4 april 2015 newsletter

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120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Website: http://nhumc.us/ Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: revoran@gmail.com

APRIL 2015 It is said that on the evening of June 18, 1815 a man stood in the tower of England’s Winchester Cathedral gazing anxiously out towards the English Channel. At last he found what he was looking for – a ship sending a signal by use of lights. He strained to see the message. All of England held its breath with him, wanting to know the outcome of the war between their military leader, the Duke of Wellington, and the French dictator Napoleon Bonaparte. Bonaparte, who had once ruled all of Europe except for England had emerged once again as a threat, and now the decisive Battle of Waterloo, which would determine the fate of the country, the continent and ultimately the whole world had been fought. So, as he stood in the tower of Winchester Cathedral, our man waited to relay the news that would determine England’s future. The signal came just as a heavy fog was rolling in. It only just got through, but how he wished it hadn’t, for the signal read: “Wellington defeated.” The man signaled to other stations and the news spread across the countryside, bringing great gloom and disappointment. All their hopes were dashed. They had been praying for joy but now there was nothing to look forward but despair and sadness. But then a great reversal! The fog lifted, and the message was sent again, this time in full: “Wellington defeated the enemy”. What came next as the man joyfully transmitted this message? Unrestrained happiness as everyone joined in the celebration! Their hero had won the day -- they were saved. We face a similar situation as we come to Holy Week. The message on Good Friday is…..“Christ defeated.” The hopes and dreams of His followers are !2

dashed. They are left with broken hearts hiding in the darkness, afraid that they will be the next to face a cross. But three days later we discover that the message had not been received in full. The resurrection on Easter Sunday reverses what we initially thought and declares “Christ defeated the enemy!” His followers are now filled with joy and committed to spreading the good news and following Him anywhere- even if that leads to cross. May we each hear the message this year and be filled with that same joy


and commitment!

Ray April 5 … Easter Sunday Our Worship Service starts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Time of Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School

April 18 …. Open House Senior Citizens, Fellowship Hall, 1:30-4:00

Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: revoran@gmail.com

May 3 …… Retirement Party for Mike Alleman, Grandview UMC, 12-3 p.m.

Home: (717) 656-0812 Cell: (717)333-6939 Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

May 10 …… Mother’s Day Mini-Tea July 19-23 ….Vacation Bible School ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Regular Events Knepper Care Group – Second and Fourth Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Community Meal – Third Thursday, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Seniors meet at Yoder’s Restaurant – Third Saturday, 11:15 a.m. LUMINA ministry – Second Thursday

Coming Events: April 2 ……Maundy Thursday service, 7 pm April 3 ……Community Good Friday service, 1:30 p.m. at Garden Spot Village !3

! CHURCH CALENDAR: We are planning to do a church calendar for 2016. While this will serve as a fundraiser it will also give us a be a nice way simply to spread some news about the exciting things that take place at the church and be reminded of birthdays and other special events within our church family. As you keep this in mind, we hope you can help. We will need some nice pictures (at least 12) of the church and the various events that

take place here. If you have the opportunity, please take a picture of the church looking nice and send it to Pastor Ray who will save until the end of the year when we can pick out the ones we like best! Thank you.

PRAYER WARRIORS NEEDED: Pastor Ray is looking for at least 20 people (though more is better) who will commit to praying for our church on a daily basis -- to pray for wisdom and guidance and specifically that we can be growing as His Disciples and spreading the love of God and igniting His light in our neighborhood. Perhaps you are already doing this or maybe you are willing to start. If so, please contact Pastor Ray.

Thanks and blessings! Pastor Ray

Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Our Country Needs Our Prayers !4

Submitted by Ralph McComas Published in his Veteran’s newsletter

I know there are some of you that are Democratic, and love Obama, but this is for Christians first, politics later. I do pray that it doesn’t offend anybody with the truth of the message, but it has to be sent. If you love your Lord first and your politics later, then you will appreciate this message. If you don’t, I’m sorry I judged you wrong. In 1952 President Truman established one day a year as a National Day of Prayer. In 1988 President Reagan designated the first Thursday in May of each year as The National Day of Prayer. In June 2007 (then) presidential candidate Barack Obama declased that the USA “was no longer a Christian nation.” In 2009 President Obama canceled the 21st National Day of Prayer ceremoney at the White House under the ruse of “not wanting to offend anyone.” HOWEVER … On September 25, 2009, from 4 a.m. until 7 p.m., a national day of prayer for the Muslim religion was held on Capitol Hill, inside the White House. There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day. President Obama prays with the Muslims! I guess it doesn’t matter if “Christians” were offended by this event – we obviously don’t count as “anyone” anymore. Now President Obama is encouraging schools to teach the Qur’an for extra credit, while at the same time they cannot even talk about the Bible, God, pray, or salute the American flag. The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated. When we get one hundred million willing Christians to BOND together, voice their

concerns and vote, we can take back America with God’s help. Become one of the one hundred million … it only takes a single willing heart and fed-up SOUL. God bless America and shine Your light on her! !

Prayer and Praise !

Thanks and Cheers

• Ralph McComas family, as his daughter Linda was killed in an automobile accident • Pray for Christians around the world as they face persecution.

A sincere thank you for your prayers, cards, calls and expressions of concern during my brother’s recent illness and his passing. Also, our thanks to Pastor Ray for conducting the funeral service. All were greatly appreciated. – Hank and Selma Wells

Friends in Christ, we appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness in helping us to serve those who are less fortunate, right here in our own community. Thank you for your helpful collection of food for the New Holland Food Pantry. – Joan Yunginger, Director ESSN

We appreciate your donation of Va l e n t i n e s f o r t h e b e n e f i t o f h o s p i t a l i z e d Ve t e r a n s . Yo u r thoughtfulness reflects the concern that you feel for our Veterans and for the service they provided. – Coatesville VA Medical Center



Apr. 5 Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Apr. 26

Selma Wells, Nick Boisrond Cathy Williams, Paula Gauthier Pat Williams, Beatrice Gauthier Heather Bressi, Vanapolie Gauthier Lay Readers

Apr. 5 Jim Boose Apr. 12 Tim Hess Apr. 19 Sandi Rapp Apr. 26 Shirley Givler Tellers for April

Julie Mitton and Loyda Brendle


! Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

4 Ray Neyman 4 Arlene Ressler 7 Laura Baxter 12 Rick Boone 12 Judy Turbedsky 15 Ginny Smith 15 Charles Smith 18 Savanna Mitton 26 John Perri 28 George Grubb

Please call the church office (354-0226) so we can update our records if your name for your birthday or anniversary was missed.



! Coming in July


Vacation Bible School

We are beginning our planning for VBS this summer and we are looking for help. VBS will be held Sunday July 19- Thursday July 23 from 6-8 PM. We have leaders for each section but are looking for some helpers to assist them. Here are some of the areas in which you would be able to help: • • • • • • • • •

Decorating Registering/checking in kids when they arrive each night Opening and Singing Imagination Station Craft Snack Time Bible Story Closing Chaperoning kids

If you would be interested in helping, please contact Julie Mitton at 717-572-6202 or call the church office.

Free Community Meals 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. April 16, 2015 Third Thursday of every month Ranck’s United Methodist Church at the New Holland United Methodist Church Dinner is served with all ages welcome. -- Dee Kopicz, Outreach Chair at Ranck’s !7

United Methodist Church (610-223-8207)

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