PJCC Connections Magazine - Autumn 2014

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Peninsula Jewish Community Center


Oct / Nov / Dec 2014 •


Celebrating Community

The Richness of Belonging 6 Battling Fitness Fatigue 9 CATCH in the Act! 10

M ay

there be peace

in the new year

L’ s h a n a h T o v a h 2

Autumn 2014



October/November/December 2014 5

Message from the Publisher


The Riches of Belonging Belonging is a critical component to happiness and health—but why?

13 Program Offers a Ribbon of Hope A health diagnoses comes full circle with a life-altering recovery.

8 In Your Words: How Does Community Make Your Life Richer?


Members share the importance of community in their lives.

Battling Fitness Fatigue Even the best workout can grow stale. Learn how to shake up your fitness regime.

14 Our Creative Community: Art Show Captures Local Talent 16 In Appreciation of Our Donors

10 CATCH as Catch Can Successful school health program nurtures a love of physical activity.

20 Jewish Peoplehood Programs and events celebrating Jewish life and culture.

22 Programs Oct/Nov/Dec 2014 12 Edible Schoolyard Academy Wellness Coach Jeannie Solomon shares her experience at the edible education program run by renowned chef, Alice Waters.

27 Free Programs


Autumn 2014


The PJCC is proud to be a part of the Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood, presenting Connections is a publication of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, 800 Foster City Blvd., Foster City, CA, 94404. Send comments or suggestions to editor@pjcc.org. The mission of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center is to build a caring and connected community, develop leadership and strengthen Jewish identity and values in a center with an environment that is welcoming to all people at every stage of life. The PJCC has been serving people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds throughout San Mateo County for more than 65 years.

educational and cultural programs that explore Jewish heritage, identity, and community. This initiative is cofunded by the Koret Foundation and The Taube Foundation for Jewish Life & Culture.

The PJCC is supported by the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties.

Ikkarim guiding principles of the PJCC

Jewish life Chavaya Yehudit We celebrate the dynamic gifts of Jewish culture, tradition, ethics and community we received from generations before us.

Welcoming all Hachnasat Orchim Our house is open wide to all, and we embrace the diversity of culture, opinion, religion and identity.

Our community of family and friends Kehilla u’Mishpacha We are a hub for all events and activities that enrich our lives and community.

Wholeness of body, mind and spirit Shleimut We respect and nurture each individual’s journey toward wholeness and see our role as a catalyst.

Repairing the world Tikkun Olam Each person makes a difference, and together we are responsible for improving the world through our actions.


Autumn 2014




Dear PJCC Friends,

Whether you’re shooting hoops on a basketball court or sharing your talents in a community art show (see pages 14 – 15) there’s no denying the richness of belonging. And that’s what this issue is all about—the importance of community. Find yours at the PJCC and reap the rewards of connecting.

Connect Online facebook.com/thePJCC facebook.com/campkeff facebook.com/PjccAquatics






Fall, and the season of gratitude, is upon us. Here at the PJCC, we are appreciative for an ever-growing circle of members, friends and supporters who share our mission of wellness your way® and community building, all guided by Jewish values. And, while we’re at it, we are thankful for an incredibly ample fall program schedule that offers something for every interest and affinity.

connect with US

On the Cover

Our arts programs will feature Le Jazz Hot Patio Concert in the jazz style of Django Reinhardt—be sure to wear your dancing shoes! Enjoy an intimate night of jazz at one of our signature Up Close Concert presentations with The Anton Schwartz Quartet, followed by a meet-the-artists dessert reception. In celebration of the Jewish High Holidays, there will be many notable opportunities to delve deeper, including an interactive experience with An Evening of Sacred Hebrew Chant, and a scintillating educational lecture about Climbing the Sacred Ladder: A Journey in Kabbalistic Healing. Also, two student favorites will be featured: Yoga and Wholeness with a Jewish Twist and Sacred Dance Circles for Women. This season we will offer more than 100 group exercise classes each week—including the exciting new Ballet Bootcamp and member favorite Zumba®—nutrition counseling with Jeannie Solomon, a variety of small, group training classes, and expert personal trainers who are available to help you reach your personal wellness goals. Add to that Masters Swim and our own youth swim team, swim lessons for all ages, and free and lap swimming and we’ve got you covered on dry land and in the water! Finally, if the bustle of the season leaves you needing some relaxation and pampering, don’t miss our fourth annual Spatacular. It’s a fabulous evening of mini spa treatments, delicious refreshments, and a must-have schwag bag. Please join us for the fall cornucopia of sights and sounds at the PJCC. We are your Center for Life. You belong here! With appreciation,




Kathy Reich

Deborah Pinsky Connections

Autumn 2014


The Riches of Belonging By Rabbi Lavey Derby

n a world in which we are taught to be radical, autonomous selves, where self-expression is paramount, and connections are often made through the virtual world of the Internet and social media, we may suffer from a lack of belongingness. Yet the feeling of belonging adds critically to one’s overall happiness and health and contributes greater meaning to life.

you belong. Fortunately, those who enjoy

or even be aware of it. The experience of

meaningful belonging do not consider such

belonging in a community is usually built

commitments to be a burden.”

over time, with repeated involvement,

It’s not surprising then that people who feel a greater sense of belonging enjoy greater self-esteem, more happiness, experience fewer illnesses, and live longer. Hundreds of medical studies have documented that social support and a feeling of belonging have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system and the immune system. In short, the experience of belonging is a foundation of our wellness in body, mind and spirit.

than “Dat Yisrael”—“the religion of Israel.”

The PJCC is built on the foundation of

Jewishness is essentially a peoplehood,

belonging. Our Guiding Principles state

a fellowship. Our most important master

that “we welcome all!” It is an institutional

story, the Exodus from Egypt, was primarily

vision of radical hospitality. Our building

the experience of the birth of a community

is open to everyone who enters through



our doors. We are Jews and people who are

awakening. Born as a people, belonging

not Jewish; we are of various nationalities,

became the essence of our teaching.

people of different races and creeds,

“Meaningful belonging is essential for a flourishing life in general, and for our romantic life in particular,” said Dr. Aaron Ben-Ze’ev through an email exchange with the PJCC. Ben-Ze’ev is Professor of Philosophy and the former president of the University of Haifa, Israel. “Belonging, however, has a price: it involves commitments to the framework to which

who long for intimacy. Hall is the director/


Autumn 2014


“I love the PJCC. It’s like my home away from home. It feels like community.” Jewish






ancient times. Rabbi Jill Jacobs points out that the Jewish people call themselves “Am Yisrael”—“the people of Israel”—rather




openness and commitment.”


In our email interview, Karyn Hall, Ph.D, acknowledged that embracing the offer of belongingness may be scary, even for those owner of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Center in Houston, Texas. “To allow someone to know you and risk being judged or rejected takes tremendous courage,” she said. “Even in a place based on acceptance, it may be difficult to truly experience that acceptance and belonging





experiences of belonging are few and far between, and are increasingly important in a world that offers less and less opportunity for meaningful, inclusive community.

people of differing beliefs and opinions. We are each of us unique, and yet connected to each other. We embrace the diversity of culture, opinion, religion and identity that is our community. “I love that, for my children, the idea of our Muslim family being members of a Jewish Community Center—alongside other people from all walks of life—is not unusual in any way.” We are all welcome here. We belong.

It was really nice to be at the PJCC today—I felt like I had come home to a home where I hadn’t yet been before. I really had the feeling of a community. PJCC Member


Autumn 2014


In Your Words

How Does Community Make Your Life Richer? Alexsandra Brill Center Member since 2013 (Center, with parents) I belong to a number of communities, most notably my family and the Red Poppy Art House. I consider involvement in communities to mean honest interest and direct communication. Accepting my place in these and other communities, I have blossomed as an individual who is eager to interact with the world.

Cynthia Chun Center Member since 2007 Since joining the PJCC, it’s been a fantastic presence in my life’s journey. The benefits of membership gives me a sense of empowerment towards wellness because it feels like an extension of my own home. A safe retreat from home to Center.

Dan Feitelberg Center Member since 2009 The way we live, work and play with family, friends and colleagues makes up the moments of our lives. The spirit of our community reflects those moments, and our efforts as a society to make the world a better place. At work, community includes working with an incredibly talented management team to build California’s newest research university. At home, community includes being introduced to new friends through my children, and together with those new friends, watching our children learn and play.


Autumn 2014


Battling Fitness Fatigue hether you’re a fitness novice taking that first step or a seasoned veteran hoping to take your workout to the next level, a wellrounded training program is essential. But even with the best intentions and perfect regime, it’s possible for your favorite workout to grow stale. Lack of gusto, waning motivation, and skipping sessions are classic symptoms of exercise boredom. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) suggests reinvigorating your workout and kick starting your enthusiasm by employing tools such as: Variety If you usually focus on one activity, substitute another a few days a week. Variety is important beyond staying motivated. PJCC Personal Trainer David Danker shares a theory called muscle confusion, which supports changing your workouts constantly to prevent plateauing. “It’s thought that adding new or alternating exercises will ‘shock’ your muscles into new growth,” he says. “Plus, the variety ensures that you keep progressing.” Company Workout buddies add a social element to any routine. Ask a friend to be your workout partner—you’re much less likely to skip a workout if you’re accountable to someone. Keeping up with the crowd also means that you’ll be challenged to improve your skills. Toys Exercise gadgets like Fitbits®, pedometers, and heart rate monitors provide immediate

gratification with instant results and inspire you to exceed your personal best. Change Try something new, especially if it’s out of your comfort zone. Tackle a workout you’ve always shied away from or have been curious about. For example, the PJCC’s Specialty Group Training series allows you to sample fitness trends at reduced rates. Added benefits include social support, increased accountability, and the guidance of a certified personal trainer. Use these tricks to win the battle with boredom and keep your workouts effective, fresh, and—yes—fun!

I’ve always wanted to try a boot camp class and finally took the plunge! Alison’s training has been a challenging and incredibly rewarding experience. PJCC Member, Elif Somay

Fire Up Your Fitness Furnace Curious about Kettlebells? Interested in Boot Camp or Battle Ropes? Recharge your enthusiasm for exercise with these 60-minute specialty group training courses, per session: $10 members $15 public To learn more about these workout sessions and others, call 650.378.2703.


Autumn 2014


as Catch Can Program For Youth Cultivates Healthy Living by Ian israel, pjcc camp director

ucy and Emma are engaged in their

foundation of Jewish values, we provide an

at the PJCC. These include healthy snack

daily game of jump-rope, racing to

environment where physical activity and

alternatives, family activities, and exercise

see who can go the fastest. On the

healthy food choices are taught, valued,

ideas and suggestions.

turf field, the preschoolers are busy playing

and most importantly, enjoyed. The goal

Builders & Bulldozers while others are

is to make these introductions at an early

skipping with hopscotch and wiggling

age and establish healthy habits that last

inside hula hoops. The schoolyard echoes

a lifetime.”

with giddy giggles from children who don’t realize that they’re the embodiment of Discover CATCH, the school health program that nurtures a love of physical activity. Since 2013, Discover CATCH has been a resounding success in PJCC Youth Programs,

Nutrition Program “Try explaining what a raw strawberry is






“A preschooler once asked me where

The Discover CATCH curriculum is multi-

strawberry yogurt grows! We introduce

faceted, consisting of:

raw fruit and vegetable identification by

Physical Education One Discover CATCH hour of physical activity includes: Warm-Up, Go-Fitness,

taking our preschoolers and campers to our weekly Farmers’ Market and strolling through the Justice Garden. It is important

Go-Activity and Cool-Down.

for them to not only learn to enjoy these

Enrichments, and Camp Keff. Discover

“The goal is to help kids get between 30-60

CATCH follows the methodology that was

minutes of moderate to vigorous activity

they look like, where they come from, and

researched by four different universities,

every day,” Stephanie said. “With Discover

funded by the National Heart Lung and

CATCH there are countless combinations of

Through a Jewish Lens

Blood Institute, and rolled out by the

activities to achieve that. Activities focus


including Early Childhood Education, Youth

nutritious snacks, but to also learn what how they are grown.”






on skill development or playing games in a

appeal: that happiness is a state of being

The University of Texas School of Public

non-competitive environment. We want to

that we should constantly strive for. Our

Health. CATCH stands for a Coordinated

change attitudes about having healthy and

PJCC mission is to support wellness in

Approach To Child Health. It’s not an

active lifestyles so that children choose to

mind, body, and spirit of all our members,

anti-obesity campaign, but rather—and

get off the couch and do something active,

starting with our youngest, and cultivate

better!—a holistic approach to cultivating

even when they aren’t at the PJCC.”

lifetimes of healthy habits.





childhood wellness.

Taking it Home Connection

“Happiness and wellness are intertwined,”

“The PJCC is the only facility in the Bay Area

Parent Tip Sheets (found at pjcc.org/catch)

Stephanie said. “Through Discover CATCH,

using Discover CATCH,” said Stephanie

help parents continue promoting the active

children learn that health and wellness

Levin, Director of Programs. “Based on a

lifestyles that their children are learning

make life fun and delicious.”


Autumn 2014



Autumn 2014


Inspiration for a Lifetime

By Jeannie Solomon

Bring something beautiful to the classroom. Bring a bouquet, set things up differently with a beautiful table cloth and a lovely basket of fruit. Prepare the classroom, the kitchen and the garden, so kids fall in love. Alice Waters Founder, Edible Schoolyard Academy

was filled with excitement as I made

in the culinary movement that supports

Go Slow and Go Deep

my way across the Bay Bridge to

cooking with only the finest and freshest

ESY educates the educators: the more

Berkeley, about to fulfill a lifetime

seasonal ingredients that are produced

ambassadors on the front lines, the better

sustainably and locally.

to reach the children. At the academy

dream: attending the Alice Waters’ Edible Schoolyard Academy (ESY). As a wellness/ nutrition coach for the PJCC, I was one of three






representing the PJCC to help develop a nutrition and food awareness curriculum

Housed at Berkeley’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School, the abandoned teachers’ parking lot was once a neighborhood eyesore, but today is home to a lush and

alone, there were over 90 enthusiastic attendees from around the world. However, we were cautioned to “Go slow and go deep.” Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor was

meandering one-acre garden and kitchen/

the ESY. We should start small, in a corner

classroom. Students are actively involved

of the playground or in a few gardening

in every aspect of food’s life cycle, from

pots outside a classroom. Let the kids get

planting a seed in the garden and preparing

their hands dirty. Appeal to all their senses,

simple meals in the kitchen to using the

with the taste, smell, sound and sight

food waste to produce rich compost to

of fresh produce grown with care and

nourish the plants.

prepared simply.

These essential life skills are priceless and

From ESY to the PJCC

have made the ESY the model program for

I’m excited to bring my ESY education to

farm-to-table education. “Farm to school”

the PJCC. When I spoke with Alice Waters,

Helping Healthy Habits Take Root

is a term that defines school efforts to


incorporate local and regionally produced

I asked if she had any additional advice


teaches youngsters how their choices

foods into school cafeterias. In 2011-2012,



a USCA survey of 13,000 public school


districts showed that 44 percent across the

“I always say we need to work with kids

Now in its 17th year, ESY is the brainchild

country have such a program in place. This

in kindergarten through grade 12,” she

of Alice Waters, the chef/proprietor of

is exciting news, but in a country where

replied. “But what I really mean is, get to

the Chez Panisse restaurant in Berkeley.

child obesity is on the rise, we still have a

them at age two. Start at this age and you

Waters is a passionate voice and pioneer

long way to go.

have them for life.”






motivation came from California State Senator Jerry Hill D-San Mateo when he visited the PJCC’s Justice Garden. Impressed with our endeavor to promote food justice and education, the Senator expressed his support in helping the PJCC share our curriculum with local elementary schools. Garnering the tools for creating this curriculum was our goal at ESY.

Edible food



Schoolyard affect and

Autumn 2014


their their



as we begin introducing ESY concepts to our students.

Program Provides a Ribbon of Hope

Read more about survivors’ journeys at www.pjcc.org/pink

By Stacy Goldsby

wo years ago, if someone had

up that early!). We focused on a myriad

“I am my best work—a series

asked me what life is like after a

of innovative moves with increasingly

breast cancer diagnosis, bilateral


of road maps, reports, recipes,

mastectomy, and reconstruction, I would


have been at a loss for words. But in August

upper body.

2012 I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 48, the same age my mother was when she died of the disease. Suddenly, I found myself navigating a labyrinth of appointments, procedures and, ultimately, tools for healing. I was methodical in mapping my road to









Not only was I just two months postsurgery,














with the intense workouts.

books and navigating online breast cancer

to drop. I had to lean into my recovery

survivor forums. I knew exercise would play

in that moment, one day, one move at a

an important role in the healing process,

time. Vicki was in sync with my physical

but I felt like a deer in the headlights trying

needs and customized my sessions. The

to envision what this would entail.

plan she devised maximized my output and

through the Pink Ribbon Program. The PJCC is the only facility on the Peninsula to offer this postoperative workout designed to enhance recovery for breast cancer patients. During my first meeting with Vicki McGrath, American





American Cancer Society Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer, Certified Breast Cancer Exercise Specialist, and the Center’s Fitness

breast cancer warrior

concerned I wouldn’t be able to keep up

But breast cancer doesn’t wait for the scale

I found the support and guidance I needed

—Audre Lorde, poet and

from a sedentary lifestyle and had a

recovery, endlessly researching reams of

A Ribbon of Hope

doodles, and prayers from the front lines.”





fitness, strength, and accomplishment. I felt like I was in a safe and positive space to be comfortable in my skin. I found myself becoming body-confident in a way like I

Pink Ribbon Day

Fundraiser Sunday October 26, 2014 8:00 am – 1:00 pm $20 suggested minimum donation

had never before. Movement in all its iterations—from the rhythmic drum beats pulsating through the Zumba classes I now take, to walking my parents’ German Shepherd down a dusty country road, to salsa dancing in

and Wellness Manager, I completed the

my best friend’s living room, or taking my

new participant health questionnaire and

first Pilates Reformer class—these are all

baseline physical assessment. I reserved my

necessary and joyful steps in my journey as

spot and told Vicki, “I’ll be back … .”

a breast cancer survivor.

Six months later, I kept my word. Vicki

Today, as I approach my second post-

coached and guided me through weekly

diagnosis birthday, the report from the

7 a.m. sessions (I still can’t believe I got

front lines is simply gratitude.

The day-long event features fitness classes, a marketplace, and more. Proceeds benefit The Pink Ribbon Program at the PJCC, an innovative exercise program for breast cancer survivors. For the complete schedule, visit www.pjcc.org/pink.


Autumn 2014


Fig Jewelry, Stephanie North


art show Stories of Ellis Island, Evan Reader


Autumn 2014


Summer’s Daydream, Chally Grundwag

Bashful Belle, Krishna Mitra

Sikh in Blue, Herbert Goodman

Guard Tower, Bill Moy

This past summer, the PJCC was proud to present our third Community Art Show featuring the talents of 85 local artists. Connections

Autumn 2014


In Appreciation of our Donors July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Profound thanks to our generous 2013 – 2014 donors and grantors. Your inspiring investments ensure that our PJCC continues to serve the community with the finest programs. Together, we create a vibrant, warm and inclusive community. We are grateful beyond measure to many others throughout our community who contribute their time, support, goods, services, professional expertise, and much more, enabling the PJCC to provide exceptional community service. Whether or not your name is listed below, please accept our heartfelt thanks. PJCC PROGRAMS Adult

Susan L Ammons Johanna Anderholm in honor of Susan Ammons Anonymous Wendy & Irving Benveniste The Bunco Group Sylvia Chan in memory of Ethel Goldbaum Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cohen in memory of Celia Lipes Anna Lyapis & Filipp Brunshteyn Susan & Bob May Judy Winkelstein Linda & Todd Zucker

Monday at the Movies Mary Hanson Sandy & Bob Morse Grants Paul & Ruth Steiner Permanent Endowment Fund


Jewish Community Federation JCF Day Camp Scholarship Fund Andrew Sabin Family Foundation for Jewish Camp Educator

Early Childhood Education Sarah & David Apple Leslee & Wayne Feinstein in memory of Ben Feinstein

ECE Library Bev Kotlove in memory of Tami Bittelman


Autumn 2014


Grants Jewish Community Federation Preschool Scholarship Fund Morris Stulsaft Foundation

Get Up & Go

Eleonore Debth Sandy Diggins Susan Hamlin Josephine Kamin Maria Kozak Barbara & Lawrence Margolis Susan & Bob May Martha Michel & David Konerding Gail & Matt Mintz Mignon & Armand Offel James Olson Ann & Michael Polom Mindy & Philip Rosenberg Valerie Rynne Marilyn & Don Salle Sunya Shaw Margrit & Jack Vanderryn

Grants Dignity Health Jewish Community Endowment Newhouse Fund Metropolitan Transportation Commission Mills-Peninsula Health Services Peninsula Health Care District

Jewish Education

Karen Alexander & Ross Weiner Anonymous Gail O’Brien

Grants Koret Foundation Taube Foundation for Jewish Life

Pink Ribbon Program

Gilah & Mark Abelson Norene Ambrose Kyle Aubin Peter Bland Kathryn Bowenkamp Jane & Jeff Boyarsky Quirina Buchwald Rebecca Cabrera Jackie Carew Beth Casper Robin Cayetano Martha Chambers John Chan Tami & Moris Chen Grant Cherrington Roxanne & David Cohen Rabbi Lavey Derby Nicole Devlin Marisa D’Souza Judy Edelson Vova Ekhilevsky Ifong Eng Nancy Evans & Art Wolf Blair Fingerhut Susan Free Laura Toller Gardner & James T. Gardner Amy Gilliam Betsy Anderson Gilman in honor of Heidi Schell Jim Goell Debbie & David Goren Cynthia & John Gradwohl Becky Greenberg Mary Lou Griffin Shirleen Gudmunson Barbara Hagin Michelle Hauser

For their Gifts and

Contributions Lisa Schnebly Heidinger Dolores Heisinger Marilyn Dobbs Higuera Joe Hilleli Lynn Holmes Flora Iancu Andrea Isaacs Andrea Jensen Barbara & Norm Johnson Gloria Jue Michelle Klafter Kim Knapp Paula Lamendola Mara & David Langer Frieda & Brad Liebman Regina Lyubarsky Jeanne Maddox Jennifer Magnani Michelle Mandel & Simon Reading Tom Mao Tina Matejka Ken Matusow Josie Mausisa Susan & Bob May Vicki McGrath Greg Menna Lisa Milano Arsie Molina Jennifer Moore Suzanne Moore Karen Morioka Carol Morrison Alexia Mullins in honor of Holly Yates William Neuebaumer Tom Nixon Jennifer Nobrega Jeanette & Kerim Otus Marilyn Pasquinelli Peninsula Medical Clinic Wendy Polonsky Jane & Jon Post Daniela Pottruck Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent Lennie Ram Jeff Rank Trishna Ray-Chaudhuri Charlotte & Evan Reader Joan Rebottano Wendy Riedel Nancy Rosas Sharon Sakai John Sanchez Heidi & Steve Schell Joan Schoening Karin Segal Dawn Simon

Renee Sims Marni & Evan Sloves Denise & Larry Smurthwaite Jessica Sobalvarro Jeannine & Lance Solomon Susie & Rich Sorkin Marcie & Artie Storch in honor of Serena Lucchesi Jamie Stubson Jane Tan & Kenneth Schwartz Selma & Sandy Tandowsky Jennifer Temming Tony Tse Alison & David Wagonfeld Stephanie Walkup Richard Wank Ginger Watts Julie & Loren Wheeler Gayle Whitaker Jim Whitehead Candie Whooley Jody Winzelberg & Holger Senftleber Holly Yates Wayne Yates Susan Zieff Jodi & Rob Zwiebach

PJCC FUNDS Betty Bronitsky Scholarship Fund Catherine & Gene Aefsky Alda & Joseph Bronitsky Charles Bronitsky Eleanor Gale Rea Goldfinger Edith & Daniel Lang Daniel Cook Endowment Fund Rosanne & Al Levitt in honor of Phyllis & David Cook Joelle Steefel in honor of Phyllis & David Cook Eva Chernov Lokey Endowment Fund Anonymous Sylvia G. Merkadeau Endowment Fund Anonymous Toby & Mort Kramer Diane Merkadeau & James Kramer in honor of Riley Jenna Kramer’s Bat Mitzvah in honor of Sylvia Merkadeau’s Yertzeit Pamela Merkadeau & Cary Wiest in honor of Joseph Merkadeau’s Bar Mitzvah Marsha & Mark Williams in honor of Rachel Merkadeau’s graduation in honor of Ryan Williams’s birthday

Annual Appeal

Martha & Michael Adler Marci & Alex Anderman Roma Auerback Debbie & Earl Bagby Marcia & Steve Barkoff Rick Barron Betsy & Randy Baum Danielle & Richard Beres Barbara Berk & Gilbert Mintz Betsy & Michael Berman Jack Bernstein in honor of Wendy Sue Polonsky Deena & Rob Bertolina in honor of Stephanie Levin Beth El Fifty Plus Club Jill Blair & Fay Twersky Judy & Jordan Bloom Annette Bolton in memory of Ruth Eisenman Richard Braunstein in memory of Dr. Eric M. Braunstein Katherine & Roy Bukstein Barbara & Dan Buttlaire Sylvia Chan Corey & Rod Cherkas Ludmila Chernishev Carol Cohen in honor of Susan Maltz Lael Culiner & Josh Smith Rochelle & Mervyn Danker in honor of Deborah Pinsky Edith Deutsch Francesca Eastman & Edward Goodstein Judy Edelson Shirley & Ben Eisler Rosalie & Barry Emanuel Barbara Engler in honor of Deborah Pinsky Tracy & Steve Eskenazi Nancy Evans & Art Wolf Lenci Farkas Leslee & Wayne Feinstein Judy & Tom Fisher Joan & Michael Fox Judy & Michael Garb Dr. Barbara & Joel Gereboff Manu & Sandeep Goel Olivia & Carl Goldstone Debbie & David Goren Joanne & Skip Green Audra & Drew Greenspan Frieda Greenspan Susan Hamlin Mary Hanson Jared Hein Rabbi Corey Helfand Connections

Autumn 2014


Donors July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Jennifer Ackerman Helfand & Rabbi Corey Helfand Steve Hibshman Art Hirschhorn Deborah & Craig Hoffman in honor of Jerry & Ellen Saliman’s anniversary Stephanie & Rudy Hoffman Sonny & Steve Hurst Milton Jacobs in memory of Dianne Shemano Renee & Dennis Jermaine Vivian Kalev Melanie & Perry Karsen Kendra & Tom Kasten Deborah Kelman & Rabbi Marvin Goodman Linda & Robert Kiss Eva & Richard Klein Gabriele Korn Sheila & George Lederer Stephanie Levin Barbara & Jerry Lewis Margit Lowenstein z’l Doris Mannies Lee Manus-McNutt & Scott McNutt Emily Marra & Len Castle Paula & Ken Meier Inna & Leonid Mezhvinsky Jennifer & John Minton Bessie Mintz in honor of Judy Garb Judy & Steve Mitchell Miriam & Richard Morgan Lynn & Richard Nightingale Sandy Oberstein Katherine Papp Lynne & Bruce Pasternack Bonnie & Don Pearlman Dr. Peter Pollat Jack Popik Jane & Jon Post Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent Davida & Michael Rabbino in honor of Neal Rubin Natalie Rapp Carol & Virgil Rose Marilyn Rosekind Barbara & Andrew Rosenberg Grace Rosenberg Lisa & Mark Rosenthal Alissa & Danny Rozansky Marilyn & Don Salle Howard & Jane Samuel Alice Sarkon in honor of Janice Katz Ronald Scheinbach Zoe & Dan Scheinman John Schulz Florette & Bill Schwartz Rebecca Schwartz & Roger Feigelson Marina Sedova & Andrey Klishin in memory of their grandmother Karin & Marlin Segal Marcyl & Seymour Seidscher


Autumn 2014


Randi Shafton & Drew Lieberman Marianne & Herman Shine Lorna Siepser & Steve Klebe Danielle & Gil Simon Anne & David Sipes Norma Siskin Susie & Rich Sorkin Yash Snider Beth Springer & Paul Rosenblum Zinaida & Alexander Talis Jane Tan & Kenneth Schwartz in honor of 10 wonderful years Selma & Sandy Tandowsky Geraldine Tognetti in memory of Donald Tognetti Cyril Tukeman Wendy & Jeremy Verba Ellen Weinsten & Fred Weiner Ronald Wilk Rieko & Timothy Wong Jodi & Rob Zwiebach

Grow Justice/Jewish Life

Luba Abascal & David Weinstein in memory of Leah Weinstein Anonymous Janice & Dennis Berkowitz Kristin Byrd & Jeff Peachin Roxanne & David Cohen Tawny & Craig Darling in honor of Kari Mualmy’s birthday Rabbi Lavey Derby in honor of Stephanie Levin Mandy & Rabbi Dennis Eisner Brittany & Daniel Feitelberg Phyllis Friedman Frances & Theodore Geballe Sheryl & Avram Greenspan Christy & Eric Jeck Gay & Harvey Kaplan Evva & Paul Kim in honor of Teacher Kari Mualmy Erin & Jeffrey Lager Sheila & George Lederer Michael Lewis Susan & Scott Maltz Marilyn & Charles Meier Kari Mualmy in honor of Sharon Dutcher’s birthday Gail O’Brien in memory of Tamar Bittelman Deborah Pinsky Amy Rabbino & Neal Rubin Kathy Reich & Ken Meyer Sandy Reinin in memory of Ethel Goldbaum Rhona & Jerry Rosenblatt Ellen & Jerry Saliman Dorothy Saxe in honor of Ellen & Jerry Saliman Naomi & Jeff Silk Anne & David Steirman Cindy & Phil Strause Kathy & Don Williams Jean Zemel

Grants JCC Association Jewish Community Federation Andrew Sabin Family Foundation

Tuition and Program Subsidies

Kathryn Bowenkamp Addy Edwards Elaine Fein Ruth Leddel Lynn Levy & Bob Kahn Linda & Mickey Podolsky Merrill Poliak Cindy Rose & Michael Quackenbush Jessica & Jamie Rosenberg Ruth & Bruce Schlesinger Cheryl & Jeffrey Selman Mindy Slatt-Friedeberg & Dan Friedeberg Marcie & Artie Storch Judy Thalheimer & Brian Kirshner Leigh Weber in memory of Ms. Ellie Chaiken Gail Weisman in memory of Mr. Lon S. Weisman

Senior Bus Fund

Anonymous Dottie & Lloyd Anderson Irina & Boris Auerbuch Rachel & Isaac Bahbout Janice & Dennis Berkowitz in honor of Bonnie Goldman’s birthday Jan & Russ Bohne Kathryn Bowenkamp Jane & Jeff Boyarsky Delores Bracht Rise & Marty Cherin Linda & Dan Cooperman Leonora Reyes-Oida Esteban Marian & David Finkelstein in memory of Murray Gellman Edith Foyer Marilyn Frank & Martin Goldstein in memory of Irv Share Sue & Albert Geller Ellen & Bruce Gellman in honor of Melissa Brenner’s birthday in memory of Nathan Brenner in honor of Susan Maltz in honor of Florence Marchick in memory of Irving Share Roberta & Bruce Gilbert in memory of Bella Waxman Corky & Al Goodwin in memory of Nathan Goodwin Phyllis F. Graff in memory of Norman Graff Barbara & Joe Gurkoff Carol Herz in honor of Henry Herz Marilyn Dobbs Higuera Angie & Steve Hollman Joanne Howard Sonny & Steve Hurst Helen & Don Jaffe

Joe Kane in memory of Arlene Kane Frances & Larry Karp Rosie & Joseph Karp Sandra & Dennis Kay in memory of Doris & Harold Brown Linda & Robert Kiss Ruth Leddel Margie & Phil Lerner Lynn Levy & Bob Kahn Sarena Lubarsky in memory of Suzanne Roussille Susan & Scott Maltz in honor of Melissa Brenner in honor of Carol Cohen in honor of Ellen Gellman in memory of Murray Gellman in honor of Lynne Pasternack in honor of Esther Wolheim Janet A. Martin in honor of Susan Ammons’s birthday Joan & Howard Mechalovitz Gayle & Allen Notowitz in honor of Debbie Leslie’s birthday Lawrence Pelzner in honor of Justin & Ashley Pelzner Linda & Mickey Podolsky Leone & Stan Pollard Sylvia & George Prozan in memory of Barry Oberstein Dorothy & Boris Ragent Sandy Reinin Marilyn Rosekind Linda & Edward Rosen Tracy & Gary Schwartz in memory of Murray Gellman in memory of Hank Hyman Sandra Shapiro Nancy Shaw in honor of Deborah Weiner Marit & Amikam Shmargad Judy & Robert Silverman Mindy Slatt-Friedeberg & Dan Friedeberg Marian Soss in honor of Frances Soss’s birthday Beth & Roy Steiner Margaret & Allan Steyer Marcie & Artie Storch Arline Thomas & Al Gentile in memory of Celia Lipes Joyce & Norm Weil Annette Weiss

General Operations

Amy & Marshall Allhouse Anonymous in memory of Nat Starr Joanne & Bernard Arfin in memory of Eva Chernov Lokey Edward Balaban Lauren & Greg Boro Melissa & Ken Brenner in honor of Susan Maltz’s birthday Gary Chetcuti in memory of Betty Burge

Marian & Jordan Dolgoff in memory of Millie Steinberg Judy Edelson in memory of Tami Bittelman in memory of Eva Chernov Lokey in memory of Irving Share in memory of Nat Starr Shelley Eisenman & Elisa Friedlander in honor of Rabbi Lavey Derby Nancy Evans & Art Wolf in memory of Nat Starr Leslee & Wayne Feinstein in memory of Nat Starr Blair Fingerhut in honor of Necholas Gomez Phyllis Freidman Shanna & Rob Gardner Ellen & Bruce Gellman in honor of Carol Cohen in memory of Murray Frank Karen Girard in memory of Nat Starr Lisa & David Goldstein Paula & Simon Goren in memory of Nat Starr Susan Hamlin in memory of Nat Starr Dan Heller in memory of Norman Heller Terry Hinton in memory of Betty Burge Michelle Hudson & Joel Scott Jon Janoska in memory of Betty Burge Sue & Michael Janoska in memory of Betty Burge Mary & Frank Koudelka in memory of Betty Burge Ruth Krumbein in memory of Nat Starr Sheila & George Lederer in honor of Esther Harri’s 75th birthday Margie & Phil Lerner Julie Makoff in memory of Eva Chernov Lokey Evelyn & Jerrold Marcus in memory of Nat Starr Leslie Meyer in memory of Barry Oberstein Mollie Mortyn in memory of Betty Burge Verlayne & Fred Offenbach Deborah Pinsky in memory of Jane Kaufman in memory of Rosalind Linder in memory of Eva Chernov Lokey in memory of Margit Lowenstein in memory of Mark Reisbaum’s father in memory of Nat Starr Jane & Jon Post in memory of Tami Bittelman in memory of Rosalind Linder in memory of Eva Chernov Lokey in memory of Shirley Rosenberg in memory of Nat Starr Joyce & Wilson Pinney in memory of Betty Burge

Denis Rauchman Shirley Rosenberg z’l Joyce Sakai Florette & Bill Schwartz Norma Siegel in memory of Jim Easton in honor of Lois Fried’s 95th birthday Sandra & Paul Stoller in memory of Beverly Clear Talbots in memory of Betty Burge Janoska Zinaida & Alexander Talis Juanita Wheeler in memory of Betty Burge Grants Google Grants Jewish Community Federation


Cameron Hughes Wine Crowne Plaza Foster City DZH Phillips, LLP Fox, Shjeflo, Hartley, & Babu LLP Global Maintenance Resources HighCom Security Services HUB International Insurance Services Jamba Juice Levinson Benefits, Inc. Orchard Supply Hardware Payden & Rygel Provident Credit Union Union Bank Wells Fargo


Access Door Solutions Applied Materials Arch Insurance Group Inc. Boswell Services Capital Groups Companies, Inc. Cim Air, Inc. Emmanuel Law Group William & Flora Hewlett Foundation The David and Lucile Packard Foundation PPG Industries Foundation Swimming Pool Perfections Visa Givingstation Walmart


Autumn 2014




why jewish peoplehood is central in our community

the pjcc’s commitment to Jewish peoplehood supports us in taking pride in our culture and our people, it creates strong connections to local and worldwide Jewry and israel, and it makes certain that we are literate about the ideas, values and practices of jewish living. embracing our roots as we focus on present-day jewish engagement ensures the continued vibrancy and diversity of our cultural and spiritual expression.

Life, It’s Complicated: Jewish Perspectives (FMP) Join this ongoing discussion exploring Jewish views on important issues and living a meaningful life. Thu • Weekly • 10:30 – 11:30 am • CRA • 41334 Beth El Senior Friendship Club Bring a bag lunch and enjoy a different program each week. Thu • Weekly • 12:00 – 3:00 pm • San Mateo $1/$1 Shabbat in the Lobby (FMP) Fri • Weekly • 3:30 pm Yiddish Club (FCCM) Increase your Yiddish vocabulary, learn about Yiddish culture, watch videos and make sure the mamoloshen lives! Peer led. Tue • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • C FCCM/$3.50 per session 10/7: 41383 • 10/21: 41384 • 12/4: 41385 11/18: 41386 • 12/2: 41387 12/16: 41388 Judaism 201: Back to the Sources Designed for Jews seeking a deeper connection with their heritage and those who are not Jewish but desire an understanding of Jewish ideas. Learn about the central texts of the Jewish people from senior rabbis of the community. Pre-registration required. Wed • 10/22 – 12/17 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • AB $48/$64 • 41332 Interfaith Couples Raising Children: Creating an Identity for Your Child (FMP) Deciding on a religious identity for your child is often the hardest thing an interfaith couple faces. Learn how to make the decision in these workshops led by Dawn Kepler, Director of Building Jewish Bridges. Pre-registration required.

Jewish Book Discussion (FCCM) Facilitator Jim Van Buskirk’s essays have been featured in various books, magazines and other publications. Books are available from the Book Club in a Box program at the Jewish LearningWorks’ Jewish Community Library. Pre-registration suggested. October: The Lady in Gold by Anne-Marie O’Connor Often referred to as the “Austrian Mona Lisa,” this painting has a complicated and controversial history. O’Connor relates the story of the painting, its confiscation under Nazi rule, and the long struggle over its ownership after World War II. Tue • 10/28 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • CR FCCM/$5 • 41353 November: Second Person Singular by Sayed Kashua When an ambitious Arab lawyer in Jerusalem unexpectedly discovers a love letter from his wife, his hunt begins for the other man. The author spins a complex psychological mystery, a searing dissection of the individuals that comprise a divided society. Tue • 11/25 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • CR FCCM/$5 • 41354 December: My Russian Grandmother & Her American Vacuum Cleaner by Meir Shalev This humorous and tender memoir about the author’s grandmother and her obsession with cleanliness evokes the idealism and disappointments of the Eastern European Jews who came to Palestine in the 1920s. Tue • 12/16 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm • CR FCCM/$5 • 41355

Co-sponsored by Lehrhaus Judaica.

Sun • 11/2 – 11/16 • 3:00 – 4:30 pm • C 41331

FC = Free for Center Members • FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public


Autumn 2014


Latkepalooza! (FMP) Don’t miss our joyous community-wide Hanukkah celebration. Enjoy the music of Veretski Pass, crafts and games for kids, winetasting for adults, a Hanukkah gift shop, and community singalong … not to mention lot’sa latkes! Sun • 12/14 • 1:00 – 3:30 pm • 41333

Yoga and Wholeness with a Jewish Twist (FCCM) Experience gentle, Iyengar-based yoga that connects all levels of being—mind, body, heart, and spirit. No previous experience with yoga or Judaism required. Pre-registration required. Wed • 10/29 – 12/10 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • FCCM/$75 for series $20 per class • 41389

Jewish Wellness Take a Breath: An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (FMP) Learn simple and basic instructions in the practice of meditation with Rabbi Lavey Derby. Thu • Weekly • 1:30 – 2:30 pm • BR • 41335

An Evening of Sacred Hebrew Chant (FCCM) Enjoy an evening of sacred musical call-and-response chanting featuring the Beit Ayin Band (a local group specializing in Hebrew chant). Participate in this uplifting experience that brings clarity to the mind and expansiveness to the heart. No Hebrew knowledge required. Pre-registration required. Sat • 11/22 • 7:00 – 8:30 pm • BR • FCCM/$5 • 41328

Yoga for Renewal (FCCM) This gentle, grounding Iyengar-based yoga and movement practice, is rooted in Jewish mystical teachings. Explore and embody themes of reflection, realignment, and renewal as we approach the Jewish New Year. No previous experience with yoga or Judaism required. Pre-registration required. Sun • 9/14 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • YS • FCCM/$20 • 41390

Climbing the Sacred Ladder: A Journey in Kabbalistic Healing This workshop will guide you through the four worlds of human experience: the material, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Grow in consciousness and find the necessary spiritual tools for dealing with life’s unending challenges. Pre-registration required. Shulamit Sofia, MSW, is the founder of The Sacred Ladder and Soul Strength Seminars. Sun • 12/7 • 1:00 – 4:00 pm • BR • $20/$25 • 41336

Sacred Dance Circles for Women (FCCM) Free your mind, body, heart, and spirit through movement, music and free-style dance to deepen your spiritual practice with Jewish mystical teachings. No previous experience with dance or Judaism necessary. Pre-registration required. Sun • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • YS • FCCM/$40 for series or $15 per class 10/5: 41394 • 11/2: 41395 • 12/7: 41396

PJCC Art Gallery presents

Rootedness October 3 – December 28, 2014 This world premiere exhibition intersperses the oil paintings of Moshe Kassirer with the photography of Ofer Nov—exploring the industry, beauty, tradition, and artisans behind Israel’s olive groves and olive oil production.


Autumn 2014


programs October/November/December 2014

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public

The 5-digit class code number is now located at the end of the day/date/time section underneath the class description.

health & fitness Group Exercise


Yoga & Pilates


Group Training 650.378.2727 Wellness


Stay Fit for Life 650.378.2790 Nutrition 650.378.2722 Discover the path to healthy living with the PJCC’s state-of-the-art fitness center. You’ll find a variety of exercise programs to develop and improve your body, mind and spirit. Please check current schedules at www.pjcc.org or call 650.378.2703.

Monthly Group Exercise Free for Center Members! For schedules, visit www.pjcc.org and click on the “Schedules” links. Zumba® & Zumba Gold • Barre classes Indoor Cycling • Yoga • Mat Pilates Tai Chi • U–Jam • Light & Easy • Hip Hop Stay Fit for Life: Adults 55+ (FC) Participate in free programs specifically designed for you and included in your Center Membership.

Yoga/Pilates Private Pilates & Yoga Training ($) Increase your skill set through one-onone training with your favorite instructor. Semi-private partner training also available. Call 650.378.2771 or pilates@pjcc.org. Pilates Reformer Series ($) Develop long, lean muscles, core strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and improve posture. Call 650.378.2771 or pilates@pjcc.org. Healing Yoga for Cancer Patients (FMP) Learn how to meditate, unwind, and relax. For cancer patients and their caretakers. Fri · Weekly · 1:30 – 2:45 pm · YS

Personal Training One-on-One Personal Training ($) Choose from convenient, cost-effective packages that include single-, three-, five- and ten-session packages. Semi-Private Personal Training ($) Enjoy the benefits of exercising with a friend! Cost-effective options include single–, five– and ten–session packages.


Autumn 2014

Specialty Classes HITT: High Intensity Team Training ($) Tue/Thu · 6:00 pm · Lobby This boot camp-style class will push your limits! For a free trial class, contact vmcgrath@pjcc.org. TRX: Suspension Training ($) Leverage your body weight to build power, strength, and flexibility. For current schedules, visit www.pjcc.org. Mon · 10:15 am Tue · 8:00 am; 9:30 am; 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm Wed · 6:30 am; 10:15 am; 4:30 pm Thu · 8:00 am; 9:30 am Fri · 7:00 am; 2:00 pm Women on Weights ($) Learn basic fundamentals of strength training. For details, visit pjcc.org or the Fitness Desk. Friday Night Knockout! Unleash your inner warrior, burn calories, and sweat! Focus on upper/lower body and core conditioning through boxing drills to enhance technique and agility. Boxing gloves required. Fri • 10/10 • 6:30 – 7:45 pm • GX • $15/$20 40752 Bollywood Dance Series Monsoon Dance Company presents this specialty series that includes a cardiovascular workout and core conditioning done to Bollywood choreography. No experience or special footwear needed. Sat · 11/15 – 12/13 · 11:00 am – 12:00 pm GX · Drop-in: $10/$12; series: $35/$42 41317

Decoding Diet: Musings of a Registered Dietician (FMP)

Join Kaiser Permanente dietician Scott Chan, MA, RD, for a serious yet entertaining view of nutrition, food and weight in the 21st century. Preregistration required. Call either the PJCC at 650.212.7522 or Agnes Arzadon, MPH, at Kaiser Permanente, 650.299.4950. Presented in partnership with Kaiser Permanente. Tue • 11/4 • 10:00 – 11:30 am • BR • 41345 Spatacular Enjoy refreshments, relax with luxurious mini-services, and take home samples and a goody bag to continue that pampered feeling at home. Mon • 10/6 • 5:30 – 8:00 pm • CRA $20/$25 • 41431

sports, clinics & leagues Team Sports & Men’s Basketball NFL Flag Football

650.378.2783 650.378.2776

Soccer 650.378.2768 Family Gym Free for parents and children who are Center Members

Kid-friendly gym equipped with soft mats, climbing structures and more. Wristband required; available at Welcome Center. Sun • Weekly • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm • DCG



For additional wellness programs see “Jewish Wellness” on page 21.

Men’s Futsol League A fast-paced, action-packed variation of soccer played 5-on-5 with a smallersized soccer ball on an indoor court. Registration required. Sat • 10/18 – 12/20 • 11:00 am – 2:00 pm DCG • $710/$750 • 41412

Pink Ribbon Program A private, small-group, postrehabilitation workout for breast cancer survivors. Contact Vicki McGrath at vmcgrath@pjcc.org or 650.378.2727 Take a Breath: An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (FMP) Learn simple and basic instructions in the practice of meditation. Thu · Weekly · 1:30 – 2:30 pm · BR · 41335

Men’s Basketball League Registration required. Mon • 10/20 – 12/15 • 6:15 – 11:00 pm DCG • $710/$750 • 41410 Wed • 10/22 – 12/17 • 6:15 – 11:00 pm DCG $710/$750 • 41411 Pick-Up Volleyball Court reserved for volleyball enthusiasts! No instructor provided. Registration required. Thu • 10/23 – 12/18 • 8:30 – 11:00 pm DCG • $45/$70 • 41414

AB = Room AB • AL = Adult Lounge • AR = Art Room • BR = Board Room • C = Room C • CR = Computer Room • CRA = Conference Room A Connections DCG = Daniel Cook Gymnasium ECK = ECE Kitchen • GX = Group Ex Studio • HG = Hamlin Garden • MPR = ECE Multi-Purpose Room L = Lobby • TA = Treehouse A • TB = Treehouse B • TF = Turf Field TF2 = Turf Field Near Pool • WK = Wornick School • YS = Yoga Studio

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public

programs October/November/December 2014

Program, registration, instructor, and schedule information at www.pjcc.org or call the number listed below each department.

sports, clinics & leagues continued Youth Basketball Skills Academy: PreK – 8 Learn from the best with former Golden State Warriors great Joe Ellis. Registration required. Novice Clinic Grades PreK – 1 Sun • 10/12 – 11/2 • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm DCG • $85/$105 • 41404 Sun • 11/9 – 12/7 • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm • DCG • $85/$105 • 41407 Grades 2 – 5 Sun • 10/12 – 11/2 • 12:15 – 1:15 pm • DCG $85/$105 • 41405 Sun • 11/9 – 12/7 • 12:15 – 1:15 pm • DCG • $85/$105 • 41408 Grades 6 – 8 Sun • 10/12 – 11/2 • 1:30 – 2:30 pm • DCG $85/$105 • 41406 Sun • 11/9 – 12/7 • 1:30 – 2:30 pm • DCG $85/$105 • 41409 3-on-3 Middle School Basketball Tournament Compete in games and skill competitions for great prizes! Registration required. Sun • 12/7 • 3:00 – 6:00 pm • DCG $60/$75 41413

jewish life (for program details, see page 20)

the arts 650.378.2703 PJCC Art Gallery presents

Rootedness October 3 – December 28, 2014

Le Jazz Hot Patio Concert Dance and dine to the swinging tunes in this gypsy style pioneered by Django Reinhardt. Sun • 10/19 • 5:00 pm • HG $15/$18/under 2 free • 41392 Up Close at the PJCC presents The Anton Schwartz Quartet Renowned for compositions and improvisations that are intellectually satisfying and highly accessible, Anton’s music “communicates with your soul” (Jazz USA). Sixty-minute concert followed by a “Meet the Artists” dessert reception. Tables reserved for parties of four or more. Sat • 11/15 • 8:00 pm • Lobby $25/$30 41391

grow justice: fight hunger 650.378.2703 Grow Justice: Fight Hunger Garden Service Days (FMP) Help alleviate hunger in San Mateo County by working in our Justice Garden that provides organic vegetables to residents at InnVision Shelter Network. Sun • 10/19 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • HG • 41329 Sun • 11/16 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • HG • 41330 Get Growing: Water-Wise Gardening (FMP) California’s drought drives this talk around plants that require little or no irrigation. Registration suggested. Sun • 10/12 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • AB • 41429 Get Growing: Year-end Garden Activities (FMP) Learn about soil preparation for spring planting, including fertilizing and mulching. Registration suggested. Sun • 11/9 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • AB • 41430

adults 650.378.2703

Monday at the Movies (FCCM with

community program pass) Skip the crowded movie theaters and enjoy these award-winning films followed by a lively discussion. Pre-registration recommended.

A world premiere exhibition interspersing the oil paintings of Moshe Kassirer with the photography of Ofer Nov, exploring the industry, beauty, tradition, and artisans behind Israel’s olive groves and olive oil production.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower In this engaging comingof-age tale, a shy freshman struggling with depression finds help from two seniors who take an interest in him. (103 min) Mon • 10/13 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • 41360

Discounts on Public rates available to Foster City residents for most programs. Quantities are limited; please call for details. Member rates apply to Center Members; however, Community Members may qualify for these rates. www.pjcc.org • 650.212.PJCC (7522)

Fruitvale Station This dramatic rendering of a real-life tragedy recounts the final hours of Oscar Grant who was shot by a transit officer on New Year’s Day, 2009. (90 min) Mon • 10/27 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • 41361 As It Is In Heaven This Oscar-nominated drama tells the story of a small-town boy who escaped his tiny village to become a famous conductor. (132 min) Swedish with English subtitles. Mon • 11/10 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • 41362 Wadjda Persistent 10-year-old Wadjda wants a new bicycle so she can beat her friend (a boy) in a race. But it’s going to take some ingenuity since her culture sees bikes as a threat to a girl’s virtue. (98 min) Arabic with English subtitles. Mon • 11/24 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • 41363 Word Wars This character-driven documentary follows four “word nerds” through their fastidious preparations and smaller tournaments that lead to the national championship Scrabble tournament in San Diego in 2002. (81 min) Mon • 12/8 • 2:00 – 4:00 pm • 41364

Groups & Clubs Sit and Knit (FMP) Mon · Weekly · 10:30 am – 12:00 pm · AL Drop-in · 41382 Let’s Talk About It (FMP) Lively discussions about topical events. Wed · Weekly · 2:00 – 3:15 pm · AB Drop-in · 41356 Men’s Discussion Group (FCCM) A lively discussion group for all men, regardless of age or viewpoint. Morning Mon · 10:30 am – 12:00 pm · AB Public $3.50 per meeting 10/20: 41368 • 11/17: 41369 • 12/15: 41370 Evening Wed · 7:00 – 8:30 pm · C Public $3.50 per meeting 10/8: 41365 • 11/12: 41366 • 12/10: 41367 Jewish Book Discussion See page 20.


Autumn 2014


programs October/November/December 2014

adults continued Games People Play Mah Jongg Class for Beginners Learn the basics of American-style Mah Jongg. Fee includes current Mah Jongg card. Pre-registration required. Fri • 10/10 – 10/31 • 11:00 am – 1:00 pm • C $47/$61 • 41359 A Morning of Mah Jongg (FCCM) No instructor present; beginning to intermediate level. Bring your current Mah Jongg card. Fri • 10/10, 10/24, 11/14, 12/12 10:30 am – 12:30 pm • AB • Public $3.50 per meeting • 41357 An Afternoon of Mah Jongg (FCCM) No instructor present; intermediate to advanced level. Bring your current Mah Jongg card. Thu • 10/2 – 12/18 • 1:00 – 4:00 pm • AB Public $3.50 per meeting • 41358 Drop-in Bridge For intermediate-level players. Tue • Weekly • 1:00 – 3:30 pm • BR • Public $3.50 per meeting • 41341 Beginning Bridge Learn the basics with an emphasis on bidding and the play of the hand. Registration required. Thu • 10/23 – 12/18 • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm AB • $110/$143 • 41337 Intermediate Bridge with Supervised Play Learn additional conventions with supervised play. Registration required. Fri • 10/10 – 12/19 • 1:00 – 3:00 pm • AB $138/$179 • 41339 Advanced Bridge with Supervised Play Learn additional conventions with supervised play. Registration required. Tue • 10/7 – 12/16 • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm AB • $152/$198 • 41340 Bridge: Supervised Play Supervised play for all levels. No instruction provided, but instructor is present for consultation on all hands. Registration required. Wed • 10/1 – 12/17 • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm AB • Series: $152/$198; Drop-in: $10/$12 41342

Classes It’s Your Turn Now: Lifestyle Planning for 50+ The best is yet to come! At age 50+ you have 25–30 bonus years to enjoy the lifestyle or work you’ve always wanted. Start planning now using specific tools to help you achieve your goals. Sun • 10/5 • 1:00 – 5:00 pm • AB • $10/$15 41373


Autumn 2014

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public

Dance for Joy Combines dance elements of Latin, Jazz, and musical theater. No dance experience or partner required. Pre-registration required. Thu • 10/23 – 11/20 • 2:00 – 2:50 pm • GX $30/$40 • 41428 Beginning Watercolors Learn basic watercolor techniques and how to draw a pencil layout with step-by-step demonstrations. Registration required. Fri • 9/5 – 10/17 • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm AR • $180/$225 • 41343 Fri • 10/31 – 12/12 • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm AR • $180/$225 • 41344 A World of Olive Oil: From the Middle East to Your Backyard (FMP) Learn about grades of olive oil and how to make your best selection shopping. Thu • 11/20 • 7:00 – 8:00 pm • BR • 41393

trends, and cultures on national and international levels. Wed • 10/29 • Day trip • Oakland • $42/$50 41371 I Love Lucy Live on Stage Experience this brand-new hit stage show adapted from the most beloved program in television history. America’s favorite foursome is live on stage and in color for the very first time! Tue • 11/11 • Evening • San Francisco $25/$30 • 41352 This trip is made possible by a grant from the community-wide Senior Excursion Fund of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma, for seniors who are mobility, financially, or physically impaired and for whom this trip would not otherwise be possible. Participants may attend only one of five Senior Excursion trips between 7/1/2014 and 6/30/2015. Home pick-ups $10/location. Registration required.

Red Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins

Food For Thought (FCCM) Learn something new with this enriching lecture series presenting the best local authors, artists, and educators. For topics, visit pjcc.org and click on “activities & learning” tab. Registration suggested. Mon • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • BR • Public $4 per meeting 10/6: 41346 • 10/20: 41347 11/3: 41348 • 11/17: 41349 12/1: 41350 • 12/15: 41351 Personal and Home Safety Training (FMP) High Com Security will provide insight into a criminal’s ability to detect opportunities and the preventative measures you can take to secure your environment. Tue • 10/7 • 7:00 – 8:00 pm • BR • 41372

Events, Trips & Tours Pippin Pippin tells the story of a young prince on a death-defying journey to find meaning in his existence. This inventive production took home the 2013 Tony Award for Best Musical Revival. Wed • 10/1 • Day trip • San Francisco $105/$136 • 41380 Ashland Shakespeare Festival Includes tickets to five festival performances, four nights at the Ashland Springs Hotel, welcome dinner, and deluxe motorcoach transportation from the PJCC. For more information or to register, contact Rachel Goldman at 650.378.2764. Mon – Fri • 10/20 – 10/24 • Oregon • 41427 Fertile Ground: Art and Community in California This collaborative exhibition with SFMOMA at the Oakland Museum of California explores how California artists have influenced and been influenced by artists,

Two-time Tony and Oscar nominee Kathleen Turner makes her Berkeley Rep debut as Molly Ivins, the brassy, sharpwitted political journalist and best-selling author of Bushwacked. Thu • 12/4 • Day trip • Berkeley • $75/$90 41381

Member Mixers Mixers are for Center Members and their guests who are 21 years old and over, except when noted. Limited childcare available. All mixers earn 150 JCC Rewards points when you RSVP and attend. Reserve your spot: 650.378.2703. Celebrate Apple Month Join us for some tasty orchard treats! Thu • 10/23 • 5:30 – 7:00 pm • CRA • 41401 Touchdown! Whether you root for the 49ers, the Raiders or another team, let’s celebrate football season! After our mixer, stay for the free lecture, A World of Olive Oil: From the Middle East to Your Backyard; see page 24. Thu • 11/20 • 5:30 – 7:00 pm • CRA • 41402

AB = Room AB • AL = Adult Lounge • AR = Art Room • BR = Board Room • C = Room C • CR = Computer Room • CRA = Conference Room A Connections DCG = Daniel Cook Gymnasium • ECK = ECE Kitchen • GX = Group Ex Studio • HG = Hamlin Garden • MPR = ECE Multi-Purpose Room L = Lobby • TA = Treehouse A • TB = Treehouse B • TF = Turf Field TF2 = Turf Field Near Pool • WK = Wornick School • YS = Yoga Studio

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public

adults continued Morning Member Mixer Join us for a morning of noshing and mingling. Wed • 12/17 • 9:00 – 11:00 am • CRA 41403

Get Up & Go Get Up & Go is an activity and errandtransportation service for adults who no longer drive. Register for activities or transportation at 650.378.2750. Errand and Appointment Service Shared-ride: $6 round trip/$3 one way Every Monday, Tuesday and Friday, Get Up & Go provides transportation within San Mateo County for non-driving adults for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and some personal errands. Reservations are required no later than the Wednesday of the week prior to the date of service. Volunteer escorts are available. First come, first served, so reserve early. Socialization Programs Free for regular attendees and members; $5 for first-time attendees Socialization programs without transportation are open to all adults. A low-cost lunch is served at 12:00 pm, available by reservation only. Advance registration is required for transportation only (see above).

Richard Fey: A Classical Cabaret Baritone Richard Fey and pianist Britt Day present a delightful mix of classical songs from opera and concert repertories. Wed • 11/5 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41376 The Accordion Music of Sheri Mignano Accordionist Sheri Mignano performs lost musical treasures, including a variety of French, Italian, and American songs, and even some from Jewish vaudeville. Wed • 11/19 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41377 Have a Happy, Healthy Hanukkah Join Jeannie Solomon, PJCC Nutrition & Wellness Coach, for a discussion and food demonstration. She’ll give old Hanukkah recipes a healthy makeover with tasty samples! Wed • 12/10 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41378 The Peninsula Choraliers Women’s Choir Enjoy music from Broadway and films, Golden Oldies from the ‘20s, ‘30s, ‘40s, and beyond. Wed • 12/17 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41379

family activities Grow Justice: Fight Hunger Garden Service Days (FMP) See page 23.

Get Up & Go is supported by gifts to the PJCC and grants from: The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund and The Jewish Community Endowment Newhouse Fund; Sequoia Hospital/Dignity Health; Mills Peninsula Health Services, the Peninsula Health Care District; Kaiser Permanente; and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s New Freedom Fund.

Latkepalooza! (FMP) Don’t miss our joyous community-wide Hanukkah celebration. Enjoy the music of Veretski Pass, crafts and games for kids, wine-tasting for adults, a Hanukkah gift shop, and community sing-a-long … not to mention lot’sa latkes! Sun · 12/14 · 1:00 – 3:30 pm · 41333

On the Road Again with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope Join John Stanley, former columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, as he describes how the two entertainers were brought together for popular road movies. Wed • 10/8 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41374

Superhero Character Breakfast Enjoy breakfast with your favorite cartoon and superhero characters! Registration required. Thu • 12/25 • 9:30 – 11:00 am • MPR • Member adult/child: $16/$12; Public adult/ child: $20/$16 • 41419

Baby and Me Music Together: 1 Month – 4 Years This national early childhood music program involves both children and parents in informal musical activities that are developmentally appropriate for very young children. Registration required. Sun • 9/28 – 12/14 • 9:30 – 10:15 am • BR $220/$270 • 41450 Sun • 9/28 – 12/14 • 10:30 – 11:15 am • BR $220/$270 • 41451 Joy Perrin: One-Woman Band With a possible number by her singing pup, Prairie Sue, Joy’s musical program will include classic Americana and a rich selection of popular music from the Roaring ‘20s, Swinging ‘30s and ‘40s, and the ‘50s. Wed • 10/22 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • BR • 41375

Mon • 9/29 – 12/15 • 9:30 – 10:15 am • BR $235/$285 • 41448 Mon • 9/29 – 12/15 • 10:30 – 11:15 am • BR $235/$285 • 41449

Discounts on Public rates available to Foster City residents for most programs. Quantities are limited; please call for details. Member rates apply to Center Members; however, Community Members may qualify for these rates. www.pjcc.org • 650.212.PJCC (7522)

programs October/November/December 2014

Babilates: 3 Months – 1 Year Tone your body and get in shape as you connect and bond with your little one with various Pilates exercises. Registration required. Wed • 10/1 – 12/17 • 10:00 – 10:55 am • CRA • $230/$280 • 41417 Yoga and Massage: 2 Months – 2 Years Massage is an important tool for healthy mental and physical development, as well as reinforcing your attachment to one another. Registration required. Thu • 10/2 – 12/18 • 11:00 – 11:55 am • YS $170/$220 • 41456 The Truth About Motherhood (FMP) Bring your little one and share your successes and challenges in parenting, and make new friends along the way. Fri • 10/10 – 12/19 • 9:30 – 10:30 am • BR 41481 Soccer Stars: Ages 2 – 3 This age-appropriate, field-tested curriculum engages children and participating parents with entertaining activities that promote motor-skill development, teamwork and cognitive ability. Registration required. Sat • 10/11 – 12/20 • 9:15 – 10:00 am • TF2 $190/ $240 • 41454

early childhood education 650.378.2670 ECE Parent Information Meeting and Tour (FMP) Tour our award-winning Early Childhood Education center, meet with our Directors, and hear about our exciting curriculum. Optional tour of the PJCC pools and fitness facility available. Wed • 4:00 – 5:00 pm • MPR 10/22: 41397 • 11/19: 41398 12/10: 41399 ECE Book Fair Pizza and Pajama Party! Kids, don your jammies and prepare for an evening of storytelling, pizza and fun! Parents can shop at the Banana Seed Book Fair or head out for a few hours while kids enjoy their evening. Wed • 11/5 • 5:30 – 7:30 pm • ECE Library $10/$12 • 41400 Enrichment Fair: Newborn – 5 Years (FMP) Meet instructors and get a sneak peek of the Baby and Me and Preschool Enrichment programs for the 2014–2015 school year. Early bird registration available. Wed • 9/10 • 8:45 – 9:45 am ECE Courtyard • 41434


Autumn 2014


programs October/November/December 2014

early childhood education continued Enrichment Programs

Fall 2014 ECE Enrichment Registration Priority for Center Members: September 10 – 11, 2014 • 9:00 am Community Members and Public: September 12 – 22, 2014 • 9:00 am Beginning Hoopsters: Ages 3 – 5 And the crowd goes wild as beginning hoopsters learn basketball basics! Registration required. Mon • 9/29 – 12/15 • 1:05 – 1:55 pm • DCG $235/$285 • 41439 Incredible Art of Cooking: Ages 3 – 5 Explore healthy cooking through recipes, selecting and measuring ingredients, food preparation and tasting. $20 materials fee. Registration required. Mon • 9/29 – 12/15 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • ECE Kitchen • $235/$285 • 41433 Kee Tov Soccer: Ages 4 – 5 Children learn soccer basics in this noncompetitive curriculum that features positive coaching in a pressure-free environment. Registration required. Tue • 9/30 – 12/16 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $215/$265 • 41440 Fine Motor Fun: Ages 4 – 5 Children will develop strength and coordination in the small muscles of the hand through a variety of fun fine-motor games, crafts, and activities. Registration required. Tue • 9/30 – 12/16 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm RM 12 • $95/$245 • 41435 Li’l Monkey Gymnastics: Ages 3 – 5 Your li’l monkey will have a blast in this introduction to gymnastics that will help develop coordination, body awareness, strength and increase self-confidence. Registration required. Wed • 10/1 – 12/17 • 1:05 – 1:55 pm • DCG $235/$285 • 41436 Pee Wee Soccer: Age 3 First-time preschool soccer players will develop gross-motor skills, enhance coordination, and increase self-confidence in this non-competitive environment. Registration required. Wed • 10/1 – 12/17 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $235/$285 • 41452 Build It Using LEGO® Duplo®: Ages 4 – 5 Build It Using LEGO Duplo Creation is designed so students learn technology skills through fun, engaging and dynamic projects with supportive, teacher-led instruction and hands-on learning


Autumn 2014

Member / Public • $ = Additional fee • FC = Free for Center Members FCCM = Free for Center & Community Members • FMP = Free for Members and Public

experiences. Registration required. Thu • 10/2 – 12/18 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $175/$225 • 41446

to register. Registration required. Tue · 9/30 – 12/16 · 4:45 – 5:45 pm · AB $210/$260 · 41447

Young Rembrandts: Ages 3 – 5 Children learn about drawing and art while developing fine-motor skills and academic, conceptual, and critical-thinking skills. Registration required. Thu • 10/2 – 12/18 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm RM 12 • $175/$225 • 41457

Beginning Soccer: Grades PreK – K A fun and educational co-ed soccer class emphasizing individual and team soccer skills. Registration required. Wornick students, call the Welcome Center at 650.378.2703 to register. Registration required. Wed • 10/1 – 12/17 • 2:30 – 3:30 pm • TF2 $230/$280 • 41418

Tiger Tots: Ages 3 – 5 This martial arts class includes games and practice drills that help develop balance, coordination, strength, and more. Registration required. Fri • 10/3 – 12/19 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm • MPR $215/$265 • 41455 Happy Feet Dance: Ages 3 – 5 Develop balance, rhythm, flexibility, coordination, and self-esteem while learning tap, jazz and ballet using fun props. Fri • 10/3 – 12/19 • 1:05 – 1:55 pm • GX $215/$265 • 41438

youth & teen 650.378.2704 Digital Photography: Grades 2 – 5 Focus, zoom and click your way to become a sought-after photographer by learning the basics of digital photography. Wornick students, call the Welcome Center at 650.378.2703 to register. $20 materials fee. Registration required. Mon • 9/29 – 12/15 • 4:00 – 5:00 pm • CR $230/$280 • 41453 Latin Dance: Grades K – 5 (FC) Move and groove through Latin-infused beats in this energetic dance class that also includes the origins and culture surrounding Latin dances. Registration required. Grades K – 2 Mon · 9/29 – 12/15 · 3:40 – 4:40 pm · YS Community Members/Public $140 · 41444 Grades 3 – 5 Wed · 10/1 – 12/17 · 4:00 – 5:00 pm · YS Community Members/Public $140 · 41445 Chess Wizards: Grades K – 8 Learn the fundamentals of chess in this fun and intellectually challenging class designed for all levels. No previous experience required. Wornick students, call the Welcome Center at 650.378.2703. Registration required. Tue • 9/30 – 12/16 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • CR $210/$260 • 41420 LEGO Pre-Engineering: Grades K – 2 Inventors will learn how motors and gears work, the physics of movement and engineering basics of building structures. Registration required. Wornick students, call the Welcome Center at 650.378.2703

Youth Soccer: Grades 1 – 5 Children thrive with this non-competitive curriculum and positive coaching style in a pressure-free environment while learning soccer basics. Wornick students, call the Welcome Center at 650.378.2703 to register. Registration required. Grades 1 – 2 Wed · 10/1 – 12/17 · 3:45 – 4:45 pm · TF2 $230/$280 · 41458 Grades 3 – 5 Fri · 10/3 – 12/19 · 3:45 – 4:45 pm · TF2 $150/$200 · 41459 Beginning Gymnastics: Grades K – 2 (FC) Beginning gymnasts will learn basic skills and develop body awareness, strength conditioning and self-esteem in a safe environment. Registration required. Wed • 10/1 – 12/17 • 2:00 – 3:00 pm • DCG Community Members/Public: $140 • 41437 Art in Your World: Grades K – 5 (FC) Creativity is unleashed in this class that employs various methods and materials to create fantastic pieces of art while modeling techniques from famous artists and sculptors. $40 materials fee. Registration required. Grades K – 2 Thu • 10/2 – 12/18 • 3:45 – 4:45 pm • AR Community Members/Public: $140 • 41415 Grades 3 – 5 Thu • 10/2 – 12/18 • 5:00 – 6:00 pm • AR Community Members/Public: $140 • 41416

Kids’ Night Out! Age 3 – Grade 5 Calling all moms and dads … take the night off and send your kids to join their friends in the Treehouse! They’ll enjoy an awesome evening filled with entertainment, dinner, and fun. Receive a sibling discount when you register two or more kids. Registration required. Call 650.378.2703. Saturdays in Treehouse A & B Sat · 10/11 · 6:00 – 10:00 pm Advance $30/$37; Noon Friday prior $35/$42 • 41441 Sat · 11/1 · 6:00 – 10:00 pm Advance $30/$37; Noon Friday prior $35/$42 • 41442 Sat · 12/6 · 6:00 – 10:00 pm Advance $30/$37; Noon Friday prior $35/$42 • 41443

Connections AB = Room AB • AL = Adult Lounge • AR = Art Room • BR = Board Room • C = Room C • CR = Computer Room • CRA = Conference Room A DCG = Daniel Cook Gymnasium ECK = ECE Kitchen • GX = Group Ex Studio • HG = Hamlin Garden • MPR = ECE Multi-Purpose Room L = Lobby • TA = Treehouse A • TB = Treehouse B • TF = Turf Field TF2 = Turf Field Near Pool • WK = Wornick School • YS = Yoga Studio

free programs Full program descriptions in previous section

PJCC Art Gallery presents Rootedness October 3 – December 28, 2014 Sit and Knit Mon · Weekly · 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Let’s Talk About It Wed · Weekly · 2:00 – 3:15 pm Take a Breath: An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Thu · Weekly · 1:30 – 2:30 pm Life, It’s Complicated: Jewish Perspectives Thu · Weekly · 10:30 – 11:30 am Shabbat in the Lobby Fri · Weekly · 3:30 pm

October/November/December 2014

Healing Yoga for Cancer Patients Fri · Weekly · 1:30 – 2:45 pm Enrichment Fair: Newborn – 5 years Wed · 9/10 · 8:45 – 9:45 am Personal and Home Safety Training Tue · 10/7 · 7:00 – 8:00 pm

ECE Parent Information Meeting and Tour Wed · 10/22, 11/19, 12/10 · 4:00 – 5:00 pm Interfaith Couples Raising Children: Creating an Identity for Your Child Sun · 11/2 – 11/16 · 3:00 – 4:30 pm Decoding Diet: Musings of a Registered Dietician Tue · 11/4 · 10:00 – 11:30 am

Garden Service Days Sun · 10/19 · 2:00 – 4:00 pm Sun · 11/16 · 2:00 – 4:00 pm Get Growing: Water-wise Gardening Sun · 10/12 · 2:00 – 3:00 pm

A World of Olive Oil: From the Middle East to Your Backyard Thu · 11/20 · 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Get Growing: Year-end Garden Activities Sun · 11/9 · 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Latkepalooza Sun · 12/14 · 1:00 – 3:30 pm

latke palooza!

2014 latke

A Joyous, community-wide Hannukah celebration

at the pjcc


PJCC Open House Sunday October 12, 2014 11:00 am – 2:00 pm


2014 at the pjcc

Sunday • December 14, 2014 1:00 – 3:30 pm • The music of Veretski Pass • Crafts and games for kids • Wine tasting for adults • Hannukah gift shop • Community sing-along • Latkes and other goodies Connections

Autumn 2014



Peninsula Jewish Community Center 800 Foster City Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404

Mixed Sources

Product group from well-managed forests and other controlled resources www.fsc.org Cert no. SCS-COC-001494 Š 1996 Forest Stewardship Council

Thank you for being a really important part of my life. Our kickboxing sessions have been so important to my wellbeing. When I leave our sessions on Fridays, I feel excited and motivated, like I can take on the world!

PJCC Member

Robin Feuchtwang

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 822 San Mateo, CA 94402

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