Integrabrand guidelines v1

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United kingdom Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0


travel made eas

Spain Portugal

Our brand

Brand logo

Visual identity


4 5 6 7 8 9

11 Brand logo 12 Logo variants 13 Logo variants with strapline 14 Logo exclusion zone & minimum size 15 logo exclusion Stacked zone & minimum size 16 Incorrect logo usage 17 Placement of logo in Integra arrow & exclusion zone 18 Using the logo on images 19 Using the logo on colour

21 Colour palette 22 The Integra gradient 23 Brand icon 24 Travel icons 25 Tourism icons 26 The Integra arrow 27 The Integra hexagon 28 Photography 29 Brand typography 30 Website typography 31 Applications

36 What is co-branding 37 Endorsement principles 38 Examples of co-branding 39 Dual branding 40 Call to action

Our brand What our customers want Our core idea Bringing the idea to life Our tone of voice Our tone of voice in action

Contact us 41 Contact us

PLEASE NOTE: All photographic imagery shown in these guidelines is copyright protected, it is displayed for information and guidance only, not for commercial use.

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Our brand

Our brand

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

These guidelines explain the Integra brand: what we stand for and how we will communicate. To succeed we will need to excel in everything we do. Our brand is a key part of this. It lies at the heart of our business, it helps us attract travellers (our customers), satisfy their needs and persuade them, plus the friends and family they introduce, to come back for more. It is critical for us to build a strong brand across Europe (starting with the Atlantic area).

Despite differences from region to region, Integra is united by one proposition, making travel easier, this is common to every country where we operate. These guidelines will ensure that we stay consistent by providing a visual framework, whilst allowing flexibility for our communications.

Our brand - Our brand

What our customers want

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

A service offer that is easy, useful, up to date and reliable or they will not return for a second visit. We all know that travelling to a new destination can be both confusing and frustrating if you don’t have local knowledge. It’s much simpler just to take a taxi from the airport than work out which bus or train to take. But for many travellers, whether to save money or to save the planet, local transport alternatives would be used more often if they knew how the system works. This represents a huge opportunity for Integra to plug the gap and provide a user friendly one-stop-shop for customers to plan their journey door to door.

By building our brand around our promise of making travel easier we will broaden our appeal, encouraging development of the site itself (enrolling more local or regional transport authorities), and forging a closer connection with our customers.

Our brand - What our customers want

Our core idea

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Making travel easier must lie at the heart of everything we do. But what does it mean for our network of transport organisations and our customers? Interconnected transport authorities

Customer attitudes

My life is busy and complicated, juggling work, family and precious leisure time. I need quick and easy solutions I hate getting confused, frustrated or stuck when using a website I use public transport where I know how to I need easy access to local travel information wherever I want to go I’d like to save money and if it helps save the planet too then that’s the right choice for me

We have plenty of travel experience and transport expertise We’re backed by the EU Providing sustainable interconnected transnational travel options is a primary objective We deliver travel information where customers need it, when they need it We’re always looking for ways to make things easier for our customers We know that together we’re better

Our product

Customer benefits

Travel information where you need it, when you need it Insider knowledge for travellers I’m making the right choice for my pocket I care about the environment and would use public transport to help reduce my impact on it

Integra is a one-stop-shop travel portal for Europe (starting with the Atlantic area) Integra provides easy access to online integrated travel information where and when you need it Integra also provides a quality mark for all its service providers, helping to raise awareness and drive more customers onto the public transport network We aim to stay ahead of the game in terms of speed, ease of use plus the scope and reliability of our content

Our brand - Our core idea

Bringing the idea to life

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

‘Making travel easier’ is also represented by our core brand value of delivering travel information when our customers need it and where they need it. To bring this idea to life and engage with customers in a meaningful way, we offer a highly practical and easy to use service in terms of: Website layout and navigation Easy to find information with clear signposting Ultimately, we need to expand our network and deliver a comprehensive choice of destinations (pan-European coverage).

Our brand - Bringing the idea to life

Our tone of voice

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Every piece of content, both visual and written, is an opportunity to connect with our customers. A distinctive and consistent tone of voice should be used which allows our brand to convey its personality and values through the language it uses. Simple and direct We make things easy for our customers, easy to find, easy to understand and easy to use. It therefore helps to keep copy simple, snappy and direct

We deliver information in a way that is easy to digest, using simple, clear language and short sentences (but never using jargon) We use a style which is more along Open and collaborative the lines of someone speaking than We are accessible and not too corporate. a formal written document This means talking to customers in We keep our language relaxed, their language and showing them contemporary and direct (e.g in we are thinking of their needs as well English, we use “can’t” rather as our own. than “cannot”) Here are some considerations to help We are friendly but not over-friendly you project a consistent tone of voice (and we are definitely not overly for Integra: formal, old fashioned or stuffy) Our brand - Our tone of voice

Our tone of voice in action

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Tone of voice is simply the way our brand speaks, and as with people, we adjust our tone when we communicate with different audiences. Talking to customers (our primary audience)

Talking business to business (our network partners)

Integra will make your travel easier. No more arriving in a new place trying to work out the difference between the blue buses and the green ones. Or why your best connecting train left 10 minutes before you got there. Integra is what happens when a whole group of transport providers and innovators from the UK, France, Spain and Portugal arrive together with a promise: Let’s make travel more accessible, more integrated, more connected. Joined-up thinking, some say. Joined-up reality, we say. The Integra mark sets the highest possible standards for travelling across cities, regions and countries. You’ll find it at airport hubs and ports, as well as rail and bus stations. Or, you can start your journey at And having created a brand that makes travel simpler, you’d expect the brand guidelines to be plain sailing as well, right? Good. Let’s go.

Integra is a new transport quality mark. It will help travellers using local and inter-regional public transport systems across the Atlantic area, which consists of the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal. Integra will connect people and places across the region, with seamless travel accessibility and information. This will be provided within regional gateways, such as airport hubs, ports and rail interchanges, as well as online at the multilingual web portal Developed by an alliance of transport providers and relevant organisations, Integra will give assurance of quality, convenience and integration to the transnational traveller. It will work alongside existing collective travel brands and become instantly recognisable. Equally, our guidelines provide clear information to help you connect with the Integra brand. They will guide you on route and ensure a seamless brand style across every piece of communication. Bon Voyage.

Our brand - Our tone of voice in action

10 Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Brand logo


Brand logo

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0


This is the master Integra logo, it has specific characteristics which make it uniquely recognisable. It is a visual manifestation of our personality – straight to the point, accessible and not too corporate.

All elements of our logo should be used with restraint and care and should not be graphically altered, please refer to page 16 of these guidelines, “Incorrect logo usage�.

Artwork is available on request from the Marketing Department: 1. Integra logo_master_colour

Brand logo - Brand logo


Logo variants 1a.

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

1b. 1c.


2b. 2c.

1a. Master colour logo This version of the logo should be used whenever possible, it is the main brand logo. 1b. Black logo This version of the logo should only be used when colour printing is not possible.

1c. White logo This version of the logo should only be used when colour printing is not possible, and when the black logo can’t be used (e.g when printing on mid grey to black tones).

2a. Stacked colour logo This version of the logo should only be used in special circumstances such as extreme portrait formats. 2b. Stacked black logo Use as stated in 2a. and when colour printing is not possible.

2c. Stacked white logo Use as stated in 2a. and when colour printing is not possible. Use when the Stacked black logo can’t be used (eg. when printing on mid grey to black tones).

Artwork is available on request from the Marketing Department: 1a. Integra logo_master_colour 1b. Integra 1c. Integra logo_white 2a. Integra 2b. Integra 2c. Integra

Please refer to page 18 and 19 of these guidelines for correct usage of the logo.

Brand logo - Logo variants


Logo variants with strapline 1a.


Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0



travel made easy

travel made easy

travel made easy


travel made easy 2c.


travel made easy

travel made easy

Our strapline - travel made easy, has a fixed relationship with the Integra logo which must not be altered. Please refer to page 18 and 19 of these guidelines for correct usage of the logo.

Artwork is available on request from the Marketing Department: 1a. Integra logo_strap_colour 1b. Integra 1c. Integra logo_strap_white

2a. Integra 2b. Integra 2c. Integra

Brand logo - Logo variants with strapline


Logo exclusion zone & minimum size

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

travel made easy

travel made easy 58mm


Logo exclusion zone The logo should always appear with a minimum clear space around it as shown above. It must always be reproduced from the original artwork supplied, and not be altered in any way.

Logo minimum size The logo should never appear at a size smaller than 15mm wide. When the logo appears with strapline, it should never appear at a size smaller than 50mm wide.

These rules are to ensure that the logo is always legible and easily identifiable.

Brand logo - Logo exclusion zone & minimum size


Stacked logo exclusion zone & minimum size

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0


travel made easy

travel made easy 20mm

Stacked logo exclusion zone The stacked logo should always appear with a minimum clear space around it as shown above. It must always be reproduced from the original artwork supplied, and not be altered in any way.

Stacked logo minimum size The stacked logo should never appear at a size smaller than 10mm wide. When this logo appears with strapline, it should never appear at a size smaller than 17mm wide.

These rules are to ensure that the logo is always legible and easily identifiable.

Brand logo - Stacked logo exclusion zone & minimum size


Incorrect logo usage

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0







Shown on this page are examples of how NOT to reproduce the logo. Always reproduce from original artwork which is available from our Marketing Department.

1. DO NOT change the colours used in the logo 2. DO NOT change the order of the logo elements 3. DO NOT change the angle of the logo elements

4. DO NOT distort or stretch the logo in any way 5. DO NOT alter the size relationship of the elements 6. DO NOT use the logo as a window for photography to appear Brand logo - Incorrect logo usage


Placement of logo in the Integra arrow & exclusion zone 1.

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0



travel made easy


3X X

1. Placement of logo in the Integra arrow When the logo appears in the Integra arrow it should always have a clear space around it as shown above in figure 1.

2. Exclusion zone When the logo appears in the Integra arrow there should always be a minimum clear space around the arrow as shown above in figure 2.


The Integra arrow must always be unaltered and reproduced from original artwork supplied by the Marketing Department. Please refer to pages 18 and 19 for correct usage. Brand logo - Placement of logo in the Integra arrow & exclusion zone


Using the logo on images

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0


travel made easy travel made easy

travel made easy


When the logo appears on an image the version with the logo inside the Integra arrow must be used. It is to sit on the left whenever possible, so that the arrow is pointing forward.

travel made easy



Please refer to page 17 of these brand guidelines “Placement of logo in the Integra arrow & exclusion zone� for extra information on how to use these elements. Brand logo - Using the logo on images


Using the logo on colour 1.


Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0







travel made easy

travel made easy

travel made easy

travel made easy

travel made easy

X 5.



When the logo is to appear on a coloured light tone it should always appear full colour. (figure 2.)

3 & 4. Colour printing and screen INCORRECT usage When colour printing the logo should never appear as shown here.

X 8.

X 1 & 2. Colour printing and screen When the logo is to appear on a coloured dark tone it should always appear full colour and in the Integra arrow (figure 1.)

travel made easy

5 & 6. Black and white printing When colour printing is not possible, use the white logo on dark tones (figure 5.) and the black logo on light tones (figure 6.)

X 7 & 8. Black and white printing INCORRECT usage When printing black and white, the logo should never appear as shown here. Brand logo - Using the logo on colour

20 Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Visual identity



Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0




Integra gradient Please refer to page 22 of these guidelines for instructions on how to create the Integra gradient



Orange C:0 M:65 Y:100 K:0 R:244 G:121 B:32 PANTONE: 1505C

Visual identity - Colour palette


The Integra gradient

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

The Integra gradient can be used for design elements. It should be used with care, and help link the design strongly to the Integra visual style. 1.


Location 30 C:0 M:75 Y:100 K:0 Location 10 C:0 M:80 Y:100 K:0

1. The Integra gradient When creating the Integra gradient it should look similar to the one shown here.

2. Creating the Integra gradient Please use the colours and locations stated here to create the Integra gradient.

Location 100 C:0 M:40 Y:100 K:0 Location 85 C:0 M:60 Y:100 K:0

PLEASE NOTE: The gradient inside the Integra logo should never be recreated.

Visual identity - The Integra gradient


Brand icon

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0


The Integra brand icon should be used on maps to indicate Integra cities. Visual identity - Integra brand icon


Travel icons

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Visual identity - Travel icons


Tourism icons

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Visual identity - Tourism icons


The Integra arrow

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

The Integra arrow can be used as a design element, to hold copy and bring the design inline with the Integra brand, as shown above. Visual identity - The Integra arrow


The Integra hexagon

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

The Integra hexagon (taken from the Integra logo) can be used as a decorative element. Please see the examples above. Visual identity - The Integra hexagon



Images should be modern and travel related, ideally portraying a sense of movement and excitement. Images should be bright, dynamic and cropped with consideration.

PLEASE NOTE: Sourcing good quality images that fit this brief is a must. It is also important to note that imagery shown is sourced from libraries

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

(e.g and a license will have to be obtained for usage outside of these guidelines. Visual identity - Photography


Brand typography

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Conduit ITC - Light

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Conduit ITC - Medium

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Conduit ITC - Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

A family of Conduit typefaces are used for all marketing print collateral. For body copy Conduit Light is our preferred typeface within this family, with headings in Conduit Medium.

All copy should be succinct, intelligent and engaging, set to provide adequate white space and inject pace.

Visual identity - Brand typography


Website typography

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Verdana - Regular

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Verdana - Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Verdana is our screen font to compliment Conduit for web and other screen applications. Visual identity - Website typography


Applications: Website

Home page

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Journey planner

Journey planner

Loading page


Visual identity - Applications: Website


Applications: Advertising & livery

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Visual identity - Applications: Advertising & livery


Applications: Brochure

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Visual identity - Applications: Brochure


Applications: Stationery

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Visual identity - Applications: Stationery

35 Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0



What is co-branding

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Co-branding is when two companies form an alliance to work together to achieve a common goal. In our case, an arrangement that associates a single product offer with more than one brand name. Brands co-brand to add value and leverage the benefits that each brand brings each other. This mutual benefit arises when they are complementary; encouraging a greater customer response to co-branded products or services. To achieve this, Integra will perform an endorsement rather than lead role. It acts as a reassurance for customers unfamiliar with partner brand services.

The Integra logo must therefore become a recognised symbol for the transport alliance it represents. And in order to do this, the brand needs optimum exposure across partner promotional materials. The following guidelines detail the correct level of endorsement for the Integra brand.

Co-branding - What is co-branding

Endorsement principles


Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0



X 3X

travel made easy

travel made easy

travel made easy

travel made easy

When co-branding, the Integra logo should appear no less than 25% of the hero brand, always sit on the left and at a distance of 3X from the bottom, as shown.

Please refer to page 18 and 19 of these brand guidelines for the correct logo version to use.

Co-branding - Endorsement principles


Examples of co-branding


Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0


travel made easy

travel made easy

travel made easy

travel made easy

Co-branding - Examples of co-branding


Dual branding

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

A clear signal of two brands being better than one for well established brands, dual branding can also be confusing for customers unfamiliar with a particular product or service offer. Dual branding signals a joint venture where both brands share equal status. It can be considered when both brands are widely known and understood or where the brand alliance (multiple brands) are presented.

In cases of dual branding, the Integra logo should appear the same size as the brands it is appearing with, this is illustrated below.



Co-branding - Dual branding


Call to action

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

Integra is a new brand so we need to build brand awareness. To do this, partner communications must help drive customers to our website:

This is our call-to-action, it should be positioned as the sign-off to communication material.


travel made easy

travel made easy

Co-branding - Call to action


Contact us To access our brand centre which hosts all artwork, or for more information, please contact the Marketing Department at:

Integra Brand Guidelines - March 2010 Version 1.0

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