10 october 2013 newsletter

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` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Church Fax: 717-354-7942 Website: http://nhumc.us/ Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: revoran@gmail.com

OCTOBER 2013 Have You Prayed? The Saturday evening Ignite Worship Service has started up again after a summer break with a few changes. We are now meeting at 6 PM on Saturdays in the Adult Sunday School Room. Light refreshments are available prior to the service, but we make every effort to get started on time so that the service does not run too late. These seem to be positive adjustments, and it has been an encouraging restart. We have been watching and discussing a study by Max Lucado titled, “Have You Prayed About It?” He makes a great observation in the opening session of this study. Looking at the incident that is described in the 11th chapter of John (Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead), Lucado notes that at the start of this passage (vs. 3), we are simply told that the sisters of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, sent a message to Jesus telling Him that Lazarus was sick. We do not know who carried that message. The Bible does not tell us a name and, as far as we know, this person is not mentioned anymore. We simply know that “someone” came to Jesus and told Him about Lazarus. Someone brought this request to Jesus, setting into action a chain of events that changed things forever. Big things happen when we pray. Throughout the Bible we see that prayers result in the hurting being healed, prisoners set free, and broken lives restored. When we pray, God promises to grant us His peace and power and wisdom. We are told not to lose heart or become impatient but to faithfully pray without ceasing -- knowing that we are conversing with a loving heavenly Father who always wants what is best for us. Our example, of course, is Jesus who often found it necessary to go off by Himself to find a quiet place and spend time in prayer. As Lucado pointed out, it is interesting that the disciples never asked Jesus, “teach us to preach” or “teach us theology” or “teach us to teach” or “teach us to raise funds,” but they did ask Him, “teach us to pray.” Apparently, it was His prayer life that made the biggest impression on them. That is all good news but the REALLY good news is that this is something we can all do. We might look at all the activities that take place in some mega-church and say “we could never do all that.” You may think “I am too young and inexperienced for some positions in the church,” or maybe you think “I have been involved for so long that my days of completing this activity are over.” Now that may or may not be true, BUT, again, the really good news is that we can all pray. Each of us can be the “someone” who brought the plight of Lazarus to Jesus’ attention. When God’s people pray, there is hope reborn, there is sin forgiven. Mountains are moved, lives renewed. May we make a mark as a church that prays -- a bunch of “someones” who take time talking to Jesus.

Pastor Ray


Our Worship Service starts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. Sunday School is at 10:15 a.m. ~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday IGNITE service starts at 6:00 p.m.

CROP Walk – October 20

Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: revoran@gmail.com Home: (717) 656-0812 Cell: (717)333-6939 Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

Regular Events Knepper Care Group – First and Third Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. Bazaar Workshops – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Seniors meet at Yoder’s Restaurant – Third Saturday, 11:15 a.m. Burgers-n-Bibles –First Thursday, 11:30 am, at Wendy’s Restaurant LUMINA ministry – Second Thursday Knit-Wits – Every Saturday, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Special October Events Farm Show Dinners – Thursday, October 3 to Saturday, October 5 IGNITE services – Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. Columbus Day – October 14 2

Coming Events Farm Show Dinners October 3 – 5 (see article on page 4)

CROP Hunger Walk October 20, 2013 (see article on page 5)

Knit-Wits Have Resumed! If sewing is an interest for you, consider joining the Knit-Wit group. They meet every Saturday from 1:002:30 p.m. at NHUMC Chapel Hall. Contact Jane Frybarger if you have questions (656-9659). Free Community Meals 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. October 17, 2013 Third Thursday of every month Ranck’s United Methodist Church

at the New Holland United Methodist Church Dinner is served with all ages welcome. -- Dee Kopicz, Outreach Chair at Ranck’s United Methodist Church (610-223-8207)


FARM SHOW TIME! Once again this year, we will team up with Rancks UMC to serve the best meals at the New Holland Farm Show. What a great way to welcome people into our church, work together as the people of God, and raise money in the process. Please come out and support this effort and invite your friends and neighbors as well. Thanks to Fred and Betty and all the volunteers for your hard work and dedication! And on PARADE NIGHT (October 2nd), the youth from our church will join with the teens from EUMC for a number of activities: 1. We will park cars at EUM Church to raise money for the youth ministry that includes kids from both churches and the community. Come on out if you need a place to park for the parade-$3.00/spot. 2. We will march through the parade collecting donations for the New Holland Food Bank. Bring your canned goods or non-perishable items to the parade and watch for us with our sign and red wheelbarrows. Once again, we appreciate your support.

CHARGE CONFERENCE: Our annual charge conference will be October 29 from 6:30-8:00 PM. District Superintendent Jim Todd will be in charge of the charge conference this year. Everyone is encouraged to attend as we discuss what is God is doing here at New Holland UMC and within our district, conference and denomination. We will also make plans for the future. Remind Pastor Ray if you are required to complete a Charge Conference form as the head of a committee and have not received it yet.

FOOD TABLE Ladies and Gentlemen! 3

4 Please consider baking, cooking, preparing or harvesting an item(s) for our church’s annual Christmas Bazaar on November 9. We will have three long tables set up in Fellowship Hall for your contributions. Popular items are: cookies, cupcakes, sweet breads, candy, brownies, pies, cakes, Chex Mix, home canned goods, items from the garden, red beet eggs, and whatever else your culinary imagination can conjure. As Lois Seldomridge mentioned when she delivered her items last year, presentation is a huge factor in catching the eye of the buyer. So, you might want to take that into consideration when you are thinking of how you can contribute to the food table. All items will be received on Friday evening, November 8, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday morning from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Please have your donations wrapped, identified and priced. Thank you for your help. For questions, see Cathy Williams. – Cathy Williams

Holland Farm Show will be in full swing. The annual parade will kick off on Wednesday night, October 2, with marching bands, floats and much, much more, including food stands, games and rides on the midway. For three days, beginning Thursday, October 3, to Saturday, October 5, from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m., Ranck’s United Methodist Church will join with New Holland UMC in serving their famous Pork and Sauerkraut and Chicken Potpie dinners. The menu includes mashed potatoes, applesauce and a roll with the Pork and Sauerkraut dinners; green beans, pepper cabbage and a roll are part of the Chicken Potpie menu. A child’s hot dog dinner featuring a hot dog, mashed potatoes and green beans will be available. The ticket prices are $12.00 for adults; children 4 to 10 are $5.00, with children under 4 free. For dessert, pie or cake will be available, plus coffee, iced tea or water to drink. All tickets will be sold at the door. The church is handicapped accessible.

Our Christmas Bazaar will be held on November 9, 2013.

Farm Show

-- Betty Hostetter, Publicity


School has just begun, signs of fall will soon be in the air and preparations for the annual New 4

Each year the community looks forward to this annual event. So come and bring your friends and family. Take-outs will be available.

Farm Show Servers And All Kitchen Workers

The food inspector requests that no bracelets, wristwatches, dangling earrings, rings with stones and fake nails be worn while serving Farm Show dinners. Head coverings for women are provided; or men and women may want to wear their favoite ball cap. Please wash hands before putting on gloves. -- Fred Naval

Why I’m Walking Will You Also Walk?

 Thanks

to all who sent cards and offered prayers for me during my mystifying illness this summer. I continue to get stronger every week with God’s grace. – Loretta Zimmerman

 Thanks

to Fred for organizing the music and labeling the cubby holes in the choir room. – The Choir


would like to express my appreciation for all the prayers, phone calls and cards received during my recovery. It’s nice to have a church family. Blessings to all! -Norece Richwine

 Thank you, my church family, for the many cards and phone calls during my time of healing from surgery. -- Dolly Blessing

The New Holland Crop Walk was started in 1978. I have been a part of this walk since the beginning. I just read a book that said if you give back, God gives back to you. So, that is why I decided to set a goal of $100,000. Although that sounds like a lot, it really isn’t. If I can locate 100,000 folks to give a dollar, I’m home free! One of the BIG needs is for water. It cost approximately $10,000 to drill a well, so this amount will drill 10 wells. Think of all of those folks who will no longer have to walk six, twelve, or more miles each day to get the water they need for everyday living. Available water is something you and I are fortunate to take for granted – we go to the fridge and there it is; walking no more than a couple of steps! If a community has approximately 5,000 folks and we drill 10 wells, we have helped 50,000 people. If you wish to give to this cause, make your check payable to “New Holland CROP Hunger Walk” and put in Roy Schroll’s church mailbox or mail to Roy at 3001 Lititz Pike, P.O. Box 5093, Lancaster, PA 17606-5093. Those of you who receive this newsletter by email may click on the link below to make a contribution. Contact Roy if you want to walk on October 20. He will provide you with a


6 donation envelope. – Roy Schroll

all areas, so in which area could you help us?

Click here to visit my personal page.


Oct. 6 Selma Wells & Neika Boisrond Oct. 13 Cathy Williams & Nick Boisrond Oct. 20 Pat Williams & Paula Gauthier Oct. 27 Loretta Zimmerman & Beatrice Gauthier Lay Readers

Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

6 13 20 27

Ginny Smith Pat Williams Joyce Wilbur Tim Hess Tellers

Oct. 6 Tim Hess & Juliet Mitton Oct. 13 Selma Wells & Cathy Williams Oct. 20 Tim Hess & Juliet Mitton Oct. 27 Michael Bressi & Hank Wells

Please contact Jane Frybarger with information on any crafts you may be working on. Call, email or contact Pat Williams with any volunteering questions or suggestions. -- Pat Williams

The choir is in need of new folders to hold their music. Anyone who would like to bless the church by filling this need should contact the pastor.

Discovering God’s Calling On My Life

November 9 will be the date for this year’s Holiday Bazaar. We are planning on our usual rooms, including Crafts, Baked Goods, Attic Treasures, Book Sale, and delicious Luncheon. We will need volunteers to help with 6

Starting this October, we all will have the opportunity to participate in a Spiritual Growth Campaign: Live Your Calling: What on Earth Am I Here For? Together, our entire church family will learn about our personal calling in life and life’s big question: What am I here for? The series will look at five dimensions of God’s calling on our lives. The program includes small groups, daily readings and special experiences and is designed so anyone can participate. People in the community are welcome and everyone is encouraged to bring friends, relatives and

neighbors to the worship services and small groups. We will all have many opportunities to take steps of growth in our lives of faith. To receive the full benefit, there are several aspects of this program that we can participate in: 1. Hear the seven messages in the series. 2. Read the 40 daily readings in the updated and expanded Purpose Driven Life book by Rick Warren. These will guide us in our personal journey of discovery. 3. Join a Live Your Calling small group. We plan to have one group meet as the Adult Sunday School option on Sunday mornings during these weeks. We can build other groups to meet on the days and times that suit those who participate. 4. Practice the Action Steps provided. Will you commit 6 weeks of your life to participate in a great spiritual journey? Imagine the impact on our church and community if we were all on one page, committed to living out God’s purpose for our lives in our neighborhoods! There is no better investment of your time. Prepare to be enriched, transformed and blessed! KICK-OFF MESSAGE: September 29. SMALL GROUPS BEGIN: Week of Oct. 6 DAILY READINGS BEGIN: October 7. Sign-up sheets for small groups and order forms for materials are in the back of the sanctuary and on the Literature Table. -- Pastor Ray


Prayer and Praise

• Nick Boisrond, shoulder injury healing • Eileen McComas, decisions about heart • Judy McLean family, on death of her mother, Tessie Hurley, on July 28 • Robert Johnson family, Mary Jane Delgado’s nephew, on death of his son-inlaw • Bob McLean, health issues • Family of Michael Steffy, Shirley Givler’s son-in-laws’s brother, killed in bicycle accident • Judy Burkholder, friend of Shirley Givler, cancer • Bill Aaron, Barbara Lyman’s brother, death of his wife in July • Alice Weiler, for health and continued recovery • Carson Jones, 4 years, relative of Julie Mitton, recovering from car accident • Veronica, granddaughter of Betty and Gordon Heal, medical concerns



Together Supporting our Church

UMCmarket – an online micro-donation tool to create contributions at no cost "UMCmarket is a new, innovative and easy way to help achieve your revenue goals and to support your ministries." Moses Kumar, General Secretary, General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) of The United Methodist Church Background Many United Methodist churches are underfunded. They struggle daily to meet financial obligations which may restrict the ability to implement vital ministries. The goal of GCFA’s Corporate Partner Program is to help local churches generate non-traditional revenue streams. UMCmarket.org is our newest program and we are very happy to be able to 8

provide this simple browser application to all our churches. How does it work? By downloading UMCmarket to a computer, members will be able to create micro-donations to your home church every time you shop online. This is done at no cost to the church or you. We have partnered with hundreds of stores (see the complete list of stores at www.UMCmarket.org) that have agreed to give back a percentage of members’ purchases. The money that comes back is a direct microdonation that goes to the buyers’ designated home church. Follow these simple steps to get started: 1. Watch the video “How it Works” at http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LgebqiZYtpg&feature=youtu.be 2. Click on the “Join Now”-button to download UMCmarket’s shopping-app to your computer. 3. You can also become a member and shop directly from www.UMCmarket.org 4. Browse through all our categories and choose to shop from our hundreds of stores. 5. Every time you shop the stores will donate a portion of your purchase back to your home church. (If accumulated total is less than $100, the payment will be distributed when $100 is reached). UMCmarket This program has been vetted and approved by the General Council of Finance and Administration(GCFA). UMCmarket.org is safe and secure. The privacy policy can be viewed here: http://www.UMCmarket.org/contents/privacy. Why promote shopping?

The goal for UMCmarket is NOT to promote shopping. The goal is to encourage members to slightly change their existing online shopping habits in a way that will benefit the local church. The list of retailers is varied and includes places to buy gifts and flowers, books, electronics and home products. There are also sites for travel, car rentals...and a lot more. Visit www.umcmarket.org to learn more about this opportunity to give to our Church. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact UMCmarket by email: info@UMCmarket.org, or (855) 511-8200.

Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthdays: Oct. 9 Sharma Menard Oct. 9 Steve Lewis Oct. 13 Gordon Heal Oct. 14 Austin Brendle Oct. 17 Sally Lewis Oct. 18 Eleanor Lentz Oct. 23 Elizabeth Lennon Oct. 23 Dave Trost Oct. 24 Neika Boisrond Oct. 26 Esther Lee Oct. 27 Arentz Menard Anniversaries: Oct. 18 Steve & Sally Lewis Please call the church office (354-0226) so we can update our records if your name was missed.



A reminder to taste some good homecooking at the New Holland Fair. Please stop at the New Holland UMC from 3 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (October 3, 4, and 5). Good cooks from Ranck’s UMC and New Holland UMC will prepare their traditional chicken potpie and pork and sauerkraut suppers. This event has been a tradition for 42 years.


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