11 november 2013 newsletter

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` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Church Fax: 717-354-7942 Website: http://nhumc.us/ Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: revoran@gmail.com

NOVEMBER 2013 The New Holland Farm Show is always a big night for our town and also for our church family here at New Holland UMC. This year was no exception. I know I have announced this already, but I will say again that we are very impressed with the food and also the hardworking volunteers at our church meals. We not only raised money, but I trust that we also had a good time working together. It was another great year. And thanks to Mark and Liz Lennon. Our young people had a great float to ride through the parade. What a great way to get our name out to the folks in the community -- plus we were awarded second prize in the float competition! The youth were busy as well. Once again we had the exclusive rights to clean up after the horses in the parade (maybe the rights were not exclusive, but we were paid for it at any rate) and we also filled up the EUMC parking lot with cars. Overall we raised a bit over $1100.00 (somehow we made $848.10 while charging $3.00 per car!). This money will be used for youth ministries. The youth who were able to participate will also have money credited to their “youth accounts” and will be able to use the funds for the bigger trips and activities. I am happy to say that the response to the Food Drive was very encouraging too. Many people brought donations to the parade. Overall, we were able to take 48 boxes of food to the New Holland Food Bank. The youth received a “thank you” note from ESSN which stressed how busy the food bank has been this year and how much they appreciated the donations and efforts of the young people. Thank you to everyone who volunteered or participated in any way and thank you to New Holland Ford for providing a vehicle to collect the donated items! On a personal note, I participated in the Poverty Simulation sponsored by ESSN on October 8th. I was given the role of a single mother with 2 school age children who had recently been left with practically no resources. It was an eyeopener to see the difficulties in managing the social services system while trying to look for a job and also attempting to provide a stable home environment (I am happy to share more details for anyone who is interested). Certainly, we pray that the help provided by the food bank is a real blessing to those facing difficult circumstances. Thanks again, Pastor Ray


Our Worship Service starts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. Sunday School is at 10:15 a.m. ~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday IGNITE service starts at 6:00 p.m.

Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: revoran@gmail.com Home: (717) 656-0812 Cell: (717)333-6939 Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

Coming Events Community Thanksgiving Service

Regular Events Knepper Care Group – First and Third Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. Bazaar Workshops – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Seniors meet at Yoder’s Restaurant – Third Saturday, 11:15 a.m. Burgers-n-Bibles –First Thursday, 11:30 am, at Wendy’s Restaurant LUMINA ministry – Second Thursday Knit-Wits – Every Saturday, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Special November Events Christmas Bazaar – Saturday, November 9 IGNITE services – Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. Community Thanksgiving Service – Wednesday, November 27, at 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving – November 28


All are welcome to come to NHUMC for the community thanksgiving service on the eve of this Thanksgiving Day – November 27 at 7:00 p.m.

Free Community Meals 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. November 14, 2013 Third Thursday of every month Ranck’s United Methodist Church at the New Holland United Methodist Church Dinner is served with all ages welcome. -- Dee Kopicz, Outreach Chair at Ranck’s United Methodist Church (610-223-8207)


THE PASTOR Youth Soup Sale! The youth will be having one of our super soup sales on Sunday, November 10. The options this time are Cheeseburger and Tomato Bisque. The cost is $7.00/quart. Sign-up sheets will be on the literature table and in the back of the sanctuary.

The Events at

Attic Treasures Room: The Attic Treasures room, headed by Jane Keene and Ginny Smith, is a popular haven for the bargain hunters. We have a great need for gently used items to be donated for this room. Please drop items at the church during regular office hours or make arrangements with Pat Williams to have them delivered to the church. Theme Basket Auction: Each church committee or care group has been asked to contribute a theme basket to be donated for the silent auction. Gift cards or other small gifts may also be donated if you want to contribute to this table. The Book Room: This room, headed by Loretta Zimmerman, will feature gently-used books from the young to the young at heart. There will be many well-known authors of fiction and non-fiction, some self-help books, cook books, as well as children’s books, videos and tapes.

November 9, 2013 Plans for our annual Holiday Treasures Bazaar have been announced by chairperson Pat Williams. The festivities will be held at the New Holland United Methodist Church from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 9. The Craft Room: As in the past few years, Jane Frybarger and Judy Trost are leading a group of ladies as they make a wonderful assortment of holiday crafts. They are still looking for more crafts to be available for the many eager holiday shoppers. If you are interested in making some craft items, but have not been able to attend the Tuesday workshops, please contact either Jane or Judy. 3

Bake Sale Table: These treats are always a huge hit. Start thinking of how you can contribute yummy items for our holiday shoppers to enjoy! Liz Lennon and Anne Bale will chair this favorite area for those with a sweet tooth. Contributions of specialty items like diabetic cookies or treats would be greatly appreciated.

4 The New Holland Café: Fred Naval and Heather Bressi along with their skilled crew will again be serving a lunch of scrumptious soup, Sloppy Joes, and many other delectable delights. -- Betty Hostetter, Publicity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The only stress you will experience is deciding if you want pie or cake. Make it easy – order both! You have your choice of the all-time favorite – lemon sponge – or apple with lattice top, cherry crumb, coconut custard, mince with top crust, and finally, pumpkin custard. Light and airy angel food cake is also available.

Attic Treasures Collection Please remember to collect your Attic Treasures for our Holiday Bazaar and drop them off at the church for the committee. Gently used items can be brought to the church during the regular office hours – ring the front door bell. In the evening, someone will be here from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on • Monday, November 4 • Thursday, November 7 • Friday, November 8 --Jane Keene

Are you invited out to dinner? Take along a pie or cake as a hostess gift. Have an evening coffee and dessert gettogether serving delicious pie and heavenly angel food! Watch the game with pie and cake! All profits will go to the new roof fund. Individual order forms are available in the back of the sanctuary. There is also a full-size order form for group sales if you would want to take a paper to your workplace or neighbors. Please include all monies with your order, which is due Sunday, Nov. 10. The pick-up date will be Tues, Nov. 26, from 1-4 p.m. Please bring bags or boxes with you when picking the pies and cakes. -- Jane Keene & Norece Richwine, co-chairs

Thanksgiving Pie and Cake Sale Do you get stressed planning your Thanksgiving meal? Well, help is on the way! You can order a delicious pie or an angel food cake for your holiday dessert.


Thanks to Frank Ludwig for driving the float through the parade! And to Mark Lennon, Pat Williams and Sandra Rapp for helping with the construction! And a thank-you to all of those who walked in the parade and made our float a

success! --Liz Lennon

Many thanks to all who provided desserts and to all the workers that helped to make the Farm Show Dinners a success. We were down about 30 patrons; total served was 412. NHUMC profit, $1,883.37; Ranck’s, $1,540.94 -- Fred Naval

Special thanks to Heather Bressi for all her help with the Farm Show Dinners and congratulations on being the new Pork and Sauerkraut chef. -- Fred Naval

 I want to say thank you to everyone that had me in their prayers, and the phone calls and cards I received through my recovery from the surgery I had. It was all very much appreciated. Thank you again! -- Alice Weiler

 The

special offering for the outreach charity project for the children of India raised enough funds to send 30 books to India! Thank you for supporting this outreach. – Sincerely, The Education Committee

DECEMBER 7, 2013


MUSICAL FAMILY TO PRESENT CHRISTMAS TEA ENTERTAINMENT Several years ago the New Holland Business Association decided to celebrate the Christmas holidays by having local churches and other organizations present activities on Main Street for the entire community to enjoy. They chose the first Saturday in December to hold this activity, called Christmas on Main, which shut down Main Street from Custer Avenue to Railroad Avenue. For many years the women of NHUMC have held their annual Christmas Tea on the first Saturday in December. In the last few years, in conjunction with the community even we have presented our Christmas Tea, along with a craft activity for the children of the community to work on between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m. entertainment is presented in the sanctuary. After the musical entertainment, the public is invited to adjourn to Fellowship Hall to enjoy the cookies, candies, tea, coffee and punch as part of our annual Tea. This year the Sneller Family Singers will present the entertainment. The group consists of a mother, Londa; father, Jon; and five children. They sing and play various instruments, including the piano, flute, guitar, recorder, harp, trumpet, drums, and violin. They will be joined in the vocals by a friend, Julie Stone, and accompanied by Eileen Caewood. Both Jon and Londa grew up as children of missionaries. Twenty years ago the family moved from Missouri to Lancaster County. They have performed in various local venues. The committee, Joyce Wilbur and Betty Hostetter, will be asking for cookies and other goodies for the tea, plus asking for help with serving. There will be a sign-up sheet posted closer to the activity.

6 Liz Lennon and the Sunday School teachers will be working with the children in making holiday crafts during the afternoon. -- Betty Hostetter



3 Heather Bressi & Vanapolie Gauthier Nov. 10 Shirley Givler & Arentz Menard Nov. 17 Jane Keene & Marvin Mondesir Nov. 24 Liz, Mark Lennon & Florence Petit-ton Lay Readers

Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.

3 10 17 24

Joyce Wilbur John Mask Ray Welk Selma Wells Tellers

Nov. 3 Tim Hess & Juliet Mitton Nov. 10 Selma Wells & Karen Miller Nov. 17 Tim Hess & Juliet Mitton Nov. 24 Michael Bressi & Hank Wells

Prayer and Praise

• Dorothy Baer, recovering from hospital stay • Terry Schaffer’s ex-mother-in-law, broken hip • Eileen McComas, decisions about heart • Judy McLean family, on death of her mother, Tessie Hurley, on July 28 • Robert Johnson family, Mary Jane Delgado’s nephew, on death of his son-inlaw • Bob McLean, health issues • Family of Michael Steffy, Shirley Givler’s son-in-laws’s brother, killed in bicycle accident • Judy Burkholder, friend of Shirley Givler, cancer • Bill Aaron, Barbara Lyman’s brother, death of his wife in July • Alice Weiler, for health and continued recovery

The choir is in need of new folders to hold their music. Anyone who would like to bless the church by filling this need should contact the pastor. 6

New Holland

New Holland United Methodist Church

7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 27

A Service of Remembrance for the Eastern Lancaster County area is planned for Sunday, November 17, at 2:30 p.m. at the Garden Spot Village Chapel. This free service, being offered for the third year, is planned as a time of remembrance of loved ones, a time of comfort for the bereaved, and a time to connect with God, our Great Comforter. Representatives from ELANCO Ministerium, Groff-High Funeral Home, and Garden Spot Village have planned this service which will focus the 7

importance of having an intimate relationship with god while journeying through the seasons of life. A variety of music will be included in the service and a meditation will be offered by Pastor Ken Mingeldorf. Food and fellowship will follow the service. You may call (717) 355-6000 or contact Pastor Bob Kramer at pastorbob@ajclutheran.org. for more information.

NOW is asking for donations to Samaritan’s Purse (Christmas Child) through Nov. 20. We are preparing shoe-box size boxes to be shipped all over the world for impoverished and needy children who never receive gifts (at Christmas or any other time!) to bless them and show then God loves them! A list of suggestions are listed below. When you go out shopping, please remember them! A basket for contributions is placed at the top of the stairs going into the sanctuary. Ages 3-12 suggestions: • SMALL TOYS –such as, small dolls or teddy bears, toy trucks, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, jump ropes, yoyo’s, balls, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), etc. • SCHOOL SUPPLIES – pens, pencils and sharpeners, stamps and ink pads, writing pads or paper, solar calculators,


• • •

coloring and picture books (no story books due to language barrier), etc. HYGIENE ITEMS – toothbrushes, mild bar soap, combs, washclothes, etc. (No liquids) OTHER – T-shirts, ball caps, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries). Use your imagination! DO NOT INCLUDE – used or damaged items, war-related items, such as guns, knives or military figures, chocolate or food (hard candy is accepted), breakable or glass items, aerosole cans.

Let’s bless these children with our love and care!! Remember there is a basket at the top of stairs, going into the sanctuary. The deadline is November 20.

Nov. 28 Mervin Stoltzfoos

Anniversaries: Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 27 Nov. 29

Ed and Mary Mann Brian and Lynne Corie Dave and Judy Trost Esther and Charles Smith Tim and Tracey Hess Rick and Lucinda Boone

Please call the church office (354-0226) so we can update our records if your name was missed.

Thank you for your support and help. --NOW

Our Christmas Bazaar will be held on November 9, 2013.

BAKE SALE TABLE Birthdays: Nov. 2 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 8

Joshua Hess Kathy Phillips John Mask Jeff Good Justin Stoltzfoos Betty Hostetter Ken McLean Sheila Arment Selma Wells Joey McComsey Jane Frybarger

Ladies and Gentlemen! Please consider baking, cooking, preparing or harvesting an item(s) for our church’s annual Christmas Bazaar on November 9. We will have three long tables set up in Fellowship Hall for your contributions. Popular items are: cookies, cupcakes, sweet breads, candy, brownies, pies, cakes, Chex Mix, home canned goods, items from the garden, red beet eggs, and whatever else your culinary imagination can conjure. As Lois Seldomridge mentioned when she delivered her items last year, presentation is a huge factor in catching the eye of the buyer.

So, you might want to take that into consideration when you are thinking of how you can contribute to the food table. All items will be received on Friday evening, November 8, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday morning from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Please have your donations wrapped, identified and priced. Thank you for your help. For questions, see Cathy Williams. – Cathy Williams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2013 Farm Show Dinners Report There were 412 dinners served on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of Farm Show week, slightly less than last year. A profit of $3,424.31 was cleared, to be shared between the two churches -- Ranck’s: $1,540.94 and NHUMC: $1,883.37. – Fred Naval

The Call:

An LED Team Update By Kip Wolf

“I will exalt you, my God the King.” Thus begins Psalm 145, and continues in verse seven to declare that we will “celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness”; and, there has been much to celebrate at New Holland United Methodist Church! Our celebration service was held on Sunday, September 22nd, 2013. Many committees reported on recent successes and progress, and many shared the pulpit to provide personal reflections to celebrate the Spirit moving at NHUMC. Blessings through Stewardship: Sandi Rapp shared the good news regarding the Vernon Reynolds estate; also reporting that we are meeting all of our regular expenses this year and have paid over 50% of our conference obligation to date. While we hope to


continue raising this number closer to 100%, we are doing much better so far than in previous years. Our fundraising activities continue to bless the beneficiaries and the participants alike. Pat Williams thanked Fred Naval and all the volunteers who participated in the Farm Show Dinners. Things went VERY WELL again this year! Pat was also very happy to report that proceeds from the Book Sale were donated to Red Bird Mission, and that we hope to be able to continue to expand this practice in the future. Our next big fund raising event will be the Christmas Bazaar on November 9th, for which volunteers are needed. Investing in the Future: Darryl Smith represented the Trustees and shared that we have accepted the bid from Narvon Construction to complete the roof project. The new metal roof will be constructed by the time you read this, with the construction having taken about one week and costing just over $28,000 (about $95/sq. ft.). Sandi Rapp shared that the fundraising for the roof project is progressing with about 1/3 of the total cost already raised, which provided the means to make the down payment without dipping into financial reserves! This investment is exciting, expecting to provide another 100 years of weather protection for the church building. We look forward to the continued commitment and generosity of our church family to meet this important financial investment obligation. (continued on the next page) How We Learn & Gather in His Love Youth and Sunday School Ministries: For a church our size, we are blessed with a decent number of children and youth. Liz Lennon thanked the Sunday school teachers and also encouraged people to attend the adult Sunday school class and/or talk to her with ideas they would like to study in the adult class. Pastor Ray reported that the youth (grades 7-12) have joined with the youth from EUM Church to form an active youth group. We meet on Wednesday evenings for supper, fellowship, games and lessons, and also take part in service projects and fun activities. We rely on fundraisers keep the costs low for the youth. The next opportunity to raise funds will be a soup sale on November 10th. Ignite Service: Tim Hess shared the progress and changes in the Ignite Service --now meeting at 6:00PM on Saturdays with refreshments beforehand at 5:45PM. Our goal is to keep the service no longer than one hour in length and we will continue to address

10 current issues that are affecting people today. We are currently talking about prayer and what to do when it seems like our prayers are not heard. The Ignite Service team has also been coordinating successful fundraisers, and will continue to do this on a monthly basis. Music Ministry: The choir has been sounding very good this fall. Julie Mitton thanked the choir for their hard work and invited everyone who enjoys singing to be a part of the choir: no experience or music reading abilities required! It is very nice to see some new faces in the choir as well. How We Involve Others & Help in His Love Building Community: We are very happy to provide community meals as well as a meeting place for AA and Al Anon meetings, the only such meetings in the Eastern Lancaster County School district. Mary Ann Olsen thanked the church for providing a great location for the Senior Citizens Group (25-30 attend each month) and encouraged the seniors in the church to attend the monthly meetings and/or participate in the scheduled trips. Our involvement with the Eastern (Lancaster County) Social Services Network (ESSN) and with the Christ Servant Ministry classes has been a true blessing, and anyone interested in more information are encouraged to speak with Win Hall. The Boy Scouts of America were represented and shared that the Boy Scout and Cub Scout units are thriving and are very happy to be able to use the church facilities for events and meetings. The church has benefited from past Eagle Scout projects. Ben Wagner, a current Life Scout, is planning to complete a painting job at the church as part of his Eagle Scout project. Christmas on Main began a few years ago, with the Christmas Tea becoming an important part. Our Church has a long tradition of holding the Christmas Tea on the first Saturday in December, which is always well attended. Liz Lennon and the youth will lead a craft time for children in the afternoon. The event will include a musical program provided by the


Sneller family in the sanctuary at 6:00PM. The music will be performed by parents and six children who sing and play many instruments including the piano, harp, recorder, violin and trumpet. The Christmas Tea will follow, provided in the Fellowship Hall. Prayer Ministry: The Knit Wits prayer ministry meets weekly to knit prayer squares that are given to those in need to remind them that they have folks praying for them. The prayer squares are always available in the back of the sanctuary for anyone to pick up and take to someone they know. Jane Frybarger shared that the Knit Wits have received numerous thank-you notes from the folks who are prayed for. Staying Informed: The church web site and Facebook page provide means to stay connected in this “information age”. We are averaging ~250 visits per week on the church Facebook page, with a high point of over 2000 hits in the week immediately after we posted pictures of the church decorated for Easter. Pastor Ray Voran shared that he is encouraged that, through the Internet sites, “we are reaching about 4 times as many as attend Sunday morning”; and, he thanked Pat Williams and Thierry Dareus for their dedication to the church sites. How We Continue to Trust in His Love It is encouraging to see all that is happening here at New Holland UMC; but, we must remember that it all depends on God, and not our own efforts. We exist to “Ignite His light” in our lives and in our community. We know that He is faithful and that we can continue to Trust in His love, which we have to share. Just as the psalmist closes PS145:21, may our mouths “speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name forever and ever”. Reading: PS 145

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