5 may newsletter 2017

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` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Website: http://nhumc.us/ Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: revoran@gmail.com

MAY 2017 Our son and daughter-in-law recently enjoyed a weekend in Washington DC, and we enjoyed a weekend with our granddaughter. As you may imagine, their route from one of our countries centers of influence to the other (Brownstown to Washington) took them west to York, along route 30, and then basically south, first on 83 and then 95, to the nation’s capital. Of course, they knew where they were going and how to get there and they also had a GPS to provide assistance when it was needed. If, however, they had told us as they were leaving that their plan to get to Washington DC included driving west on the Turnpike until they reached Pittsburgh and then heading north; or if they would have said, “We are just going to see which direction we feel like turning every time we arrive at an intersection and we will see how it goes,” Val and I would have felt compelled to speak up. And if their travel plans had been off-base, we would NOT have said, “Well that does not sound like the way WE would go to Washington, but you have to make your own choices. After all, it really does not matter what road you drive or the direction you travel, as long as you are true to the compass in your heart.” Instead we would have said (very lovingly of course), that is a bad plan. You will not find your way like that; you should have learned better from your parents or at least your grandparents (if perhaps your parents are as foolish as you are!). I am confident that we all would say something like that in order to help someone find the right path. Unfortunately, we are sometimes more reluctant to say something to someone who is taking the wrong path spiritually … even though the outcome and destination is even more crucial. And we may hear something along the lines of that statement: “It does not really matter what you believe, as long as you are sincere and kind of try to be nice to most people.” But Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Acts 4:12 tells us “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Of course, there are plenty of other verses that say the same thing. Jesus is the way! Now, we could not control our son’s driving (he was going to make his own decisions about what road to take), but we would have been poor parents to knowingly allow him to drive the wrong direction without saying something to him about it. Each of us makes our decision about what direction we take spiritually, but the direction DOES matter and we have the privilege of giving good directions to those God brings into our lives. These sermons on the basics or foundations of our faith will hopefully help us understand what we believe and also how to share it with others. I look forward to learning and growing with all of you throughout these coming weeks and of course I always welcome comments and questions! -- Pastor Ray

Our Worship Service starts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Time of Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: revoran@gmail.com Cell: (717)333-6939 Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

Regular Events

went very well and heard many positive comments about the large choir! Thank you also to all the members of the adult and children’s choirs who helped to make our Easter celebration a real celebration. Thank you also to those who had the church so nicely decorated and to all who provided flowers. Special thanks to Julie and the sound crew for quickly adapting to unforeseen technical issues. I am confident that our worship service was pleasing in the sight of God!

Knepper Care Group – Second and Fourth Mondays, 7:00 p.m.

Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m.

Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Community Meal – Third Thursday, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Bazaar Workshops – Every Tuesday at 1 p.m.

May 14 – Mother’s Day May 19 and 20 – Book Sale May 29 – Memorial Day June 16 and 17 – Annual UM Conference June 18 – Father’s Day July 9 to 13 – Vacation Bible School

THANK YOU! Thank you to all who attended and/or participated in the Maundy Thursday service at Honey Brook UMC. I thought the service 2

FARM SHOW MEALS We have been informed that the folks from Ranck’s UMC will not be participating with us in the Chicken Pot Pie/ Pork and Sauerkraut dinners fundraiser. This has been both a profitable fundraiser and also a good opportunity to meet with the people in our town. While we are sorry to hear that Ranck’s will no longer be involved, we are hoping to be able to continue the meals on our own. This means that we will need additional help both preparing the food and serving the meals. Our goal is to have a group of individuals who begin preparing as soon as it is feasible and also coordinates those who will be helping during the event. Please contact the church office or Heather Bressi if you are willing to be a part of this work team!

number turn up and some small hands who did lots of work! New procedures in the kitchen: The kitchen area has some new changes that we need to follow. All food waste, including any soup must be throw out into the bagged trash. The kitchen sinks and dishwasher, its sink and the restroom all drain into a sump pump. It keeps getting clogged due to excessive grease and debris causing it to back up onto the kitchen floor. Thank you from the Trustees.

From the SPR: We are seeking a professional individual to work 12-16 hours per week as a Part-Time Church Secretary. This position is responsible for providing administrative support to the pastor, staff, leadership, and congregation as a whole. The successful candidate will possess the ability to work collaboratively with the pastor, staff and congregation and should have strong organizational and interpersonal skills. He/she should be proficient with Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, bookkeeping, keep social media sites and our signboard current, and be able to produce error-free weekly bulletins with little guidance and oversight. Competitive salary. Position available immediately. Interested candidate may submit a resume, including three references, via e-mail to nhumc@epix.net

Many thanks for your support of our Noisy Offering. Through your generous donations a total of $406 was received the first quarter of 2017. These funds were designated to be used for our church kitchen and new electric roasters have already been purchased. The Noisy Offering for the second quarter of 2017 has been designated to support our Vacation Bible School this summer. Thanks again, Finance Committee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

From the Trustees: Thank you to all of those who came out for the "Annual Spring Clean the Church Day". We had a good 3

Look for these cute characters in our upcoming Vacation Bible School! It’s scheduled for July 9 to 13. Mark your

calendars and invite your little friends and family.

members to make consistent donations throughout the year—especially during popular summer travel periods. To assist you, the church provides a convenient electronic giving option for setting up a one-time donation or for regular contributions when you would prefer. You may visit the church website at www.nhumc.us locate the Online Giving button on our home page and follow the instructions. Talk with Selma Wells or Sandi Rapp for more information.

Holiday Bazaar Crafters

It is time to start bringing in your gently used books for our annual sale to be held in May. We will not accept magazines, encyclopedias, or textbooks, but we welcome all other books in good condition. Getting your books in early will help the ladies to get them organized before the last minute! The sale will be held here at the church on Friday, May 19, from 1:00-5:00, and on Saturday, May 20, from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Plan to attend our sale and stock up on books for summer reading.

Since we are finally enjoying Spring it’s hard to think about the Holiday Bazaar but it will be here before too long. If you leave a donation of materials or items for the craft part of the bazaar, please mark it with your name, "For Crafts", and place it in the Gleaners Room. We are hoping to avoid mystery gifts or items that were intended for another area at the Bazaar. Thank you so much for your past support.

TRAVELERS KEEP UP WITH REGULAR OFFERINGS BY GIVING ELECTRONICALLY Just as you rely upon receiving income on a regular basis, New Holland United Methodist Church relies on your regular contributions. New Holland United Methodist Church appreciates the efforts of congregation 4

--Jane Frybarger and Judy Trost

May 21 May 28

Loyda Brendle & Julie Mitton Tim Hess & Norece Richwine

Free Community Meals at NHUMC 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. May 18, 2017 Third Thursday of every month Ranck’s United Methodist Church and the New Holland United Methodist Church

Dinner is served with all ages welcome.


7 14 21 28

Jane Keene, Paula Gauthier Liz and Mark Lennon Donna Sandoe Selma Wells

Lay Readers May May May May

7 14 21 28

May 7 May 14 5

Marie Boisrond Ginny Smith Pat Williams Joyce Wilbur

Tellers Selma Wells & Sandi Rapp Cathy Williams & Tim Hess

Since I’ve returned home from LGH, I have received many, many prayers, cards, visits, and phone calls, which I’ve really appreciated. I suffered a heart attack on March 21st and spent 8 days in LGH. The care that was given was extraordinary! When I was being cared for by one of my nurses, she asked why I was so calm, and I answered that first of all I believe in GOD; second that I believed in my doctors (and believe me there were many); and I believed in the hospital. Because of my age (80 going on 81 next month), they decided to do a stent instead of open heart surgery, of

which I’m glad. Now the real work has started and I’m on my way to being at least next to normal! Lastly, I’d like to thank Pastor Ray for his visit in the hospital, and to “Win”, my husband for 57 years for all of his help and care. He’s a blessing to our family, the NHUMC, and our community! Thank You to all of you! -- Anne F. Hall, wife of “Win”

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Thanks to all who serve in many areas of our church – ushers, choir, readers and nursery workers, tellers and all who help with fundraisers …. and many more! The body of Christ has many members and many talents!

Prayer and Praise Ken Gallagher, heart issues Odella Dippner, Loyda Brendle’s grandmother-in-law, pray for her and her family as she deals with heath issues John Mask, knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, April 12 Vera Asper and husband Ken, guidance in making some medical decisions Anne Hall, as she continues to recuperate Fred Wissler, on his recovery from a broken hip Health and peace for all our shut-ins Unity of the U.S. government; wisdom for our leaders

May May May May May May May May May May May

6 7 10 12 21 22 23 24 26 27 29

May Birthdays Kay Trostle Lucinda Boone Ann Hansen Joe Mitton Mary Jane Delgado Dolly Blessing Anne Hall Ryan Stoltzfoos Ashley Baxter Bill Middleton Rachel and Ben Wagner

May May May May May

1 20 25 27 27

May Anniversaries Roy & Bert Schroll Gary & Kay Trostle Kevin & Loyda Brendle Graham & Jane Webster Nate & Ginny Smith

* If you don’t think the office has your birthday or anniversary, please put a note in the secretary’s mailbox with this information. We wish to honor you with your name in the LAMPLIGHTER on your special day.


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