6 june newsletter 2017

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` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Website: http://nhumc.us/ Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: revoran@gmail.com

JUNE 2017 Each year, I follow one those “read through the Bible in one year” calendars in order to read through the Bible in one year. And it so happens that the past few weeks I have been reading in I and II Kings….soon I will move into I and II Chronicles. These are some of those books in the Old Testament that talk about the history of Ancient Israel and Judah AND might sometimes raise in our minds such as….why is this in the Bible? How in the word does this have anything to do with me? Or Why should I care about these lists and who begat whom? Well, there are a few answers to those questions; but I am just going to say one thing here. God brought His people out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land for a purpose. They were to by a visible representation of Him. By their adherence to the law (the covenant God made with them) and their treatment of one another, the people of Israel were supposed to illustrate the love and holiness of God. For the most part, they failed (though of course there were some notable success stories). And it seems to me that they failed for two reasons. 1.

They wanted to be like everyone else. God’s laws were different than the laws of the nations that surrounded them. They were to worship Him at a time when everyone else worshiped a variety of idols. Quite simply, the people could not handle it. They said with their words and actions, “we want to be like everyone else” which of course meant turning their backs on God. 2. They fought and argued among themselves. In fact, the nation only held together through 3 kings (even that was a struggle) before a civil war left the nation split into two countries which never reconciled (though eventually they were both conquered) We could say a lot about all that this means, but just think of this: It is now the privilege and responsibility of the church (us) to be the visible representation of God’s presence. We are meant to display His love and holiness. And we might still struggle with those same two tendencies….to turn our backs on Him because we want to be like those around us and also to spend our time and energy in internal disputes. Hopefully we have learned something and can do better! I’m saying all of this to say that our annual conference is taking place this month: June 15-17. Please be in prayer for all the participants that we are able to lead the church by doing something better! And may we all be filled with the presence of our Lord in a way that makes Him known! -- Pastor Ray

Our Worship Service starts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Time of Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: revoran@gmail.com Cell: (717)333-6939 Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

Regular Events Knepper Care Group – Second and Fourth Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m.

Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Community Meal – Third Thursday, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Bazaar Workshops – Every Tuesday at 1 p.m.

June 11 – Peace with Justice offering June 13 and 27 – Craft Workshops June 15 – Community Meal June 15, 16 and 17 – Annual UM Conference June 18 – Father’s Day July 9 to 13 – Vacation Bible School June 24 – Summer Bash

Community meal: We will be preparing and serving the community meal at the church on Thursday, June 15. Since this will take place during 2

Annual Conference, there will be fewer people available to work in the kitchen that afternoon. So are asking for donations that either can be made ahead of time or brought ready to serve. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the sanctuary for the following items: -Crock pot of hamburger bbq (sloppy joes) using 3 pounds of meat -Hamburger rolls -Potato chips -macaroni and potato salad -large cans of peaches or applesauce

Church Finances: As the temperature heats up and we enter the summer season, we need to say some things about the church’s finances. Of course, God tells us repeatedly that the way we use the worldly goods with which He blesses us is an important aspect of our discipleship. We are blessed with a generous congregation here for which we are very thankful. And I believe we make every effort to keep the church budget from getting out of control (copies of the budget are available for anyone). Naturally though, we have expenses associated with our property in addition to the ministries of the church. While we ended 2016 with some money in our general fund, we have spent most of that already this year (and we also had to purchase a new fridge for the kitchen). Sunday morning offerings tend to be relatively low during the summer months so please consider the following: We need approximately $2500/week to meet our budget. Of course we receive some rental income and income from other sources but we still need approximately $2200 weekly in the offering plates in order to meet our expenses. Look at the numbers in the bulletin each week and you will find that we have seldom received this amount. Please keep all this

mind as you make decisions about your own finances and donations.

Thank you all for your past support and continued prayers for our stewardship,

-- Thank you, Pastor Ray

Attention Crafters ! Holiday Bazaar Workshop Time Is Here

Reminder from the Trustees: New procedures in the kitchen: The kitchen area has some new changes that we need to follow. All food waste, including any soup must be throw out into the bagged trash. The kitchen sinks and dishwasher, its sink and the restroom all drain into a sump pump. It keeps getting clogged due to excessive grease and debris causing it to back up onto the kitchen floor. -- Thank you from the Trustees. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Information from the Trustees To Our Church Family, We have recently purchased a much needed new refrigerator for the kitchen. This follows many years of repairs for an appliance that is used hard by several groups meeting in the church and for many, many church dinners. Now the freezer which is as old as the refrigerator is warning us of its approaching demise, so we are currently shopping for a replacement. These are large items not in the current budget, so if you would care to support this project with a donation, please place your check in an envelope marked "Refrigerator/Freezer Project and put it in the offering or the Church Secretary's Mailbox. 3

Anyone interested in helping to prepare crafts for the November 11th Church Bazaar is invited to the church from 1:00 to 3:00 on the following dates ----- you are welcome for all or part of the time that your schedule allows: June 13 and 27 July 11 and 25 August 8 and 22 September 12 and 26 October 10 and 24 All you need to bring is a willingness to help. Materials and tools are provided, and there is good fellowship in abundance! Please call Jane Frybarger (656-9659) or Judy Trost (768-7099) if you have any questions. If you leave a donation of materials or items for the craft part of the bazaar, please mark it with your name, "For Crafts", and place it in the Gleaners Room. We are hoping to avoid mystery gifts or items that were intended for another area at the Bazaar. Thank you so much for your past support. --Jane Frybarger and Judy Trost

Copied from the Office of Aging newsletter:

Farmers’ Market Nutrition Vouchers Available Summer Bash LuLaRoe Palooza & Vendor Event! When: Saturday June 24th, 9am-1pm What: Mark this fun event on your calendar! One stop summer shopping for all! There will be several LuLaRoe fashion consultants under one roof to help you find the perfect outfit and other local vendors selling crafts and more. This is a great opportunity for our church to support local business owners and help raise money for the church. Help wanted: We will be asking for volunteers to help greet guests, work in the kitchen, donate baked goods, etc. MORE DETAILS TO COME!

Look for these cute characters in our upcoming Vacation Bible School! It’s scheduled for July 9 to 13. Mark your calendars and invite your little friends and family.


The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is once again offering vouchers through the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program These vouchers are worth $20 and can be used to purchase Pennsylvania-grown fruits and vegetables at participating area farmers’ markets Eligible individuals must be at least 60 years of age, reside in Lancaster County, and have an annual income of less than $22,311 for one person and $30,044 for two persons Photo ID with proof of age and residence must be provided Persons living in residential facilities where meals are provided are not eligible Those unable to travel to the distribution sites can still obtain vouchers through a proxy, provided a signed form and photo identification of the older person are presented. Proxy forms can be obtained in advance by calling your local senior community center, other distribution locations, or the Office of Aging at 717299-7979 Vouchers are distributed on a firstcome, first served basis, as funding is limited. The distribution sites and dates are listed below: Cocalico Senior Center 336-7489, June 7, 9am Columbia Senior Center

684-4850, June 7, 9am Elizabethtown Senior Center 367-7984, June 7, 9am Lancaster Neighborhood Senior Center 299-3943, June 7, 9am Lancaster Recreation Commission Senior Center 399-7671, June 7, 9am Lititz Senior Center 626-2800, June 7, 9am Millersville Senior Center 871-9600, June 7, 9am NextGen Senior Community Center 786-4770, June 7, 9am SACA Senior Community Center 295-7989, June 7, 9am Community Action Partnership of Lanc. County 299-7301, June 14, 10am-2pm Ephrata Recreation Center 738-1167, June 14, 10am-2pm New Holland United Methodist Church 354-0226, June 14, 10am-2pm

Free Community Meals at NHUMC 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. June 15, 2017 Third Thursday of every month Ranck’s United Methodist Church and the New Holland United Methodist Church

Dinner is served with all ages welcome.

June 25 Ken Gallagher

June June June June

Tellers 4 Ken/Faye Gallagher & Sandi Rapp 11 Loyda Brendle & Tim Hess 18 Selma Wells & Julie Mitton 25 Cathy Williams & Tim Hess

I would like to thank all of you for your thoughts, prayers, cards, and calls during my surgery and recovery. I am doing well and am very happy to be back. – John Mask

Prayer and Praise

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Alicia Delgado, Loyda Delgado’s sister, currently in ICU with health problems Ken Gallagher, heart issues Fred Wissler, on his recovery from a broken hip Health and peace for all our shut-ins Unity of the U.S. government; wisdom for our leaders

SERVER SCHEDULE FOR JUNE Nursery June June June June

4 11 18 25

Liz & Mark Lennon, Beatrice Gauthier Pat Williams Heather Bressi Barb Mask

Lay Readers June 4 Hank Wells June 11 John Mask June 18 Selma Wells


June June June June June

June Birthdays 1 Dottie Baer 8 Esther Smith 15 Sandi Rapp 15 Tim Hess 22 Bets Wright

June June June June June

1 14 15 21 28

June Anniversaries Hank & Selma Wells Ray & Dana Neyman Jon & Cathy Williams Ken & Judy McLean Richard & Anne Hall

* If you don’t think the office has your birthday or anniversary, please put a note in the secretary’s mailbox with this information. We wish to honor you with your name in the LAMPLIGHTER on your special day.


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