10 october 2014 newsletter

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` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Website: http://nhumc.us/ Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: revoran@gmail.com

OCTOBER 2014 THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR My daughter told me I should think about Romans 13:8-12 and then share my thoughts. And of course as we get older, sometimes we have to listen to our children. So here are some thoughts on Romans 13:8-12……” 8Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” [a] and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” [b] 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. 11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” It begins by talking about debts. Maybe some things never change, because certainly debt is a big deal today- who owes what to whom? This question is often asked in our boardrooms and courtrooms and family discussions and even church meetings. But the Bible says, whatever your financial situation, the most important thing we owe each other involves love. This is not an excuse to avoid paying our bills but it does tell us what our first priority should be. In fact, if we work as hard as we can at following the law- abiding by all the rules- but do not love people, the end result is that we have totally failed for the whole point of the rules is to teach us to love like God does (Remember Jesus said something like this- Love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself). We may wonder sometimes what it takes to make God happy. We may ask….”What am I allowed to do? What does God really want from me?” Right at the top of the list, God says “Love people like I love people.” In fact I John 4:20 says, “If you do not love your brother whom you do see, how can you claim to love God whom you do not see.” In other words, loving God means that we will love others. You cannot do one without the other. One aspect of our love for God is that we love His creation, especially the part of His creation that is made in His very own image- people! What a statement and witness to make- to be known as a group of folks who treat each other with love- the way we wish to be treated. And what a great way to be a positive influence on our neighbors.

2 And then the passage continues with these words…think about what time it is. When should we be demonstrating love for each other and for those we meet? How about starting tomorrow or maybe next month or perhaps making it a New Year’s Resolution? Nope … God understands us well enough to realize that if we start putting things off, we will not get around to doing them for a long, long time if ever. So it is quite clear-- start today. Right now! Don’t be afraid of the darkness….IGNITE THE LIGHT!

Our Worship Service starts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Time of Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Ignite Gathering

Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: revoran@gmail.com Home: (717) 656-0812 Cell: (717)333-6939 Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

Regular Events Knepper Care Group – Second and Fourth Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Seniors meet at Yoder’s Restaurant – Third Saturday, 11:15 a.m. LUMINA ministry – Second Thursday

SAVE THE DATE! Don’t forget that our annual Charge Conference will be held on Thursday, October 2

23rd at 6:30 PM here at the church. This will be a great opportunity to meet our new District Superintendent, BK.

We have a lot of exciting things going on this fall- some of them are new and there are some that are starting up again after the summer break. I may be forgetting something but I thought of this list: -Senior Choir (it is great to have them participating in our worship services) -Zumba Classes (just getting started but it looks like this will be a good opportunity to meet some of our neighbors). -Bible study meeting Tuesdays and Saturdays (I am looking forward to growing with you as we study Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount). -Farm Show Dinners! (always a delicious part of the year!) -Youth group and children’s midweek ministries (combined with New Holland EUM). -Ignite Gathering (moved to 10:30 Sunday mornings with the hope of attracting those outside the church). Of course there is no change to our 9 AM service. -We will also host ESSN’s community resource night on Wednesday, October 29.

And the Christmas bazaar and Christmas Tea will be here next month already! I hope everyone finds it encouraging and exciting to witness the opportunities to grow in our faith, serve those inside and outside the church and also reach out to everyone in our community!

Pastor Ray

2014 Farm Show Dinners School has just begun, signs of fall will soon be in the air and preparations for the annual New Holland Farm Show will be in full swing. The annual parade will kick off on Wednesday night, October 1, with marching bands, floats and much, much more, including food stands, games and rides on the midway. For three days, beginning, Thursday, October 2, to Saturday, October 4, from 3 to 7 p.m., Ranck’s’ United Methodist Church will join with New Holland UMC in serving their famous Pork and Sauerkraut and Chicken Potpie dinners. 3

Heather Bressi will chair the dinners for NHUMC this year. She takes over for Fred Naval who has worked on the dinners since his retirement from Ford New Holland in 1986. He began by working with Ruth Rodgers and then assuming the chairmanship several years later. The dinners have been part of the local farm show for 43 years. The menu includes mashed potatoes, applesauce and a roll with the pork and sauerkraut dinners. Green beans, pepper cabbage and a roll are part of the chicken pot pie menu. A child’s hot dog dinner featuring a hot dog, mashed potatoes and green beans will be available. The tickets prices are - $12.00 for adults; children 4 to 10 are $5.00, with children under 4 free. For dessert pie or cake will be available; plus, coffee, iced tea or water to drink. All tickets will be sold at the door. Each year the community looks forward to this annual event. So come and bring your friends and family. Take-outs will be available. -- Betty Hostetter, Publicity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Farm Show Parade The youth from the New Holland EUM and New Holland UMC Churches will be collecting items for the New Holland Food Bank during the Farm Show Parade. Many in our community benefit from the food bank so your help for this ministry is greatly appreciated!

4 Please bring donations to the parade on Wednesday, October 1, and look for us marching with the red wheelbarrows to collect the items. Non-perishable food items are needed, such as: • canned fruit/vegetables • soup • cereal • pasta/sauce • boxed potatoes • canned meat • peanut butter/jelly • cracker • personal care items Call the church at 354-2334 with questions. Thank you for your support!


directly to my web site. Both of these are listed below. If you prefer to write a check, that is okay, too. Please make the checks payable to the New Holland Crop Walk and put them in my box or mail it to the address below. Whatever you do, the Church gives you their thanks and so do I. -- Roy Schroll

To those of you reading this on the internet, you can link to the following sites by hitting “control and click.” CROP WALK - HELP STOP HUNGER

New Holland CROP Hunger Walk: Mr Roy Schroll Jr - CROP Hunger Walk Please make your checks payable to New Holland Crop Walk. Contributions can be sent to: Roy C. Schroll, Jr. President CAMERON CONSULTING 3001 LITITZ PIKE PO BOX 5093 LANCASTER, PA 17606-5093 717-569-7918

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, the year seems to have slipped by quickly. It is time again to save your $ for Crop Walk. The Crop Walk will be October 19, 2014. You have supported this walk over the years and have done an excellent job. We look forward to all the support you can give us this year. If you want to get an early start you can take a look at my YouTube posting or just go 4

Thanks and Cheers

Many thanks to Dottie Baer for her donation to the church that enabled us to upgrade our audio/video system in the sanctuary. It is now installed and we are learning its capabilities. -- Finance Committee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

By Betty Hostetter, Publicity 5

Once again, plans are underway for the annual Holiday Treasure’s Bazaar, scheduled this year on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 9 am to 2 pm at the New Holland United Methodist Church. According to Bazaar chairperson, Pat Williams, the women of the church under the chairmanship of Jane Frybarger and Judy Trost have been gathering twice a month at workshops to craft many of the items sold in the Craft Room at the Bazaar. Some of these items include pot holders, dish cloths, wall hangings, aprons, small and large table toppers and Christmas wreaths and decorations of all kinds. The men, too, have been working on the many wooden projects they will donate to the cause. Another feature of the Bazaar is the Attic Treasures Room, headed by Jane Keene and Ginny Smith. It is a popular area for bargain hunters as well as people who like house plants. Each year, Jane Keene donates house plants which she has nurtured throughout the year for the bazaar. The Used Book Room, headed by Loretta Zimmerman, features gently used books donated by members of the congregation and the community. There are many books by wellknown authors, including fiction and nonfiction, some self-help books, cook books, children’s books as well as tapes and videos. The Baked Goods/Food Table is set up in fellowship hall and has been a favorite with holiday shoppers with a sweet tooth. In addition to the ever popular cookies, candy, and fruit cake, home canned goods and items from the garden will also be available. The Theme Basket Auction features baskets provided by the church committees or care group. Last but not least is the New Holland Café chaired by Heather Bressi. According to Bressi, this year, they will introduce a breakfast menu for those who come early to the Bazaar.

6 Included in the breakfast menu will be an egg sandwich and an egg and sausage muffin. The luncheon menu will include chicken corn soup, Sloppy Joes, and hot dog and sauer kraut. Coffee, iced tea and cake will be available with both menus. Bressi cautioned that some items in either or both menus could change. The church, 120 W. Main Street, New Holland, is handicap accessible.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Our annual Christmas Bazaar is on Saturday, Nov. 8. We will need items for the food table. Please consider baking, cooking, preparing or harvesting an item(s) to help fill the three long tables that will be set up in Fellowship Hall. Popular treats are: cookies, cupcakes, sweet breads, candy, brownies, pies, cakes, Chex Mix, canned goods, items from the garden, red beet eggs, and whatever else you might consisder. Items will be received on Friday evening, Nov. 7 from 4-7:00 p.m. and on Saturday moning from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Please have your donations wrapped, identified, and priced. thank you for your help. For questions, see Cathy Williams.


Christmas Bazaar 6

Attic Treasures Don’t forget to collect your attic treasures items for the Christmas Bazaar. Bring them in on Monday, November 3; Thursday, November 6; or Friday, November 7 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. -- Jane Keene


Mr. Lawrence Kies – United Methodist Missionary Serving At: Africa University Farm at Mutare, Zimbabwe, Africa Our church has supported Mr. Kies and his ministry through the Africa University for many years. You can support the Kies through your normal weekly offering envelope. Just be sure to write his name on your weekly envelope on the line “Special (Identify)” and the amount you wish to give. Larry Kies is a United Methodist missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries serving as technical advisor to the Africa University Farm in southern Africa. Africa University is a United Methodist Church-related institution that is being nurtured and funded by church members from all over the world. It is a consequence of the growth of United Methodism on the African continent. The Africa University opened in March 1992 as the first private, international university in Zimbabwe. Larry’s duties involve working with the farm manager to develop an agricultural program that makes the university farm more efficient in its roles of teaching and research. In addition,

he is involved in student agricultural practices, and teaches classes in crop production and farm management. Reflecting on his ministry, Mr. Kies shares, “I am in mission with the African people as we manage a commercial-scale farm that demonstrates appropriate farming methods. Students, even those not studying agriculture, are exposed to sustainable practices, as many work part-time on the farm to help pay their school fees. In teaching, I hope to reinforce in students a Christian outlook toward farming and business, since many of them will be the African leaders of the future. By so doing, I hope to obey Jesus’ command, implicit in Matthew 25, to feed the hungry.” Mr. Kies was raised near Jesup, Iowa, where his parents gave him his love of farming and sense of global mission. After graduating from college, he began a 15-year career in Botswana first serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer teaching agriculture, and then he managed the farm and taught at Maun Secondary School. Larry returned to the US to earn a Master of Science degree in vegetable crops at the University of California, Davis. In 1994, he returned to Africa to manage a beef, dairy, cotton, and maize farm. He began his work at Africa University in 2002. Larry is married to Jane, who is also a United Methodist missionary assigned to Africa University. They have four children: Ben, Andrew Pule, Carly, and Michael.


Prayer and Praise

• Jane Frybarger’s son, Donnie, fell off a ladder and has 9 broken ribs. He is recovering at home. • Joann Souden (who was married at our church in June) whose sister-in-law passed away. Please pray for her and her brother, Artie. • Jeremiah and Joshua, infant twins who were born prematurely • Revival in America; men and women to stand for truth and salvation • Peace of Israel • Our veterans and all who have sacrificed for our freedom • Yvonne Stoltzfoos’ son, Ryan, recuperating from surgery • Our denomination as we continue to deal with difficult issues


given another van with a lift but no hand controls. Therefore, she will need someone to drive her for errands and appointments. Naturally, whoever does this will also be able to take care of their own errands at the same time. This will be a real blessing for everyone! Please contact Pastor Ray if you are interested or for more information.


Oct. 5 Shirley Givler, Guy Petit-ton Oct. 12 Loretta Zimmerman, Sharma Menard Oct. 19 Jane Keene, Nesta Petit-ton Oct. 26 Liz & Mark Lennon, Neika Boisrond Lay Readers

Oct. 5 Sandi Rapp Oct. 12 Shirley Givler Oct. 19 Marie Boisrond Oct. 26 Julie Mitton

(Be sure to change these addresses in your NHUMC directory) Daisy B. Jackson P.O. Box 424 New Holland, PA 17557-0424


Oct. 5 Norece Richwine & Sandi Rapp Oct. 12 Norece Richwine & Cathy Williams Oct. 19 Norece Richwine Oct. 26 Norece Richwine & Julie Mitton


“BE THE CHURCH� Susan Schaffer is in need of help. There's a problem with her van and it will be in an automobile lab in the state of Indiana for repair for approximately one month beginning in early November. She will be 8

Fred Naval 433 S. Kinzer Avenue, 343 GE New Holland, PA 17557 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Happy Birthday Oct. 9 Steve Lewis Oct. 9 Sharma Menard Oct. 13 Gordon Heal Oct. 14 Austin Brendle

Oct. 17 Sally Lewis Oct. 18 Eleanor Lentz Oct. 23 Elizabeth Lennon Oct. 23 Dave Trost Oct. 24 Neika Boisrond Oct. 26 Esther Lee Oct. 27 Arentz Menard

Happy Anniversary Oct. 18

Steve & Sally Lewis

Please call the church office (354-0226) so we can update our records if your name was missed.

Free Community Meals 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. October 16, 2014 Third Thursday of every month Ranck’s United Methodist Church at the New Holland United Methodist Church Dinner is served with all ages welcome. -- Dee Kopicz, Outreach Chair at Ranck’s United Methodist Church (610-223-8207)


Let His Light Shine!

The Call: An LED Team Update

By Kip Wolf We love one another, worship with one another, and sometimes argue with one another. The scripture says, “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor”. – Romans 12:10. Though there are times when we don’t always agree, we can see that we have one savior… Christ Jesus. There are many ways to see our future. And many ways to see our success. But Christ sees salvation only one way – through Him. There are many ways in which to worship… many ways in which to pray. Yet, the most important point is that we all worship and pray together, in honor of our one true savior, Jesus Christ. Not everyone is comfortable with a traditional service. Not everyone is comfortable with a contemporary “gathering”. Yet He calls us together to Him, regardless of the method. Let us all worship Him in our own special way, and come to know the one true savior, Christ Jesus!

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