The Periodic Table of Being a Mensch.” MIDDOT ART RECEPTION (FMP) Meet the artists, tour the gallery and enjoy refreshments . Sun • 11/5 • 3:00 – 4:30 pm • L • 50592

FALL 2017



Register at pjcc.org or call 650.212.PJCC (7522)

Registration is recommended or required for most classes unless “drop-in” is indicated. For information on cancellations, refund policies, programs, schedules, and instructors, visit us online.

Discounts on Public rates available to Foster City residents for many programs. Quantities are limited; please call for details. Member rates apply to Center Members; however, Community Members may qualify for these rates.

September | October | November

Health & Fitness

September | October | November CHAIR YOGA (FCCM) This weekly class of gentle movement and breathing techniques is beginner-friendly and perfect for older adults, office workers, and anyone who finds it difficult to sit on the floor or stand. Register at pjcc.org/mindbody. Thu • 10/19 – 12/28 • 11:00 – 11:50 am • Public $10 • BR

PERSONAL TRAINING PRIVATE PILATES & YOGA TRAINING ($) Increase your skill set through one-on-one personal training with your favorite Pilates or yoga instructor. Semi-private partner training also available. Contact 650.378.2771 or pilates@pjcc.org. ONE-ON-ONE PERSONAL TRAINING ($) Choose from convenient, cost-effective packages that include single-, three-, five- and ten-session packages. SEMI-PRIVATE PERSONAL TRAINING ($) Enjoy the benefits of exercising with a friend! Cost-effective options include single-, five- and tensession packages.


MONTHLY GROUP EXERCISE Free for Center Members! For schedules, visit pjcc.org and click on the “Schedules” links or pjcc.org/mindbody. Zumba & Zumba Gold / Kickboxing / Indoor Cycle / Yoga / Mat Pilates / Tai Chi /U–Jam Fitness / Low-Impact Aerobics STAY FIT FOR LIFE: ADULTS 55+ Participate in free programs specifically designed for you and included in your Center Membership.


PILATES REFORMER SERIES ($) Develop long, lean muscles, core strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and improve posture. For more information or to schedule a free Pilates Reformer trial, contact 650.378.2736 or pilates@pjcc.org. HEALING YOGA FOR CANCER PATIENTS (FMP) Meditate, unwind, and relax in this friendly and comfortable environment. For cancer patients, survivors, and their caretakers. Fri • Weekly • 1:30 – 2:45 pm • YS YOGA FOR COMPASSION This workshop focuses on cultivating compassion with an Iyengar-based yoga practice that is infused with teachings about compassion from the Jewish mystical tradition. Register at pjcc.org/mindbody. Sun • 10/8 • 1:30 – 3:30 pm • YS • $18/$25




HITT: HIGH INTENSITY TEAM TRAINING ($) Register at pjcc.org/mindbody This kickboxing and boot camp-style class will push your limits! For a free trial class, contact cluera@ pjcc.org. Tue/Thu • 6:30 pm • Lobby TRX: SUSPENSION TRAINING ($) Mon • 10:15 am Tue • 9:30 am; 12:00 pm Wed • 6:30 am; 10:15 am Thu • 8:00 am; 9:30 am Fri • 6:00 am; 12:00 pm WOMEN ON WEIGHTS ($) Learn basic fundamentals of strength training and its benefits. For details, visit pjcc.org or the Fitness Desk.


PINK RIBBON PROGRAM A private, small-group, post-rehabilitation workout for breast cancer survivors. Contact vmcgrath@pjcc.org or 650.378.2727.

Sports Clinics & Leagues FAMILY GYM (FC) Kid-friendly gym equipped with soft mats, climbing structures and more. New activities each week! Sun • Weekly • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm • DCG • Public $25 per family

ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUE Three members of each team must be Center Members to receive the member rate. For a blank team roster or if you have questions, contact Cole Cretcher at 650.378.2783 or ccretcher@pjcc.org. RECREATIONAL DIVISION Sun • 10/8 – 12/10 • 4:00 – 8:00 pm • DCG • Team: $710/$750 • 50617 Wed • 10/18 – 12/20 • 6:45 – 11:00 pm • DCG • Team: $710/$750 • 50616 COMPETITIVE DIVISION Mon • 10/9 – 12/4 • 6:45 – 11:00 pm • DCG • Team: $710/$750 • 50615

Aquatics The PJCC offers award-winning swim lessons in Foster City’s only indoor pool. Choices include: • Group, private, and semi-private lessons for children and adults • Year-round classes for all ages and abilities BARRACUDA YOUTH SWIM TEAM: AGES 5 – 18 Focus on technique, endurance, and speed in the outdoor pool. Swimmers must make arrangements to try out if they are new to our team. • Bronze Level: for swimmers competent in 50 yards freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly.

CO-ED DROP-IN VOLLEYBALL Players must have knowledge of 5-1 and 6-2 volleyball rotations. Teams will be formed on a weekly basis based on experience and positions. Thu • 10/19 – 12/21 • 7:00 – 9:30 pm • DCG • Series: $48/$62; Drop-in: $6/$8 • 50628

• Silver Level: for swimmers competent in all four racing strokes, and starts and turns; who can swim continuously for 20 minutes


• Elite Level: our newest level! For swimmers who are competitive and able to maintain consistent interval training for 90 minutes.

BASKETBALL SKILLS ACADEMY: PREK – GRADE 1 Join former Golden State Warriors great Joe Ellis and learn important team concepts. Concludes with a fun skills competition and awards presentation. Sun • 10/22 – 12/17 • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm • DCG • $130/$150 • 50618 BASKETBALL LEAGUE: GRADES 2 – 3 Golden State Warriors great Joe Ellis will help prepare your child to play at the next level. Boys and girls will learn drills for the first half and then split into teams for a full-court game to apply their newly acquired skills. Sun • 10/22 – 12/17 • 12:00 – 1:00 pm • DCG • Team: $130/$150 • 50619 YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE: GRADES 4 – 7 Join as a team or sign up individually and be placed on a team. Emphasis is on teamwork, sportsmanship, and fun! Sun • 10/22 – 12/17 • DCG • Free Agent: $110/$130; Team: $690/$730 Grades 4 – 5: 1:00 – 3:00 pm • 50620 Grades 6 – 7: 3:00 – 4:00 pm • 50621 NFL FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE: AGES 6 – 12 An exciting league that emphasizes football skills and teamwork. Includes an NFL reversible jersey and practice time. Sun • 10/22 – 12/17 • KF • Team: $150/$170; Free agent: $180/$200 Pee Wee Division Ages 6 – 8: 9:00 – 11:00 am • 50623 Junior Division Ages 9 – 10: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm • 50624 Senior Division Ages 11 – 12: 1:00 – 3:00 pm • 50625

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public Holidays closures and no-class dates at pjcc.org/info/info-hours

• Gold Level: for swimmers who can train autonomously, read a pace clock, and swim distances of 200 yards or greater.

Monthly fees • Bronze, Silver, Gold: $129/$157 • Elite: $154/$180

Jewish Life See pages 20 – 23.

The Arts PJCC ART GALLERY PRESENTS BLUE LIKE ME: THE ART OF SIONA BENJAMIN July 11 – September 18, 2017 INDIAN SHABBAT DINNER WITH SIONA BENJAMIN See page 23. Fri • 9/8 • 6:00 – 8:30 pm • BR • $36/$40 • 50591

CHALK THE BLOCK (FMP) In the style of Rangoli (art form native to India), join PJCC Artist-in-Residence Siona Benjamin for an afternoon of creativity, beautification and fun. Register at pjcc.org/arts. Sun • 9/10 • 1:00 – 3:30 pm • Blacktop

UP CLOSE 10TH ANNIVERSARY SEASON PRESENTS CALIDORE STRING QUARTET Praised by the Los Angeles Times for its balance of intellect and expression, the Calidore String Quartet delivers a powerful classical musical conversation. Guests are greeted with wine and cheese and the concert is followed with a “Meet the Artists” dessert reception. Sat • 10/21 • 8:00 • L • $25/$30 • 50590 MIDDOT GROUP GALLERY SHOW September 27 – December 4, 2017 MIDDOT ART RECEPTION (FMP) See page 23. Sun • 11/5 • 3:00 – 4:30 pm • L • 50592


THE PEOPLE VS. FRITZ BAUER (105 min) A state attorney general serving in postwar Germany receives word that a fugitive Nazi war criminal is living in Argentina. To bring him to justice, he secretly enlists help from the Israeli Mossad. German with English subtitles. Mon • 11/27 • 2:00 • BR • 50557


SIT AND KNIT (FMP) Mon • Weekly • 10:30 am – 12:30 pm • AL • 50569 LET’S TALK ABOUT IT (FMP) Lively discussions about topical events. Wed • Weekly • 2:00 – 3:15 pm • AB • 50673 MEN’S DISCUSSION GROUP (FCCM) A lively discussion group for all men, regardless of age or viewpoint. Mornings Mon • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • AB • Public $3.50 per meeting Sep. 18: 50561 46709 | Oct. 16: 50562 | Nov. 20: 50563


(FCCM with community program pass) Skip the crowded movie theaters and enjoy these award-winning films in a comfortable, intimate setting. A lively discussion follows each film. Preregistration recommended. DUM LAGA KE HAISHA (110 min) A school dropout lacking ambition is forced to marry an educated, plus-sized woman. With nothing in common, their only hope is an unusual contest. Hindi with English subtitles. Mon • 9/18 • 2:00 pm • BR • 50558 TRUMBO (125 min) Bryan Cranston stars as famed 1940s screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, whose refusal to testify before the congressional House Un-American Activities Committee resulted in a prison sentence and being blacklisted as a communist. Mon • 9/25 • 2:00 pm • BR • 50559 FOOTNOTE (106 min) Long-buried tensions erupt in this witty drama, which follows the strained relationship between a reserved Talmudic scholar and his ambitious son. Hebrew with English subtitles. Mon • 10/9 • 2:00 pm • BR • 50555 (DIS)HONESTY: THE TRUTH ABOUT LIES (90 min) Professor Dan Ariely examines the truth behind lying: why we do it, when we do it, and how society suffers from whoppers and little white lies alike. Mon • 11/13 • 2:00 pm • BR • 50560

Evenings Wed • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • C • Public: $3.50 per meeting Sep. 13: 50564 | Oct. 18: 50565 | Nov. 8: 50566 WOMEN’S SUPPORT GROUP (FCCM) Topics relevant to women include managing relationships with adult children, how to get along when living alone, and accepting life and health changes. Tue • 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21 10:30 am – 12:15 pm • AB • Public $21 • 50573 YIDDISH CLUB (FCCM) See page 22. Tue • 9/5, 9/19, 10/3, 10/17, 11/7, 11/21 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • C • Public $3.50 per session JEWISH BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP (FCCM) See page 23.


BEGINNING WATERCOLORS Learn basic watercolor techniques through step-by-step demonstrations. Session 1 Fri • 9/8 – 10/20 • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm • D • $180/$225 50524 Session 2 Fri • 11/3 – 12/15 • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm • D $180/$225 • 50525

AB = Room AB • AL = Adult Lounge • AR = Art Room • BR = Board Room • C = Room C • D = Room D • CRA = Conference Room A DCG = Daniel Cook Gymnasium • ECK = ECE Kitchen • GX = Group Ex Studio • HG = Hamlin Garden • MPR = ECE Multi-Purpose Room L = Lobby • TA = Treehouse A • TB = Treehouse B • KF = Koret Field • TF2 = Turf Field Near Pool • WK = Wornick School • YS = Yoga Studio

FALL 2017



Register at pjcc.org or call 650.212.PJCC (7522)

Registration is recommended or required for most classes unless “drop-in” is indicated. For information on cancellations, refund policies, programs, schedules, and instructors, visit us online.

Discounts on Public rates available to Foster City residents for many programs. Quantities are limited; please call for details. Member rates apply to Center Members; however, Community Members may qualify for these rates.

September | October | November CERAMICS FOR ADULTS: VASES AND TEA CUPS Learn important ceramic techniques including hand building and throwing. All levels welcome. Materials included in fee. Tue • 9/19 – 10/10 • 6:30 – 8:30 pm • TA • $150/$175 50622 COMPASSION CULTIVATION TRAINING (CCT) (FMP) In this free introduction, learn about the benefits of the CCT course developed by a team of contemplative scholars, clinical psychologists, and researchers at Stanford University. CCT is designed to develop the qualities of compassion, empathy, and kindness for oneself and others. Tue • 10/3 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • D • 50529 COMPASSION CULTIVATION TRAINING FROM STANFORD’S CCARE CCT is an evidence-based educational program designed to help strengthen compassion and resilience in response to difficulties, stress and distress. Classes include lecture, discussion, meditation, and in-class interactions. Daily home practice is an important part of the learning experience. Advance registration required. Tue • 10/10 – 11/28 • 7:00 – 9:00 pm • D • $325/$365 • 50530 HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL SOLO-AGER (FCCM) Are you a “solo-ager?” That’s the contemporary name for people 60+ who don’t have either a spouse or children, or whose families are geographically remote. This introductory program identifies what solo-agers need to plan. Sun • 9/10 • 1:00 – 4:00 pm • AB • Public $10 • 50570 THE SERIES OF SPECIFICS FOR SOLO-AGERS (FCCM) This series is a follow-up for people who attended introductory courses on either May 7 or September 10. Speakers will address: Creating an Advance Directive and Communicating with your Care Management Proxy Person (Oct 8) and Legal Issues of Estate Planning (Nov 12). Sun • 10/8 • 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm • AB • Public $10 • 50571 Sun • 11/12 • 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm • AB • Public $10 • 50866 CAKE DECORATING: WORKING WITH BUTTERCREAM AND FONDANT Learn the basics of cake decorating, from leveling and icing to decorating and more. Supply list will be provided (or approx. $35 for a decorating kit). Mon • 10/9 – 10/30 • 7:00 – 9:00 pm • D • $65/$80 • 50528 PLANNING FOR COLLEGE (FMP) Learn about powerful education savings plans and how you can contribute to a custodial account, regardless of your income level. Thu • 10/19 • 7:00 – 8:00 pm • AB • 50568 YOGA FOR COMPASSION See page 24. Sun • 10/8 • 1:30 – 3:30 pm • YS • $18/$25 CHAIR YOGA (FCCM) See page 24. Thu • 10/19 – 12/28 • 11:00 – 11:50 am • Public • BR



Programs September | October | November

MINDFULNESS: THE HEART OF JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGING See an Ikebana demonstration, participate in mindfulness exercises, and design an arrangement to take home. Bring a favorite small bowl for your arrangement. Sun • 11/19 • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm • D • $45/$55 • 50547

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (FCCM) An enriching and engaging lecture series presenting the best local authors, artists and educators. Don’t miss an additional Food For Thought on Monday, November 20. For details, visit pjcc.org.

MAH JONGG CLASS FOR BEGINNERS Fee includes current Mah Jongg card. Attendance at first meeting is mandatory for this popular class. Space is limited. Wed • 9/27– 10/25 • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm • C $59/$74 • 50672 A MORNING OF MAH JONGG (FCCM) Fri • 9/8, 10/13, 10/27, 11/10 • 10:30 am – 12:30 pm AB • Public $3.50 per session • 50552 AN AFTERNOON OF MAH JONGG (FCCM) Thu • Weekly • 1:00 – 4:00 pm • AB • Public $3.50 per session • 50553

FROM MOTHERLAND TO FATHERLAND: TRANSCULTURAL INDIAN JEWS IN ISRAEL See page 22. Mon • 9/11 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • BR • Public $4 • 50536

AN EVENING OF MAH JONGG (FCCM) Mon • 9/11, 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/13, 11/27 7:00 – 9:00 pm • C • Public $3.50 per session • 50554

ODYSSEY OF CHAOS Set in Greece at the time of the Nazi occupation, Alan Fleishman’s new book tells the story of Theo Kantos, who has a desperate choice to make if he is to save his family. Mon • 10/2 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • BR • Public $4 • 50532


THE SUMMER OF 1940 Jan Burns (genealogist, writer and photographer) brings together her interests to explore the lives of three young Jewish girls from distant cities, across continents, as they were caught in a moment of history. Mon • 10/6 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • BR • Public $4 • 50533 THE SCIENCE OF POSITIVE EMOTIONS Dr. Amie Gordon focuses on the benefits of awe and gratitude for health, well being and relationship and provides practical, evidence-based tips for easily cultivating more awe and gratitude in daily life. Mon • 11/6 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • BR • Public $4 • 50534


DROP-IN BRIDGE (FCCM) For intermediate-level players. No instructor present. Tue • Weekly • 1:00 – 3:30 pm • BR • Public $3.50 per meeting • 50531 BRIDGE: BIDDING BOOT CAMP Required texts: Opening the Bidding by Audrey Grant and 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know by Barbara Seagram. Must have basic knowledge and experience with the game. Tue • 9/19 – 11/14 • 7:00 – 9:00 pm • AB • $135/$162 50526 BRIDGE: DECLARER BOOT CAMP Based on the text: 25 Ways to Take More Tricks as Declarer by Barbara Seagram and David Bird. Must have basic knowledge and experience with the game. Tue • 9/19 – 11/14 • 1:00 – 3:00 pm • AB • $135/$162 50527

AN AMERICAN IN PARIS Experience the new Tony Award-winning musical about an American soldier, a mysterious French girl, and an indomitable European city. Thu • 9/14 • Day trip • Orpheum Theatre, San Francisco • $65/$85 • 50523

AIN’T TOO PROUD: THE TEMPTATIONS An electrifying new musical about the life and times of The Temptations, the greatest R&B group of all time. Sun • 10/8 • Day trip • Roda Theatre, Berkeley $25/$30 • 50522 This trip is made possible by a grant from the communitywide Senior Excursion Fund of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma, for seniors who are mobility, financially, or physically impaired and for whom this trip would not otherwise be possible. Participants may attend only one of five Senior Excursion trips between 7/1/2017 and 6/30/2018. Home pick-ups $10/location.

OREGON SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL 2017 Includes four nights at the Ashland Springs Hotel with daily breakfast, deluxe motorcoach transportation, and tickets to five festival performances. To learn more or to register, contact Rachel Goldman at 650.378.2764. Mon-Fri • 10/16 – 10/20 • Ashland • 50567 OAKLAND’S TEMESCAL TASTES Named the “Best Oakland Food Tour You’ll Ever Take” by The Huffington Post, Edible Excursion’s Temescal Tastes leads guests to neighborhood culinary gems. Bring your walking shoes and appetite! Thu • 10/26 • Day trip • Oakland • $100/$120 • 50572

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public Holidays closures and no-class dates at pjcc.org/info/info-hours

IMAGINARY COMFORTS The genius behind Lemony Snicket brings his mischievous style to a new play for adults, celebrating ordinary people trying to make sense out of life in the midst of endless, comedic chaos. Thu • 11/16 • Day trip • Peet’s Theatre, Berkeley $80/$95 • 50548 HAPPIER HOUR: WINE AND MUSIC (FC) Enjoy wine tasting with local wineries while listening to live music. Exclusively for Center Members ages 21+. Tue • 9/26 • 5:30 – 7:00 pm • CRA • 50614


Get Up & Go is an activity and errand transportation service for adults who no longer drive. Register for activities or transportation at 650.378.2750. Errand and Appointment Service Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, Get Up & Go provides transportation within San Mateo County for non-driving older adults for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and some personal errands. Reservations are required by the Wednesday of the week prior to the date of service. Volunteer escorts are available. First come, first served, so reserve early. Get Up & Go is supported by gifts to the PJCC and grants from The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund and The Jewish Community Endowment Newhouse Fund; May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust; Mills-Peninsula Health Services; the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s 5310 Formula Grants for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, and TouchPoint Foundation.

GET UP & GO SOCIAL ACTIVITIES (FMP) Socialization programs without transportation are open to all adults. A low-cost lunch is served at 12:00 pm, available by reservation only. Advance registration required for transportation (see above). In partnership with Peninsula Temple Beth El Senior Friendship Club.

GUITAR WITH FRED MCCARTY The guitarist, composer and vocalist has twice performed at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville – a privilege earned by being one of the best in his field. His repertoire includes original songs, a blend of R&B and soft rock. Wed • 9/13 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 12:30 pm BR • 50537 ODYSSEY OF CHAOS This multimedia presentation offers the historical background as inspired by the true story of Fleishman’s Greek cousins who survived hidden in a cellar and aided by their Christian friends. Wed • 9/27 • Lunch: 12:00; Program: 12:30 pm • BR 50538

PIANIST ERIC VAN JAMES Enjoy this award-winning pianist who performs at numerous Bay Area venues and is a professional music educator. Wed • 10/4 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 12:30 pm BR • 50539 AN AFTERNOON OF RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN Sing and dance down memory lane to the music and lyrics of the most successful songwriting team in Broadway history. Includes a special lunch in the sukkah (weather permitting). Wed • 10/11 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 1:00 pm BR • 50540 GREAT SONGS OF THE 20TH CENTURY Teagan Moore’s heart lies in bringing the magical, moving melodies and lyrics of modern songs to audiences who love them as much as he does. Wed • 10/18 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 12:30 pm BR • 50541 SING ALONG WITH JEFF Join singer Jeff Wessman in this musical program that celebrates over five decades of popular songs ranging from Sinatra to Elvis. Wed • 10/25 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 12:30 pm BR • 50542 THE MAGIC OF GUITAR Larry Ferrara performs popular works, historic folk songs and familiar guitar tunes from the solo classical guitar literature. Wed • 11/1 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 12:30 pm BR • 50543 PIANO FOR EVERYONE Known as “Ms. Versatile,” pianist/singer Kathleen Nelson engages audiences with her repertoire of more than 5,000 songs. Wed • 11/8 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 12:30 pm BR • 50544 MUSICIAN KEN VERMES With his flute and saxophone, Ken Vermes uses music to explain the origins of brilliant songs by some of the greatest composers of all time during the Golden Age of Broadway and American songwriting. Wed • 11/15 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 12:30 pm BR • 50545 THE PENINSULA CHORALIERS WOMEN’S CHOIR The popular choir will feature music from Broadway and films, Golden Oldies and beyond. Wed • 11/29 • Lunch: 12:00; Performance: 12:30 pm BR • 50546

BRINGING THE POWER OF MUSIC TO ALZHEIMER’S COMMUNITIES Join Lior Tsarfaty for a film and presentation about the universal power of music and how to apply it when working with Alzheimer’s patients. RSVP 408.530.8243. Learn more at Villagesong.com. Presented by SV Productions. Sat • 10/28 • 3:00 – 4:00 pm • BR • $10

Family Activities FAMILY GYM (FC) Kid-friendly gym equipped with soft mats, climbing structures and more. New activities each week! Sun • Weekly • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm • DCG • Public $25 per family FAMILY NATURE WALK AT MEMORIAL PARK (FMP) Join Nicole Cruz from the PJCC at Memorial Regional Park for a short hike. We’ll explore the Jewish connection to nature through games and activities. Meet at hike location; carpooling recommended. Sun • 10/22 • 10:30 am – 1:00 pm • Offsite • 50636 FAMILY YOGA (FC) In this introductory class, children will learn the joys of movement and yoga while doing ageappropriate yoga postures with their caretakers. No experience needed. Tue • 10/24 – 12/12 • 4:30 – 5:25 pm • YS • Public $140 50637 CREATE, MIX, MINGLE & PAINT FOR FAMILIES An art instructor will provide step-by-step instructions so guardians and children (ages 3–6) can create a one-of-a-kind work of art! Price is for one parent/guardian and one child. Thu • 11/16 • 5:00 – 6:15 pm • L • $35/$40 • 50632

Youth & Teen BASIC VIDEO GAME DESIGN: GRADES 2 – 5 (FC) Using basic coding skills, children will create their own characters, game environments and more, as well as develop their own video game. Thu • 10/26 – 12/14 • 4:30 – 5:30 pm • AB • Public $140 50629

AB = Room AB • AL = Adult Lounge • AR = Art Room • BR = Board Room • C = Room C • D = Room D • CRA = Conference Room A DCG = Daniel Cook Gymnasium • ECK = ECE Kitchen • GX = Group Ex Studio • HG = Hamlin Garden • MPR = ECE Multi-Purpose Room L = Lobby • TA = Treehouse A • TB = Treehouse B • KF = Koret Field • TF2 = Turf Field Near Pool • WK = Wornick School • YS = Yoga Studio

FALL 2017



Register at pjcc.org or call 650.212.PJCC (7522)

Registration is recommended or required for most classes unless “drop-in” is indicated. For information on cancellations, refund policies, programs, schedules, and instructors, visit us online.

Discounts on Public rates available to Foster City residents for many programs. Quantities are limited; please call for details. Member rates apply to Center Members; however, Community Members may qualify for these rates.

September | October | November CERAMICS WORKSHOP, PIGGY BANKS: GRADES 1 – 5* Learn important ceramic techniques, including hand building and throwing to create and glaze your own piggy bank. Tue • 9/19 – 10/3 • 3:45 – 5:15 pm • D • $100/$120 50630 CHESS: GRADES K – 5* Students will learn the fundamentals of chess, tactics and strategies. Thu • 10/26 – 12/21 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • BR • $180/$230 50631 CREATE, MIX, MINGLE & PAINT WORKSHOP FOR KIDS An art instructor provides step-by-step instructions for you to create your own masterpiece! Thu • 9/28 • 5:30 – 6:45 pm • L • $25/$30 • 50633 YOUTH COOKING: GRADES K – 3* Explore healthy & fun cooking recipes in this hands on class. Wed • 10/25 – 12/20 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm • ECK $180/$220 • 50935 DRUMMING 101 FOR KIDS: GRADES 2 – 5 (FC) Groove to the rhythms while exploring different drums, rhythms and music styles such as Samba, Carnival and Hip Hop beats. Wed • 10/25 – 12/20 • 4:45 – 5:45 pm • BR • Public $140 50635 JUNIOR ARCHAEOLOGIST: GRADES K – 2 (FC) Learn about archaeological digs and excavations through hands-on activities. Deepen observational and critical-thinking skills while making connections between the past and present. Mon • 10/23 – 12/18 • 5:00 – 6:00 pm • D • Public $140 50639 KIDS’ NIGHT OUT! AGE 3 – GRADE 5 Calling all moms and dads… take the night off and send your kids to join their friends in the Treehouse! They’ll enjoy an awesome evening filled with entertainment, dinner, and fun. Different theme every month! Call 650.378.2703 to receive a sibling discount when you register two or more kids. Registration required. Advance $35/42; after 12 pm Friday prior $40/47. Sat • 9/16: Jungle Safari • 6:00 – 10:00 pm • TA • 50645 Sat • 10/28: Pajama Party • 6:00 – 10:00 pm • TA • 50646 Sat • 11/18: Kidsgiving • 6:00 – 10:00 pm • TA • 50647 Sat • 12/9: Hanukkahpalooza • 6:00 – 10:00 pm • TA 50648 KNITTING: GRADES 2 – 5 (FC) Create your own knitted works to wear! Not only is knitting fun, but it teaches fine-motor coordination, reading, math, critical-thinking and problemsolving skills. Tue • 10/24 – 12/19 • 4:30 – 5:25 pm • AB • Public $140 50649 LACROSSE WORKSHOP: GRADES K – 5* Learn about the exciting game of lacrosse in this introductory workshop. Mon • 9/18 – 10/2 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • TF2 • $70/$100 50650



Programs September | October | November

LACROSSE GRADES K – 5* Young athletes will learn the fundamentals of lacrosse using safe soft balls and benefit from a unique experience that brings a lacrosse touch to familiar childhood games, including favorites such as Capture the Ground Ball and Lacrosse Baseball! Mon • 10/23 – 12/18 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • TF2 $180/$230 • 50651 MOVIE SCIENCE: GRADES K – 5 (FC) Explore the science behind your favorite movie scenes! Build your own Olaf from Frozen, fly a magic carpet like Aladdin, and more. Extra materials fee of $20 payable upon registration. Grades K – 1 Fri • 10/27 – 12/15 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • AB • Public $140 50652 Grades 2 – 5 Fri • 10/27 – 12/15 • 5:00 – 6:00 pm • AB • Public $140 50653 PLANNING FOR COLLEGE (FMP) See page 26. Thu • 10/19 • 7:00 – 8:00 pm • C • 50568 PUPPET MAESTRO: GRADES K – 2* Become a puppet master after learning how to design puppets from a variety of materials. Thu • 10/26 – 12/21 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm • D • $160/$210 50654 RECYCLED ART: GRADES K – 2 (FC) Create one-of-a-kind works of art using recycled materials. Learn different art techniques while also learning how repurposing saves the environment. Fri • 10/27 – 12/15 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • D • Public $140 50655 DROP-IN WEEKEND KIDS’ CLUB: GRADES 1 – 5 (FC) Children will enjoy art, science, games, as well as free play with their friends. Includes snacks. Sat • 10/28 – 12/16 • 8:00 – 10:00 am • TA • Public $16 50656 Sun • 10/29 – 12/17 • 8:00 – 10:00 am • TA • Public $16 50657 YOUTH SOCCER: GRADES K – 2* Children thrive with positive coaching in this noncompetitive curriculum that teaches soccer basics. Wed • 10/25 – 12/20 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • TF2 $160/$210 • 50658 FIT KIDS: GRADES K – 5 (FC) Using a developmentally appropriate curriculum, children will practice fitness skills such as balance, coordination, and agility, plus fitness-oriented games, and more. Grades K – 1 Fri • 10/27 – 12/15 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • DCG • Public $140 50643 Grades 2 – 5 Fri • 10/27 – 12/15 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • GX • Public $140 50644

SOCCER STARS: AGES 2 – 3 YEARS Engaging age-appropriate and field-tested curriculum promote motor-skill development, teamwork, and cognitive ability. Parent/caregiver participation required. Sun • 10/1 – 12/10 • 9:15 – 10:00 am • TF2 $200/$265 • 50588

SPORTY KIDS: GRADES K – 5 (FC) Refine balance and coordination skills while participating in games and activities based on a variety of sports such as soccer, basketball, and floor hockey. Tue • 10/24 – 12/19 • 4:00 – 4:55 pm • GX Public $140 • 50641 KIDS YOGA: GRADES K5 (FC) In this introductory class, children will improve flexibility, strength and balance as well as learn calming breathing techniques. No experience needed. Grades K – 1 Thu • 10/26 – 12/21 • 4:25 – 5:20 pm • YS • Public $140 50642 Grades 2 – 5 Mon • 10/23 – 12/18 • 4:30 – 5:25 pm • YS • Public $140 50640 *Wornick students: to register, please call 650.378.2703.

Early Childhood Education BABY AND ME

SHABABA (FMP) See page 23. Fri • 9/1 – 11/17 • 9:30 – 10:30 am • BR • 50586 Fri • 9/1 – 11/17 • 10:30 – 11:30 am • BR • 50998

HIP HOP BOOGIE: 18 MONTHS – 3 YEARS This engaging dance class designed for children and their parents/guardians promotes motor- skill development and balancing skills. Parent/caregiver participation required. Thu • 10/19 – 12/14 • 10:00 – 10:45 am • BR $160/$210 • 50581

LI’L MONKEY GYMNASTICS: AGES 3 – 5 YEARS Your li’l monkey will have a blast in this introduction to gymnastics that will help develop coordination, body awareness, strength and increase self-confidence. Thu • 9/28 – 12/14 • 1:10 – 2:00 pm • MPR $190/$240 • 50597 SCIENTOTS: AGES 4 – 5 YEARS Students will perform simple science projects and learn how science helps to understand the world around us. Thu • 9/28 – 12/14 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • ECK • $170/$220 50601 Fri • 9/29 – 12/15 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • ECK • $170/$220 50602


BEGINNING HOOPSTERS: AGES 3 – 5 And the crowd goes wild! Future hoopsters will learn basketball basics such as dribbling, shooting, and more. Mon • 9/25 – 12/11 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $250/$300 • 50593 MASTERPIECE PAINTING: AGES 3 – 5 YEARS Learn about shape, color, composition and even a little art history story in this hands-on, exploratory, and messy-fun class! Mon • 9/25 – 12/11 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • ECE Rm 9 $250/$300 • 50598

MUSIC TOGETHER: AGES 1 MONTH – 4 YEARS This international early childhood music program involves both children and parents in informal musical activities that are developmentally appropriate for very young children. Receive a sibling discount when you register two or more kids. Tue • 9/12 – 11/14 • 9:00 – 9:45 am • BR $220/$235 • 50582 Tue • 9/12 – 11/14 • 10:00 – 10:45 am • BR $220/$235 • 50583 Wed • 9/13 – 11/15 • 9:00 – 9:45 am • BR $200/$215 • 50584 Wed • 9/13 – 11/15 • 10:00 – 10:45 am • BR $200/$215 • 50585

YOUNG REMBRANDTS: AGES 3 – 5 YEARS Children learn about drawing and art while developing fine-motor, critical-thinking, academic, and conceptual skills. Mon • 9/25 – 12/11 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • ECE RM 12 $250/$300 • 50604

TUMBLE TOTS: DROP-IN PLAYTIME FOR CHILDREN 6 MONTHS – 4 YEARS (FC) Bring your little ones for a morning of free play with our climbing, tumbling, and mat equipment. Parent/caregiver participation required. Free for Center Members and current Baby and Me participants. Thu • 10/19 – 12/14 • 9:00 – 10:30 am • DCG Public $11 • 50589

MUSIC FUN: AGES 3 – 5 Using curriculum guided by research from Johns-Hopkins that children can read music and begin playing instruments, this is the ultimate introduction to the world of music. Wed • 9/27 – 12/13 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • ECE Rm 10 $250/$300 • 50599

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public Holidays closures and no-class dates at pjcc.org/info/info-hours

Sunday, October 22, 2017

KEE TOV SOCCER: AGES 4 – 5 YEARS Children learn soccer basics in this non-competitive curriculum that features positive coaching in a pressure-free environment. Wed • 9/27 – 12/13 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $250/$300 • 50595 Thu • 9/28 – 12/14 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $190/$240 • 50596

PEE WEE SOCCER: AGE 3 YEARS First-time preschool soccer players will develop gross-motor skills, enhance coordination, and increase self-confidence in this non-competitive environment. Tue • 9/26 – 12/12 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR • $250/$300 50600

TIGER TOTS: AGES 3 – 5 YEARS In this martial arts class, children play games and practice drills that help develop balance, coordination, strength and reflexes, as well as improve discipline and listening skills. Fri • 9/29 – 12/15 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR • $190/$240 50603 HAPPY FEET DANCE: AGES 3 – 5 YEARS Develop balance, rhythm, flexibility, coordination, and self-esteem while learning tap, jazz and ballet using fun props. Fri • 9/29 – 12/15 • 1:10 – 2:00 pm • GX • $190/$240 50594


ECE PARENT INFORMATION MEETING AND TOUR (FMP) Tour our award-winning Early Childhood Education center, meet with our directors, and hear about our exciting curriculum. Optional tour of the PJCC and fitness facility available. Sun • 9/17 • 10:00 – 11:00 am • MPR • 50669 Wed • 10/18 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm • MPR • 50670 Wed • 11/8 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm • MPR • 50671 BABY SIGN LANGUAGE INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP For parents of newborns – 24 months. Learn 40 basic American Sign Language signs and how to teach your pre-verbal baby to sign. Tue • 10/17 • 10:00 – 11:30 am • AB • $25/$30 • 50580

PINK RIBBON DAY AT THE PJCC The PJCC is pleased to present this annual fundraising event in support of all who are touched by breast cancer. 9:00 – 12:00 pm: Pink it up at special Group Exercise classes 9:00 – 12:00 pm: Genetic testing with Color Genomics, Marketplace shopping and education, and more 12:00 – 1:00 pm: Keynote presentation with Harriet Borofsky, M.D. Medical Director of the Mills-Peninsula Women’s Center

Show your support! Contribute on the day of the event or online at pjcc.org/pink. PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS: Bay Area Cancer Connections CanCan Health Color Genomics HERS Breast Cancer Foundation Kaiser Permanente Mills-Peninsula Health Services Sharsheret

AB = Room AB • AL = Adult Lounge • AR = Art Room • BR = Board Room • C = Room C • D = Room D • CRA = Conference Room A DCG = Daniel Cook Gymnasium • ECK = ECE Kitchen • GX = Group Ex Studio • HG = Hamlin Garden • MPR = ECE Multi-Purpose Room L = Lobby • TA = Treehouse A • TB = Treehouse B • KF = Koret Field • TF2 = Turf Field Near Pool • WK = Wornick School • YS = Yoga Studio

FALL 2017



Register at pjcc.org or call 650.212.PJCC (7522)

Registration is recommended or required for most classes unless “drop-in” is indicated. For information on cancellations, refund policies, programs, schedules, and instructors, visit us online.

September | October | November

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Thu • 11/16 • 7:00 – 9:00 pm $15 Adult/$10 Student (Scholarship Available) Pre-registration required At the PJCC’s pilot Living Room Conversations (LRC) program, registered guests — people who represent different perspectives and who have agreed to abide by the LRC rules of conversation engagement — observe two eminent and high profile discussants speak about their own LRC experience and model civility, respect and earnest listening as a key elements of the conversation process, preparing everyone to experience their own LRC on the same topic. Following this debrief, our audience will break into small pre-selected groups to have their own 45-60 minute conversation about a specific topic — their heart-to-heart dialogues — with the goal of fostering greater understanding. For details, visit pjcc.org/livingroom. To register, please call 605.378.2764



Free Programs

Full program descriptions in previous section

SIT AND KNIT Mon • Weekly • 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

ODYSSEY OF CHAOS Wed • 9/27 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm

LET’S TALK ABOUT IT Wed • Weekly • 2:00 – 3:15 pm



PIANIST ERIC VAN JAMES Wed • 10/4 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm


YOGA FOR COMPASSION Sun • 10/8 • 1:30 – 3:30 pm

HEALING YOGA FOR CANCER PATIENTS Fri • Weekly • 1:30 – 2:45 pm


SHABABA Fri • 9/1 – 11/17 • 9:30 – 10:30 am

GREAT SONGS OF THE 20TH CENTURY Wed • 10/18 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm


PLANNING FOR COLLEGE Thu • 10/19 • 7:00 – 8:00 pm


Take a seat and join the conversation.

SHABBAT UNPLUGGED Sat • 10/21 • 1:00 – 3:30 pm

CHALK THE BLOCK Sun • 9/10 • 1:00 – 3:30 pm GUITAR WITH FRED MCCARTY Wed • 9/13 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm ECE PARENT INFORMATION MEETING AND TOUR Sun • 9/17 • 10:00 – 11:00 am Wed • 10/18 & 11/8 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm

FAMILY NATURE WALK AT MEMORIAL PARK Sun • 10/22 • 10:30 am – 1:00 pm SING ALONG WITH JEFF Wed • 10/25 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm THE MAGIC OF GUITAR Wed • 11/1 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm


MIDDOT ART RECEPTION Sun • 11/5 • 3:00 – 4:30 pm

ROSH HASHANAH IN THE LOBBY Mon • 9/18 • 3:00 – 4:30 pm

PIANO FOR EVERYONE Wed • 11/8 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm

OUTSIDE THESE WALLS: NATURE HIKE Wed • 9/27 • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

MUSICIAN KEN VERMES Wed • 11/15 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm


THE PENINSULA CHORALIERS WOMEN’S CHOIR Wed • 11/29 • 12:30 – 1:30 pm

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • MF = Materials Fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public Holidays closures and no-class dates at pjcc.org/info/info-hours

k l a Cthhe ck Blo Sunday r 10 e Septemb 1–3:30pm

Enjoy an afternoon of music and activities with the familiy while you chalk the block! Join guest Artist-inResidence Siona Benjamin and discover the beauty of Rangoli, an art form that consists of patterns on the ground made of materials such as colored rice, sand, flower petals—or chalk!

FREE! for t he p ubli c


Peninsula Jewish Community Center 800 Foster City Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404

Proud of diversity The PJCC is proud of our diverse, multicultural community guided by the Jewish value (Shleimut) celebrating wholeness of body, mind, and environment.

Peninsul a Jewish Communit y Center Presents Through holistic experiences we can all learn how to capture the essence of each character strength. Which category would you like to learn more about?

Mensch /men(t)sh/ NOUN: Yiddish for “a good person,” or a person of integrity and honor.



Creativity Curiosity Love of Learning Perspective

Appreciation of beauty Gratitude Optimism Humor Spirituality

The illustration (right) depicts the different categories of “character strengths” we all have. Which house do you fit most into?



Bravery Perseverance Honesty Enthusiasm

Forgiveness Humility Prudence Self-Control



Love Kindness Social Intelligence

Social Responsibility Teamwork Fairness Leadership

8 Amazing Events

Middot /medot/

Noun: Hebrew for “measure,” or “norms” or character traits/ values.

for the good and formerly naughty

Find All Menschville Class Listed in the Program Guide

Join us on a multidisciplinary approach to unleashing your inner mensch through courses, visual art, lectures, film and more. Stretch your “temperance” and bulk up on your “wisdom” at the PJCC this fall.

In the Spirit of the High Holy days

Start Your “Menschiness” in September!

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