2 february 2015 newsletter

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` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Website: http://nhumc.us/ Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: revoran@gmail.com

FEBRUARY 2015 BIBLE STUDY UPDATE Bible Study on Tuesdays (Naval Care Group) has begun a study of Psalms. We are meeting on Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. The Saturday morning Bible study that meets at 10:00 a.m. has several more sessions on the Sermon on the Mount. It is fine to get started in the middle of the study and you are welcome to attend either session. We continue to look for ways to reach those outside the walls of the church. Naturally this is important, but community involvement and activities is NOT the only thing that matters when it comes to having a church that is vital and growing. In fact, experts have identified 5 traits that growing churches tend to have. UMC Bishop Robert Schnase lists them in the following way: 1. Radical hospitality 2. Passionate worship 3. Intentional faith development 4. Risk-taking mission and service 5. Extravagant generosity These Bible studies and care groups are meant to be part of number 3‌.intentional faith development. While we always need to be striving to do better in every area, I do encourage everyone to spend time in a daily devotions or a Bible study or some spiritual discipline that will help us all grow in our faith and discipleship.


Thanks and Blessings -- Pastor Ray

Our Worship Service starts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Time of Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School

Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: revoran@gmail.com Home: (717) 656-0812 Cell: (717)333-6939 Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

Regular Events Knepper Care Group – Second and Fourth Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Community Meal – Third Thursday, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Seniors meet at Yoder’s Restaurant – Third Saturday, 11:15 a.m. LUMINA ministry – Second Thursday

Coming Events: Feb. 14 ……. Valentine’s Day Feb. 15 …….. LAMPLIGHTER deadline Feb. 16 …….. President’s Day Feb. 18 …….. Lifeline Health Screening in NHUMC Fellowship Hall Feb. 18 …….. Ash Wednesday Services 7:00 p.m. New Holland UMC 2

Electronic Giving! New Holland United Methodist Church is pleased to announce that we now offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular offering. Electronic giving is convenient for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. Our secure online web site, http://nhumc.us/, now has a link to our donation site. If you go to this site and click the button “ON-LINE GIVING,” you will be able to follow the directions to make a contribution to the church with your credit card. This will be a way to support NHUMC when you are unable to make it to the services, but would like to give your offering. You can also set up a regular systemized deduction from your checking or savings bank accounts or credit or debit card by filling out an authorization form available in the church office or through the web site. This can be set up to deduct your amount weekly, monthly, or how often you choose. If you have any questions, contact Selma Wells, Finance Chair. If you have a smart phone, you can use the following QR code:

This QR code can be scanned with a smartphone. This unique image connects supporters directly to the mobile version of the donation page.

will welcome the Lenten season with a combined service, joining with the congregations from Evangelical United Methodist and Ranck’s Methodist Church here at New Holland UMC for the 7:00 PM service. This will be a meaningful service for each of us and also in the life of the church. We will begin to prepare our hearts for the Easter celebration by remembering Christ’s suffering on our behalf. Of course, everyone will have the opportunity to participate in a visible reminder of that suffering by receiving the ashes that night. It is a service that I look forward to each year. I hope that many of our church family will be able to attend.


SOUP SALE! The youth from our church, together with the youth from EUMC, will be having a soup sale on Sunday, March st 1. We will be making chicken corn, cheeseburger, ham and bean, and tomato bisque. Look for sign-up sheets in classrooms and on bulletin boards the middle of February. Once again, proceeds will go towards youth activities and the summer mission trips. Contact Pastor Ray or Val with any questions. Thank you for your support!

ASH WEDNESDAY! Ash Wednesday is February 18th this year. We 3

I just want to make everyone aware of something that was discussed at the worship meeting in January and will be talked about again at the council meeting. There is simply a lack of support from the church for the Ignite service. AND by far the best attended and apparently the most meaningful Ignite services have been the two Christmas programs that included additional musicians and other special touches. With those two things in mind, the idea came up to offer the service on a monthly basis on the Thursday night following the community meal. At this point, it simply seems like it would be difficult to put together a "special" service with all the musicians each week. We can probably do it monthly though. Not that each month will be like the Christmas Service, but we will plan to include live music and a brief video/discussion time. This is in the planning stage, but we hope to be ready to go no later than March (people still

4 need to be contacted but it is possible that this will begin already in February.) I will have to consider some things, but if people are interested, this could also mean that we can have a "discussion/Sunday school time" following the Sunday morning worship service that would be appropriate for all levels of spiritual maturity. We could then make it a point to invite folks who attend Thursdays to also come on Sundays if at all possible. We will continue to think and pray about this issue, knowing that we can always rely on our good and gracious God.

-- Pastor Ray

support is sincerely appreciated. -- Roy Schroll

Free Community Meals 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. February 19, 2015 Third Thursday of every month Ranck’s United Methodist Church at the New Holland United Methodist Church Dinner is served with all ages welcome. -- Dee Kopicz, Outreach Chair at Ranck’s United Methodist Church (610-223-8207)

New Holland Crop Walk Finally we have the results for the New Holland Crop Walk. Our contribution to the walk was $2,025. The total for New Holland was $13,793. That is a decrease from 2013, which was $15,779. You probably remember that the New Holland Food Bank will receive 25% of the funds raised in New Holland. So our church will contribute $506 to the food bank as a result of our raising $2,025 for the Crop Walk. THANK YOU! You have been a faithful supporter of this project since 1978 and that 4

Offering Envelopes New Wording! The 2015 Offering Envelopes are in the church mailboxes. Please pick them up at your earliest convenience. Please note that there is no longer a mortgage line, as the church has no mortgage (just a home owners loan which is paid from the general account). This loan still must be paid off, however, so please continue giving toward this end. If you normally have paid toward “mortgage,”

simply give that amount into the general fund so we can continue to pay down this loan.

Can You Help to Deliver? Envelopes for shut-ins and those without mail boxes will be placed on the counter in front of the mail boxes. Please deliver any of these you can to avoid the Church having to pay postage. If you do not receive an offering envelope and wish to have one, please contact Hank Wells at 354-7857.

There is no standard fee for this privilege. However, a donation may be appropriate for larger quantities to help defray the cost of additional wear and tear. Additionally, one of the large electric roasting pans is missing. If you have it or know where it is please return it at your earliest convenience. -- Ken McLean, Chair of Trustees

Thanks and


Thanks to all who donate their used ink cartridges to our office. We are able to get a rebate on them when we turn them in for recycling. It is a help to keeping our office expenses down. – Vera

Thank you for the items you put on the Mitten Tree during December. There were 15 hats, 12 pairs of mittens, 3 pairs of gloves, and 1 scarf. All were delivered to the Welsh Mountain Medical and Dental Center in early January, just in time for the cold weather! -Cathy Williams

CHURCH EQUIPMENT The church equipment (tables, chairs, etc.) is available to be borrowed by church members. Please list on the sign-out sheet the equipment that you are borrowing, the date borrowed and your name. The sheet is adjacent to the left kitchen window. It is expected that the items will be returned within a few days. If you are borrowing more than just a few items, check with the chair of the Trustees or sexton to make certain there is no conflict with any church activity. 5

Prayer and Praise

• Gordon Heal’s family, on his recent death • Ronald J. Seewald’s family, Jane Keene’s brother-in-law, who passed away in December

6 • Earl and May Ortlip, brother of Selma Wells, health and aging issues • A friend of Barb Mask who is receiving treatment for cancer


Feb. 1 Cathy Williams, Beatrice Gauthier Feb. 8 Pat Williams, Vanapolie Gauthier Feb. 15 Heather Bressi, Arentz Menard Feb. 22 Shirley Givler, Marvin Mondesir

He was a Carpenter by Royston

Lay Readers

Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22

Julie Mitton Ginny Smith Pat Williams Joyce Wilbur

He was a Carpenter. He worked with wood. His work was flawless. His work was good. "Come to Me," He said, "and I'll give you rest for my yoke is easy and My way is best." He spoke of heaven and He spoke of hell. Great words of wisdom He spoke so well. He reached out to all and cured the blind. Opening their eyes and freeing their mind. "What manner of man is this," the people cried. "He's the Son of God," the prophets replied. But they hung Him upon a cross of wood although He came from God and He was good. For this Carpenter, this Man divine, this Friend of sinners, this Friend of mine, placed so much value upon my soul that He laid down his life to make me whole.

“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his 6

sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” Matthew 13:55-56

Happy Birthday Feb. Boose Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.


6 Jim 6 10 10 11 11 11 13 19 20 24 25 25 27

Taylor Boone Paula Gauthier Pat Knepper Norece Richwine Graham Webster Carolyn Middleton Judy Trost Travis Arment Kerry Smith Dana Riehl Mark Lennon Beatrice Gauthier Toby Wagner

Happy Anniversary Feb.


Jeff and Patti Good

Please call the church office (354-0226) so we can update our records if your name was missed.

Wishing Everyone

“A Happy Valentine’s Day”

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