Information You Should Know Save Up to $300 Early Bird Discount! Campers who register by 6:00 PM on Friday, February 28, 2014 will automatically receive the early bird discount of $50 per week for applicable camp programs. All registrations completed after 6:00 PM on Friday, February 28, 2014 will be at the full price.
About Us
Register Online at
Camp Keff is the perfect choice for your teen this summer. We offer positive role models for your teens to bond with and learn from during their adventure. With our 1:10 counselor to participant ratio, we offer a strong supervision model while allowing for individuality and program choices whenever possible. Camp Keff has the power to be transformative for your camper; join us for your teen’s best summer ever!
Thursday, January 16 • 9:00 am Priority registration begins for PJCC Center and Community Members and returning Summer 2013 campers Thursday, January 23 Public registration begins Friday, February 28 • 6:00 pm Early Bird registration rate ends Tuesday, April 1 Financial aid application deadline
Sibling Discount
Financial Assistance
Families with more than one child enrolled in any Camp Keff program will receive a 4% discount on all programs for each enrolled child.
The PJCC is proud to provide financial assistance to families with financial need. To apply, contact us at 650.378.2704. Priority will be given to qualifying applications received before Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Paper registration forms are required for those applying for financial assistance.
Monday, June 2 Final camp payment due
New to Camp Keff? Become a PJCC Member and receive priority camp registration—call 650.378.2704 for more information.
Contact Us
Tuesday, June 24 Family Keff (fun) Night
Additional Registration Information
Let us help you choose the right program for your teen! Information, registration forms, online registration and K-6 and Preschool program information is available at You can also call our camp concierge, send us an email, or stop by the PJCC Youth Office any time.
Campers may not be enrolled in multiple programs with the same or overlapping program dates. There are no refunds after Monday, June 2, 2014. There is no camp on Friday, July 4, 2104 due to the Independence Day holiday.
Camp Keff Concierge: 650.378.2704 •
A beneficiary agency of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties.
Monday, June 2 Camp refund deadline
Family Programs
Tuesday, July 8 Family BBQ/Pool Party Tuesday, July 22 Family Movie Night Friday, August 1 Shabbat Family Picnic
The PJCC gratefully acknowledges Anne and David Steirman for their generous support of the Day Camp facility.
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 822 San Mateo, CA 94402
Peninsula Jewish Community Center 800 Foster City Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404
Save Up to $300
Early Bird Discount details inside!
teens summer 2014
f f e k t a t i n i k kic