The waters of the Swan Coastal Plan have strong and ancient story line connections to the traditional owners and the Noongar people.
In particular they tell the story of creation (THE WAUGUL – the ancient serpent and creator of our water ways) and the Turtle (YARKAN).
According to Noongar culture - The Waugul is present wherever living water is found. Rivers, creeks and wetlands are, ‘spiritual repositories places that draw on the fundamental philosophy of Noongar spiritual believes as places of spirit birth and spirit rest. Like the Water Cycle the fundamentals of Noongar belief system is that all living creatures, are a part of the wider spiritual universe and cyclical system. The wetlands of the Morley Station precinct are a crucial part of this cycle, both as breeding grounds for numerous living creatures, repositories of spiritual essence realised generationally by individuals and sources of food, water and protection.
The waterways in this area have spiritual significance related to the Western Long -necked or Oblong Turtle and the Western Swamp Tortoise.
Connections to underground streams, it’s sacred and form part of a cultural protection system. The viability of its turtle population is clearly dependent on preserving the ecological and physical integrity of the waterways, just as it is to the human population.
(Source: South West Land & Sea Corporation)
I acknowledge the traditional owners of this country – the Whadjuk Noongar People and acknowledge the privilege to learn more about the waters, rivers and special places on this shared country. I pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging.
This Sustainability Report considers water management as an integral component of sustainable urban design for a proposed new precinct in Morley.
The Morley Station Precinct Plan, developed by the MEL -Connix Consortium for the State Government sets out the plans for redevelopment
Metronet will see a new rail public transport corridor connecting Perth to the eastern fringe suburb of Ellenbrook As part of this project, Morley Station will become a focal point for urban renewal within the City of Baywater
The proposed Structure Plan provides for the development of an urban village, incorporating streetscape and open space improvements, as well as new medium and higher density housing (primarily townhouses and apartments) and smaller scale commercial and employment nodes with activation opportunities in and around the station
One of the key components of the Concept Masterplan is the development of Open Spaces and Water Sensitive Urban Design (including transforming the eastern drainage basin into a Water Sensitive Urban Design asset (Metronet 2021 )
Water Sensitive Design refers to a way of managing the water quantity, water quality and amenity and biodiversity inputs and outcomes of the water cycle in urban developments Water management is a significant feature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reporting against these principles requires modelling of water intake sources and volumes and discharge as part of the balanced water cycle
It also requires consideration of flood resilience and mitigation, natural resources management (e g protected water quality, quantity and biodiversity), increasing livability for people (e g improved microclimate and enhanced social cohesion, etc ) and transition and innovation (e g stakeholder participation, improved economy, built knowledge, etc )” (Bell et al , 2022 )
The Sustainable Structure Plan Water Management Framework is set out to achieve the following objectives
• Maintenance of good quality groundwater
• Supply of consistent and clean drinking water
• Establishment of thriving wetlands and bioswales
• Effective stormwater management
• Conservative use of irrigation and nondrinking water supply, including identification of alternative sources
• Establishment of greywater and replenishment programs
• Work with the Water Corporation to introduced technologically advanced wastewater management systems across the Precinct to meet reuse target of at least 40 %
• Effective disease and nuisance in sects management
• Appropriate flood management and controls, and
• Realisation of public health, amenity & recreation benefits realised
Twenty (20 ) key strategies to reaching these objectives are outlined on page 25 of this report The methodology to develop these strategies and recommendations was based on benchmarking international case studies, consideration of the new DPLH Precinct Plan Guidelines, the Better Water Management Plan, review of stakeholder engagement plans for Morley Precinct Concept Master planning and other desk top research
The strategies and recommendations include improved capture of rainwater through design adaptions including roof rainwater tanks in all apartments and public spaces, bioswales and natural drainage that also serves to naturally filter pollutants entering the system, hydro -zoning and considerations of alternate options for turf and impervious surfaces in reserve upgrades and public open space as technologies and research in this area adapt, grey water recycling and upgrades to sewerage treatments, installation of a local desalination plant and community and commercial stakeholder education to ensure buy-in and commitment to meet incredibly strict water consumption and use targets
A range of state government agencies, the City of Bayswater, developers and landowners will have roles and responsibilities under this integrated management plan to ensure its successful implementation
Quarterly measurement and monitoring plans will be required to ensure all obligations under the plan are met throughout the planning, construction and handover stages
This Report sets out the background and initial analysis for a Sustainability Report that will consider water management as a component of sustainable urban design for a proposed new precinct in Morley
The Morley Station Precinct Plan, developed by the MEL -Connix Consortium for the State Government sets out the plans for redevelopment
Metronet will see a new rail public transport corridor connecting Perth to the eastern fringe suburb of Ellenbrook As part of this project, Morley Station will become a focal point for urban renewal within the City of Baywater.
The proposed Structure Plan provides for the development of an urban village, incorporating streetscape and open space improvements, as well as new medium and higher density housing (primarily townhouses and apartments) and smaller scale commercial and employment nodes with activation opportunities in and around the station
One of the key components of the Concept Masterplan is the development of Open Spaces and Water Sensitive Urban Design (including transforming the eastern drainage basin into a Water Sensitive Urban Design asset (Metronet 2021 )
Water Sensitive Design refers to a way of managing the water quantity, water quality and amenity and biodiversity inputs and outcomes of the water cycle in urban developments Water management is a significant feature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reporting against these principles requires modelling of water intake sources and volumes and discharge as part of the balanced water cycle
It also requires consideration of flood resilience and mitigation, natural resources management (e g protected water quality, quantity and biodiversity), increasing livability for people (e g improved microclimate and enhanced social cohesion, etc ) and transition and innovation (e g stakeholder participation, improved economy, built knowledge, etc )” (Bell et al , 2022 )
This report considers the baseline water considerations for the Morley Station Precinct, a literature review which sets out the principles for Part B (to follow) and considers high -level best practice case study
This analysis provides the context for the development of a Sustainable Structure Plan Water Management Framework with the following objectives :
• Maintenance of good quality groundwater
• Supply of consistent and clean drinking water
• Establishment of thriving wetlands and bioswales
• Effective stormwater management
• Conservative use of irrigation and nondrinking water supply, including identification of alternative sources
• Establishment of greywater and replenishment programs to reduce reliance on ground water by 40 -60 %
• Work with the Water Corporation to introduced technologically advanced wastewater management systems across the Precinct to meet reuse target of at least 40 %
• Effective disease and nuisance insects management
• Appropriate flood management and controls, and
• Realisation of public health, amenity & recreation benefits realized
Figure 1: Study Area, Source: Metronet 2021
The Project Area
The Morley Station Precinct area was originally part of a chain of low lying lands occasionally inundated with water (source : Metronet 2021 )
Morley, as the surrounding suburb was established after the first world war in the 1920 s a agricultural area and grew to be a working class suburb, located approximately 20 km east of Perth, connected by Guildford Road
Regional Geology & Water Systems
The Morley Station Precinct sits on the Swan Coastal Plain - a geographic feature which contains the Swan River and a number of associated river systems that flow down from the Darling Scarp
It is characterised by a series of sand dune systems, the Quindalup dunes, the Spearwood dunes, and the Bassendean dunes, that change from West to East
The dune systems have been much studied, as the water retained within them supplies much of Perth’s water needs, forming the Gnangara Mound
Bassendean sands are the most common soil type in the catchment This soil type is characterised by its poor nutrient-retention capabilities
Any nutrients applied to the surface will rapidly leach into the groundwater after water is applied Before development, several peaty swamps were present, most of which have now been in -filled, leaving a peaty layer of soil in some areas (source : DPAW 2011 )
There have been three significant studies into the Water Cycle Modelling in Perth that set out the benchmark hydrogeology, flow characteristics and groundwater modelling for the area All of these models highlight the important role this area plays in maintenance of both quality and quantity of water in the greater Perth’s groundwater
Figures 2 A -2 D highlight these relevant components.
The existing drainage, swales and also reserves using groundwater for irrigation are highlighted on the map over
In terms of potable water, this area it is derived primarily from desalination (35 % ), groundwater (36 % ), Dams (26 % ) and Groundwater replenishment (3 % ). (Water Corporation, 2023 )
Figure 2A: Perth Drainage System, Davidson, Yu 2008)
Past Land Uses & Risks to Sustainable Water Management
Water has been a draw and attractor to the area, due to its historic wetlands and associated inundation, which provided good hunting and gathering for the traditional owners, and fertile soils for the later immigrant population establishing agriculture in the area
As a growing suburb Morley was renowned for its garden city image of wide streets, large gardens and open space Well established trees and landscapes are evident in the residential areas, but the high traffic commercial activity centres suffer significant heat island effects due to reduced canopy and a network of hard impermeable surfaces
There is a large community recreation hub at Wotton Reserve with a number of open playing fields and a concrete skate ramp The playing fields require consistent irrigation through the summer months, and adequate drainage across the winter.
The infill in the area has seen management strategies applied to backfill and remove the historic wetlands, and many of the replacement drainage systems are contaminated or in poor health
The drainage swales through the area remain These are populated by significant numbers of endangered Western Long -necked or Oblong Turtle and the Western Swamp Tortoise
In 2019 , the Morley Drain Project was successfully delivered under the Water Corporations Drainage for Liveability Program to enhance the value of storm water drains and basins, and in particular to improve water quality in the Bayswater Brook catchment (Water Corporation 2019 )
The water table remains high in the area and groundwater discharge remains a significant downward flowing input to the Gnangara Mound
The establishment of the Tonkin Highway in the mid 80 s brought with it significant vehicle traffic, associated pollution and a need for drainage basins and management of water runoff from the road system .
The opening of Morley Galleria shopping centre in 1998 has driven significant growth in commercial activity Morley is now recognised as one of the largest commercial districts in the metropolitan area
There are potentially a number of contaminated sites through the precinct due to its historic land use and also potential for Acid Sulphate soils being present. (Metronet, 2021 )
Water in our Urban System
A detailed literature review conducted in preparation for this report highlights the depth of research, application and evidence contributing to the global push for integrated water management and understanding of its cycle, and impacts
Water systems intersect in every part of our life from the water we drink, to our hygiene to the health of the natural system .
Studies by the International Water Association 2015 , Department of Water 2008 , Arup et al 2016 , Meng 2018 and Bell et al 2021 all conclude that sourcing and maintaining even water to meet growing urban needs is fundamental to life in our cities and urban precincts
In a drying and changing climate (as illustrated by Davidson & Yu 2008 and others) drastic intervention is required to change the way water is used, managed and shared This will require new and innovative ways to capture and use the water resources available, but also prevent further degradation of them
Meng discusses the priority that planning for ‘water sensitive’ urban infill must have and the limitations to the current ‘knock-down and rebuild” approach that continues to alter our natural water systems He sets out ways to generate improved water mass balance across a number of scenarios are relevant for strategy consideration later in Part B of this Report
WAPC Better Urban Water Management
The Western Australian Planning Commission have brought together much of this research in the preparation of their Better Urban Water Management document
Here they confirm that “urban water cycle should be managed as a single system in which all urban water flows are recognised as a potential resource and where the interconnectedness of water supply, groundwater, stormwater, wastewater, flooding, water quality, wetlands, watercourses, estuaries and coastal waters is recognised” (State Planning Policy 2 9 Water Resources, Government of WA, 2006 )
ARUP et al consider the Water Cycle Model and note the importance of consideration of not just an integrated system but also the economic implications, “the sustainable and equitable use of all water sources, and the need for consideration of the needs of all water users, including the community, industry and the environment”
The Stormwater Management Manual for WA, 2004 -2007 ) sets out the recommended objectives, processes and considerations to manage the full water flow cycle in urban areas These considerations match broader findings in the research and the literature considered environmental values In particular they connect protection of the source, reduction in pollution and inflows into that source, while still allowing for innovative ways to recharge and capture water through the system, as well as enhancement of water-related recreational and cultural values.
In addition, it identifies that water efficiency, reuse and recycling are integral components of total water cycle management
The integration of stormwater into landscape to improve amenity but also deliver other significant environmental benefits are also considered both within the literature reviewed, but also the case studies highlighted
The Water Cycle
The illustration below sets out the definition of the Total Water Cycle in the context of this Study.
Policy & Requirements
The State Government of Western Australia has adopted a number of key policies to guide water sensitive urban design These include:
• Draft State Planning Policy 2 9 Planning for Water (SPP 2 9 ) and Planning for Water Guidelines
• WAPC Better Urban Water Management Guidelines (2008 )
• State Water Plan (2007 ) •
• State Water Strategy (2003 )
• Better Urban Water Management • Government Response to the Irrigation Review (2005 )
• A Blueprint for Water Reform in Western Australia (2006 )
• Draft Healthy Rivers Action Plan (SRT, 2006 )
• State Planning Policy 2 Environment and Natural Resources (2003 )
• Planning Bulletin 64 Acid Sulphate Soils (2003 )
• Planning Bulletin 61 Urban Stormwater Management (2003 ),
• Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Regulations
• Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 and Regulations
• Waste Avoidance and Resource Recover Act 2007 and Regulations
• New W ater Ways Program
• Contaminated Sites Act 2003 , and
• Water Services Act 2012
• Water Services Regulation 2013
• Metropolitan Water Authority Act 1982
• Metropolitan Arterial Drainage Act 1982
All of these polices confirm the importance of strategic planning for water resources, the need for an increased focus on total water cycle management and water sensitive urban design
They recommend principles around water conservation, flood management, water quality management, drainage and storm water
modelling, disease vector and insect management to protect human health . The latter primarily relies on water movement and reducing stagnation through the process
Appropriate risk assessment is recommended under the State and Local planning policies noted above, as is the use of a qualified engineer to undertake baseline modelling, risk assessments and ongoing assessment
Strategies for Management
At a precinct scale, the literature considered presents a number of effective strategies for planning and management of water from predevelopment through the intergenerational life of the project.
They include ideas around harvesting and use of rainwater and stormwater, wastewater recycling (both within and outside the urban system) and greywater recycling (both within the household and outside) Increased use of permeable pavements and reduction in road widths, innovative options for landscape solutions - particularly use of biodiversity sensitive design and reduction of turf in open spaces, and stakeholder engagement and conservation programs
A range of these strategies are recommended for the Morley Station Precinct
Augustenborg, Malmo, Sweden
Regeneration programs in late 1990 s saw establishment of 6 km of water channels and 10 new retention ponds Rainwater from impervious surfaces channelled through these trenches, ditches, ponds and wetlands achieved an estimated 90 % capture, clean and direction to groundwater capture rather than sewer and stormwater drains Won UN World Habitat Award in 2010
Source : Johannsson 2017
Grotland, Sweden
The Swedish Island is a demonstration case for innovative circular water management established after a severe water crisis. This crisis results in a need for an innovative approach to collect and store water in preparation for the summer months Activities include rainwater harvesting using automatic flood gates and monitoring in aquifers, treatment of raw waste water and reuse, and a climate neutral desalination plant powered by solar energy .
Source : Smart Cities Sweden 2023
Village Homes California
This 1980 s subdivision in US features natura drainage through a a network of creek beds, swales, and pond areas that allows rainwater to be absorbed into the ground and provides visual amenity This system also provides the irrigation for an edible landscape system supplying around 24 % of the food consumed by residents.
Source : Mobbs 2023
Walk Adelaide
Built in honour of one of South Australia’s leading environmentalists this intimate housing development features biofiltration, green roofs and walls, rainwater harvest and re -use, stormwater harvest and re -use to achieve amenity and water conservation outcomes as well as reduce stormwater discharge
Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg Wasser (Hamburg Water) recently launched a wastewater system that combines wastewater treatment and energy to create a sustainable cycle that also reduces CO 2 emissions
Source : Leroy 2020
Seattle, USA
A Water Resilience Plan was required by Seattle to manage some 15 billion gallons of wastewater and 37 inches of rain per annum The plan includes system improvements, reducing pollutants in stormwater, preventing sewer back ups and overflow, responding to flooding and implementing standards across the city
Source : Husiak 2022
Kumamoto City Japan
Kumamoto City uses 100 % groundwater as the only source of tap water for the City’s 740 ,000 people . In 1973 as population grew, ground water recharged was reduced and industrial use polluted the ground water a groundwater conservation program was introduced The program includes monitoring, groundwater recharge, quality inspections of tap water, improved rainwater storage and establishment of land improvement stakeholder organisations
Source : Mituhozen 2002
The Morley Station Precinct will become a focal point for public transport and urban renewal within the City of Bayswater and the central and north -eastern corridors of the Perth and Peel Metropolitan region.
This vision for the Precinct is to become:
“An authentic urban village that embraces change and the advantages that come from a new train station yet builds on established local character and diverse stories. The village has a vibrant street environment, a variety of green spaces and a range of activities in interesting places. A great place to live, visit and do business”.
From a water perspective, it is proposed that this vision includes:
”Adopting a future focused integrated water management plan that embraces the challenges of the Precinct’s location on the Swan Coastal Plain and finding solutions to support the growing demand, range of activities and vibrant street environment envisaged”.
To achieve this vision, the Precinct’s Integrated Management Plan will:
• Demonstrate innovation to limit draw and maintain a good quality of groundwater
• Focus on supply of consistent and clean drinking water
• Adapt and establish of thriving wetlands and bioswales in the identified areas of opportunity,
• Upgrade and establish effective and future focused stormwater management strategies
• Replenishment programs to reduce reliance on ground water by 40 -60%
• Work with the Water Corporation to introduced technologically advanced wastewater management systems across the Precinct to meet reuse target of at least 40%.
• Research and introduce effective disease and nuisance insects management
• Monitor and develop effective flood management and controls, and
• Achieve state of the art public health, amenity & recreation benefits articulated in the Precinct vision.
The roles and responsibilities under this Integrated Sustainable Water Management Plan for Morley Station are listed below Work will be undertaken to ensure all relevant parties are aware of their roles and involved in the implementation, management and measurement of performance under each area of responsibility noted below
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
METRONET and Office of Major Transport Infrastructure Delivery.
Water Corporation
The City of Bayswater
Developers and Landowners
Residential, Community Services, Retail & Commercial
The timeline below sets of the key milestones for delivery of this sustainability strategy and the water related components
Authority for managing the precinct will pass from the State Government Authorities to the City of Bayswater at the Metronet station completion The station itself will be managed by the Public Transport Authority and the water supply and wastewater management which will remain vested with the Water Corporation and managed under the Water Act
The embedding of the Sustainability Vision, Principles and Recommendations into the differing authorities will require ongoing engagement throughout this process, and a structured system of waterwise education and monitoring with the incoming population, residents and businesses
The additional medium and higher density housing (i e 1 ,810 townhouses and 454 apartments), and smaller-scale commercial, retail, and food and beverage opportunities, changes to the public open space, biking riding facilities, changes to drainage, amenity upgrades, upgrades to Wotton Reserve, and even the station itself will create changes to water management and increased demand for water resources
In particular, consideration will need to be given to :
• The creation of approximately 5 ,000 sqm of new open space,
• Regeneration of existing drainage assets (particularly the eastern drainage basin) using Water Sensitive Urban Design principles,
• The increased demand arising of some 10 ,000 new people in the proposed 327 hectares of the Precinct,
• The nature of new employment, education, creative, and hospitality uses within the employment area,
• The increased demand from the provision of small scale retail east of the station to complement the Morley Activity Centre, particularly Charlies Fresh Food Market, and
• S treetscape improvements and irrigation requirements to establish new tree canopies and landscaping
That said, the new Precinct planning provides the opportunity for a whole of water cycle management approach to the precinct in a much more sustainable way than the way the suburb was historically developed across the Swan Coastal Plain wetlands.
A combination of local government, Main Roads WA and Water Corporation drainage assets are already in place to service Precinct, as shown on the map below However alternative sources including improved precipitation capture, stormwater drainage, greywater recycling and waterwise design principles will be required into the future to ensure the impact on the groundwater and associated aquifers are reduced
The Precinct Concept Masterplan notes “the primary drainage features within the Masterplan area include the Fonts Place Compensating Basin and several large underground piped drains traversing the nearby Houghton Park and running along a drainage easement between Fonts Place and Babington Crescent”
To follow
The underground drainage pipes will need to be protected in place The alignment, size and depth of these drainage pipes may place constraints on the proximity of development to the pipes during construction but this can be managed in accordance with the Water Corporation’s Technical Guidelines for Safely Working Near Water Corporation Assets
It is assumed that the capacity of the drainage basins will need to be maintained through any enhancement works There may be opportunity to reduce the amount of storage structures required in future through Water Sensitive Urban Design treatments, subject to detailed design and feasibility testing
V egetated swales, stormwater directed to tree pits, permeable paving in carpark and other hardstand areas, minimising turfed areas and consideration of alternative water supplies were all noted and considered in the Precinct Concept Masterplan and these are included in the recommendations
These initiatives can be designed to reduce urban heat vulnerability, increase tree canopy cover, reduce water use and provide resilience to climate change Water and waste sewers are currently provided by small diameter pipes, which may require upgrades to service higher density development, and this again provides an opportunity for a more innovative solution
It is worth noting the light industrial area west of the Tonkin Highway does not have a Water Corporation sewer pipe network and investigations should be made into any existing contamination, or potential contamination relating to water discharge or sewerage
The concept illustrations provided, illustrate the key areas of changes to demand and management of future water needs under the new Precinct, and the illustration below shows initial planning for the restructured drainage basin and associated community benefits
Analysis of water demand into the future based on the projected growth scenarios in the concept masterplan are illustrated in Charts 1 -3 over
These figures sit between 67 % -80 % of waterwise conventional demand
In analysing the charts, there is still significant room for improvement particularly in the high demand sectors associated with the community facilities, the reserve upgrades and changes to the public open space landscape and design
Greywater recycling and additional precipitation capture offer the most opportunity in these areas
The targeted improvements are illustrated in the water cycle implications, considerations and optimal targets calculated over
R 1. Structural upgrades to a more systematic approach to rainfall capture, flood management and drainage included in base design.
R 2. Rainwater harvesting at high level points along open drains
R 3. Introduction of a climate neutral desalination plant powered by solar energy to reduce draw on groundwater systems by up to 60%.
R 4. Detention areas for the 1 yr 1 hr ARI event, areas for water quality treatment and types of (including indicative locations for) agreed structural and non -structural best management practices and treatment trains.
To follow
R 5. Protection of waterways, wetlands (and their buffers), remnant vegetation and ecological linkages
R 6. Street scape interventions to capture road runoff for stormwater attenuation
R 7. Installation of roof stormwater rain tanks and additional rainwater collection tanks in all public open spaces for irrigation.
R 8. Treatments are to manage algae or cyanobacteria blooms in natural drains to include the following treatments:
• enzymes
• phoslock
• HT -clay, and
• barley straw bales.
R 8. Bioswales to be constructed along roadside to allow for staged entry to drainage ponds and assets, allowing for natural carbon filtering
R 10. Community education programs to be initiated regarding maintaining water quality and disposal of waste products
R 11. System wide improvements to prevent sewerage back ups or discharge
R 12. Quality Inspections & monitoring of water quality and infringement policies introduced
R 13. All development dwellings are connected to a non potable water supply plumbed to dwellings for all toilets and washing machines, with minimum fixture designs to include waterwise fittings, whitegoods and heating systems to the maximum savings and efficiency ratings
R 14. Construct Eastern Basin Upgrade and delivery of community asset
R 15. Provision of sufficient soil volume and quality for tree growth and to increase permeability for groundwater replenishment
R 16. Inclusion of additional impervious surface capture trenches, ditches, ponds and wetlands
R 17. Improved canopy and green infrastructure to improve evapotranspiration
R 18. Develop community engagement and education campaign around waterwise conservation of water, and reducing pollution to waterways
R 19. Hydro -zoning in all public open space landscape, selection of native plants and consideration of alternatives to turf and impervious surfaces in playing fields.
R 20. Recycled wastewater to provide onlot irrigation for streetscapes, parklands, reserves and public open space
R 21. Introduction of a wastewater system that combines wastewater treatment and energy production to reduce CO2 emissions (as per the Hamburg Wasser Case Study)
Document the development design strategy, outlining how the design objectives are proposed to be met
Design criteria
Set out agreed design objectives and source of objective
Quantify impacts on the total water cycle management
Set principles and policies
Compare with existing case studies
Set out structure plan, zoning and land use, including landscape features and previous land use and highlight spatial water considerations
Landscape - proposed POS areas, POS credits, water source, bore(s), lake details (if applicable), irrigation areas
Determine pre-development environment
Detail existing benchmarks and monitoring baselines
Set out initial baseline conditions - existing topography/ contours, aerial photo underlay, major physical features
Set out initial geotechnical baselines - topography, soils including acid sulfate soils and infiltration capacity, test pit locations
Establish environmental baseline including areas of significant flora and fauna, wetlands and buffers, waterways and buffers, contaminated sites
Determine and set out surface water baseline including topography, 100 year floodways and flood fringe areas, water quality of flows entering and leaving
Establish and quantify existing groundwater baseline including topography, pre-development groundwater levels and water quality, test bore locations
Water efficiency measures in place in private and public open spaces including method of enforcement (consider alternative sources of supply for irrigation from groundwater, stormwater collection, greywater reuse)
Water supply (fit-for-purpose strategy or sourced from centralized system), agreed actions and implementation. If non-potable supply, support with water balance
Wastewater management (including grey water use articulated)
Flood protection - peak flow rates, volumes and top water levels at control points,100 year flow paths and 100 year detentions storage areas
Manage serviceability - storage and retention required for the critical 5 year ARI storm events
Minor roads should be passable in the 5 year ARI event
Deliverable Y/N
Table 1: Design elements and requirements for BMPs and critical control points
Design Criteria
Water Management Background Report
Site context plan
Structure plan
Landscape Plan
Baseline Monitoring Report
Site condition plan
Geotechnical plan
Environmental Plan plus supporting data where appropriate
Surface Water Plan
Groundwater Plan plus details of groundwater monitoring and testing
Water Use & Supply Report
Water Use & Supply Report
Water Use & Supply Report
100yr event Plan
Long section of critical points
5yr event Plan
Y To be assessed in approvals of final designs & through DA applications Objectives set
See page 24
To be assessed following completion of structure plan and detailed design incorporating recommendations
To be completed
To be completed
To be completed
To be completed
To be completed
To be completed
As per recommendations
As per recommendations
As per recommendations
As per recommendations
As per recommendations
Protect ecology – detention areas for the 1 yr 1 hr ARI event, areas for water quality treatment and types of (including indicative locations for) agreed structural and non -structural best management practices and treatment trains. Protection of waterways, wetlands (and their buffers), remnant vegetation and ecological linkages
Post development groundwater levels, fill requirements (including existing and likely final surface levels), outlet controls, and subsoils areas/exclusion zones
Actions to address acid sulfate soils or contamination
Recommended future monitoring plan including timing, frequency, locations and parameters, together with arrangements for ongoing actions
Developer commitments
Roles, responsibilities, funding for implementation (including developer commitments, role of Water Corporation, Department of Water, Local Council and other entities Review timelines and protocols
1yr event plan
Typical cross sections
As per recommendations
Groundwater/subsoil Plan
To be completed
As per recommendations
As per recommendations
illustrated on page 20
As illustrated on page 20
R 1. Quarterly inspections to identify and repair areas of erosion, gullies and other potential damage (particularly after storm events or heavy rain) to all living drains and upgraded basin.
R 2. Monitor and remove any sediment or debris from drainage ponds before it reaches outlets and ensure boundary walls and stormwater drainage pipes remain structurally in tact and repair if required.
To follow
R 3. Monitor water in all drainage assets for levels of sediment, algal bloom, cyanobacteria, insect larvae and apply Aquaritin treatment every 3 weeks.
R 4. Monitor tree health and soil conditions and mulch seasonally to ensure sub soil water retention.
R 5. Monitor automated water irrigation systems of public open space and reserves
R 1. Monitor demand and draw for supply of drinking water, internal use and irrigation across precinct
R 2. Monitor efficiency and effluent control of wastewater systems and CO2 energy production and use
R 3. Quarterly inspections of all Water Corporation assets, piping and sewerage systems for structure integrity or potential damage (particularly after storm events or heavy rain)
R 1. Ensure objectives, principles and recommendations are reflected in all development applications relating to integrated water management
R 2. Check prior to completion to ensure all commitments have been met and appropriate applied R As per statutory processes
Aravind, Manoj. 2018. “Morley -Ellenbrook Line MORLEY STATION -CIVIL -DESIGN REPORT MELMLCX -CI-RPT -00007 Rev Date Purpose of Issue Reference Design for LOR Review Simon Tomizzi Miguel Monteiro (JAJV SRE).” Melconnx Consortium https://consultation.dplh.wa.gov.au/strategy -and -enagagement/morley -station -developmentapplication/user_uploads/morley -station -appendix-f civil-design -report.pdf
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Husiak, Kathryn. 2022. “An Overview of Shape Our Water: Seattle Public Utilities’ New Water Resilience Plan.” School of Marine and Environmental Affairs. October 2022. https://smea.uw.edu/currents/an -overview -of-shape -our-water-seattle -public -utilities -new -waterresilience -plan/
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