9 september 2014 newsletter

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` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Website: http://nhumc.us/ Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: revoran@gmail.com

SEPTEMBER 2014 IGNITE SERVICE Our church has been offering an alternate worship service (called the Ignite service) which has met on Saturday evenings since it was begun. As you probably know, we have been doing this for about 3 years. With the IGNITE Service on hold for the summer, we had an opportunity to prayerfully consider the goals and objectives for this vibrant ministry for the coming season. We met several times throughout the summer to consider various possibilities. Those attending the meetings agreed that the Ignite service should continue to provide a welcoming atmosphere for new believers of all demographics and we want to do all that we can make the service the most welcoming and inviting and meaningful, especially for those who are not currently involved in a church family. Naturally, this is in the best interests of our church and our community. With this in mind, it was decided to move the day and time of the Ignite Service to Sunday morning at 10:30 and to rename it the Ignite Gathering. The Sunday morning schedule will then look like this: 9-10AM Worship 10-10:30 AM Time of Fellowship 10:30-11:30 AM Ignite Gathering/ Sunday School While this service will be more informal with discussion time and praise/worship music that may appeal more to those who have little or no church background, those in our church family are welcome at either or both services. We are looking for those who will commit to attending the Ignite Gathering for at least six months to help it get off the ground. There will also be a sign-up sheet looking


for people willing to bring some snacks for the Fellowship time. The new schedule will go into effect September 7. -- Pastor Ray

Our Worship Service starts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Time of Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Ignite Gathering

Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: revoran@gmail.com Home: (717) 656-0812 Cell: (717)333-6939 Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

Free Community Meals 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. September 18, 2014 Third Thursday of every month Ranck’s United Methodist Church at the New Holland United Methodist Church Dinner is served with all ages welcome. -- Dee Kopicz, Outreach Chair at Ranck’s United Methodist Church (610-223-8207)

Regular Events Knepper Care Group – Second and Fourth Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Seniors meet at Yoder’s Restaurant – Third Saturday, 11:15 a.m. LUMINA ministry – Second Thursday


Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.

1 2 8 10 14 17 17 18 18 18 21 23 26 29

Hank Wells Bob Phillips Christopher Trostle Regina Boose Arline Widders Jane Webster Harold Wright Charlotte Maclay Daisy Jackson Sarah McLean Nicholas Mitton Judy McLean Terry Schaffer Virginia Meck

Sept. 30 Bobby Bell, Jr.

Sept. 4 Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 18 Sept. 22

Bill & Carolyn Middleton Merv & Yvonne Stoltzfoos Bob & Kathy Phillips Tim & Sheila Arment Jeff & Karen Miller Harold & Bets Wright Darryl & Deb Smith Fred & Pat Wissler George & Millie Grubb

Please call the church office (354-0226) so we can update our records if your name was missed.

Tidbits from the Pastor SAVE THE DATE! Our charge conference this year will be Thursday, October 23rd at 6:30 PM here at the church. We have all the paperwork that needs to be completed and will be handing it out to the committee chairs.

AN OPPORTUNITY TO “BE THE CHURCH” Susan Schaffer is in need of help. There's a problem with her van and it will be in an automobile lab in the state of Indiana for repair for approximately one month 3

beginning in early November. She will be given another van with a lift but no hand controls. Therefore, she will need someone to drive her for errands and appointments. Naturally, whoever does this will also be able to take care of their own errands at the same time. This will be a real blessing for everyone! Please contact Pastor Ray if you are interested or for more information. HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY SOUL! We will be working on both of these things here at New Holland UMC. Sara Voran, Certified instructor, will be leading Zumba exercise classes in Fellowship Hall. The classes will be on Monday evenings from 7:008:00 p.m. starting on Monday, September 15. The cost is only $5 per class or you can pay $30 for 8 classes ---your first class will be free. All ages are welcome. Come every week or as often as you like. Since this will also be a nice outreach opportunity, we are looking for volunteers to provide childcare. Please contact Pastor Ray if you are willing to help or if you have any questions. BIBLE STUDY BEGINS I have found that the words of Scripture become more exciting and relevant to today’s world when we actually read and study and think about them. To help us all understand these words a bit better, I am planning a Bible Study/discussion that will focus on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). These are some of the most shocking words ever spoken -- easy to understand, hard to put into practice but they come with an incredible promise. Jesus tells us not to consider success

4 and priorities the way the world does. Instead, we are to live our lives based on His words even though this will almost certainly make us look strange to those around us. He gives us His word that this will be for the best. Of course there is more to it than this but that is the teaser. My plan is to meet on Saturday and Tuesday mornings for 6 weeks beginning September 13 . Please contact me or the church office if you are interested. I am looking forward to it. Blessings, Pastor Ray

If you want to get an early start you can take a look at my YouTube posting or just go directly to my web site. Both of these are listed below. If you prefer to write a check, that is okay, too. Please make the checks payable to the New Holland Crop Walk and put them in my box or mail it to the address below. Whatever you do, the Church gives you their thanks and so do I. -- Roy Schroll

To those of you reading this on the internet, you can link to the following sites by hitting “control and click.� CROP WALK - HELP STOP HUNGER View on www.youtube.com

Crop Walk Well, the year seems to have slipped by quickly. It is time again to save your $ for Crop Walk. The Crop Walk will be October 19, 2014. You have supported this walk over the years and have done an excellent job. We look forward to all the support you can give us this year. 4


New Holland CROP Hunger Walk: Mr Roy Schroll Jr - CROP Hunger Walk View on hunger.cwsglobal.org



God's Blessings, Roy

Roy C. Schroll, Jr.President CAMERON CONSULTING 3001 LITITZ PIKE PO BOX 5093 LANCASTER, PA 17606-5093 717-569-7918 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you to everyone who helped me plan the ice cream social and to those who volunteered at the event. Also many thanks to those who attended and brought friends. We wanted to offer a wholesome community event for our neighbors in New Holland, and we achieved our goal! This was the very first church-related event I planned, and your expertise and knowledge about what needed to be done was a huge help to making the event a success. Thank you! --Anne Williams

Thanks to all who contribute their used ink cartridges to the office. They are recycled plus we receive reward dollars for turning them into Staples. – Vera Asper

Table Fund The congregation responded generously to our request for funds to replace our old wooden tables. A total of $1,180 has been received. This is more than enough to purchase 12 plastic lightweight tables. The excess funds (about $400) will be transferred to the roof fund. Thank you for your very generous support of this project. -- Ken McLean, Trustee

2 014 Farm Show Dinners

Thanks and 5

School has just begun, signs of fall will soon be in the air and preparations for the annual New Holland Farm Show will be in full swing.

6 The annual parade will kick off on Wednesday night, October 1, with marching bands, floats and much, much more, including food stands, games and rides on the midway. For three days, beginning, Thursday, October 2, to Saturday, October 4, from 3 to 7 p.m., Ranck’s’ United Methodist Church will join with New Holland UMC in serving their famous Pork and Sauerkraut and Chicken Potpie dinners. Heather Bressi will chair the dinners for NHUMC this year. She takes over for Fred Naval who has worked on the dinners since his retirement from Ford New Holland in 1986. He began by working with Ruth Rodgers and then assuming the chairmanship several years later. The dinners have been part of the local farm show for 43 years. The menu includes mashed potatoes, applesauce and a roll with the pork and sauerkraut dinners. Green beans, pepper cabbage and a roll are part of the chicken pot pie menu. A child’s hot dog dinner featuring a hot dog, mashed potatoes and green beans will be available. The tickets prices are - $12.00 for adults; children 4 to 10 are $5.00, with children under 4 free. For dessert pie or cake will be available; plus, coffee, iced tea or water to drink. All tickets will be sold at the door. Each year the community looks forward to this annual event. So come and bring your friends and family. Take-outs will be available. The work schedules will be placed in your church mailboxes by the first week in September. There are some changes so everyone, please check your mailboxes. -- Betty Hostetter, Publicity Let His Light


The Call:

An LED Team Update

By Kip Wolf


Our first Fun & Free event for the community (the ice cream social) was held in July. This was very successful in terms of fellowship and meeting new members of the community. We are already planning other events for each quarter, and look forward to the Christmas Tea in December. Opportunities like the Fun & Free events bring us closer to the community and the community closer to NHUMC. The IGNITE Gatherings do so as well, and will restart in September. These gatherings (intentionally not called a “service” so as to be more welcoming to new attendees) are specifically coordinated to appeal to and encourage new/nonbelievers to gather in fellowship; which gives God a specific opportunity to move among us and soften hearts. As we prepare for the next series of IGNITE Gatherings, we are looking forward to keeping an open mind and open arms to embrace new attendees to these gatherings. We should all expect to invite someone to the gathering each week, knowing that each and every one of us comes in contact daily with folks who are looking for a new church home, seeking meaning for their life, or just curious if there is a “greater being” out there. The IGNITE Gatherings offer a unique opportunity in New Holland. We are so excited to see what God is doing in and through us, and invite you to participate as you are able and called to do so. Please offer prayer in support of the Ignite Gathering, and consider the other opportunities to volunteer. From coordinating refreshments, to “seeding” the IGNITE Gathering with NHUMC members, to participating directly in the message and worship. Won’t you prayerfully consider how you will get involved in this vibrant and exciting ministry! Please contact Tim Hess (tandthess@aol.com) or Pastor Ray Voran (revoran@gmail.com) for more information and to inquire about getting involved.

• Our denomination as we continue to deal with difficult issues

Say a special prayer for our children and youth as they return to school. May they have the strength to resist temptations, the joy to overcome problems, failures, and society’s testings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Prayer and Praise • Revival in America; men and women to stand for truth and salvation • Peace of Israel • Our veterans and all who have sacrificed for our freedom • Yvonne Stoltzfoos’ son, Ryan, recuperating from surgery and awaiting further treatment



Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 28

Selma Wells, Vanapolie Gauthier Cathy Williams, Arentz Menard Pat Williams, Marvin Mondesir Heather Bressi, Florence Petit-ton Lay Readers

Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 28

Selma Wells Francesca Artus Jim Boose Tim Hess Tellers

Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 28

Sandi Rapp & Michael Bressi Win Hall & Shirley Givler Tim Hess & Karen Miller Betty Hostetter & Julie Mitton

8 Sept. 3 – Choir Practice begins Consider joining this ministry Sept. 7 – Snacks/Fellowship at 10:00 a.m. Ignite Gathering/Sunday School at 10:30 Sept. 8 – Bell Choir practice begins

New Address

Sept. 9 – Administrative Council

Daisy B. Jackson P.O. Box 424 New Holland, PA 17557-0424

Sept. 13 – Bible Study begins Sept. 15 – Zumba classes begin


Sept. 15 -- Lamplighter deadline Oct. 2 to 4 – Farm Show dinners

Watch for These Coming Events


Oct. 23 – Charge Conference

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